Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Is the Erect Penis Affected by Marijuana Use?

Penis health is a subject which encompasses many areas, including a man’s lifestyle choices. For instance, when it comes to using recreational substances, many men are aware of the infamous "whiskey dick," a condition in which alcohol prevents the attainment of an erection - but what about marijuana? Is there such a thing as a "ganja dick?"

The Impact of Legalization

The question of how marijuana may or may not affect the penis has become more pressing in recent years. This has been precipitated by the movement toward decriminalization of marijuana use and a definite increase in the availability of marijuana for medical purposes.

One of the upsides of this trend is that, with marijuana more readily available in legal form, it will be easier for scientists to conduct studies that look at marijuana and its health effects, including its impact on the penis and penile function. However, there are already some existing studies that provide some important initial information.

Erect penis function

Much of what is known about marijuana’s potential effect on the erect penis comes from a 2011 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. This study found that the penis contains proteins that are called cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are also found in the brain, where marijuana’s effects are much more widely studied. In the brain, these cannabinoid receptors react to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana. This reaction is what causes the impairment associated with getting high.

The 2011 study found that many of these receptors are also located in the smooth muscle of the penis, which makes up about ¾ of the organ and which is a crucial component in erectile function. While the study was not large enough in scope to determine what impact this may have on penis health, the study authors believe that it may indicate possible negative consequences, especially for men whose use is frequent and long term in nature.


In addition, there may be other penile issues related to marijuana use. An Australian study found that men who toked up every day were 4 times as likely to have difficulty reaching orgasm. Interestingly, the same study also found that daily users were also three times as likely to suffer from premature ejaculation.

These seemingly contradictory results indicate that more research is needed. It’s also worth noting that many men claim that smoking marijuana helps them in bed. Getting high relaxes them and makes them feel more open and receptive to physical stimulation and to emotional engagement.


Finally, long-term tobacco smoking has been found to negatively affect the elasticity of penile connective tissue, which over time can lead to a loss of length in the penis. Whether such an effect occurs with marijuana is unclear, but something a man may want to think about.

Most men who use marijuana hit their usage "peak" in their 20s or early 30s, a time when they are also enjoying a sexual performance high. As a result, most erect penis effects that marijuana may have may be mitigated by the robust sexual health of youth. But the question remains whether use during this period may have an effect on their sexual health in later life.

Since the exact effect of marijuana on the erect penis is still up in the air, men are advised to take all steps necessary to maintain their penis health at its peak; a healthy penis will be able to better withstand any effects that may occur. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) aids in keeping the member in good shape. Especially valuable is the crème with L-arginine and vitamin C. L-arginine is an amino acid that aids in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to blood flow, an important component of proper erectile health. Vitamin C also aids blood flow maintenance as well as encouraging collagen production, which in turn is vital for penile erections.

Is Small Penis Syndrome Affecting Your Sex Life?

It’s no surprise that modern society places an enormous emphasis on penis size, and that the man with a small penis may feel intense pressure and anxiety because he doesn’t "stack up" to his bigger brethren. Naturally, this can have a big effect on the quality of his sex life and may also create worries about his overall penis health. But what’s interesting is that many men suffer from small penis syndrome even when they have a piece of equipment that is of a perfectly adequate size.

Small penis syndrome

There’s no doubt about it: penises come in many different sizes. Some are big, some are average and some, inevitably are small. But the vast majority of men possess penises that are of sufficient size to function properly and provide pleasure both for themselves and their partners. When a man has a penis of a perfectly reasonable size yet still thinks (or fears) that it is too small, he is said to suffer from small penis syndrome.

Small penis syndrome is classified as a body dysmorphic disorder and is therefore considered psychological in nature. As such, it can in extreme cases have serious consequences. For example, some men with small penis syndrome may experience depression, extreme anxiety, social isolation, occupational functioning and, of course, sexual dysfunction.

Women vs. men

In popular culture (and even more so in porn culture), the size of a man’s penis is directly associated with his masculinity and his potency. It’s automatically assumed that the bigger a man’s penis, the more satisfying he is in bed and the more effective he is as a leader. The facts demonstrate that this is not true, but the myth stubbornly persists.

