Wednesday, 5 July 2017

6 Normal Penis Bumps that Look Exactly Like STDs

When a man discovers penis bumps, he can be quite concerned, and for good reason. Any change in the penis and surrounding area is cause for careful attention. That’s one of the benefits of practicing daily penis care - a man will almost always notice changes immediately if he is looking over the equipment on a daily basis.

In most cases, penis bumps are benign and nothing to worry about. However, it isn’t unusual for a guy to wonder if any changes to his manhood might be caused by an STD. And unfortunately, many penis bumps do mimic the look of STD symptoms. Here’s what a man needs to know about the most common reasons for penis bumps (which might also come along with a red penis), and when he can relax and not worry.

1. Inflamed hair follicles. Every guy has hair follicles on the area around his penis; some men also have hair follicles on their penis itself. Sometimes a hair follicle can become blocked, which leads to redness and tenderness - it might look like a pimple, complete with pus inside. When this happens in a group in a particular area, it can look much more serious than it really is!

2. Tiny cysts. Though these usually appear on the scrotum, they can also appear on the penis. These penis bumps might show up one at a time, or there might be several of them here and there, or even in a cluster. They can grow to the size of a pea. Though they don’t cause any harm (and they are certainly not cancerous!), many men choose to have them removed for comfort or cosmetic reasons.

3. Psoriasis. Some men develop psoriasis on their private areas, which can have a very scaly, dry appearance. It might also contribute to a very red penis, which is a sign of irritation of the skin layers. Though psoriasis can look scary and itchy like crazy, it’s actually very treatable. A doctor’s visit is required, however.

4. Pearly penile papules. These little bumps appear in a cluster near or around the head of the penis. They are more common in uncut men, and they are actually rather common, with up to 20 percent of population having them. Though these penis bumps can sometimes mimic a mild care of herpes, they are not at all contagious, nor are they dangerous. They do not require medical treatment.

5. Lichen planus. These bumps are tiny, pink and might even go unnoticed at first. They tend to appear on the glans. They can form a ring or line shape. They can be smooth or scaly, and sometimes they are itchy. They tend to resolve themselves within a year or so, but a guy who wants to get rid of them sooner can opt for medical treatment.

6. Angiokertomas. These penis bumps might be red or even blue. They can appear anywhere on the manhood, including the scrotum. They are more common as a man ages; in fact, older men likely have these on their scrotum. However, they can impact younger men as well. These penis bumps are entirely benign and don’t require medical treatment.

But what if worries persist about an STD?

Though these six common reasons for a red penis or penis bumps might set a man’s mind at ease, other guys might still wonder if they have some sort of disease. In that case, it’s always best to go to the doctor. When it comes to good penis health, it’s always best to be safe rather than sorry!

In the meantime, a guy should do everything possible to keep his penis as healthy as it can be. That starts with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be applied. A guy should look for a powerful all-around crème that contains vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients that promote blood flow, healing and oxygenation of delicate penis tissue. A crème with a Shea butter base is also important to help avoid the redness, dryness and scaly feeling that can come along with some penis bumps.

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