Monday, 31 July 2017

Want to Maintain Penis Health? Ask a Partner These Questions

When fooling around with a new partner, the last thing anyone wants to think about is sexually transmitted diseases. But the fact is that every new partner offers potential, not just for sexual pleasure, but for the potential of infection. Good penis care requires that a man who is considering bedding a new partner should ask plenty of questions that will help keep his penis health in tip-top shape, not to mention his overall health.

Questions to ask a new partner

Keep in mind that these questions are not just for the partner. A man must be ready and willing to answer these questions as well, for his partner needs to know his information just as much as he needs to know theirs!

1. The V-card question. If someone has never had sex before, it’s imperative that the new partner knows about this. Some people don’t want to have the pressure of being the ‘first,’ while others will relish the idea. And still others simply want to know so they can make the experience much more enjoyable.

2. How many partners have they had? Assuming someone is not a virgin, they have had at least one partner. But how many? Though it might seem like an embarrassing or confrontational question, it’s a vitally important one. Remember that the more partners a person has had, the higher the chances of sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Are they on birth control? Knowing the answer to this question can help alleviate one worry if the condom happens to break while doing the deed. Besides that, someone who is on birth control has obviously taken pre-emptive measures to keep themselves safe from the complication of unwanted pregnancy, which indicates a level of responsibility.

4. When was their last screening, and what were they tested for? Knowing about the screening dates can help someone determine whether an HIV test can be deemed accurate. That’s because testing every six months is recommended after an HIV exposure scare. Testing every six months is recommended anyway if someone has had sex with more than one partner during that time period.

5. What were the results? Just knowing someone has been tested isn’t enough. It’s important to know exactly what those results were, and if there were any issues that warranted treatment. It can also help a man gauge whether he wants to continue with a relationship in which there might be a higher chance for sexual disease transmission - for example, he needs to know if someone has been diagnosed with herpes, as it never really goes away, but only goes into remission.

6. Were they ever treated for an STD? Knowing what the problem was and when it was treated can help a man determine if it’s safe for his penis health to continue with the encounter. If he is uncomfortable in any way with the answers he receives, it’s a good idea to take a step back and think things over before choosing to move forward.

7. Do they always use condoms? This is vitally important to know, as it helps a man determine whether a person is more of a risk-taker or someone who doesn’t feel barrier protections are necessary. Someone who wants to skip the condoms is sure to have done the same thing with previous partners, thus making it more likely that they were exposed to a potential disease.

In addition to checking out potential partners, a man help ensure his good penis health through the use of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Proper penis care dictates using the crème on a daily basis to fight against dry penis skin and keep the member looking healthy for the next partner to come along.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Penis Skin Care Tips: Beyond the Usual

Men want their penises to look their best. They are a source of pride, and a guy wants his penis to always make a good first impression on new partners. That is one reason why so many men make a habit of practicing good penis health care, especially when it comes to penis skin. There are many tips frequently offered on maintaining penis skin; this article offers some tips in areas that may be a little off the beaten path.

Certainly, every man needs to attend to the basics when it comes to caring for his penis skin. That includes washing it properly and regularly, using gentle soaps and cleansers, keeping the skin moisturized, etc. When a man takes care of the basics, he is rewarded with penis skin that has a healthy, attractive glow.

Still, many things can affect penis skin that he might not think about. Tips in these areas include:

- Be careful with the kinks. Many men enjoy indulging in sexual kinks or fetishes - and as long as those involved are consenting adults, there’s no reason not to. But sometimes these special pleasures can inadvertently result in penis skin issues. For example, many a man has a foot fetish and enjoys rubbing, sucking on or kissing a partner’s foot or feet. In some cases, they also enjoy direct foot-to-penis contact. The issue to be concerned with here is the possibility of a fungal infection from the foot transferring to the penis. Some other fetishes may involve rough handling of the penis - rubbing it forcefully without lubrication or contact between the penis and a whip. Again, this may create penis skin issues.

- Remember socks are not tissues. A frequent quandary: What to do with semen during masturbation? Tissues or towels are probably the most frequent solution, but there are others. For example, many men grab an old sock and wipe the ejaculate off with that. Others simply rub the semen into their penis and let it dry there. The former is really not recommended, as an unlaundered sock is likely to have bacteria, germs and/or fungus on it that can attack the penis skin. The latter is not as bad, but letting semen dry on the penis skin repeatedly may affect the oil composition of the skin. Using tissues is generally better.

- Bring a towel to the sauna. Saunas and steambaths are great for loosening up the muscles after a workout. But bring a towel to sit on. The moist heat makes them a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria - which are rampant at gyms anyway. Letting the manhood come in touch with all that mess is asking for penis skin trouble.

- Don’t use another guy’s toys. Faux vaginas can make for great masturbation fun - but a guy should use his own instead of borrowing a bud’s. Even if he is vigilant about washing (and drying!) his toys after every use, it’s just too risky. Most guys shy away from this because they don’t like the idea of their member rubbing against a toy into which someone else has ejaculated, but that’s only one concern. There’s also sweat, skin, bacteria, fungi and other elements that could have been missed by even a scrupulous cleaner.

These out-of-the-way tips for penis skin care don’t negate the need for penis skin care routines, of course, including regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The most effective crèmes will include both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Penis skin also responds well to a crème with vitamin C, which aids in collagen production and is excellent at keeping penis skin toned and elastic.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Relieve the Itchy Penis with Soapless Cleansers

Men who have been dealing with an itchy penis for what seems like forever might become quite frustrated, especially if they are doing everything "right" - practicing excellent penis care, keeping their skin clean and moisturized, and even using the proper protections when it’s time for a night of passion.

What men might not realize is that the thorough shower they enjoy every day might actually be the culprit for that dry, itchy penis. Penile itching is often a result of using soap-based products, such as a typical soap bar or body wash that contains certain chemicals. In order to keep penis skin hydrated, smooth and supple - and eradicate that itch - a man needs to use a soapless cleanser.

But what’s the difference?

It can seem as though there is very little difference between soap and soapless cleansers. In fact, some bath bars marketed as ‘beauty bars’ or ‘bath wash’ or ‘male care’ might actually be soapless, but they look just like their soap-filled counterparts on the shelf.

Sometimes it’s clear what is soap and what it not. If the ingredient list includes a variety of things no one can really pronounce, as well as added fragrance, it’s a sure bet a guy is looking at a bar of soap. Remember, the more ingredients, the more likely it is to spark an allergic reaction or lead to a red, itchy penis - even if it doesn’t seem to harm skin on the rest of the body.

If a guy is unsure, he should pay close attention to the label. Write down the ingredients and do an internet search; anything that comes back as ‘detergent’ or ‘surfactant’ usually means it’s a soapless cleanser.

How do they work?

Soap is usually a combination of fats, salts and oils. The fatty acids in the soaps can actually dry out more delicate skin on the body, and the higher pH content dries it out further, allowing more opportunity for bacteria to set up shop.

Soapless cleansers omit the fats and replace them with more oils. While a man might think that putting more oil on his skin is a bad thing, the opposite is actually true: A cleanser with oil in it gets rid of the ‘used’ oil in the skin that has picked up debris and pollution along the way, and replaces it with the ‘new’ oil that comes from the cleanser. The result is cleaner skin, but the same feeling of hydration as before the shower began.

And in many cases, soap leaves a thin layer of residue on the body. Though it might not be seen, it can certainly be felt when the soap residue dries out the skin. Soapless cleansers are non-alkaline, which means they wash down the drain easily and don’t leave that residue - thus helping ensure the skin doesn’t have a layer of drying chemicals on it when the shower is over.

How to choose the right products

Once a man has determined which products are soapless, it’s time to think about which one to use. He should look for a cleanser that contains no fragrances and lots of moisturizing oils. He should also look for something that contains natural ingredients. If he can’t pronounce most of the ingredients, it’s time to look for something else.

And in between those showers, a man can help ensure better penis health through the use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, to help fight bacterial growth, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E to guard against itchy penis skin that results from too little hydration. For an added boost, a guy can go for a crème that contains vitamin D and C, as well as beneficial amino acids that help maintain penis health.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Get a Happy Penis: Break Out of the Masturbation Routine

Sometimes, having a routine is a very positive thing. It helps a person get to work on time or make progress on a project. But a routine can get a little boring - and that can sometimes happen with masturbation. Since guys tend to masturbate more than girls (for penis health reasons, plus it’s just fun), this may not be an issue for many women. But lots of bros find themselves ready to self-fondle, but kind of bored with the whole thing. So what to do?

Clearly, if a guy’s masturbation routine is interfering with his enjoyment of his solo sexual time, he needs to either take a break and stop masturbating for a while (which is sometimes a good idea) or he needs to change his game up. For those interested in the latter, try some of the following as a way to make a break from the routine.