It’s interesting to look at how women feel about the penises of the men with which they have sex. In one survey, 85% of women reported being very satisfied with how big their partner’s penis was. In the same survey, only 55% of the men were satisfied. So much of the "disconnect" between perception and reality occurs on the male side.

What to do

Men with small penis syndrome could benefit from working with a mental health professional to relieve the stress and anxiety that they may feel and to come up with strategies to view their penis in a more realistic light. Among the possible avenues that can be explored are:

- Cognitive therapy , which teaches a person to look at and judge a situation in a manner that conforms to the facts, rather than to misperceptions or incorrect views. This is especially important in understanding that one’s penis size is in fact normal.

- Comparative options. Many men are subconsciously influenced by viewing pornography in which the participants possess abnormally large penises. It may help men to view websites in which "typical" men’s penises are available for perspective. In some cases, a man may benefit from participating in a live event (such as a masturbation club) in which normal penises are on view for accurate comparison.

- Taking pride in the organ. A man with small penis syndrome needs to take pride in his penis (which will in turn help his sex life). While part of that pride is in recognizing the penis size to be worthy of respect, it also requires keeping the penis healthy and in good shape. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a tremendous aid in achieving that goal. When a man pampers his penis with a crème loaded with beneficial vitamins and nutrients, the results are impressive. For example, a crème with vitamin C provides needed collagen production support for the penis, which in turn encourages smoothly elastic penis skin and improves erectile function. A crème that also contains alpha lipoic acid is adding a powerful antioxidant to the mix, battling the free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage penis skin; healthier penis skin is a source of pride and pleasure for all men, and important in a man’s acceptance of his organ as a thing of beauty.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Masturbation Tips for the Bored Fapper

Masturbation may be the most fun a guy can have alone, but after a few years (or decades) of experience, even the most dedicated fan can become a bit bored on occasion. It’s not that the experienced fapper doesn’t still find masturbation enjoyable; it’s just that, as with anything, routine and familiarity is bound to lead to a "been there, done that (a lot!)" feeling every now and then. The guy interested in penis health knows that masturbation is part of a healthy sex life and so may want to find ways to keep the solo spark glowing.

With that in mind, the following masturbation tips may be useful for the man who has grown a bit bored with the way he takes things in hand.

- Switch it up. This is one of the most obvious things to do, but many men don’t think to try it: simply switch the hand one uses to masturbate. Righties who wrap the left hand around their favorite organ (and vice versa for lefties) will find that it produces a somewhat different sensation - and may be just what they’re looking for in terms of adding a little variety.

- Roam free. For many guys, masturbating focuses exclusively on the penis. Yet it’s well known that the body has many erogenous zones. Men can keep one hand on their manhood but let the other do a little exploring - rubbing the balls, gently stroking the nipples, touching the neck or thighs, etc. And don’t forget the anus. More and more men have discovered that inserting a finger in the anus and massaging the prostate can open up a whole new field of sensations while masturbating.

- Verbalize. As a teen-ager, most guys masturbate as quietly as they can, to avoid letting Mom and Dad know what they’re up to. But they tend to continue to masturbate quietly, even if they’re an adult living alone. A silent fapper should explore expressing himself verbally - grunting, groaning, moaning or even entering into lengthy narrative sentences that express what he is feeling.

- Change the temperature. Adding a little coolness or warmth to the penis and balls while masturbating can be a game changer. Splashing a little cool water on the balls can produce a real tingling sensation. Or trying warming up a towel in the microwave - not too hot, just to the point that it’s pleasingly warm - and wrap that around an erection while stroking.

- Change the porn - or go porn free. Guys who use porn while masturbating may want to look into a different kind of visual excitement. For example, a man who always views women masturbating may want to find a site with copulation or oral sex instead. Maybe a three-way - MMF or MFF - would be interesting to see? Or something involving anal play? Of course, a guy can also simply avoid existing porn and instead use his own imagination to create an exciting fantasy.

These masturbation tips only scratch the surface; a bored fapper can find other ways to regain his excitement in solo sexual pursuits. Of course, he may get so into his favorite pastime that he rubs himself raw and needs to treat himself to a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A penis used with enthusiasm needs soothing relief, such as that provided by a crème with a combination of a high end emollient (shea butter is excellent) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is a splendid choice). Together, these ingredients can help with the re-moisturization process that occurs when a roughly-handled penis depletes its natural oils. That rough handling may also de-sensitize the penis, so use of a crème with acetyl L carnitine is essential. Acetyl L carnitine is neuroprotective and helps to restore sensitivity lost due to peripheral nerve damage of the penis. And a properly sensitized penis is what every man needs to appropriately enjoy his full range of sexual experiences.

