Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Boxers or Briefs? A Question for Better Penis Care

When it comes to excellent regular penis care, most men will do whatever it takes to keep the equipment in tip-top shape. But even as they create the near-perfect penis care regimen, all too often they overlook one very simple question: Boxers or briefs?

Though it was once a question spoken by a coy partner who was curious about what was behind the zipper, it’s a serious question for some men. After all, whatever houses the penis during the day must be suitable to keep all penis irritation, redness and other issues at bay. Here are how the two options compare side-by-side.

The case for boxers

Wide and roomy, incredibly comfortable and easy to move around in, many men swear by boxers as the only thing they will ever wear. Men who have problems with sweating quite a bit, especially in the nether regions, want to wear boxers because they keep things a little cooler down there. And that’s especially important for the man who wants to ensure his fertility is top-notch; studies have proven that a cooler temperature around the boys can help ensure a guy’s sperm stays as mobile and happy as possible.

The case for briefs

Many men prefer to go the more snug route, and they can get this with briefs. Some briefs have high-cut thigh holes; often called tighty-whiteys, these briefs cradle the package just so. Boxer briefs, on the other hand, offer the same support but they have longer leg holes to prevent chafing around the area where the thigh meets the body.

Briefs are great for men who want a snug fit, and they are especially good for men who are into a lot of sports. That’s because the briefs hold the package in place better, and help a man avoid the bouncing that could eventually lead to penis irritation and even penis pain. However, a man who sweats quite a bit might want to indulge in sport briefs that are designed to wick away the moisture and keep him as comfortable as possible.

Which one is best?

When it comes to penis irritation and ensuring the best penis care, the answer is simple: A man wants both.

A guy should feel free to wear boxers around the house, when he’s relaxing, or even to work (assuming he works in a quiet office or other place where he won’t be moving around all that much). But when he’s out and about, playing sports with the buddies or even taking a long walk, a nice pair of briefs is the ticket.

There are a few caveats to this, however. One of those is the aforementioned fertility issue. A man who intends to get a partner pregnant anytime soon should definitely turn to briefs as often as possible. He might also consider wearing a cup when active in sports - not only does this help prevent the potential injury that can lead to nerve damage of the penis, it also helps ensure that the equipment stays in excellent working condition during the time he and his partner need it most.

No matter which route a man chooses, he should always take care of the delicate penis skin underneath those boxers and briefs. Regular penis care should include generous use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He wants a powerful punch of antioxidants, which he can get from alpha-lipoic acid, as well as odor-fighting properties he can find in retinol. Add L-carnitine to fight against peripheral nerve damage and vitamin D to improve cellular function, as well as other vitamins that bring their own benefits to the table, and a man has the recipe for a great penis health crème that will keep him healthy - regardless of boxers or briefs.

Itchy Penis Tips for the Summer

Summer is coming on fast. Soon the temperatures will be climbing and guys will be getting plenty of outdoor activity. And for many guys, an itchy penis situation is bound to come up, probably more often during the summer than during other months. Taking steps to ensure good penis health can help minimize the risk of an itchy penis, but there are other tips that can help as well.

1. Watch the sweat. Whether playing football in the hot sun or working out in the gym, guys tend to sweat more during the summer (which only makes sense). And a lot of that sweat accumulates in the crotch. In addition to creating a penis odor situation, a sweaty crotch tends to make for an itchy penis. The bacteria in the sweat can create a rash that needs scratching. So taking steps to reduce sweating can help.

2. Change underwear often. Sweaty underwear adds to the potential itch factor, so plan on changing underwear two or three times a day to keep the itch away. Most guys also find that loose-fitting boxers allow more "breathing" room and so keep the amount of sweat down somewhat.

3. Go bare. It also helps to air out the penis for a few hours each day during the summer. This helps itch-causing bacteria to disperse.

4. But don’t go bare out there. Summer means beaches. Sometimes it means nude beaches! But exposing the usually well-hidden penis to the harsh rays of the sun can be very risky - and a sunburned and peeling penis is an abnormally itchy penis. Guys who do sunbathe or swim nude need to apply appropriate sunscreen. However, be aware that some sunscreens may have harsh ingredients that could result in a rash - and more itching. In addition, those who like to hike in the buff need to be especially careful of plants such as poison ivy or poison oak. Letting the penis come in contact with such plants - or touching the penis after touching such plants - can lead to a very unhappy outcome.

5. Think about manscaping. For guys with a full bush of pubic hair, it may be wise to manscape for the summer. Trimming away all that hair will keep the penis cooler and produce less heat and less itch-causing sweat. Sometimes manscaping can create an initial itchiness in the area, but that usually diminishes rather quickly.

6. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. At least not where the crotch is concerned. Borrowing a bro’s shirt is fine, but don’t wear another guy’s pants - and certainly not his underwear. And if you lend out a towel to your bud for his shower, be sure to wash it promptly. Not only can bacteria be passed from items that touch the penis, but so can fungal infections, like jock itch.

Crème it

During the summer (or any season), an itchy penis is less likely to occur if a guy maintains the overall health of his favorite body part. To do that, make sure that regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is part of one’s routine. Dry or cracked penis skin is particularly prone to itching, so select a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is an excellent choice) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E does quite well). The moisture lock this combination produces can help keep vital body oils trapped in the skin. Also needed in the crème: vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties which can help reduce unwanted penis odor as well as itchiness.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

What Does Penis Pain with Urination Mean?

When nature calls, a man must answer. And in most cases, that call of nature goes about perfectly normally, with no pain at all upon urination. In fact, a man might actually feel a great deal of relief! But occasionally, a man has the awful experience of penis pain or burning during urination. When this happens, he might step up his good penis care in the hopes it will help - but by the time urination begins to burn or sting, it’s probably something inside that needs to be looked at and treated.

Common causes of penis pain with urination
Pain with urination is something that sends most people running to the doctor immediately, and with good reason - no one wants to dread the moment they have to answer that call of nature! These are the five most common reasons a man might suffer from penis pain during urination.

1. Urinary tract infections. Though these are much less common in men than women, men do still suffer from bacteria invading their urinary tract and causing the tell-tale sign of painful, burning or stinging urination. These infections often start out quite mild, with only the occasional twinge of pain, but within days they can lead to full-blown agony when using the bathroom. A round of antibiotics, along with some over-the-counter pain medications to get through the worst of it, can be all it takes to remedy the problem.

2. Sexually transmitted diseases. Men often fret about the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease, and for good reason - in addition to a host of unpleasant symptoms, men with an STI often feel a burning or stinging sensation when they pee. Herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea are three of the biggest culprits when it comes to this pain. A visit to the doctor is essential - and so is abstaining from partner sex until it’s certain that the problem has been treated.

3. Kidney or bladder stones. These tiny stones form in the bladder or kidneys, and have to make their way out eventually. They travel through the ductwork, so to speak - and that plumbing is very delicate, sensitive and prone to pain when irritated. The result is a great deal of pain as the stone makes its way through. When it passes through the urethra, there can be brief and intense penis pain. A man who thinks he has a kidney or bladder stone should see a doctor to determine the best course of action.

4. An inflamed prostate gland. A man’s prostate gland can lead to all sorts of issues in his nether regions, and that include penis pain and slow urination. The inflammation makes it more difficult to push urine through to the bladder, and any sort of blockage in the area can be quite uncomfortable. 
Besides that, the inflammation could be a sign of a more serious issue, so it pays to get checked out.

5. An enlarged prostate. As men age, their prostate might enlarge a bit. For some lucky men, there is no pain or problem resulting from this. But for others, any enlargement of this important organ can lead to slower urination, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and lower midsection, painful urination, and other types of penis pain. The good news is that there are many treatments available for the problem, and men can try them out one at a time until they figure out what works for them.

In addition to taking care to see a physician if penis pain upon urination becomes an issue, a man should strive to keep his penis healthy on a daily basis. A specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) will help him do this. A man should look for a crème with a variety of vitamins and nutrients designed to enhance blood flow and avoid peripheral nerve damage. A good Shea butter and vitamin E base can help ensure the skin stays supple, smooth and as healthy as possible.

Penis Health & Good Sleep: A Perfect Combination

Everyone knows that getting sufficient sleep is one of the more important things a person can do to stay healthy. But not every guy realizes that adequate sleep is also specifically important to maintain good penis health as well. It’s true, however, that getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis can play a role in keeping the manhood healthy and ready for fun.

Wonderful sleep
Sleep is the body’s way of rejuvenating itself every night. If a person never slept, their body would never have sufficient time to let its "gears" cool down. Eventually, all the parts would wear out.

