Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Is that Penis Odor Due to Trimethylaminuria?

It’s an unfortunate fact that penis odor can be a big issue for many men, and one that can be incredibly off-putting to a potential partner. There can be many reasons for a rank penis odor, even in a man who is careful about his penis health and hygiene. One of the more obscure causes may be trimethylaminuria, a condition sometimes known as fish odor syndrome. If that sounds familiar, read on.

What is trimethylaminuria?
Trimethylaminuria is a relatively recent condition, first diagnosed in the 1970s. It is a genetic disorder, so it’s something that a person is born with, not something that a person catches from someone else.

This disorder affects the body’s ability to process something called trimethylamine, an organic compound that is associated with decomposition of plants and animals. In the human body, it is often found in foods that contain choline, a water-soluble nutrient. These foods cover a wide range of dietary sources, including cauliflower, spinach, beef liver, broccoli, chicken, soybeans, seafood, eggs, grapefruit and tofu.

When a person has trimethylaminuria, the trimethylamine isn’t broken down the way it’s supposed to be. An excess of it therefore stays in the body, creating a very strong smell. That stink can come out through sweat, urine and semen - all of which can contribute to a fishy penis smell.

Is it dangerous?
Trimethylaminuria is not generally dangerous, but it can be annoying - and embarrassing when the odor it produces is extreme. For a man who already has a strong case of penis odor, it can be especially embarrassing. Even though a man may be very hygienic and wash thoroughly and frequently, if he has trimethylaminuria, it may still break through and cause a rankness that is unpleasant.

Fortunately, trimethylaminuria is rare - but that is small comfort to those who must deal with its effects.

As a non-lethal genetic disorder, there has not been a lot of research into curing trimethylaminuria. However, doctors have studied things that can be used to help treat it or reduce its effects.

The disorder is usually diagnosed through a "choline load" test, in which urine is sampled after a person has consumed foods that are high in choline. If the level of trimethylamine found in the urine is excessive, it indicates that trimethylaminuria is present.

A doctor can make recommendations on treatment options. Sometimes antibiotics are recommended on a recurring basis in order to encourage the production of bacteria that can help eliminate some of the trimethylamine production. Supplements of charcoal, copper chlorophyllin and B2 are also sometimes used to help.

Dietary changes are the most common treatment option. Cutting down on foods rich in cholines can make a big difference; however, it’s wise to work with a nutritionist to determine an appropriate diet. Striking the right nutritional balance can be difficult.

Of course, taking other steps commonly associated with battling penis odor are still vitally important (and that applies whether one has trimethylaminuria or not.) In addition to washing appropriately and carefully, a man really needs to make daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Not just any crème will do, of course. In this case, it is absolutely essential that a man uses a crème which includes vitamin A in its arsenal of ingredients. Vitamin A is well-known for its anti-bacterial properties that fight surface skin odors on and around the penis, and that is clearly what is needed here. In addition, the preferred crème will include vitamin D, which helps the body absorb vitamin A and so increases A’s odor-fighting properties. Vitamin D also provides health benefits to the skin, making the penis not only smell but look better as well.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

4 Myths About Reduced Penis Sensitivity

Penis sensitivity is a tricky subject. While sensitivity is all relative, a general measure all men can usually agree on is ease of orgasm. Most men have little difficulty climaxing, but a number of factors, ranging from masturbation frequency to biological issues can cause reductions in penis sensitivity.
This aspect of penis health is closely bound to men’s sexual fulfillment. A decreased ability to orgasm is obviously a detriment to a fulfilling sex life. Penis sensitivity is hardly the only factor that can cause men to become unable to achieve male ejaculation (psychological factors could also be at play), but it’s definitely worth thinking about.

If a man thinks he might have decreased penis sensitivity, he’s probably considering all the reasons why this could be. Here are a few myths surrounding the subject and some clear-cut advice for increasing sensation.

Myth 1: Circumcision Drastically Reduces Sensitivity

Many men are lead to believe that circumcision, the practice of cutting back the foreskin of the penis, leads to a dramatic reduction in sensitivity throughout life. Thankfully for the many, many circumcised men -- 64.9 percent of men born in 1981 were circumcised, a number that has remained relatively high for men of millennial age and above -- this idea seems to have been a little overblown.
According to an article written for Broadly, most of the hubbub surrounding this idea comes from a 2007 study in which researchers applied a light touch to the heads of both circumcised and uncircumcised penises. Because the uncircumcised men felt less pressure, the researchers concluded that sensitivity was directly impacted by circumcision.

However, a more recent study found that this particular metric wasn’t actually a good predictor of penis sensitivity, and that the rates of sexual feeling were actually quite similar in both circumcised and uncircumcised men.

"We measured heat detection and heat pain by attaching a thermode to the penis," lead researcher Jennifer Bossio told Broadly. "Men would indicate either when they would feel a change in temperature or when it hurt. The nerve fibers in the penis that are activated by temperature and pain are more relevant in sexual functioning—or the feel of a sexy touch—than the light touch that past researchers had done. Even though [the foreskin] is more sensitive to light touch, I suspect that isn't implicated in sexual pleasure. I think that's the take-home message of this study."

Myth 2: Inability to Orgasm is Purely Psychological

Some men may be mistaken in thinking that something is wrong with them psychologically if they find it difficult to climax. On the contrary, many men with healthy attitudes toward sex can still have a difficult time with male ejaculation. notes that many men suffer from reduced sensitivity on a purely physical level. In some men, the frustration can even lead to erectile dysfunction (ED) and anejaculation (the inability to ejaculate). This can make a fulfilling sex life particularly difficult to achieve, and it can be even more disheartening to deal with if a couple is trying to get pregnant.

Myth 3: Masturbation is Completely Harmless

While there’s no harm in masturbation in moderation, over-stimulation can perpetuate the problem of reduced sensitivity. There are a few ways that masturbating too much can make the problem worse. For instance, masturbating while watching pornography has been linked to viewing one’s real-life partner as less sexual than is ideal, making it harder to become aroused in actual sexual encounters. Additionally, solo stimulation of the penis beyond the level at which it is stimulated during natural sex can make it hard to ejaculate when you’re with a partner (a problem that is sometimes referred to as "death grip syndrome").

