Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Penis Skin Sensitivities and Proper Care

Even the healthiest of men needs to pay close attention to penis health. It’s easy to dismiss this part of the body as out of sight and out of mind, knowing that it is only visible to men and their intimate partners. But men with sensitive penis skin need to take some extra steps to keep their penises healthy, moisturized, and free from itching and discomfort.

Skin sensitivity is a common problem that afflicts about 38.2% of men, according to a study published by the National Institutes of Health. Often characterized by itchiness, rash, breakouts and even pain, skin sensitivity occurs when the skin comes into contact with irritating substances, triggering an inflammatory response. It isn’t dissimilar to an allergic reaction, but tends to be milder in nature. A guy with sensitive skin can help keep his favorite organ looking and feeling its best with these five tips:

Rule out a latex allergy.
A man whose penis becomes particularly sensitive or itchy after having sex with a latex condom could have a latex allergy. Characteristic side effects of latex allergy include itching, rash, hives, coughing, wheezing, nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath, according to The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Don’t forget, though: even a man with only a mild version of one or two of these symptoms could still have the allergy.

Men who suspect this to be the case should talk to their doctors to get to the bottom of the issue. Dealing with a latex allergy isn’t the end of the world. Polyurethane and polyisoprene condoms can prevent pregnancy and the spread of STIs. Lambskin condoms could also be a good option for men who are in a monogamous relationship and are only concerned with pregnancy prevention (they do NOT prevent the transmission of infections).

Use a fragrance-free laundry detergent.
People with sensitive skin shouldn’t use laundry detergents that contain harsh irritants, and synthetic fragrances are a definite no-no. If a guy is using a scented laundry detergent, chances are his boxers or briefs could be causing him major irritation throughout the genital region. Switch to a laundry detergent that doesn’t contain any synthetic fragrances. The penis skin will thank a man for it.

Sleep naked.
Sleeping naked feels great, but according to Men’s Health, a National Sleep Foundation poll found that only 12% of Americans sleep au naturel. Brian Steixner, M.D., told the publication that sleeping in undies can increase one’s odds of getting an infection. Boxers or briefs cause heat to remain trapped near the body, providing an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Plus, men with sensitive skin would do well to skip the chafing and rubbing that can come with constant underwear use.

Buy a different lube.
Lubricants are great for sex, but they aren’t always so great for the skin. While most of the population can use lube just fine, men with sensitive skin will need to look for a product that contains only non-irritating ingredients. Astroglide recommends using a silicone-based product, as silicone is hypoallergenic, making it ideal for sensitive skin. There are also many options that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin, which can help ensure that pleasurable time is kept, well, pleasurable.

Keep the skin moisturized.
Sensitive penis skin is prone to dryness or chafing, so men will want a penis care product that can help keep it soft, moisturized and feeling great. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains vitamins, antioxidants and Shea butter can revitalize and protect this important organ, and it is especially good for guys with sensitive skin. Men should also keep their skin hydrated by avoiding over-washing. Rinsing off after a hard workout is important, but showering too frequently can dry out the skin, leaving it prone to itchiness. Do the skin a favor by paying extra attention to its health.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Dry Penis Maintenance: Eliminating Unwanted Moisture

There’s nothing like a damp penis to dampen one’s mood. While people are generally instructed to keep well-hydrated with lots of water and to moisturize their body on the regular, the penis region is another story. Women? Yes. Keep those lady bits dewy and damp. But for the fellas, dryness is the key to keeping the penis area free of bacteria, chafing and rashes. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to keep a cool and dry penis, no matter where a guy is or what he’s doing. Penis care is in a man’s own hands (no pun intended).

Underwear Selection
The right underwear choice can make a big difference in the way the crotch and penis feel. The wrong material, fit or style can do anything from impact comfort to cause a serious bacterial infection or painful, unsightly rash. Steer clear of fashion trends and sexy styles and go for the underwear that’s best for men’s health. Think function, not fashion.

The best choice for men is soft cotton underwear which is more breathable than blends, silk or satin options. "Tighty whities" and boxer briefs are best for a secure fit, but if boxers are preferred, be sure they fit properly beneath jeans and trousers and don’t bunch or ride up. Make sure the size is right and neither too snug nor too loose. While one may think looser is better as far as air circulation goes, if the underwear are too loose, rubbing and chafing from the pants can occur. It’s best to avoid going "commando" for the same reason. Wearing underwear to bed is a personal choice, but the same rule applies: Stick with cotton to let the penis area breathe overnight.

Get Up and Move
Lots of men spend a good deal of the day sitting down in one spot. Whether it’s behind a desk at work or hours stuck in an automobile, too much sitting still in one position can make the penis area clammy and damp - even on a cool day. Men should try to get up and walk around as often as possible to get some air flow to their nether regions. Just a few times a day can make a considerable difference.

Sitting with the legs crossed can also contribute to overheating and lack of circulation to the penis. Of course, lots of movement, like that from exercise, can lead to sweating and heat to the area, so be sure to dry off well and change wet undergarments after doing vigorous exercise as soon after as possible.

A Little Sprinkle
Since the penis and crotch are located where they are, the area is prone to becoming damp and potentially uncomfortable. Even if a man picks the best undergarments and tries to air out as much as possible, there is always the chance of feeling less than dry down below. A small sprinkle of talc powder into the underwear or onto the skin can go a long way in keeping a man feeling cool, dry and comfortable throughout a long day. Make sure the selection is safe for the penis area and is only used sparingly and as needed. A pharmacist can help with the best choice for the region.

Of course, for some men, dryness itself is the issue. Dry penis skin is as important to avoid as excess dampness. If a man is experiencing itchy, flaky skin in his most sensitive region, he would do well to apply a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. Man1 Man Oil is equipped with Shea butter and vitamin E, two excellent natural moisturizers. A balance of moisture and dryness is essential in the penile region, and a penis health crème, along with the steps above, can help men achieve this golden mean.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Homemade Sex Toys for DIY Penis Fun

Masturbation is enjoyable in and of itself, but sometimes a guy likes to add something different to his penis fun. Clearly, sex toys are one of the go-to options here, but there can be drawbacks. For example, a dude might not have one on hand when he wants one, or they may not fit into his tight budget. That’s where DIY sex toys come in - and as long as attention is paid to ensuring they don’t impact good penis health, the homemade possibility gives a man the opportunity to be creative in his solo-sexual play.

Safety First
Although it can be invigorating to delve into homemade sex toys, it’s essential to remember the first rule: do no harm. Care always needs to be taken to ensure that using any toy, whether homemade or store-bought, is going to be safe and not harm the equipment - or any other part of the body.