- Stand up. Or lie down. With computer porn a big part of masturbation for many men, lots of guys spend time masturbating while sitting in a chair in front of a screen. An easy way to shake things up a little is to stand up at the desk while stroking. Those with a laptop or mobile device may want to bring it to bed and lie down for a little stimulating session there.

- Or turn it off. Or here’s a radical idea for those who masturbate while watching porn: don’t. A guy can easily free himself from all those porn channels and Tumblr blogs and use his own imagination to create sexy scenarios that turn him on. This is actually one of the best ways to make his masturbation life more exciting and stimulating; exercising his own fantasy muscles, at least every once in a while, can be a blast.

- Change subjects. Another easy fix. Instead of always masturbating to steamy pictures of blondes, track down some erotic redhead shots. If tall women turn a guy on, he can view some petite versions for a change of pace. The internet is full of sexual experiences for every possible taste, so do a little exploration to see what else is out there. Don’t be afraid to push the comfort zone a little.

- Change locations. A change of scene can do wonders. That may mean masturbating in the living room instead of the bedroom, or the kitchen instead of the bathroom. Or it may mean a bigger change - taking matters into his own hands in the men’s room at work, for instance, or in the car, or (if he has a good privacy wall), in the backyard. (Just be careful not to get busy in a situation that could get a person fired or jailed!)

- Get a partner. Maybe what’s missing from a guy’s solo time is a partner. Not everyone would feel comfortable doing this, but some people might want to ask their wife or best buddy to share in their masturbating experience. For those with someone in their life that they can broach the subject with, it can be very rewarding.

- Work on timing. Sometimes just masturbating at a different time - before breakfast rather than before bedtime, say - can make a big difference. Or a guy who likes a session to last for an hour can try to get off as quickly as possible.

Changing the masturbation routine, even just for a short while, can put some life back into the experience. After all, variety is the spice of life.

Whether the masturbation is too routine or not, a guy needs to keep his penis in top notch shape for the activity. Regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can do just that. Be sure the crème includes both L carnitine and L-arginine in its ingredients list. The former is neuroprotective, so that all that insistent handling of the penis doesn’t result in a loss of sensation to the member. And the latter is crucial for creating nitric oxide, which in turn helps open penile blood vessels so that more blood can flow freely into the penis at the appropriate time.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Four Reasons for a Burning, Itchy Penis

When a man has a burning, itchy penis, he will do anything to alleviate it. The good news is that in most cases, figuring out what caused it in the first place can point a man in the right direction for relief. Though some situations can be figured out and handled at home, others will require the help of a physician - but all will require excellent penis care to ensure proper healing.

The list of things that can cause an itchy penis is rather long, but what about things that can cause a burning sensation along with that maddening itch? These four issues can often lead to an itch and a burn.

1. Jock itch. It happens all the time, and not just to guys who frequent the gym. Jock itch is a red, itchy rash that spreads all over the penis and surrounding area, but especially loves to make itself known in the creases, such as where the buttocks meet the thighs or where the scrotum touches the leg. It grows wildly in areas that are dark, warm and moist - exactly like the groin area. In many cases, over the counter medications can do the trick, but sometimes a man who has a burning and itchy penis situation that spirals out of control should see a doctor for stronger medications.

2. Allergic reactions. This is another of those situations that can probably be handled at home. The skin of a man’s penis is quite sensitive, and that means that any changes in the environment can affect it in a way that might not affect other areas of skin. Something as simple as a new detergent, a new cleanser in the shower or even getting up close and personal with a lady and her perfume can be enough to lead to burning, itchy hives. Antihistamines can help, but finding the problem and eliminating it is essential.

3. Yeast infections. Contrary to popular belief, yeast infections are not just a ‘woman’s problem.’ Men can get them as well, and even the best penis care can sometimes not protect him. That’s because some women will have a yeast infection for quite some time with no symptoms at all, and thus they have no idea there is an overgrowth of yeast - but then the man’s penis pays the price. The bad news is that a yeast infection calls for a trip to the doctor. The good news is that treatment is quick and very thorough.

4. Eczema. This extremely dry skin condition can show up anywhere on the body, including the penis and surrounding area. The itchy penis can drive a man a little nuts, especially since nothing seems to ease it. However, relief can be achieved by using topical crèmes and avoiding the urge to scratch. A visit to a physician is necessary to get strong medications that will bring the problem under control, and it’s essential to learn the rules of good penis care with eczema - a doctor can help with that, too.

Battling back against dry skin

In all these cases, dry penis skin is often the result, even after a successful treatment. To help alleviate the burning, itchy penis sensation before it even begins, a man should look to good penis care - and that includes daily use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème containing vitamin E and Shea butter for a one-two punch of hydration is essential in the battle for smooth, supple penis skin. A man can also look to vitamins C and D for their healing properties in the aftermath of an itchy penis incident.

Careful! Penis Stretching Sometimes Causes Penis Injury

In pursuit of a longer manhood, many men engage in a process known as penis stretching. While the question of whether penis stretching actually has a permanent effect on penis size may be debated, there’s no question a man should approach such treatments with care in order to maintain his penis health. Some men have reported instances of penis injury from stretching activities, so engaging in these activities with appropriate caution is good common sense.

Penis stretching?

What exactly is penis stretching? It’s not at all the kind of stretching that occurs when the penis goes from its flaccid to its erect state. Instead, penis stretching refers to manipulating the flaccid penis to stretch it out with the goal of altering the penis physicality in a way that results in greater length of the organ.

To achieve this, there are generally three methods of penis stretching that can be employed:

- Manual. Although this may seem similar to masturbating (and often does, in fact, lead to masturbating), manual penis stretching is intended to be non-arousing. Essentially, it involves grasping the flaccid (or mostly flaccid) penis just below the glans and pulling it in a nice stretch. The idea is to give it a good stretch that can be felt, but not one so severe that it causes actual pain. Hold it in the stretched position for about 30 seconds, then release. Repeat for at least 5 minutes.

- Extender. A penis extender essentially puts the penis in traction. Some of the devices attach over the length of the whole penis, getting fixed in place at the base. A clamp is placed just below the glans, and then the clamp is pulled to the end of the device, stretching the penis. In other instances, the clamp may be attached instead to a stretchy cord which wraps around a leg, providing the stretch in that fashion. Extenders are worn for an extended period of time.

- Weights. The third method involves attaching weights to a cord and attaching the other end of the cord just below the glans. The weights stretch the penis down. As with extenders, weights are typically worn for an extended period of time.

Men who engage in penis stretching should always make sure the penis is warmed up and properly flexible before starting any of the above methods.

Penis injury

As with any exercise routine, there is always the possibility of inadvertent harm. But men tend to be especially wary of penis injury, as they worry about anything which could interfere with their favorite organ and its functionality. Fortunately, "breaking" the penis is probably very rare in penis stretching, as most "fracturing" occurs when the penis is erect and stretching is intended for a flaccid penis. However, there still can be a penis injury, such as soreness, a broken blood vessel (due to over-exertion), cuts or bruises, torn tissue, or torn ligaments. Most of these can be treated with rest and pampering, but torn tissue or ligaments should be seen to by a doctor.

Minor penis injury, such as soreness, from penis stretching or other over-exertions of the manhood typically respond well to the regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Soothing, well-moisturized skin helps soreness heal - and also helps the skin be more amenable to stretching in the first place. So select a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). For extra benefits and to further help keep skin supple, choose a crème that also includes a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This helps fight the free radicals that, left unchecked, can create oxidative damage to sensitive penis skin.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

How Smoking Weed Affects Penis Health

Smoking weed is something many people have indulged in over the years - but today, marijuana is legal in more places than ever. The movement began with medical marijuana, which has proven to be a wonderful addition for those who are suffering from a variety of ailments. Now many states and local areas are legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, and that means many more individuals are choosing to indulge. Though many questions of marijuana use on overall health have been inspected closely, what about issues with penis health?

Smoking weed and penis health

For many years, anecdotal evidence has stacked up in favor of what the use of weed can do to penis health. Many men have said that they last longer in bed, have more pleasure during an encounter and lose their inhibitions, which adds to the enjoyment of the experience.

But science has discovered a few questionable points about smoking weed and penis health that men should be aware of as well. These include:

1. A little too much relaxation. When smoking marijuana, a man should be very careful to not smoke too much. That’s because the mellow effect of smoking weed can easily lead a man to not care about sexual relations, thus ending a fun evening well before it has a chance to begin.

2. Lasting a little too long. Sure, smoking weed might make a man last longer in bed, which can be a great thing. But sometimes that delay becomes a little too much. Men who smoke marijuana often report that they do last longer, but the consequence is that they can’t finish at all. That leaves them frustrated, and the lack of release mars what would otherwise have been an exceptionally good time.