Monday, 29 August 2016

When a Penis Rash is Something to Worry About

At some point in his life, every man deals with a penis rash. It might be a recurring event for some, especially during the summer when jock itch becomes more difficult to avoid. It might happen right after introducing something new into the daily routine, like something as simple as trying out a new laundry detergent. In other words, a penis rash is so common that men can actually become accustomed to seeing it.

Unfortunately, that means that sometimes a man can become so familiar with penis rash that they don’t even think about consulting a physician or looking deeper into the issue. Though most penile problems are quite easily remedied, especially with excellent penis care on a regular basis, some rare issues might be cause for concern. Here’s how to know when a penis rash is something to worry about.

1) Is the penis rash accompanied by itching or burning? This could be a yeast infection. A yeast infection is an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, which leads to burning, itching, a red rash and sometimes a whitish discharge. Though yeast infections are often considered a female issue, remember that men can also get them.

2) Is the penis swollen and itchy? This might be the result of a Balanitis infection. Most common in uncircumcised men, this is often the result of lack of careful hygiene. However, men who are circumcised can also fall victim to this itchy, red penis rash that can eventually lead to a lot of discomfort.

3) Does the skin have red patches and flaking? This might be caused by psoriasis, a very common skin issue that happens all over the body, including the genital area. Psoriasis results in red patches of inflamed skin. As the skin toughens, the patches might appear yellow. Those patches might be itchy, and they might even bleed when scratched.

4) Is the rash made up of cauliflower-shaped bumps? This might be a case of genital warts, which can appear anywhere in the genital area, including the penis. Genital warts usually don’t hurt, but they are itchy and can be very red, especially after giving in to the intense urge to scratch the area.

5) Does the rash include a painless sore or blister? This might be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease. Some serious problems, such as syphilis or herpes, can start out as a red, raw sore or painless ‘blistered’ area on the genitals. Even if the rash goes away, the infection still exists in the body, so it’s vitally important to have STD testing.

6) Is the penis rash a very dark color? A small, localized rash that appears brown, black or any other dark color might be an early sign of skin cancer. Yes, skin cancer can appear in areas that are never exposed to sunlight, such as the genitals! A very dark rash that does not go away is a sign that it’s time to get checked out.

When a rash indicates serious penile problems
The good news is that most rashes come and go, and can be easily treated with a high-quality penis health crème. Excellent physical hygiene, regular use of nutrient cream and careful attention to irritants and allergens can help ensure rashes happen much less often.

However, sometimes rashes are much more serious. Any rash that meets the criteria listed above deserves a trip to the doctor to rule out more serious penile problems. A rash that seems simple but just don’t go away is also a good reason to visit the doctor to figure out what the problem might be.
The regular use of a proven penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep penis rashes at bay. High-quality creams include nutrients that are absorbed directly through the skin, such as Vitamins A, C, D, and E. They also include strong moisturizers, such as Shea butter, which leaves the skin supple and hydrated with regular use. The combination of penis health crème, along with careful hygiene, can quickly eliminate the most common, benign penile problems.

Want a Handsome Penis? Here’s What Matters

Who doesn’t want a handsome penis? Everyone wants their body to be attractive to potential mates, and that especially applies to the most intimate physical regions. For many men, there has long been a misconception that size is what matters most; that even the most handsome penis could be undermined by a size that wasn’t as impressive as they thought it should be. But new research has come to light that proves the worries about size are - ahem - much larger than they should be.

A group of bold researchers at the University of Zurich sat down with 105 women between the ages of 16 and 45, and asked them to explain what makes a handsome penis. What they ranked at the top of the list is the reason why excellent penis care matters so much.

What matters most for a handsome penis

The women in the University of Zurich study were not shy about ranking what they felt made for the best-looking penis. Here’s what they like.

1) General appearance. In other words, they are interested in the whole package - a handsome, smooth penis that has been well-cared for by a man who places value on his physical health.

