Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Red Penis and More: Strange Sex Problems

Most men are quite familiar with the variety of things that can go ‘wrong’ during sex with a partner. From the condom slipping off at the most inopportune time to strained and sore muscles to a red or irritated penis, these are just a few of the problems that a man might encounter. And even with the best penis care possible, sometimes a man is faced with a strange sex consequence that makes him shake his head in complete confusion.

Though strange bedroom issues are extremely rare, they do happen. Here are three of the most common of the uncommon issues men might face.

An allergy to semen
Amazingly enough, it’s true: A man can actually develop an allergy to his own semen. Though this problem is much more common in women - she suddenly develops a rash, itching and even hives from coming into contact with a partner’s semen - men can also experience this very strange problem.
The first signs might be a penis rash, a red penis and irritation that gets worse each time semen touches anywhere on the body. In addition, a man might suffer from flu-like symptoms, including fever, upset stomach and even a runny nose. Symptoms might develop immediately or might take a few days to show up.

As odd as it is, doctors have actually seen it before. The best solution might be the use of anti-inflammatory medications before and after sex, each and every time, to lessen the reaction. An allergy specialist can help with other treatments.

The sex headache
This can be a quite severe and frightening reaction that occurs during or right after sex. Everything is moving along fine, the excitement is building, and then - Bam! - a headache comes from out of the blue and knocks a man flat on the mattress. It is often a piercing, sudden pain that can make a man feel as though something is very wrong.

But the truth is that a sex headache is likely the body’s response to an overload of adrenaline. However, a man should make sure. If it happens more than once in response to sexual excitement, it’s time to see the doctor and rule out any problems. After that’s done, a man might respond well to a dose of pain reliever, like acetaminophen, before the main event.

That strange depression
Many men think women are the ones who deal with post-pleasure depression, but up to 10 percent of men can suffer from it, too. It is a depression that hits out of the blue, usually right after a sexual encounter, even if that encounter was a really good one. A man might feel down for an hour or more, putting a serious damper on all the fun he was having.

Doctors believe that this one is tricky, because it usually stems from some underlying issues with a partner. A man who isn’t happy in his relationship, feeling pressured to procreate, thinking about another partner or feeling guilty about something might wind up diving into depression after the fact. Doctors usually recommend seeing a sex therapist or looking into antidepressants if the negative feelings continue for more than a few sex sessions.

Keeping things ready to rumble
In addition to these quite uncommon issues, most men deal with problems with a red, irritated penis. In order to alleviate that problem, he can reach for a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The savvy man will look for a crème that contains pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, for healthier tissue, as well as vitamin E, a natural hydrator that can keep skin smooth and supple. In addition, look for a crème with Shea butter, which goes a long way toward soothing dry, irritated and red penis skin.

Penis Weights Can Bring Penis Pain

It is no news that penis size is a major concern for many men, and that sometimes men will explore all sorts of options in pursuit of a longer or thicker penis. In some cases, such pursuits may also bring about penis pain, raising the question of whether it is worthwhile to risk some penis health issues in pursuit of greater penis size. One popular method men may try for expanding their penis is the use of penis weights. Does this option result in penis pain?

The method
The basic premise behind penis weights is simplicity itself, and on the surface it seems an imminently logical way to add length to the member. For this reason, it is one of the more popular methods for a man to try. However, as shall soon be apparent, it is also likely to result in some pain and discomfort, which does limit its long-term continued use among many men who decide to give it a try.

In most cases, using penis weights is simple. A sturdy strap is attached around the penis, often just below the head. The strap may be of varying lengths. At the other end of the strap, a weight or weights is attached. The weight pulls the penis downward, stretching it out. The greater the weight, the more forceful the pull and stretch.

Typically, beginners start with the lightest weights and gradually build up to more or heavier weights in order to extend the pull and stretch.

Different sources will suggest different minimum and maximum lengths of time to undergo the stretching, as well as weights to employ. The frequency with which the process should be repeated also varies from one source to another.

Does it work?
The theory behind stretching the penis via penis weights is that repeated application of sufficient weights will cause the penile tissue to stretch, thereby resulting in a longer penis.

As to whether it works - well, that is a source of debate among many people. Certainly there have been no carefully designed trials to determine whether they truly do make a difference or not. Many, many people, especially doctors, believe they produce no benefits and that the risk associated with them is far too great to justify their use.

Some men do insist, however, that using them over and over for a long period of time does result in some penile lengthening. How much gain is achieved, and whether that gain is strictly discernible when the penis is flaccid - and therefore whether the erect penis is also lengthened - is also up for debate.

Penis pain
What is not up for debate is that use of penis weights does indeed carry the risk of penis pain - and potentially of long term penis damage. Hanging weights from the penis is bound to result in some pain, as the organ is extremely sensitive to such pressure.

More problematic than transient penis pain, however, is the potential for bruising, which could create greater pain of a longer lasting nature, and the real possibility of rupturing penis blood vessels, which can have a negative effect on erectile ability. In addition, the tearing of tissue can result in a loss of sensitivity to the penis.

For health reasons, penis weights are not advised. Those who do use them should be aware of the risks.

Penis pain, due to penis weights or other reasons, will be less problematic if the overall health of the organ is maintained. Consistent application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Choose a crème with soothing moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, which can restore elasticity and suppleness to overworked penis skin. A crème that also contains acetyl L carnitine is recommended, especially if loss of penis sensitivity is an issue. This ingredient is neuroprotective and helps prevent peripheral nerve damage and the loss of sensation that accompanies it.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Could that Sore Penis Come from Drinking Wine?

For centuries, wine has been associated with amorous feelings and activities, which is perhaps one reason why some form of wine is often involved in romantic dinners. However, there are some people who think wine can be a double-edged sword for men, for they believe that drinking wine may contribute to a sore penis. Men who place an appropriate emphasis on their penis care may be concerned with this theory. But is there any truth to it?

The ancients

One of the most beloved figures in ancient Greek mythology is Dionysus, the god of wine. Although Dionysus had many followers, the ones most often associated with him - and with his beverage of choice - are the satyrs, half-men and half-goats, whose sexual drive is legendary. (Dionysus himself was no slouch in the sex department either, for that matter.) So it seems that the wine-sex connection goes back at least a few thousand years.

But if a sore penis were a typical result of imbibing wine, wouldn’t that fact have become more widely-known after so many years? And wouldn’t it act as some deterrent to men enjoying a bottle with their lady love?

One way of looking at it

Of course, many men might agree that there could be a sore penis and wine connection, but one which doesn’t imply that something in the wine itself causes the soreness. Instead, stating that wine increases the likelihood of actions that result in a sore penis is something with which many men might agree.

For example, if one means that when a man drinks wine, he feels hornier and is more likely to engage in rough aggressive sex with a partner, and that this roughness results in soreness, then that is a connection that might ring a bell with many guys. By the same token, there have undoubtedly been many men who have consumed a considerable amount of wine, assuming intercourse was on the way, and been disappointed. Still primed, however, they may have masturbated with a vengeance (and without appropriate care and lubrication), thus awaking the next morning with both a sore head on their shoulders and another in their midsection.

The wine itself

But what about the wine itself causing soreness? Well, the reasoning behind this theory is that some wines may affect the ability to produce appropriate amounts of a lipid compound known as prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are found in almost every tissue in the body and have many diverse effects. Some scientists believe prostaglandin in the penis is especially useful for creating elasticity. When there is insufficient prostaglandin present, the penis will still swell when aroused, but the lack of sufficient elasticity will create pain and soreness.

All this at present is theoretical; clinical trials have not been conducted to provide more evidence to back this up.

If a man does find that he develops a sore penis when drinking wine, he might want to try different wines and see if some affect him that way and others don’t. Or he may want to limit his wine intake when anticipating erotic action.

A sore penis, whether due to wine, overuse or other reasons, will heal more quickly if it is healthy, and regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent method for maintaining that health. It helps to use a crème that contains a range of ingredients, including both vitamin C and a potent combination of moisturizers. Vitamin C is involved in collagen production, and collagen is one of the factors which contribute to greater elasticity of tissue in the penis. In addition, well-hydrated skin is supple and better capable of stretching in the desired manner. A crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is well poised to provide appropriate hydration to the member.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

What Penis Health Says about Longevity

Men who pay very close attention to good penis care will often notice immediately if something is not quite right. Almost every man will make note if his erection is softer than usual, takes longer to obtain or doesn’t rise at all. And though every man had the occasional erectile dysfunction - usually after a night of drinking too much! - sometimes the problem continues through several sex sessions.
When that happens, it is vitally important to get things checked out. That’s because good penis health isn’t just about what happens in the bedroom. It can speak to other problems happening in the body, and that can lead to questions about lifespan and overall health.