But that doesn’t mean that the body doesn’t continue to do work while it sleeps. After all, people don’t stop breathing just because they’ve paid a visit to the land of Nod. No, the lungs keep operating on "automatic," just as the heart and other vital organs do. But they’re functioning at a more relaxed, slower rate, getting their equivalent of rest.

And the same is true for the penis. Even though a guy’s manhood is indeed getting rest while he slumbers, it isn’t spending the whole night lying around. Any man who has woken up with morning wood or wet dreams knows that the penis keeps on functioning even as it sleeps.

Nocturnal erections
Nocturnal penile tumescence is a normal part of being a man. Most men experience a nocturnal erection three to five times during the course of a full-night’s sleep. They tend to occur when a man is in REM sleep - that is the period of sleeping associated with rapid eye movements, which is also the period in which dreams tend to be the most vivid.

Exactly what causes nocturnal erections is not fully understood. In some cases, they come about because a man has a full bladder. The body wants the man to continue to sleep uninterrupted, and since urinating with an erection is difficult, the body produces the erection to keep the man from urinating in his sleep. However, it seems unlikely that this is the reason for most nocturnal erections.

In some cases, they appear to be in reaction to erotic dreams - often leading, especially during adolescence, to wet dreams, the expulsion of semen from the penis while asleep. But again, this does not account for the many erections which do not result in ejaculation.

Health benefits
Getting a good night’s sleep has many penis health benefits. A man who is well rested is more likely to have a healthy sex drive. He also is more likely to have the stamina to function effectively sexually.

And the nocturnal erections provide a penile "workout" which helps strengthen the penis as well. Indeed, lack of nocturnal erections is often a sign of erectile dysfunction. The dysfunction may be due to sleep obstructive issues, such as sleep apnea, or it may be due to other factors. But men should report a lack of nocturnal erections to their physician so that any relation to erectile or other penis health issues can be explored.

Getting a good night’s sleep is not by itself enough to ensure proper penis health. Exercise, diet and the use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can also help. When determining which crème to use, opt for one that includes L-arginine and vitamin C among its ingredients. L-arginine is an amino acid that helps in the production of nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open and flowing. Vitamin C, in addition to helping fight colds, is a key component of collagen, which helps give penis skin its tone and elasticity, making it valuable for the erectile process.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Can Botox “Help” an Erect Penis?

Many readers are aware of a growing trend among some men to use Botox injections to "smooth out" their penis and scrotum skin. Now it has been revealed that there are some doctors using Botox to help a man achieve or maintain an erect penis. Clearly, this raises issues around the subject of penis health and safety, as well as questions about whether these treatments are effective.

About Botox
Most people have heard of Botox, but what is it exactly? Technically, Botox is a brand name which refers to onabotulinumtoxinA, a form of the neurotoxic protein called botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin, in its natural form, is a very dangerous poison, the cause of botulism. The form used in clinical purposes is less dangerous; however, it does carry the risk of side effects, some of which can be serious or even life-threatening.

Botox was originally used as a medicine to fight a range of muscle spasm issues. However, it gained popularity after it was discovered that it could be used to fight wrinkles and smooth out skin, making a person appear younger. Many women (and men) have gone to a doctor and suffered having needles ejected into their faces to remove the evidence of their age.

As mentioned, it was more recently determined that injecting Botox into the penis and balls helped smooth out those body parts as well - and some men have opted for this treatment.

Erect penis use
But there have also been a few studies that focus on what else might happen if Botox was injected into the penis - specifically, would it have any effect on an erect penis? And at least two studies indicate that it can.

Premature ejaculation
An animal study indicated that Botox injections might help an erect penis delay in ejaculating. Since premature ejaculation is a common issue among men - and since even those who typically are not premature may wish to find a way to last even longer - this development could be of interest if it works.

In the animal study, the Botox was injected directly into the bulbospongius muscle, which is used in the ejaculatory process. The injection partially paralyzed the muscle, so that it did not go to work as early as it typically does. In the animal model, typical ejaculation occurred after 6 ½ minutes; those who were Botox injected lasted ten minutes.

A clinical trial in humans is ongoing; it will be interesting to see if there are similar results in human males.

Erectile dysfunction
The other possible therapeutic area for Botox involved getting an erect penis in the first place. In this instance, the drug relaxes the smooth muscle of the penis, which should allow for easier, fuller blood flow into the penis. A small clinical trial in humans was promising, although larger trials are needed to determine its real effectiveness - and what the proper dose should be. (Relaxing the smooth muscle too much for too long could bring about unwanted priapism.)

Men who are interested in using Botox for their erect penis should realize that the FDA has not approved its use for these purposes yet. There is still a lot that is not known, and as stated, there are some substantial risks associated with Botox.

Until more is known about Botox use on the erect penis, guys should explore other ways to maintain their penis health. One reliable way is the daily use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Check out a crème that includes L-arginine among its ingredients, as this amino acid is a key component of the process whereby penile blood vessels are dilated to become receptive to increased blood flow. The best crème should also include vitamin D which is crucial for proper overall health. Since vitamin D is created by sunlight and since most penises spend little time in the sun, supplementing them through a crème is encouraged.

Penis Size Concerns: How to Avoid Penile Atrophy

For most men, worries about shrinkage are limited to those moments when his penis encounters cold water or chilly air - and in that case, every man is quite accustomed to his penis size diminishing as much as possible as his body tries to protect itself. However, there is another penis size issue that many men worry about, and that is penile atrophy. In some cases, a man will notice this happening gradually as he go about his daily penis care regimen. But what does it mean? Is it permanent? What can he do about it? Here are the answers.

What is penile atrophy?
Penile atrophy is just what it sounds like - a shrinking in penis size. It usually happens very gradually, over the course of several years. But one day, a man might look down to realize that his penis looks a bit different. At this point, many guys will break out the handy measuring tape and discover that yes, their penis is actually a bit shorter than it once was. Needless to say, this is often when a quiet kind of panic ensures.

What causes penile atrophy?
Penile atrophy can be caused by many things, including the simple aging process. As the body gets older, everything changes - and that includes the function and appearance of the penis. But here’s what’s behind the issue.

1. Lower testosterone levels. As a man ages, his levels of testosterone naturally drop. Along with that natural drop comes several physical changes, including issues with sexual function and desire. However, some men have also noticed that the lower their testosterone stays over time, the smaller their penis size becomes. In fact, a man might experience the loss of a full inch between his 30s and 60s.

2. Issues with connective tissue. As a person ages, the wrinkles start rolling in. That happens thanks to the breakdown of connecting tissue in the body. The penis isn’t immune to this, and though it might be tough to see the wrinkles most of the time, the result isn’t so much in the appearance as it is in the penis size. In addition to loss of size, a man might also experience a loss of function, as the penis no longer properly fills with blood when he becomes excited.

3. Gaining a bit of weight. Fatty deposits in the body happen to the best of men, and unfortunately, many of those have a direct impact on the penis. In addition to abdominal fat making the penis appear smaller - even if it really hasn’t changed - fatty deposits in the blood vessels of the body can compromise the blood flow and lead to circulatory problems. This translates into problems with sexual function, such as erectile dysfunction. Besides that, the lack of blood flow means the body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs everywhere it needs them. This sort of ‘malnutrition’ can lead to penile atrophy.

What can be done about it?
For many men, penile atrophy is an inevitable situation. The question isn’t what can be done to stop it, but rather, what can be done to slow it down. The answer to that is pretty simple: A man must exercise regularly, eat properly and take care of his overall health. The more he can fight the signs and issues of aging, the more likely he will continue to have a vital and healthy sex life through his elder years.

In addition to this, a man should take care to give the penis all the help it can possibly get. That’s why an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a good idea. Formulated with alpha lipoic acid to fight the free radicals that hasten signs of aging, L-carnitine to keep the nerves healthy and vitamin A to fight against aging, a good penis health crème will make sure a man’s penis stays as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Friday, 26 May 2017

In Pursuit of a Handsome Penis: Penis Packing

Most men will readily admit that when it comes to the package, they want to put forth the most impressive view possible, especially for potential partners. The art of penis packing helps many men do just that. Penis packing has been around for a very long time, and it’s just as simple as it sounds: A man uses some sort of material to ‘stuff’ his underwear so that his penis looks bigger or longer. It can be a major confidence boost to any guy, but it must be done correctly - and that includes taking the proper steps for careful penis care when it’s time to enhance what nature gave him.

Why penis packing?

Men who want a more handsome penis will do almost anything to get it. Penis packing is one of the easiest ways to make a penis appear much larger than it really is. This not only gets the attention of potential partners, but it can also serve to intimidate other men who might be interested in those partners. It all harkens back to instinct, and the male desire to compete against other males to obtain the most attention - and thus create the most offspring.

