Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Sore Penis Avoidance Tips: Proper Use of a Penis Pump

Let’s face it: men do tend to have a bit of an obsession when it comes to penis size, even when they’re already endowed with a member of perfectly acceptable length and width. Many men will even risk a very sore penis if it means adding a little extra "heft" to their manhood. The penis pump is one of the most common methods used by men to add a little something extra to their equipment. But anyone using a penis pump needs to take proper steps so the device doesn’t compromise the man’s penis health.

Used under proper conditions, a penis pump can be a relatively safe way to obtain a temporary enlargement of the penis. However, it’s important to remember that, as with just about any attempt to alter the penis, there are always some risks associated with it. It’s also important to remember that the benefits of the penis pump are temporary: the additional length or girth doesn’t last for an extended period of time.

The penis pump

So just what is a penis pump? Essentially, it is a cylinder that is placed over the penis, after which the air is pumped out of the pump, creating a "vacuum" in the cylinder and around the penis. The pressure from this vacuum helps draw blood into the penis, creating an erection. (In some instances, warm water is used to flood the cylinder initially. The water is then pumped out with the air. This is called a water penis pump or hydro pump.)

A penis pump is often recommended for men with erectile issues, as it can help them obtain an erection. Many men, however, use a penis pump for not only obtaining an erection but to obtain a larger erection than normal, which can occur with use of the pump. For those seeking this effect, here are a few tips to consider:

- Be sure the pump has a pressure gauge. Each pump should be packaged with instructions on a "safe" pressure range for use; however, unless there is a gauge that tells the user what pressure level he is currently at, he can’t know when to stop pumping.

- Disinfect the pump. A new cylinder pump should be thoroughly cleaned before it is used for the first time and also before every subsequent use, in order to clear it of any bacteria which may have gotten in.

- Limit use. Most manufacturers recommend using the pump only once a day - and those who are new to the process should limit its use to two or three times per week until they become accustomed to it. Sessions should be limited to 15-20 minutes.

- Warm up before use. Before inserting the penis into the pump, it’s a good idea to warm it up in order to get blood flowing. Soak a towel in warm water, wring it out and wrap it around the penis for two minutes. Repeat two or three times. Afterward, massage the penis until it is at least partially erect before insertion into the tube.

- Stop if there is pain. If a man experiences pain during the pumping process, he should cease operation. If there is pain, bruising or clotting, use should be suspended.

- As mentioned, there are risks with penis pump use, so a man should monitor the situation carefully and see a doctor if he fears there has been damage.

Even when used correctly, a man may end up with a sore penis from using a penis pump. Fortunately, regular use of a top drawer penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate soreness. When a crème contains both a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), it is in an excellent position to replenish the oils that can be depleted during sexual use, damaging the skin and creating rawness. A crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, can also provide a layer of protection to the penis skin that a man will greatly appreciate.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Erect Penis in the AM: What Morning Wood Tells a Man

Ah, morning wood - frequently the first friend a man sees when he wakes up in the morning. That erect penis that greets so many men at the start of the day is so familiar that most of us take it for granted. A guy barely gives it a thought (although he may occasionally give it a few tugs when he has the time), but that morning wood can tell a man a lot about his penis health - and even something about his overall health as well.

Why an erect penis in the morning?

So waking up with an erect penis is common - but why should it be? What is it about sleeping that causes morning wood? To understand that, it’s necessary to first understand the whole erection process.

The process

Clearly, a man’s penis becomes erect in order to facilitate sexual activity. Without a suitable erection, intercourse, oral sex, masturbation or any other form of sex is not possible.

Most of the time, erection occurs as a result of arousal. That means a man receives some form of sensory input - a pheromone scent, a visual that creates sex appeal, a manual stimulation of the organ, etc. - that the brain interprets as pleasurable. It responds by telling the body to release chemicals that cause the penis to become engorged with blood. The strength of the sensory input (and the health functioning of the penis) will determine how firm the penis becomes and how long it stays firm.

During the waking hours, men get erections when they see someone wearing revealing clothing or hear someone speaking in a sultry voice. But they may also get erections for no apparent reason. Often this is due to the spinal cord releasing the chemicals that bring about a reaction at random intervals.


So why is a man waking up erect? Because during sleep, a person goes through several cycles of what is called REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep. During the phases of REM sleep, the brain is likely to release the chemicals responsible for arousal. And most of the time when a man wakes up, he is coming out of an REM phase - and hence is more likely to sport a bit of morning wood.

In some instances, a man may wake up with an erection because he has a need to urinate and the sleeping body responds to that by forming an erection, which makes it less likely that the man will urinate while sleeping.

Health indicator

It’s generally a good sign to wake up with an erect penis. It’s clearly a sign that things are functioning well, that the penis is capable of achieving erections and that there is no reason to assume serious tissue damage or other penis health issues. And by increasing oxygen flow to the penis (through the increased flow of blood), the nocturnal and morning erections help to maintain that health.

What about men who don’t regularly wake up with an erection? It may be a sign of erectile dysfunction and/or low testosterone levels. It may also indicate some other health issues. For example, lack of regular, firm erections may indicate some cardiac or blood pressure issues. Diabetes can also affect erectile activity, as can depression (even when asleep). So men who do not find themselves with morning wood on a fairly regular basis may want to check with a doctor for other possible concerns.

An erect penis, whether in the form of morning wood or not, benefits from regular application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Overaggressive use may result in diminished penis sensitivity, which can be aided by a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L carnitine. And a crème with vitamin C can aid in proper penile blood flow as well as needed collagen production. Keeping the penis healthy is worth the minimal investment of time and attention.

Penis Odor: Is It Always a Turn-Off for Women?

Any guy who’s honest with himself knows that on occasion, he reeks of a penis odor that is both strong and unpleasant. It’s also well-known that many women rank penis odor high on their list of objectionable traits, especially as it may indicate that the owner of such a penis cares far too little about his penis health. But is it possible that penis odor is not always a turn-off for a woman? And if so, should a guy simply let his manhood reek instead of going to the trouble of keeping it well-washed?

Different strokes

Before this goes further, it’s essential to acknowledge a simple truth: there are different strokes for different folks. What is a turn-off for one woman is a hotly-desired turn-on for another and vice versa. That’s why there’s both chocolate and vanilla (and dozens of other flavors), and why different women could react in unique ways to the same kind and degree of penis odor on the same man at the same time.

Why would it be appealing?

The next thing to do is to answer the question, "Why would any woman a stinky penis to be attractive?" Again leaving aside personal preferences, there’s a very simple answer, and it’s one that has received a lot of play online in recent years: that old devil, the pheromone.

What are pheromones?

For anyone who has been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, pheromones are sex hormones known to produce a distinctive scent. Lots of movies, TV shows, books and comic books have gotten a lot of mileage out of dropping pheromones into a plot for some easy laughs and/or fan-service sex scenes. But while pheromone use in pop culture vastly oversimplifies things, it does get the basic gist straight: Pheromones are strong sexual stimuli, albeit one which typically causes an unconscious arousal or interest in a potential partner.

Pheromones are something that men (and women, for that matter) create simply as a matter of course. Their production tends to be more active in times of interest in sexual activity - not surprisingly. And in men, the pheromones most typically are released through sweat. (That’s one reason why hot, sweaty sex can tend to be especially intense.)

Sweat it out

So basically, all a guy needs to do to get a woman interested in him is work up a sweat, especially when he’s ready for some action, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

It turns out that not all sex hormone-drenched sweat is equal. Essentially, pheromone-laced sweat that is fresh is appealing; pheromone-laced sweat that is old is repulsive. That fresh hormone - called androstenal - is the kind that appears as a couple is getting interested in each other or as they’re moving through the mechanics of sexual involvement. The stale kind - called androstenone - is the sweat that’s been out for a while and has absorbed a lot of oxygen. That interaction with the oxygen changes the basic make-up, swiftly transforming it from a scent that says "Come and get it" to one that says "Head for the hills."

Penis odor

As luck would have it, this means that most of the time the sweat that accumulates and dries on the penis is going to be filled with unwanted androstenone. And because the penis is (usually) kept beneath a heat-creating double layer of underwear and trousers, it’s likely to accumulate an abundance of sweat and the resultant penis odor. (This is one reason why "airing out" the penis a few hours a day is often a good idea.)

So regrettably, most penis odor is a turn-off rather than a turn-on - which means the fight against it must continue unabated. To help win that fight, try a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that contains vitamin A. Wonderful vitamin A is packed with antibacterial properties that can help attack and control the excess bacteria that cause rank penis odor. A crème with a range of other vitamins, especially B5, C, D and E can help maintain overall penis health, thereby lessening the chance of an odor emergency.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Tips to Avoid Penis Irritation after a Penis Piercing

Some men like to go to extremes. They like to wander the road less traveled, tackle new and unusual adventures, and venture where other men fear to tread. And the penis piercing is definitely something that would send most men running for the hills. But for the select few who are interested in embellishing their member, a few tips for excellent penis care can help ensure their latest adventure doesn’t wind up causing penis irritation - or anything worse.