In an article for Vice, Ed Smith wrote about his experience giving up masturbation and sex for 21 days.

" … if you are holding it in, that means you are not having sex or masturbating, which could increase your arousal in anticipation of actually having sex," Professor Jim Pfaus of Montreal's Concordia University told Smith. "Learning how to maintain erection and hold off ejaculation makes the orgasm experience more intensely pleasurable."

Myth 4: There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

For those dealing with penis sensitivity issues, there are small changes they can make that may help. recommends eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, and performing Kegel exercises (they’re not just for women!) on a regular basis.
Men should also consider a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). This product contains nutrients such as acetyl L carnitine and L arginine, which are noted for their role in penile sensation and function. Additional ingredients include natural skin-softening agents such as Shea butter, which can address problems with toughened skin caused by daily wear and tear. As part of a healthy penile care regimen, these nutrients can support optimum sensitivity, making partner sex an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Sex Tips for Standing Up Positions

The possible positions for coupling are almost endless, and each of them comes with its own sex tips to consider for coital success. Although sex while standing up can be one of the more challenging positions, it also has an undeniable appeal. Doing it safely and correctly may take some practice - and maintaining appropriate penis health in advance doesn’t hurt, either. The sex tips that follow impart practical advice for those considering making love while standing up - opening up a whole range of new sensations.

Don’t start in the shower.
In this article, standing up sex is referring to penetrative sex; those who are engaging in manual genital stimulation may indeed find pleasure in doing this in the bathtub. But for those who plan to get "insertional," it’s wise to forget the many images of steamy shower sex scenes until after they have a few successful "dry land" tries under their belts. The reason, of course, is that the slipperiness factor in the shower can make it very easy to fall, which may lead to some very unfortunate injuries.

Start halfway.
Some couples find it easier to start with only the man standing, while the woman lies on the edge of a bed or other (perhaps higher) surface. In some instances, a couple may try with the man lying down - but this usually requires a very narrow surface for him to lie back on, so that the woman can stand with her feet on the floor while she straddles him.

Back into it.
For many couples, beginning with a male-front-to-female-back standing up position can be the best option. It can often be easier to maneuver the key body parts into a more accessible position this way. In addition, the male’s hands are freer to roam around the female’s breasts for extra erotic stimulation. The female also has more room for bending and finding more enjoyable placement of the body.

Leaning is good.
Balance is absolutely key to successful standing up sex. It’s not cheating to lean against a wall or to lean over onto chairs, tables or other objects in the area. Anything that helps to maintain balance is fair game.

Lifting legs is also okay.
There’s nothing that says all four legs have to be on the ground at all times. Women, especially, are in a good position to wrap one foot around a lover’s ankle or slide a leg up and down a mate’s leg. For men with exceptionally good balance and strength, it can be thrilling to lift the partner up and encourage her to wrap both legs around the man’s waist - but again, good balance and strength is key for this.

Toes may come into play.
Depending on the heights involved, the male may find himself having to lift up on his toes to thrust more accurately. Working on building up toe strength in advance is helpful.

Work the thighs.
Most men find that standing up sex provides a significant workout for their thighs - so again, taking time to strengthen them can allow a man to perform more impressively in this new position.

A caveat…
There’s a very old (and very false) rumor that a girl cannot get pregnant if she has sex standing up. This is in no way true - so if pregnancy is a concern, proper protection must be used at all times. Furthermore, any new sexual exploration requires that the equipment be kept in fine working order. To that end, daily application of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) should be included in every man’s daily health regimen. When selecting an appropriate crème, check the label for L- arginine and vitamin C. L-arginine is an enzyme which plays a key role in the development of nitric oxide, which in turn helps relax penis blood vessels so that the all-important flow of blood is not impeded. Vitamin Cis necessary because it is an important structural component of blood vessels. This vitamin also is instrumental in collagen production and penile tissue function - vital attributes for a healthy penis.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Penis Health Tips: 4 Reasons Men Should Be Using Shea Butter Daily

Shea butter is a commonly used ingredient in skin and beauty products, but it can be especially beneficial for penis health. This sensitive area is prone to itchiness, dryness, and other inconvenient and uncomfortable sensations. Shea butter is a wonderful ingredient to apply to help moisturize the area and reduce inflammation, dryness and discomfort.

If you’re looking for an all-star ingredient to add to your personal care routine, Shea butter could be the one - especially if you suffer from some of the problems associated with dry skin. Here’s what you need to know about Shea butter and why it’s great for penis health.

Contains Vitamins A and E
Shea butter is rich in vitamins A and E, which have been shown to improve skin health on numerous levels. According to the Shea Institute, these nutrients have been associated with relief from conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, acne, skin allergies, sunburn and frostbite. In short, if you have some kind of skin irritation or discomfort, it’s likely that vitamins A and E will go a long way to soothe and protect the skin.

Rich in Moisture
The ingredients that make up Shea butter are derived from the Shea tree. Interestingly, Shea butter’s moisturizing agents are chemically similar to those produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin, which makes Shea a very natural ingredient to use on human skin. This is great for use in the penis region, as the area can be sensitive. On this area, it’s best to use ingredients like Shea butter that are similar in form and function to the skin’s natural properties.

"Shea Butter’s unparalleled moisturizing property is due to several natural moisturizers present in the cream," says a representative of the Shea Institute. "The moisturizers in Shea Butter are the same moisturizers produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. If you buy the concept that the skin sebaceous glands produce moisturizers for the skin, then it’s no wonder that Shea Butter is such a superior moisturizer."

Extremely Protective
Have you ever smeared Shea butter on your skin before? If you have, you’ll know that it’s incredibly rich and thick-feeling, creating a generous protective barrier on the skin. This is another great reason to use Shea butter near the genital area.

Thick moisturizers like Shea protect the skin by forming a barrier between the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and the surrounding air. When this barrier is put in place, moisture from the skin can’t evaporate into the surrounding air, and air (which can be dry) can’t penetrate the skin’s layers. This creates a sealant of sorts that keeps moisture in and cold, dry air out.

You can see why this is great for men’s health. You may want to apply a layer of a Shea butter-containing moisturizer on a daily basis. It’d be especially beneficial to apply it before swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool or exposing yourself to the elements in a similar way.