2) Appearance of pubic hair. If you are well-trimmed and neat down there, the attractive factor goes up. In fact, a separate study at the University of Indiana found that 75 percent of respondents would prefer to see well-tended pubic hair.

3) Girth and appearance of skin. This is where a good penis health crème comes into play. A man who has smooth, supple skin makes a statement to those who peek at the package: He puts time and effort into ensuring comfort and health.

4) Shape of the tip. There isn’t anything a man can do about this particular factor, except to remember that the way the penis looks is an overall thing - the shape of the tip, the size of the scrotum, the suppleness of the skin, and many other features affect the way things look.

5) Length. Some men worry about the length, but other studies have shown that women prefer a penis size that is right at the average - and that’s good news for the vast majority of men out there.

6) Appearance of scrotum. During daily penis care, it’s important not to forget the area around the penis, particularly the scrotum. A well-tended area with supple, soft skin can be quite appreciated by a partner.

7) Position and shape of the meatus. This is the opening where urine comes out. For most men it is at the tip, but for men with hypospadias, the opening might be on the underside of the penis.

Obviously the general appearance is what creates the most handsome penis, at least in the opinion of the women in this study. But men who are interested in good penis health already know that a handsome penis is a healthy penis!

Getting a smooth, healthy and handsome penis

The key to a handsome, attractive penis is clear - an overall health regimen that takes the penis into account. An excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is a great way to begin the journey to a healthier body. Penis health crème should include essential nutrients, such as Vitamin A for antibacterial benefits, Vitamin E for skin-soothing properties or Vitamin C for advanced collagen production. A strong emollient that is proven to provide smoother skin is also important; Shea butter is widely considered one of the best.

In order to have the most attractive penis possible, it is important to use the crème every day as part of a regular hygiene routine to keep skin soft, supple, presentable, and yes - quite handsome indeed.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Penile Nerve Damage – Is Diabetes to Blame?

For most men, the penis can be a wonderful source of pleasure. Sex and intimacy can bring a man much closer to his partner, provide relief of tension and stress, and simply make him feel good. Many men connect their ‘manliness’ to that pleasure. So when, in spite of the best efforts at penis care, something goes wrong, and penile nerve damage wreaks havoc on a man’s personal life, it can feel as though the whole world is crashing down.

Though there might be many reasons for the loss of sensation in penis tissue, diabetes is one very clear culprit. Diabetes and penile problems go hand-in-hand. This is due to the physical nature of how the penis actually works during sexual activity: The tiny blood vessels throughout the penis become engorged with blood, leading to an erection. That pleasant feeling of fullness might ebb and flow a bit during sexual activity, but typically lasts until ejaculation.

Diabetes and penile problems

Those with diabetes, however, might experience something very different. According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 70 percent of those with diabetes also have some form of neuropathy, or nerve damage. That damage can occur anywhere in the body, but especially in areas that have the tiniest blood vessels, such as the hands, feet, kidneys, and yes - the penis. Lack of attention to blood sugar levels can mean that sexual pleasure decreases, or is even out of reach for some with diabetes.

Penile nerve damage as a result of diabetes is known as autonomic neuropathy. It gradually decreases the sexual response, though the sex drive itself remains unchanged. This might mean it becomes more difficult achieve and maintain an erection and difficulty with climax. It might even mean that a man ejaculates in a way that is different - and perhaps less satisfying - than what he is accustomed to. In addition, the damage to those nerves can lead to a loss of sensation in the penis.

But what if a man has signs of penile nerve damage, but has never been diagnosed with diabetes? It is important to remember two key points.

First, remember that in the United States alone, over eight million people have diabetes but are undiagnosed. That means that over one-fourth of all individuals with diabetes do not know they have it! One of the first things a doctor should do for penile nerve damage complaints is a complete blood work-up, which includes diabetes testing.

The second point to remember is that penile nerve damage might be caused by something other than diabetes. A physical trauma that affects the genital area, some sexually transmitted diseases, vascular diseases, certain medications, and even some neurological disorders can lead to penile problems. No matter what might be leading to the problems, it is vitally important to get checked out by the physician, who can pinpoint any underlying issues.