Does poor penis health mean a shorter life?
Here’s a shocker, one that a man might want to brace himself for: A study from University of Mississippi found that men who suffer from erectile dysfunction have a whopping 70 percent chance of premature death.

But before the panic sets in, it’s important to understand the reasons behind that dreadful number.
The small blood vessels that feed the penis during erections are actually quite small - they are only a few millimeters in diameter. Any problems with blood flow are going to affect the smallest vessels first, and that obviously includes those vessels in the penis. That’s why erectile dysfunction is often one of the first signs that something is going wrong inside the body’s cardiovascular system.

When the blood vessels aren’t healthy, thanks to things like smoking, lack of exercise, genetics, various medical issues and other problems, the first place it shows up is in the penis. It begins with erectile dysfunction, but it can soon become worse than that.

Remember that there are other tiny blood vessels in the body too, that are about the same size as those in the penis, or even smaller. For instance, the vessels that feed the kidneys are that small, and so are a few that go to the brain. If there is a problem in one of those vessels, there is likely a problem in another.

If the erectile dysfunction continues without exploring the underlying cause, it could lead to even worse issues. As plaque builds up in the smaller vessels, it is also building up in the larger ones - like those that feed the heart. Over time this leads to serious concerns. In fact, men with erectile dysfunction caused by poor cardiovascular health are likely to have a serious cardiac event, such as a massive heart attack, within five years of the onset of the dysfunction.

What to do about it
If a man is suffering from erectile dysfunction that lasts for three months or more, it’s time to get help from a physician. If a man is able to get it up but is experiencing other problems, such as an erection that doesn’t get hard enough or last as long as it used to, it is still worth checking out, as it could be early signs of cardiovascular problems.

In the meantime, a man should always pay close attention to penis health. To help him do that, the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a great option. A man should look for a crème that aids in erection issues with the use of L-arginine, an amino acid that helps increase blood flow, as well as vitamin C, which has been shown to improve cardiovascular health. Add these nutrients and vitamins to other beneficial ingredients and mix it all in a Shea butter base, and a man has a penis health crème he can trust.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Identifying Penis Rash: Petechaie

Why is it that a penis rash always seems to come along at the worst possible time? A guy is preparing for a big date, confident that some serious bedtime action is on the menu, and as he steps into the shower, he looks down and there it is: a visible penis rash that is likely to cause his date to shy away from intimate attentions. He may curse himself for not paying closer attention to his penis health, but the truth is that a rash can occur even when a man is a very strict penile hygienist. Sometimes the rash isn’t technically a rash, either; it may be something similar, such as petechaie.

When is a rash not a rash?
Technically, rash refers to a skin condition that is dermatological in origin or expression. That’s not exactly the case with petechaie, although it presents as an abnormality on the surface of the skin.
Petechaie are round, flat, tiny little dots on the skin; they’re often described as "pinpoint" because they are so small and look like what happens if one presses a pin into the skin. They tend to be red, purple or brown. Most of the time, when a person presses down on them, they retain their color (rather than temporarily fading).

Why do they show up if they’re not a rash? Because they’re really little bruises caused by bleeding. When petechaie is present, that means there’s some bleeding going on underneath the skin.

That may sound frightening, but in fact there can be many reasons for this bleeding. While it is true that some of the reasons could indicate a rather serious problem, most of the time the cause is really rather minor and shouldn’t provoke anxiety or worry.

The dots on the skin are so small because the bleeding is occurring in the capillaries, which are themselves very small (and therefore don’t contain a great deal of blood). Capillaries are kind of connective tubes; their purpose is to connect the arteries to the veins.

A man may wonder just what happens to make these little tubes burst and start leaking blood. Although this article is looking at petechaie in the penis, they can occur all over the body. Sometimes activities like coughing or straining too hard can cause them, but that’s rare in the penis.

Some medications, such as anticoagulants or penicillin, may bring these red dots around. So too can some infectious diseases, such as sepsis, mononucleosis, scarlet fever or cytomegalovirus.

But when dealing with the penis, the most common cause is usually trauma. And most of the time, that means handling the penis too roughly. When a man is really "into" a sexual experience, whether with himself or with another person, he can easily get carried away. Death grips, unlubricated sex, thrusting too hard and other actions can cause the capillaries to burst.

Most often petechaie on the penis will resolve naturally. However, if the penis rash lingers or if there is pain associated with it, seeing a doctor is advised.

Petechaie is only one cause of a penis rash; often dry or unhealthy skin is the cause instead. Using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help soothe the itching associated with common penis rashes and keep the skin healthier and less prone to rashing. The better crèmes will contain a combination of a high-end emollient (Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E), so that the duo can properly moisturize the skin and keep it from flaking and peeling. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin D, which is acclaimed for its role in fighting disease and supporting healthy cellular function.

Friday, 27 January 2017

ADHD Drugs and Sexual Health

More and more men are becoming aware that matters affecting sexual health are not necessarily all related to the penis. (That doesn’t mean that proper attention to penis health is not a factor, of course; merely that the whole world of sexual health is bigger than just one organ.) For men with ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, some common medications used to manage this condition sometimes may result in side effects, which can have an impact on sexual health.

As most people nowadays know, ADHD is a condition usually characterized by three symptoms: difficulty concentrating, having a need for an exceptional degree of activity, and a tendency to behave impulsively. As with any condition, it presents differently in different people. Some people may identify only with one or two of the symptoms, others with all three; the degree to which any one person exhibits any symptom can vary significantly from one person to another (and vary at different times even for the same person).

Because ADHD can create problems that impact a person’s ability to learn or complete work in an accustomed manner, many people with ADHD are prescribed medication to help manage the symptoms. Often this medication is methylphenidate (marketed under various brand names).

Although methylphenidate is often prescribed for people with ADHD, it also is used in treating other conditions, such as depression, Parkinson’s disease and narcolepsy.

Side effects
So how might methylphenidate affect a person’s sexual health? First, it’s important to remember that many people take this drug without any negative impact on their sex lives; some may find it even helps them, as it may make them feel more in control and less self-conscious.

But some people do experience sexual health issues while on methylphenidate which may be related to the drug. These issues may include a diminished sex drive, painful erections or, less frequently, priapism. (Priapism is a condition in which the penis remains erect for several hours. While this may seem like an ideal situation in theory, in practice it can produce erections that are quite painful. Of even greater concern, priapism can damage penile tissue to a degree that can have future impact on sexual performance and enjoyment. A man experiencing priapism needs to seek treatment right away to avoid potential long term damage.)

In addition, there could be other side effects which may not directly affect the penis but can contribute to sexual issues for a man. These include insomnia, nervousness, easy irritability, and high blood pressure.

What to do
If a man with ADHD is taking methylphenidate and believes it is causing sexual health issues, his first step should be to contact his doctor. The doctor and patient should review the reasons why the man believes there is a connection and o determine what steps they may need to take. Sometimes the doctor may recommend a different medication; other times he may recommend altering the dosage or the frequency of administration.

Sexual health can of course be affected by things other than the medication used to treat ADHD. That’s one reason why paying close attention to penis health via the use of first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is advised. When the penis is in its best health, a man is in a good position to more quickly overcome other factors affecting him. In selecting a crème, he should look for one that contains both alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L carnitine. The former is a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals and thereby protects the penis from dangerous oxidative stress. The latter helps protect an overused or roughly-used penis from peripheral nerve damage and the accompanying loss of sensation. The two ingredients have a synergistic relationship, so finding both in one crème enables them to work even better together.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Reignite Her Flame and Get Better Penis Care

Being in a long-term relationship has countless advantages, but there can be drawbacks, too. It isn’t unusual for a person’s libido to diminish somewhat when with the same partner for an extended period of time. When a man finds this happening to his partner, he may panic, wondering if he needs to do something different in terms of penis care, say, in order to correct this problem. But in fact, reigniting a partner’s sexual flame usually is much less about the equipment between a guy’s legs and more about other things.

Some studies estimate that as many as 40,000,000 women in America have low sex drive issues at some point. Often the problem may be related to unexpressed feelings she is having, especially about her partner. At other times, she may feel that her sex life has fallen into a bit of a rut. One of the most important sex tips for a man is to learn how to better communicate with his mate; talking about these thoughts and feelings not only can help boost the sex drive, but can also significantly strengthen the overall relationship.

Sometimes, however, the loss of drive is less involved. In such cases, these sex tips may prove beneficial.