Taking care of the penis piercing
Men who cringe at the mere thought of a penis piercing can feel free to skip down to the last paragraph. But for those with balls of steel, read on.

One of the most common penis piercings is the Prince Albert. This piercing usually extends along the underside of the glans from the urethral opening. The jewelry can be either a ring or a curved barbell, though some other types might apply. Some men say that the Prince Albert heightens sexual sensation; however, some partners might experience pain or discomfort when certain jewelry is used.

A penis piercing like this one typically takes four to six weeks to heal. During that time, men who have undertaken the piercing adventure should keep the following steps in mind:

1) Wash the piercing twice daily. During the first several weeks, cleanliness is a man’s best friend. A saltwater soak twice a day, followed by a thorough cleaning with a mild soap, is usually recommended by piercing experts. Never use any sort of alcohol-based cleaner on the area, as this can not only hurt and extend healing time, it can also dry out the skin.

2) Know what to avoid. During those first several weeks, certain things are completely off-limits. This includes swimming pools or other bodies of water, any tight or restrictive clothing, and sex with a partner. Choosing to do these things anyway can have dire consequences, from penis irritation to serious infection.

3) Drink a great deal of water. Since the Prince Albert involves the urethra, it is very important to urinate quite often. This will actually help clean the piercing and lead to faster healing. So drink up and stay hydrated.

4) Do not change the piercing. Any piercing needs to be left alone in order to allow it to heal properly. Removing the jewelry before it’s ready can lead to problems with inserting new jewelry, which makes the whole adventure an exercise in futility. Besides that, changing the piercing too early or too often can lead to infection.

5) Keep the area around it perfectly clean. Even though cleaning the area twice a day (at least!) is a good idea, so is ensuring the area around it is perfectly clean. Bedclothes should be laundered on a regular basis. Never wear the same trousers more than once during the healing process. In fact, changing underwear at least after every shower is a great idea. When in private, ‘air out’ the penis piercing to facilitate healing.

6) Be cautious. A piercing must have ample time to heal. That means following all the rules set forth by the piercing expert. No matter how much the adventurous man might want to ‘try out’ that new jewelry in a sexual context, it is important to not give in to the urge - and when it is okay to get busy, make sure to use a condom for several weeks to allow the piercing even more time to heal.

Finally, remember that proper penis care is more important than ever for those who have a penis piercing. The use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. During the first few weeks, routinely apply the crème to the penis, but avoid the piercing. Over time, as the piercing heals, a man can gradually begin applying the crème there as he normally would. Look for a crème that contains Shea butter, which can soothe the itchy, healing skin on contact, as well as vitamins A, C, D and E, which are all known for their healing properties.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Want Better Sex? Dress for the Part

For many people, one of the lures of sex is the chance to be naked with another person. But what if they could have even better sex by staying clothed? For some couples, especially those who have been together for a while, it can pay to dress up for sex - in a manner of speaking. Wearing a little outfit to bed won’t take the place of maintaining excellent penis care, but it may add a little zest and zing to that thing called lovemaking.

Not role playing
Deciding to dress the part for sex isn’t necessarily about role playing - although couples should definitely investigate that as an option for keeping the sexual fires stoked. Role playing involves taking on a whole new persona, pretending to be someone else, in order to add a sense of excitement, mystery or intrigue to sexual escapades.

No, what is being discussed here is simply the idea of having sex while clothed - in some degree or another. It’s an experience that most people have had at some point in their lives. But often it’s something associated with days when sex was furtive for a person. Clothes remained on because a couple was making out in the backseat of the car or on the sofa in the living room, just a few steps away from where a parent or two was lightly sleeping.

When people become adults, it’s something that occurs less frequently. Yes, a "quickie" in the bathroom of a bar or in the supply room at work may involve simply a loosening of the fly and a lifting of the skirt. But more often sex becomes about getting totally naked with another person. And that’s a lovely and quite enjoyable thing.

A change
But engaging in sex while clad becomes exciting when it’s something a couple hasn’t tried for a while. In some cases, it brings back those memories of the early sex days, and that adds a renewed touch of excitement. It may also allow a couple to fantasize that they are with one of their earlier lovers. (This doesn’t mean they regret sleeping with their current lover, but people may like to fantasize about a different person in their arms on occasion.)

But there also can just be something arousing about being with a person who is partially clad. For example, a man who sits down at the breakfast table wearing a shirt, tie and socks, but no pants or underwear or a woman who greets her lover at the door with bare breasts is presenting a very sexual image.

A little says a lot
There are any number of ways a person can present themselves in a partially clad manner. Men can simply enter a room with their fly down and their penis out. A woman may wear a blouse and thigh-high hose with no panties or skirt. Being bare but for socks, a hat or a scarf can add an extra sense of allurement to a situation.

Sometimes a couple may start out in a semi-clad manner but completely doff their clothes when they get into the actual sex act. But others find that keeping some clothing on while becoming intimate heightens the experience even more. There’s no right or wrong - only what helps get the couple excited.

Opting for a dress-up situation is one way to look for better sex, but a man also wants to make sure his penis is in proper shape for any kind of activity. Regularly applying a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help maintain that precious health. Ideally, the selected crème will contain both acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. The former is an amino acid which helps protect against peripheral nerve damage from rough sex (which can be fun but can cause damage). The latter is a potent antioxidant that attacks the free radicals that can lead to aging, wrinkled penis skin. Alone, these two are bang-up ingredients; together, there’s a synergistic relationship that makes them even more effective.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Itchy Penis and Pubic Lice: To Shave or Not to Shave?

There are a lot of things that come with owning a penis, and unfortunately the prospect of the occasional itchy penis is one of them. Although having to scratch every now and then is not a big deal, it can become annoying, distracting and downright embarrassing when that itching becomes chronic - such as is typically the case when the cause of that itch is the dreaded pubic lice. Paying enhanced attention to penis health can help diminish the chance of acquiring pubic lice. But even so, accidents can happen, and a man should be prepared to know how to deal with these unwelcome visitors.
So what are pubic lice?
Most adults can recall "lice scares" at their schools, incidences in which a child brought head lice to school, which spread from one student to the next. Pubic lice are related to head lice, but fortunately are not as easily spread.
More commonly referred to as crabs (due to their crab-like appearance), pubic lice are tiny - usually less than one-tenth of an inch. They are parasites that typically live in the groin, although occasionally they can be found in other hairy parts of the body, such as the armpits or the chest. These tiny insects are harmless in the sense that they don’t spread disease, but once they get in the skin and start feeding, they produce a hard-to-resist urge to scratch.
Most of the time, pubic lice are passed on through skin-on-skin contact while having sex; more rarely, they can be caught from the bedsheets or towels of an infected person. Since the lice tend to congregate in the pubic hair rather than on the penis shaft, wearing a condom is not usually effective in preventing pubic lice from spreading.
Since the lice tend to make their home in pubic hair, it has often been assumed that shaving the penis area is a good way to rid the body of these pests. The theory is that often the act of shaving itself will get rid of the lice, and the absence of a warm, hairy place to hide will make it easy to spot and dispose of any lingering invaders.
But that’s not really a correct assumption. While it’s true that the razor can dispose of some of these crabs, it catches only a small percentage of them. Many more are left on the skin, and because they are so small, it is difficult to find them with the naked eye.
So does that mean a guy shouldn’t shave? Not at all. While shaving the crotch may not cure an itchy penis caused by pubic lice, it does make the area more inhospitable to them and also makes it easier for a doctor to spot them with a magnifying lens. In addition, the absence of a thick thatch of hair makes it easier to apply products that can be helpful in getting rid of the pests.
After shaving
Once the area has been shaved, it is more receptive to medications that can kill the pubic lice. Although there are over-the-counter medications that work well, it’s wise to check with a doctor first to determine the most effective course of action to take.
Pubic lice are more an annoyance than anything else, but an itchy penis can cause a man embarrassment and be bad for his self-esteem. The urge to scratch can be decreased via regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Penis skin that is well-hydrated is less likely to require itching, so using a crème with a combination of excellent moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) is strongly encouraged. In addition, be sure the crème is equipped to keep the penis skin is overall good health; a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and resultant oxidative stress, can be especially beneficial.

Sex Tips for Looking Good in Bed

Physical appearance is an important factor in appeal to a partner, and looking good can also simply boost a man’s self-esteem and self-confidence. So it’s no wonder that many sex tips experts advise men to focus on appearance. That doesn’t mean, of course, that other important issues, like penis health, should be ignored. But taking the time to think about looking good in bed can make a difference to a man’s success and satisfaction rates.