There are some things to keep in mind, however. First, a man must remember that penis packing isn’t the most comfortable thing he could do, especially during the heat of the summer. Adding more material to an area that is already rather closed off can lead to sweating and irritation, and even uncomfortable shifting of the chosen material. Second, a man must take into account what happens if he does land an interested partner - what will that partner think when the pants come off and they realize the "truth" of the matter?

How to conduct proper penis packing

If a man has weighed all these considerations and chooses to proceed, there are some ways he can ensure that good penis health remains a constant even with all that packing around the member.

1. Men who want to try out penis packing but don’t want to go too far just yet can be well-served with the use of a single cotton sock. The sock slips right over the penis, has plenty of cushioning for comfort and is quite easy to remove if a man so chooses. If he wants a more defined shape, a man could position the sock with a double or even triple thickness and ‘mold’ it into the look he wants to present.

2. Those who are serious about penis packing and intend to make it a regular event might want to invest in a penis sheath. The sheath is designed to look like a rather large penis and can be worn right over the man’s own equipment. Under clothing, a penis sheath presents a very impressive look and doesn’t shift as much as a sock might.

3. Those who want to experiment with penis packing material can reach for cotton balls, gauze pads, tissues, and even sanitary napkins. In fact, sanitary napkins might create a very defined bulge that doesn’t run the risk of slipping, thanks to the adhesive strips on the back of each pad. A man will need to position these carefully and of course, avoid using the adhesive part on the penis itself.

4. Men who are tempted to use a penis ring to produce a more ‘natural’ bulge might want to be careful with that choice - a penis ring is designed to be worn for only short periods of time. Wearing it for too long can lead to penis pain, as well as potential peripheral nerve damage that every man wants to avoid.

When a man chooses penis packing as a way to get a more handsome penis, he shouldn’t forget what his penis needs when that packing comes off. A top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) applied daily can help ensure his penis stays in good shape. A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, known for its odor-fighting properties, as well as vitamin E, which is great for keeping skin smooth and supple.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

When a Red Penis Becomes a “Thing”

When a guy is really into good penis care, he wants to know when a situation is normal and healthy and when it’s become a "thing" instead. An STI? That’s definitely a thing. A penis that won’t perform? Yeah, guys don’t want that thing. But what about a red penis? Is that a thing or not? The answer is, "It depends."

When it’s not

For most fair-skinned males, it’s normal to get a red penis on occasion - such as when said penis is erect. After all, the erectile process is dependent on the entrapment of blood in the penis. When the spongy tissues in the penis fill up with blood, the penis becomes bloated and engorged and achieves its erect state. The presence of all that blood underneath thin penis skin gives a red hue to the organ. (In men with darker skin tones, the appearance may not be red, but there is generally a differentiation in hue of some sort.)

There are other times when the organ is not erect when a red penis is also not a thing. For example, if a guy has a great workout at the gym and then indulges in a nice, relaxing steam bath, it’s likely that the heat from the sauna will redden his member temporarily.

When it is a thing

But there are occasions when a red penis does become a thing, and when it therefore may need some attention from a guy. The following are several examples of a red penis that signal some health-related issue:

1. Rough handling. Having raucous, unlubricated sex with a comely maiden (or one’s own right hand) can result in some sensational sex - and a raw, sore penis that is a bright red. When redness results from too much friction, a guy needs to take steps to let the penis recover. Laying off of the sex (whether with a partner or oneself) for a little while helps, as does moisturizing the tormented penis skin.

2. Penis rash. Sometimes a skin condition results in splotchy red patches appearing on or around the penis. The skin may simply be red, or it may have a "texture" issue as well, being flaky or peeling. Determining the cause of the rash is important. For example, it is often the case that the rash is the sensitive penis skin’s reaction to a chemical or fragrance in soap or detergent, and switching to something milder can help address the rashiness. If it is due to an allergy, a doctor may need to be consulted to determine the cause.

3. STI. Men who engage in unprotected sex are much more likely to acquire an STI, and often one of the warning signs that an STI is present is a red rashy look to the penis. Often the redness will be localized in one spot, such as the tip. There may be other symptoms, such as pain or soreness; but even if there are not, if a man suspects the red penis is due to an STI, he should definitely see a physician.

4. Jock itch. And, of course, the infamous jock itch is characterized by red round patches on the penis and surrounding areas. This is caused by a fungus, so some form of anti-fungal treatment is recommended.

Whether the red penis is the result of a thing or not, guys should work to keep their members in good health. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is one way to make this happen. When redness demands moisture, a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is best. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid. A potent antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid combats free radicals that can promote oxidative stress and make penis skin appear wrinkled and aged beyond its years.

Dry Penis Skin Can Wreck a Day at the Beach

Ah, summer! That glorious sunshine inspires lots of guys to head for the beach. Whether he lives near the ocean and goes regularly or travels a distance for a vacation stay on the sands, beach time is a lot of fun. However, guys need to know that all that sun, sand and surf can potentially impact penis health, especially where dry penis skin is concerned.

Salt water
As numerous skincare journals have noted, there can be tremendous benefits to salt water. For example, sea water kills bacteria and can balance pH levels. It also can help treat wounds. And some sources believe ocean water helps fight eczema.

However, it’s important to realize that many benefits of sea water come from the presence of magnesium, not from the salt - and that too much salt can counteract some of the beneficial aspects of ocean water. When salt gets on the skin, it dries it out - and fast. Even more problematic, the salt from a dip in the ocean doesn’t wash out easily. Toweling off doesn’t do much for it, nor does simply standing under a shower - even if that shower lasts quite some time. Regular bar soap does help remove salt, but not all of it. Foaming cleansers tend to do a better job.

Dry penis skin
The salt water factor becomes more problematic where the penis is concerned. Unless a guy is swimming at a clothing-optional beach, the salt is not only going to cling to the penis but also to the swim trunks and the form-fitting mesh jock inside. In other words, the penis is essentially getting "packed" in salt until the suit is removed for the shower.

As mentioned above, simply showering or even using a regular bar of soap won’t remove all the salt. Foaming cleansers are recommended, but many of these contain ingredients that may be a little too harsh for sensitive penis skin.

For other parts of the body, exfoliation is recommended to help remove excess salt. But exfoliating the penis is definitely not an option!

And then there’s the sand problem. Whether a guy opts to just stay on dry land and work on the tan or to immerse himself over and over again in the ocean, sand inevitably creeps into the swimsuit. Unlike salt, sand has a granularity sufficient to cause irritation. So while the salt water is creating dry penis skin, the sand is irritating the skin to create rashiness. Sand does wash off more easily than salt, but it can do damage to the skin before a man hits the showers.

Men who prefer to dispense with a tanline also risk some dry penis skin issues. Sunbathing nude requires care and attention. The last thing a guy wants to do is lie stretched out on his back in all his glory and fall asleep for an hour or two. Even with sunscreen applied, he is likely to suffer a nasty penis burn - and all that sun will also help lead to a dry penis skin condition.

Take care
Men can take some steps to help prevent and treat dry penis skin from a day at the beach. For example, if spending a long time at the beach, take a couple of showers - and change into fresh swim trunks after each one. This helps decrease the salt on the skin over the long term.

Dry penis skin from a beach day can also be minimized if proper penis skin care is already part of a man’s daily routine. Using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be of enormous help in this area. Select a crème that contains a combination of both a high-end emollient (something like Shea butter is ideal) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E works quite well.). The combination of these agents helps create a moisture lock that keeps skin moist longer. The crème should also include a good antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This can combat the free radicals that otherwise cause oxidative stress, thereby prematurely aging and damaging the penis skin.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Healthy Penis Care: Proper Condom Use

Maintaining a healthy penis is an admirable goal most men aspire to. And one of the most effective ways to positively impact penis health is to use a condom whenever there is the slightest possibility of an STI. While no condom can guarantee 100% protection from an STI, the use of one greatly reduces the risk of infection - and, of course, of pregnancy.

But while the benefits of condom use are well known, it seems that some couples do not always use these indispensable items properly. With that in mind, the following tips are offered to help ensure a man is better protected and can better maintain a good, healthy penis.

1. Put it on (and keep it on). This may seem like a no-brainer, but statistics indicate a surprising number of men neglect to put the condom on their penis until after they have already started penetration. And yes, some men often remove the condom before they have completed the task at hand. While using a condom for part of the time spent in intercourse is better than not using it, it still leaves a man more vulnerable to possible infection.

2. Leave a little room. Between a quarter and a half of men have reported that they pull the condom all the way onto their penis without leaving some space at the tip. This is a definite no-no; the space at the tip is to collect the semen when it bursts forth. If there is no room, then the semen is more likely to drip down the shaft and spill out of the condom. At the same time, an air bubble at the tip is also no good - so squeeze out the air before applying.