- Be more considerate. Men often start taking their partners for granted. Stop and consider the last time a compliment was given to the partner, or the last time she was surprised by a little something special. If that hasn’t happened in a while, make a point of going back to that to make her a little happier.

- Rethink the bedroom. Couples often turn the bedroom from a place for sex into just another room. They watch TV in it, work on their laptops, pay their bills, clip their toenails, etc. It may pay to make a pact to banish such activities to other rooms and keep the bedroom a place for snuggling, sex and sleeping.

- Rethink locations. Sometimes a change of scene is helpful in reigniting a sexual flame. That may be as simple as making love in an "unusual" room in the house (such as the kitchen or the laundry room), or it may mean going outside the house to the car, a tent, a log cabin or a luxury hotel room.

- Exercise. Sometimes just being more physically active can boost the desire for intimate relations. There are plenty of ways to exercise, from putting on a fitness DVD to going for a long walk to attending a yoga class to doing a full workout at the gym. But whatever the chosen activity, try to do it together.

- Get all scared. Doing something a little scary tends to get the adrenaline pumping and the blood rushing, making a person more prepped for sex. So try to get your partner to challenge herself and push her comfort zone a little - maybe by something as simple as taking in a scary movie or more complicated, like riding in a hot air balloon.

-Order red wine. According to some sources, red wine has more of an aphrodisiacal effect on many women than other beverages.

If these sex tips succeed in reigniting a partner’s drive, a guy then needs to make sure his penis is in good health to better take advantage of the opportunity. One way to maintain good penis health is via regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Select a crème that includes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps create nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow. The crème should also include vitamin C, which is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Getting Creative with Your Masturbation

Putting a guy in a room with a computer and nothing to do is a pretty good recipe for masturbation. (For some of us, putting a guy in a room with a computer is a recipe for masturbation even if he has a lot of other things he could or should be doing!) Seriously, though, a steady relationship with masturbation can be an important component of good penis care. But even men who are ardent masturbation enthusiasts may find they occasionally want to get creative and add something new to their solo sexual play.

For men wanting to be creative about how they masturbate, the following tips should prove helpful.

- Go spiky. Many novelty stores sell rubber-like wigs that have spikes all over them. (Be sure to choose a rubber spiked wig, not one with harder spikes.) These can be utilized in masturbatory play to create a new experience. Once back at home, give it a quick wash and then dry it thoroughly. Take a little lubricant and spread it around the spikes, then turn the wig inside out so the spikes are on the inside. Fold the wig around the penis and begin masturbating. The spikes create a tingling sensation all over the penis which can be intensely pleasurable.

- Get wet outdoors. Masturbating outdoors can add a special thrill to the endeavor, but it obviously comes with a big risk. This can be counteracted if one masturbates outdoors but in private, such as in a fenced-in backyard. However, even with lack of a fence, it may be possible to fondle outside relatively safely if the yard contains a swimming pool or hot tub. As long as the hands and penis are kept below the waterline, and as long as a dude doesn’t get too obvious, he may be able to pleasure himself without drawing undue attention. (Be sure to take appropriate steps for sanitizing the tub or pool after ejaculating, of course.)

- Get compressed. Obtain a pair of spandex compression shorts (such as bicyclists often wear) and masturbate with them on. The feeling of the spandex against the erect penis can be very sensual.

- Try brushing. This takes some practice, but can be worth it. Using an electric toothbrush (set initially on the lowest setting), run the brush all along the penis and balls. The sensations are explosive, similar to a mini-vibrator.

- Try flossing. Some guys who use the toothbrush technique also like to tie some floss around the base of the penis, creating a kind of makeshift penis ring. (Be sure not to do this for very long, as extended tightness can be painful and damaging.)

- Go bananas. Bananas are a very healthy fruit, but after eating one a guy is left with the question: What to do with the banana peel now? One easy answer: slip it over a handy erect penis and turn it into a masturbatory aid. The slipperiness and cushiness of the peel can feel exquisite. (Do be sure to properly wash off the penis afterward - and properly dispose of the peel, of course.)

Being creative with masturbation can make a fun experience even more enjoyable. Of course, so much fun may lead to overdoing things and a sore penis, so be sure to have on hand a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The penis will feel much better if it can be rejuvenated by a crème with a dynamic duo of hydrating agents, such as all-natural Shea butter and vitamin E. If the crème also contains vitamin A, so much the better: that vitamin has antibacterial properties that can help eliminate stubborn penis odors that are especially pronounced in men who are sexually active to a high degree.

Got an Itchy Penis? It Might be Intertrigo

Every man is quite familiar with the occasional itchy penis problem. In most cases the cause is quite simple, and getting a quick shower, washing the sheets, or even changing underwear can be enough to end the problem right then and there. Men who practice good penis care always notice when something is not quite ‘right’ where it matters.

So if a man wakes up with a terribly itchy penis and looks down to see redness as well, it is definitely not the usual kind of day. A man who sees redness, itchiness, blotches on the skin and sensitivity or pain might be suffering from a condition called intertrigo.

What is intertrigo?
Intertrigo is an unusual problem, but one that can lead to itching, pain, redness and more in as little as a few hours. It is a spreading, red rash that occurs anywhere skin rubs together. It usually happens in areas of the body that are moist or very warm, such as between folds of skin, under the arms, between the toes or even in the groin. The skin will quickly become red and irritated, and soon that leads to much more severe symptoms, such as a spreading, blotchy rash.

Without proper care, intertrigo gets worse. The skin becomes more sensitive and painful as time goes on, and might begin to develop red sores that are quite warm and might even smell bad. Those sores can become worse very quickly, and wind up oozing, cracking or bleeding.

What can be done about it?
A man who develops intertrigo on the penis obviously has much more to worry about than the itch. The first step to stopping the problem is to give the body a thorough cleaning with lukewarm water. Spending a great deal of time in the shower, letting the water run over the red spots, can help ease the pain and itching.

Next, it is vitally important to dry off completely, and keep the area as dry as possible. A man can ‘air out’ the area by wearing no clothes and sitting in such a way that his penis doesn’t touch his thighs. If he doesn’t have the option of doing this, he can wear loose-fitting clothing and use powder to prevent further friction in the affected area.

It is important to remember that as intertrigo gets worse, it can lead to infections or invasions of bacteria and yeast in the affected area, which then leads to even more problems. A man who is dealing with intertrigo should watch for worsening symptoms and head to the doctor if necessary.

Fighting the problem with good hygiene
Good hygiene is the key to alleviating the itchy penis and other symptoms caused by this skin condition. A man should shower at least once a day to clean the area, pat the skin dry very thoroughly, and air it out as much as possible. During sleep, placing a thin piece of cotton fabric between the thighs and the penis can help keep the friction to a minimum, and using powder will work when a man is wearing clothing.

Once the penis begins to heal, a man can help ensure the best possible manhood health with a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for one that contains vitamin A, which is known for odor-fighting properties, as well as alpha-lipoic acid, which fights against the free radicals that can lead to premature signs of aging. Other vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins C, D and B5 in a Shea butter base, can provide many other powerful benefits. By applying a high-end crème every day, a man can ensure he is keeping his penis as healthy as possible.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Try These Foods for the Best Penis Skin Care

Men are always looking for a way to improve their sex lives and maintain the best of penis health. Though there are many unsavory companies out there that promise more length, more girth - more of everything, frankly - most men are very aware that those gimmicks don’t work. What does work, however, is taking good care of his overall health. As part of excellent penis skin care, a man should also consider adding these penis-friendly foods to his regular diet.

The best foods for penis skin care
What goes into the body affects it in a multitude of ways. For instance, constantly eating junk food will eventually leave a person feeling run-down and unhealthy, but someone who eats plenty of fresh fruits and veggies will have more energy and feel much healthier. In this same way, some foods directly affect the penis skin, as well as the overall function of the manhood. Here are a few popular foods that can mean better health for a man’s prized member.

1. Chilies. That hot stuff that makes a man blush and pant does much more than just light his tongue on fire. That flushed feeling of heat comes from the blood vessels expanding. And guess what? It isn’t just the blood vessels in the face that expand. Men who add chilies to their diets might that they have better blood flow down under, too.

2. Bananas. The banana is loaded with potassium, which makes it a perfect choice for keeping sodium levels under control. When sodium is under control, the heart is healthier - and a healthier heart leads to harder erections. If oranges aren’t a favorite, go for oranges instead.

3. Fish. To boost penis skin care and function, look to plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids make the blood slightly thinner, which is great for blood flow. Fish like tuna, mackerel, trout and salmon are the best for these acids, so eat up at least twice a week to keep things looking and feeling great.