Not all about abs

Pop culture today places a tremendous (and often unrealistic) emphasis on physical perfection. Websites and movies display men with the kind of perfectly chiseled bodies that most cannot hope to attain. But looking good in bed isn’t necessarily about having the perfect body. It’s about doing the best with what a guy has.

Sure, a man who spends hours a day at the gym should take advantage of that fact. But men who have a more typical body shouldn’t be discouraged by the lack of a washboard. Here are some simple steps a guy can take to improve his appearance in bed.

- Keep clean. One of the most basic sex tips: "doing the dirty" is a saying - in actual sex, dirt has no place. Be sure to shower and clean regularly and especially before a date. And the same goes for the keeping the bedclothes clean. Even the sexiest man doesn’t look so appealing if his sheets are covered with sweat and grime.

- Choose underwear carefully. On one level, this is about boxers or briefs (or boxer briefs or thongs or jocks or…). Some men look best in one or the other, and knowing what is truly flattering is important. In general, guys with a spare tire don’t rock the tight briefs so well - but there are exceptions. Spend time with a mirror (or with an unbiased friend who tells it straight) to see what works best.

But also take into consideration color, cut, patterns and other options that can make a difference. Whatever decisions a guy makes, he needs to be sure the underwear he chooses is very clean and in good shape - not tattered, frayed or filled with holes.

- Keep moist. Although guys tend to focus their thoughts of sex on the mid-section, intercourse is a whole body thing. No woman wants a man’s body to be covered with dry, patchy or scaly skin. That can be a huge turn-off. Plus, if a woman notices that the skin of a man’s shoulder or back is flaky, she may worry about what his penis skin is like as well.

- Exercise. Exercising in general as a way to maintain a healthy weight is a good idea, but a little pre-sex exercise can also benefit a guy. Physical exertion tends to release pheromones which can add to a man’s sex appeal.

- Keep the package neat. While total body appearance is important, a guy needs to also pay special attention to the appearance of his proud manhood. Men should determine whether their penis is more attractive when surrounded by a wild mane of hair, a neatly-trimmed thatch or de-nuded of hair altogether. (Those with steady partners should get their opinion on this question, of course.) Keeping the penis clean and the skin moist is also very important.

While sex tips on looking good in bed do take into account matters beyond penis health, it’s essential that this vital area not be ignored. Fortunately, simply applying a superior penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a regular basis can go a long way to maintaining proper penis health. Since a well-hydrated penis improves appearance, using a crème that includes potent moisturizing agents like vitamin E and natural Shea butter is a no-brainer. Men should be sure the crème also includes vitamin D, acclaimed as a "miracle vitamin" due to its effectiveness in fighting disease and supporting healthy cellular function. With a little effort, a good looking penis can become an asset for any man.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Sex Injuries: When Penis Irritation is Just the Beginning

Most men have heard a story about that one awful sex session that led to much more than a few sore muscles and some penis irritation. In fact, many men have dealt with various sex-related injuries in their time. Though the worst of the worst are pretty rare (like the cringe-inducing broken penis), there are some injuries a man might not consider until it is far too late. So as part of responsible penis care, a man should know all the things that could go wrong - and how to avoid those potentially painful sex injuries.

The lowdown on sex injuries

Though the aforementioned broken penis is every man’s nightmare, it is fortunately a very rare occurrence. These other injuries, however, are a bit more common.

1. Bruised testicles. This is sometimes the result of over-zealous cowboy action, which usually ends up with enthusiastic pounding up and down - and it’s not just penis irritation that can result. The testicles can wind up sore, bruised and swollen. In most cases a little time and maybe some ice can help reduce them down to size, but for serious injuries, the sack might need to be drained - and that’s definitely not a fun situation.

2. Ripped skin. Yes, it’s enough to make any man cringe. This is why lube is a great thing. Both partners can suffer serious irritation, redness and even tearing of the skin if there isn’t enough lube to keep things moving smoothly. For a guy, that might extend to torn skin on the testicles or the penis, which can take some time to heal and might even invite infection.

3. Torn abs. A night of sexual bliss is quite physical, and that exercise requires some serious core strength. But a night that gets too vigorous or a sudden move in the wrong direction can lead to torn abdominal muscles. This is nothing to sneeze at - this is an injury that hurts bad enough to make a man see stars. To avoid this one, be very careful when trying out new positions that seem a little too athletic for even the most agile guy.

4. The classic hernia. When a man lifts something too heavy, doesn’t lift properly, or otherwise strains the groin area, he can wind up with a hernia in the groin. Though some hernias aren’t painful, others are excruciating - and a man has no idea which one he will get until the moment he gets it. To avoid hernias, avoid lifting up your partner. Maintaining a healthy weight can also help avoid hernias.

5. Heart attack. No, the old stories about heart attacks while in the sack are not myths. Think about it: Combine high levels of excitement and prolonged physical activity, then add in a dash of not-so-good cardiovascular health, and perhaps a lack of normal exercise, and there is serious trouble brewing. If things seem to be getting a little too intense, dial back a bit - and know the signs of a heart attack. Don’t hesitate to call for emergency help if any of those signs occur while getting frisky.

Though these injuries might sound scary, the good news is that they are relatively uncommon and likely won’t happen. The most common sex injury, by far, is penis irritation and redness - and that can be treated easily with a fantastic penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Savvy guys will reach for a crème that contains vitamin C, known for aiding in elasticity of the skin, and vitamin D, which works to enhance cellular function. But the most important ingredient for the chafed penis is Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which are proven to soothe and heal even the most delicate skin.

Can Penis Sensitivity be Reduced by Too Much Porn?

The vast majority of men on this planet have seen porn in one form or another. Adult films, with their interesting action and the bonus of audio, are often seen as the gold standard for those who like to enjoy a little visual stimulation with their private time. Men that pay attention to excellent penis care might notice that after a marathon or two of porn watching, their penis sensitivity seems to diminish. Is this a real problem, or nothing to worry about?

The answer: It depends.

For most men, there is nothing at all wrong with a little adult film watching from time to time. But occasionally, a man will notice that it becomes much more difficult for him to ‘get things going’ as quickly as usual. He will require longer movies, with more intense scenes, in order to get off. When he is with a partner, he might that the usual moves that always worked in the past no longer do it for him.

At that point, a man can make the case that yes, he has had far too much of a usually good thing!

Signs of a porn addiction

Many men might jokingly agree that yes, they are addicted to porn and proud of it! But a man who is truly addicted to porn will show a few very clear signs. Over time, those signs will become even more obvious. Here’s what might set off a red flag:

1) Porn is a constant companion. If a man has adult films on his laptop, phone, tablet, and any other device so that he can access it anytime, anywhere, there might be a problem brewing. When he begins to watch porn more often than he does other things - such as begging off that night of poker with the boys to stay at home with his virtual images - it’s a sure bet he has a problem.

2) The virtual world gets in the way. A man who has called in sick to work to stay home with his computer, a guy who has told his wife he wasn’t in the mood but then turned to porn an hour later, or a man who has snuck into the bathroom to get his fix is someone who might have a problem. In other words, a man who is devoting all his time to porn instead of to the things that he used to enjoy has fallen into the hands of addiction.

3) He has started to lie about it. Most adults don’t see the need to lie about things that are healthy and expected. So when a man begins lying about his porn use, that could be a red flag. A man who hides adult films from his significant other might say he is doing so not to hurt her feelings; but what about a man who downplays the issue to his best friend, or who covers up his use when questioned by one of the guys? That’s a problem.

4) Penis sensitivity has lessened. A man who has been masturbating to porn quite often might that all that handling has sent his penis sensitivity to record-low levels. It might become especially clear when he is with a partner and has trouble performing, simply due to the need to have more visual stimulation - the kind that he can get on a loop in adult films or clips. That loss of sensitivity is serious cause for alarm.

To help keep the manhood feeling strong and sensitive, savvy men need to do two things: first, cut back on the porn watching, and second, reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should look specifically for a crème that contains acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid known for protecting against peripheral nerve damage, as well as numerous vitamins and nutrients that lead to a supple, well-hydrated penis.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Bent Penis Avoidance: The Medication Connection

Although the popular image of the penis is that of a ramrod straight mass of tissue, in truth, many men have a penis which is not perfectly straight. A bent penis, or a penis with some degree of curvature, is not at all uncommon, and by itself is not a penis health concern. However, in some cases the curvature of the penis can be significant and may indeed become problematic. There can be several causes for such a situation, and one of them may be related to the medication a man may be taking for other conditions.

The bent penis

Any man who hasn’t already done so should take a moment to look at his penis carefully in a mirror, both when soft and when erect. In many cases, a man will notice that the instrument curves somewhat to the right or the left. In other men, it may have a gentle upward curve or, more rarely, may bend downward a bit. When the degree of curvature is slight, this is normal. When it is significant, especially to a degree that it causes pain or makes it uncomfortable to engage in sex, then a man is typically considered to be suffering from Peyronie’s disease.