3. Check for freshness. Just like milk and bread, condoms have an expiration date - and using one that has expired increases the risk of a problem. Expired condoms are much more prone to breakage. Fortunately, the shelf life of a condom tends to be several years - but it pays to check it before using one.

4. Store it gently. Countless men keep a condom in their wallets, ready to go in case he unexpectedly gets lucky. Good idea for preparedness; bad idea for keeping the condom in proper working order. The pressure put on the condom in the wallet over a long period of time can weaken it. Similarly, keeping it in a place with sharp objects (such as in the pocket with a set of keys) can lead to puncturing. And exposing it to extremes of heat or cold can also age it quickly. Try to find a sensible place (e.g., a table by the bed) to store the condom until it is ready for use.

5. Use it on toys, too. Couples who involve sex toys, such as a dildo, in their play should use a condom on any penetrative object shared between two or more people. STIs can reside on a dildo or other object as easily as they can on a penis.

6. Lube it. Lubrication is a good idea, especially if the sex tends to last a fairly long time. Without lubrication, there is greater stress and friction on the condom, increasing the possibility that it will break. (And remember, most oil-based lubes are not appropriate for latex condoms; they cause them to disintegrate more easily.)

Proper condom use is just part of any healthy penis plan, of course. A man needs to also regularly apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème with a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, will help maintain overall penis health. And one with amino acids like L-arginine and L-carnitine help accelerate penis blood flow and protect penis sensitivity, respectively.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Fighting Penis Odor Starts at Home

It’s a sad fact, but most guys with a penis odor problem aren’t aware of it. Since a dude’s olfactory sensors don’t really come in contact with their own penis (except in cases where a guy is extremely flexible), a stench has to be especially strong for a man to notice it. And since even some guys who practice really great penis care still get penis odor, it’s best for most guys to assume this could be an issue for them and act accordingly. That includes basic penis hygiene, but it also includes looking at environmental factors in his home.

Penis hygiene
The penis hygiene part is fairly straightforward. The number one way to diminish an odor issue is to make sure a guy washes the penis regularly and thoroughly. (For intact men, this includes washing underneath the foreskin as well.) Using a reliable penis health crème is also highly recommended.

But once the penis has been washed, what else does a guy need to do? It helps to take a look around his home, especially if he is a bachelor living on his own (or with other bachelors).

Start with surveying the wardrobe situation. Many guys tend to wear the same pants several days running; some guys even wear the same underwear multiple times before washing. It’s only common sense that this is not conducive to having a penis that smells springtime fresh. Underwear should be worn for one day before washing - period. (And hopefully it goes without saying that a dude shouldn’t borrow underwear from his roommates.) There’s a little more leeway with pants, but two or three times without washing is really the maximum.

Lots of guys like to sleep naked in their home - and this can actually be a big plus where fighting penis odor is concerned. Airing the penis out for a few hours every day can be a tremendous way to decrease odor, so sleeping in the buff is encouraged.

That said, the benefits of sleeping bare will be impacted if bedding isn’t kept fresh. Dirt, sweat and bacteria from the body accumulate in sheets, comforters and blankets. These create an odor situation that the bare penis soaks up during its eight hours in bed each night. Sheets and blankets should be changed at least weekly, and comforters should be washed or laundered at least monthly. And during the summer, when guys tend to sweat even more, a greater frequency is desired.

The penis is nice and clean and odor-free when it leaves a good shower - but what happens if it’s dried with a towel that’s been used every day for the last two weeks? Changing towels regularly - at least weekly - is essential. And again, don’t use a towel a buddy has used (unless it has been washed). Sharing towels not only spreads odors but can potentially spread things like jock itch or athlete’s foot fungus.

Fighting penis odor requires some degree of dedication, but working at home to keep penis odor at bay has definite benefits. As mentioned earlier, daily application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) should be part of the penis odor battle plan. It’s best to find a crème that includes vitamin A for this purpose. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a natural antibacterial agent that seeks out odor-causing bacteria that lives in the warmth and moistness of the penis area. In addition, be sure the crème also includes vitamin D. This so-called "miracle vitamin" helps fight disease and a healthier penis is a penis less prone to stubborn odors.

Penis Size: Grower vs. Shower?

So many eternal questions concerning men and their nether regions: Boxers or briefs? Cut or intact? Hang left or hang right? And, of course, grower or shower? While these questions usually have little impact on penis health, they do have varying degrees of importance to a man - and the grower or shower one can be especially important. Despite the fact that erect penis size has nothing to do with whether a guy grows or shows, the myth that there is a correlation between flaccid penis size and erect size continues.

For the uninitiated, "grower" and "shower" (pronounced "show-er," rather than like the shower in a bathtub) refer to whether a man’s flaccid penis is relatively small. Two men might both have a penis which when erect measures, say, six inches. But the soft penis of Man #1 may be only two inches long, whereas the soft penis of Man #2 is five inches. Man #1 is a grower, because there is a significant growth between his flaccid and erect states. Man #2 is a shower, because there is little growth between his two states - in other words, he "shows" much more of his ultimate penis size when he is unaroused.

So what?
Since both men have the same erect penis size, what does it matter if one is a shower and one a grower? In physical terms it doesn’t, but it terms of self-esteem and psychological well-being, it sometimes does.

Since society is so obsessed with penis size and equates a large penis with desirability, many men (and women) place a disproportionate importance on the size of the organ when soft. Although men are somewhat loathe to admit it, they do a lot of comparisons between their own and other men’s penises. So if a guy who is a grower goes to the gym a lot, he is likely to do at least a little checking of other men in the locker room. Seeing showers sporting an impressive size can make him feel insecure about his own member.

Women also fall prey to judging a man by his soft size. If a partner steps out of his trousers with a long piece dangling, many women start to feel aroused. The expectation is that if the manhood is that long before he’s aroused, imagine what it will be like when the blood starts flowing.

But as mentioned above, a man who is a shower is not likely to double or triple in length, as is often the case with a grower. He may only add an inch or two to the final package. That’s nothing to complain about, but it does belie the fact that a shower is going to be enormous. (Of course, there are some rare showers who will end up with an erection of seven or eight inches - just as there are some rare growers who will do likewise.)

Most men would much prefer to be a shower than a grower, if for locker room bragging rights if nothing else. They may feel somehow less of a man because of their relatively short flaccid penis size. But many showers have to put up with unrealistic expectations from women who become disappointed if their erect penis size is only normal.

Men and women would do well to remember that, whether a grower or a shower, penis size really has very little bearing on sexual satisfaction. Skill matters much more. Some relatively small men are maestros of sexual engagement and some with monstrous equipment leave a partner very unsatisfied.

Beyond penis size (and whether a grower or shower), maintaining penis health via the regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is crucial. Be sure the crème includes L-arginine, an amino acid that plays a role in penile blood vessel dilation, essential for the blood flow that a functioning penis requires. The crème should also include L-carnitine, another amino acid, which does a good job of maintaining penis sensitivity by fighting peripheral nerve damage.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Serious Penis Problems: How to Eradicate Pubic Lice

When a man thinks about the variety of penis problems he might encounter, he usually thinks of an itchy penis, one that has been irritated by vigorous sexual activity or simply a bit of soreness from such activities. Men rarely think about pubic lice as a possibility - but the truth is that even with great penis care, a man can wind up with those crawly little critters in areas he doesn’t want them.

Pubic lice are tiny parasites that like to nestle into the area between a man’s legs and stay there for a while. They are incredibly annoying and itchy, leading to a need to scratch that is simply impossible to ignore. A man might catch pubic lice through skin-to-skin contact with someone who has them. He might also catch the lice from his penis and surrounding area touching bedclothes, towels and the like that someone infected with the parasites has used, thus passing a few of the lice onto his body through passive means.

How to eradicate pubic lice
To get rid of pubic lice, a man should take several steps. First, he should look for a very good pubic lice treatment that contains pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide. These chemicals are known for eradicating the little ‘crabs’ that love to attach themselves to a man’s crotch. Fortunately, these treatments can be obtained over the counter without a prescription at most pharmacies.

However, a man should remember that these treatments are quite strong, and they might cause problems for those with a very sensitive penis. For a guy who isn’t quite sure he wants to go this route, he could check with his doctor to learn about other treatments that might not be as harsh.
The second step is to shave the area. That’s because pubic lice love to hide deep in the hair, where they can be almost impossible to find. By carefully trimming and then shaving the area around the penis, a man can reveal where the lice are and remove them much more effectively.