Calms Inflammation and Redness
Finally, Shea butter is extremely soothing. If you have any kind of rash, redness, irritation or skin discomfort, Shea may be the answer you’ve been looking for. A 2010 study published in the US National Library of Medicine found that Shea butter’s components - particularly a compound called lupeol cinnamate - reduced inflammation and even prevented skin mutations.

If you have a rash or redness (and you’ve already seen your doctor to ensure that it isn’t a complication of something more serious, such as an STI), you may want to consider using Shea butter to calm the redness and irritation associated with inflammation. Applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) not only brings with it the health benefits of Shea butter, but also those from a whole host of other beneficial skin moisturizers and protective ingredients.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Penis Odor and Summer – They Unfortunately Go Together

Summer is a time for getting outdoors, swimming, sunning, getting physical - and coming down with a bad case of penis odor. Yes, it’s true that penis odor can be a concern for men at any time of the year, but for many, the summer months can take the situation to a whole new level. Now, as the days get longer and hotter (and a man gets sweatier and sweatier), is the time for all dudes to up their penis care game and make a serious commitment to de-stenching the junk.

Sweat happens.

Let’s face it, a guy’s drawers are a breeding place for penis odor. One of the primary reasons for this is bacteria, which naturally accumulates in places that are moist and warm; and that describes a man’s favorite body part to a T.

The "sperm factory" in the testicles is already a source of some heat. When the bushy pubic hair that many men exhibit is added in, the warmth factor goes up. Combined with not just one but two layers of clothing (in general) and the heat index skyrockets, creating copious amounts of sweat, and therefore bacteria - and therefore penis odor.

More than bacteria.

But while bacteria are a major player (and not the kind of player most guys want to be) in the odor department, it’s not necessarily the only factor causing a pungent penis. Sometimes there can be other issues at play. For example:

- Fungus. A fungal infection brings its own distinct aroma to the party - and it’s not one that most men (or their partners) find pleasant. Like bacteria, fungi thrive in moist, warm environments - so setting up shop in the crotch is second nature to them.

- Urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection causes a man’s urine to develop a palpable stink. Though most men do their best to keep stray drops of urine from lingering in the area, they rarely get it all wiped away. The dried urine in an infected state can make its presence felt easily.

- Diabetes. People with diabetes sometimes have ketone bodies, which result from the improper breakdown of fatty acids. These chemical compounds have a distinctive, unpleasant smell which provide another source for unseemly penis odors.

What to do

The first step in preventing or decreasing an overly-aromatic member is to practice good hygiene. Showering - or washing the penile area at least - once a day or more is recommended during the summer, especially for men who engage in frequent athletic activities. For those whose athletics extend to the bedroom, washing the entire genital area after sex is a requirement; the mixture of smells from vaginal intercourse and penile ejaculate can cling to the penis and intensify the rank odor. It’s also important to thoroughly dry the area to avoid encouraging fungal or bacterial regrowth.
Airing out is also very helpful. Men who are able to should consider sleeping naked, especially during the summer months, in order to help the crotch to benefit from a thorough airing.

Treat any secondary causes of penis odor, such as diabetes or a fungal infection. It may be necessary to see a doctor for proper treatment of such factors.

Eliminate outside factors that can contribute to odor. For example, smoking produces a nicotine-like smell in sweat. Spicy foods or foods with a strong odor (such as asparagus) may likewise impact the odor emanating from the member.

Penis odor may not fully respond just to such steps, especially during the summer months. That’s why regularly using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) year round is needed. It’s essential that any crème chosen contains vitamin A, which is blessed with anti-bacterial properties that can help actively fight penis odor. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, which hydrosoluble and can offset oxidative stress to the penis cells while helping to ward off dryness or scaliness that can result from overwashing the penis.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Penis Rash May Come from Clothing

When a penis rash develops, a man may become a little panicky. There are many things that can cause a penis rash, some of which are a bit scary, but one of the most common culprits is - believe it or not - the wrong clothing choice. That’s right; a guy’s wardrobe can be a significant contributing factor to that itchy redness on the manhood. For that reason, guys need to expand the parameters of their penis care to include issues related to clothing choice and upkeep.

Textile contact dermatitis
Rashes that develop as a result of clothing are often classified as "textile contact dermatitis." When a penis rash develops due in whole or in part to clothing options, it generally is due to one or more of these factors:

- The texture of the fabric.
- Non-fabric components such as buttons, zippers, etc.
- Chemicals used in the creation of the clothing.
- Chemicals used in the cleaning of the clothing.
- Heat generated by the wearing of the clothing.

The first thing to be aware of is how sensitive penis skin really is. It tends to be very thin, so that the nerve endings that cause pleasurable sensations are more readily available for stimulation. Because of this, it is also more readily prone to irritation and allergic reactions than many other parts of the body.
When that thin penis skin comes into contact with fabrics that are rough, it can create a degree of friction that is unpleasant. This is especially true when a man goes commando and wears trousers but no underwear. Underwear, being typically made of a soft, gentle cotton-based fabric, helps to form a barrier against direct contact with rough fabric. However, the penis (especially when erect) can slip through openings in the underwear and rub up against the trousers directly. In some cases, trouser fabric can be so rough that even a layer of underwear does not provide adequate protection from irritation.

Buttons, zippers, etc.
This is again more often a problem when a man dispenses with underwear. When the penis rubs against metal, especially rough zippers, there is potential for irritation.

Often, manufacturers will use chemicals of various kinds when creating clothing. This can come about due to coloring, providing a specific texture or other reasons. Furthermore, many laundry detergents contain harsh chemicals that are anathema to delicate penis skin. Chemical reactions often occur even when there is a layer of protection afforded by underwear. There is little a person can do to avoid chemicals used in the creation of clothing; however, a man is advised to choose detergents that are as free of excess chemicals and fragrances as possible. In addition, it is important to wash all new clothes - both pants and undergarments - before wearing them in order to remove any residual chemicals left from the manufacturing process.

During summer, especially, heat causes sweating which in turns leads to a bacterial accumulation and a subsequent development of a penis rash. In addition, when sweat evaporates, it can take with it some of the body oils that keep the skin moist, creating dry skin that is more prone to rashes. Wearing light clothing and changing clothes frequently can help with this issue. It is also helpful to "air out" the penis by spending time naked when possible.

