Thursday, 31 August 2017

Can Beta Blockers Cause a Bent Penis?

Beta blockers are a popular treatment for controlling blood pressure, but is there any reason to worry about what effect they might have on penis health? There have been some studies which indicate they might increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Some studies indicate that beta blockers can be a risk factor for developing Peyronie’s disease, also known as the "bent penis disease."

About beta blockers

Sometimes called beta-adrenergic blocking agents, beta blockers are frequently prescribed for high blood pressure and migraines. The drug basically works by "blocking" epinephrine, a hormone which people know more familiarly as adrenaline.

Beta blockers can either work on the heart alone or on the heart and blood vessels. When used properly, they force the heart to beat a little more slowly, which in turn brings down otherwise-elevated blood pressure. Sometimes the medicine also helps open up blood vessels, which allows blood to flow more freely - thereby also helping to reduce high blood pressure.

Typically, beta blockers aren’t prescribed for high blood pressure until other methods have been tried and found wanting. They also are often prescribed in tandem with other medications that treat high blood pressure.

A number of studies have indicated that a man who uses beta blockers is at increased risk of erectile dysfunction. This seems to be due to a decrease in testosterone brought about by the beta blockers, which in turn can decrease sex drive and/or the ability to attain and maintain an erection.

The bent penis connection

Some curvature of the erect penis is quite common among men. When the degree of curvature is slight, it usually causes no problem. However, when the degree is significant, it can make penetration difficult. In addition, erections themselves may become painful when the bent penis is too severely curved. Cases of extreme curvature are typically labeled as Peyronie’s disease.

In most cases, the bent penis occurs thanks to a build-up of plaque due to repeated injury. When trauma occurs on the penis, scar tissue develops as part of the healing process. If layers of scar tissue develop in one place, it can affect the elasticity of the penis skin. Thus when an erection occurs, the section loaded with scar tissue acts to prevent the skin from stretching, causing the curvature.

How do beta blockers come into play here? One of the side effects of beta blockers is the development of fibrotic tissue. If this occurs on the penis, it has the same effect as layers of scar tissue, interfering with the natural elasticity of the penis skin. Thus, a bent penis may develop.

Of course, there can be other reasons why a man comes down with a bent penis. However, if a link between the bent penis and beta blocker usage seems likely, a man should discuss this with his doctor to determine if another medication might be used in place of the beta blocker.

Whether caused by beta blockers or another reason, men with a severely bent penis should apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . As mentioned, Peyronie’s disease is often accompanied by significant penis pain when the penis is erect. A crème with a potent combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) can help provide some soothing relief. In addition, try to find a crème that contains vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for giving penis skin the tone and elasticity it needs; while it may not cure scar tissue build-up, it can help provide greater elasticity.

Easy Solutions for Red, Raw Penis Skin

When a man winds up with red, raw penis skin, he usually knows what caused it. Maybe it was an adventurous evening without enough lube. Or perhaps it was a little chafing from taking a long run or workout without the proper supportive undergarments. Whatever the case, when a man has a red penis as a result of that soreness, he wants to alleviate the problem as soon as possible. Fortunately, good penis care includes several home remedies that can ease red penis skin and make a man feel much better.

1. Take a break. No matter what caused the raw, red penis, a man wants to keep it from getting any worse. That means no hanky-panky for a while, including no sexual congress with any partner, or even with himself. This allows the penis a well-deserved break and helps ease the redness or soreness a man might be experiencing.

2. Clean things up. Many a man has fallen asleep after a satisfying night of sexual pleasures only to wake up to a raw, red penis. This might be thanks to not washing off after the sexual fun was done. If this might be the case, a man needs to hop in the shower immediately to wash off the residue from the lube, condom and even bodily fluids that have been sitting on the penis overnight.

3. Use a cold compress. If the redness is accompanied by swelling or pain, a man can turn immediately to a cold compress. The compress can be made of a washcloth run underneath cold water, wrung out and placed on the penis, or it might be an ice pack that has been wrapped in a clean, dry cloth. Using the cold compress for 15 minutes is usually enough to alleviate the sting.

4. Let the skin breathe. The penis skin is often encased behind layers of clothing, and possibly even by a thick thatch of hair. Let the skin have as much ‘free’ time as possible in order to heal quickly. If a guy is in private at home, he can feel free to simply go nude as much as possible. If he has to go to work or otherwise engage with others, switching to boxer shorts for a few days and wearing loose-fitting trousers can help.

5. Switch products. If the redness or soreness continues to occur, a man needs to look into what might be causing it. He can often trace the problem to something in his home, such as a new laundry detergent or a new type of cleanser he has been using in the shower. The culprit might also be the condoms he uses, or even something as unusual as a partner switching to a new type of perfume. Looking at ingredients and thinking through any recent changes in his lifestyle can help a guy find the answer.

Sometimes, the reasons for raw, red penis skin are as simple as too much friction. But regardless of the reasons why, a man can’t go wrong with a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to ease the ache. A guy should start by looking for Shea butter and vitamin E as top ingredients; these hydrating powerhouses can help ensure that red penis is not caused by dryness. Other ingredients to look for include healing vitamins, such as vitamins C and D, as well as vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is well-known for soothing and clearing up skin issues. Finally, a man should turn to a crème that contains L-carnitine, which fights against peripheral nerve damage that might be caused by too much friction and not enough lubrication.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Vasectomy Care: What to Expect from Recovery

Many men choose to undergo a vasectomy when they decide their days of fertility should come to an end. A vasectomy is a simple procedure, usually taking 30 minutes or less. A man can often walk right out of the doctor’s office after it’s done. But that’s when the real penis care begins. There are certain steps a man should take to ensure his penis, as well as his overall health, stays in good shape during vasectomy recovery.

Learn what to expect

In order to appropriately gauge how well a guy is doing, he should know exactly what to look for. There points can help ease a guy’s mind if he’s worried about vasectomy recovery.

- After a vasectomy, there might be some pain - but it tends to be minor. A man can usually alleviate it with a dose of ibuprofen and a cold compress nestled against his junk.

- There might be some blood after the procedure. The blood might seep out through the incisions. This is usually quite normal. A man should simply keep an eye on how much blood is coming out; if it decreases with time, great. But if it suddenly becomes heavier, a trip to the doctor is in order.

- There will also be bruising, especially at the point of the incision. The bruising might even appear frightening, as it can extend up the shaft of the penis and even across the abdomen. This is normal, and unless the bruising extends to cover the entire penis area and continues to get worse, it’s not a cause for concern.

- The incisions themselves will be sealed with a medical-grade adhesive glue or a few tiny stitches. A guy should keep an eye on these to ensure no signs of redness or infection appear. A little bit of blood oozing from the area is normal in the first few days.

- A guy should expect a few days off! He should avoid any heavy lifting, serious housework, sports, running, or anything that puts him on his feet for long periods of time, such as shopping. In other words, it’s time to lie like a potato on the couch.

- To make things feel better down there, a guy can turn to supportive undergarments. A simple jock strap might be good, but ask the doctor to know for sure. Some doctors even provide undergarments that are designed specifically for vasectomy healing.

- Don’t plan to engage in sex for a little while. Though some men are in the mood to ‘try out’ their equipment after surgery, keep in mind that this can be a roadblock to healing. It can lead to increased bleeding or bruising, as well as the opening of incisions, none of which are good. So plan to stay celibate until the doctor gives the go-ahead to ease back into the fun.

It’s important to remember that a vasectomy doesn’t work immediately. Though the channels that allow semen to flow out of the body are cut, there is still some "old" semen and sperm that can be released. That’s why a man must visit the doctor several weeks after the vasectomy is done to give a semen sample and ensure there are no little guys swimming in there anymore.

In the meantime, a man can facilitate healing by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A guy should look to a crème that has many healing ingredients, such as vitamin D, vitamin C and Shea butter. It’s also helpful to find a crème that contains L-carnitine, which is great for alleviating the damage from common injuries, including vasectomies. Alpha lipoic acid is also a good bet, as it helps get rid of the free radicals that can cause cellular damage.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Penis Odor in the Office

When at the office - or whatever a man refers to as his workplace - a guy always wants to make the best possible impression. Whether leading an important presentation for a potential client, meeting with the boss to make a case for a raise, or simply greeting visitors as they enter the office, a man always wants to lead with strength. In most cases, the state of his penis health is not going to be a big factor in making a good impression. However, when penis odor is an issue, that can definitely be a detriment in office advancement.

Penis odor in the office

Penis odor can be a problem for men at any time and in any place, but there are some reasons why it can be especially acute in an office setting. To understand why, it’s necessary to look at why penis odor occurs generally.

The short answer to that is heat and sweat (with a healthy helping of bacteria thrown in). Basically, when the penis and the surrounding area gets hot, sweat forms and accumulates. The sweat glands in the penis area exude a sweat which contains bacteria of a particularly pungent aroma. (The same is true of the sweat glands underneath the arms.) The more heat, the more sweat; the more sweat, the more bacteria - and the greater the odor.