Third step: once the area is clean, a man might be able to actually see the tiny parasites in the area. That’s when he’s ready to apply the cream that promises to eradicate the pubic lice. Follow the instructions on the bottle exactly, or follow the instructions given by the doctor, depending upon which route makes a man most comfortable.

Remember that sometimes it takes more than one round of treatment before the lice are gone. In this case, the second treatment takes place about 10 days after the first. This ensures that the tiny eggs the parasites might have laid in the skin have an opportunity to hatch, so they can be killed before they leave even more eggs behind.

Finally, a man needs to visit his doctor when his treatment is done. He will need to be tested for any other sexually transmitted diseases he might have acquired from recent partners. And of course, it’s a good idea to abstain from sex with a partner while a man is treating his pubic lice infestation.

To help ensure a man’s penis stays as healthy as possible in the wake of a pubic lice issue, a guy should reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Since treatments for pubic lice can lead to serious dryness of the skin, a man should look for a crème that contains Shea butter, a high-end emollient, and vitamin E, known for its hydrating capabilities. A crème that contains these ingredients, as well as other essential nutrients and vitamins, can be a great way for a man to ensure his penis skin is ready for action again.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Sex Tips for Penis Care: Get Cooking in the Kitchen

Variety is the spice of life and spices belong in the kitchen - so these sex tips can spice up the sex life by moving things into the chef’s room. As long as a little basic common sense is used to ensure penis care, there’s no reason a guy can’t suggest getting things cooking - in a different way - in the kitchen.

1. Location. Many sex tips expert will agree that changing up the location where a couple has sex can be an excellent way to add a little something "extra" to their sex lives. Sex in the kitchen is something many couples fantasize about, but too few engage in. But with a little preparation, some of the "obstacles" to successful kitchen sex can be dealt with.

2. Finding space. One of the biggest problems, especially for couples in tiny urban apartments, is simply a lack of space. There are several ways of overcoming this. For example, leaning the woman back over a (carefully cleared) kitchen counter or table is an option. If that won’t work, this can be an excellent opportunity to finally see if sex in a standing up position is a possibility for the couple in question. (Care must be taken here, so don’t push beyond safe capabilities.) Finally, sex doesn’t have to be limited to intercourse; oral sex with one partner on their knees and the other standing can be perfect for the kitchen.

3. Get tasty. And speaking of oral sex in the kitchen, why not spice it up a little? Plenty of food choices are right at hand, so this may be the time to add a little whipped cream or chocolate sauce or honey to a partner’s privates while providing them with pleasure.

4. Keep the sex and the cooking separate. It’s kind of titillating to think about combining sex and cooking, but it’s harder to pull off in real life than in fantasies. Pots and pans get in the way, fires become hazardous, food gets burned, etc. And cooking naked leaves the body open to all sorts of unforeseen injuries. (Chili powder on the penis can result in a rather unpleasant burning sensation.) Instead, a couple should get the meal in the oven, clean off the counters and then concentrate on getting their personal ovens heated.

5. Except for the foreplay. Going at it hot and heavy while cooking can be a problem - but engaging in some light foreplay while prepping the dinner isn’t necessarily a bad idea. (Unless handling of knives is involved.) Standing behind a mate, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck as she sautés some onions can be fun. Or letting the woman stroke the man’s penis as he washes the lettuce for the salad can be very incentivizing.

6. Accessorize. Utilize kitchenwear and equipment in imaginative ways. Most men have never experienced the feel of oven mitts wrapped around their penis. What’s it like to have sex with a woman who’s wearing an apron? Use everyday kitchen objects in a new way - but be sure to clean them thoroughly before restoring them to their proper use.

Whether in the kitchen or out, no list of sex tips is complete without a reminder that guys need to keep their members in good working order - and that includes keeping them healthy. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help achieve this goal. The ideal crème will include L-arginine, an amino acid involved in the process by which penile blood vessels dilate and allow for an increased flow of blood when needed. The crème should also include vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which gives penis skin its tone and body and helps provide the flexibility the organ needs when it is erecting.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Masturbation Showcase: Performing for a Partner

For most men, masturbation is an activity they have been intimately involved in for years - usually longer than they have been engaged in any kind of partner-based sex. Masturbation is a regular part of most men’s lives and plays a role in their penis care regimen as well. Often, men feel a need to keep this part of their life secret from - or at least unacknowledged by - their partner. Yet many women would be interested in watching their partner masturbate.

As with so many things related to sex, there isn’t a lot of hard scientific evidence to measure how common a desire it is among women to watch their man masturbate. However, based on an informal survey of various websites, forums and discussion sites, it seems that there is at least a considerable number of women who find (or would find) this voyeuristic exercise to be very appealing. And there also appears to be quite a few men who would enjoy exhibiting their masturbatory methods for their partner.

Learning experience
It does make sense. After all, watching a man masturbate can be a learning experience for a woman. Seeing the way in which he fondles himself, what areas of his penis he gives special attention to, how firmly he handles himself, how often he re-lubricates, when and how often he varies his stroking rate, what other parts of the body he stimulates - all this can give her insights she can then use when engaging sexually with him.

And many men - though not all - have an exhibitionistic streak and would enjoy the opportunity to safely handle his wares in front of a partner.

If either partner is interested in this experience, it behooves them to bring it up and talk about it with their mate. Although this can take courage, it’s usually worth the risk to open up a dialogue at the least.

How to perform
If a couple does decide this is an avenue they are eager to take, they should decide on some specifics. For example, is this a one-way deal - the man will masturbate only - or will it be reciprocated by the woman having a turn to masturbate as well? Is it to be kept strictly solo, or is the partner invited to lend a hand if she feels so moved? And what about verbal communication - should the woman stay quiet and just watch and the man pretend she isn’t there? Or should she feel free to talk to him as he masturbates?

The couple should then decide how to proceed. Are they ready to jump right in and just let the man start masturbating right then and there? Or would they prefer to go through any "rituals" the man typically uses (e.g., watching porn, creating a fantasy, slowly stripping, etc.)?

It might be decided that want to set up a different time for the viewing, later in the day or later in the week. Or perhaps the man will simply say he won’t hide his masturbation any longer and just let her catch him naturally.

For some couples, role playing may be a good way to ease into the activity. They could play a game or Truth or Dare, with the man’s dare being to masturbate. Or they could fantasize she is a cop who demands he masturbate or else go to jail.

Whatever works for a man and his partner in terms of sharing his masturbation, the man will want to make sure his penis looks good. Using a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is excellent for this purpose. A crème with both Shea butter and vitamin E will moisturize the skin, keeping it supple and avoiding unsightly dry patches. And if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, so much the better. Alpha lipoic acid battles free radicals, which left unchecked can cause penis skin to look aged and thin.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Penis Odor: Strategies to Beat It

It may be worse in summer, but for some men penis odor is a problem for all seasons. Even some men who maintain excellent penis health habits can find themselves time and again embarrassed by the aroma that pours out when the pants are unzipped. For men with a penis odor issue, effective strategies to beat it are essential. Otherwise, that rank smell is going to repel potential partners long before they have a chance to hit the sheets with the guy.

Penis odor essentially is due to sweat, which the penis is prone to do. After all, it’s (often) surrounded by a thick thatch of insulating hair, it’s nestled between heat-producing thighs and it spends an inordinate amount of time trapped beneath two heat-inducing layers of clothing.

So what can a guy do to keep his manhood from being a penis odor manufacturing machine? These strategies can help.

Shaving pubic hair used to be considered a little outre, but nowadays more and more men are taking a razor to the basement. Some guys shave it bald, others opt for a decent trim; either way, it helps reduce the amount of insulation in the area and thus helps reduce the sweat and resulting odor. Of course, a dude wants to be careful with how he handles the razor down there, but for many it’s an easy way to cool things down a bit.

Dry off thoroughly
Clearly, washing the penis regularly is necessary to ward off penis odor. But so is drying the penis after washing. If a guy just gives his member a quick, arbitrary toweling off, the water he leaves behind may hang around the rest of the day, becoming rank with bacteria as the day progresses.

The more water a person drinks, the healthier they are. And when there is a greater amount of water in the body, it tends to dilute the stronger smelling chemicals and ingredients that come out in the sweat. It sometimes means a guy sweats more, but his sweat has less pungent aroma to it.

Lime up
Citrus fruits in general tend to help reduce body odor, but limes are reputed to be especially helpful. Now a man shouldn’t go rubbing a lime on his manhood - that would definitely sting - but adding some lime to all that water he’s imbibing is an excellent idea. Lime’s disinfectant qualities are a damper to damaging bacteria.