4. Brightly colored fruits. Put a rainbow of colors on the plate and the result is a great increase in artery health. Specifically, fruits like cherries, nectarines, peaches and plums contain anthocyanins, which prevent plaque from building up in the arteries. So not only does a serving of fruit enhance penis health, it encourages better heart health, too.

5. Red wine. Long known as a great part of a regular health regimen, a glass of red wine from time to time can aid the body in producing nitric oxide. This natural chemical expands the blood vessels, and every man knows what that means. But stick to just one glass, as more than that might have the opposite effect on the manhood.

6. Oysters. As any man knows, testosterone makes his sexual world go ‘round. But what helps boost testosterone? That would be vitamin B6 and zinc, both of which combine to help the body get the hormones it needs. So yes, oysters are really an aphrodisiac in a very literal, physical sense.

7. Coffee. A man who finds that he can’t keep things going long enough in the sack might benefit from a cup o’ Joe. In addition to triggering a higher metabolism, the occasional cup of caffeinated coffee provides a jolt of alertness as well as a release of fat stores, which leads to even more energy. A man who is planning an all-night romp might do well to hit up Starbucks before he goes home!

Another penis skin care trick
In addition to making the most of the great fruits, veggies and high-powered foods that provide harder erections and better skin, men should also use a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The use of a Shea-butter crème that contains vitamin B5 for cell metabolism, vitamin A for anti-aging, vitamin C for elasticity and vitamin E for skin conditioning is a great idea. In addition, men should look for L-arginine, which plays a role in increased blood flow - and therefore, harder erections.

Dry Penis Skin May Result from Malnutrition

When a man counts his penis among his greatest assets, he wants to be sure it is always presented in its best light. Paying careful attention to penis health is one way to achieve this, and doing so can help a man to spot dry penis skin as it develops and take steps to treat it, hopefully before it becomes a problem. But effective treatment for dry penis skin requires knowing the cause of the dryness; otherwise, a man is likely to continue treating it over and over.

There can be many causes of a dry penis, but one that may not be at the top of everyone’s list is malnutrition. That’s correct: not eating well can be one reason why dry penis skin can strike a guy.

When most people think of malnutrition, they probably think of the classic picture: a person with an emaciated look but a bloated stomach. And it’s true that people who are starving may develop that tragic appearance. But the truth is that a person can be malnourished and still be eating regularly.

As the UK’s National health Services website explains, malnutrition "is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet doesn't contain the right amount of nutrients." A person who doesn’t get enough nutrients is said to have undernutrition. This can come about when a person simply doesn’t eat enough, but it can also occur when a person eats the right amount of food but not food that contains all the nutrients that they need. It also can occur if a person eats all the right foods in what should be the right amounts but has a problem with absorbing the nutrients.

Malnutrition usually (but not always) results in weight loss. Other symptoms include fatigue, weak and/or sore muscles, feeling "down" and a tendency to get sick.

Also associated with malnutrition: dry skin.

Dry skin
The skin becomes dry when a person is lacking vitamins, antioxidants, or both. When nutrition is balanced and sufficient, the body naturally takes in the proper amount of these ingredients. When it is lacking in either or both, then the body isn’t able to function in the way necessary to produce the oils and moisturizing agents that protect the skin from dryness. This can occur anywhere on the body, resulting in dry penis skin for many men.

A person does not have to be severely malnourished to get dry skin, on the penis or elsewhere. Sometimes it can come from being severely deficient in only one or two nutrients, as opposed to being deficient in all or most of them.

Among the vitamins that are most important for maintaining healthy skin is vitamin E. Skin deficient in vitamin E cannot contain moisture properly, nor can it fully engage in the healing process. This leads to the continuous development of dead skin cells and dry, scaly skin.

Lack of antioxidants damages the skin because this nutrient is the first line of defense against free radicals and the damage they do to the skin through oxidative stress. They also help create collagen and elastin, proteins that give skin it suppleness and elasticity.

Amending one’s diet to increase vitamin E and antioxidant intake is crucial for fighting dry skin, including dry penis skin, caused by malnutrition. A nutritionist can help devise a proper diet for this purpose.

Often, dry penis skin due to malnutrition can be healed more quickly if aman utilizes a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a consistent basis. Naturally, the best crème will have vitamin E, but it will be even more effective if it also contains a high end emollient to provide a double moisturizing whammy. Shea butter, distilled from the fruit of the Shea tree, is an excellent emollient. Since free radicals can be an issue with dry penis skin, the crème ideally will contain an antioxidant as well. Alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant which should be part of every penile health plan.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Sex Toys for Penis Health: Hints for Using a Sex Doll

Even though more and more adults seem to be using (or perhaps being a bit more open about their use of) sex toys, not everyone has the same comfort level with these items. And even with greater acceptance of sex toys, the sex doll continues to have a certain reputation that prevents many from acknowledging their interest in this option. However, when used with proper attention to penis care, a sex doll can become a welcome addition to a man’s masturbatory routines.

For years, the sex doll was seen as something that only desperate men used, but the fact is that many men with a healthy sex life enjoy making use of a doll as well. Sales of these dolls have risen steadily in recent years, and advances in manufacturing and technology have created a whole line of lifelike and expensive dolls.

Many men prefer to use a doll rather than simply masturbate with their hand because of its similarity to actual intercourse. And many men also believe that because of its resemblance to intercourse, it enables them improve penis health and work on issues, such as premature ejaculation, or to enhance their technique when they are in bed with a partner.

This article will focus on the more traditional (and less expensive, and therefore more readily available) blow-up sex doll. But it’s important to acknowledge that many options do exist in this area.

The following tips are suggested for men interested in exploring a sex doll option.

- Use lubricant. Although the dolls are designed for penetrative exploration, there can still be significant friction. Using an appropriate form of lubrication will protect the penis from wear and tear.

- Try a pump. Blowing up a full-size doll can take a lot of lung power. Using an electric pump is a much better idea.

- Clean it thoroughly. Be sure to thoroughly clean all parts of the doll after use, especially the areas of penetration. A doll should come with instructions on the best way to maintain its cleanliness, and it is important that a man follow these instructions.

- Avoid a trial run. Some guys have friends who use a sex doll and may be tempted to ask if they can try it out for themselves. In general, it’s best to avoid this. Not everyone is as scrupulous about cleaning up after themselves as they should be. If a man does use another’s doll, he should wear a condom - just in case the owner has left traces of himself behind.

- Be aware of noise. Some dolls can be surprisingly squeaky. If a man wishes to keep his activities clandestine, he may want to refrain from utilizing a doll except when he is sure he is alone.

- Consider storage. When deflated, most dolls do not take a great deal of space, but it may not fit easily into a small space, either. Some men feel uncomfortable with other people knowing they use a doll; such men are advised to consider where they can store the doll when not in use.

A doll, like many other sex toys, can open up new worlds of asturbatory fun for a man - which may in turn lead him to overdo things, resulting in a sore penis. If this happens, regularly using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can ease the soreness and help restore the penis to health. It’s best to select a crème that includes powerful but natural moisturizing ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. This will keep the skin supple and hasten healing. The crème must also contain a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This can combat the free radicals which cause oxidative stress; these free radicals not only age the skin but interfere with its ability to heal.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Is That Bent Member Related to Hearing Problems?

An excessively bent member may impede the ease with which a man engages in sensual activity with a partner; this is one of the main reasons why a man may feel anxiety when noticing curvature in his manhood. As those with knowledge of male organ health may already know, some curvature in the manhood is common in many men; it is only when the member is curved to an atypical degree that it can become an issue and drive a man to seek out the root cause.

Here’s something to consider: if a man has been having hearing loss issues, it may be that the hearing problem and the bent member are connected.

How connected?
In order to understand the possible connection, it’s first necessary to understand what physical factors may be causing the member to curve.

Like other parts of the body, the male organ is filled with various tissues; the connective tissue in the member is part of what allows the organ to change sizes so that it becomes larger when firm and returns to its normal size when soft. Sometimes, however, small amounts of plaque (or scar tissue) may build up in the tissue, often due to some trauma. This may occur if the manhood receives a direct blow or it could happen simply due to rough or aggressive handling during sensual activity (whether with a partner or with oneself).

When that plaque builds up over time in the same general area, it toughens the tissue and makes it less flexible and able to stretch and grow. For example, say there is a significant amount of scar tissue on the top of the member. When the manhood receives the signal to become tumescent, it begins filling with blood. The underside of the member stretches as it has always done; however, the scar-laden top of the male organ can stretch only so far. When it reaches its limit, it begins curving upward as the underside continues to elongate.