3. More risk-taking behavior. Men who smoke pot do experience a loss of inhibition, an issue that has been very well-documented. But just how far does that change go? For some men, it might mean doing things they would never do if they were not under the influence of substances like weed. Those who enjoy a smoke from time to time should be aware that it might affect them just like alcohol does - too much and their inhibitions vanish, and they might do things they regret.

4. Erectile dysfunction. In addition to relaxation that hits the mark a little too well, men might suffer the penis health consequence of erectile dysfunction. Some studies have found that marijuana can affect nerve receptors in the body, including those in the penis. When those receptors misfire, it can lead to problems with getting it up in the first place. Of course, a man who is enjoying a smoke might not care about this problem, but for some it’s a serious issue - especially if they want to enjoy their pot with a little physical affection.

5. Potential long-term damage. There have been very few studies that follow those who enjoy weed over a period of many years. However, it’s safe to assume that there will be some long-term effects from the use of it on a regular basis. A man who lights up occasionally will probably see no ill effects in the long run, but someone who makes a habit of enjoying a smoke might see penis health problems down the line that could potentially be linked to the use.

The best way to preserve penis health at any time, including during weed use, is by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A man should look for a crème that contains L-carnitine, an amino acid that keeps the nerves in the penis in top shape, as well as alpha lipoic acid, which fights against free radicals that could lead to penis problems down the road. Other vitamins and nutrients wrapped up in a Shea butter base can provide hydration and additional protection for penis health.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Summer Penis Rash Control

Hitting the beach, going for a hike, mowing the lawn - when summer comes, a guy can’t help but spend a lot more time outside. That’s what the season is for, after all. But along with all the positive aspects of the summer, there are negative ones as well. And for many men, a summer penis rash is among those irritants. Even when a guy is at the top of his penis health game, he may proudly thrust off his trunks to find penis skin that is red, flaky or otherwise unattractive.

With that in mind, let’s look at some of the things a guy can do to help keep penis rash under control as he keeps enjoying the lazy hazy days of summer.

- Go for light colors and light fabrics. One of the primary causes of skin rashes in the summer is sweat from excess heat. This can be especially true of a penis rash, as the double whammy of underwear plus a pair of trousers can significantly up the heat quotient in the crotch. Wearing lightweight pants can help to keep the heat down, as can wearing lighter colors that don’t absorb as much heat. Some guys may also consider leaving off the underwear to stay cooler; that’s one option, but sometimes exposing sensitive penis skin to trouser fabric may cause its own irritation.

- Go loose. It also helps if the clothes a guy wears aren’t quite so tight. Looser pants give a guy a chance to breathe, and keep his basement a little cooler.

- Get out of biker shorts quickly. Compression shorts are great for biking and other sports, but they really raise the heat level - so much so that in the summer they can actively encourage the development of folliculitis. Folliculitis is infected hair follicles which create red splotches that resemble a rash. So dispose of the shorts as soon as possible, and jump into a nice shower for added protection.

- Be careful of pool chlorine levels. Most public pools are maintained at an appropriate chlorine level, but many pools in an individual’s backyard may not be. Too much chlorine can dry the skin out or cause an allergic reaction, both of which can translate into a penis rash in some men. Too little can allow bacteria or parasites to thrive, which can in turn also cause skin eruptions.

- Go to extremes. To keep sweat (and the resulting potential for rash) to a minimum, try to schedule outdoor summer activities at the beginning or end of the day. The heat will be less in the morning or evening than it would be in the middle of the day.

- Choose cleansers. Going to the beach or the pool often involves using the facility’s shower afterward - which may include using their soap and shampoo. When possible, a guy should bring his own, which he hopefully already knows does not cause a penis rash. Harsh commercial cleansers and soaps such as might be in use in a group shower often create penis skin issues.

- Be wary of tanning all over. Nude sunbathing, whether at the beach or a tanning salon, exposes sensitive penis skin to the unfamiliar rays of the sun (or a reasonable facsimile). Burning is the obvious risk, but more limited exposure can also create dryness, which can become flaky and rashy in short order.

Summer doesn’t have to mean a bout of penis rash, especially if a man just takes basic precautions. This includes regular application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Healthy penis skin is more resistant to rashing, so choose a crème that will provide a wide range of beneficial vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. While a guy is at it, he should be sure the crème also includes L-arginine. This valuable amino acid helps bolster the process by which penis blood vessels can properly open to accommodate the increased blood flow essential to premium penis activity.

Yikes! Stress Heightens Penis Odor

Stress is hardly something new under the sun, but the degree of stress the average person feels nowadays is almost certainly higher than in years past. It’s a fast-paced world in which personal and professional stakes can be very high, so it’s natural (if very unfortunate) that stress levels tend to be elevated among so many people. And as if stress by itself isn’t bad enough, guys need to realize that stress can contribute to a penis health issue - namely, penis odor. Yes, feeling stressed out can add to that unwanted reek emanating from a guy’s trousers.

Stress is prevalent

How big an issue is stress? According to the American Institute of Stress, 75% of all visits to a physician are for stress-related complaints and 20% of Americans report feeling "extreme stress." And the American Psychological Association reports that money, work and family are the top stressors for individuals surveyed.

As most people who have experienced stress know, it is also accompanied by an increased rate of perspiration. Now, sweat by itself does not create odor. Theoretically, a person could be drenched in sweat and still smell fresh as a daisy - provided there weren’t any bacteria around to start breaking it down, which is what causes the aroma issue.

Interestingly, not all sweat is created equal when it comes to attracting bacteria. Obviously, there are certainly areas of the body where sweat tends to create a stench - the penis and balls, the armpits, the feet. But when a little sweat is trickling down the leg, say, it tends not to stink up the joint in the same way.

Why should that be? Basically it’s because of the specific glands that create sweat in the penis and other "odiferous" areas. These are apocrine glands, and the sweat they produce includes a milky fluid which is basically catnip to bacteria. They descend on that particular sweat and have a real feast. And it’s these glands that are often overproducing when stress levels are high.

The penis odor situation isn’t helped by the fact that the organ lies beneath (typically) two layers of clothing, creating more heat (and therefore more sweat) and trapping the odor in an enclosed space. This makes it more concentrated - and more assertive when it gets released.

Lower stress

Men whose penis odor may be impacted by stress sweat need to take steps to decrease their stress levels - both for the penis odor issue and for the larger issues (such as high blood pressure) that accompany stress.

Among the methods recommended for reducing stress are:

- Meditation. Spending time quietly concentrating on basic meditation techniques is a proven stress reducer for millions of people.

- Exercise. Physical activity often provides a physical outlet for the stress people are holding inside. Ironically, of course, exercise may also produce sweat, but it may be an appropriate trade-off for those who are highly stressed. And some forms of exercise, such as yoga, are both especially good at lowering stress and not as prone to inducing high levels of sweat.

- Reading. Spending time in a quiet room with a good book often makes a person feel they are in another - and much less stressful - world.

- Laughing. Studies have demonstrated that the simple act of laughing can help keep stress down.

- Masturbation. Spending a little "me" time releases hormones that can relax a guy and keep anxiety down.

Reducing stress helps fight penis odor, but so does regularly using a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . It’s crucial that the crème includes vitamin A among its ingredients. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that can help diminish unwanted penis odor. The crème should also include vitamin D, which supports healthy cellular function, especially during the dark winter months - a time when some people feel anxiety and stress due to lack of sunlight.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Got a Raw, Red Penis? It Might Be Too Much Masturbation

How much is too much? When it comes to masturbation, there is no easy answer to the question. Men might wonder from time to time if they are indulging in solo play a little too often, but since it’s tough to find hard-and-fast numbers on such private matters, they really don’t have any baseline to go by. But one red flag for a problem might be the persistence of a raw, red penis - even when proper penis care is practiced on a regular basis to prevent that very thing from happening!

How does a man know when masturbation is too much?

Though there is no set guideline that tells a man he is indulging in masturbation too often, there is definitely a way to look at the situation that can help a guy decide if he needs to lay off the personal fun for a while. Here are a few points to ponder:

- Does masturbation happen from time to time, but doesn’t stop a guy from doing his day-to-day activities? For instance, if he is invited out for dinner with friends, does he choose the dinner - or does he choose to stay home and masturbate? If a man chooses dinner with friends, it’s a sure bet he has a healthy relationship with masturbation and isn’t letting the act consume his every thought.

- Does a guy think about masturbation all the time? A man who thinks about getting his next ‘fix’ even when he’s at work, out with his buddies or on a date might want to examine just how often he’s getting off and whether that time is cutting into other aspects of his life. Staying in for a good masturbation session now and then is fine. But staying in for a masturbation session when it interferes with work, school and a social life is a sign of impending trouble.