Because in its natural state the penis is nestled beneath a thick thatch of pubic hair, and because the balls are also insulated with a thinner covering of hair, the penile area is hot to begin with. Snuggle it beneath both a layer of underwear and a pair of trousers and the heat quotient goes up even further.

Office addition

But it’s not just heat that can cause sweat. Stress is a big factor in sweat production, and many men experience a higher degree of stress at work than they do in many other settings. Scrambling to make a deadline, fretting over whether a "pitch" will land correctly with a client or worrying about the pros and cons of a decision can up the body sweat factor significantly. And that makes existing penis odor even worse.

What to do

So how does a guy fight penis odor at the office? There are several things he can try.

- De-stress. This is easier said than done, but finding ways to keep stress to a minimum can be a big help. Find a few minutes to do something relaxing - meditate, take a walk around the block, listen to soothing music, etc.

- Dress appropriately. Going commando is usually not an option, but wearing loose-fitting boxers rather than heat-increasing briefs can help. So can wearing lightweight trousers. And there’s no law against bringing an extra pair of boxers and changing into a fresh pair when it’s a hot day.

- Watch the diet. Some foods produce sweat with a distinctively strong odor. Which foods do this varies from person to person, but some - such as garlic, onions and asparagus - are often odor triggers for many people.

- Wash regularly. Good penis hygiene can go a long way to keeping a lid on penis odor. Washing regularly (and thoroughly) is a big help. Intact men should be sure to get under the foreskin as well.

- Use a crème. In the office or at home, penis odor can be fought with the regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Not just any crème will do; one with vitamin A is best. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that fight persistent penis odor. It’s a good idea to also select a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. By fighting free radicals, alpha lipoic acid helps prevent oxidative stress, leaving penis skin healthier and more resistant to bacteria.

Masturbation: When Getting Off Pays Off

Ask a guy what he thinks is the most appropriate time for masturbation and likely answers might be "Whenever she’s tired," "Whenever I have an erection" and "Now!" Although the rate of masturbation varies from man to man, most guys are happy to take matters into their own hands on a fairly regular basis. And why not? Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life and can be really good for penis health as well. But pursuit of pure penile pleasure aside, are there times when masturbating pays off beyond merely putting a big smile on a dude’s face?

Absolutely. While there is nothing wrong with engaging in self-fondling simply because a guy feels horny, there are times when the act of masturbation can have some much-needed benefits.

Examples? Read on!

- Before bedding a stranger. A lot of men have had this happen to them. They meet someone at a bar when they’re feeling especially randy. Before thinking about it, they end up in bed with them - and regret it the next morning (or even soon after ejaculating). The truth is that often when a guy thinks with his penis, he ends up wishing he hadn’t. One way to address this next time is by slipping into the men’s room and masturbating before taking the step of running off to bed with someone. With the urgent desire for sex at least momentarily sated, a dude is in a much better place for judging whether he’s really interested in someone or just interested in relieving his erect penis.

- Before accepting a job. Or buying a house. Or any of a hundred important decisions. Why? Basically because masturbation releases oxytocin and prostaglandin, two hormones which have the effect of calming a man down and making him feel more at ease. This is an ideal state in which to weigh the pros and cons of a situation and therefore make a better decision. So before rushing into a life-changing decision, try a little reflexive self-stroking first. It pays off.

- At bedtime. Actually, partner sex at bedtime is fine, too. The point is to have an orgasm before drifting off to dreamland. Studies show that masturbation can help a guy fall asleep more easily and sleep more peacefully for longer stretches. Again, it’s those relaxation-inducing hormones at work here.

- To focus. When the brain is all scattered and it’s hard to focus on the important job at hand - try a little handjob. When a man masturbates, he is turning all his concentration and attention on himself. The brain goes into something resembling a meditative state, so that after orgasm, a guy is in a much better position to re-focus on what is important.

- During that mid-afternoon slump. Lots of people hit a wall in the afternoon. The rush that got them through the morning is gone, and the after-lunch surge has slackened off. A nice siesta is what is called for, but that’s not possible at work. However, a quick trip to the men’s bathroom can give a fellow just the pick-me-up he needs to get over the hump and make it through the rest of the day.

Masturbation pays off in many ways - but in order to get that payoff, a guy needs to be sure his penis is in good shape for all that stimulation. Regular use of a first level penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help here. Frequent or aggressive masturbation can sometimes lead to a bit of de-sensitization of the penis due to peripheral nerve damage. A crème with L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties, can aid in restoring lost penile sensation. In addition, a crème should contain L-arginine, an amino acid that helps boost nitric oxide production. This helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive for increased blood flow.

Monday, 28 August 2017

What Every Man Needs to Know about Lubrication

Let’s be honest: Sometimes, a guy just wants to get it on. It doesn’t matter if the situation has enough lubrication involved. Two adventurous souls might choose to get down and dirty without any lubrication at all, or a guy might take matters into his own hand and keep things dry until the very end. But while that lack of lubrication might indicate something hot and spontaneous, the truth is that going without adequate lubrication runs contrary to everything a guy ever learns about good penis care.

However, there are times when additional lubrication can be problematic, such as when a guy is dealing with an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the lube, or when the only lube on hand is one that doesn’t work well with latex condoms. Here’s how to handle those situations, and much more.

If a guy can’t handle the lube…

Some lubricants have added ingredients that can lead to skin irritation, dryness and even pain. For instance, ‘warming’ lubes often contain ingredients that lead to a sense of warmth and heat to the skin. For some guys, that can be just a little too much excitement for their sensitive penis skin.

And in other cases, even the most common lubricants might actually trigger an allergic reaction. This often results in a rashy, red penis that might feel warm to the touch. Severe cases can lead to even more severe symptoms.

The good news is that there are so many lubes out there, a guy can experiment with quite a few until he finds one that works well for him. And when he’s looking at using lubes with condoms, keep in mind that oil-based lubes are not good for use with protections, as they will hasten the deterioration of the condom - and every guy knows that’s not good. Go for water-based or silicone-based lubes instead.

Using lubrication properly

When a man is with an eager partner, he might find that her body produces enough lubrication for both of them. But in many cases, a little extra is necessary for the comfort of everyone involved. Therefore, a man should always keep a good lube on hand just in case he needs it. Choose one that is specifically designed for use on sensitive private areas.

What a man should never, ever do is turn to "lubricants" that were never designed for that function. Grabbing for a bottle of lotion, shampoo, conditioner or even baby oil are all frowned upon, as they can lead to serious dryness and skin reactions that definitely take the fun out of a guy’s escapades. And of course, no one knows for sure what these products will do to the efficacy of a condom, but it’s a safe bet that the outcome might not be good.

Finally, a guy should remember to clean up thoroughly after using lube. Even the gentlest lubes can leave residue behind, and that can lead to penis itch, rash and redness. A quick wash with warm water in the sink might be enough, but for heavy-duty lubes, a full-on shower might be necessary to get all of it away from the skin.

In between sex sessions, it pays to use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not only will luxurious ingredients like Shea butter and vitamin E alleviate the dry skin that can result from using lubrication, a guy can look for vitamins A, C, D and B5, all known for their skin-soothing properties. And for better action, a guy can look to L-arginine, which is known for enhancing blood flow through the penis, leading to firmer erections and a potentially better time.

Penis Function Can Be Impacted by Heartburn

How is this for ironic: Heartburn is one of the most common side effects of medications designed to promote proper penis function among those with erectile challenges. But heartburn can itself negatively impact a guy’s penis function! Well, no one ever said that maintaining good penis health would be easy. But just how does heartburn come into play with the manhood? After all, the stomach and the penis are hardly in the same physical neighborhood. However, a little investigation can reveal just why there may be a connection.

Not an island

There’s a saying that no man is an island, and it’s also true that no body part is an island unto itself either. Men may like to sometimes think of their penis as being somehow separate from them. After all, guys like to say that they think with their penis or that it controls them or makes them do things they shouldn’t. But in fact, it’s just another body part, and as such may be influenced by changes in other parts of the body.

For example, it’s well known that a healthy heart is necessary for good penis function. If the heart doesn’t pump blood at the proper level, the penis doesn’t get fully erect or has a hard time staying in its erect state.

By the same token, heartburn or other digestion issues can affect penis function. It’s not as direct a relationship as between the heart and the penis, but when excessive heartburn or other gastrointestinal issues are present, it can distract a man and dampen his romantic fervor.


With that understanding, it’s easy to see why a man may want to avoid heartburn, especially on a date. In general, eating a well-balanced diet and eating and drinking in moderation can help ward off indigestion. But some people may have a natural "disinclination" for some foods. They may like them and find them hard to resist, but their bodies may not easily digest them - leading to heartburn or other issues.