Even taking the steps suggested above may not be enough to ward off penis rash from clothing, especially during the hot summer days. For this reason, a daily application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is crucial. A crème with a combination of hydrators, such as shea butter (a high end emollient) and vitamin E, is a big help in keeping the skin moist in a healthy manner. These hydrators also are soothing to a penis rash and can reduce the itchiness that often accompanies rashing. Because of the role bacteria plays in rashes, using a crème with vitamin A is also essential. This vitamin has strong anti-bacterial properties that attack bad bacteria, helping to alleviate the rash while at the same time attacking common penis odors.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The Healthy Penis and Naked Dining: Invaluable Hygiene Tips

Nudism - or naturism, as many call it - is a growing trend, which means that men who enjoy public baring of the body (in the right place at the right time, of course) need to be more aware than ever of the need to maintain a healthy penis. Practicing acceptable penis care can help to ensure that a guy makes a favorable impression when socially nude, whether it’s just with one special person or a group of like-minded folks. The desire to make a good impression may be especially true when naked dining is on the menu - and the following tips can help the novice nude nosher know what to do to present himself at his best.

Duet dining is different than dining with a group. Although some rules apply in any situation, keep in mind that some rules that are definite for dining publicly may be bent or omitted altogether when experiencing a cozy dinner for two. When in doubt, however, err on the side of etiquette.

In public, try to keep things down. Erections happen and are a part of the naturist lifestyle; however, there’s a different between a man who has simply become firm and a man who is sporting a raging erection that is begging for release. The latter may be welcome at a private dinner in one’s own home, but it is frowned upon at a nudist eating establishment. If this occurs at the wrong time, visualizing a less-than-tantalizing situation may be the "downer" that is needed to get things under control.

Use towels and napkins. Hygiene and health are important, so sitting on a towel is a must. By the same token, placing a napkin on the lap ensures that no messy crumbs or sticky sauces spill upon one’s member.

Watch the hot stuff. No, that isn’t a reference to the manhood - it’s a reference to things that can spill on the manhood. Even with a napkin, very hot soup, for example, can turn an otherwise healthy penis into an unhappy - or even permanently scarred - remembrance of the experience.

Be careful about reaching. Miss Manners tells people that reaching is rude; when dining in the buff, it can also be unsanitary. Men tend to sweat, and reaching across a table while shirtless means that perspiration from the exposed underarm can more readily plop upon the table, the plates, the food - or even a dining companion. Men should ask to have far-off dishes passed to them, instead.

Be part of the feast - when alone. If dining nude in the privacy of one’s home, let the experience become an erotic escapade. Plan meals in which foods can be applied to the penis, the breasts, and other body parts and consumed by the partner. In general, this means using foods that have a "spreadable" consistency, such as dips or soft, fleshy fruits. It’s also important that the food is neither too hot not too cold. Spiciness should also be avoided, as that can have a negative effect on sensitive skin. And, of course, any foods to which one or both partners are allergic should be off the list altogether.

Clean your plate. When dining privately and snacking on foods that cover a partner’s body part, be sure to eat it all - or else to wipe it off when done. Dried food on the penis or vagina is unpleasant and uncomfortable. And clean the penis after eating and before engaging in intercourse, as leftover food may irritate the vagina.

Naked dining can be a liberating and enjoyable experience - and will be even more so if a man has a healthy penis that he can present without shame. Regularly using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be an important part of a personal care regimen. When a man uses a crème with vitamin C, he’s doing his penis a big favor. Vitamin C encourages collagen production, which in turn is one of the building blocks of penis tissue firmness. Be sure that the chosen crème also includes vitamin B5, which helps to maintain healthy penis skin as well as enhance penis cell metabolism. Use of Man1 Man Oil puts a man’s penis on the road to looking impressively healthy.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Sex Tips for Getting Frisky in the Car

One of the most frequently-cited sex tips recommends that couples spice up their sex lives by taking it outside the bedroom. Car sex can be a stimulating change of pace, whether it’s planned or spontaneous. And, of course, many men find the automobile a nice fit for some autoerotic experiences, as well. As long as one pays attention, exercises proper caution and maintains adequate attention to penis care , then car-based sex can be a lot of fun.

These sex tips can make the experience even more enjoyable for those vehicularly-inclined.

- Bring a blanket. Car sex is often a very sweaty affair, especially when performed against leather or vinyl seats. The end result can be a serious mess. A man can help keep the car cleaner and himself and his partner less sticky by bringing a blanket, towel or sheet to lay across the seats in use.

- Practice flexibility. Because a car is not built for lying down, most couples find themselves putting their bodies into unusual positions, even when just using traditional sex positions like missionary. For this reason, it’s good to limber up a little in advance and get one’s body as flexible as possible. It will pay off in the heat of the moment when that right foot suddenly finds itself at an angle you never thought possible.

- Consider lap dancing. In many cars, the best option is going to be a seated position - especially where bucket seats are concerned. The man should push the seat as far back as possible and sit while the partner straddles his erect penis. It’s best if the seat can be folded down, so that the man can be as far back as possible. This will give his partner more room to maneuver.

- Get tinted. Hopefully, most people who practice car sex will do so in a secluded spot where they are unlikely to be viewed by others. And it’s true that the heat that couples generate does tend to fog up the windows. Still, it’s wise to invest in tint for the windows to add an extra layer of privacy to the proceedings.

- Go for a quickie. Having sex in a car adds a little extra zest and thrill to one’s coupling; however, because it is often cramped, it’s usually best to agree to make the experience a quickie rather than trying to set a longevity record.

- Try a flatbed. For those who really want to extend the experience instead of making it a quick one, it may be best to consider renting a pick-up. The flatbed in the back of a truck is an excellent spot for coupling. There’s more room, it’s flatter and more like a bed, and during nice weather, a gentle breeze on the skin can be intensely erotic.

- Open the doors. If one is truly in a secluded spot and not in danger of getting busted for indecent exposure, opening the doors can make the car sex experience more pleasurable. It gives more room and lets in air. It also gives people the chance to try a few different positions, such as the woman lying on the seat while the man stands outside the car.