How does this relate to hearing loss? One condition that may bring about hearing difficulties is called tympanosclerosis. This is a connective tissue disorder, the main effect of which is to create large calcium deposits in the ear. These calcium deposits solidify, blocking the proper passage of sound waves into the ear and preventing the middle ear from doing its job properly.

As indicated, tympanosclerosis primarily affects the ear. However, in some cases, the calcium deposits can become an issue in other parts of the body as well. If this occurs on the manhood, then it may have the same effect as scar tissue. A significant deposit of calcium concentrated in the same area in the member will prevent the tissue from stretching properly, thereby creating a bent member.

Except in extreme cases, tympanosclerosis is rarely treated via surgery. Hearing aids are more typically employed as a means of correcting hearing issues related to the condition.

A urologist can determine if treatment is needed for a bent member. There are a number of surgical options for severe cases, but doctors prefer to first consider other treatments, such as tablets or injections.

A bent member, whether due to tympanosclerosis or other causes, often results in a loss of sensation due to the plaque or calcium blocking nerve endings. Using a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may provide assistance in this area if the crème contains acetyl L carnitine. This amino acid has been shown to protect against nerve damage issues, so regular use may help restore diminished sensitivity. The crème should also include vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen. Collagen plays a role in keeping the manhood skin elastic and better able to expand when called upon to do so.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Travel Masturbation: Rules of the Road

There’s nothing like a little travel to expand a person’s horizons. Of course, when traveling alone, many a man finds himself at one point or another alone in a hotel room and engaging in a nice bit of masturbation. It’s good for basic penis health, and can be an excellent way of releasing a little tension from travel-related obstacles, so there’s nothing wrong with it. But there are a few tips to keep in mind when masturbating while on the road.

1. Watch the porn channels. If traveling on business, remember that the company may not take kindly to the idea of paying for the visual entertainment one may pursue while masturbating. If taking advantage of some X-rated fare available on the television in the room, be sure any charges are on a private, rather than the company’s, credit card.

2. Be considerate. It can be nice for a guy to be someplace where nobody knows him, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be considerate of other people in the hotel. It is fine to be a little more vocal while indulging in masturbation, but don’t let the moans and groans get so loud as to be overheard by the kiddies next door. And although exhibitionism can be fun among consenting adults, just because no one knows a guy doesn’t give him the right to pleasure himself with the curtains wide open.

3. Explore. There’s something about being alone in a hotel room that can make a guy feel more adventurous. If a man tends to be a little timid or set in his ways about masturbation, fondling oneself while away from home can be an opportunity to try new things. Consider a little anal play, masturbating with a different hand, using a different lubricant, varying the genre of pornography used, talking out loud or anything else that one is hesitant about at home.

4. Make use of men’s rooms. Traveling by airplane often entails a lot of waiting time - especially when a plane gets delayed for a couple of hours. Rather than fuming and getting angry, take matters in hand. See if there’s an empty stall in the men’s room and if there’s not a line of guys waiting, spend some time releasing tension in a fun and pleasurable way.

5. Be careful on the road. If traveling long distance by car, be careful if the urge to masturbate strikes. While many men do masturbate while driving, it is the very definition of a distraction, and can have serious consequences. It’s better to pull over to the side of the road or find a rest area with a men’s room and consider masturbating there instead. For those who do insist on keeping their hands on their penis instead of firmly on the wheel, slow down and try to do it on a road with little traffic.

A little travel and a little masturbation can go hand-in-hand - as can staying at home and masturbating. Wherever the masturbation occurs, regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help keep the penis in good health and better prepared for pleasurable handling. Frequent or aggressive masturbation can make the penis skin rough and raw, so using a crème that includes both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) is advised to add smoothness, moisture and suppleness back to the skin. It also helps if the crème contains acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can often accompany rough self-handling of the penis.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Do Natural Enhancers Really Lead to Better Sex?

When a man seeks more stamina in the bedroom, he often considers turning to things like that ‘little blue pill.’ But many men are wary of going the pharmaceutical route. They would much prefer a blend of good penis care and natural enhancers to get things back on track.
But are natural enhancers safe? And what should a man look for when he considers one?
Choosing the right natural enhancer
There are some very natural enhancers that could work wonders for stamina and penis sensitivity. But it is very important to remember that these are truly natural supplements, not some gimmick that is filled with mystery ingredients. If a man does choose to go this route, he should ensure that the enhancer he chooses is all-natural with very limited ingredients
So without further ado, here is a list of what might work for those who need something more natural to up their game.

1. Maca. A very powerful supplement that has been shown to improve stamina, sperm count, sperm motility and even seminal volume, this root extract has a storied history. It contains strong photochemicals, including macamides and macaenes, both of which boost energy and hormone levels. In fact, it’s so good that women can benefit from it, too.

2. Cordyceps. This is a mushroom extract that has a reputation for making a man feel raring to go, even to the point of being jittery. It boosts testosterone and aids in blood flow, as well as promotes anti-aging in the body. The only problem? Too much of this and a man won’t be able to sleep after the deed is done.

3. L-arginine. This lovely amino acid is also found in powerful penis health crèmes, so it obviously works. It increases the body’s nitric acid, which in turn enhances blood flow, which then improves erections and penis sensitivity. Nitric acid actually works by widening and relaxing the blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow where it needs to be.

4. Korean Red Ginseng. This very potent form of ginseng is so strong that it should only be taken in two-week cycles. In clinical trials, men experienced better erections and increased desire. As an added bonus, their stress levels dropped dramatically. This can give a man plenty of stamina to get the job done, and then gives him a great sleep afterward.

5. L-Tyrosine. This one should be used with more caution than the others, because sometimes it can cause the blood pressure to rise. For men who are cleared by their doctor to take this one, they can expect spikes in their dopamine levels, which makes their overall mood better, as well as more successful erections. In fact, they might even feel as though they are powerful enough to take over the world - that’s their increased metabolism talking.

Doing it the natural way
Should a man go for a natural enhancer? It is important to remember that no matter how safe the enhancer seems to be, it is vital to check with the doctor first, before taking even a single pill or powder. That’s because even the most natural ingredients can interact with other medications, and might even interact with certain foods in a regular diet. It is always better to be safe than sorry!
But when it comes to natural enhancers, there are some that are perfectly safe - these are topical crèmes that contain vitamins and nutrients that can be absorbed by the penis skin, thus ensuring a man has the best penis care possible. Men should look for a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes the aforementioned L-arginine, as well as vitamins A, C and D. The addition of vitamin E, a natural hydrator, all mixed into a Shea butter base can help ensure that penis skin stays smooth, supple and ready for any kind of action.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Benign Penis Bumps: Recognizing Fordyce Spots

When doing a careful inspection of the manhood (which should be a part of every man’s regular penis care routine), many a guy notices his penis and/or scrotum are pocked with tiny penis bumps. Panic may be his first reaction, and with good reason: sometimes penis bumps can be a sign of a serious issue. But often penis bumps are quite benign, and that is especially the case when those bumps are Fordyce spots.

A common occurrence
Fordyce spots are quite common, with some estimates that 80% of adults may have Fordyce spots (although not always on their sexual organs; the mouth is another prime target). So they’re common, but what are they?

Fordyce spots are small spots, usually white or pale red. Typically they’re between 1 and 3 mm in diameter and slightly raised above the surface of the skin. They’re painless, even when touched or prodded. They typically occur in large groups, rather than as an individual bump or two.

And of course, as mentioned above, the good news is that they’re benign. They don’t mean a guy has a disease or has not been paying proper attention to his penis health. They’re just a natural occurrence.

Why are they?
But what makes them come around in the first place? The answer: the sebaceous glands.
For those who don’t remember their high school biology, the sebaceous glands are glands in the skin responsible for secreting the oils that keep the skin smooth and healthy. Thus they are typically associated with the presence of hair follicles, which help deliver that oil from beneath the skin to the surface, where it can do the most good.

So Fordyce spots are really just sebaceous glands that are too close to the surface. As to why they tend to appear in the sexual organs (and the mouth) rather than on other parts of the body, scientists aren’t really sure. And since they’re harmless, there’s not a lot of demand for scientists to investigate.

Once they know that Fordyce spots are harmless, many men just forget about these little penis bumps. It helps that often the bumps on the penis are not really visible except when the penis is erect and its skin stretched taut (although those on the testicles tend to be visible more of the time).