Every person is different and each body digests differently, but some of the more common heartburn "triggers" are:

- Anything citrusy. Whether in solid or juice form, the acidic citrus fruit can wreak havoc on many digestive systems.

- Alcohol. Splitting a bottle of champagne may be romantic, but that alcohol can come back to plague a man before he gets to bed. And the same goes for downing shots in an attempt to impress a woman with how macho a guy is. Besides causing heartburn, alcohol can by itself have a somewhat deflating effect on many a man’s penis.

- Fatty meat. Meat can be a needed source of protein, but guys should go lean with it. Fatty meats lard up the stomach and promote indigestion in a big way.

- Pizza and pasta. Tomato sauce is generally delicious, and a staple of Italian food. But tomatoes tend to have a high acidic content - and by now anyone reading this knows that may spell trouble.

The list doesn’t stop there - dairy and caffeine are among other common triggers - but it’s enough to illustrate a point. A man needs to find out what his personal triggers are and learn how to "eat around" those triggers, such as which to avoid altogether, which to eat in moderation, etc.

Of course, even without heartburn, a man needs to keep his member healthy to promote maximum penis function. Regular application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. The proper crème will include vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue. Ideally, the crème should also contain vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Is a Penis Seal Adequate Penis Protection?

Part of protecting penis health is practicing good sexual health. That includes taking steps to ensure adequate penis protection, such as wearing a condom when engaging in sex in a non-monogamous relationship in order to diminish the risk of both pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Since acquiring an STI can have devastating consequences for a man, maintaining penis protection is key - and it’s a responsibility no guy should take lightly. The question some men are now facing is this: does use of a penis seal provide adequate penis protection?

What is a penis seal?

It’s not a water mammal in the shape of penis, nor is it an envelope sticker emblazoned with a proud manhood. Rather, a penis seal is a piece of adhesive which fits across the tip of the penis and effectively seals off the meatus and urethra.

Why would a guy do such a thing? Well, the idea behind the penis seal is that it keeps semen from erupting forth from the penis, thus preventing sperm from making their way into the vagina and starting their search for an egg to fertilize. By the same token, if the semen is prevented from leaving the penis, it can’t come in contact with another person - and if that semen is tainted with an STI, therefore, the semen can’t spread the STI to another person.

By the way, there’s a name for the process of preventing semen from finding its way out of the penis: injaculation.

Does it work?

Unfortunately, there are a few things wrong with the reasoning behind the penis seal, especially when it comes to pregnancy prevention and STI prevention.

First, there’s the simple fact that the seal may not always work. If the seal is not properly sealed, semen will dribble out of the protected area. And in some cases, the force of ejaculation may be so strong that it lifts up a portion of the seal, allowing more of the semen to escape.

Second, there’s the fact that adequate penis protection (and protection of any partners) requires that the entire penis be covered. The penis seal is intended to really cover just the tip of the penis, leaving the vast majority of the organ uncovered and unprotected.

It’s possible that a penis seal might be of some use in the realm of oral sex. If a partner does not wish to swallow semen, the use of a seal might diminish the chance of that happening. However, it still leaves open some possibility for transmission of an STI.

Other issues

Beyond its questionable protective abilities, there are other things to consider with a penis seal.

Number one, the seal may prevent semen from flowing out, but it doesn’t prevent it from still entering the urethra. If a guy doesn’t flush the semen out soon after sex (usually by urinating and forcing the semen out), the semen will stay in the urethra, which is typically full of bacteria. And the mixture of semen and bacteria may not be the best thing for penis health.

Then there’s the simple matter of removing the seal. It’s a piece of adhesive, so it’s basically similar to taking packaging tape and wrapping it around the penis tip. Even when pulled off slowly, there is likely to be some pain - and the real likelihood of damaging the penis skin through peeling some of it off.

A condom is a much better idea for penis protection than a penis seal. And it’s even better when a man also maintains penis health via a top rated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Raw, damaged penis skin will respond to a crème that contains a combination of potent moisturizing ingredients, such as vitamin E and Shea butter. It’s also good to keep the penis skin robust by using a crème with a potent antioxidant (like alpha lipoic acid) to minimize oxidative stress.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Penis Skin 101: Understanding Dermatological Descriptions

Doctors are accustomed to using words that may sound foreign to lay people. They’ve spent years in college and medical school using these terms, so they come easily, like second nature. But when a guy finds a penis skin issue has suddenly appeared, he doesn’t have time to bone up on his dermatological phrases and definitions before seeking out the doc. He just wants to know if the penis skin issue is a serious penis health issue, and what he needs to do about it.

There are scores of dermatological descriptions, and most of us don’t really know the exact meanings. A bump is a bump, a rash is a rash. But chances are that when the dermatologist is asking questions, or is examining a guy’s privates and telling him what they see, they’re going to describe his penis skin with terms that mean more to them than to the patient. With that in mind, here are a few common dermatological descriptions that it pays to understand.

- Macule. A macule is an area of skin that is a different color than the skin surrounding it, but which generally is not raised, like a bump or a lump. On penis skin, macules tend to be very small, less than 1 cm in diameter.

- Patch. But what if a macule is larger than 1 cm? Then it’s not a macule anymore; it’s a patch.

- Lesion. Any abnormal change in tissue is referred to as a lesion. A "gross" lesion is not necessarily repugnant; it just means that it is large enough that it can be seen by the naked eye. (If it requires a microscope to be seen, it’s called a histologic lesion.)

- Papule. A small lesion (usually less than 1 cm) that is raised to some degree (and therefore could be considered a bump). Pearly penile papules are a common penis skin issue for many men. Papules can be any color.

- Plaque. In dermatological terms, plaque is basically a larger (bigger than 1 cm) papule. It’s not higher than a typical plaque, and the top tends to be flat. They also usually have a well-defined border or edge.

- Nodule. An even larger papule (bigger than 1.5 cm) may be a nodule. Unlike a plaque, nodules are taller than a papule.

- Blister. A little "bag" of skin that is filled with some fluid is referred to as a blister. The fluid is usually clear-ish, but sometimes it may contain blood and therefore will take on a reddish hue.

- Vesicle. A vesicle is a blister smaller than 1 cm. When the vesicle is cut and the fluid runs out, the vesicle generally collapses.

- Bulla. If a vesicle is bigger than 1 cm, it is considered a bulla.

- Pustule. When the fluid inside a vesicle is made up of neutrophils, it is called a pustule. Neutrophils are a kind of white blood cell, important in the make-up of the immune system.

- Ulcer. An ulcer is a sore on the skin which causes some loss of skin tissue. The area is often red due to infection and inflammation.

- Verrucous. This describes a lesion that is pebbly or rough.

- Umbilicated. Umbilicated refers to a lesion with an indentation in the middle. These kinds of lesions are most often caused by a virus.

Understanding dermatological terms can make it easier to grasp what may be wrong with a particular penis skin issue. Penis skin will have less chance of damage if it is kept healthy through the regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Because penis skin can become dry and scaly, using a crème with proper moisturizing capability is essential. Choose one that contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). It’s also wise to select a crème with vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen and gives penis skin the tone and elasticity it needs.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Avoid Jock Itch While on Campus

With summer ending, more and more men are heading back to college and starting (or resuming) campus life. For those living in dorms, this may well mean spending a lot of time with other guys, and that could possibly have some implications for their penis health, specifically in the area of jock itch. Because the truth is, wherever you have a big gathering of guys living together - even in coed dorms in which there is a significant female presence - there’s likely to be an increased risk of jock itch.

What it is

Sure, almost every guy has heard of jock itch, and most have likely experienced it at some time or another. But lots of men don’t know exactly what it is. Let’s take care of that right now.

Jock itch is the common name given to the condition known as tinea cruris, which is a kind of ringworm. But don’t get nervous - ringworm is not actually a worm at all. Instead, it’s a fungal infection, which presents as an oval-ish patch with a red color. The outer edge of the patch is usually redder and bumpier than the interior. Sometimes it presents as just one patch, sometimes as many patches, like a rash. Not surprisingly, jock itch really does itch. A lot.

Jock itch is typically located on or around the penis and balls. Sometimes it can be found on the thighs, and sometimes on the buttocks.

Despite the name, a guy doesn’t have to be an athlete to get jock itch, although people who hang out in gyms are more likely to get it. That’s because fungi thrive in places that are hot and humid, like a gym, locker room - or like a college dorm bathroom. The fungus that causes jock itch is easily spread through skin-on-skin contact, as well as contact with contaminated areas (such as shower room floors) or towels and clothing used by guys with jock itch.

On campus

Because guys living (and showering) in close proximity to each other make it easy for jock itch to thrive and spread, a college campus is a hotbed for tinea cruris. That is why students should take precautions, such as:

- Protecting the feet. Walking barefoot around a dorm or bathroom leaves the foot vulnerable to picking up the fungus that creates athlete’s foot - which can in turn create jock itch. Wearing flip flops or waterproof slippers in common areas is advised.