Cease smoking
Men who smoke are courting disaster. Tobacco products cause considerable damage to the lungs, cardiovascular system and other body parts - and they add to penis odor issues. Many smokers have a strong scent that can become especially pronounced around the penis - which doesn’t help their chances of getting any oral sex.

Run free
Finally, it’s a basic idea that makes good sense: let the penis out for a while. Just as people need to occasionally air out bedrooms or furniture, so does the penis need some freedom. Spending time naked allows unwanted odors to disperse. Sleeping nude can be an excellent way to achieve this goal; otherwise, scheduling some alone time and just letting it all hang out can do the trick.

Using strategies to successfully bring penis odor to its knees makes a man feel better about himself. He can be aided in his quest by daily application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The crème chosen needs to include vitamin A among its ingredients. Vitamin A is blessed with strong antibacterial properties which actively fight the bacteria that can create strong penis odor. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin D, the so-called "miracle vitamin." Vitamin D helps to strengthen overall penis health, and the healthier the penis, the better able it is to withstand penis odor attacks.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Controlling an Itchy Penis Through Careful Diet

When a man is dealing with an itchy penis, he is likely desperate for a way to make it vanish. The most unfortunate of those men are those who deal with jock itch on a regular basis. Guys who pay close attention to penis care might even feel a little betrayed when that itch rears its ugly head and mocks all they have done to avoid it.

But have they really done all they can do? Science is constantly learning the connection between what a person eats and what their body does. Such is the case with an itchy penis, believe it or not - a man who has a serious jock itch might be lacking in certain foods in his diet.

So without further ado, it’s time to help the men who suffer from jock itch with no end in sight. Put these foods on the grocery list and load up on them at the next few meals:

1. Fresh fruits and veggies. As with any other health situation in life, fresh fruits and veggies are almost always recommended as a way to combat it. Why? Because they contain serious amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more - and all that with low calories and quite a bit of delicious flavor. From leafy greens to bright red and orange and yellow fruits, a man should always load his plate up with these items.

2. Yogurt. The body is actually teeming with bacteria; the question becomes, however, whether the bacteria are good or bad. Eating yogurt provides a man with a healthy dose of lactobillus acidophilus, good bacteria that is known for reducing the amount of yeast on a man’s body. This, in turn, can help eliminate yeast infections - one of the most common reasons for an itchy penis.

3. Onions. Want to get rid of a fungal infection? Have a few slices of onion on that burger, sauté the veggie to add to meals for a flavor kick, and even have some pickled onions with dinner - they all taste surprisingly good. For those who don’t like the sometimes sharp taste of onions, baking them in a slow oven brings out a fascinating sweetness.

4. Garlic. Known for generations as a wonderful treatment for a variety of ailments, this pungent addition to many Italian meals is known for keeping away infections. Since it goes well with almost anything, a man can add a sprinkle of garlic to his meals while cooking. This eliminates the sometimes ‘raw’ taste and leaves the more flavorful garlic that won’t turn off a date!

5. Carrots. While carrots are fantastic for health, many people don’t like the texture. Carrot juice, however, is a different story. The good news is that all the good things that fight jock itch can easily be had in a single glass of carrot juice. So drink up and enjoy the antioxidants!

Interestingly, there are also some foods a man should avoid if he wants to keep an itchy penis at bay. These include sugary foods, foods filled with yeast, and alcohol. Sugary foods add the sugar - obviously - that the fungus likes to feed on. Yeasty foods can lead to even more yeast in the body, which isn’t a good idea when a man is trying to eradicate an itch. And alcohol also adds to the sugar levels of the body. Stay away from those!

In addition to watching what he eats, a man can’t go wrong with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Applied every day to the delicate penis skin, a man can soon say the itch is gone. This is especially true if the crème contains a powerful duo of vitamin E and Shea butter, which fights dryness like nothing else - and that dryness can often be a cause of an itchy penis. In addition, a man should look to alpha-lipoic acid, which can help fight the free radicals that threaten to make the jock itch situation even worse.

Penis Papules: Do Home Treatments Really Work?

Pearly penile papules have been the cause of much worry and consternation for many men. The good news is that they don’t indicate any sort of medical problem. Even men who practice the best penis care might have them. Pearly penile papules look like tiny penis bumps near the glans, sometimes appearing in rows, somewhat like a necklace - thus the ‘pearly’ part of the name.

For some men, these penile papules are very slight and hardly noticed by either the man or his partner. But for others, the papules are much more prominent, and can be enough to make a man worry about how he looks down there. It is important to remember that up to half of all men have these pearl penis papules, and so it’s certainly not uncommon! It’s also important to remember that it doesn’t mean a man has a disease, bad hygiene, or any other problem. It is simply a natural occurrence.

But even so, a man might want to get rid of the papules, as he feels they distract from what should look like a more ‘normal’ penis. That’s when a guy will look for home remedies.

Home remedies for penile papules - do they work?
Men have looked into all sorts of home remedies to remove penile papules, to little success. In fact, home remedies can do more harm than good. Here’s what a man needs to know about the most common ideas floating around out there.

- Toothpaste. Some men swear that applying toothpaste to the area every night will help remove the papules - however, there is no evidence this works. Toothpaste isn’t meant to go on the delicate penis skin, so it could lead to irritation and redness, which will only make the papule situation seem much worse.

- Tea tree oil. Though this oil has several topical uses, helping remove papules on the penis is not one of them. In fact, a man might experience stinging and burning when he applies this to the penis, and he might even suffer some mild injury, which could lead to a decline in penis sensitivity.

- Wart remover. These creams are very strong and designed to remove warts on the feet and hands - not to do anything on the delicate penis skin. Use of these creams can actually ‘burn’ the penis skin, leading to significant pain and scarring, and a man will still have the pearly penis papules anyway.

- Cutting. It might be tempting to carefully cut away the papules with a sharp pair of surgical scissors; however, this does much more harm than good. In addition to the inevitable bleeding and scarring, a man risks serious injury and loss of penis sensitivity. He might even experience some loss of penis function, or even painful erections after the deed is done. It’s not worth the risk.

There is no treatment for penis papules, because they are not a health condition - they are merely a cosmetic issue. A man who is worried enough about the papules to attempt harmful home remedies should speak to his doctor. Though some penis bumps are a problem, these are not - and it is important to recognize the difference. A physician can help a man explore his options for coming to terms with the look of the papules.

To help ensure the best penis health possible, a man should turn to a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Using it on a daily basis can help a man feel more confident about his penis. A man should look for a crème that contains vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as nutrients such as alpha-lipoic acid and L-arginine. All this wrapped in a Shea butter base can mean smooth, supple and attractive penis skin.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Pain Medication Could Produce Some Penis Pain

It’s common knowledge that any medication may have some unintended side effects, depending on many factors - dosage, frequency of use, metabolism variation, age, etc. Some people use the medication gabapentin, which is prescribed for a number of purposes, including diabetic nerve pain and epilepsy. Ironically, in some cases, a man using this pain medication may actually experience penis pain - and there can be other issues which affect a man’s penis health as well.

As mentioned, gabapentin is often used in treating nerve damage and the resulting pain or numbness. This is often an issue in diabetes, but can also be due to other causes of neural damage. The medication is an anticonvulsant, meaning that is can be helpful in managing epilepsy. Doctors also prescribe it for other conditions, such as restless leg syndrome, hot flashes, migraines and priapism.

Penis pain
Some men who have used gabapentin have reported that it can produce penis pain, in some cases fairly significant. The pain can range from a persistent low level throb to sensations of sharp, burning pain. At least one man has reported that the burning sensation requires the application of a cloth soaked in cold water several times a day.

Exactly why the gabapentin is sometimes associated with penis pain is unclear. The good news is that, in addition to being a fairly rare side effect, it tends to resolve naturally within about a month. Men who do experience this side effect from taking the medication should consult with their doctors to determine if a different medication should be prescribed or if there are additional medications that may be useful in treating the penis pain. For example, some doctors find that a topical numbing crème can effectively reduce the pain.

Other penis issues
There are several other penis-based issues beyond pain which are sometimes associated with use of gabapentin. Earlier, it was mentioned that gabapentin is sometimes prescribed in cases of priapism. Priapism is a situation in which the penis becomes engorged for an abnormally long time - typically four hours or more - and cannot return to its flaccid state. This can lead to long-term nerve and tissue damage in the penis.

Gabapentin is used in treating priapism because it has a de-tumescent capability. But that means that some men not suffering from priapism may find that it creates erectile dysfunction situation. This may prevent them from becoming erect or may decrease the firmness of their erection.
In other cases, men on this medication report they are able to achieve erection but that they have difficulty achieving orgasm.

Finally, some men report that their penis takes on a swollen appearance at times while using gabapentin. This may also be accompanied by another form of penis pain, "tenderness" in the swollen area.