These basic sex tips can come in handy when feeling frisky in a car. For maximum enjoyment, of course, it pays to keep the penis in its prime health, and regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is one excellent way to achieve that goal. Men should be sure that the crème selected include L-arginine, an important enzyme which helps to keep penile blood vessels open and flowing, better oxygenating the blood in the penis and helping to prevent broken capillaries. Another essential ingredient: vitamin B5, which helps to maintain good penis cell metabolism as well as maintain the health of penis cells in general.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Can a Bent Penis Cause Depression?

Many men notice a small degree of curvature in their members, but a significantly bent penis is less common - and it can be unsettling, in some cases causing low self-esteem, performance anxiety, and even depression in men who are prone. Taking appropriate penis care steps can be helpful in preventing this often painful condition, but a man with a truly bent penis may need to consider other options as well.

Peyronie’s Disease
A severely bent penis is a medical condition known as Peyronie’s disease. Men who are suffering from this disease may have a member that appears perfectly normal when flaccid; however, when it becomes erect, it develops a curvature that can be extreme - in some instances as much as 90 degrees! The curvature may be to the left or to the right, or it may point upwards or bend down. Peyronie’s disease is the result of scarring on the erectile tissue that prevents one part of the erectile chamber from expanding normally during an erection - think of a bow bending when an archer pulls the string back to fire an arrow. This is often the result of an injury to the area - such as blunt force trauma to the area or even a rupture of the erectile tissue (usually caused by hard impact with a partner’s body or sudden bending/twisting).

As stated before, minor curvature is not at all unusual and is not considered a problem. As a matter of fact, some men (and their partners) prefer to have a bit of a bend. They may like the way it looks, and some women find that it stimulates them in a way that a perfectly straight penis does not. But with Peyronie’s, the bend may be so extreme that penetration becomes difficult and/or painful; up to 24% of men with Peyronie’s report a cessation in their sexual activity. And in some cases, the mere erection of the penis can result in pain. The flexibility of the organ may also be affected, and many men report a diminished sensitivity to their erections, as well.

The incidence of Peyronie’s disease is debated in the medical community. Some sources estimate that it affects between 1% and 3% of men; others think the incidence may be as high as 8% of men. It can occur at any age, but is somewhat more common in men age 40 or older.

Although the physical side effects of Peyronie’s are easily seen, there can be less obvious consequences; which may even include depression; 0ne study found that 60% of men with Peyronie’s experienced depression due to their condition.

This is understandable: A man’s physical appearance has an impact on his mental health, and for many men, the penis and its appearance is an especially important component of the way they view themselves. When the penis takes on such a significantly altered appearance, it can change the way a man feels about himself. And when there are other factors added in, such as difficulty penetrating or a reduced sensation in the penis, this can also increase feelings of depression.

What to do
A man who feels depressed due to his bent penis needs to take steps to address this issue. It’s strongly advised that a man see a mental health professional to discuss how this condition is affecting him and to develop strategies for coping with the situation.

Some strategies that the doctor may suggest could include redefining the importance of the penis in one’s self-image; practicing affirmations that focus on the positive aspects of the penis; and partner-based reaffirmation of the man’s desirability. In some cases, anti-depressants may be recommended.

Beyond treating depression, men may want to try to treat the bent penis itself. Some treatments can lessen the curvature, especially when the cause is related to a build-up of scar tissue due to rough handling. Surgery may also be an option.

It also helps to maintain the overall health of the member by the regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Since de-sensitization often accompanies Peyronie’s, a crème with a neuroprotective ingredient such as acetyl L carnitine is highly recommended. This can help amend peripheral nerve damage that may accompany scar tissue build-up. To help restore suppleness to the skin, moisturizing capability is crucial; a crème with both a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) and a world class emollient (shea butter is excellent) is needed. Using a superior crème can keep the penis healthy and aid a man in feeling good about his penis again.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Penis Size Issues: The Downside of a Big Penis

Is there a man alive who isn’t aware of the emphasis placed on penis size in modern culture? While this is hardly a situation unique to the 21st century, there arguably is greater desire among men to possess a big penis than in the past. Sure, most men know that the heft of their junk is but one factor in an active and satisfying sex life, and that other factors, such as penis health and skills in the sack, are of greater overall importance in the long term. Nevertheless, men tend to want a big penis - despite the fact that being big is not always a blessing.

What downside?

Men who are modestly built may think that a man with a larger endowment has no right to complain. After all, isn’t being able to display an impressive package half the battle when it comes to pleasurable sex? For many, the psychological effect that a massive member produces in a partner "jump starts" the sexual excitement portion of the sex game. And don’t men with a large manhood have greater confidence, which translates into lower performance anxiety?

Maybe, maybe not

Actually, neither of those suppositions is necessarily true. While men tend to think that the mere physical presentation of an impressively sized member automatically stimulates a partner, the reverse can be true. Some partners may shrink away from an oversize penis, fearful that it may prove painful.

The same can be true of the cockiness that is assumed to be part and parcel of having an ample endowment. Some men may feel that the mere size of their member means that they are expected to perform like a superman. They may have a hard time living up to what they feel is expected of them and may, in some cases have as much, or even more, performance anxiety than a man with a penis of typical size.

Other issues

There can be other concerns that arise for a man with a big penis. For example, some such men find that shorter women may be more put off by the exceptionally sized penis, forcing them to look only for taller women as potential partners. And since there are fewer taller women, their potential dating pool is thereby limited.

Then there’s the issue of penile identification. When a man is known for his exceptional penis size, he may find that partners are more interested in one part of his anatomy than in him as a whole person. This can hamper his ability to establish long term meaningful relationships.

Wardrobe can also be a concern. Sure, some guys like to let the world know of their special size, but sporting a massive and clearly visible erection at inopportune times can have a negative impact at work or in some social situations. Therefore, a man may have to choose clothes that don’t flatter him or underwear that is more restrictive than is really comfortable.

Finally, the excess size can lead to over-friction during sex, whether penetrative or manual. And that leads to a sore penis, which no man enjoys.

Working through issues with a big penis requires a partner that is willing to be supportive and understanding. Even so, the friction issue can continue to be a problem for some men.