- Does a guy have trouble getting off with a partner? This is a big red flag that should make a man truly reconsider how much masturbation he’s doing. He runs the risk of masturbating so much that his brain eventually comes to recognize what he’s doing with his hand as the best, most efficient way to achieve release, and that can make it difficult for him to fully enjoy private time with a lovely new partner.

- Finally, is a man masturbating so much that it is actually causing physical harm? This might be rawness, redness, swelling, pain or other issues concerning his penis. And even when he does cause this harm, he goes back for ‘one more round’ more than once, thus making the problem worse. If a guy is suffering from a raw, red penis but feels a compulsion to stroke it even more, it’s safe to say he’s probably masturbating too often.

What to do about it?

For most men, these points will lead them to conclude there is no problem. And in that case, they will go along with their day-to-day lives, making masturbation a fun part of their routine!

But for those who have just realized things have gotten out of hand (so to speak), there are steps he can take to break free of the problem. The first move a man should make it to visit his physician and explain what’s happening. A good doctor will listen closely and help a man find the assistance he needs.

In the meantime, it’s important to mitigate the damage as much as possible. This can be achieved with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , especially one that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for soothing, as well as L-carnitine for relief of peripheral nerve damage that can result from rough handling.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Manhood Pain: Phimosis or Paraphimosis?

While most matters revolving around the circumcised/intact debate don’t have a huge impact on male organ health, a couple of manhood pain issues land squarely in the intact male camp - mainly because they involve the prepuce itself. Many intact men have heard of phimosis and paraphimosis - but many aren’t sure what each of them means and how they are different. And they are different, even if they both result in some manhood pain


Phimosis refers to a situation in which the prepuce cannot be pulled back to reveal the head. It is a very common condition in boys, much less so in adult men. The situation usually resolves itself by age 7 in 90% of cases and by age 16 in 99%.

Unretracted prepuce in the soft manhood does not itself produce pain; in the case of tumescence, however, there can be considerable discomfort. In addition, boys and men with phimosis are at a greater risk of balanitis, an inflammation of the head. As a matter of fact, often balanitis is the cause of phimosis in adult men or in boys who had previously successfully retracted their prepuce.


So what about paraphimosis? This condition is actually the opposite of phimosis. In paraphimosis, a man (or boy) has retracted his prepuce back past the head - but it becomes stuck there and can’t get released to expand back over the head.

Paraphimosis is much less common than phimosis - and is considered by most doctors to be a medical emergency if it lasts for an extended period of time (such as several hours). Why? Because paraphimosis usually means that the prepuce is tighter than it should be; otherwise, it would fall back over the head. (Although sometimes the issue is not that the prepuce is too tight but that the head is too swollen, usually due to balanitis.) If the prepuce is too tight and trapped behind the head, it may severely constrict blood flow in the manhood.

Unlike with phimosis, manhood pain is almost always associated with paraphimosis. The pain may increase if the tightness near the head results in swelling. In some cases, the lack of blood flow can create an extremely serious condition in which gangrene can develop, which may necessitate amputation of affected parts. This is why a man must consult a doctor if paraphimosis occurs for more than a couple of hours.


In adults, phimosis is generally related to balanitis or another cause of an inflamed head. If this is not the case and the skin is simply too tight, there may be "loosening" exercises a man can employ to try to stretch out the prepuce. However, he should consult with a doctor before attempting these.

Paraphimosis often resolves itself within a couple of hours, with no prolonged swelling. However, when it persists, or if swelling appears, it is best to call the doctor. If the skin changes color, it is imperative to seek help at once, even if there is an absence of swelling. The manhood pain associated with paraphimosis may require local anesthesia in some cases.

Manhood pain can result from many causes other than phimosis or paraphimosis. Often, minor pain and soreness can be eased by regular application of a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Keeping the skin supple often eases pain, so select a crème with a combination of powerful moisturizing ingredients, such as vitamin E and natural Shea butter. It’s even better if the crème also contains vitamin C, as that vitamin helps boost the elasticity of member skin.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Avoid Penis Pain with These Jock Strap Tips

During fast and furious sports, a man’s very delicate equipment can be quite vulnerable. That’s especially true if he chooses not to wear a cup or jock strap. This innovative protective device helps ensure a man’s penis and scrotum stay comfortable, held against his body in such a way that the chances of injury are lessened. But for many men, penis pain might result from choosing the wrong jock strap. Here’s what a man needs to know about choosing and using a jock strap, as well as proper penis care when using one.

Using a jock strap properly

A man will usually do anything to avoid penis pain, so why are so many men reluctant to use a jock strap or cup? Some men say that the jock strap is too uncomfortable, especially when a cup is inserted. Others say that it simply makes them far too hot when they are in the midst of a good game on the field. And still others say that proper fit means it’s all too tight, and feels as though it limits their range of movement when they most need flexibility and speed.

To combat these ideas, try these tips:

1. Use a cup only when necessary. Not all sports require use of a cup. Basketball is a good example. A cup might not provide much protection during the game, but a jock strap is essential to keep the junk from bouncing as a man runs all over the court. However, those playing football, soccer or hockey - where rigorous contact might occur - are advised to use a cup. Those who play baseball are as well, as even the best reflexes probably won’t be able to deflect a 90-mph ball coming off the bat right toward the family jewels.

2. Look for a thick waistband. Though the thin waistbands can look appealing, especially on men who have great abs, keep in mind that this visual isn’t going to do him any favors in the protection department. In fact, it’s unlikely a man is going to be getting it on with a partner while wearing the jock strap, so why not go for functional? A thick waistband will hold the jock strap firmly in place, which is exactly what a guy needs when he’s moving around on the field.

3. Choose proper leg straps. Though men might be uncomfortable at first with the way a jock strap fits around their body, those straps are there for a reason. A man will get used to the feeling over time. So instead of choosing very loose legs straps, which could rotate during play and expose the most delicate regions, a man should go with leg straps that fit firmly but comfortably.

4. Try it on. Avoiding penis pain can’t be achieved if a man refuses to test out the jock strap before hitting the field. The best route is to try it on in the sportswear store. Wear tight compression shorts underneath the jock strap, then slip a cup into place. Walk around a bit to see how it feels. Running in place might also help. Keep in mind that just as jock straps come in a variety of sizes, so do cups. A guy must take the time to figure out which ones are the perfect fit for his body and athletic use.

Penis care when using jock straps

Even with a properly-fitted jock strap and cup, a man will sometimes face chafing - and that can lead to penis pain. A man should always take care to wash the area thoroughly after his sports adventures, then reach for a great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to soothe and heal. Look for a crème that contains vitamin D, C and B5 for their healing properties, as well as alpha-lipoic acid to fight free radicals and L-carnitine to protect against peripheral nerve damage. All this in a Shea butter base is great for penis care when using jock straps.

How to Solve Penis Odor Problems

When it comes to penis problems, it’s safe to say the most common issue is penis odor. Depending upon the guy, a smelly penis can show up even a few hours after a good shower during which he practiced proper penis care and good hygiene. For other guys, penis odor might not start to show up until he finishes a tough gym workout, spent a long day out at the lake or otherwise got hot and sweaty without the opportunity for another shower.

The good news is that a man can often keep penis odor at bay by simply doing a few things every single day. These steps will help ensure a guy doesn’t wind up in an embarrassing situation.

But what causes penis odor?

A man might become quite frustrated at the fact that it can be tough to eradicate penis odor. In order to understand how to fight this particular penis problem, a guy should know what caused it in the first place. Though a man might practice excellent hygiene, he still can’t stop the buildup of bacteria that naturally occurs on the human body. These bacteria love dark, damp areas - which are often found around the penis. In addition to the bacteria that causes odor, other factors contribute, such as the occasional drop of urine, sweat that clings to hair in the area, and other bodily fluids.

In men who are uncut, smegma buildup might also be a problem. Smegma is a layer of white, cheesy buildup that usually occurs right below the hood of the penis. This buildup is made of dead skin cells, skin oils, and bacteria that are attracted to the area. The result is a wicked penis odor, one that can be strong enough to stop a man in his tracks.

How to solve penis odor

Penis odor can be tackled through excellent hygiene, which includes bathing or showering at least once a day. A man should use a mild cleanser. When cleaning the penis area, he should take care to work the cleanser into the hair, thus stripping away the sweat and bacteria there. He should also pull back the hood of the penis and clear away any smegma (assuming he is uncut, of course).

And speaking of cleansers, the one a man chooses can make or break the penis odor situation. That’s because when the penis skin becomes very dry, it often develops tiny cracks. These cracks are a perfect harbor for bacteria, which can then multiply merrily and lead to intense penis odor. A well-moisturized penis allows much less opportunity for bacteria to set up shop.