- Don’t share towels. Unless a towel has been freshly laundered, don’t borrow one from a roomie or pal. If he has jock itch and has dried his equipment with it, the towel can transmit it to an unwitting user.

- Or razors. Manscaping is in, but borrowing another dude’s razor for the purpose is out. Again, if he has ringworm and already shaved his junk, it’s a bad idea to let that razor near anyone else’s penis.

- Or underwear. This really should go without saying, but borrowing a bro’s boxers or briefs is just not hygienically safe. Even if he doesn’t have jock itch, it’s best to keep another guy’s underwear at a safe distance.

- Stick with personal soap - and other things. By the same token, sharing soap is a good way to share fungus. And the same goes for more personal items, such as lube and sex toys like cock rings, penis sleeves and dildos.

Jock itch isn’t serious, but it can seriously cramp the big man on campus vibe. Some of the itchiness can be alleviated by using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Be sure the crème has a combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). Keeping the skin well moisturized will reduce the itch factor. The best crème will also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. By fighting free radicals, alpha lipoic acid strengthens and supports healthy penis skin.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Erect Penis Action: Sex in Water

An erect penis can rear its insistent head any time and any place, as every man knows. A penis that pops up frequently is an indicator of good penis health, and certainly is an asset when a man is with a partner who is equally in the mood for sexual bonding. Naturally, most such bonding experiences happen on dry land, but sometimes a couple can be in the mood for a little water action instead. Taking that slippery plunge can make for an exciting sexual experience, but it definitely requires some preparation and caution.


It’s best to clarify that, for the purposes of this article, water-based sex is referring to coupling that takes place in a watery setting such as a pool, the ocean or a bathtub. It doesn’t refer to the "water sports" arena of sex, in which sexual play involves urination on or by one or both partners (although certainly some people may choose to incorporate such water sports into their water-based sex if they so desire).


- Still use lube. Okay, when a guy’s erect penis is going to be submerged in water, why should he (or his partner) need to use lubricant? Because that constant water action may actually deprive the body of its natural lubricating oils. In addition, seawater may contain lots of sand, which can add "grit" to the friction in an unwelcome way. So use a silicone-based lubricant to keep things sliding and gliding smoothly.

- And a condom. Pregnancies and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) can occur just as easily in water as on dry land, so don’t skimp on appropriate protections. In addition, putting a condom on before entering seawater helps keep some of the salt and sand from attaching to delicate penis skin.

- Be ready to stand. In most cases, having sex in the water precludes basic missionary and doggy style positions. Some form of standing position is usually required. Couples who do not already use a standing position may want to investigate some of these on dry land in advance of trying them out in the pool, lake, etc. (Of course, some couples may opt not for intercourse but for oral sex or mutual masturbation, both of which may be more familiar to them in a standing mode.)

- Consider aqua shoes. Since many water-based sex positions work better if the couple is standing, the man may want to consider wearing some form of footwear (such as aqua shoes). This is especially recommended for sex in the shower, as tubs can be extremely slippery, but even in a pool, lake or ocean, it’s good to have a little extra "grip" - especially as penetrative sex while standing up can get fairly acrobatic.

- Be private. Sex in the shower is not a problem, but sex in a pool, ocean, etc. can be problematic. If the pool is in a guy’s own walled-in backyard, fine. But unless the river, lagoon, ocean, etc. that he picks is truly secluded and safely away from prying eyes, a couple risks arrest for having sex in such a place. Better to be safe than sorry.

- Be careful. Sex in a water location can be invigorating and exciting - but can cause injury. Couples should be sure that they are ready for the experience and take safety precautions before attempting.

Whether having sex in water or on dry land, an erect penis is better prepared for optimal sexual pleasure if it is in good health - and using a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help lead to that goal. Definitely use a crème with both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator), so it can replenish any lost or diminished moisturizing oils. The best crème also will include a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can fight free radicals that otherwise lead to unwanted oxidative damage to the penis skin.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

When an Erect Penis is the Last Thing a Guy Wants

For most men, an erect penis is a source of pride and something they want to show off. But when that erect penis happens during a job interview, lunch meeting with the boss or dinner with the in-laws, it’s definitely become a penis problem. When a guy has an erect penis at the wrong time, he might try all sorts of tactics to get rid of it, and some of them run counter to his good intentions for proper penis care. Fortunately, there are ways to hide his erect penis until nature decides it’s time to deflate the member.

1. Never get abusive. Some guys will choose to pinch, squeeze or use other harsh methods to bring their erect penis into submission. And though a sore penis often deflates just as quickly as it became erect, it’s important to remember that this kind of panicky damage control can actually do even more damage than the erect penis ever could. Rather than resort to methods like this, a guy should think things through and find a different solution.

2. Camouflage like crazy. When things get hard, a guy should stay seated. Standing up and walking around will only draw attention to the bulge in his pants, but sitting down and crossing his legs will help hide the problem. He can also throw a jacket across his lap, or even hold a book in a very convenient position to hide what’s going on below.

3. Think bad thoughts. While a guy is sitting there, he should be thinking about things that are decidedly not going to turn him on any further. Thinking about paying his taxes, dealing with that awful project at work, or even facing a serious fear - such as a claustrophobic dude crawling through a tight pipe or a man with a fear of heights imagining a fall from a skyscraper - can almost immediately take care of the erect penis problem.

4. Walk properly. If a man must walk around, he should do so with purpose. Simply march right out of the room after saying goodbyes and keep up a fast pace. This helps in two ways: First, it makes the body believe that no, there is not going to be any use for that erect penis, and it can shut down the anticipation. And second, a quick walk will reroute blood flow to the muscles of the body that are now working harder, thus leading to less of an erection.

5. Get it off. If things are truly out of hand, a man should take matters into his hand. If an erect penis refuses to quit and a man is potentially going to embarrass himself horribly if it continues, he can simply excuse himself to the bathroom to rub one out, thus taking care of the problem. But keep in mind that by going at this fast and furious, and probably without lube, a guy runs the risk of irritation, redness and other penis problems. It’s an option a guy should only resort to if the erect penis is threatening to cause a real problem.

When the crisis has passed and the erect penis is behaving properly again, a guy can breathe a big sigh of relief - and then set out to make up for any damage done if he did choose to masturbate the problem away. He can do this with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), specially formulated to keep skin smooth, supple and irritation-free. A wealth of vitamins and nutrients directly to the penis can help ensure the good ingredients get right to where they are supposed to be. Look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for an extra-soothing experience.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Sensible Steps to Fight Penis Odor

Because the penis is so far away from a guy’s nose, he’s unlikely to be aware that he may have a penis odor issue until it is in an advanced state. After all, by the time it’s strong enough to reach all the way from the crotch to the nose, it’s likely to have been building up for a while. And though penis odor can in some instances signal a penis health issue, most of the time penis odor is more of an embarrassment that a guy simply wants to avoid. Fortunately, there are some pretty basic common sense steps guys can take that are good at eliminating or reducing most common penis odor issues.

It’s understandable

First, it’s important to understand that penis odor is understandable to some degree. After all, unless a guy manscapes, the penis is going to be surrounded by the insulation of all that pubic hair. It’s also nestled between the thighs, and skin-on-skin contact creates a degree of heat as well. And then when it’s kept underneath (typically) two layers of clothing, it’s no wonder that the crotch becomes a heat factory, with the resultant bacterial sweat and odor that goes along with heat.

It’s also important to realize that some scent in the penile area is not a bad thing. Pheromones create an aroma potential partners pick up on and which they can find stimulating and desirable. But often that positive scent is drowned out by unwanted penis odor of the unpleasant sort.

Common sense strategies

And so a man must make sure he is following common sense strategies to keep penis odor at bay. These steps include:

1. Wash. The number one step is to regularly wash the penis and the surrounding areas. How often to wash depends on the individual (and on the season). Most men find that daily washing of their penis - even if they don’t go in for a full shower every day - is best. Some men may need to wash more than once a day, especially if they engage in sports, go to the gym, have sex, or if the weather is especially hot. But be sure to wash with a gentle cleanser and not one with added chemicals and fragrances. Frequent washing can deplete the penis skin of the oils it needs to stay moisturized, and chemicals and fragrances can bring about rashes or other skin issues.

2. Change clothes. Wearing the same clothes all day and all night may increase penis odor. It’s advisable to at least change underwear, especially on a hot day.

3. Air it out. Ideally, a man should let his penis air out for at least a couple of hours every day. Many guys find it easiest to do this simply by sleeping in the buff. But as long as the penis has some "unclad" time, it will help to let unwanted odors disperse.