Other men, however, are not so blasé about the spots and feel they detract from the beauty of their member. They may seek out treatments to rid themselves of the bumps. Doctors tend to discourage this, but men who are determined to remove the spots do have some options. Vaporizing laser treatments have been found to be successful for some men (although there’s always the possibility of some scarring). Pulsed dye lasers are reputed to have less chance of scarring. Some other surgical techniques have also been used.

However, most men with Fordyce spots accept these penis bumps and concentrate instead on maintaining the overall health of their member. Using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent way to obtain this goal. When a man has a healthy penis, less attention is drawn to small blemishes like Fordyce spots, so using a crème with a combination of moisturizers is key. One with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) gives a potent moisturizing punch that keeps skin smooth and supple. If the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, so much the better. A strong antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid wages war against the nasty free radicals that can promote oxidative stress and lead to aged, older-looking penis skin.

Explore the Penis and the Feet for Better Pleasure

Boning up on new and hopefully better sex techniques is something every man should do on a regular basis. After all, even the most experienced Lothario and most eager partner can occasionally find themselves looking for new paths of excitement to keep their sensual lives on the fun side. Good, healthy sex is an essential component of proper penis care, so better sex makes that care even better. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that sex is all focused on the midsection. There are many other erogenous zones to consider - such as the feet.

Good for more than standing on
The feet are an important body part, but not one that most people associate with incorporating into sensual play. Sure, everyone knows about foot fetishes, but unless that is a person’s particular kink, the feet are more often thought of as things one uses to get from the front door to the bed.

Yet there’s so much more to the foot than that. While it may not have the sensitivity level of the penis, the foot does have a lot of nerve endings and is quite receptive to touch. Think of how one reacts to a pebble in the shoe or walking barefoot across a beach on a hot sandy day. Feet are ready and waiting to be given a chance to show how sensitive they are. Couples seeking better sex are well advised to pay more attention to them.

Okay, so a guy decides he’s going to give the feet - his and/or his partner’s - a chance. What are some things he should do to explore their sensual potential? After first being sure the feet are not infected with a fungus or other easily communicable condition, here are some options:

- Massage. Start with the always popular foot massage. This is a good way to start off some foreplay, especially if a partner has had an exhausting day of standing on their feet. Start by delicately peeling off the socks or stockings and gently rubbing the feet. Then wash them in a tub of warm, soapy water, taking care to gently rub on top and bottom, as well as in between the toes. When finished, pat them dry with a very fluffy towel and then apply some lotion and spread it all around. Pay attention to what moves seem the most appealing to the partner so they can be repeated.

- Kiss them all over. Now that they’re nice and clean, show those feet a little loving kindness by way of the lips. Sucking on the toes is especially recommended.

- Stroke - and tickle. Now try stroking the feet while moving on and kissing other parts of the body. Depending on a partner’s preference, it may be time to tickle a little; some find this intensely erotic, others find it excruciating - so be sure to ask before moving to this stage.

- Play footsie. As a couple moves to penetrative sex, keep the feet active. Run them up and down the partner’s legs and intertwine feet while whispering sweet nothings.

By sincerely paying attention to the feet, a couple may discover new erotic sensations that can have a big impact on their sex lives.

Of course, better sex requires more than just feet in motion; men need to be sure their members are in good health as well. Regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a big help in this area. Using a crème with acetyl L carnitine can be helpful for men who engage in rough sex. This can de-sensitize the penis over time, and acetyl L carnitine helps deal with peripheral nerve damage that can lessen penis sensitivity. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that fights free radicals, which can damage penis cells. These two ingredients are synergistic, so the two together create a better result than if used separately.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Masturbation at Work? Why Not?

It’s no secret that masturbation is a significant component in the sex lives of most men. While the subject can still be a bit taboo for many, there’s no doubt that openness about masturbating has become more common in recent years. And since masturbation can be part of a well-rounded penis care regimen, there’s even more reason to engage. However, masturbation at work and in the office is still frowned upon. But maybe it shouldn’t be.

Many do it
Statistics and surveys about masturbation are notoriously unreliable, but they do seem to indicate that masturbation at work may be on the rise. One such survey (admittedly by a company that promotes a masturbatory aid) found that 40% of workers in New York masturbate while on the company clock.
Of course, as with so many things regarding sex, a lot depends on how one defines terms. Does masturbating at work mean having EVER done this (even once), or does it mean doing so regularly? And if the latter, how is regularly defined? Clearly, there are gray areas here.

But regardless of the current level of activity, some doctors think it might be a good idea to bump it up.

An English newspaper recently interviewed several scientists to get their opinions on whether a "masturbation break" is a good or a bad idea. While they reported there could be downsides, on the whole they think more people should indulge in masturbation while at work - if they feel the need to.

Some psychologists recommend a masturbation break when necessary because masturbating is a good way to relieve stress and tension - and stress and tension are both common in the office and a detriment to productivity and employee contentment. In addition, masturbation could be used as a form of self-reward, motivating a person to be more productive. In other words, a guy might force himself to get through that difficult project more effectively if he knew that afterward he could head to the men’s room for some self-gratification.

It would also be a way to alleviate boredom for some workers, who would presumably return to their desks refreshed and ready to tackle something new.

Masturbation has long been associated with reducing stress and anxiety. The physical activity itself helps get the blood rushing, which can be beneficial. But the act of orgasm also tends to release endorphins and hormones that lower cortisol, a stress-related hormone.

It’s unlikely that many HR departments will revise their employee manuals to condone masturbation at work, so those men who wish to indulge may want to keep these tips in mind.

- Use the men’s room. Some people who have their own private offices may be able to masturbate right at their desks (if they make sure they lock the door and there are no security cameras trained on them). But most guys need to hike it over to the bathroom instead.

- Be discreet. Unless a man doesn’t care who knows he’s fondling himself, he should be as quiet as possible while having fun behind the stall doors.

- Be considerate. If the men’s room accommodates only one man at a time, don’t plan on a marathon masturbation session. A quickie may have to do.

- Wash up. Be sure to wash the hands when done and to make sure no stray semen is in the area. Those who get very red-faced while masturbating may want to take a few minutes to let their color return to normal.

Masturbation at work might be beneficial, but a guy needs to make sure his equipment is in proper health to make the experience enjoyable. Regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Use one that includes a combination of potent moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E, for example) to keep the skin smooth and supple. The crème should also include acetyl L carnitine, because frequent masturbation may affect penis sensitivity - and this ingredient helps protect against peripheral nerve damage.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Preserve Penis Sensitivity with Vitamins

Penis sensitivity is something many men take for granted. They assume their favorite appendage is always going to respond favorably and immediately to a little rubbing and fondling and that they will always experience the same earth-shattering sensations they always have during sex. Yet the man who practices careful penis care knows not to take things for granted and takes steps to ensure continued penis sensitivity at the appropriate level. One method he should use is to be sure his penis is getting a proper dose of vitamins.

Not metaphorical
We aren’t talking metaphorically when we say a proper dose of vitamins; it’s not an indirect way of promoting erectile enhancers but a direct call for specific vitamins to protect penis sensitivity.
But why does penis sensitivity need protecting? Because studies have shown that penis sensitivity does diminish over time in many men, which impacts their enjoyment of sexual experiences. This decrease in enjoyment may be accompanied by a decrease in sexual activity; sometimes, if the diminishment in sensitivity is severe, it may lead a man to feel depressed. So maintaining a proper level of penis sensitivity is important.

Why a loss?
There are numerous reasons why a man’s penis may experience less sensation over time:

- Rough handling. This may be the most common reason: the penis is handled in such a way that the sensitive nerve endings are damaged. If this happens often enough, or if the damage results from a significant trauma, the nerve endings simply don’t pick up the signals as well as they used to. Sometimes the nerves themselves are perfectly fine, but the rough handling results in tiny tears in the penile tissue. When these repair themselves, a thin layer of scar tissue forms, and it may be this scar tissue that prevents the nerve endings from receiving "pleasure" signals as strongly as they did before.

The rough handling can come from sex, whether partner-based or solo. Many men who masturbate, especially those who do so for extended periods of time, may use too tight a grip on the penis, which can easily result in penile nerve damage.

Sometimes sensitivity is lost when the "rough handling" is due to the penis rubbing against fabric which is too coarse or rough.

- Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which the penis is bent at an extreme angle, is often accompanied by loss of penis sensitivity. This is often due to scar tissue build-up, which is common in Peyronie’s disease.

- Medications. Some medications (including some used for treating diabetes and multiple sclerosis) may result in some damage to nerve endings in the penis.

- Testosterone. Low levels of testosterone are also associated with a diminishment of feeling in the penis in some men, although the reasons for this are unclear.