As with so many things affecting the penis, there is a lot that still needs to be learned about Peyronie’s disease, including a more thorough understanding of its causes. There seems to be some genetic component, meaning that if a man saw his father in the locker room and wondered why his penis had that strange bend - then that man may also have curvature in his future.

It’s also common for a severely bent penis to occur as a result of trauma, either short term or long term. In the former category, a sharp blow to the penis might bring about the bending. In the latter, rough handling (either with a partner or alone) can over time create many small layers of scar tissue which build-up and create the curvature.

But in some cases, a man may look down to find his penis has bent due to drugs he is taking to address some other health challenges.

Medication issue

What are some medications that may contribute to the development of a bent penis?

Interferon. Interferons are naturally-occurring proteins which can be synthesized and utilized in treatment for many conditions. They are frequently used in treating hepatitis C, Kaposi’s sarcoma, multiple sclerosis and genital warts.

Beta blockers. One of the more commonly used medications, beta blockers are very popular in treating in high blood pressure and/or cardiac issues.

Anti-seizure medications. People with seizures often require special medications to manage and control them. It is believed that at least some of these medications may contribute to Peyronie’s disease in some men.

It’s important to note that the evidence linking medications and curvature is not fully understood and that, more importantly, just because some of the medications may have a link does not mean they will cause a bent penis in every man who uses them. If a man does believe his medication is affecting him in this way, he should discuss his concerns with his doctor to determine if an alternative medication might be an option.

Medications that contribute to a bent penis can become an issue, but so can simply maintaining a proper level of general penis health. To that end, readers are encouraged to take advantage of a top notch penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) daily. One drawback often associated with a bent penis, especially when scar tissue build-up is involved, is a loss of feeling. A crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can provide a buffer against that development. Also important: that the crème contain pantothenic acid (commonly called vitamin B5). Pantothenic acid is known as a protector of sensitive skin, such as that which covers the penis.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Small Penis Worry: Avoiding Unwanted Shrinkage

It’s something all men have heard, yet it still doesn’t always sink in: It’s not the size of the wand but the magic inside it that counts. Yet men still would rather have a big penis than a small penis, even when their current equipment functions exceptionally well and provides pleasure to their partner(s). While maintaining adequate penis health is at the top of most men’s list, so is making sure that no shrinkage occurs on this most favorite of their organs. But is that something men need to really worry about?

The answer is a qualified yes.


First off, if a man is already comfortable with his manhood and really knows he is an expert at using it, he is far less likely to be concerned with his penis size. Even if he possesses what some might consider a small penis (and not just by comparison with the unrealistic monsters that parade across the screen of so many porn videos), if he is satisfied with the work he produces, he will hopefully be free of the curse of constant size comparisons and worries.

But many men do feel that their sense of masculinity is inextricably linked to the size of their member, and for these men, the possibility of losing (or appearing to lose) even a little length might be cause for concern. So for these men, what are some of the possible causes of penile shrinkage?

- Age. Sorry to say, but the sad fact is that most men do experience some shrinkage when they get older. Not several inches, but a loss of a half-inch or so over time is not unusual. This typically comes about due to a loss of testosterone. As a man ages, his testosterone production generally declines, which has an impact on the firmness of his erections and consequently on his erect length. Staying active and fit helps to maintain testosterone, but so does frequent ejaculations - so maintaining sexual activity (whether alone or with a partner) can help to diminish shrinkage.

- Weight. The obesity problem continues to grow in our society, and one of the side effects of this is that it may contribute to penile shrinkage. It’s not that the penis actually gets smaller, but excessive weight can pad the midsection, causing portions of the base of the penis to be covered with fat. Thus, there is less of the shaft actually showing, making the organ appear shorter.

- Smoking. Smoking is simply bad news for health in general, but it can specifically add to small penis woes. How so? Smoking can cause calcification in the blood vessels, including those in the penis. When this happens, penile tissue diminishes in size. (It also can bring about erectile dysfunction - another reason to kick the butt habit.)

- Dehydration. Just as smoking can affect penile tissue, so can lack of water. Dehydrated tissue contracts, and when that happens in the penis, the size of the penis itself contracts as well.

Men who are concerned about their penis size can take simple steps to help maintain their current length. Exercise, proper diets, staying hydrated, quitting smoking and ejaculating regularly can all help.

Avoiding shrinkage can help avoid a small penis, but whatever one’s size, keeping the penis health up is essential. To that end, using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil,>which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is critical. Since hydration can be an issue, selecting a crème with appropriate skin moisturizers is advised; look for a crème that includes at least two, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). And active penises are prone to suffer from peripheral nerve damage due to rough (if enjoyable) handling. Use a crème with acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid which protects against such damage, to help prevent a devastating loss of sensation in the penis.

Penis Protection for Swimmers

Swimming is a sensational form of exercise, and dedicated swimmers tend to be among the more physically fit of men. There are numerous benefits to swimming, but as with most things, there can be some downsides - and so swimmers may need to take steps for a little penis protection in order to maintain optimum penis health. Here are some of the potential problems swimmers might face and how to correct them.

Mesh jocks

Most swimsuits are built to provide some extra "coverage" of the penis so the clingy wet fabric doesn’t clearly reveal a man’s endowment. Frequently this coverage comes in the form of a mesh "jock." There’s nothing wrong with a little modesty, but often this little bit of penis protection ends up causing considerable chafing and rashiness - especially if swimmers are spending time in salt water. The salt and sand can get caught in the mesh, creating significant discomfort in the entire penile area. Often the rash can linger for quite some time, causing discomfort even when wearing loose fitting boxers.

Red penis

Many men have experienced this: going for a swim at the local pool and removing their swimsuit to their penis is abnormally red. In some cases, it may be sensitive and burn a bit. Those prone to panic may fear that an STI is responsible for this state of affairs, but in most instances it’s a simpler culprit: too much chlorine.

When the chlorine level in the swimming pool is too high, swimmers may experience a chemical burn on the penis - and elsewhere. The balls may also take on a redder-than-usual hue, as may the buttocks, and patches of skin throughout the body may be affected as well. (Except in cases where the chlorine is especially high, the redness is often limited to the midsection, for the simple reason that not only does the skin absorb the chlorine, but so does the swimsuit - which then releases the chlorine onto the skin when a person steps out of the pool.)

Dry penis

Since being surrounded by water is a hallmark of swimming, one would think that dry penis skin would be the last problem a swimmer might face. In fact, the opposite is often the case. Because swimmers spend so much time in water, the natural oils that keep the skin hydrated can become depleted all over the body, including the penis. This is especially true of those who frequent swimming pools, where prolonged exposure to chlorine can sap the skin of these oils.

Swimmer’s itch

Although chlorinated pools can create some penis protection problems, so can freshwater swimming sources. One of the more common side effects of swimming in lakes and ponds is a skin condition called swimmer’s itch, which can be especially annoying when it occurs on the penis. Swimmer’s itch occurs when parasites that live on ducks or other waterfowl get on a human. They die quickly, but they leave behind an itchy rash that can last for days.


Showering or washing immediately upon leaving the water is usually a good idea in order to cleanse the skin of chlorine, salt and other irritants. It also helps to take steps to keep the skin smooth and moisturized.

Swimmers should therefore apply a reliable penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) after washing in order to take penis protection to the next step. The penis skin will respond especially well to a crème that includes a combination of moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (Shea butter from the fruit of the Shea tree is exceptional) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is excellent). This will re-hydrate the skin and help relieve itchiness as well. In addition, a crème with vitamin A is highly advised. Why? Vitamin A has anti-bacterial , so any stray bacteria that have been picked up along the way, especially from the locker room, can be dealt with fast.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Retrograde Ejaculation: When Male Ejaculation Goes Awry

When something moves backward, it is considered to be in retrograde. It’s usually attributed to planets and other celestial bodies, and often mentioned in horoscopes (as in: ‘With Venus in retrograde, your relationships will come under scrutiny around the end of the month’). But to hear retrograde associated with male ejaculation is enough to make any man take notice. Men who practice excellent penis care need to know what retrograde ejaculation is and what it means if they notice it happening to them.

What is retrograde ejaculation?

To understand retrograde ejaculation, it is important to first understand the basics of male ejaculation. The prostate is connected to the seminal vesicles and bladder on one end and the penis on the other. When a man reaches the point of orgasm, the semen goes from the seminal vesicle to the prostate, where it has two options: Go to the penis or the bladder.

In a healthy man, the smooth muscle of the bladder neck closes and the semen goes through the penis. However, sometimes that smooth muscle doesn’t work as it should, so the semen winds up going to the bladder.