Men who feel that gabapentin is causing unwanted side effects should discuss alternative medications with their physician. Many medications have side effects, and often medications that treat the same issue may have similar side effects; however, it may be worthwhile to explore different options to find the one which works best, as every individual reacts differently to any medication.

Penis pain, whether from a medication or another source, is not something men enjoy dealing with. For everyday penis pain, regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can strengthen the penis and ease typical soreness. A crème with potent moisturizing capabilities is best at this, so select one that includes both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). It also is beneficial to find a crème that contains L-arginine, an amino acid that is part of the process by which penile blood vessels are kept open and receptive to vital increased blood flow.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Penis Sensitivity and Delayed Ejaculation

For many men, premature ejaculation can be a real problem. It can be so much of a problem, in fact, that those men might lament their heightened penis sensitivity and wish they could reduce it. But for some guys, their problem is just the opposite. Despite the best penis care and ‘doing everything right,’ they might suffer from delayed ejaculation.

Some guys might wonder why delayed ejaculation is a problem. After all, most men want to last as long as they can in bed. From the outside looking in, it might seem as though delayed ejaculation is actually a good thing. But for the man who experiences it, the problem is definitely real.

Why is delayed ejaculation a problem?
There are many reasons why it can be a serious problem. Imagine being in bed with a partner, thrusting away to find pleasure, but it takes a very long time - so long, in fact, that the once-eager erection fades away. The partner is already satisfied, sometimes many times over, and is ready to be done with the encounter. The penis and the partner are aching, sore and frustrated. A man might experience a great deal of pressure to ‘get it done’ and ejaculate, but he can’t. He might also find that if he goes for too long, the promise of pleasure becomes even more elusive.

Though many men dream of being able to go for a very long time, most will agree that pleasure is the point - and that by not achieving orgasm or ejaculation, they are missing out on a very important part of the equation!

How does penis sensitivity come into play?
There could be many reasons for delayed ejaculation, and a man must be thoroughly checked by a doctor to rule out any medical or psychological issues that might contribute to it. Most men will find that the top reason for delayed ejaculation is a lack of penis sensitivity.

But where does this come from? In most cases, it’s the result of trauma.

Sometimes the trauma to the penis is evident. For instance, someone who has suffered a penis fracture is likely to have problems with penis sensitivity for some time afterward. The same is true for those who might have suffered a sports injury. As the penis heals, a thin layer of scar tissue forms right underneath the skin. This can interfere with the nerves, which then leads to a less-sensitive penis.

Sometimes the trauma happens over time, in small doses. This is especially true if a man prefers a little rough handling of the penis from time to time, uses a certain masturbation technique that focuses on one area of the penis, or enjoys coupling without using adequate lubrication to keep things moving smoothly. In this case, the sensitivity will slowly diminish over time. A man might simply notice that he lasts longer then he used to, and at first this might not be a problem…but a year or two down the line, he’s lasting thirty minutes or longer, and then the problems begin to result.

It’s vital that a man pay close attention to this penis sensitivity to help prevent the problem of delayed ejaculation. One big step he can take is the use of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for a crème that contains L-carnitine, a neuroprotective that encourages the health of nerves in the penis, as well as vitamin C, which is great for collagen production. Both these ingredients, applied daily in a Shea butter base, can help decrease the effect of trauma on the penis and protect it from future damage.

Erect Penis in the Pants: Pride or Embarrassment?

Most healthy men experience an erect penis in their pants several times over the course of an average day, usually without giving the fact too much thought. After all, a frequently erect penis is generally a sign of good penis health habits. But sometimes that erect penis occurs during a very public moment. When it does, men tend to react to it with one of two emotions: pride or embarrassment. Yet why should so many men feel the latter rather than the former?

One reason why an erect penis tenting up in the pants creates embarrassment may be that it reminds a man of an unfortunate moment from his childhood or adolescence. Most guys have a "classroom boner" experience of some sort. For example, many guys recall having to stand in front of the entire class with a raging erection quite clearly visible behind their zipper. In some instances, the lad may have been forced to read his homework out loud in this situation - and suddenly that one page paper seemed to take as long to read as a full length novel. Or he may have been called to answer some math problems on the blackboard, only to discover that his penis was sticking so far out that he had to stand back from the board.

Yet not every man who stands erect before his class suffers from the experience. In some cases, a guy can enjoy the fact that he is exhibiting his wares, safely tucked away behind a layer of denim. He can enjoy the fact that his manhood is making an impression and not care whether others may be sniggering; he either takes it in stride as simply something that happens to a dude’s anatomy or takes pleasure in flaunting what he has.

Instances of unwanted public erections tend to diminish as a boy becomes a man, perhaps because he becomes more adept at hiding them or perhaps because he learns to take pride in his physical attributes. In adulthood, it’s likely that embarrassment more often occurs when an erect penis pops up outside of the pants in certain situations. As an example, think of the many stories of men who have cast a boner while naked during a physical examination by a doctor. Similarly, many men have found their favorite body part erecting itself in the sauna or steam room of a gym, in full view of a bunch of other naked men.

Still, an erect penis can arise while clad and create an awkward situation. Most of the time this is in a business setting, as a kind of adult corollary to the embarrassing classroom erection. Some men find that their healthy manhood is upstaging them, say, during an important business presentation.
Again, rather than feel embarrassed, some men may take pride in this. Their exhibitionistic streak may allow them to enjoy the situation and perhaps treat it as a way of sexually intimidating both men and women in the audience.

However, as adults, most men tend to take this situation a little more in stride. They are usually better capable of shrugging it off as "just one of those things." And that’s the attitude that men need to take. There’s no reason to be embarrassed at an erection, nor is there any reason to take such pride in it that a man goes from feeling justifiably comfortable with his sexuality to preening about it in a manner that can be obnoxious, unappealing or threatening.

A man should be just as comfortable with his penis when it’s out of his pants, and that means regularly using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crème will contain a wide range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E, the topical application of which enables them to do their job more effectively. It should also include a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid to battle the free radicals that cause penis skin to appear prematurely aged.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Penis Rash from the Gym: Work Out Without the Itch

Working out at the gym - now that’s something that makes a guy feel good! Sure, there’s sweat and effort, but it pays off when a guy looks in the mirror and sees the results. (And it helps that a guy’s partners like to see the results, too.) What isn’t so positive is when a guy ends up with a little penis rash from his visits to the gym. Since penis health should never be sacrificed for getting buffed, it pays to take steps to prevent a penis rash from the gym (and to treat it if one sneaks in anyway).

Not unusual
It’s no surprise that a penis rash sometimes crops up among gym rats (or even just the guy who occasionally stops in for a workout). The physical outlay, whether from taking a yoga class, hitting the weights or spending time on a bike, brings about sweat, and sweat encourages bacteria. In addition, some men with very sensitive penis skin can get rashy just from exposure to too much heat. And of course there’s the problem of germs, bacteria and fungi brought onto the premises by other gym residents.

So the conditions are ripe for penis rash development. What are some steps a guy can take to help protect his penis?

- Use towels. Nowadays, most gyms are generous in making available a large supply of fresh, clean towels and guys need to use them. (If towels aren’t supplied by the gym, a guy needs to be sure to bring his own.) Many men use these towels to wipe down machines after they have used them, which is good; but they also need to wipe them down before use - just in case the previous guy wasn’t so thoughtful or missed some sweaty residue.

But it isn’t enough to use those towels when on the gym floor. Be sure to use them in the locker room, too. Lay one down on the bench before sitting, especially after removing clothes. And guys who like to relax in the sauna or steam room in the nude should definitely bring a towel and sit on that. With all the bare feet in locker rooms, any guy with athlete’s foot may be accidentally spreading his fungus around the area - and that’s the same fungus that causes jock itch.

- Be selfish. We’re taught as children that sharing is important, but it’s okay to be a little selfish when it comes to the gym. If a man lends a guy a towel, it might come back with a fungus on it. Let some dude borrow that razor and the owner may regret it - especially if he decides to do a little manscaping with it later on and end up with a rash. Even something as seemingly harmless as sharing soap can be problematic; guys with sensitive skin can develop an allergic reaction to skin cells left on the
cleanser. Never borrow another guy’s jock or underwear; that’s just begging for a penis rash!

- Keep fresh. A man shouldn’t start his workout in that same t-shirt and shorts he wore to mow the lawn or rake the leaves. Starting off with sweaty clothing, especially clingy underwear and shorts, will increase the rash potential at the gym. Use fresh clothes for the workout and bring along another set of fresh clothes (including underwear) for after the shower - and be sure to dry the man-parts off thoroughly after showering.