Out of your gourd
Many men who enjoy (or would like to enjoy) a faux vagina toy fall back on a substitute from Nature - the penis-friendly gourd. We’re talking pumpkin, watermelons, honeydew melons, cantaloupes, etc. These gourds are generally large enough to provide the average penis with a vagina-like playground.

To make sexual use of a gourd, carve a hole in it that is big enough around and deep enough to comfortably accommodate the penis - but not so large as to prevent an adequate build-up of friction when thrusting. Smoothing the edge of the rind is also a good idea. Once it has been properly prepared, simply insert the erect member and get down to business.

Some men prefer to lie on their backs and lift the gourd up and down; others favor lying atop the gourd and simulating a more "missionary" approach.

Gourds do tend to be juice and fleshy - and therefore rather messy. Be prepared both to clean up the "work area" and the penis itself. Also note: some penises have very sensitive skin and may react to the juiciness of the gourd flesh.

Plastic wrap
The world of plastic presents numerous DIY sex opportunities. For example, many men find that simply wrapping bubble wrap around their penis and masturbating brings about a deliriously intense orgasm.

Another popular option is to take a plastic bag and squirt one’s favorite lubricant in it. Let it spread out and cover the whole bag. Once properly lubed, place the penis inside it and thrust away.

Ring It
Penis rings are very popular in the world of sex toys for men. A man can utilize a DIY version if a professional one is not in reach; however, it’s important to make sure that whatever is used can be easily and quickly removed and that it is not so tight as to cause pain or damage.

Although some men use rubber bands, these can be too constrictive and can also be difficult to remove. A better bet is to use a piece of ribbon and tie it around the organ. This is softer on the skin, allows the user to determine the appropriate degree of tightness and is usually easy to remove.

As stated above, DIY sex toys add greatly to solo penis fun - as long as they’re used properly. Even when used properly, enthusiastic utilization may cause soreness, which requires the application of a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The best bet is to choose a crème which is loaded with a combination of natural moisturizers that can properly soothe and treat the skin, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a great natural hydrator). The wise man will make sure the crème also contains vitamin C. The reason? Vitamin C, an aid in collagen production, is an important structural component of blood vessels and is a contributor to firm skin. Keep the skin healthy to ensure greater enjoyment.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Penis Pain: Taking Care of Prostatitis

What is the top reason for a man under the age of 50 to visit a urologist? Penis pain caused by prostatitis, that’s what. And yet this very common male condition is not one that is widely known - and certainly not widely understood. Knowing about prostatitis is an important component of exercising proper penis care and can have a long-term effect on both sexual health and general health.

What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an infection and/or inflammation of the prostate, a gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate is found in men between the bladder and the penis. It secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm to create semen.

Although bacteria can be the culprit in both acute and chronic prostatitis, this occurs in only 5-10% of cases. The vast majority of cases are nonbacterial in nature and often referred to as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. In all of these cases, penis pain is a common symptom, typically reflecting a urinary tract issue.

It’s important to note (and be reassured) that there is not a relationship between prostatitis and prostate cancer. It’s also now considered rare for the condition to result from sexual sources.

Causes and symptoms
Causes that are typically associated with prostatitis include being on the receiving end of anal sex; bladder infections; catheterization; urinary tract abnormalities; and/or an enlarged prostate.

Men often have prostatitis for a long time without experiencing symptoms or without realizing the symptoms are related to prostatitis. Typical signs include penis pain or burning while urinating; a frequent need to urinate; difficulty in successfully urinating; and chills or fever.

The penis pain that accompanies urination is a classic prostatitis signal. Unfortunately, it is also a common sign of other issues, and so accurate diagnosis may require some time.

How prostatitis is treated depends upon what is the cause. When it is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are usually recommended. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants are often prescribed when the condition is nonbacterial is nature. Many men also find relief in sitz baths (sitting in a bathtub in 2-3 inches of warm water) on a regular basis. A stool softener may be recommended, as well as prostate massage in some cases.

Dietary changes may also play a role in treatment. For example, reducing or eliminating caffeine or strongly acidic foods may help to ease the condition.

Sometimes men with chronic prostatitis find that it can cause them to feel moody or depressed, depending upon the level and frequency of pain. This can have a negative effect on their overall mental and physical well-being.

Sexual issues
Most men with prostatitis continue to have healthy sexual lives; however, in some instances there can be some pain, usually on an occasional basis, during coupling or other forms of sexual activity. The penis can still function normally; however, the discomfort that occurs may sometimes interfere with the desire and ability to engage sexually. Receiving proper treatment for prostatitis can help to relieve this issues and enable a man to fully enjoy his sexual experiences.

Any penis pain, whether the result of prostatitis or another cause, is something most men would prefer to avoid. Maintaining the instrument in good health can help reduce instances of pain and make one alert to issues that require attention. Regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) should therefore be part of every man’s daily routine. Use of a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is especially advised. Alpha lipoic acid works to tackle harmful oxidative and aging processes in penis cells and keep them operating on a healthy level. Also essential in the best crèmes is acetyl L-carnitine, which is thought to behave synergistically with alpha lipoic acid. Acetyl L-carnitine helps to reverse damage to penis cell mitochondria, thereby delaying the aging process and keeping both nerve and cell function in better shape.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Period Sex: 6 Facts for Men to Know

For some couples, period sex is just unappealing, and that’s fine. But for those who are interested, there’s no reason not to indulge! Some men may have questions about having sex with a menstruating woman, and learning the facts, including benefits for her and maintaining a man’s penis health, will help a man know what to expect.

It’s not harmful.
Some people worry that having sex with a woman on her period may cause her to bleed more. While this may be true in the short-term - the movements of sex can cause a higher rate of blood flow - in the long-term a woman will not bleed more than she would have eventually.

It can actually help her.
Orgasms have the potential to relieve a woman’s menstrual cramps; the contractions that the uterus undergoes during a woman’s release can have a massaging effect that reduces pain. Orgasms can also relieve certain PMS symptoms like headaches and mood swings, since climax is accompanied by a rush of feel-good endorphins. Note: A couple doesn’t need to have sex for a woman to orgasm, so oral, manual or toy play are all great options.

Mess tips
There is bound to be some mess during period sex. While a couple may be just fine with that, there are steps partners can take to cut down on it.

One obvious method is to place a towel down on the bed or surface beneath the partners. Another is to choose positions wisely. If a woman is on her back, there will likely be less outward blood flow. There will be even less mess if her legs are lifted in the air.

Some sexually transmitted infections are passed through blood, including hepatitis B and HIV. If a partner has a blood-borne infection, transmission is more likely when the woman is on her period. Both partners should be up-to-date on their STI testing before having sex in general, and particularly period sex.