How to handle penile nerve damage

Though severe nerve damage cannot be reversed, the symptoms can be lessened a bit by paying close attention to blood sugar levels. Those who have diabetes can perform regular glucose checks, take their medication as directed, and strive for a good overall blood sugar reading, known as the HbA1c. Though nerve damage symptoms might initially get worse when blood sugar is brought under tight control, over time some of the symptoms will likely improve.

In addition, the use of a good moisturizing penis cream can provide excellent benefits. A penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains alpha-lipoic acid might help relieve symptoms and improve nerve function. Other ingredients, such as acetyl L carnitine, have been proven as a neuroprotective, meaning that it helps prevent some of the nerve damage that might be caused by diabetes. In addition, diabetes often leads to dry skin - a powerful emollient, such as Shea butter, will help soften the skin and keep it supple.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Those Penis Bumps May Be Lymphoceles

Penis bumps are a very common occurrence, and in most cases, they are not a big problem; but they can cause a considerable amount of worry. Men who are concerned penis health should be sure to get any unusual bumps or growths checked, in case treatment is needed. In some cases, the bumps may be caused by lymphoceles - are these something to worry about, or not?

What Are Lymphoceles

Okay, take a deep breath and relax. Despite the rather ominous-sounding name, a lymphocele is basically not dangerous to a guy’s health. So what is it?

Well, as the name implies, a lymphocele has something to do with the lymphatic system, which is a key part of the immune system. While the lymphatic system includes organs such as the thymus and spleen, it’s the lymph channels that are of relevance to penis bumps.

Lymph Fluid and Penis Bumps

These lymph channels, which run throughout the body, including the penis, carries lymph fluid around the body, just as blood vessels carry blood throughout the body. The lymph channels provide the body with healthy elements that it needs and exchange them with waste products that the body needs to expel.

BUT - if the lymph channel gets blocked, it can’t do its job. Lymph fluid continues to flow through the channel, but it builds up behind the blockage. With no place to go, it seeps out into the tissue. This creates swellings under the skin. When this occurs in the penis, the resulting bumps are known as lymphoceles.

What Causes a Lymphocele?

So that’s what a lymphocele is - but what exactly causes the blockage? In a word, trauma. When the tissue in an area is handled roughly, it can create damage that prevents proper flow. When the lymphocele occurs on the penis, the most common culprit is the penis being squeezed too tightly or being handled too roughly. For example, if a man masturbates too vigorously or if a partner slaps the penis around, it can create a trauma situation. A swelling results, creating the penis bumps.

Fortunately, in most cases, a lymphocele is not painful. It may look a little odd, but it generally does not create any physical inconvenience. However, many men panic when they notice it, assuming that a change of this sort may be indicative of a penis problem.


In almost all cases, a lymphocele "goes away" on its own after a few days. In some cases, it may be more stubborn, in which case a man may wish to try some gentle massaging to help reduce the swelling. If a lymphocele does not go away after a couple of weeks, seeing a doctor is a good idea - but in most instances the doctor will simply recommend more patience rather than puncturing and draining the bump.

As penis bumps go, lymphoceles are generally among the most benign. Checking for penis bumps is recommended as a regular part of a man’s penis health routine, as is daily use of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Since the penis is so important to most men, they are advised to take care selecting a crème; one with a combination of acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid is best. An amino acid, acetyl L carnitine has demonstrated abilities in protecting against peripheral nerve damage due to friction, compression and other common traumas. Alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, offsets harmful oxidative processes that impede cell mitochondrial metabolism. While acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid are potent on their own, they interact synergistically, so that a crème containing both packs even more power.

The Sore Penis: Tips for Penile Relief

Ahh, the sweet dilemma: an evening of glorious, long-lasting, uninhibited sex is often followed by a morning marked by an exceptionally sore penis. And, of course, sometimes that sore penis is the result of a less enjoyable cause, such as going commando while wearing pants made of a rough, irritating fabric; one gets all the soreness with none of the pleasure. Whatever the cause, obtaining prompt penile relief is necessary. Following proper penis care suggestions is one excellent way to get that relief.

Check the pain first

Most of the time, a guy gets a sore penis because the ol’ manhood has been put in a position in which it encounters too much friction (whether in a pleasurable manner or a painful one). But sometimes the soreness is due to other reasons, such as an infection. If the penis is red and swollen or displays signs other signs of infection, a quick check-in with the doctor may be necessary.