What does this mean for a guy? He will notice a dry finish - there will be no male ejaculation, even though he might have the intense feeling of orgasm. Fortunately, it doesn’t hurt at all. But it can be quite troubling.

What causes it?

There are three primary reasons why retrograde ejaculation occurs. Those who have had prostate surgery, or those who are on prostate medication, might see problems like this. So a man who has gone through surgery or takes regular medication has probably been warned that this could happen, and there is nothing to worry about.

The third reason is a bit more troublesome. Diabetes can lead to retrograde ejaculation, especially if blood sugars are uncontrolled. Many men might not know they have diabetes, as the symptoms might be mild, or a man has become so accustomed to them that they no longer notice the issue. A man who has unexplained retrograde ejaculation should always consider diabetes as a possible cause and get checked out by the physician.

There are other causes that are not so typical but could happen to any guy, regardless of age. One of these is a urinary obstruction. Though it is rare, the first sign might be a dry finish. It might also be an early sign of a condition that affects the nerves in the body, such as multiple sclerosis. Again, rather than worry about what it might be, it pays to go to the doctor and get checked out. A good urologist will be able to run the proper tests and provide some answers.

When not to worry

Sometimes a dry finish is nothing to worry about. When a man has engaged in a long sex session with back-to-back orgasms, he might begin to scrape the bottom of the barrel, so to speak: He might simply have passed so much semen that his body is having trouble keeping up and creating more. So the male ejaculation might be very slight, only a few drops, or even nonexistent. It might also begin to hurt a bit, which is a sign that it might be time to lay off the sexual play for an evening.

Ensuring good penis health

One step in good penis care is paying close attention to everything that concerns the penis, including male ejaculation patterns. On a day-to-day basis, regular inspection and care for the penis is recommended; that’s why men should always use a proper penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to hydrate, repair and maintain the delicate penis skin. Look for a crème that contains powerful vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for anti-aging, vitamin B5 for cell metabolism and vitamin D for supporting healthy cellular function. Amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine and L-arginine are also good options for maintaining top-notch penis health. Apply it all in a high-end emollient like Shea butter with vitamin E, and a man is well on his way to the best penis health possible.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Penis Odor Tips for Gym Enthusiasts

Heading out to the gym? Guys who take that extra step to keep their bodies in shape are to be commended. With obesity on the rise, it’s more important than ever for a man to work a little harder to keep good and healthy. But one problem some gym enthusiasts encounter concerns penis odor - and that’s one penis health issue that every guy is anxious to nip in the bud whenever possible.

Penis odor causes
For many women, penis odor is the number one complaint they have about their men - and often the number one reason why they may refuse to perform oral sex on a dude. Some women tend to be disgusted by it, assuming that it simply means the guy doesn’t know how to practice basic hygiene. What they don’t realize is that penis odor can happen even when a man showers every day.

Body odor tends to occur due to bacterial growth, and bacteria simply love to grow and thrive in areas that are warm, moist and dark. Sound familiar? That’s an apt description of most male crotches. Being tucked away beneath two layers of clothing (unless a guy is going commando or is a nudist), creates a situation that is both dark and heated. And that heat creates the sweat which provides the moisture component.

Add in a vigorous workout and the potential for heat and sweat skyrockets even more. Then try hanging out in a steamy locker room, and it’s amazing that a guy’s penis isn’t overloaded with bacteria by the time he leaves the joint.

What to do
So bacteria and the resultant penis odor are going to be a struggle. What can a guy do to help win the fight against penis odor?

- Wash even more. Most guys tend to take a shower after a sweaty workout - but it pays to also give at least a thorough sponge bath to the male equipment before beginning a workout as well. Also, some men opt to leave the gym directly after a workout and shower when they get home. They should try to avoid that; the travel time gives the bacteria an opportunity to sink and settle in, making it harder to get to them. Showering at the gym is usually a better option.

- Change clothes afterward. Thankfully, most men already know better than to take a shower and then get back into the sweaty underwear and/or pants they were wearing before. But for those that don’t already know this, start changing those clothes right away.

- Make sure the clothes are clean. It’s very common for a guy to change out of his street clothes into workout clothes and then back into the street clothes he came in wearing. But those clothes have likely already accumulated sweat along the way; it’s better to change into a fresh pair of clean clothes - at the very least, clean underwear and trousers.

- Use a fresh towel. Never use another dude’s towel. Either bring one from home or use a fresh, laundered towel from the gym. A towel that has been used by another person is likely to contain bacteria.

- Promptly apply an appropriate crème. Gym enthusiasts can help avoid penis odor by regularly applying a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) especially right after the penis has been washed and thoroughly dried. For penis odor purposes, the crème must contain vitamin A. This vitamin is respected for its potent anti-bacterial properties; applied topically in crème form, it hunts down and eliminates many of the nasty bacteria that create stench. For extra help, be sure that the crème also contains vitamin D, which is nicknamed the "miracle vitamin." Essential vitamin D fights disease and supports healthy cellular function, keeping the penis in better shape to resist odor-causing bacteria.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Why Masturbation is Good for Your Marriage

For many men, the first few months of a marriage go about the same way - the sex is quite frequent, the level of passion is high, and masturbation without that loving partner just doesn’t feel right. And besides that, there is more than enough sex going on to make a man completely forget about doing it solo. But when the passion dies down and longer periods of time pass between amorous sessions, good penis care - and happy matrimony - might require a bit of masturbation

Masturbation and marriage go hand-in-hand
The old idea that a partner should be more than enough to fulfill all sensual needs might be true for a brief period of time during that honeymoon, but the day-to-day routine and grind of simply living life begins to take a toll. Thus, masturbation comes into play.

There’s really good news about this: recent studies have found that the great things about masturbation often translate into great things about relationships. Here’s what masturbation can do for a marriage.

1. Stress levels drop. The longer a man goes without sex, the more tense he can become. This tension is then carried over into other parts of his life, leaving him less effective at work, more irritable with friends and much more likely to argue with his spouse over the most inconsequential things. Masturbation is a magic potion that alleviates stress and makes a man happier, healthier and more pleasant to be around.

2. Take charge of pleasure. Masturbation during the ‘dry spells’ of a marriage can be empowering. It proves that a man is in control of his own pleasure, and that he can ‘pick up the slack’ when things get a little stale. This is a reminder that a man is in charge of his own happiness, and that he can take his problems in hand, so to speak.

3. Stay amped up. When too much time passes between hot and steamy sex sessions, a man can begin to feel as though he’s losing touch with his manhood. Regular masturbation can keep desire levels high by reminding him how good it feels to have that pleasure and that can make him more likely to seek out his spouse for even more of that feel-good fun.

4. Fantasies run wild. Masturbation encourages a very active fantasy life, where anything and everything is possible. Those fantasies often turn into a question of ‘wonder what that would feel like in real life?’ And a result of that is engaging the spouse in the fun. A man with an active fantasy life can really light things up between the sheets, so don’t hesitate to think about all the naughty things that might be enjoyable.

5. Deal with attraction. Even when someone chooses to settle down for the rest of their lives with that one person they dearly love, that doesn’t flip the attraction switch. Spouses can still be attracted to people outside the marriage and wonder what it might be like to have sex with them. Masturbation can allow that fantasy to come to life in a very safe way that won’t cause any issues with the marriage - whereas actually trying it out would definitely be a recipe for trouble!

Getting ready for marital action
Whether a man is using masturbation to fill in the gaps between sex sessions or having so many intimate encounters that he doesn’t even think about solo play, one thing remains the same: staying ready for action requires the use of a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men who masturbate frequently should look for a crème that contains acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid that protects against peripheral nerve damage that might result from extended masturbation sessions. Look for a crème that also contains vitamins such as B5, A and C, as well as other nutrients, all applied in a Shea butter or vitamin E hydrating base.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Masturbation Games: Initiating Couples Fun

For many couples, intercourse is by far the preferred form of sexual engagement, but it doesn’t have to be the only way in which two people connect sexually. Masturbation is also a big part of a person’s sex life, and sharing that with a partner can be an excellent way to add a new level of intimacy to a relationship. Men masturbate anyway, as a matter of course and as an aid to their penis health, so why not incorporate it into couples play? Of course, some individuals may be a little shy or reticent about masturbating in front of a partner - in which case some simple masturbation games may help to "break the ice."

What are some masturbation games that a couple might employ to add a new dimension to their sex lives? The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get started.

Use dice
A pair of dice can come in handy as a masturbation aid. For example, assign odd numbers to the female and evens to the male. Roll the dice. If the total is odd, the woman begins masturbating; if even, the man does. Let’s say "six" is rolled. The man starts stroking and continues stroking as the woman rolls the dice again. If it is even again, the man continues stroking, and does so until the woman rolls an odd number - at which point she masturbates and the man rolls. Play continues in this way until orgasm achieved.

In a variation, one player rolls the dice and the other player must stroke his penis or rub her vagina the number of times that appear on the dice. Players can also decide that instead of masturbating themselves, they masturbate their partner.