A man should also take care to shower or bathe at certain times of the day. For instance, a guy who has just gone to the gym should take the time to shower immediately after his workout, thus getting rid of all that sweat that built up while he was working out. A man who notices a buildup of penis odor during the day might want to take two showers, one in the morning and one in the evening, to help alleviate the problem. And of course, before getting intimate with a partner, a guy will want to shower and make sure everything is fresh down there.

In addition to this careful attention to penis care, a guy should reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . This can be applied on a daily basis, thus helping ensure the best defense possible against penis odor. Look for a crème that contains vitamin A, also known as retinol, which has powerful antibacterial properties. A crème should also contain vitamin C, B5 and D, all of which are known for helping to fight diseases and bacteria. Finally, look for a crème that has plenty of Shea butter and vitamin E. Both are natural hydrators that can keep skin smooth and supple.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Sex Toys for a Bent Penis

Can a man with Peyronie’s disease utilize sex toys in his private life? Many men with a severely bent penis have wondered about this, and it’s a very legitimate question. While not strictly penis health issue, it does speak to the ability of a man to enjoy sex, so exploring this question is quite valid.


Many men have a curve in their penis. Instead of being perfectly straight, it bends a little to the left or right, or perhaps up or down. Indeed, many men are especially proud of having a bent penis, feeling that the slight curvature gives their organ distinction. And many women find a little curvature aesthetically appealing. More than one female has found that a penis that curves at just the right angle is actually more prone to reach her sensitive spots during sex.

But when a man has a curve that is too pronounced, it can be another story. Most men with excessive curvature are said to have Peyronie’s disease. This occurs when the connective tissue in the penis is kept from doing its job. For example, if there is trauma to the penis - such as rough handling during sex (partner-based or solo) or if the penis experiences a sharp blow, especially when erect - it may cause some of the tissue to rupture or tear. When the body goes about healing this tear, it does so by creating a thin layer of scar tissue. If tears and trauma keep recurring, more and more scar tissue is built up - and this can cause the problem.

The scar tissue lacks the flexibility of the connective tissue it is replacing. As more scar tissue builds up, the penis has less flexibility when it goes from a flaccid state to an erect one. If, for instance, there is a large degree of scar tissue on the top of the penis, then when the penis becomes erect, there is less room for it grow on top. The underside of the penis continues to grow at the rate to which it is accustomed, but the top "runs out" of connective tissue, causing the penis to curve upward.

Many men with Peyronie’s find it does not affect them in the least. Some, however, find that the degree of curvature makes penetration difficult, or the inflexibility of the scar tissue causes pain when the penis becomes erect.

Sex toys to help?

For men for whom sexual activity is impeded due to their Peyronie’s, the use of sex toys might be valuable. The sex toy most frequently suggested for men with Peyronie’s is a penis sleeve. This is a hollowed-out, penis-shaped toy, usually made of silicon, plastic or rubber, meant to fit over a man’s own penis. Some men with a bent penis have found this can straighten the bend in their penis while they are wearing it (although the curve returns when the sleeve is removed). Many of the sleeves come equipped with features, such as rings or bumps, which can provide extra stimulation to both the penis and the vagina.

Sometimes the degree of curvature of a man’s penis is not the problem; rather, the scar tissue build-up deadens the sensation in the penis, making the ability to maintain an erection difficult. Wearing a penis ring (or a vibrating penis ring) helps some men with this issue.

Of course, many men with a bent penis require no sex toys to achieve a happy sex life. But like all men, they do need to keep their penis health at a high level, and application of a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help with that. It’s best to select a crème with both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that helps keep penis blood vessels receptive to increased blood flow. The latter, meanwhile, is neuroprotective and can aid a man in maintaining a proper degree of penis sensitivity and sensation.

An Itchy Penis May Accompany Plasma Cell Balanitis

Every man falls prey to an itchy penis at one time or another, inevitably finding themselves caught while scratching away when they thought they were in a private situation. Often that itchy penis is caused by some penis health condition, hopefully one that is fairly minor and basically benign. In that category is plasma cell balanitis, a penile issue often accompanied by some degree of itchiness.

Plasma cell balanitis

Also known as Zoon balanitis (after the man who described it in the medical literature in 1952), plasma cell balanitis is usually considered as distinct from "regular" balanitis. The latter is an inflammation of the penis, usually spread out over much of the glans (or head). Plasma cell balanitis differs in that it almost always presents in a much more localized form; rather than being spread out, it appears as a smaller, more concentrated area, looking like one plaque or rash. Sometimes the red plaque may also have smaller pin-sized dots of a different shade.

Plasma cell balanitis is much more common in men who are intact than in men who are circumcised. Although it can occur at any age, it is almost always found in middle-aged or older men. (A female variant, plasma cell vulvitis, can occur in women.)

Cause unclear

Although it was first described in 1952, not a lot is known about this condition. The cause, for example, is not well-defined. The fact that it often occurs in intact men suggests some connection with the foreskin, and indeed one of the primary accepted causes has to do with irritation to the glans caused by smegma building up. (Urine sneaking under the foreskin and drying may also be partially to blame.) As the foreskin rubs back and forth across the glans, this creates an inflammatory irritation.

This would imply that the disorder occurs only in intact men who do not practice adequate penis hygiene. However, it has been noted in some intact men with superior hygiene, as well as in a much smaller number of circumcised men. In such cases, friction, heat or some form of external irritating factor may be to blame. Some doctors theorize that bacterial infection, or possibly even HPV, could be causes as well.


Although many men mistake plasma cell balanitis for an STI, it is in fact a benign condition that is not sexually transmitted. It may cause a red, itchy penis - and may in some cases be accompanied by some minor pain - but it is essentially harmless.


In some cases, initiating and maintaining proper penis hygiene may result in the disappearance of the balanitis. Topical steroids are often recommended, as are topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs). Photodynamic therapy (using drugs which are then exposed to special lights) has been used by some doctors. In many cases, circumcision may be recommended.

With treatment, most cases resolve within 4-8 weeks, although an individual may find that the period is longer or shorter.

Plasma cell balanitis is considered a rare dermatological issue, but its exact rate is unknown; many doctors believe it is significantly underreported and that there may be more cases than is generally thought.

When plasma cell balanitis creates an itchy penis situation, a man will want to take steps to help alleviate the itchiness. One way to help treat an itchy penis is to regularly use a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Penis skin that is well hydrated is less likely to itch, so select a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Skin will be further strengthened if the crème contains a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to fight the free radicals that can contribute to harmful oxidative stress.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Unusual Penis Problems: Penis Acne

Most people have dealt with pimples at some point in their lives. Rare is the lucky soul who hasn’t seen a pimple on their face, neck, or even their back. But when a man sees a pimple on his penis, he might be amazed - how did acne get down there, of all places? Interestingly, men might wind up with penis acne even if they are doing their best to perform top-notch penis care on a day-to-day basis. The good news is that penis acne tends to be rather easy to treat.

More about Penis Acne

Acne on the penis usually looks exactly like pimples on the face. Some might be red with a little white spot in the middle. Others might have a brown or red tinge. Some might take their time in growing larger, while others might simply appear overnight and vanish the next day.

Just as with acne on the face, it’s never a good idea to squeeze or pick at penis acne. Doing so can force infection deeper into the skin, which can then make the pimple last much longer, or even lead to a broader infection. The best care is to ensure the area is clean, by washing with a mild cleanser, then drying it thoroughly by patting, not rubbing. Using a warm compress on the area if it hurts is a great way to help the pimple heal faster.

Is it Really Penis Acne?

Many guys worry about whether any bump or spot on their penis might be something more serious. That’s perfectly normal - after all, it’s a man’s favorite organ! When it comes to penis acne, the signs are often clear as to what it is. Not only does it look exactly like a pimple a man would see on his face, it also happens only here and there, rarely in clusters. The pimple usually clears up as quickly as one might on the face as well. For some people this might be a few days, but for others, it might be a few weeks.

If the penis acne does not go away or becomes worse, it’s time to visit the doctor to rule out anything more serious. But rest assured, usually it’s really just as simple as an annoying pimple.

How to Treat Penis Acne

Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of the penis skin, using the typical pimple remedies is not an option for penis acne. As mentioned earlier, keeping the area very clean and using a warm compress to mitigate any discomfort is a good idea. The warm compress can also hasten healing.

Penis acne that persists, gets worse or seems to move around with no end in sight should be seen by a doctor. Once all other causes have been ruled out, a man who is suffering from severe penis acne might be able to take oral medications that can help his body fight off the problem. These types of medications are preferred over topical medications, as creams that are designed to fight blemishes are never to be used on the penis area.