Blood can serve as a source of natural lubrication, which both partners may enjoy.

She may enjoy it more.
Some women feel heightened arousal and vaginal sensitivity when they have their periods. This could translate to more enjoyable sex on their end.

For women who are feeling self-conscious about having sex on their periods, communication is key. Many women are worried that their partners will be "grossed out" by the sight of the blood and/or by the smell of it. However, many men are not at all squeamish about such things. Knowing this can help a woman feel more comfortable with the activity.

For couples who don’t want to take a break from sex when a woman is on her period but also want to forego the mess, there are menstrual cups designed for the purpose. They fit inside a woman’s vagina to keep the blood in place. Not all menstrual cups are made to be worn during sex; a woman should ensure she has one specifically made for this purpose before using it during intercourse.

Knowing how to enjoy different kinds of sex is great for a man’s penis, since the manhood benefits from regular use. It’s also important for men to take steps to protect the penile skin from the frictions of sexual activity. Lubrication is a necessary component in this regard. Another thing men can do to maintain optimal skin condition in the downstairs department is to use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Man1 Man Oil contains Shea butter and vitamin E, two great natural moisturizers. In addition, the crème contains L-arginine, an ingredient that encourages the proper functioning of blood vessels, which is important for erectile ability. Help the manhood look and feel its best with a quality skin care product.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Dry Penis Skin: Causes and Solutions

No man enjoys dry skin, but dry penis skin is a nuisance in its own category. The skin can become raw and flaky, leading to penile pain and, importantly, an inability to feel pleasure like normal. Fortunately, there are penis care steps men can take to manage this uncomfortable condition. The following are common causes of dry penis skin.

Simply rubbing up against a man’s clothing can cause the penis to dry out by chafing the skin. Men are particularly susceptible to this if they go commando; most pants materials aren’t very soft. If a man’s underwear is causing the chafing, he could try investing a few more bucks in more luxurious pairs.

Hot Water
Many men enjoy a nice, long shower, but if that water is hot, it’s going to strip away the skin’s natural oils, which are needed to keep it moisturized. Showering in warm water is best!

Soap is great at washing away dirt and bacteria; it’s also great at drying the skin out, unfortunately. But in general warm water is sufficient for washing the penis, so men can try skipping the soap in the region altogether. If a guy simply can’t get into the idea of leaving soap out of the penis cleaning routine, he should be careful to choose something natural and gentle. The soap or body wash he uses on the rest of himself is likely too harsh for the manhood.

This skin condition occurs when the immune system isn’t working properly and overproduces skin cells. These form plaques of skin that are dry and often very itchy. If a man has psoriasis on other parts of his body, it may affect the penis as well.

Medicated creams with steroids in them or treatment with UV light are usually in order for psoriasis, although these methods may be too harsh for the penis. Ask one’s doctor about using a gentler form of moisturizer on the member.

Lack of Lube
Lots of guys enjoy a good "dry rub," but the friction created by the hand during solo play can do a number on the manhood skin. There are plenty of products on the market designed for the purpose. If that’s not an option, a guy can try using a lotion around the house, making sure it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances. Coconut oil is a great option if that’s around. Don’t use soap or shampoo!

Adequate lubrication is important during partner sex as well. Be sure NOT to use oil-based lubricants, such as Vaseline, baby oil or coconut oil, while using latex condoms. The oil can erode latex, leaving both partners unprotected.

Contact Dermatitis
If the manhood comes in contact with a strange plant, chemical or other foreign material, it may develop an itchy rash called contact dermatitis. This uncomfortable condition will go away on its own once the manhood is kept from coming in contact with the offending substance for a while, but it may be uncomfortable enough to merit some form of treatment. A moisturizer is a good bet. Some doctors prescribe medicated creams.

For common causes of dry skin, men may benefit from the use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). With Shea butter and vitamin E, Man1 Man Oil provides two natural moisturizers for smooth, soft and supple penile skin. Additional beneficial ingredients include vitamin C and L-arginine, which promote healthy circulation in the member. A penis health crème can protect the skin from the frictions of the day (and night), ensuring that the skin stays sensitive to pleasurable feelings while keeping discomfort at bay.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Sex Tips: Temperature Play Methods

Looking for sex tips to spice things up? There are many ways to do so, but one that many couples are unfamiliar with is incorporating hot and cold play in the bedroom. Altering the temperature can awaken the nerve endings and circulatory system in ways that deliver mind-blowing pleasure to both partners. The following examples, along with safety tips for maintaining vaginal and penis health, can help couples get their bearings in this exciting new world of sensation play.

Cup of Water
Keeping a cup of warm (not hot!) water near the bed can boost his oral sex enjoyment. A partner can take a sip, swallow, then take another sip and hold the warm water in his/her mouth, then take the man’s penis inside. Swashing the water around his penis for a few moments then swallowing it will give him a tantalizing experience.

Breath Play
Warm, moist breath is one of the body’s most pleasurable heat sources, and making use of this natural heat during foreplay and sex can bring both partners thrilling waves of enjoyment. Gently exhale on a lover’s sensitive spots, including the stomach, neck and ears. Gently breathing on the clitoris and testicles is also encouraged.

Candle Wax
Most people have heard of dripping hot candle wax on the skin as part of sex play, and many find this frightening. For good reason - most people don’t want to actually burn their skin. The trick to safely participating in wax play is to use candles made of soy, which don’t require as much heat to melt as those made of beeswax or regular wax, so they are less likely to deliver too much heat. Also, of course, if one has very sensitive skin concerning heat, this method should be avoided.

Chilled Spoon
Chill a metal spoon for a bit in a bowl of ice or cold water, then apply the back of the spoon to a lover’s neck, nipples, stomach, etc.

Plain Old Ice
An ice cube in the hand can go a long way. Trace a line extending from one side of a lover’s neck all the way down the side of the leg, them up the inside of the leg, down the inside of the other and back up the other side of his or her body. It’s best to avoid the penis and testicles.

Ice Dildo/Hot Towel
This is one of the more hardcore forms of temperature play, which should be pursued with caution. The idea is for the man to masturbate with a warm, wet towel around his member while a woman masturbates with a chilled dildo. Then, he enters her, and the sensation change for both is out of this world.

There are several options for a chilled dildo. Some glass and metal dildos are made to be chilled, but caution should be taken. Glass that gets very cold and then undergoes a sudden temperature change, such as inside the body, can break - yikes! And cold metal may stick to a lady’s warm, wet inside - also no good. Use proper precautions. Let the glass or metal warm just a little; use lube; use condoms; always, always follow packaging instructions.