Studies have shown that some vitamins help deal with penis sensitivity issues.

- Vitamin C is important in the production of collagen, which influences penile tissue firmness. This in turn makes it less prone to damage.

- Vitamin D , the "miracle vitamin," helps boost penis cell metabolism and keep penile cells healthier and therefore better able to resist rough handling.

- Vitamin E is a natural hydrating agent. When penis skin is kept well moisturized, it is more elastic and flexible. This suppleness protects against friction and prevents accumulation of unwanted toughness in the skin layers.

Vitamins can help protect penis sensitivity, but how to make sure they get directly to the penis? One way is to apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) directly to the penis. Search for a crème that contains all the necessary vitamins - C, D and E. For best results, the crème should also include acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid that has been shown to protect against the peripheral nerve damage that can lead to decreased penis sensitivity.

Warts on Penis – What Does This Mean?

Most men are very careful about their penis health, and understandably so - the penis is a very sensitive organ, and the manhood a very sensitive area. Ensuring proper penis care means regular washing, using a high-end penis health crème, and checking out the skin on a regular basis to ensure nothing looks different down there. So when a man sees warts on his penis, he will likely be quite concerned, puzzled - or even terribly frightened.

That’s why it is so important to understand what it means to have warts, where they come from, and what can be done about it.

Warts on penis?
Genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, with over 500,000 cases each year. It travels so easily from one person to another because the virus needs only simple skin-to-skin contact. That means that even if a man uses a condom, he might receive or transmit the infection through the touching of other body parts, such as the inner thigh or buttocks.
Warts on penis are caused by the human papilloma virus, also known as HPV. There are over 100 strains of HPV. Some people might have a virus that causes warts on the feet or hands. Those who have genital warts are usually infected by one of two strains: HPV 6 or HPV 11.

In most cases, these warts are flesh-colored, soft to the touch, and might look a bit like cauliflower. They are usually painless, but they might lead to an itchy penis. They might be here and there all over the penis, or might form one large cluster. They usually show up between six weeks and six months after infection.

What does this mean?
A man who notices warts on penis should immediately see the doctor. It is important to remember that though the warts might be unsightly or uncomfortable, they are usually not dangerous in and of themselves. It is possible that the warts, when irritated, could lead to open sores or bleeding, and that could lead to easier transmission of disease.

The human body is very good at fighting off the HPV virus. However, some prescriptions can help lessen the look, feel and number of warts, and might encourage faster healing. Warts that don’t go away on their own can be removed by freezing, burning or minor surgery.

Keep in mind that when the warts are present, it is very easy to spread them from one person to another. But it is also important to note that warts can be spread even when an active ‘outbreak’ is not happening. That’s why it is so important to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, understand exactly what strains of HPV are present, and share that information with all sexual partners.

Preventing warts on penis
It is very important to maintain great penis health, and that means doing what a man can to prevent warts in the first place. A man should always use a condom when with a new sexual partner. Getting the HPV vaccine might reduce the chances of a man contracting warts. He should also not smoke, as smoking seems to increase the risk of contracting HPV, and might make wart outbreaks more frequent or harder to treat.

Finally, a man should always inspect the penis skin carefully as he applies a regular dose of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains vitamin A, a known anti-bacterial agent, as well as alpha-lipoic acid, which fights against free radicals that can lead to premature aging and thinning of the skin. Great vitamins and nutrients wrapped up in a Shea butter emollient, enhanced with vitamin E, can help the skin look and feel its best.

Monday, 16 January 2017

How Getting Older Affects Penis Health

Time changes everything - including the penis. A man who practices regular penis care might notice a few small changes here and there as he gets older, until one day things are decidedly different than they were just a few years ago. There might be signs of male menopause. There might be issues with the health of the area around the penis, including the scrotum. In most cases, these changes are perfectly normal signs of aging.

How the penis changes with age

As a man gets older, his penis begins to show signs of age as well. Though aging is often seen as something to be feared, the fact is that some of these physical changes aren’t actually all that bad. Here are four of the top things that will happen to the manhood over time.

1) Things get smaller down there. Unfortunately, it’s true - as testosterone begins to wane, so does the length and girth of a man’s penis. This happens very slowly, and is often attributed to a buildup of collagen. Collagen is less elastic than young, healthy cells, and that can lead to a smaller expansion of the penis during erections.

2) The penis begins to curve. During younger years, a man might sport a penis that is almost straight during an erection, or curves very gently to the right or left. But in the later years, that curve becomes much more pronounced. Why? Because over time, the small tears caused by overzealous masturbation, rough sexual activity and other minor injuries or irritations leads to a buildup of scar tissue. It happens so gradually that it’s tough to notice it at first, but over the span of a few decades, those changes begin to become clear.

3) It’s tough to get it up. Erectile dysfunction is something many men worry about as they age. They might see it as one of the symptoms of male menopause and assume there is nothing they can do about it. They might also notice that erections aren’t nearly as firm and hale as they used to be. Most problems with erectile dysfunction happen in the same way that a man might suffer from heart issues later in life - it’s all about circulation and how well blood flows through the body. This means that a man who maintains excellent overall health throughout his life might experience much less erectile dysfunction in their later years.

4) Sensitivity decreases. A man might notice a loss of sensitivity in the later years. He might not be able to feel the small, feather-light touches that once drove him wild, and that can lead to less satisfying encounters. On the other hand, a man who once had trouble with finishing too fast might now find that he lasts longer, thanks to decreased sensation. How much it bothers a man depends greatly upon his view of a fast finish versus a slow, easy trek through a sensual encounter.

When a man begins to age, he might show signs of male menopause, or he might notice changes in his penis health that warrant a closer look. No matter the change, it is important to keep up with overall physical health and see a doctor on a regular basis.

In addition, a man can fight aging with the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that includes vitamin A, known for anti-aging properties, as well as pantothenic acid for maintenance of healthy tissue. Acetyl-L-carnitine is also helpful, as it can help prevent nerve damage and loss of sensation, and alpha-lipoic acid can fight free radicals and the signs of aging. All this in a Shea butter base can help ensure the best penis health, no matter the age.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Penis Rash? For Some, It’s From Tinea Versicolor

Most of the time a penis rash is an unwanted but transient visitor, gone a few days after it is tended to. But sometimes it takes time to identify the cause of the penis rash, which can delay the time when treatment can begin. For instance, when a skin rash is caused by tinea versicolor, it may be difficult to diagnose properly right away. The delay does not necessarily impact a man’s penis health, but it can be an annoyance for men who want to get their equipment back to looking its best.

A yeasty situation
So what is this tinea versicolor? It’s a fungal infection caused by the presence of yeast on the skin. Although anyone can get tinea versicolor, it is most often found in tropical or subtropical areas; a person who lives elsewhere but visits one of these areas may come into contact with the yeast and develop the rash as a result.

The rash can occur anywhere on the skin, including the penis. Unlike most rashes, however, tinea versicolor can change appearance.

When it first appears, it tends to be spots that may be white, tan, pink or brown. They are often scaly and dry, and almost always bring about an itchy situation. When the yeast grows, the spots grow, and one spot may "melt" into another, creating larger spots. Very often the spots can become quite light colored, so that a person may have a hard time detecting the rash - but this does not diminish the urge to scratch.

When the skin is exposed to sunlight and begins to tan, the yeast absorbs the light and prevents it from reaching the skin beneath - thus it may look like a person has patches of lighter and darker skin. (This is less often an issue when the rash is on the penis, although for naturists or people who use sunlamps for nude tanning, it can definitely become an issue.)

Not vitiligo
Because the spots can give the appearance of the skin itself having become lighter, doctors may sometimes mistake tinea versicolor for vitiligo, a skin lightening condition. In other cases, it may be confused with another fungal infection. Both of these situations can delay diagnosis and proper treatment.

The yeast that causes tinea versicolor is common yeast, so it’s not clear why some people develop the rash and others don’t. However, it does appear to be more prominent in people with oily skin, as well as those who sweat a lot or reside in moist, humid areas. (This fondness for moisture and heat explains why it may occur more readily on the penis.)

Topical anti-fungal treatments are often used to treat the penis rash, and patients are advised to keep the area clean and dry. Sometimes oral medications may be used if the topical approach does not work.

Curing the rash does not immediately cure the skin lightening effect. It takes a few weeks for the skin pigmentation to return to its normal consistency across the affected area.