A guy will also be less likely to pick up a penis rash at the gym if his manhood is kept in tiptop shape. Regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Definitely select a crème that includes vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has fierce antibacterial properties that attack the bacteria that thrive in dark, warm, moist places. The crème should also include a combination of moisturizers, such as natural Shea butter and vitamin E, which can lock-in the healthy moisturizing oils that keep skin from becoming chapped and prone to rashiness.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

What is Jelquing? Can It Affect Penis Size?

When it comes to penis size, a man is almost never satisfied. Even a man who has a perfectly respectable and well-enjoyed penis might look down at his favorite member and say, no, this isn’t good enough. So in addition to good penis care, he will seek out sometimes strange ways to add an inch to the overall package. That’s why so many men are interested in jelquing, an ‘old’ technique that is suddenly taking the world by storm.

What is jelquing?
Jelquing is a penis enhancement technique that requires only the use of a man’s hand. Since there are no potions, lotions or contraptions necessary to make it work, many men believe that jelquing is perfectly safe. But is it? The idea of jelquing is to manipulate the penis to force blood into it, which some men expect will make the penis lengthen, and might even improve girth.

Jelquing is done by making an "Okay" symbol with the hand, with the pointer finger and thumb creating a circle. A man then puts that circle around the base of his penis, as low as he can get it. He pulls up the penis to just below the head, gently elongating the penis as he goes. When the first hand reaches the top, he then starts with the other hand at the bottom - the result is a constant motion of his fingers sliding up the penis. An erection almost always happens, and as it does, the man squeezes lightly to force more blood into the penis ahead of every stroke of his hand.

So what’s so bad about that?
Though many people see jelquing as just a form of masturbation, it is not. The constant pressure in the same direction for a very long period of time can lead to serious problems, including pain, irritation, nerve damage and even damage to the overworked blood vessels. This can lead to scar tissue, which can eventually impact penis sensitivity - and not in a good way. And while the effort may make a man feel virile and as though he is doing something about his penis size, the truth is that any lengthening or widening of the penis is entirely temporary - just as temporary as the erection the man has coaxed out of his tired penis.

Taking good care of the package
If a man is absolutely determined to try jelquing, there are a few things he should keep in mind. First, use lube, and plenty of it. The constant motion will demand a good, solid lubrication, such as a silicone or oil-based option. Second, a guy should warm the penis up first by holding a warm towel around the member for a while before he begins.

Third, a guy should keep the session to only about 15 minutes, rather than the suggested 30 minutes. This helps ensure he isn’t doing too much damage to the blood vessels (though it is important to remember that even a little damage is too much!).

Fourth, a guy should always use a very light stroke. Stroking too hard or too deeply can lead to serious pain even before the jelquing session is over.

And finally, he should make plans to thoroughly moisturize the penis when his experiment is complete. That means using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to heal the damaged skin and ease any irritation, soreness or redness. A crème that contains vitamin E and Shea butter, two powerful emollients, is a great idea. A man should also look for a crème with vitamin C, which promotes the growth of collagen and can heal the skin, leaving a man with a more handsome member - no matter the penis size.

Friday, 12 May 2017

The Bent Penis: What Women Need to Know

More than a few women have discovered that the world of men’s penises can hold quite a few surprises. For example, many women have been with a man and surprised to discover that when he unveiled his manhood, what presented itself was a bent penis. This can be disconcerting to many women, raising questions about whether this is a penis health issue, how the member got that way in the first place, whether this will affect their ability to have sex, etc. This article will hopefully answer a few of the common questions about a man’s bent penis.

Not so unusual
First, it’s important to know that some curvature of the penis is not unusual - and, in fact, many women find a little bit of a curve to be aesthetically very pleasing. It is actually the rare erect penis that is perfectly straight. While there are no statistics kept on this, many doctors agree that the most common curvature is a slight curve upward, giving the penis a shape that is a bit more "banana" like. However, many erect penises also curve downward, to the left or to the right. It’s also not unusual for there to be some combination, such as a penis that curves both upward and to the left.

In cases in which the curvature is minimal, there is no cause for concern. However, if a man possesses a bent penis in which the degree of curvature is significant, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease and there may be some sexual issues to consider.

Peyronie’s disease
Named after the doctor who first wrote about it in the medical literature, Peyronie’s disease generally occurs due to trauma to the penis. The word "trauma" tends to bring to mind images of excruciating pain, and sometimes this is the case; for example, the trauma may have been caused by being punched very hard in the penis.

However, trauma can also refer to any event that causes tearing of tissue in the penis. This occurs more often than one might think. A man might couple with a woman without sufficient lubrication, for example, or might engage in an over-lengthy masturbation session; the rawness of these acts in some cases can cause slight tearing in penile tissue.

In the case of a blunt force blow trauma, a significant degree of tissue damage may occur. In the case of the aggressive or rough sex, the degree may be much smaller; however, if the trauma occurs repeatedly over time, the amount of tissue damaged can be substantial.

In either case, when the tissue heals, interior scarring occurs. In some cases, this scarring may prevent the repaired tissue from having the flexibility it once had. Thus when the penis becomes erect, the scarred area cannot expand as fully as the rest of the penis does, thus pulling the erect penis up, down or to the side, creating the bent penis.

Most men with a bent penis can still perform sexually with no problem. As a matter of fact, some women report that a bent penis - especially one that curves upward - is better at stimulating the clitoris.

However, in some cases the degree of curvature can be so extreme that intercourse is negatively affected. In such cases, some men may choose surgery as an option to straighten the penis. 
Fortunately, a bent penis only rarely affects a man’s sexual congress with women. And whether bent or straight, the manhood needs to be healthy, so be sure he uses a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème with vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which gives penis skin its tone and elasticity. The crème should also include L-carnitine, an amino acid that has been shown to protect against peripheral nerve damage from rough and aggressive sex.

Eradicate Penis Odor Before Summertime Shenanigans

Summer brings about all types of bodily odors, especially sweat from all those hours under the hot summer sun. In fact, the odor of sweat is to be expected when a man is at the beach, hanging at the BBQ or even just doing work around the yard. But there’s another odor - penis odor - that can sometimes take a man entirely by surprise. This is because even men who exercise excellent penis care might sometimes remove their trousers to find a rank smell wafting up to greet them, and they will wonder how in the world it got there.

What causes penis odor
The fact is that penis odor is entirely natural. It’s as natural as sweat - and in fact, sweat is a serious contributor to it. Penis odor happens for many reasons, including:

- The penis is constantly ‘trapped’ behind layers of clothing, usually at least two. These layers mean that the skin can’t ‘breathe’ as well as it otherwise would, and being locked away like that means odor is allowed to accumulate.

- Many men choose not to manscape down there, and that can lead to a thick thatch of hair around the area. Hair is notorious for grabbing and hanging onto sweat. As the sweat dries in the hair, an unsavory odor begins to emerge.

- Bacteria love dark, warm places - and that’s exactly what it finds in the crotch area. Though this bacteria isn’t a health risk to a guy, an accumulation of it can lead to serious smells that can make any man cringe after a long day out in the sun.

- Accumulation of other stuff happens, too. Let’s say a man spends the day at the beach, then heads to a BBQ that night. At the beach, he is inundated with sea water, and all that goes along with that, as well as sand everywhere. He doesn’t have time to wash down thoroughly before the BBQ, where he stands in the heat of the evening; thus, sweat accumulates. Is it any wonder that opening up the package at the end of the night sends a man rushing for the shower?

How to alleviate penis odor during summer
A man who is eager to remedy the penis odor issue - and who wouldn’t be? - can keep these tips in mind.

- Wear clothing that allows the penis skin to breathe. Thin cotton is best for this. A man can also choose shorts with a wide-leg fit to allow air to circulate, and wicking shorts or underwear that will help pull the sweat away from the skin during the day.

- Give things a trim. Though a guy might not want to go completely bare, he should definitely consider trimming up the hair around the package. The less hair down there, the less odor he might have to deal with when things get hot. Besides that, it might be much more comfortable.

- Get clean often. If possible, a man should wash his body - as well as his penis - very thoroughly after every activity. For instance, a man who has spent the day at the beach could try to head home for a good shower before getting dressed for his evening plans.

- Air things out. If possible, a man should try to go commando in the privacy of his own home. Letting fresh air get to the skin can cut down on the colonizing bacteria, thus cutting down on the odor that emanates from them.

Above all else, a man should routinely practice excellent penis care. He can do this through the use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In addition to an array of health-sustaining vitamins and nutrients, a man should look specifically for a crème that contains vitamin A. Also known as retinol, this powerhouse vitamin is known for fighting the bacteria that can cause noxious penis odor.