Any of the above techniques can be combined with one another, and all of them may be more enjoyable with a blindfold in place. This will leave a lover anticipating, eager and unaware of what sensation is to come. Sight deprivation may be most exciting when lovers are combining a form of heat play like candle wax with a form of cold play, like ice cubes or a cold spoon.

Keeping it Safe
Always check in to be sure that the skin is not being burned or losing sensation due to excessive cold or heat. Don’t freeze or heat toys that were not designed to withstand such temperatures. Ease into temperature play to get to know what one’s skin can tolerate.

Maintaining skin health on the sexual organs can’t be overrated; one’s ability to sense pleasure depends on it. Men can take an extra step in the penis care department by using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. Shea butter and vitamin E keep the skin moisturized, protecting it from the frictions of a vigorous sex life. Show one’s sex life some excitement with temperature play, and one’s manhood some love with a penis health crème.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Masturbation Shake-Up: Handy Techniques to Try

By the time a man reaches his mid-twenties, he’s likely to have masturbated hundreds of times; even those who self-gratify only occasionally will have probably done so a few dozen times. So it’s not unusual if a certain amount of boredom may have set in from using the same old techniques. Sure, the masturbation is still pleasurable, but it may have become a bit routine. Shaking things up with some new hand jives, while at the same time taking care that they don’t impinge on penis health, can add a little spice to a guy’s solo-sexual activities.

Staying handy
There are a number of ways that a guy can break out of a masturbation rut, such as using sex toys or other external additions. For the purposes of this article, however, the focus will be on ways of using the hands in a different manner, rather than adding a new object into the mix.

Simple change-up.
Although exact statistics are hard to come by, it’s generally agreed that the most popular form of male masturbation involves wrapping one’s dominant hand around the penis, forming a fist, and pumping up and down. Clearly, one easy way to make a change is simply to switch hands. If one typically wraps the right hand around, switch to the left (and vice versa).

All together.
Or one can use both hands. There are a number of variations on this theme. For example, a guy can stroke for a while with one hand, then switch to the other. He can place one hand at the base and the other at the tip and stroke simultaneously. Or he can pull one hand all the way from tip to base, followed by the other, and keep alternating. For those who use internet-based visual stimulation while masturbating, it may make it difficult to click from one site to another, of course.

Get a new grip.
Simply varying the tightness of one’s grip can also add some variety. Men who tend to grip tightly can benefit from a lighter touch; even better, it can be fun to start with a tight grip but, as one approaches a climax, to switch to a very, very light touch.

Palm it.
Rather than a tight grip, try palming the member. Place one hand on one side of the manhood and one on the other, palms straight out. Then rub, with one hand going back and the other going forward, then reversing it. Many men used to a grip-based method find this intensely pleasurable.

Slap it around.
Beating the meat is a popular euphemism for masturbation, so why not go that route? A guy shouldn’t actually beat his penis, as that can cause both pain and damage; however, a little gentle slapping can be effective. The trick is to use whatever method works for obtaining an erection, and then slap the penis from one hand to the other, increasing the speed and the intensity as one goes along to bring about release.

Go numb.
For this method, a guy needs to put his hand to sleep, i.e., make it feel numb. (This can often be accomplished by sitting on it for a few minutes.) He then masturbates with the numb hand. Because there is a lack of sensation in the hand, it creates the illusion that he is being masturbated by another person - at least as long as the numbness persists.

New masturbation techniques will be even more effective if a man is using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep his member healthy. The favored crème will include acetyl L-carnitine. Why? This ingredient is neuroprotective and helps to restore lost sensitivity to the penis - a common issue for men who have masturbated for many years. The best crème should also contain vitamin C, which is important for collagen production and penile tissue firmness. Maintaining a penis at its best health will make all forms of sexual activity more enjoyable.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Penis Pain: Is It Pudendal Nerve Entrapment?

Men can be tough about a lot of things, but no guy really enjoys experiencing penis pain, no matter how manly he may be. One source of penis pain is called pudendal nerve entrapment (or PNE for short), and it can be both painful and inconveniencing. Men who are interested in maintaining their penis health need to be aware of this condition and what they can do about it.

Cyclists beware
Pudendal nerve entrapment is also called Alcock’s syndrome and, perhaps more commonly, cyclists’ syndrome.

PNE is clinically described as a "severe, sharp pain along the course of the pudendal nerve," and it is more common in women than in men. Most sources classify it as a rare condition; while it is true that PNE is not something that every man comes down with every day, it is a condition which has some notoriety among people who are serious cycling enthusiasts, especially of a long-distance nature. One study indicated that 7-8% of long-distance cyclists in a multi-day racing situation will experience PNE.

As indicated, penis pain may be associated with PNE, although the timing of the pain and the severity can vary significantly. In some men, the pain can be slight and intermittent; in others, it can be intense and have a lengthy duration. The pain may be situational; for example, a man may experience significant pain while sitting but not standing, or may have more pain when the penis is in an erect state rather than flaccid. Pain during intercourse or masturbation is not uncommon.

However, numbness in the penis and balls is also a very common occurrence among men with PNE. In addition, there are instances in which erectile dysfunction has been linked to PNE.

In some men, PNE is temporary and of relatively short duration. In others, however, it may last or recur for years; this is especially likely if the condition is misdiagnosed as prostatitis or as an STI.

As the name pudendal nerve entrapment implies, PNE occurs when the pudendal nerve is compressed in such a way that it cannot operate freely; think of it as akin to a pinched nerve in the back, but located in the penile area instead.

The condition occurs in cyclists usually because of the fact that they may spend long hours riding their bike, seated in essentially one position for this period and frequently on a hard bicycle seat, the shape of which causes the weight of the torso to rest disproportionately on the pudendal nerve.
However, it can occur in any man under conditions in which a disproportionate amount of weight rests on the nerve for an extended period of time.

Cyclists can prevent or help treat PNE by making sure that their seats are appropriately shaped and placed and by limiting the lengths of their rides when possible
Treatment for less severe cases typically involves simple physical therapy exercises that can stretch and/or strengthen the muscles in the area and relieve stress placed on the nerve. In some cases, medications can be helpful. More severe cases may require injections or surgery.