Use cards
Playing cards can also be useful for easing into masturbation with a partner. A simple game of strip poker can be used to get the participants naked. After a player has removed all his/her clothes, they can then bet a number of strokes on a poker hand - such as, "I see your four strokes and raise you three." Whoever loses the hand then strokes or rubs themselves the required number.

Another alternative: assign two suits (say, diamonds and hearts) to the woman and two (spades and clubs) to the man. Turn over the top card of the deck; whoever’s suit is revealed masturbates the number of strokes indicated on the card. So a nine of clubs would mean the man strokes his penis nine times. (Face cards can be designated as 10 each.) Keep turning over until all the cards have been played, then start again - but this time, the number of strokes doubles. So an ace requires two strokes, a two requires four, etc.

Play hide and seek
Traditional rules apply, except the players are naked. The player who is hiding starts masturbating as soon as they are hidden; the seeker as soon as they finish counting.

Adapt a drinking game
Many drinking games involve watching a TV show or movie and taking a drink every time a certain word is said or situation occurs. Try this, except establish rules to masturbate instead of drink. For example:

- Masturbate ten strokes every time the lead character’s name is mentioned. 
- Any time a number is mentioned, stroke oneself ten times that number.
- When watching a horror movie, start masturbating when eerie music starts and continue until it stops.

Masturbation games can add zest to a long-time relationship - but men want to make sure their members are in good shape for this kind of tournament. Using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crème that includes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps produce the effect that keeps penile blood vessels open and receptive to proper blood flow. The best crème should also include acetyl L carnitine, which protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can occur during rough masturbation and which can diminish sensitivity in the penis. Being prepared makes the games more fun!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

The Best Smegma Treatment Plan for Good Penis Health

Let’s be honest: even the word ‘smegma’ is a little off-putting. Smegma is the natural accumulation of dead skin cells and fluids secreted by the sebaceous glands in the foreskin. This stuff builds up in the area between the foreskin and the glans, and eventually results in a cheesy, white substance that can smell rather unpleasant. Removing this buildup on a regular basis is an integral part of excellent penis care .

The good news is that smegma is entirely natural and can be controlled quite easily if a man knows how to take care of the problem. So without further ado, here’s the ultimate smegma treatment for the man who worries about all that clumpy white buildup.

1. Hop in the shower.A daily shower is the first line of defense against smegma. Be sure to use a very mild cleanser that is good for delicate penis skin. Some men find that using a simple bar soap, such as Ivory or Dial, is just fine; others need something more sensitive. Either way, a good cleanser and a washcloth will be necessities.

2. Retract the foreskin. The only way to truly clean out smegma is to pull back the foreskin, exposing the glans. Smegma collects in this area, but especially in the area right underneath the glans. (Remember: If there is any problem with retracting the foreskin, this might be a sign of a serious condition that goes well beyond smegma problems, and warrants a visit to the doctor.)

3. Thoroughly clean the area. Using the washcloth and cleanser, clean the area underneath the foreskin, paying close attention to every dip and curve. Give the area underneath the glans some special care to ensure the buildup is removed. Remember that simply using water or cleanser alone is not enough. Smegma can be sticky and adhere to the skin, so using a washcloth to remove it is necessary - it provides enough roughness and friction to loosen the dead skin cells and get rid of the other substances that cause the buildup.

4. Dry off very well. When the shower is done, it’s time to dry things out. This is especially important for men who are intact, as the area beneath the foreskin can retain some moisture after the shower, which can then add to the smegma problem. Retract the foreskin again after the shower and dry the area that was just cleaned so well.

One of the keys to ensuring this smegma treatment really works is by getting a daily shower - and always make a point of cleaning the smegma away while under the cascade of water. Letting it go for even a day or two can lead to serious penis odor, as well as redness and itching. Serious smegma problems can even lead to infections, which is something no man wants to see happening down there.
A man who has trouble retracting his foreskin should definitely see a doctor about the problem. This condition, known as phimosis or paraphimosis, makes it really difficult to get to the smegma buildup. Besides that, a foreskin too tight to retract can lead to painful erections or blood flow problems, as well as increase the possibility of infection and other nasty problems.

After cleaning the skin very well and removing every trace of smegma, a man can help ensure continuing penis health by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not only do the great vitamins and nutrients in the crème help with blood flow and penis skin sensitivity, the simple act of applying the crème can ensure a man double-checks the smegma situation. A good crème should contain vitamins like A, C, and D, as well as hydrators like vitamin E and Shea butter, all of which work to keep penis skin supple and soothed.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

When Diminished Penis Sensitivity Leads to Delayed Ejaculation

Men who are cognizant of the myriad issues that affect penis health know that diminished penis sensitivity is not an issue most men want to have. While it’s true that having a penis sensitivity that produces a "hair trigger" response is not necessarily desirable, those men who suffer from a perilously low degree of penis sensitivity may run the risk of enduring delayed ejaculation - a situation in which ejaculation and orgasm is postponed to a degree which can be frustrating, to say the least.

A genuine problem
Most men enjoy the image of themselves as a perpetual sex machine that can thrust away for hours and bring pleasure to dozens of women without breaking a sweat. And sure, it’s a nice fantasy - but the reality is that few men want to be in a position where they have to work incredibly hard in order to bring about an ejaculation. That’s especially true when all of their efforts fail and they end up working a painfully erect penis for hours without anything (personally) to show for it.
But is this a real problem? Do such men exist whose penis sensitivity is so low that egregiously delayed ejaculation is the norm for them? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

Exactly how many men are afflicted in this manner is unclear; reliable sexual statistics are notoriously hard to come by. But even if only 1% of men have this problem, that translates into millions of men dealing with the issue.

There can be several causes of diminished penis sensitivity and a resulting delayed ejaculation issue. These include:

- Alcohol or drug use, both of which can create a situation in which ejaculation becomes difficult.

- Stroke, which can bring about a neurologically-based disconnect that diminishes sensitivity.

- Certain medications (including some antidepressants), which tend to slow down ejaculatory response. Ironically, some medications used to treat erectile dysfunction may have the side effect of delayed ejaculation.

- Psychological issues can result in delayed response. Depression or performance anxiety can lead to ejaculatory issues, both in terms of ejaculating too earlier or after too long a period.

- Peripheral nerve damage. This is one of the more common causes. When the penis is handled too roughly for too long, there is some damage to the nerves that are responsible for the glorious sensations that bring about an ejaculatory response. When this damage occurs frequently over time, it can lead to a continuing diminishment of sensation. In many cases, this actually makes erectile achievement difficult, but in other cases, it may not impede the erection but may hamper the ability of the penis to reach the stimulation point that produces the desired ejaculatory response.

In cases where diminished penis sensitivity is related to peripheral nerve damage, delayed ejaculation can often be helped by the daily application of an exceptional penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not just any crème is going to be of value here, however; it is of paramount importance that the selected crème contains acetyl L carnitine. This ingredient has neuroprotective qualities that make it an asset in restoring the sensitivity lost from peripheral nerve damage due to rough and/or excessive handling of the equipment. It’s also a boon if the crème contains vitamin C, which is well known for aiding in collagen production and the resultant penile tissue firmness which adds an extra layer of protection to penile health. Finally, a crème with skin soothing moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E will be able to repair damaged skin caused by the "workout" that a penis may receive when it has been victimized by delayed ejaculation.

Penis Warts and the HPV Connection

Quick: Name the most common viral STI in the United States. Those who guessed genital warts are correct. But do they know that those unattractive penis warts that can put a major crimp in a man’s sex life are often caused by HPV? Understanding the connections between penis warts and HPV is important in order to maintain penis health at the proper level.

Penis warts

A man wants his penis to always look its best and never wants it to look diseased. But that’s exactly what happens when a guy comes down with penis warts. Scientifically known as condylomata acuminate, the warts caused by HPV are especially nasty looking. They may be very small, although some can grow to a surprisingly large size, and they tend to be in the tan-to-brown color range. But it’s not the size or the color that is off-putting so much as the shape. They are often described as "cauliflower-like," and that is an accurate description, making them look like something more at home in the produce aisle of the grocery store than on the penile equipment of a sexually active male.


Most penis warts are the result of HPV, the human papillomavirus that has been in the news in recent years. HPV is usually presented as a big problem for women, but the fact is that it can be a significant issue for men as well. In women, HPV is associated with (among other things) an increased risk for cervical cancer. Since men cannot get cervical cancer, that risk does not exist for them; however, there are other cancer risks increased with the presence of HPV. These include cancers of the penis, throat and anus.

Much more of an issue, however, are the penis warts. While these may pose a minimal health risk, they are unsightly and can have a significant impact on a man’s sex life, as well as on his self-esteem and his psychological and emotional well-being. (Penis warts do not always appear in all cases of male HPV.)