Those men whose penis size is exceptional and do experience special big penis-related friction really need to take special steps. Regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a big bonus when dealing with a sore penis. Excess friction often de-sensitizes the penis, so a crème that includes acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient, is a must. This ingredient can help restore diminished sensitivity from rough handling. The presence of vitamin C is also handy, for its role in collagen production. Most importantly, be sure the crème includes hydrating agents like shea butter and vitamin E to properly heal and soothe sensitive, sore skin.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Masturbation Position: Is There a “Best” Technique?

Most men develop some sort of preferred routine when it comes to masturbation, including when and where they most enjoy doing it, how long, with what aid, and, of course, in which position. Certainly men do tend to switch it up on occasion, but over time, there tends to be some consistency in these areas. However, when it comes to position, are there reasons to switch it up more often? Those men who are interested in proper penis care may want to consider this and possibly make some modifications to their routine in order to prevent desensitization, or worse, injury.

The basics
While there are variations on what position a man may take during masturbation, these are essentially the six "basics," along with a discussion of the pros and cons of each:

- Standing. Masturbating while standing (usually with the feet shoulder-length apart and with the knees often bent and/or the pelvis thrust slightly forward) is a classic position. Standing is especially good when one is looking to perform a "quickie;" for lengthier masturbation sessions, it can become rather tiring. Masturbating while standing at the toilet tends to make clean-up easier, as the semen can drop into the bowl; it’s also the preferred way to masturbate in the shower, although one must be careful of falling while so engaged.

- Sitting. Probably the most popular position, due to the amount of computer pornography that is used during masturbation. Sitting in front of a screen provides a man with ample opportunity to view stimulating material. It’s also easier to engage in lengthy masturbation sessions while seated. However, most men masturbate at the computer in a "shoulders hunched" position, and over time this can be bad on the back and neck. Also, men who place a laptop too close to the crotch run the risk of heat from the laptop damaging sperm production.

- Lying on the back. Before the advent of computer pornography, this may very well have been the most popular position - and it’s still way up there. This is probably the most comfortable way to masturbate, especially if a man is using only his imagination and his hand. Those lying down in bed with a laptop or printed pornography may be twisting their bodies in some ways which may provide strain.

- Lying on the front. Lying prone and masturbating the penis by rubbing it against the sheets allows for an approximation of the act of penetrative sex. Sometimes, however, this can add too much friction for the penis and may make it rather raw.

- Kneeling. Unless one’s legs are sufficiently strong, this can produce some strain for lengthy sessions.

- On all fours (or threes). In this position, a man gets down on all fours, then uses one hand to masturbate while steadying himself on the other. Unless one has sufficient arm strength, this is a position which is best for shorter masturbation excursions.

So which position is best in terms of penis care? That largely depends on the individual, but lying prone, as mentioned, can create a sore penis. Those which require a quick road to ejaculation may cause a man to masturbate too vigorously or grip too tightly, which may result in rawness. Sitting is excellent for lengthy sessions, but poor posture may result. Objectively, lying on the back probably is the healthiest for the penis in general. However, as stated, each individual is different and what can be a deficit position for one man may be the preferred one for another.

Whatever position one employs when indulging in masturbation, overenthusiasm may result in soreness. Using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help ease soreness and maintain overall penis health. A raw feeling penis will respond to a crème with soothing, restorative hydrators like shea butter and vitamin E. Sometimes aggressive masturbation will also lead to a diminishment of feeling in the penis, which affects pleasure during sex. Look for a crème with acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that helps avoid peripheral nerve injury that lessens sensitivity in the penis. Whatever one’s masturbation position, penis care is crucial.

Monday, 13 June 2016

The Erect Penis and Varicose Veins

A guy tends to focus a lot of attention on his erect penis, whether in the interest of pleasing a partner or pleasing himself. Yet despite the considerable attention a man gives it, it’s the rare man that knows that the penis can develop varicose veins. Getting older means extra attention to penis care is necessary, and a regular check for signs penile varicose veins should be part of this effort.

Not just in the legs
When most people hear "varicose veins," they picture an older person’s leg with lumpy lines running all over it. But the fact is that varicose veins can present themselves in other parts of the body as well - including the penis.

So just what is a varicose vein? It’s simply any vein that has become enlarged and twisted. But how does that come about?

Veins are equipped with a series of "valves" that basically shut off to keep blood flowing in one direction - forward. Without the valves, blood flow could reverse and start moving in the wrong direction. However, these valves can malfunction, creating this reverse flow for portions of the vein. This enlarges the vessel and creates a lump or, more often, a long series of lumps along the affected area. These lumps are often caused by clots, which can be dangerous, and eventually may lead to fibrosis in the area.

Varicose veins tend to be hereditary, and while they are more common in women, men do get them as well. Some factors that can lead to varicose veins are obesity, pressure in the area, traumatic injury - even medications that cause clotting.

A penile varicose vein is often mistaken for a bruise, which it resembles, although it tends to be closer to the color of the skin than the typical blue of the bruise. It is often also mistaken for lymphangisclerosis, a thickening of the lymphatic vessel. Hardness and lumpiness are the physicals signs that present in the most obvious fashion.

If a man develops a penile varicose vein, it is most likely to occur in the dorsal penile vein. This is the blue line that runs prominently along the top of the penis. However, varicosity can occur in other veins in the body part as well. Varicose veins are easier to find in an erect penis, as the tautness of the skin in the erect state makes the lumpiness more obvious to see and feel.

Issues and treatments
Penile varicose veins have not been extensively studied and so there is little information about their health effects. It is generally considered a benign situation, but it may cause some minor pain or discomfort. A urologist should be consulted, especially if pain is an issue.

Most men with penile varicose veins find it beneficial to use lubricant when masturbating or engaging in partner sex. Vigorous sex can sometime cause irritation, which can be lessened through the use of a condom.

Fortunately, for most men, penile varicose veins are a minor annoyance and don’t generally affect the all-important enjoyment that comes with a happily erect penis. When soreness does result, using a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. All men experience penile soreness at some point, whether due to vein irritation or not, and using a crème that can maintain suppleness of the skin diminishes that pain. For that reason, the selected crème needs to contain both a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) and a high end emollient (such as Shea butter) in order to preserve skin elasticity. The ideal crème also should include L-arginine, an enzyme which is involved in the production of nitrous oxide. This allows the penile blood vessels to relax and open, improving blood flow through the veins and oxygenating the areas properly.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

An Itchy Penis? Could Be Folliculitis

It never fails that a guy will suddenly develop an incredibly itchy penis at the most inopportune time - when trying to impress a woman, in the middle of a crucial sales pitch, you name it. The causes of an itchy penis are many, but one that is often overlooked is called folliculitis. Even people who take pains to ensure proper penis health may become a scratch-crazy victim of this common condition.