Treating nerve issues helps alleviate penis pain, but often more soothing may be required. General penis pain is often aided by the regular use of a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Key to soothing typical penis pain is a crème with both a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). These help keep the penis skin moist and supple. Properly moisturized, the penis skin stretches more painlessly when becoming erect. In addition, a crème with vitamin D can help boost the overall health of the organ. Vitamin D is acclaimed for its ability to enable cell functionality, helping to better maintain overall member health.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Sexual Insecurities Men Have, and How to Address Them

Societal messages about men and sex are often unfair and inaccurate. What’s more, they can be damaging. The portrayal of men as thoughtless sex drones denies a large portion of men’s sexual realities, part of which includes insecurity. Obtaining sexual health involves addressing insecurities, but, within a society that pretends men shouldn’t have any, even taking the first step of acknowledging them can be difficult. Here, men are encouraged rather to face reality with acceptance. Learn about the following common sexual insecurities men have, and some helpful tips for managing them.

Am I finishing too soon?
Porn tells men they should last for an hour or more. But this expectation is highly unrealistic, particularly if sexual activity is fairly consistent (i.e. without a bunch of breaks). The average man only lasts for a few minutes of continual pumping. So if a heated bout "only" lasts five minutes, that’s totally normal.

If couples want to extend playtime, breaking up the pumping with position changes and by switching here and there to different activities, such as oral sex or using sex toys on a partner, may help. But the idea that men should be able to thrust away for lengthy periods of time is simply a misconception.

Am I taking too long?
Some men have the opposite concern from that above - and some men have both! Talk about mixed messages. If a man is taking some time to finish, there are two things he can try to abate his anxiety: 1) Make sure his partner is enjoying the time (more on that below), and 2) understand that orgasm doesn’t always have to be part of sex. Sometimes, a man may simply grow exhausted during sex. If it’s been a particularly lengthy or rough session, his manhood may be getting tender, and the discomfort could inhibit ejaculation. And that’s okay.

Am I tiring out too quickly?
All men are supposed to be brawny enough to accomplish Herculean feats, right? No. If the man has been in charge of most of the muscle work during sex and starts to grow tired, there’s no shame in taking a rest or asking one’s partner to get on top for a bit. Of course, it’s generally advisable to maintain good muscular and cardiovascular health. If a man is panting uncontrollably and trembling after a minute of moderate physical activity, he should take it as a sign that he needs to improve his health.

Is she enjoying it?
A huge favor men can do themselves is to turn questions like "Is she enjoying it?" and "Am I doing this right?" into "Do you like this?" and "What would you like me to do?" Take the mystery out of it. Give her what she wants by asking what that is.

Did she finish?
Again, ask! And let her know one doesn’t expect the answer to be yes. Don’t feel embarrassed - it can be difficult to tell moans and writhing associated with sexual pleasure from orgasmic moans and writhing. If she says no, a man can ask if she’d like him to do something in particular to help get her there.

Is my penis big enough?
Unless a man has a micropenis - a medical condition in which penis size negatively impacts a man’s ability to have sex - then yes, his penis is big enough.

The above sexual insecurities can hold a man back in his sex life, and a couple back from having the most fulfilling sex possible. What’s more, sex is good for the health of the penis. Other steps men can take to boost penile wellness are using lubricant during sexual activities and applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. Man1 Man Oil contains Shea butter and vitamin E, which are two moisturizers that can protect the skin from chafing that often results from the frictions of sex. Keep the skin healthy and the manhood ready for the next romp with a quality penis health crème.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Sex Tips: 4 Resolutions to Make

The new year has dawned but it’s still early enough to make New Year’s resolutions, especially where better sex is concerned. There are countless sex tips out there that can be employed to make bedtime more enjoyable; these sex tips should definitely be on a man’s list. Of course, maintaining adequate penis health should be at the top of the list; and if that goal is accomplished, these resolutions can prove even more effective.

Resolution 1: Remember it doesn’t all happen in bed.
No, that doesn’t reference having sex on the dining room table (although as sex tips go, trying new locations is often a good idea). This resolution refers to the need to focus on things beyond the actual sex act. The quality of sex one has is impacted by everything that happens from the moment a date begins. So men need to remember to be charming and engaging with their talk and to be active, interested listeners; to take proper care with their dress and hygiene; to choose activities that their partners will enjoy; and to sincerely take an interest in their partner as a person. All of this can make the moments in each other’s arms that much more explosive.

Resolution 2: Pay attention in bed.
Nothing is more of a turn-off for a partner than having their man’s focus diverted from them during sex. The truth is that in recent years, our technological advances have made it possible for people to stay virtually connected at all times of the day. Yet there should be times when a man is committed to one person and one person alone. Make a resolution to turn off the cell phone, the computer, the tablet and any other electronic communications while coupling. A man needs to ask himself: Is checking a text about another cute cat video really worth interrupting the path to passion that he has started down?

Resolution 3: Start the day right.
Some studies indicate that sex drives are higher early in the morning than at most other times of the day. Make a commitment to at least occasionally get in some lovemaking before breakfast. This is especially recommended for couples who are in a long-term relationship and who may feel that their sex lives are getting a little stale. In addition, early morning sex tends to relax a person and put them in a better mood for the day ahead.

Resolution 4: Take chances.
This doesn’t mean stop having safe sex - that is FAR too important to consider! But it’s good for a man to resolve to take chances in his sex life. Exactly what that means may vary from man to man. For one man, it may mean letting down his guard and opening up more about his true feelings. For another, it may mean communicating more openly about things he enjoys or doesn’t enjoy when having sex. And for a third, it may mean exploring new sex-based options, such as sex toys, role playing or new positions.

Resolutions such as these make use of sex tips that can have a positive impact on a man’s sex life. He also needs to be sure his manhood is in its best possible shape, and using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help with that goal. Men can benefit from a crème that includes L-arginine. Why? This is an enzyme which plays a role in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turn is valuable in keeping penile blood vessels open and receptive to proper blood flow. In addition, many men find that their members have lost a little sensation due to rough use. A crème that includes neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can help to restore lost sensitivity and make the penis experience sensation more fully again.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Penis Rash Home Remedies

Skin issues are common throughout the year, and many men develop a penis rash no matter the season. Preventing a penis rash is essential for good penis care, but so is knowing appropriate remedies for when a rash does strike a man’s favorite body part.

There are many treatment options available, and often the correct one will depend upon the cause of the rash. For example, sometimes the rash may be related to a yeast infection or to an STI and may require special care. However, for a common, everyday penis rash, the following are some remedies that a man might want to consider.

Oatmeal bath
Skin experts agree that there’s just something about oatmeal that tends to produce a positive reaction from skin. Oatmeal has been recommended for skin issues going back at least as far as 2000 years BC. Why the benefit? Mainly because there are ingredients in oatmeal that have a proclivity for skin healing. For example, oatmeal contains polysaccharides, which create a thin layer of protection that discourages flakiness. It also contains saponins, which are helpful in cleaning out the pores and reducing consequent rashes. Adding finely ground oats to bathwater is one way to get this benefit to the penis rash; another option is to buy an oatmeal-based soap and wash with this.