How does a man contract HPV? Most of the time he gets it through sexual contact with another person who has it. Up to 85% of men with penis warts have partners with cervical warts, so the causal connection seems pretty clear.

Prevention and treatment

In recent years, a vaccination has been developed to prevent HPV. It has a high success rate. Unfortunately, as of this writing the vaccine is only effective if people receive it by age 26; hopefully that will change in time. It is currently a three-dose vaccine administered over a period of 6 months.

It is very important that men use protection while engaging in sex, especially if their partner’s HPV status is not known.

About 50% of cases of penis warts clear up on their own, but they are likely to recur. There are several treatments available, so it’s important that a man bring this issue to the attention of his doctor so an appropriate course of action can be prescribed. The virus itself is not targeted; instead, the warts are treated so they can be removed. In some instances, surgery may be required, but most often other options are effective.

Men may not know they have contracted HPV until (or unless) penis warts appear. After treatment, it is crucial that a man continue to monitor his penis health and regularly utilize a first class penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will contain a range of vitamins known to provide a boost to penile health, including vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. That crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that is a key player in the fight against free radicals and the oxidative stress damage that they can cause, negatively impacting penile health.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Penis Skin Bleaching Comes with Risks

Probably no skin on the body is as delicate as penis skin, a fact which may be surprising due to its obvious durability. After all, penis skin is subjected to significant degrees of friction during sexual activity and generally comes out with, at worst, a bit of rawness. But the skin is indeed quite sensitive, which is one reason why men who are considering penis bleaching may need to give the matter serious thought. Bleaching can have some consequences for penis health, so a man needs to be well informed before taking a step in this direction.

Why bleaching?

A lot of men may ask, "Why would a guy considering bleaching his penis in the first place?’ And that’s a reasonable question. There are usually two reasons.

For starters, a man may simply feel uncomfortable if there is a significant difference in the coloration of his penis compared to the coloration of the rest of the skin in the area or over the body as a whole. This tends to be an issue only in some men whose skin is light in hue.

Why would the penis be such a different color than the rest of the body? Because penis skin is so thin (in order to better pick up the pleasurable feelings that occur from rubbing it), the blood in the penis provides a redder sheen to the organ. This is especially true when the penis is erect, as the floodgates that hold back blood are opened and the entire body part becomes engorged. In light-skinned men, the penis can become a distinctive dark red color, which may be in contrast to the skin around it.

The other reason is that some men may suffer from "patchiness" on the penis skin. For example, a man may have vitiligo, a disease which can cause discoloration on portions of the skin, including part of the penis skin. A man may feel self-conscious about this and worry that it makes his penis look less desirable. In such cases, he may consider bleaching as a way to achieve a uniform, consistent color to his penis skin.


Although a man may decide he wants to bleach his penis, it’s important that he realizes "bleaching" is a euphemism here. He wants to lighten his penis skin, but he does not want to actually apply bleach to the penis. Most household bleaches are chlorine-based, and while a little chlorine in the swimming pool may be a fine idea, applying chlorine bleach directly to the penis (even in diluted form) is dangerous and should never be attempted.

The same goes for peroxide bleaches. These are somewhat less harsh than chlorine, but they are still far too strong for use on skin.

Instead, a man should first consult with a doctor (always!) and then select a bleaching process that uses natural ingredients, as these are less likely to cause severe problems. However, these options still need to be applied with proper caution and while following a doctor’s directions. It’s even better to let an experienced doctor apply them instead.

Some possible natural ingredients to use include:

- Lemon juice. Acidic lemon juice will exfoliate the skin, revealing the lighter "fresh" skin underneath.

- Licorice extract. This works on the same principle as lemon juice.

- Milk. Milk’s lactic acid also exfoliates the skin and is gentler than lemon juice or licorice.

Bleaching the penis skin, even when done by a professional, must be followed with moisturizing via a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with a combination of hydrators (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) is best to provide maximum moisture replacement. The crème should also include ingredients to heal and restore penis skin, such as vitamin B5 for tissue health and alpha lipoic acid to limit cellular damage to the skin.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Penis Function May be Impacted by Rheumatoid Arthritis

Many young men think arthritis is a problem only for older women - and that myth may be dangerous to their penis function. While it is true that rheumatoid arthritis is three times as likely to occur in women, a significant number of men make up the 1.5 million Americans that suffer from it - and not all of those men are older. Guys who want to exercise proper penis care need to know that even men in their 20s can be in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis. They also need to know just how this condition could affect their much-prized penis function.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease of the joints caused by an autoimmune reaction. For some reason, a person’s body starts to interpret the linings of the joints as "foreign" - that is, not a natural part of the body and therefore a threat - and it develops ways to attack those linings in a misguided attempt to protect the body.

This results in sometimes significant pain and stiffness in the joints, especially those in the hands and feet.

Penis function
Having arthritis is bad enough, but it can also negatively affect a man’s penis function. One 2012 clinical study found that almost two-thirds of men with rheumatoid arthritis reported having some degree of erectile dysfunction.

So why does arthritis have an impact on penis function? The logical assumption would be that the immune system is attacking the penis itself, but that’s not exactly the case. The penis is not a joint and so the immune system doesn’t have it on its misguided radar system.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation, and it is believed that this inflammation may extend to penile blood vessels. The inflammation prevents the blood vessels from operating in the proper manner, so that when a man becomes aroused and blood is supposed to rush into the penis, it is not able to do so properly.

To make matters worse, some medications used to treat arthritis are believed to potentially impact penis function (and not in a positive way).

Other issues
But the inflammation is not the only issue that men with arthritis may encounter. Studies also indicate that men with rheumatoid arthritis typically also have lowered levels of testosterone, which in turn can lead to a depressed libido.

In addition, many people with arthritis find it affects them mentally and emotionally as well. Patients are more likely to experience higher levels of depression, and this is also a factor both in lowering sex drive and in affecting erectile function.

Finally, the significant pain associated with arthritis can play a role. It may be difficult to obtain and/or maintain a workable sexual position due to the pains in other parts of the body, decreasing the enjoyment of or even the physical functioning of a sexual experience.

Men who suspect they have rheumatoid arthritis should promptly visit a doctor in order to get a diagnosis. Early diagnosis means that treatment can be initiated earlier, which increases the possibility of a positive outcome.

Men also need to help maintain penile function, whether they have arthritis or not, by paying proper attention to the overall health of the penis. Daily application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is suggested to help maintain a healthy piece of equipment. Men like to feel that their penis has a certain degree of firmness, and a crème with vitamin C can be useful in that regard. Vitamin C is an essential component of collagen production, which is useful in maintaining penile firmness. The best cremes also contain L-arginine, an amino acid that helps penile blood vessels dilate and be more receptive to a larger influx of blood.

Is Low Sex Drive Really a Penis Problem?

We’ve all heard the jokes about men and sex drive. A man can get it up at the sound of a dog whistle. A guy thinks about sex every eight seconds of every day. Men never get headaches. Even careful attention to good penis care might lead a significant other to say that a man is taking such good care of himself only because he wants to get laid. So when a man has a low sex drive, it can make him think something is terribly wrong.

Everyone has a different level of sex drive. Some people are at red-line all the time, while others are okay with sex once or twice a week. That’s why the definition of low sex drive is a moving target - it’s different for everyone. A good rule of thumb is that if a man wants sex less often than he used to, then his sex drive is dropping. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to bring it back that don’t require medical intervention.

1. Stay fit. When a man puts on a bit of weight that might be enough to lead to penis problems and low sex drive. Regular exercise can help get rid of that spare tire or love handles, and the feel-good rush that comes from exercise can make a man more open to the idea of other forms of exercise in the bedroom.

2. Have mindful sex. Men often bring the stress of the day into the bedroom, and that’s not good. Try blocking out all the other thoughts that try to intrude and focus instead on the partner. Focus on breathing, every caress, every word, and all the sensations that go along with a good sex session.

3. Talk to the partner. Not just in the bedroom - though certainly a bit of naughty talk can go a long way! Talking to the partner outside the bedroom, discussing sexual adventures and desires, likes and dislikes, might shake loose some bad habits gathered over the years, or give rise to new ideas.

4. Opt for counseling. A good sex counselor can help couples move from a low sex drive to incredible fun in the bedroom. Much of the session will include talking about sex, watching educational videos, and taking steps to change how partners interact. There is also some rather sexy homework.

5. Loosen up. As the old saying goes, inebriation can lead to lubrication. Sometimes it takes putting aside the stress to let go, and that might mean partaking of a little alcohol to get things moving. But keep in mind that too much imbibing can lead to penis problems, so a single glass of wine might be a good limit.

6. Explore what might have changed. Remember that certain medications can have side effects, including a low sex drive or other penis problems. Big life changes, such as the death of a loved one or losing a job can also lead to low libido. Sometimes being with the same partner for a long time can cause the problem too, so it’s important to go back through these tips as a couple and work on igniting that old spark.

