Friday, 13 January 2017

Can Penis Pain Be Due to Testosterone?

A guy will overcome a host of obstacles in search of sex, but when penis pain rears its ugly head, it can sometimes derail the plans of even the most ardent seeker of sexual fulfillment. Sometimes that pain can be related to CPPS (chronic pelvic pain syndrome), a condition in which the pelvis area experiences various levels of pain. So men who are interested in their penis health and want to avoid penis pain should know that some doctors believe low testosterone may actually cause CPPS.

CPPS is a form of prostatitis, meaning the prostate gland is painfully inflamed. This inflammation can result in pain anywhere in the pelvic area. Sometimes the pain may be in one area, sometimes in another; the intensity of the pain can also vary from one day to another or even one hour to the next.
Often that pain can show up in the penis, and for men with CPPS this is especially true during the urination or ejaculation. In some cases, the intensity of the pain during ejaculation can be such that it dampens a man’s enthusiasm for and willingness to engage in sex.

Study link
In 2016, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study that indicates a link between CPPS and testosterone levels. The scientists wanted to look at men whose testosterone levels fell below a certain benchmark and compare them to men with higher levels of the hormone, with the goal of seeing if there was any link with CPPS. So they enrolled 948 men with a testosterone level of 3.5 or lower and 4,740 men with levels above that mark.

Sure enough, when the data was tabulated, the scientists found the men in the low testosterone level were more likely to have CPPS - whether mild, moderate or severe - than those in the higher testosterone group. This was especially true for those with a level of 3.0 or lower.

Not conclusive
One study is not conclusive evidence, but it does suggest that a link makes sense.
So what should a guy do? Well, first he should check with his doctor to see what his testosterone levels are. If they are low, he should then discuss with the doctor whether he should do anything to help raise his testosterone.

There are several ways that testosterone levels can be raised, including doctor-supervised supplementation. But here are a few other natural ways for helping keep the testosterone up:

- Sleep. A well-rested man naturally produces more testosterone. Getting the proper amount of sleep consistently enables the body to adjust itself and keep testosterone production on track.

- Stay at a healthy weight. Carrying extra poundage creates an array of problems, including a drop in testosterone. But that same is true for men who weigh too little. If a guy is unsure what his proper weight should be, consulting a doctor can be helpful.

- Exercise. A sedentary lifestyle discourages the body from pumping up the male hormone. A man doesn’t need to spend hours every day at the gym, but planning regular walks, indulging in a sports activity or doing yardwork can keep a guy’s body tuned up.

- Avoid stress. Like obesity, stress is bad for so many reasons - and testosterone depletion is among them.

- Have sex. Studies suggest the more sex a man has, the more testosterone he produces. So having sex, whether with a partner or by himself, is an enjoyable way to keep the hormones happening.

Avoiding penis pain and keeping testosterone levels up help keep a man prepared for an active sex life. So does keeping the penis in good overall health, which can be aided by daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Find one that includes both alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L carnitine. The former is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and ensures cellular health, while the latter is a neuroprotective and fights loss of penile sensation. The two interact synergistically, so finding both in one crème is a bonus.

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