Aloe vera
Ah, the soothing feel of aloe vera on sunburned skin is familiar relief for millions of people. But aloe vera does more than just make a sunburn feel better; it can also make a rash that burns feel more comfortable. Aloe possesses anti-inflammatory properties as well, and many rashes are accompanied by inflammation. However, some men with especially sensitive penis skin may find aloe to be a little strong and should avoid its use for the rash. It’s also wise to avoid getting aloe too near the meatus, to avoid its slipping into the urethra.

Cucumbers are often used in women’s beauty treatments. For example, tired, sore eyes are often treated by placing cool slices of cucumber over the eyelids. Cucumbers and the human body are reputed to possess a similar degree of hydrogen content; some specialists believe this may be responsible for the plant’s ability to provide moisture to human skin. Well-moisturized skin helps to reduce rashes and itching. Using an actual cucumber for treating penis rash may be difficult, as it can be challenging to place slices on the member without them sliding off. However, it is possible to take several thin slices of cucumber, mix them with water and then mash them up into a paste and apply that to the skin for several minutes. Rinse with cool or warm water. (Hot water, in addition to being dangerous to the penis, can deplete the skin of natural oils which are necessary to maintain adequate dermatological hydration.)

These home-based remedies for penis rash are a good first step, but they may not do the trick alone, especially when the rash is persistent. A penis rash treatment plan should include the application of a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A truly effective crème will offer a combination if moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). This combination is crucial to adequately hydrate the skin and soothe the rash. In addition, a potent antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) is desirable, as this helps create a shield to lock the moisture in where it can do the most benefit. Often a penis rash is stubborn because it is being exacerbated by bacteria. For that reason, a crème that includes vitamin A, which has proven anti-bacterial properties, should be employed during the treatment process. Selecting one crème that provides all these resources is the best option.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Erectile Dysfunction is Not the Only Cause of Performance Problems

Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common condition that can wreak havoc on a man’s sex life, so it’s no surprise that a man may experience some level of concern when he has a hard time getting it up and keeping it there. But not every instance of performance difficulty is caused by erectile dysfunction or some other penis health issue. If men have persistent problems in this area, they should absolutely seek counsel from a medical professional. For the occasional hiccup, however, men should consider the following possible culprits.

1) Not in the mood: Culturally, men are taught that they are supposed to always want sex, and women are the ones who only want it sometimes. This can lead men to think they ought to have sex whenever the opportunity arises. But this is fundamentally untrue. Just like women, men don’t always want sex. Trying to force oneself into it will not necessarily result in cooperation from the penis.

2) Tired: Lots of things are difficult to do when a man is tired, and obtaining and maintaining an erection are definitely included in that list. Whether it’s the end of a long day or a man just slept poorly the night before, he shouldn’t expect his manhood to be perkier than he is.

3) Wrong person: Men are often more selective than society gives them credit for. Not any willing partner is necessarily one a man wants to engage in sex with, whether it’s due to fears about the person’s infection status or simply a lack of attraction (emotional and/or physical). A desire for sex in general will not always result in the ability to have sex with a particular person.

4) Drunk: A couple drinks may help a man feel more relaxed and uninhibited, but more than that can negatively impact his ability to have an erection. If a man only notices erectile issues after having a certain number of drinks, this is almost surely the source.

5) Anxiety about infection or pregnancy: Nothing quite kills an erection like fear or anxiety. If a man isn’t confident that the sex he’s having will not lead to unintended consequences, such as acquiring an STI or making a partner pregnant, he won’t likely be feeling very randy. Of course, any sexually active person should know that there’s always some risk involved in every sexual encounter. But risk can be lowered by knowing a partner’s sexual history, including results of testing, as well as understanding how to properly use protection.

6) It hurts: It can be hard to delicately ask a partner to switch tactics, but if a man’s partner is causing him unwanted pain - with fingernails, teeth or thrusting techniques that are a bit too vigorous, for example - he should definitely speak up. Discussing what one doesn’t like is every bit as important as discussing what one does. Aside from ruining an erection, unwanted pain is, by definition, unpleasant, and a man shouldn’t suffer that.

7) In a rush: Quickies can be exciting, and many couples enjoy them. However, if a man is in a big rush to get where he’s going - particularly if being late carries consequences such as getting fired or reprimanded at work - he may be more stressed than turned on during the session.

Along with avoiding the above erection-killers, men can improve their overall penile health by taking good care of what they have. Regular washing is crucial. Another step is to use ample lubrication during both solo and partner activities to protect the skin from chafing.

For the man who wants to go above and beyond in the penile care department, using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is an excellent choice. With Shea butter and vitamin E, this crème nourishes the penis for smoother, suppler and more resilient skin. It also contains ingredients to encourage healthy circulation, something needed for strong erections. Treat oneself to Man1 Man Oil for a penis that looks and feels its best.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sex Tips: Sensual New Year’s Resolutions

Many people’s minds turn to self-improvement and healthy lifestyle changes around the New Year. While exercising more, eating better, quitting smoking and other common resolutions are worthwhile, men may wish to add a little something new into their New Year commitment. Consider, for example, boosting penis health, relationship health and overall wellbeing by making sexy resolutions for a spicy 2016. These sex tips will help.

Explore Thyself
The penis tends to be the focus of many men’s sexual stimulation, and it’s no mystery why. But it’s not the only hot spot on a man’s body.

The prostate gland is sometimes referred to as the male G-spot. Located on the anterior side of the rectum, this walnut-sized gland produces fluids that protect a man’s sperm. When stimulated, it can produce intense orgasm and ejaculation when combined with stroking of the penis. Men can either lube up a finger and work it back and forth in the posterior to find the sweet spot, or make use of a prostate massager to stimulate the gland. Aside from being sexually stimulating, prostate massage is actually good for the gland’s health. That’s a win-win.

If anal play is beyond a man’s comfort zone, he can opt instead to experiment with perineum stimulation. This area is located between the scrotum and the anus. Applying pressure here, especially near and during orgasm, can produce epic results.

Learn a New Trick
A partner’s satisfaction is as important as a man’s own. While a man may know what gets his partner’s motor running, it’s unlikely that he’s exhausted all possible techniques. Whether it involves the tongue, hand or penis, there are many new tricks a man can learn to heighten his partner’s pleasure and keep things fresh. A few to consider are:

- Left-to-right: Many men are familiar with stimulating a woman’s G-spot with the "come hither" finger crook; try instead exciting the spot horizontally with a left-to-right finger motion.