What is it?
The name folliculitis makes this condition sound much scarier and more serious than it is. Don’t worry, men: folliculitis is just an infection of the hair follicles. It happens when bacteria or a fungus gets into the follicle and sets up house. Although this article is looking at folliculitis on the penis and in the crotch, it can occur anywhere on the body.

Folliculitis isn’t dangerous, and it’s quite treatable, but it can be annoying and inconveniencing. It can create a red rash or a "bumpiness" to the skin. The condition is rarely painful, but it can be extremely itchy, in some cases making a guy want to scratch his manhood like there’s no tomorrow.

Where does it come from?
As mentioned, the cause of folliculitis is bacteria or a fungus. Both of these tend to breed in an environment that is hot and moist. The pubic area fits that description to a "t."
That said, there are some "risk factors" that make people more likely to develop folliculitis. These include:

- Overusing the hot tub. Folliculitis is sometimes called "hot tub rash" because it develops more readily when the skin is exposed to hot water for an extended period of time. It’s not unusual for the infection to appear within 72 hours of spending too much time in the Jacuzzi.

- Other skin conditions. When a person has acne or dermatitis, it increases the chances that hair follicles will become infected.

- Going too tight on the tighty-whiteys. When people wear clothing that is too tight - underwear, skinny jeans, etc. - the heat rises in the crotch. When the heat is trapped for too long, it increases the likelihood of folliculitis sneaking in.

- Overweight. Men who need to shed some extra pounds are more likely to develop a follicle infection - most likely because the added padding tends to increase heat and sweat, which infection craves.

- Shaving too close. Manscaping is bigger than ever and many men enjoy shaving their pubes to better present their manly packaging. Sometimes, however, shaving too close can create irritation that leads to infection. The irritation is increased when newly-shaved skin rubs up against fabrics, especially those that are a bit rough.

What to do
Often, folliculitis will resolve of its own accord. It can be helped along by gently washing the area with an antibacterial soap once or twice a day. (Be sure to dry thoroughly by gently patting the skin with a towel - not be vigorously rubbing it back and forth.) An over-the-counter antibiotic ointment may also be applied.

It’s also a good idea to avoid further irritation of the area. Wearing loose clothing of soft material can help. If a man shaves his crotch, he should avoid doing this until the condition clears up.
If the folliculitis is persistent, a doctor may need to prescribe stronger oral antibiotics.

While folliculitis is present, an itchy penis is bound to be an issue. To help relieve the need to scratch, a man should apply a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to the penis. It’s essential that the crème helps to hydrate the skin, which will in turn lessen the need to itch. For this reason, select a crème that includes a combination of a high end emollient like Shea butter and a natural hydrating element like vitamin E. Since heat and moisture tend to go hand-in-hand with folliculitis, it’s a good idea to ensure that the crème also contains vitamin A. Heat and moisture tends to produce penis odor, and vitamin A has properties which help to fight excessive "man smell."

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Is that Red Penis the Result of Diabetes Treatment?

Regular inspection of the manhood is important for penis health, and signals such as an inflamed red penis can alert a man to potential issues that he needs to address. Often, a man with diabetes may be more prone to inflammation (often termed balanitis) than a man without diabetes. Taking steps to treat this inflammation aids in keeping the member healthy.
Balanitis is a persistent inflammation of the penis, usually in the glans (or head) and/or the foreskin. An overly red penis is the most typical symptom, often accompanied by varying degrees of soreness or over-sensitivity in the affected area; in some cases, the soreness can be significant. Often, the red penis can be very itchy, as well. Rashes or flakiness of the skin can also develop.

In general, men who are intact are somewhat more likely to develop balanitis than those who are circumcised. But regardless of foreskin status, men with diabetes are at increased risk of balanitis; experts rank diabetes as the main underlying cause of balanitis in adult men.

Diabetes connection
Why does diabetes bring about this inflamed situation in the penis? Not surprisingly, it has to do with blood sugar levels.

When a person’s blood sugar levels are not managed properly, there can be an excessive build-up of sugar in the urine. Sugary urine is an especially attractive breeding place for bacteria. When urine leaves the penis, it is not uncommon for some small droplets to dribble onto the foreskin or the glans of the penis. When the sugary urine dries, the bacteria stays on the penis and causes the inflammation.

Maintaining proper blood sugar levels can help men with diabetes to avoid an unhealthy red penis. It’s also important to be vigilant about wiping away stray drops of urine from the penis.

Treatment can be an issue.
Sometimes, however, a man with diabetes who takes pains to keep his penis cleansed of urine drops may still develop balanitis. This has to do with the medications that may be involved in treatment, especially of type 2 diabetes.

Many diabetes medications fall into a class of drugs known as SGLT2 inhibitors. (SGLT2 stands for sodium-glucose co-transporter type 2.) The goal of these drugs is to help lower blood sugar; they also can help to lower blood pressure and may even provide a slight weight loss benefit. However, they do often bring about an increased risk of balanitis.

The reason for this increased risk has to do with how the drugs lower blood sugar levels. They do this by essentially scavenging the blood for excess sugar, capturing some of that excess and sending it to be released through urinary excretion. In other words, it gets rid of the sugar in the blood but it increases the sugar in the urine.

In addition, SGLT2 inhibitors can sometimes cause varying levels of dehydration. Dehydrated skin in the penis is more susceptible to inflammation, itching and flaking.

Men who are on SGLT2 inhibitors should take a little extra time after urination to wipe away any excess droplets. (Shaking them away is not usually sufficient, as some urine is likely to remain on the penis after shaking.) Those who are intact should be sure to clean regularly underneath the prepuce as well.