4. Manscape. Some degree of manscaping can help keep the penis a little cooler. A full trim of the area is best for this, but even just keeping the pubic thatch trimmed down a bit can make a difference.

5. Use a crème. Another common sense approach to reducing penis odor is to apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The key is to make sure that whatever crème is chosen includes vitamin A among its ingredients. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is blessed with antibacterial properties that can fight the root cause of persistent penis odor. Keeping penis tissue healthy also decreases odor issues, so be sure the crème contains vitamin B5. This vitamin is required for healthy cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy penile tissue.

Red Penis from Sunburn: Valuable Tips

In many cases, a red penis is a sign of penis health, indicating a generous blood flow to the organ in question. In other cases, it can mean the opposite, perhaps signaling the presence of an infection. And sometimes, that red penis may be due to sunburn, especially if the possessor of said penis has paid a visit to a nude beach recently. So what can a guy do to help keep his manhood from getting a nasty sunburn while flaunting it on the beach or at a nudist resort? And when that sunburn is unavoidable, what steps does he need to take to get his equipment back in order?

- Sunscreen. This is pretty basic, but if a man intends to expose his penis to the sun, he needs to apply sunscreen to protect it. He also needs to re-apply it when necessary, such as after going swimming. Even when not swimming, reapplication is recommended after two hours. It’s also wise to use a sunscreen which indicates it is for sensitive skin, and one not loaded with excess chemicals or fragrances that could cause a reaction in sensitive penis skin. (And avoid getting any sunscreen inside the urethral opening, as that can cause a stinging sensation, which is not pleasant.) What if no sunscreen is available? This is not as effective, but spreading a layer of mud over the penis can help block the sun’s rays from doing as much damage.

- Avoid the sun. It’s also useful for male nude sunbathers to hide the penis away from the sun for a while. Rolling over and sunbathing the back is one easy way, but those who seek a deeper frontal tan can simply drape a towel over the penis for a while. Going for a swim can in some cases provide more protection, but be aware that if the water is clear, sometimes it can make already strong sunlight even stronger.

Preventing a red penis from sunburn is the best course of action, but what can a guy do if his manhood still ends up burnt despite his best efforts?

- Treat it right. Sunburned skin will heal on its own, but most guys want to take steps to help it along. This not only hastens the healing process but can help avoid or minimize unattractive peeling and flaking of penis skin. Generously and regularly apply aloe vera (but keep it from entering the urethral opening) to help heal, as well as a high quality penis health crème. In addition, try adding ice (wrapped in a dishtowel) or a cold compress to the area. Avoid any direct ice-to-skin contact, and don’t leave it on for too long. Also, stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water so the skin can get the moisture it needs.

- Go loose. Tight, constricting underwear is the last thing a guy wants on his sunburned penis. Opt for light cotton boxers (not briefs or boxer briefs), and wear trousers that don’t cling tightly. It may not allow a guy to show off his physique, but it’s worth it to feel more comfortable.

- See a doctor. Rarely, sunburn will be so bad that it requires a doctor’s attention. A badly blistered penis may need extra attention to ensure no infection arises.

When a sunburn causes a nasty red penis, it helps if a man is already regularly using a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . If he’s not doing so already, he should find one with a combination of both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin E). These hydrating agents help with the healing process and increase the moisture content the penis is seeking. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin D, often called the "miracle vitamin" because of its role in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Diminished Penis Sensitivity? Don’t Make it Worse

When something goes wrong with the body, the owner of that body tends to think about it all the time. From dry skin to medical conditions to something as simple as that pimple in an odd place, it’s not unusual at all to obsess about whatever might be going wrong. When it comes to penis sensitivity, a man who knows that his sensation is diminished might take extra time with penis care, scour the internet to find articles on what to do to help the situation, and look high and low for remedies.

But the problem with all this obsession is that it tends to actually make the matter worse. How does that work?

Overthinking is never a good thing

It all comes back to the brain. When someone feels any sort of sensation, it’s coming from nerve endings that create an impossibly fast loop to the brain. The brain registers the sensation at the same moment the body responds to it. This vivid connection between the body and brain doesn’t stop there; it also comes into play whenever a man uses any of his senses.

When a man feels a sensual touch, his penis sensitivity depends not only on the nerve endings in the penis itself, but how the brain reacts to those nerve endings. Touches can be more intense when other senses come into play, such as smelling a familiar perfume that turns him on, remembering past encounters, seeing delightful visual images or even feeling an emotional response to the partner. This is almost always a good thing!

But on the flipside, a man who is very worried about his penis sensation - or lack thereof - might actually suffer from further problems because he’s thinking about it all the time. The worry crowds out all those other senses, making the issues of penis sensitivity even worse. Now, rather than his brain getting all it can from the nerve endings, the sensation is somewhat deadened even further by the fact that his brain is blocked from fully engaging all those senses. Worry has overtaken the situation, and a man is now feeling more diminished response than ever before. As a result, he worries more. It’s a vicious cycle.

How to overcome overthinking

If a man truly wants to do all he can to help his penis sensitivity, he needs to stop thinking about it. Yes, that’s easier said than done, but here are some tips that can help a man make a real go of relaxing and enjoying the moment:

1. Don’t have a set goal. An encounter doesn’t have to have an end goal. If the mindset is to simply have fun and see where things go, then the pressure is off, and a man can try out what feels best - not what he thinks should feel best.

2. Take some time out. Rather than indulge in sex or solo play at every opportunity, hoping for a different outcome in penis sensation, a man should go celibate for several weeks. Simply stop messing with the penis. This can allow for much less pressure, but also give the penis a chance to ‘reset’ and those nerves to long for touch again.

3. Talk during the fun. When with a partner - or by himself - a man can talk his way through what’s happening, describing it all in intimate detail. This talking in conjunction with sensation can crowd out anything else that might be in his head and result in less worry, which might result in more sensation.

To protect penis sensitivity and encourage even better penis sensation, a man can turn to a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains L-carnitine is a good bet; this amino acid works to heal peripheral nerve damage that can lead to loss of penis sensation. A crème loaded with plenty of other nutrients can also help enhance overall penis health.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Masturbation for Better Sex and Good Penis Health

Almost every man masturbates, and that’s a good thing. Masturbation is well-known as a way to help maintain excellent penis health, as well as a man’s overall health. In fact, masturbation is an integral part of good penis care, so men are encouraged to get it on with themselves on a regular basis.

But there has long been an idea that masturbation is somehow detrimental to a relationship. When a man is in a romantic relationship with someone, he is obviously more likely to go to his partner to fulfill his sexual needs. But there is no reason for a man to stop masturbating, because hey - the more enjoyment he gets, the more healthy he will be!

In fact, studies are now looking into the idea that masturbation is actually good for a relationship. Here are a few reasons why masturbation can mean better sex:

1. A teaching tool. When a man masturbates frequently, he begins to understand exactly what works for him, where touches feel the best, and what certain pressure or speed will get him off. He also learns what feels good but allows him to hold back. By knowing these important things about his own body, a man can much more easily guide his partner to understanding what feels good for him. This leads to a much more confident partner and a much happier guy!

2. A guy can last longer. A man who doesn’t have the benefit of regular touch will be ready to go off the moment his partner touches him. That can lead to disappointment and worry for both parties. But when a guy masturbates on a regular basis, he takes that ‘edge’ off for a while - and that means that when he’s actually engaged with his partner, he can last longer than he would otherwise. This is something both people can appreciate!

3. Learning new methods of control. What if a man wants to last even longer? A guy who knows his body very well can figure out exactly what will stop him from exploding before he’s ready. For instance, a guy might find that certain way to pull down on his scrotum that will put just enough pressure on the penis - but no pain! - to stave off the impending climax. As a bonus, a guy can teach his partner how to do those things, too.

4. Spicing up the bedroom antics. A man who knows his body well might be much more inclined to let his partner in on what he does during his alone time. Rather than make masturbation a private matter, a guy can open up and let his partner watch everything he does when he pleases himself. This means that not only can his partner learn more about how to do the deed, it can also lend a sense of intimacy that brings a couple closer together.

When a man is masturbating often, he needs to take other penis health matters into account. This includes ensuring the skin is smooth, supple and always ready for action. He can take steps toward this goal with the regular use of a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Vitamin A is known for fighting bacteria, vitamin B5 is great for enhancing cell metabolism and vitamin E is fantastic for hydration - so a crème should contain all three. Beneficial amino acids like L-carnitine and L-arginine, as well as a bevy of other vitamins wrapped up in a luxurious Shea butter base, can also help ensure better overall penis health with every application.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Penis Bumps from Fordyce Spots: Are DIY Remedies Good?

When a man discovers penis bumps on his equipment, he often worries about what this might mean in terms of his penis health, and with good reason. Sometimes bumps can indeed mean a condition exists which needs attending to. But in the case of Fordyce spots, the bumps are benign and don’t really require attention medically.