However, assuming that the soreness is due to a more utilitarian reason, such as overuse, following are some simple penile relief approaches that can help alleviate the soreness.

Hold off on masturbating. It seems to make sense, no? If the penis is really sore, a guy needs to take a break from masturbating for a day or two. That’s especially true if masturbation was the reason for the soreness in the first place. Sometimes it feels so good to masturbate that a guy may indulge himself for several hours, ending up with a very raw member. Or he may be so intensely involved in his masturbating that he grips his manhood way too tightly, creating a death grip that guarantees soreness after he stops. So now matter how horny he may feel, a guy needs to keep his hands off himself until the soreness goes away.

Hold off on other sex as well. And for the same reason as he needs to waylay his masturbation temporarily. Intercourse with a sore penis usually leads to further soreness. So does being masturbated by another person. Surprisingly, oral sex is also a no-no; it may seem that having a mouth on the penis would not create further irritation, but the fact is that friction is still involved - and while it may feel glorious in the moment, it ultimately just sets back the healing time.

Go bare. When around the privacy of one’s own home, a man should spend some time naked. This keeps the penis from rubbing up against fabric and feeling irritated.

Though not outside. But when going out in public, wearing snug-fitting underwear is a must; going without underwear is a must not. A sore penis rubbing against denim, wool, tweed or other rough fabrics will make life miserable.

Go hot and cold - that is, warm and cool. Sitting in a nice, cool (not icy) bath can provide some much needed relief to sore tissue. Following it up with a nice warm (not fiery) compress also helps the healing.

Crème it. Be sure to liberally apply a top quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) regularly to help provide penile relief from a sore penis. Keeping penis skin properly hydrated helps the overall healing process, so use a crème that contains a combination of established and effective moisturizers: shea butter and vitamin E are perhaps the ideal combination for effective dermatological healing. This will make the skin more supple and pliable, and keep it looking great as well. For extra relief, be sure the crème also contains vitamin C. This popular vitamin is a key component of collagen, a tissue that gives tone and elasticity to penile skin. As a bonus, vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining cardiovascular health as well as erectile function.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Penis Pain from Paraphimosis Can Be Serious

Whether intact or circumcised, penis pain can be an issue for all men and can come about from a variety of causes. However, paraphimosis is a penis pain-causing condition which is, by definition, limited only to men with foreskin. Knowing about paraphimosis and what to do if it occurs is an essential part of practical penis care for intact men.

What is paraphimosis?

Many intact men are familiar with the term phimosis, which refers to a situation in which the male has difficulty retracting the foreskin back from the glans. In phimosis, the foreskin is too tight (or the glans too swollen) to allow for the easy, comfortable sliding back and forth of the foreskin. This can cause considerable penis pain in a man.

In paraphimosis, the problem is not that the foreskin cannot retract; the problem is that it has retracted successfully but cannot return to covering the glans. The foreskin becomes "trapped" behind the glans, and in that position forms a tight "grip" near the base of the glans. The tightness causes penis pain; of even greater concern, however, is that this can caught off blood flow to the glans. If this situation continues for an extended period of time, it is possible for gangrene to occur, which in the worst case may require removal of a portion of the affected area.

What causes it?

Paraphimosis is fortunately rare, occurring in approximately 1% of males aged 16 and over. Although it can occur at any age, most incidences are reported in adolescents and in elderly men. The reason for its occurrence in these population is due to its causes.

There are generally two main causes of paraphimosis. In the first, it is due to the foreskin simply not being sufficiently loosened. During puberty and adolescence, as the penis grows and erections achieve adult status, it may take time for the foreskin to loosen sufficiently. Adolescent boys masturbating vigorously may unintentionally create a slight trauma that wedges the foreskin below the glans.

In elderly men, the cause of paraphimosis tends to be related to improper handling of the penis during catheterization of the penis.

Bacterial infection, trauma to the penis and inadequate hygiene are also factors in paraphimosis development.


As indicated penis pain usually accompanies a case of paraphimosis. There is also the visual clue of the foreskin being stuck behind the glans. Redness and tenderness of the penis are also common signs, as is difficulty in urinating. In extreme cases in which blood circulation has been impeded for too long, part of the glans may turn black.