Getting ready for a good time
Those with a low sex drive might look forward to the day when things will feel normal again. In order to prepare for that, keep penis problems at bay with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes L-arginine, an enzyme that helps increase blood flow, as well as acetyl L carnitine, which enhances penis sensitivity to make sexual encounters more exciting. In addition, vitamins such as A, C and D, applied in a solution of Shea butter and vitamin E, can help keep penis skin smooth and supple - and ready for the next big event.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Itchy Penis: What Women Need to Know

Ladies, you’ve all been there: out with a man who keeps giving his crotch a quick surreptitious scratch. An itchy penis is at least an occasional issue for all men, and a chronic one for some. Even men whose attention to penis health is exceptional may still have the inevitable itchy penis on occasion. What women need to know is whether the itchiness is of the everyday variety or whether it suggests a bigger problem - especially if that problem is one that could be passed on to his partner.

Itchy penis happens
As mentioned above, an itchy penis is something all men experience at times. In most cases, it’s a momentary issue, just like an itch anywhere else on the body. In other cases, it may be due to a totally benign cause. For example, sometimes the pubic hair is brushing against the penis, causing the need to scratch. In other instances, it may be a slight allergic reaction. Often detergents used in laundering clothes or soap used in showering may contain a harsh ingredient that creates an itchy situation.
It may also be due to a still benign but not necessarily pleasant cause, such as improper hygiene. If a man has not bathed sufficiently, the itch may be related to that problem. Some men get balanitis, an inflammation of the glans of the penis; if the cause of the balanitis is non-contagious, then it will likewise not be contagious to the partner.

In some instances, a man with a latex allergy will develop an itchy penis due to use of latex condoms.
But there are numerous other factors that can lead to an itchy penis, and these may potentially impact anyone who shares his bed with him. These include:

- Jock itch. Yes, this most famous of male itches is a common problem. A fungal infection, jock itch is considered a low-to-moderate risk when it comes to passing through sexual contact, but it can happen.

- Yeast infection. Women are not the only ones to suffer from a genital-based yeast infection, although it is much rarer in men than in women. Typically called "thrush" when it occurs in men, women are particularly susceptible to acquiring this.

- Crabs and scabies. Parasitic mites, often caused by unhygienic conditions or by exposure to an affected partner, can create a serious itchy situation. Both of these are very contagious and can be a pain to eradicate.

- Herpes. About one of every six adults in the U.S. has genital herpes, one symptom of which is itchiness in the affected area. Herpes cannot be cured, so those who contract it from a partner will need to take steps to manage and control it whenever it "breaks out."

- Major STIs. Many serious sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), like gonorrhea or chlamydia, often list itchiness as one of their key symptoms. There are usually - but not always - other visible tell-tale signs, such as an unpleasant urinal discharge or lesions in the area. Avoiding STIs is important, so if a woman suspects a man may have one, she should avoid having sex until after he has been cleared via appropriate testing.

Most cases of penile itching are harmless. However, women may want to encourage their partners to take steps to alleviate that itchy penis. One thing that helps is regularly using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Often an itchy penis is due to dry skin, so moisturizing via a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can be a step in the right direction. It also helps if the crème includes vitamin B5, which aids in maintaining healthy tissue and giving penis skin a nice appearance.

Friday, 11 November 2016

When Penis Skin Color Fades, It May Be Vitiligo

For many men, their penis is a big source of pride, so maintaining proper penis health and ensuring a good looking member is crucial. When issues involving penis skin occur, it can be a source of significant concern. Penis rash, redness, bumps, extreme curvature and other issue that affect the appearance of the penis may strike a blow at a man’s self-esteem. So when penis skin color fades or "bleaches out," a man wants to know what is causing it and what he can do to fix it. In many cases, that fading may be caused by a condition known as vitiligo.

Pale penis skin

In some instances, penis skin color changes can be normal. For example, particularly in light-skinned men, the penis often becomes redder when it is erect, a result of the increased blood flow and heat that occur during the erectile process. Men who frequent nude beaches will often see a natural color progression as the penis tans and as the tan fades. And rough handling of the penis and excess friction may in some cases produce temporarily lighter skin, as an old layer of skin is rubbed away to reveal "newer" skin beneath.

And then in other cases, penis skin color change may be related to vitiligo.

What is vitiligo?

Most people who have heard of vitiligo know the name because the late pop star Michael Jackson was said to have suffered from it. Vitiligo occurs when the skin loses melanocytes, cells that produce melanin, which affect color production in the skin, hair and eyes. It may also occur if the melanocytes are present but not functioning properly.

Scientists are still unclear about just why a person may develop vitiligo, but there are several suspected causes:

- It may be hereditary, something that is passed on from a father and/or mother.

- It may be triggered by an outside factor such as sunburn or stress.

- An autoimmune situation may develop, in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes.

Vitiligo is not a dangerous condition, but people who contract it carry a higher risk of complications like hearing loss, inflammation of the iris and sunburn. More often, they may experience psychological distress - and this can be especially true for men with vitiligo on the penis who attach a great deal of importance to the physical appearance of their manhood.


The effects of vitiligo can be treated in several ways. In some instances, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be able to re-pigment portions of affected skin, although this change can take a long time to become visible. Various forms of laser therapy and light therapy are sometimes effective, although their use on the penis requires special care and consideration. Vitamin D is often recommended, applied topically.

Often, however, a man will find that even after treatment he still has visible patches of vitiligo on his penis. In such cases, a man is advised to learn to live with the fact that portions of his penis are "patchy." The penis itself still functions normally and is healthy; it is merely the appearance that has changed.

Penis skin discoloration due to vitiligo can be distressing at first, but being accepting and concentrating on the overall penis skin health is advised. To that end, regular use of a superior penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can make a difference. Since vitamin D may have an impact on vitiligo in some cases, using a crème with that vitamin can be a plus - especially since this vitamin is crucial for other aspects of penis health as well. In addition, penis skin will remain supple and smooth if a crème includes both hydrating agents like vitamin E and Shea butter as well as a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid.

Evaluating Penis Health: Male Ejaculation Facts

Men should always be very aware of every aspect of their penis health. This includes engaging in excellent penis care on a daily basis, as part of a regular routine. This careful attention can alert a man to any changes as soon as they happen, such as redness, irritation, bumps or other concerns. But there are other factors to consider as well, such as the power and frequency of erections, as well as the volume of male ejaculation.

What to Know about Male Ejaculation

Many men are concerned with their performance in the bedroom, but might not think about the results of what they are doing - specifically, the volume of semen a man produces with each encounter. Though some might give it a passing thought (especially after seeing the ‘money shot’ in adult movies), it usually isn’t something a man worries about.

But it is a good idea for a guy to gauge just how much he is producing, so as to be alert to penis health conditions that might arise over time. The World Health Organization has actually studied this, and found that the average volume of ejaculate for a man is about three-quarters of a teaspoon. If a man produces at least that much, or more, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

But when a man produces about one-third of a teaspoon or less, it might be cause for concern. A lower volume is often a warning sign of low testosterone, which can affect everything in the male body. Fatigue, weakness, trouble concentrating, and loss of muscle mass are a few signs to look for if the volume of male ejaculation appears to be rather low.

Another problem to consider is diabetes. Diabetes is often known as a ‘silent killer’ because it causes serious problems in the body before a man learns he has it. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which can also contribute to erectile dysfunction. An enlarged prostate, certain medications and urinary problems can lead to ejaculation concerns as well.

Other conditions might contribute to low volume of male ejaculate, such as spinal cord injuries or multiple sclerosis. In these cases, however, there will likely be many other signs that might send a man to the doctor well before low semen levels are even noticed.

What to Do

In most cases the volume of male ejaculation might be perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. The biggest issue, however, is when a man who normally had a nice volume suddenly notices a significant decrease. In this case, it is vitally important for a man to visit the doctor with his concerns. The doctor will evaluate medical history and ongoing concerns to help pinpoint the cause of the problem - assuming it turns out to be a problem at all.

Time Marches On

It’s important to remember that just as with everything physical, changes happen as we age. A man who was producing a great deal of semen a few years ago might find that he produces less now. It’s part of the typical, gradual decline that we all go through as time marches on. These gradual changes are normal. But remember: any sudden change in penis health, or overall health, might warrant a closer look.

In the meantime, a man should always strive for the best possible penis care, which includes the proper use of a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best nutrient crèmes will include vitamins that are proven to aid in the rejuvenation and maintenance of penis skin, such as vitamins A, C, D and E. A powerful natural moisturizer, such as Shea butter, makes the perfect basis for the collection of important vitamins. By applying this nutritive cream directly to the penis, men can experience supple, hydrated skin and better penis health in the long run.