- Oral techniques: While going down on a female partner, try blowing on her clitoris in between licks, and/or hum gently while one’s lips are enveloping her area.

- Position variation: If she likes it from behind, try propping a couple pillows beneath her pelvis with her legs stretched out; if she likes missionary, try a pillow beneath her buttocks. These subtle angle changes can yield not-so-subtle pleasure enhancements for both partners.

Get a Toy
Vibrators make great additions to sexual play. They increase most women’s chances of orgasming during sex and are pleasurable for men as well. With the array of sizes and shapes on the market, they are quite easy to employ during many different positions.

Of course, vibrators aren’t the only options out there. Cock rings, anal beads, blindfolds, feather teasers - whatever a couple is into, there’s likely something on the market to accommodate their interests.

Learn Her Fantasy
Men aren’t the only ones with sexual fantasies. If a woman has a fantasy or kink that couples can act out together, it can make for a more intimate and sexy session. This may involve role playing, bondage, simulating scenarios such as a naughty doctor’s office visit - really, the options are only limited by what both partners get hot about and are comfortable with.

Boost Penis Health
Paying a bit more attention to penis health is always a good goal. Using proper protection and keeping the skin in good condition by using lubricant while masturbating and, if needed, during sex, are both important.

Another step men can take to enhance penile wellness is to use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). With Shea butter and vitamin E, Man1 Man Oil is a superior moisturizer, helping to prevent chafed skin from the frictions of masturbation and sex. Skin care is important for both the look of the penis and its ability to enjoy pleasurable sensations. Show the manhood some extra love this year by investing in its health.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Safe Sex: Guide to Condom Use

Many men like to think they know everything about sex, or at least act like they do. When it comes to putting on a condom, men probably aren’t eager to ask questions about proper application, even if they understand how important safe sex is for maintaining overall health generally and penis health in particular.

But men with questions regarding safe sex have nothing to be ashamed of. For starters, nobody is born knowing everything, and a lack of knowledge about certain aspects of sex doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of experience.

In the U.S., the state of sex education is poor. In December of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a report stating that less than one-fifth of middle schools and one half of high schools are teaching all the sex education topics that the organization deems important. The least likely topics to be taught involve condom use - specifically, how to obtain and correctly use condoms.

Where to Get Them
Of course, it’s always possible to walk into a store and pick up a pack of condoms. But for some men, the cost may be prohibitive. Check out local sexual health clinics and progressive organizations that may provide free access to condoms. Some schools and youth organizations make them available to young men and women.

For men who can purchase condoms but for social reasons don’t want to get them from the local store, consider buying them online. Options abound, and this method is more discreet.

How to Use Correctly
There’s a lot to keep in mind when applying a condom, but it gets simpler with practice. The following steps should be followed:

- Get the right size. Condoms that are too tight or too loose are prone to slipping or breaking. Look up size charts, and measure the circumference of the penis to see which is best for oneself.

- Check the expiration date.

- Check the package for any damage.

- Check the condom itself for any damage.

- When rolling the condom down the penis, leave room at the tip for semen and pinch the tip to prevent an air bubble from forming, which may burst the condom when a man ejaculates.

- Once the condom is on the penis, smooth out any air bubbles along the shaft.

- Don’t store condoms in wallets or other tight places.

- Have lubricant handy in case a partner is not adequately wet. Lack of lubrication is a major reason for condom breakage.

- Practice makes perfect. Try using a condom when one masturbates; this will give a man plenty of test-runs applying condoms.

No Shame in the Safe Sex Game
It’s a shame that men might feel enough shame around their own lack of sex education that they would forego learning the essentials. It’s never too late to educate oneself. Along with this guide, there are plenty of helpful, reputable resources online to help men get their bearings where the school system may have failed them.

Also, men should not hesitate to ask health professionals for assistance. If a man has a primary doctor but is not comfortable discussing safe sex with him or her, making an appointment at a designated sexual health clinic is advisable. There, the professionals are more than used to the questions a man may have, and highly capable of answering them.

Another area that may not have been covered in school is maintaining proper penis health in other ways beyond practicing safe sex. One way to do so is to invest in keeping the penile skin in good condition. Lubricant helps in this department, as it can cut down on chafing during sexual activities (partner-based or solo). Another great idea is to use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E. These two moisturizers keep the skin smooth, soft and supple, looking and feeling its best. Show the manhood a little extra love with a skin care product like Man1 Man Oil.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Penis Odor: Date Night Disaster

Going on a date, especially a first date, means that a guy wants to be prepared to make the best possible impression. That’s why reducing the possibility of unwanted penis odor is so crucial for a man. When a guy has neglected proper penis care in this area, it can have disastrous consequences - sometimes even before the trousers come off.

First impressions count
We all know how important first impressions are. That’s why a guy takes the time to make sure his hair looks just right, picks out clothes that accentuate his best physical features and adds just the right amount of cologne or aftershave to give him a slight whiff of sensuality. Even when going out with a particular woman for the hundredth time, guys still want to make sure that they are as appealing as possible.

Unfortunately, rank penis odor can knock all those good impressions for a loop. Why should that be? Well, first because penis odor can truly be overwhelming. Most men are not aware of how pungent the penis can get when proper care is not taken with it. A guy becomes used to the smell of his own body. And the fact that most men’s noses rarely find themselves in close proximity to their own penis limits their direct exposure to the strength of the stench.

But beyond the sheer unpleasantness of an overly-aromatic penis, there’s also the message that it sends about cleanliness. A strong odor from the region gives out signals that this is a dude who does not pay proper attention to bathing and personal hygiene. A woman may think, "If he doesn’t take care to properly clean his penis, maybe he doesn’t take proper care in terms of keeping it safe from STIs as well."
Finally, a woman may simply feel insulted if a guy presents with an odorous member. "Am I not worth taking a minute or two to get clean for?" she may wonder and may therefore move the offending male to the "discard" pile.
Why the smell?
Why is penis odor such a problem? First, it’s important to note that a certain degree of odor is not bad; a faint whiff of pheromone-fuel can be valuable. What is being discussed here is odor that goes beyond this level.

The penis tends to emit odors because it is usually in a heated situation. Nestled beneath both a pair of underpants and a pair of trousers, it’s in a location where the heat factor is doubled. The presence of hair in the area adds to the heat, as does the rushing of blood to the penis during times of erection. All this heat creates a sweatbox situation, which in turn leads to odor.

What to do
There are several ways that a man can reduce unwanted penis odor. For example, sometimes eating too much of a food with a strong odor (such as asparagus or fish) can have an impact. The sweat that is released may carry some of that odor with it.