If a man believes he may have paraphimosis, he needs to promptly contact a doctor. It is important that the condition is alleviated before gangrene has a chance to set in. AS a physical examination of the penis is required, this may result in a visit to an urgent care clinic or emergency room.


The first order of business in treating paraphimosis is usually to alleviate the penis pain, which can be considerable. Next it is necessary to try to manually replace the foreskin over the glans. Since the penis may have become swollen, this may require "icing" the penis to help the swelling go down and to enable the foreskin to move more freely into place. If this does not work, the doctor may need to puncture the swollen area so that fluid can be released and the swelling diminished. Sometimes the foreskin may require a small incision to help the swelling to subside. Antibiotics are usually prescribed after treatment.

If gangrene has occurred, the doctor may need to excise the damaged tissue.

The penis pain associated with paraphimosis may require extra care; daily use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help with soreness. Look for quality moisturizing agents in the selected crème; she abutter and vitamin E are especially good for hydrating the skin and keeping it supple. In addition, vitamin B5 should be part of any good penis crème; this pantothenic acid aids penis cell metabolism and helps maintain healthy tissue, keeping the penis skin fit and in good order.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Masturbation Exhibition: Putting on a Show for Your Partner

One of the problems with masturbation for many men is the fear of getting caught, especially by their partner. Even though regular masturbation is part of a healthy sex life and an important part of penis care, there’s still a stigma attached to being caught. But what if one were to purposefully engage in an exhibition of one’s self-pleasuring practices?

Women really are interested…

According to many surveys, there’s actually considerable interest among women in watching an exhibition of a man’s masturbation routine - especially if the man in question is their sexual partner.

Certainly, times have changed. A few decades ago, a woman walking in on her husband or boyfriend fondling his erection would have been utterly shocked (although she might also secretly have been a bit turned on). But today, people are much more open and honest about the fact that people masturbate - men especially, so it’s more accepted.

But being more acceptable doesn’t mean it is any less titillating. Although a woman may have engulfed a man’s penis orally, taken it inside, and caressed it and stroked it countless times, there still is a sense of mystery attached to masturbation. (And not just for women seeking to see a man masturbate; videos of women masturbating are among the most watched online by men.)

How to bring it up….

How does a guy know if his partner wants to see him masturbate? She may have dropped hints - perhaps slyly joking about him masturbating at some point. But it’s more likely that she has kept such thoughts to herself. In which case, it’s up to the man to raise the subject.

In some relationships, a man could simply say, "Would you like to watch me masturbate? I think it’d be hot and it would mean a lot to me." In other relationships, it may be necessary to introduce it slowly - saying as she is slipping off her clothes for sex, "I’m so hot for you I can barely keep my hands off myself" or as one leaves for work in the morning, "You look so sexy I’m going to have a hard time keeping my hands off myself thinking of you today." This can then lead to a discussion of wanting to put on an exhibition for her.

Set it up…

One it’s established that there is interest, decide what to do. Is she anxious to see her man masturbate right away? If so, dropping the trousers and going to it is fine - if the guy is ready for it. He may suddenly feel performance anxiety and prefer to ease into it.

If her curiosity is piqued but she’s not ready to experience it at that minute, decide the best way. Some scenarios include:

- Setting up a time when she can "catch" the man at it.

- Establishing a time when she can follow the man through the entire process - getting aroused, taking off clothes, stroking to hardness, etc. all the way through cleaning up with tissue.

- Having the man film a session and then letting her experience it through video - perhaps with the man watching himself won the video with her.

The key is to establish what fits the comfort level for both parties and then following through.

Engaging in masturbation exhibition can be thrilling for both parties (and may lead to the female partner sharing her own masturbation processes as well.) Since any man wants his penis to look its absolute best when on display, he needs to be sure to use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Many penises sport an unattractive "wrinkled" look, which can be fought by using a crème with alpha lipoic acid, to fight the oxidative stress that can contribute to wrinkling. The crème should also contain both L-arginine and vitamin C, ingredients each of which contributes to proper penile blood flow - a key component of erectile function. Displaying one’s masturbation prowess will be more fun if the penis is in tip top health.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Completely Mental?

There are numerous reasons why men want to ensure their penis health, and one of the most common is the fear of erectile dysfunction. No man is anxious to get into the heat of sexual conquest only to discover that his main weapon is not going to win the battle for him. Yet some people believe that the main cause of erectile dysfunction is mental, rather than physical. Can this be so?