Nonetheless, some men (and some partners) don’t like the look of Fordyce spots on and around the penis and may want to do something about them. There are many DIY remedies floating around the internet for removing Fordyce spots - but should a man use them to get rid of these harmless penis bumps?

What they are

The body has a network of glands known as sebaceous glands. There are many of these in the penis, and they provide an important function. They create and transport the body’s natural lubricating oils to the skin, where they help keep the skin moisturized and prevent drying out. On the penis, this helps keep skin from becoming dry, flaky and cracked - a look that no man really wants.

Sometimes, however, the sebaceous glands work harder than they have to. They become overactive. When this happens, they can be seen on the top of the skin as tiny little dots, often white or another color that is somewhat paler than the skin surrounding them. This is all that Fordyce spots are - overactive sebaceous glands. They are not dangerous and pose no real danger to a person. And they are very common, with some doctors estimating that some 80% of men have these penis bumps. (Some people may also get them on their lips as well.)


Nonetheless, some people find them aesthetically unpleasing and wish to have them removed. Since Fordyce spots have been around for thousands of years, many folk "remedies" exist for them. But are they effective? Not really.

For example, many DIY remedies assume that Fordyce spots are due to bacterial growth, which is not the case. But nonetheless these remedies purport to destroy bacteria in the area, and thus remove the penis bumps. Typical among these home methods are the application of turmeric mixed with apple cider vinegar; tea tree oil; jojoba oil; or lemon. Whether they actually affect bacteria may be open to debate, but they definitely do not remove Fordyce spots.

Another tactic has to do with moisturizing the skin. Coconut oil and aloe vera are suggested for this, and while they can help keep skin hydrated, Fordyce spots do not respond to them. Neither do they respond to simply boosting vitamin intake, as other old wives’ tales suggest. For that matter, exfoliating via an oatmeal scrub or a mixture of vanilla and sugar is also unlikely to help.

A doctor

For those men who really do wish to remove their Fordyce spots, it’s suggested they consult with a dermatologist. There are some methods, such as laser surgery and chemical peels, which can be effective. But since these penis bumps are benign, a man may want to be sure he cannot live with them before taking steps to remove them.

While home remedies to remove Fordyce spots (or other penis bumps) are unlikely to work, they do draw attention to the need to care for penis skin - and this can more easily be accomplished through the regular application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Moisturization can be aided via a crème that includes both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (one of nature’s great hydrating agents). And since free radicals and the oxidative damage they cause are a threat to healthy penis skin, it helps if the selected crème also includes a power antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) to help fight those free radicals.

Easing the Itchy Penis: Dealng with Eczema

Eczema is actually a rather common condition, with many people suffering from it from time to time. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin that produces itching, redness, dry areas and in the most severe cases, skin that appears to be blistered. The good news is that excellent penis care can help a guy feels much better, and might help keep the symptoms at bay altogether.

An eczema ‘attack’ is known as a ‘flare.’ To avoid flares - and to help the skin heal if a flare does happen - a man needs to look into these hygiene rules for penis eczema.

1. Clean properly. A man with eczema should never choose soap to clean his body; he should instead opt for a soapless cleanser that is much gentler on the skin. Other tips include taking showers with lukewarm water only, ensuring there is no lather residue left on the body, and patting the skin dry with a towel - never rub, as this could make eczema much worse.

2. Use moisturizers. Anywhere on the body that suffers from eczema deserves a slathering of moisturizing cream. This will help to dramatically soften the skin and help ease the itchy that can come from dryness. Look for moisturizers that don’t have any fragrance or added chemicals; an all-natural product is best.

3. Relieve the itching. It can be easy to simply say "don’t scratch that," but in reality, that advice often falls on deaf ears. And of course it does - when something itches as badly as eczema, not scratching at the spot can feel like torture! That’s why a man should take steps to avoid the itching in the first place. During a particularly bad penis eczema flare, a man can turn to over the counter antihistamines and cold compresses to ease the skin and keep the itch at bay.

4. Figure out the allergies. Men who have eczema often have some sort of allergies as well; many doctors believe that the two are related. So when a man suffers from eczema flares, he should make an appointment with the physician to figure out what allergies might be causing the problem. Once he knows that, he can tackle the allergy itself, thus making it easier to treat the eczema.

5. Keep a constant temperature. A room that is far too hot or too cold can lead to a flare. That’s why so many people complain of eczema getting worse during the summer or winter months. This can be especially bad for penis eczema, as the penis is often trapped behind a few layers of clothing, thus adding to the heat. Going bare as often as possible (in the privacy of home, of course) and keeping the temperature in the house comfortable is a great idea.

6. Choose the right clothing. A man wants to wear clothing that allows his skin to breathe, which in turn gets plenty of air to the areas of eczema. Wearing tight clothing that chafes or keeps the penis ‘trapped’ behind layers can actually make an eczema flare worse, no matter how many other helpful tips a man tries to alleviate the itch.

7. Get rid of stress. Interestingly, men who are under significant stress report a higher incidence of eczema flares. This indicates that stress really does reduce the effectiveness of the immune system, which in turn allows eczema to become worse. Doing anything it takes to reduce stress can eventually lead to fewer eczema flares.

When a man is trying to avoid a penis eczema flare, the best thing he can do is turn to the use of products that will help ensure the best of penis health. To do this, he can use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains a wealth of vitamins, nutrients and amino acids is great, but a man should also look for something that contains the wonders of vitamin E and Shea butter. This combo can help ensure the softness that every penis needs.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Penis Size and Testosterone: A Connection?

Even though most women acknowledge that penis size is not usually one of the most important attributes they look for in a man, this topic continues to be an obsession for many men - and not just those whose penis size might be considered on the smaller side of things. Many men with perfectly decent-sized members still desire more, either in length, girth or both. It’s well known that skill and penis health are more important in practical terms, of course; but something in the makeup of many men craves a physical sign that they are exceptionally virile. And that often leads to attempts, such as raising testosterone levels, in a quest to achieve a larger penis size.

But does testosterone actually make a guy’s penis bigger? An internet search will turn up articles - some from respected newspapers - about men who did use testosterone to achieve penile growth. But these articles come with a catch.


Most of the time, reports that claim something along the lines of a man doubling his penis size by using testosterone are misleading. They’re not necessarily false - often the man in question has indeed seen his penis become larger. But they give the false hope that any man who wants a bigger package can get it just by raising his T levels.

Typically, reports of a man’s penis enlarging due to testosterone involve a case in which the person in question suffered from a condition known as hypogonadism, which occurred early in life. Hypogonadism basically is a deficiency of testosterone. When it occurs before or during puberty, it has the effect of diminishing a man’s sexual development. Without sufficient testosterone, a boy will see little or no development in terms of growth of facial and pubic hair, lowering of the voice, and growth of the testes and penis.

In extreme cases, a grown man may have a penis that is essentially the size of a pre-pubescent boy’s. In many cases, having testosterone supplementation over an extended period of time - sometimes months or years - will correct this. In such cases, a grown man may indeed have the size of his penis double, just as he would have if his testosterone had kicked in during puberty.

Typical men

However, there seems to be no real evidence that a man who has successfully gone through puberty with no hypogonadism-related issues would see an increase in penis size from testosterone therapy. Also, although some men do acquire hypogonadism post-puberty, the complications typically associated with it (low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decrease in muscle and bone mass, etc.) do not typically have an impact on penis size. When prescribed by a knowledgeable physician, testosterone therapy can have an impact on these adult symptoms, but not on penis size.

Some men may want to experiment with testosterone therapy anyway, despite the lack of evidence for its effect on penis size. However, there is controversy concerning possible long-term effects of testosterone supplementation. Most physicians suggest using it under a doctor’s care to treat legitimate issues (such as erectile dysfunction) instead.

Whatever the testosterone levels and penis size, a man needs to be sure that his manhood is in its best possible state of health. Regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help achieve that admirable goal. Definitely look for a crème that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which plays a role in the development of nitric oxide; this in turn helps to keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased flow. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient which protects against peripheral nerve damage and the subsequent loss of sensation that can result.

Male Menopause: A Myth or Real Penis Problem?

When it comes to male menopause, there is quite a debate swirling about the question of just how common it really is - or if it is real at all. The fact of female menopause is well-documented and is an accepted part of life for every woman, as they will all go through ‘the change.’ But what about men? Doesn’t it make sense that a guy will suffer through the same decline in hormone production that women deal with at some point in their lives? In fact, men who practice good penis care and pay attention to overall health might notice some signs that lead them to believe male menopause is, indeed, very real.

Is male menopause real?

Much of the debate on whether male menopause is real centers on the changes in hormone production. Science has proven that males do suffer from a drop in male hormones throughout their lives; however, that drop is very gradual and can take place over several decades. In addition, though they might suffer symptoms from those changes, the symptoms are usually not severe and do not take place all at once. And finally, men who undergo a lowering of male hormones usually do not become infertile because of it.