A painful red penis can be an inconvenience, and one doesn’t have to have diabetes to develop balanitis. In addition to properly cleansing, it helps to regularly apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help ensure continued penis health. Balanitis is often accompanied by a distinctive odor, and a crème that includes the mighty antibacterial properties of vitamin A can help reduce that odor. In addition, a creme with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is recommended. Antioxidants help to boost the immune system, which in turn helps fight infection and inflammation. Adding a crème like Man1 Man Oil to one’s daily health regimen is a common sense approach to maintaining penis health.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Sore Penis Culprit: Fighting Delayed Ejaculation

Many men who enjoy an active sex life (whether with a partner or alone), find that the result of all that pleasure can be a very sore penis. (Is the pain worth the price? Most men would say yes.) A sore penis is especially likely in the cases of men who find themselves the victim of delayed ejaculation. Treating a sore penis, and attempting to treat delayed ejaculation, is a requirement to ensure continued penis health - and to restore enjoyment of a man’s sexual activities.

Premature gets the publicity.
Delayed ejaculation may not seem like much of a problem to many men. Guys are much more used to hearing about the problem of premature ejaculation, in which a man ejaculates too soon. But delayed ejaculation is indeed a concern for some men.

Also called impaired or retarded ejaculation, delayed ejaculation refers to any situation in which a man is either unable to ejaculate (despite the presence of a strong erection) or can only ejaculate after an abnormally long time of continuous stimulated activity. In some cases, a man with this condition may engage in sex for two or more hours without releasing - which can indeed cause a mighty sore penis.

This should not be confused with edging, a practice in which a man intentionally prevents himself from ejaculating over a period of time. With delayed ejaculation, a man is trying to orgasm, but not succeeding.

Figures are hard to come by, but some experts believe the incidence of delayed ejaculation is 3% or less; however, sex therapists have reported that this figure may be increasing.

Why the increase?
The supposed reason for the possible increase is related to either a presumed greater incidence in masturbatory activity in general among men and/or a greater exposure to pornographic stimulation.
Delayed ejaculation sometimes results when a man’s penis becomes sensitized to being handled a certain way during masturbation. When this happens, a man may find that the sensations of vaginal intercourse, while pleasurable, are not intense enough to stimulate the penis to ejaculation.

By the same token, some men who incorporate pornography into their masturbatory experiences may become "wired" to find specific pornographic images and scenarios exciting. Without those images, they may find it difficult to achieve sufficient stimulation for release.

It should be noted that both of these explanations are theories only and that most men who masturbate frequently and/or use pornography continue to enjoy a healthy sex life.

Other causes
Delayed ejaculation may also be related to other causes, such as certain medications (including some antidepressants and high blood pressure medications) and certain medical conditions (including nerve damage, prostate problems, urinary tract infections and heart disease).

Depending on the cause, there are several things a man can do to alleviate delayed ejaculation. Decreasing the frequency of masturbation and/or masturbating with a different hand may be helpful, as may be cutting down on the amount of exposure to pornography. Consulting a doctor about a different medication or getting treatment for a medical condition that may be contributing to the problem is also advised. It may take some time to "retrain" the penis so that the issue resolves.

As mentioned, many men with delayed ejaculation can experience a seriously sore penis from all the friction and stimulation over an extended period of time. Treating the sore penis is generally easier than treating delayed ejaculation, especially if one employs a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Proper hydration is essential for soothing a raw manhood, so using a crème that include both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and an exceptional natural hydrator (such as vitamin) will help to replenish the skin oils and aid the healing process. Since penis de-sensitization may contribute to delayed ejaculation, using a crème with acetyl L carnitine is highly recommended. This ingredient is neuroprotective and can help to avoid peripheral nerve damage that can impact penis sensitivity.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Want Better Sex? Try a Diet

The world is filled with randy men in search of better sex, and many come up with creative ways to achieve this goal. But for a large number of them, a simple change in the diet may be the key to seeing an improvement in between-the-sheets action. Men already know that penis health can be impacted by overall body health; now a study indicates that that spare tire or those love handles may be getting in the way of that better sex so many desire.

What is this study?

Entitled "Effect of Calorie Restriction on Mood, Quality of Life, Sleep, and Sexual Function in Healthy Nonobese Adults: The CALERIE 2 Randomized Clinical Trial," the new study was recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine (published by the American Medical Association). This study looked at 218 people (both men and women) with an average age of 37.9 years. All of the subjects had a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 22 and 28. (A "normal" BMI is usually considered to be 18.5 to 24.9; 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight but not yet obese.)

The scientists divided the subjects into two groups. One group was instructed to eat or drink whatever they wanted. The second group was put on a diet that reduced their calorie intake by 25% for two years.

Not surprisingly, the group on the diet ended up losing a considerable amount of weight over two years - about 12% on average. Also not surprisingly, the "diet" group reported that they had an improvement in their health. They were sleeping better, had a better mood, felt livelier and rated their overall general health as having taken a positive step.

They also reported that they were having better sex. Their sexual drive and their sexual relationships improved in a statistically significant manner.

Why better sex?

It’s not surprising that the group that lost weight experienced a positive impact on their sex lives. In the first place, they were feeling better rested and proper sleep has long been associated with renewed vigor in the bedroom.

The participants also reported that their mood has improved. This also has a direct impact on one’s sex life. In general, most people who are feeling sad, anxious, tense, depressed or other "negative" moods may be less inclined to engage in sex or may find it less fulfilling than those who are cheerful, calm or relaxed. In addition, people often find themselves "sexier" when they are in shape, which can have the psychological effect of encouraging them to seek out sex more frequently or feel more confident in their sexual escapades.

And for men, shedding those pounds around the penis can often uncover" a portion of the organ that had been hidden under the flab - giving the illusion that the penis has gotten bigger. And it’s no secret how a bigger penis tends to make a man feel about his sexual prowess.

The lesson? Guys who want better sex may want to take a look at their diet and see if alterations can make them healthier and livelier.

Of course, guys who diet in order to enjoy better sex also want to make sure that their basic equipment is in proper order to enjoy the task. Regular application of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a big help here. That penis can be shown off to even better effect if it benefits from a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators that can soothe and rejuvenate the skin. This combination of moisturizers is especially good for the penis that tends to be dry or chafed. It’s even better if the crème also includes vitamin D, the "miracle" vitamin that enables cell functionality and helps fight disease. Daily use of such a crème helps a guy present a package that looks healthy and appealing.