In addition to keep the skin as clean as possible and learning how to properly treat pimples when they arise, a man can step up his daily penis care through use of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, for the antibacterial properties that can fight against acne, as well as alpha lipoic acid, which is known for fighting off free radicals that can lead to signs of aging. Since healing is important, vitamin E should also be included on the list. Other nutrients and vitamins, wrapped up in a luxurious Shea butter base, can help ensure a man’s penis health stays as great as possible.

Penis Size Myths: Getting the Facts

There’s a time and a place for myths - but not when talking about penis size. Just as it’s important to get straight-shooting facts when locating information on penis health, so does a guy need to shoot down any myths about penis size that may come his way.

Why? Well, because society places such a disproportionate emphasis on penis size - and it does so generally for reasons that are based more on myths than on reality. As long as guys go on thinking that it takes 7 or 8 massive inches to provide proper satisfaction to a partner, they’re going to have disappointment, potential penis problems and lowered self-esteem.

With that in mind, let’s look at common penis size myths.

- The average penis is six inches long. For many years, this was accepted as a fact, but some more recent studies indicate that an erect penis is more likely to be about 5.1" inches long. That means that many guys who are perfectly normal have thought they were "substandard" for not being the erroneously-reported 6" average - let along the sought-after 7" or more.

- Women crave a man with a long penis. In fact, surveys indicate that, if size is all a person is looking at, most women (about 90%) are more interested in penile width than length. More importantly, about 85% of women report being perfectly satisfied with their current partner’s endowment. (Interestingly enough, usually only between 40 and 55% of men say they are satisfied with their own penis size.)

- Even if they don’t crave it, women still PREFER a longer penis. In fact, for many women an above-average penis can be problematic. While the vagina can stretch to accommodate a surprising range of sizes, it doesn’t necessarily do so without some pain. A woman who dates a man with an especially big penis may find that it can take many attempts to achieve proper penetration - and many more to achieve painless penetration.

- Gay men are better endowed than straight men. This myth gained some scientific currency due to a 1999 retrospective study that did find gay men, on average, had larger equipment. However, that study looked at data that was fifty years old. More importantly, the data was entirely self-reported - which brings into question its validity. At this point, there is no reason to suggest that sexual preference impacts penis size.

- Hand size correlates with penis size. Sorry, but tiny hands do not mean a tiny penis - or vice versa. Neither does foot size. Yes, in some cases a man with a large hand or foot will have a large penis, but he’s equally likely to have a moderate or small one. And the same is true in reverse for a man with small hands and a small penis. Simply more myths.

- A guy with a small penis is more likely to be faithful. There aren’t really valid studies to support this myth. One study (not especially valid) found that men with a large penis were more likely to cheat on their partners, which makes it easy to infer therefore that a man with a small penis will be faithful. But there really is nothing to suggest that penis size and fidelity are correlated.

Penis size myths need to be debunked so men can get on with more important and fruitful things - such as seeing to their penis health. One excellent way to maintain penis care is via the daily application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Many men will benefit from a crème that contains two key ingredients: L arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in allowing penile blood vessels to more open and receptive to increased blood flow. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient. If a man fears loss of sensation in his penis from rough handling, L-carnitine can help to protect from loss of penis sensitivity.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

What to Expect During an STD Screening

From time to time, it’s a good idea for a man to undergo an STD screening. This is true if a man is enjoying the company of more than one sexual partner, if he isn’t sure that his partner is monogamous (or if he is not), or if he’s thinking about unprotected sex with a steady partner for the first time. Men should consider STD screening an integral part of penis care, not something that can be overlooked or put off!

What happens during an STD screening?
For many men, the thought of a strange messing around with their junk is the stuff of nightmares - even if that inspection happens in a medical setting. Here’s what a guy can expect:

1. A ton of questions. A guy will be asked a multitude of questions, and some of them might seem to be asking for ‘too much information.’ A doctor will need to know about a man’s sexual history, how many partners he has had recently (or ever), what kind of sexual activity he engages in and any health issues that might have arisen during those encounters. The doctor will ask blunt questions and expect frank answers. This is not the time to be coy!

2. A physical examination. A guy can expect to have his equipment explored a bit by the physician. This will include a visual examination for any lesions, irritations, bumps, bruises, sores and the like. It will also include a physical examination in which the doctor will touch the penis and surrounding area. The goal is to find any lumps or bumps that can’t be seen, only felt.

3. Swabs and urine tests. During an STD screening, the doctor might want to take samples for examination by a laboratory. In order to do this, swabbing is typically used. This means using an instrument that looks very much like a Q-tip, passing it over and around any questionable areas to pick up a variety of cells from that area, and then sending those cells to the lab for examination. A man might also be used to provide a urine sample.

4. Blood testing. Blood tests are extremely helpful in STD screening, as they pick up infections that might be latent in the body - meaning that there are no outward signs of it at the moment. Herpes is a good example of this. A man who is having an active outbreak shows signs of the problem, but during the times between outbreaks, it can be impossible to tell a man has herpes simply by looking at him. A blood test, however, can reveal the truth.

5. More invasive examinations. A man who is dealing with a particular issue might undergo more invasive testing. For instance, a guy who engages in regular anal play and complains of bleeding or pain in that area might be examined there to figure out what the problem might be. However, rest assured that the doctor will be gentle and try to cause as little embarrassment as possible. Doctors have seen it all, so nothing a guy says will shock them or make them view him differently.

Staying healthy
A man who is worried about STDs should take special care to prevent the problem by using condoms whenever he has sex with a new partner, ensuring he is in a monogamous relationship before going without protection, and getting STD screening on a regular basis, regardless of his relationship status.

When it comes to penis health, a man can also make great strides toward better penis care with a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Though no crème can prevent a sexually transmitted disease, the regular application of a crème indicates good penis hygiene; and that means a man will be faster to catch the first signs of an STD if he does contract one. A guy should look for a luxurious combination of Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as other nutrients and vitamins, to ensure his penis skin stays in tip-top shape.

Masturbation and Camping: A Good Combo

Camping is one of the great joys of summer vacations (and, for the more adventurous, of vacations at any time of the year). Being out in the fresh air does wonders for a guy’s spirit and outlook. Of course, all that fresh air may also inspire a guy to take things into his own hands and engage in some masturbation as well, which is good for his penis health. While masturbation is masturbation no matter where a guy is, there still are a few things he might want to take into consideration when self-gratifying while camping.


- Be careful of mosquitoes. One of the big drawbacks of camping is the presence of way too many bugs - including pesky mosquitoes. Nobody likes the little bloodsuckers, and a guy really doesn’t appreciate getting a mosquito bite on his manhood. (Guys have to deal with itchy penises often enough without mosquitoes adding to the problem!) But when pulling out the penis to masturbate, a guy is making it an easy target for a mosquito attack.

The problem is that the insect repellents are really too harsh to use on sensitive penis skin. In addition, many lotions men use for lubrication may contain a faint fragrance which can be a lure to mosquitoes. To be safer, masturbate inside a tent that has been well-sprayed for flying pests and properly zipped up and sealed. This can’t eliminate the possibility of a bitten member, but it does decrease the risk.

Some guys also prefer to masturbate while tucked snugly inside a sleeping bag. (This is especially the case when camping with another guy and being hesitant about masturbating openly in front of them.) This is even better at keeping the manhood free from bites - but it does limit range of motion.

- Outside is not necessarily alone. Often, a guy will take advantage of being in a woodsy area to masturbate quite openly outdoors. There definitely is a great appeal to this (mosquitoes aside), and when a guy knows for sure he is all alone and far from others, it can be quite an experience. However, it pays to be sure that he is really and truly alone; masturbating just down the path from other campers, for example, is a risky (and rude) activity.

- Remember the shadows. Some guys don’t care if people know about their masturbation habits, but others might be embarrassed by the family in the next campsite having knowledge of how they handle themselves. That’s why it’s good to remember that those lanterns many people hang in their tents sometimes cast big shadows. It might be worth it to turn out the lights if a guy plans on getting frisky with himself.

- Get comfy. Sleeping bags are nice, but sometimes the solid ground underneath can be filled with rocks and ridges that cause discomfort - and can be distracting to a guy when he’s just trying to get into himself. An air mattress not only makes masturbation more enjoyable, it makes sleeping much easier.

- Remember the altitude. If going on for some really high altitude camping, remember that thin air can mean less oxygen - so guys shouldn’t go overboard in how vigorous a masturbation session they engage in.

Masturbation when camping is even more rewarding if the penis in play is in good health. That is more easily attained through the daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Ideally, the crème will contain L-arginine, an amino acid that helps to keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow. The crème should also include vitamin C, which as a key component of collagen is an aid in keeping penis skin supple and elastic.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Why Intimacy is Great for Penis Health

When a man is thinking about getting it on, he might be thinking about the pleasure involved - but there are benefits to intimacy that go far beyond what he might experience during those moments of bliss. In fact, penis health is vastly improved by greater intimacy, as is overall health. Here are ten good reasons why a man should make intimacy a priority - and it goes well beyond simply looking toward good penis care.