Compare this to female menopause, which is quite different. For women, the hormone drop is rather sharp, and the symptoms that come along with it can seem to happen all at once - within a matter of a few short years. The symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with a woman’s day-to-day life. And of course, when a woman goes through menopause, her child-bearing days are decidedly done, as she will be infertile when the hormone drop is complete.

Therefore, when it comes to male menopause, the answer is two-fold: Yes, it is real, because many men suffer the symptoms. But no, it isn’t actually menopause, because it doesn’t carry the severity for a man that it does for a woman.

Dealing with the symptoms

However, that doesn’t mean a man won’t have to deal with a variety of symptoms that can be confusing or annoying. One of the most troublesome symptoms of the male hormone drop is a corresponding decrease in sex drive. A man who was raring to go a decade ago might now be surprised to find that he doesn’t really care to get it up - and that when he does want to, he simply can’t do it as often, or as well.

Much of this comes from the simple process of aging. As a man ages, his production of male hormones drops, until he is suffering from a variety of issues. The biggest of these is the decrease in male sex drive, but other problems include weight gain, irritability, lowered levels of energy, a drop in self-esteem, depression and even some mental confusion from time to time.

The good news is that there are ways to combat the problem. Men should pay close attention to their overall health, including trying to lose the weight, exercising regularly, eating right and taking steps to manage stress and get enough sleep. Besides that, hormone replacement therapy might help a man whose symptoms are really messing with his quality of life.

Between improving overall physical health and possibly turning to hormone therapy, a man might find that his sex drive goes up accordingly.

In the meantime, keeping the penis itself in good health can help avoid many a penis problem, including some of the troublesome symptoms of male menopause. A specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a great step toward this better health. A crème that contains a variety of beneficial vitamins, such as A, C, B5 and D, is a great place to start. Powerful amino acids, combined with vitamins in a soothing Shea butter and vitamin E base, can keep the skin smooth, supple and ready for action.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Dry Penis Skin: Basic Care

No guy wants to disrobe and find an unattractive dry penis skin situation going on, and no woman wants to be exposed to it, either. While dry penis skin is often just that - dry penis skin - and not a major penis health concern of serious proportions, it looks unappealing and off-putting. So when a guy finds his penis skin is far too dry for public exhibition, he needs to take steps to take care of it. Fortunately, basic care for dry penis skin is pretty common sense.

Why so dry?

Sometimes, dry penis skin results from common skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, and treating it may require some assistance from a dermatologist. Very often, however, dry penis skin is the result of what are commonly called environmental or lifestyle factors (as well as, in some cases, a genetic predisposition to dry skin). When these factors are responsible, it makes sense to make changes in certain areas to address the dry skin issue.

Among the reasons a man may have dry penis skin are:

- The air is simply too dry. When the humidity is too low, the air can draw moisture out of the skin, including the penis. This can happen any time of year. For example, in the summer, excess heat may be responsible for drying the skin. In the winter, heating units, central heating, fires, or space heaters can help reduce the moisture in the air. Also, many people spend a great deal of time with a fan blowing directly on them, which can de-hydrate the skin. (If sleeping in the nude, don’t point the fan directly at the penis!). Using a humidifier when the air is too dry can be beneficial, but be sure to clean it regularly.

- Showers are too long or too hot. This may seem counterintuitive, but showering or bathing for too long - or using water that is too hot - can actually dry out the skin. Why should adding water to the skin actually make it dryer? Simple. All that water (and soap) washes away the natural oils the body produces. It’s these oils that actually moisturize and hydrate the skin, and that lock water into place. Most guys avoid really hot water on their penis (thankfully), but a lot of guys do like to take nice long showers. And even if the water is not spraying directly on the penis, it still drips down and drains away the oils that the penis skin needs to remain attractive to partners.

- The cleanser is wrong. No guy likes to go around with a rank penis odor, so most men tend to practice proper hygiene and wash their members on a regular basis. Sometimes they even use a soap or cleanser with an added fragrance just to help disguise any fishy smells that may linger in the area. But often soaps, especially those with fragrances and chemicals, can be too harsh for the delicate skin of the penis. It can not only dry the skin out but also leave a rash. So using a milder soap is usually better.

- The detergent is also wrong. Same story applies to laundry detergent. Washing the tighty whiteys in a detergent that has too many chemicals can cause the chemicals to rub off on the penis and dry the skin out. Milder is better.

To care for dry penis skin, keep the air sufficiently moist, avoid long, hot showers and use gentle soaps and detergents.

One other major care tip for dry penis skin: Every day, apply a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the penis. The very best of these crèmes are going to contain a dual moisturizing combination, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Together they can create a moisture lock to keep the skin well-hydrated. The best crème will also include vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

When to Call the Doctor about an Itchy Penis

Every man knows how it feels to have an itchy penis - and it’s not fun. However, in most cases an itchy penis goes away quickly, and usually a man knows exactly what caused it. That’s why most itchy, red penis situations aren’t cause for concern. But what is a man to do when he tried every penis care trick in the arsenal but the itchy penis doesn’t stop?

When a man has tried everything from excellent hygiene to soothing crèmes and nothing seems to help, he could be dealing with a more serious issue that requires a visit to the doctor. Here’s what a man should be aware of when his itchy, red penis persists no matter what.

1. Diabetes. Though it might seem strange that diabetes can cause an itchy penis, it can be surprising how many issues stem from this medical condition. A man with diabetes might tend to urinate much more, and that leads to a bit more moisture around the crotch area, which in turn leads to an overgrowth of bacteria. Besides that, a hallmark of diabetes is an overgrowth of yeast, leading to yeast infections. Though these are more common in women, a man with diabetes can develop them as well. An itchy penis accompanied by a burning sensation, whitish discharge and even a strange odor are all signs that a man should go to the doctor for yeast infection treatment.

2. Sexually transmitted diseases. It seems obvious, but it must be said: if a man is sexually active, he is at risk of contracting a disease from a partner. Some sexually transmitted diseases present with a variety of mild symptoms, including a penis itch that just won’t quit. Even if the itch doesn’t get worse, but simply persists at a typical level, it could be an indication of something picked up from a sexual encounter. In addition to the usual six-month checkup and testing for diseases, this itchy penis situation should send a man running to the doctor, pronto.

3. Eczema or psoriasis. If a man has either of these conditions on other parts of the body, it’s entirely possible he has them on his penis, too. But even a guy who has never suffered from them before can suddenly develop them on his most sensitive parts. The good news is that a doctor can usually diagnose this with a single glance, and can offer treatments that will either eliminate the itch or ease it tremendously. If the itchy penis is accompanied by redness, especially red patches or areas that look like shiny plaque on the skin, it’s time to get checked out.

4. Contact dermatitis. Sometimes an itchy penis is the result of simple allergies. A man might use a new cleanser, switch laundry detergents, or even have a reaction to a new partner’s perfume! In most cases the itch will go away quickly and once a man eliminates the cause, it won’t return. But if a guy can’t figure out what is causing the reaction or it keeps getting worse, it warrants a visit to the doctor.

Finally, a man should remember that a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an especially potent way to alleviate an itchy penis. A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, known for its bacteria-fighting properties, as well as vitamin E, which keeps skin hydrated and cuts down on itchy from dryness. A plethora of other nutrients wrapped up in a Shea butter base can be a boon to any man’s personal hygiene.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

How to Ease Penis Pain and Swelling

When a man suddenly begins suffering from penis pain and swelling, especially in the wake of a romantic moment or two, it can easily lead to panic. It’s quite natural to feel fear when pain arrives, and especially so if that pain is in the penis or surrounding area. But the good news is that prompt and careful penis care can help a man overcome most cases of penis pain and swelling.

Here’s what to do during those panicked moments when a man is sure his penis will never be the same:

- Put on the brakes. Whatever was happening before the pain and swelling began, it’s time to stop it, completely. If a man was coupling when it happened, he should stop immediately and explain to his partner what’s going on. If he was masturbating, things just suddenly became entirely hands-off. If the pain and swelling began at any other time, a man should think back to what he was doing before - retrace his steps, so to speak - and try to figure out what might have sparked this unwelcome result.

- Get clean. A man will want to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction, so he must make sure his penis is entirely clean. That means jumping into the shower or rinsing off at the nearest sink. Though most causes of penis pain are not the result of an allergic reaction, it helps to have a clean slate to begin from when he takes steps to minimize the pain and swelling.

- Reach for home remedies. A cool compress and a good dose of ibuprofen will help relieve the soreness, pain and swelling of a penis that has seen a little too much action. A compress can be made from a hand towel submerged in very cold water and wrung out. If using a cold pack from the freezer, make sure to put a thick cloth between the penis and the pack, to avoid the possibility of frostbite. The pain should begin to ease rather quickly once the compress has been applied.