Keeping the penis in good general health can also be helpful when recovering from a penis rash, whether from tinea versicolor or another cause. Regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can boost the overall health of the organ, putting it in a position to more speedily recover from rashes. The dryness and scaliness that accompany tinea versicolor can be helped by a crème that contains a combination of moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). It’s also wise to use a crème with vitamin D. Topical application of this "miracle vitamin" may make it even more effective at fighting disease and supporting healthy cellular function.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Can Penis Pain Be Due to Testosterone?

A guy will overcome a host of obstacles in search of sex, but when penis pain rears its ugly head, it can sometimes derail the plans of even the most ardent seeker of sexual fulfillment. Sometimes that pain can be related to CPPS (chronic pelvic pain syndrome), a condition in which the pelvis area experiences various levels of pain. So men who are interested in their penis health and want to avoid penis pain should know that some doctors believe low testosterone may actually cause CPPS.

CPPS is a form of prostatitis, meaning the prostate gland is painfully inflamed. This inflammation can result in pain anywhere in the pelvic area. Sometimes the pain may be in one area, sometimes in another; the intensity of the pain can also vary from one day to another or even one hour to the next.
Often that pain can show up in the penis, and for men with CPPS this is especially true during the urination or ejaculation. In some cases, the intensity of the pain during ejaculation can be such that it dampens a man’s enthusiasm for and willingness to engage in sex.

Study link
In 2016, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study that indicates a link between CPPS and testosterone levels. The scientists wanted to look at men whose testosterone levels fell below a certain benchmark and compare them to men with higher levels of the hormone, with the goal of seeing if there was any link with CPPS. So they enrolled 948 men with a testosterone level of 3.5 or lower and 4,740 men with levels above that mark.

Sure enough, when the data was tabulated, the scientists found the men in the low testosterone level were more likely to have CPPS - whether mild, moderate or severe - than those in the higher testosterone group. This was especially true for those with a level of 3.0 or lower.

Not conclusive
One study is not conclusive evidence, but it does suggest that a link makes sense.
So what should a guy do? Well, first he should check with his doctor to see what his testosterone levels are. If they are low, he should then discuss with the doctor whether he should do anything to help raise his testosterone.

There are several ways that testosterone levels can be raised, including doctor-supervised supplementation. But here are a few other natural ways for helping keep the testosterone up:

- Sleep. A well-rested man naturally produces more testosterone. Getting the proper amount of sleep consistently enables the body to adjust itself and keep testosterone production on track.

- Stay at a healthy weight. Carrying extra poundage creates an array of problems, including a drop in testosterone. But that same is true for men who weigh too little. If a guy is unsure what his proper weight should be, consulting a doctor can be helpful.

- Exercise. A sedentary lifestyle discourages the body from pumping up the male hormone. A man doesn’t need to spend hours every day at the gym, but planning regular walks, indulging in a sports activity or doing yardwork can keep a guy’s body tuned up.

- Avoid stress. Like obesity, stress is bad for so many reasons - and testosterone depletion is among them.

- Have sex. Studies suggest the more sex a man has, the more testosterone he produces. So having sex, whether with a partner or by himself, is an enjoyable way to keep the hormones happening.

Avoiding penis pain and keeping testosterone levels up help keep a man prepared for an active sex life. So does keeping the penis in good overall health, which can be aided by daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Find one that includes both alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L carnitine. The former is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and ensures cellular health, while the latter is a neuroprotective and fights loss of penile sensation. The two interact synergistically, so finding both in one crème is a bonus.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Penis Odor: Some Simple Basic Tips

Hopefully, every man’s New Year’s resolutions included a new commitment to proper penis care, a resolution that can indeed have a big impact on a guy’s life. And as part of his care routine, a dude needs to keep an eye - or a nose - on his penis odor and make sure that distressing problem is well under control. For those for whom fighting penis odor is on their must-do list, the following simple tips can make a big difference in the aroma wafting from the crotch.

Tips for fighting penis odor
- Wash. One of the most important things a guy can do to eliminate penis odor is to simply wash every day. But washing is more than just standing under some running water for a minute or so. Men with intense penis odor issues need to use some soap and get a good head of lather going. Since penis skin is sensitive, make sure the cleanser used is gentle and doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that can dry the skin out or create a rash. Also, for intact men, be sure to retract the foreskin and wash thoroughly under the hood. Often an intact man will benefit even further by making the penis erect before he cleans it; this may enable him to more easily get at some hard-to-clean areas.

- Dry. Too many men quickly run a towel across their body when they get out of the shower. The penis and balls need to be thoroughly but gently dried; otherwise, moisture will be clinging to them. The penile area is already prone to excess moisture, which in turn helps bacteria breed, which in turn causes odor. So dry thoroughly - however, don’t rub the penis too roughly, as that may cause skin irritation. Patting the penis dry is a better option.

- Consider a shave. Sweat and the bacteria it produces is a big cause of penis odor. Shaving the area can both "cool it off" a little (thereby reducing the amount of sweat) and keep sweat from accumulating in a thick thatch of hair.

- Air it out. Since the penis is most often trapped beneath two layers of clothing (trousers and underwear), it’s twice as likely to get overheated. Add in the fact that the blood engorgement during the erectile process adds heat and it’s easy to see why so much sweat gathers. When possible, a man should spend some time naked (or at least naked from the waist down) so that the midsection gets a chance to "breathe." Sleeping in the buff is often an easy way to accomplish this goal.

- Watch the diet. It’s true that what goes into the body has a big effect on what comes out of it- including sweat. Every man’s body processes food differently, but there are some foods more likely than others to create an "aromatic" tinge to a person’s sweat. Garlic, asparagus, onions, meat and fish are among the most common culprits. It may be worth it to experiment a little and see just what foods seem to produce an unwanted odor in his body.

One other important tip for fighting penis odor: Make daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For purposes of fighting that odor, select a crème that includes vitamin A. This vitamin has special antibacterial properties that can be a big aid in dampening the bacteria that causes rank penis odor. Since washing may dry out the sensitive penis skin, be sure the crème also includes a combination of potent natural moisturizers, such as Shea butter and vitamin E.

Remote-Controlled Sex Toys for Long Distance Love

Ah, brave new world that provides such interesting options in the area of sex toys! With more and more people - individuals and couples both - incorporating sex toys into their sex lives, it’s not surprising that companies are busy trying to come up with new products. Since regular use of the penis contributes to its overall penis health, many men are getting an added benefit from this splurge of interest. And with new options for remote controlled toys, couples who want to use these items for long distance love sessions may discover a whole new world opening up.

Long distance sex
Couples’ interest in long distance sex goes back many years. Steamy love letters served as a way of keeping a relationship hot back in the days before telephone and Skype. With greater openness among couples about the desire for self-pleasure, more and more partners now find themselves engaging in long distance trysts from separate cities - if not continents.

Until recently, however, a person using, say, a vibrator while engaging in a steamy telephone conversation with their lover was controlling all the vibratory action themselves. Now, with wifi and Bluetooth and so many other advances, couples can find a way of lending a helping hand from far away.

So how does it work?
A guy can’t simply pull out an old vibrator and tell his partner on the phone to start it up for him. Only sex toys that have been designed for long distance remote control capability will work.
In general, most of these long distance sex toys are created for use with a smartphone - and usually by downloading a particular app designed for that object. So there has to be a little planning involved.

Once the app is installed, a person can then experiment with it to see just what functions it has. For example, how does it control the rate of a vibrator? Are there just several levels (say, 1-5)? Or does it have a sliding scale without numbers, where a person can provide greater "shadings" of vibratory activity? In some cases, the control may take up the entire screen, with different hand motions and speed of touch having an effect on the "output" end of the machine.

In some cases, a toy may be controlled by something other than a person. For example, some toys vibrate to the beat of a song (or songs, as the case may be).

The objects can also be synchronized. For example, a man may wear a vibrating penis ring while his partner utilizes a vibrating anal plug - but both are set to be controlled by the same user. Thus, one of the pair determines the rate of vibration so both partners are experiencing the same sensations at the same time.

And for the statistically-minded, some remote controlled sex toys also include ways of tracking usage. If one particular session brought about an especially strong climax, the user may be able to look up what settings were used and try to duplicate that experience.

The advantage of the remote-controlled sex toys for couples, of course, is that they can use their own control of the toys to interact more physically when they can’t physically be together. One partner can instruct the other to go faster or slower, just as they do when together in bed.

Sex toys that promote long distance experiences for a couple are exciting, but a man needs to make sure his penis is healthy enough to reap their benefit. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps maintain that health. A crème with moisturizing ingredients like vitamin E (a natural hydrator) and Shea butter (a high end emollient) can help to soothe a penis sore from all that activity. And one with vitamin C can help aid in collagen production, necessary for proper penile firmness and health.