1. Intimacy lowers blood pressure. Recent studies have shown that those who have regular relations with a partner also have much lower diastolic blood pressure than those who are not sexually active.

2. Aggressive intimacy burns calories. Want to burn at least 200 calories? A good romp in the sack can do it. Just make sure to keep going for more than 30 minutes or so to get the best benefits - something a partner probably will not mind at all!

3. Stress lowers, happiness goes up. Sexual activity releases endorphins and other great hormones that lower the levels of stress, thus lessening the debilitating effects of that stress. In turn, happiness levels rise.

4. Immunity gets better. Those who want a stronger immune system should aim to have sex at least once per week. During a good session, the body increases production of immunoglobulin A, which creates a healthier immune system and thus helps the body fight off diseases.

5. It’s an antihistamine. Those who suffer from allergies or asthma sometimes find that a good romp will lead to much easier breathing. It’s believed that the body releases natural antihistamines during intimacy, which leads to an easier time for the lungs.

6. Heart attacks are less likely. A British study found that those who have intimate relations with a partner at least twice per week are much less likely to suffer a heart attack. In addition, the activity keeps other cardiac issues at bay, such as high blood pressure (as previously mentioned).

7. Sex protects against prostate cancer. When it comes to penis health, there’s no doubt that regular sex is best. Those who ejaculate at least 21 times per month have a much lower incidence of prostate cancer than those who get off about 7 times per month. If that fun is had with a partner, many other benefits come into play, so it’s a good idea to get busy!

8. Sleep is much better. There has long been that old joke about a man getting off, rolling over and falling asleep almost immediately. There’s actually some truth to that: an orgasm releases oxytocin, which induces sleepiness and makes it easier to relax. However, it’s important to make sure that both partners have that same dose of oxytocin, so that one doesn’t sleep while the other stays awake and annoyed.

9. Bonding and self-esteem increase. In the aftermath of sex, bonding between the two people involved tends to be heightened, thanks to the release of oxytocin. However, self-esteem also goes up. Whether it’s from the bonding or from the sexual event itself, no one really knows - but it doesn’t matter. It’s still a good feeling that deserves to be repeated over and over!

10. It’s a natural painkiller. The body releases endorphins during sex. These feel-good hormones can help alleviate pain. Those who suffer from headaches, arthritis, minor aches and pains and even women with menstrual cramps might notice that those aches go away during and after intimacy - and tend to stay away for quite some time.

To make the most of penis health and intimacy, a man wants to be prepared for anything. This can be assured by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a crème that contains L-arginine, an amino acid known for helping blood vessels dilate, which can in turn help with erections. A crème that contains vitamin C is helpful as well, as it provides the support for collagen that is necessary for optimum firmness.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Penis Pain: Fixed Drug Eruption or STI?

When a man experiences some penis pain and then discovers a sore on his manhood, he may become anxious for his penis health. After all, doesn’t that situation seem like it could be describing an STI? Certainly, it must be some health issue, but it could be due to a different cause, such as a fixed drug eruption. Learning the characteristics of certain penis health issues can help ease a man’s worries until he can visit a doctor and get an informed and definitive answer.

What is a fixed drug eruption?

Essentially, a fixed drug eruption is a way of describing a specific allergic reaction to a particular drug. When a person takes a medication to which they are allergic, it may cause a reaction in one of several ways (itching, hives, sneezing, etc). With a fixed drug eruption, it means that a round or oval shaped lesion will appear. Typically, it is reddish in color although it may shade into brown or purple. The lesion will usually turn into an ulcer, which is tender to the touch.

When the fixed drug eruption appears on the manhood, it usually is accompanied by some penis pain, itching or burning; the burning sensation is more likely to occur during urination.

Although many fixed drug eruptions occur within a day or two of taking a drug, in some cases it may be up to two weeks before lesions appear. Ceasing the drug that causes the eruption may cause the sore to go away; in other cases, steroids may be recommended.


That description sounds an awful lot like an STI, at least on the surface. And because it is crucial to correctly identify causes of penis health issues, it’s important that a physician be consulted to verify exactly why this lesion has occurred. However, that said, there are some reasons why this description indicates a fixed drug eruption rather than certain STIs.

- Syphilis. Take syphilis, for example. One of the most-feared social diseases, syphilis causes about 100,000 deaths worldwide each year - and newly infects about 6,000,000 people annually. One of the most common clinical characteristics of syphilis is a lesion on the penis. However, that lesion is typically much "harder" than the one involved in a fixed drug eruption. Additionally, penis pain is not a common characteristic with syphilis.

- Herpes. Genital herpes are also characterized with lesions; however, with herpes, the sores tend to be smaller and more numerous. They also tend to cluster, whereas fixed drug eruption lesions (when they are multiple) may not appear in an obvious grouping. The herpes lesions are also not pigmented in the same way. There is, however, a similar tendency to penis pain and itching.

- Chancroid. Chancroid is a penis health concern not just for itself but because it can also make a person more vulnerable to HIV infection. With chancroid, the ulcer can be more painful than with a fixed drug eruption. The coloration is much different, typically yellowish-gray, and turning to black when tissue cell destruction is complete. In addition, swelling of lymph nodes can create a swollen and sore area in the midsection.

- Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea often presents with no symptoms; however, when it does, ulcers are not among its common symptoms.

Once a physician has determined the cause of the sore, proper treatment can be initiated.

Whether caused by a fixed drug eruption or other causes, penis pain is not something most men look forward to. Keeping the member healthy through the daily use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help with normal penis pain situations. A crème with soothing moisturizing abilities is especially desirable, so select one with both a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is good). In addition, it pays to find a crème with vitamin D, the so-called miracle vitamin, which is beneficial for fighting diseases and improving cellular function.

Friday, 14 July 2017

What’s Causing that Fishy Penis Odor?

Every man is accustomed to the occasional penis odor issue. It usually happens after a sweaty workout, first thing in the morning after a night of enjoyment, or even after a long day at the office. A quick wash and some good penis care usually take care of the problem. However, some men deal with a strong fishy penis odor, one that seems to come back no matter what they do. There could be some very clear reasons for this particular odor, and the good news is that proper treatment and care can help ensure it does go away - for good.

What causes that fishy penis odor?

Men who notice that penis odor has gotten out of control might want to consider more serious conditions that could be causing the problem.

1. Urinary tract infections. When a man has a UTI, he will likely notice the big three symptoms first: Painful urination, an urgency to urinate even if there is no urine to come out, and a feeling that the bladder isn’t empty even after urination. But then there is the smell, which is usually a very strong-smelling urine with somewhat of a fishy odor. This indicates infection in the urinary tract. A bit of that urine left on the penis and surrounding area can lead to an overwhelming stench. The good news is that antibiotics can clear a UTI up quite nicely.

2. Yeast infections. Though this is often something that happens to women, men can certainly develop yeast infections as well. The telltale signs include itching, swelling and redness of the penis, as well as a discharge that might look like thin cottage cheese. The scent is often strongly fishy, leading to overwhelming penis odor that won’t go away, no matter how good a man’s penis care might be. Antifungal medications help with this; though they are usually topical, some medications can be taken orally.

3. Bacterial infections. A wide variety of bacterial infections can lead to fishy penis odor. These infections are often shared between a man and his partner, so if she winds up with some sort of unpleasant infection, he is likely to have it too. They can also pass the infection between the two of them, so it is important for both to be treated, even if one partner has no symptoms.

4. Buildup of smegma. Sometimes men will notice a buildup of white film on their penis, especially around the head. This is known as smegma, and it’s made up of dead skin cells, skin oils and other substances on the body. Bacteria can easily get a foothold here and grow fast, which means a fishy penis odor is likely to emanate from any area that has a smegma buildup. Excellent hygiene can prevent the problem from getting worse and can stop the penis odor in its tracks.

How to alleviate fishy penis odor

In addition to getting checked out by a physician and taking any medications for infections as directed, a man can take special penis care steps at home to alleviate or diminish that rank odor.

1. Wash at least once a day. Good hygiene is key to ensuring that typical penis odor doesn’t occur. It’s also a great way to catch other problems, such as an infection, before it can really get a foothold and wreak havoc with a man’s private life.

2. Take all medications as directed. Sometimes a man will seek out treatment for a problem, but stop taking his medications as soon as he feels better. This is a bad idea! By stopping treatment too soon, the infection can come back and this time, it can be even worse. Always finish the full course of treatment.