- Evaluate the situation. Once a man has done the above things, he should look at the situation with a level head. Is the pain some of the worst he has ever felt? Then it’s time to head to the hospital. Did it begin to ease when he stopped when he was doing and used a cold compress? Then it might be okay to take a wait-and-see approach. If a guy is dealing with intense penis pain or notices other penis problems, such as hardness that won’t go away, it’s time to call the doctor.

- Get help. If the penis swelling refuses to go away or is accompanied by serious penis pain, it’s better to be safe and go see the doctor. Bruises, a burning sensation, any bleeding or other penis problems in conjunction with the pain and swelling should be seen in the emergency room as soon as possible.

Finally, a man can make the most of his good penis health by taking steps to maintain it. This can be done with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A man can look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which are perfect for hydrating skin and relieving some of the swelling and pain that comes from too much friction. He should also look for a crème with L-carnitine and L-arginine, two amino acids that help the penis heal from trauma and protect the nerve endings, thus helping maintain penis sensation.

Monday, 14 August 2017

4 Ways to Maintain a Handsome Penis

A man places a great deal of worth on his penis. After all, it’s the part of him that brings such incredible pleasure, not only to himself, but to his partners. It’s the part that all men seem to talk about and compare. Has anyone ever heard a man talk fondly about the shape of his nose, or guys comparing the size and shape of their earlobes? Given how important this part of the body is, guys already know that good penis care is essential.

But do they know exactly how to maintain their penis health so that they can not only have a more handsome penis, but fewer penis problems as well? There are a few things men need to keep in mind, whether they are revamping their old routine for penis care or starting out for the first time on this very important journey.

1. Careful cleaning is a must. The penis is usually very warm, encased in clothing that keeps it in the dark, and a little moist from the sweat and other body oils that surround it. The result is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. That’s why a daily cleaning is so important. A man should look for a good cleanser that will not dry out his skin, and wash the area with warm water on at least a daily basis. It is important to clean every part of the penis, especially under the foreskin for intact men. When the cleaning is done, pat dry the penis - never rub, as this can create irritation.

2. Take care to use lubrication. Whether a guy is playing on his own or with a partner, adequate lubrication can remedy all sorts of penis problems before they have a chance to begin. Going at it without lube might seem okay at first, but remember that the sensitive penis skin is made up of all sorts of delicate nerve endings, which are maintained by tiny blood vessels right underneath the skin. Lots of friction but not lube means that those blood vessels might suffer injury, which in turn can contribute to scar tissue, neither of which bode very well for a handsome penis.

3. Avoid sexually transmitted diseases. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many men choose to have sex without a condom ‘just this once’ and think there will be no serious consequences from that fact. And sure, a man might get lucky from time to time, but eventually the lack of protection will catch up with him. The result could easily be penis bumps, warts, red spots and discharge, as well as penis pain. Though many conditions can be treated fully, some might leave behind scars or worse, stay around forever, like herpes - and lurk there until another outbreak that ruins the look of a guy’s handsome penis.

4. Use a top-notch penis health crème. The importance of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) cannot be stressed enough. A good crème will contain a plethora of vitamins. These should include vitamin A, also known as retinol, which is known for maintaining skin health. Another is vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, an essential nutrient often found in high-end skin crèmes. Vitamins C, D and E help ensure further maintenance of healthy penis skin. Amino acids that ease peripheral nerve damage can help the penis that has been enjoyed a little too much, and the wonders of Shea butter can help keep skin supple and smooth. Applying a crème like this daily after a shower is the perfect way to ensure a healthy, handsome penis.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Sometimes a Bent Penis is Due to Vasculitis

Most men don’t personally encounter a lot of erect penises. Sure, they may see them when watching pornography, but it’s pretty well accepted that the penises on display in many adult videos are not necessarily representative of the actual norm. And so without a real-life frame of reference, a guy may become alarmed if he finds he has a bent penis when it is erect and may worry about his penis health and function.

In fact, many men quite naturally have some curvature of the penis. It’s only when a bent penis is at so severe an angle that it becomes painful or affects its functionality that a man needs to be concerned. There can be several causes of a severely bent penis, one of which is vasculitis.

Peyronie’s disease

Typically when a man has a penis which curves to such an extent that it is of genuine concern, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease. When a man has Peyronie’s, the curvature is caused by a build-up of plaque or scar tissue in an area of the penis.

Why does scar tissue have this effect? Basically, scar tissue is part of nature’s way of healing. So if an area of the penis receives some form of trauma, the scar tissue forms as part of the reparative process. But the tissue in the penis needs to have a high degree of elasticity, so that it can go from the smaller flaccid state to the larger erect state.

Scar tissue negatively impacts the tissue’s ability to expand properly. When the penis gets the signal to become erect, it starts stretching out. The part of the penis without the scar tissue stretches to its full degree, as normal. But the section with the scarring at one point says, "Stop! That’s as far as I can go." With one side fully erect and the other pulling back on the expansion, curving occurs - left, right, up or down, depending on where the scar tissue is.


Vasculitis is a condition in which blood vessels become inflamed. It can occur anywhere in the body, including in the penis. The inflammation can damage the blood vessels, making them weaker and/or narrower. If it gets too weak, it may break, which causes scar tissue to form. If it gets too narrow, the blood has a harder time getting through, which may cause blockage. With less blood flowing in, less oxygen also flows in - and that can also damage the tissue, creating scarring.

Vasculitis is still poorly understood by the medical community, and its exact and complete causes are unknown. However, it is often due to infections (such as hepatitis B or C), problems with the immune system (such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis) or reactions to some drugs.

If a doctor diagnoses a man with vasculitis, he will prescribe appropriate treatments, which often include corticosteroids and immunosuppressing medications. Often treating the vasculitis can have an effect on the bent penis; in other cases, the scar tissue may be too far advanced and other methods may be employed if necessary to correct a significantly bent penis.

Treating a bent penis due to vasculitis or other causes is made easier when the overall health of the manhood is not in doubt. Regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help improve penis health. Look for a crème that includes L-carnitine. Often, scar tissue build-up can "deaden" sensation in a penis, and L-carnitine is useful in helping restore loss of sensation in the member. The crème should also include vitamin C, which is a key component in keeping the penis skin toned and elastic.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Penis Health and Sex Tips for the Summer

Summer is a time when many a man meets up with a new partner or finds time to explore new forms of intimacy with an existing one. Such being the case, what man doesn’t appreciate some good penis health and sex tips when the weather gets a bit on the warm side? With that in mind, we offer the following sex tips for the remaining days of this summer - and for future summers to come.


- Take advantage of the warm weather. Having sex outdoors in the winter is not usually at the top of everyone’s list (unless they live in a tropical paradise, of course) - so take advantage of summer weather to get frisky outside. Be sensible, of course; don’t disrobe and become entangled on a busy street. But a backyard with a good privacy fence or in a field that is truly deserted can be an excellent place to become one with Nature while becoming one with that special person.

- Sleep naked. A guy’s penis can get very rank from summer sweat, so take advantage of the warmth to sleep in the nude - and encourage that special someone to do so as well. The lack of clothing makes spontaneous sex just that much easier.

- But keep ice nearby. Sometimes even without clothes, the heat can become oppressive. Bringing up a bucket of ice can enable a couple to have fun cooling each other down before getting down to brass tacks. And sucking on an ice cube before indulging in oral sex can take things to a whole different level.

- Avoid pool sex. Some movies make making out in the pool or hot tub seem intensely sexy. In reality, the heavily chlorinated water can dry out the skin, including that sensitive penis skin. It also washes away natural lubrication, adding the wrong kind of friction to a couple’s sexual encounter.

- Use that bikini top. Couples who are into bondage, even in just a joking way, can enjoy using a bikini top as a way of tying one’s lover down. Or up.

- Oil up. Refreshing body oils, scented with aromas that entice and intrigue, can be especially welcome on a hot summer night. For even greater effect, rub them in while a fan is gently blowing across the skin.

- Change locations. Sex is fun no matter where it is - but sometimes having sex in a totally new location makes it even better. Summer is ideal for travel, so occasionally pack things up and hit the road. Whether going on an overnight camping trip, a weekend-long excursion to a nearby town or a vacation out of the country, new sites can mean exciting new sex. For those who can’t get away, try having sex in a different room in the house - or even just in a new position.

- Get handy. Sometimes, the summer heat is so oppressive that the thought of one body on top of another can be a bit of a turn-off. But that’s why we have hands. If intercourse is out for the night due to the heat and the sweat, consider an evening of manual fondling and kissing instead.

Penis health and sex tips aren’t relegated just to the summer, of course, and one tip for all seasons is this: Daily apply a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the manhood. The best option will provide a wide array of vitamins, such as vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. Topical application allows the vitamins to target the penis more specifically. In addition, the crème should include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals and the damage they can cause.