Airing out the penis can also help. Regularly spending an hour or so each day naked allows air to circulate in the area. (Doing this right before a date is recommended as well.)

Most important, however, is tending to the proper hygiene of the member. The penis should be washed regularly with a gentle cleanser or just warm water. If a man is intact, washing beneath the foreskin is essential.

Date night or not, penis odor care also benefits from the regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A crème with vitamin A will have anti-bacterial properties that can attack the root cause of penis odor. Eliminating harmful bacteria opens the path for a better-smelling manhood. If the crème also contains vitamin D, so much the better: this vitamin enables better cell functionality, helping to maintain general penis health. And a healthy member is a happy member.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Itchy Penis Relief: Probiotics for Jock Itch?

Winter is not prime jock itch season, but the itchy penis that results from this infection can still occur even when the weather is frosty. Some men are especially prone to jock itch, so taking steps to avoid and treat it is essential for them. Proper penis care routines definitely help in this area, but are there steps being overlooked? For example, some people recommend the use of probiotics for treating this common male issue.

What is jock itch?
The term jock itch is often applied to any genital rash that creates itching; however, the term really applies to a rash with a specific cause: the tinea cruris fungus. Like other fungi, tinea cruris thrives in moist, warm environments - which explains why the groin is a favorite target. The heat in the area, combined with the sweat that is common near the penis, creates the perfect conditions for it to live and multiply. When it strikes, a very itchy penis tends to result.

Jock itch is easily spread, unfortunately. Direct skin-to-skin contact is the easiest route of transmission, but it can also spread in more indirect ways. For example, if fabric comes into contact with the rash, it can be spread. That’s why it’s important that a man doesn’t borrow another guy’s used towel. (Needless to say, the same goes for underwear.)

What are probiotics?
Probiotics refers to a form of live bacteria and yeasts that are reputed to have substantial health benefits. Although bacteria tend to have a bad rap, being thought of as something that causes disease, many bacteria are helpful and necessary. Probiotics are in this class, especially when it comes to digestion.

Many doctors and alternative health specialists believe that probiotics can be quite helpful in treating a range of digestive issues, including irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease.

Some also believe that probiotics have benefits beyond the digestive tract. They may play a role in treating colds and allergies; they may also improve urinary health. There is evidence that probiotics are beneficial in treating skin issues, and it is here that they may come into play where jock itch is concerned.

Jock itch connection
Although probiotics have not been studied specifically in relation to jock itch, there has been some research into treating vaginal yeast infections with probiotics. These studies found a positive effect between the use of probiotics and the improvement of such infections.

How does this relate to men? Vaginal yeast infections are caused by Candida, which is a fungus. So the theory is that jock itch should respond in a similarly positive fashion to probiotics.

How to get probiotics
Where are probiotics found? Well, the body naturally creates a certain amount of probiotics. However, for treatment purposes, more probiotics may be needed. Sometimes probiotics can be obtained from a supplement, but most practitioners recommend making dietary changes to obtain more probiotics.

Many foods are especially good sources for probiotics. For example, live-cultured yogurt is a very popular source. Sauerkraut is also a good one, as are dark chocolate, miso soup and pickles.

More research still needs to be done to verify that probiotics have a definite effect on jock itch; although probiotics are generally considered very healthy, checking with a doctor before altering one’s diet is always recommended.

The itchy penis that results from jock itch needs to find relief quickly. Such itchiness is often soothed by the regular use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). It is essential that the crème provides abundant hydration to the area, so be sure to select one with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin E). The skin also needs to absorb a wide range of other nutrients in order to maintain proper health; a crème like Man1 Man Oil that also contains vitamins A, B5, C and D, as well as a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid, is the best bet.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Sore Penis Sex: Alternative Strategies

Every guy gets a sore penis every now and then, often due to overuse or over-enthusiastic use. But just because a man is suffering from a sore penis doesn’t mean his sex drive is diminished. Good penis care requires giving the penis time to recover from its painful state, yet sometimes a guy really can’t resist the opportunity to engage in some playful activities. Is there a way that he can do so without taking that penile soreness to an even higher level?

Rest is best
Make no mistake about it, if a guy can give his aching member a decent amount of rest, that’s the best course of action. And if the soreness is due to a serious cause, such as surgery, it’s absolutely essential that he bite the bullet and suffer from sexual aching.

Even if the soreness is just regular, everyday "overactive" aching, giving it a rest is still best. But when a guy just can’t control his urges, here are some tips on alternative strategies that may enable him to engage in lusty activities with less chance of increasing the soreness factor.

Wear a condom
Hopefully, those who are not in a committed, long-term relationship are already using condoms when they have partner-based sex. While nothing can guarantee 100% protection, condoms significantly cut down the risk of contracting a disease.

But having an extra layer covering the penis can also help to reduce soreness during intercourse. It won’t eliminate it entirely, but it can alter the tactile sensation enough that it can help.

Guys with a sore penis shouldn’t just use a condom during partner sex either. They should slip one on while masturbating as well. This will cut down on the friction (which can be excessive when masturbating) and reduce additional soreness.

Go oral
Yes, penetrative sex is most guys’ favorite form of sex, but when the member is sore, it can end up just making the manhood miserable afterward. Sure, intercourse is sensational, but other forms of sex can also be rewarding. It may help to take advantage of the soreness to engage in other forms with a partner. After all, oral sex can be pretty mind-blowing, too. And a man’s partner might also appreciate the opportunity to receive oral from him as well.

Oral sex has the added advantage of keeping the penis nice and moist. Proper hydration of the member is often one of the best ways to relieve a sore manhood.

Be manual
Beyond oral, of course, there’s manual stimulation as well. This can be tricky, especially when dealing with a partner. When a man masturbates, he may get a little carried away, but because he is in control, he can more easily make adjustments. When a partner is doing the hand work, it can be more difficult to communicate what needs to be done in terms of tightness of grip, where one is stroking, etc.

One way to help avoid this issue is to go with an alternative strategy for partner fondling. Rather than using the bare hand, perhaps employ a scarf and have her run this over and around the erect penis. This avoids the tightness and friction issues and also provides a truly arousing sensation for the member.

If hands are used, make sure that plenty of lubricant is employed. Even better, warm the lubricant up slightly before applying it, as this will further soothe the sore penis.

Of course, sex of any kind will be better without a sore penis, so take steps to alleviate the soreness. Use a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help with this matter. Make sure the crème includes a combination of moisturizing agents, such as a natural hydrator (vitamin E is excellent) and a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter). In addition, the crème should include a potent antioxidant (alpha lipoic acid is a good one) that helps offset harmful oxidative processes that delay the healing process.