3. Go with a great crème. A man trying to alleviate fishy penis odor can reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for one that contains vitamin A, also known as retinol. This vitamin has antibacterial properties that are known for stopping penis odor at the source.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Protect Penis Health with the Right Sexual Protection

When a man is getting frisky with a partner, he should always keep the appropriate sexual protection in mind. To ensure the best penis health, a man should always reach for a condom when sleeping with someone new. This vitally important part of good penis care helps prevent several sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancy. Here’s what men need to know about using condoms during their sexual exploits.

Just how good is the typical condom?

In most cases, condoms are incredibly effective. However, they are not foolproof. When it’s used correctly, it’s effective 99% of the time against sexually transmitted diseases and effective about 98% of the time when it comes to pregnancy. The condom should be sized properly for the man’s equipment - something that is too tight or too loose runs the risk of tears of slipping off, both of which render the protection moot.

In addition, the way a man stores the condom matters. Barrier protection should always be kept at the appropriate temperature, in the proper conditions. Storing it in the drawer next to the bed is fine; slipping it into the wallet to carry around really is not. Never store them in the glove compartment or the bathroom, either. A man out-and-about town can simply carry one or two in his pocket if he’s hoping to get lucky.

Putting the condom on properly matters, too. In addition to applying the condom so that a reservoir tip is left in the end, a man should always put on the condom before any sexual contact has taken place. Unfortunately, this is where most men fail on Condom Use 101, as they wait until they are ready for penetration before putting the condom on!

Finally, forget about the idea of using two barrier protections at once. Using two condoms doesn’t offer better protection; in fact, it actually offers less protection. The friction of the two condoms pressing together can weaken both of them, and it’s highly likely both will break - resulting in a serious problem that a man was obviously trying to avoid.

What about condoms in a monogamous relationship?

When it comes to using sexual protection in a monogamous relationship, there are a several things a man should consider. First, is he certain that he and his partner are both clean of any sexually transmitted disease, and that testing for those diseases has been completed within the last six months. There is also the question of fidelity; both partners must be absolutely faithful to ensure that no STDs make their way into the bedroom.

There is also the question of pregnancy. A couple who is okay with using oral contraception to prevent pregnancy can ditch the condoms; however, there are some problems with this. Some women can’t take oral contraceptives for a variety of reasons. In addition, some don’t feel that oral contraceptives are quite ‘enough’ to prevent pregnancy, and thus might want the added benefits of barrier protections.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to use sexual protection in the context of a relationship comes down to concerns of pregnancy and STDs, the comfort level of each partner, and a variety of other factors that only the two of them can examine.

Regardless of a man’s choices concerning condoms, keeping the penis in top-notch health is essential. That’s why a guy should always use a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A nutrient crème with a variety of vitamins, including A, C and D, is helpful in maintaining the best penis health. Keep in mind that condoms can be drying to penis skin; therefore, it’s important to go for a double-punch of hydration in the form of Shea butter and vitamin E. This dynamic duo can help keep the skin as smooth and supple as possible, even for a man who regularly uses sexual protections.

Protect Penis Health with the Right Sexual Protection

When a man is getting frisky with a partner, he should always keep the appropriate sexual protection in mind. To ensure the best penis health, a man should always reach for a condom when sleeping with someone new. This vitally important part of good penis care helps prevent several sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancy. Here’s what men need to know about using condoms during their sexual exploits.

Just how good is the typical condom?

In most cases, condoms are incredibly effective. However, they are not foolproof. When it’s used correctly, it’s effective 99% of the time against sexually transmitted diseases and effective about 98% of the time when it comes to pregnancy. The condom should be sized properly for the man’s equipment - something that is too tight or too loose runs the risk of tears of slipping off, both of which render the protection moot.

In addition, the way a man stores the condom matters. Barrier protection should always be kept at the appropriate temperature, in the proper conditions. Storing it in the drawer next to the bed is fine; slipping it into the wallet to carry around really is not. Never store them in the glove compartment or the bathroom, either. A man out-and-about town can simply carry one or two in his pocket if he’s hoping to get lucky.

Putting the condom on properly matters, too. In addition to applying the condom so that a reservoir tip is left in the end, a man should always put on the condom before any sexual contact has taken place. Unfortunately, this is where most men fail on Condom Use 101, as they wait until they are ready for penetration before putting the condom on!

Finally, forget about the idea of using two barrier protections at once. Using two condoms doesn’t offer better protection; in fact, it actually offers less protection. The friction of the two condoms pressing together can weaken both of them, and it’s highly likely both will break - resulting in a serious problem that a man was obviously trying to avoid.

What about condoms in a monogamous relationship?

When it comes to using sexual protection in a monogamous relationship, there are a several things a man should consider. First, is he certain that he and his partner are both clean of any sexually transmitted disease, and that testing for those diseases has been completed within the last six months. There is also the question of fidelity; both partners must be absolutely faithful to ensure that no STDs make their way into the bedroom.

There is also the question of pregnancy. A couple who is okay with using oral contraception to prevent pregnancy can ditch the condoms; however, there are some problems with this. Some women can’t take oral contraceptives for a variety of reasons. In addition, some don’t feel that oral contraceptives are quite ‘enough’ to prevent pregnancy, and thus might want the added benefits of barrier protections.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to use sexual protection in the context of a relationship comes down to concerns of pregnancy and STDs, the comfort level of each partner, and a variety of other factors that only the two of them can examine.

Regardless of a man’s choices concerning condoms, keeping the penis in top-notch health is essential. That’s why a guy should always use a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A nutrient crème with a variety of vitamins, including A, C and D, is helpful in maintaining the best penis health. Keep in mind that condoms can be drying to penis skin; therefore, it’s important to go for a double-punch of hydration in the form of Shea butter and vitamin E. This dynamic duo can help keep the skin as smooth and supple as possible, even for a man who regularly uses sexual protections.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Got a Cut on the Penis? Here’s Why

It might be unusual for a man to look down at his equipment and notice a cut that wasn’t there the day before. It’s especially weird when he took a night off from masturbation or sexual activity with a partner. So why does a guy wind up with penis cuts for no apparent reason? Is there something lacking in his usual penis care? Is he suffering from the sudden onset of a sexually transmitted disease? Is there something even worse going on?

These questions and others might run through a man’s mind the moment he sees an unexplained injury on his penis. But there is often a very simple and clear-cut answer (so to speak) for the situation. Here are some of the most common reasons.

1. Significant dryness. The penis skin is quite delicate, and sometimes can dry out literally overnight. This is especially true if a man chooses to use a soap-based product to cleanse his penis instead of a specially-formulated cleanser. Soaps can be quite harsh, and they can easily lead to dryness of the skin.

2. An allergic reaction. Sometimes that dryness can come from an intense allergic reaction to something new in the environment. Perhaps a guy is sleeping on sheets that were washed in a new detergent, and he just happens to have a slight allergy to some of the ingredients in that detergent. Or maybe he was just with a partner who wore a particular type of powder or perfume that adversely affected his penis skin.

3. Doing something different. A guy who decided one day to go commando might pay for it later with penis cuts that seem to make no sense. This might happen from rubbing up against harsh denim, contact of the penis with the back of the zipper, or a myriad list of other reasons. In other words, the penis wasn’t in its usual environment for quite some time, and the result is a plethora of issues, including the possibility of penis cuts.

4. Yeast infections. One of the hallmarks of a yeast infection is inflammation and a strange cracking of the skin, which can often look like a cut. A yeast infection can also be incredibly itchy; when a man scratches the area, he runs the risk of opening up tiny fissures that are already there, thus making it appear as though he has a cut on this penis. Eventually these cuts will fill with yeast growth, making them appear whitish or yellow.

5. Some sexually transmitted diseases. Sometimes a sexually transmitted disease can make the penis look quite strange, including what looks like cuts, scrapes or other irritations. If a man has recently been with a new partner, especially if no protection was used, he must consider that an STD could be the culprit. In this case, it’s important to visit the doctor to rule out what the issue might be.

6. Sexual misadventures. Sometimes a man might get a little rowdy when seeking out pleasure, either by himself or with a partner. He might try out new positions, seek out a variety of homemade toys or simply get rougher than usual. The result after all that fun might be tiny injuries he didn’t notice in the heat of the moment. One of those could be tiny penis cuts.

When a man notices cuts on the penis, there is usually no cause for alarm - but it always pays to get checked out by the doctor if he’s unsure of what happened. This is especially true if a STD might be involved!

After receiving treatment, a man can try to eliminate penis cuts in the future by reaching for a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains vitamin C and D, both of which can hasten healing, is always a good idea. And a crème that contains the power duo of vitamin E and Shea butter can ensure there are no further cuts from dryness of the penis, as they will keep the skin very well-hydrated with regular use.