In many, perhaps most, cases, erectile dysfunction is in fact the result of multiple factors. Penis health can play a role in it, as can overall health, the presence of issues such as diabetes, trauma, and so on. But also included on that list is one’s mental state of well-being.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and many doctors and researchers have demonstrated that one’s mental state can have a physical effect on the brain, altering the flow of chemicals and its very structure. While sex is not "all in the head," much of the physical response involved in sexual activity is directly impacted by brain structure, especially the neurotransmitters that send and receive special signals throughout the body.

Stress and anxiety

One mental health issue that is often linked to sexual dysfunction is stress and anxiety. When a man feels stressed, he has a harder time concentrating and also has a more difficulty time accessing pleasure and relaxation zones. Anxiety is, on one level, stress taken to a higher degree; it has been compared to a continuous inner turmoil. With so much turmoil roiling the brain, performance anxiety comes to the fore. Learning to relax, to manage stress and to overcome anxiety can play a major role in fighting erectile dysfunction in many men.


According to some sources, the major cause of erectile dysfunction in younger man is depression. When a person is depressed, their outlook on all things takes a nosedive and they feel bad about themselves and about their situation in general. This in turn keeps the brain from working at capacity in terms of being open and receptive to neural messages regarding sex and sexual possibilities.

If depressed, a man needs to take steps to alleviate this state (and not just for the sake of having better sex). However, for some men, antidepressant medications may have the effective of worsening sexual problems. Working with a doctor to find the right treatment is essential.

Serious mental issues

In general, men with serious mental issues, such as bipolarism, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or panic disorder, are more prone to experiencing erectile issues than are men in the general population. Issues that negatively impact interpersonal relationships, which are common in these conditions, generally impact sexual performance as well. In addition, many anti-psychotic medications used in treatment of some of these disorders may also create erectile challenges.


If a man is experiencing erectile dysfunction and suspects that there may be a mental health component related to the problem, he should seek the attention of an appropriate professional. Psychologists, psychiatrists, or pyscho-therapists can provide help and can direct a patient to the specific kind of treatment he may require.

Treating the mental causes behind erectile dysfunction is critical, but a man also wants to be sure that the penis is in good general health as well. Regular topical application of an exceptional penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a definite step in the right direction. Like the rest of the body, the penis craves and requires vitamins, so selecting a crème that is loaded with vitamins is essential; to be safe, a man should use a crème that includes vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. But vitamins alone are not enough. The best crème will also include L-arginine, an amino acid that is necessary for the creation of nitric oxide, which in turns helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Want Better Sex? Practice These Yoga Positions

Many men maintain their penis health as a means of ensuring better sex for themselves and their partners, and it is undeniably true that a healthy penis is better positioned to create satisfying sexual activities. However, focusing solely on the manhood is not enough. To achieve the goal of better sex, a man’s entire body should be in good health. One way to help maintain overall health while at the same time working toward improving one’s sexual health is to regularly practice yoga.

Yoga has become huge in Western society in recent years, and while more women than men still practice it, the proportion of male yoga enthusiasts has risen steadily. And why not? Yoga is excellent exercise that also can help to release tension and stress, while at the same time helping to keep blood flowing throughout the body. All of that adds up to making a man more sex-ready in general.

While any yoga course can be beneficial for a man, those seeking to include yoga as part of their "better sex search" may want to focus on such positions as these:

- Cobra. The cobra pose is one of the most popular in yoga and almost certain to be included in any basic yoga class. For this position, a person lies face down on the floor, with the hands spread by the shoulder. While inhaling, he straightens the arms, lifting the torso up off the floor and stretching upward. If possible, a man may want to stretch his neck upward as well. After holding the pose 15-30 seconds, he returns to lying down. The cobra works the lower back and the arms (making it good exercise for the Missionary and other positions), but also helps strengthen breathing control.

- Butterfly. Sit on the floor, bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together and as close to the midsection as possible without pain. Keeping the back straight, try to press the knees closer to the floor. This provides a good stretch for the crotch; it is also believed in tantric circles to open sexual channels in the male.

- Horse. Standing with knees apart (heels just slightly wider than knees), bend the knees while keeping the back straight. Keep the back straight and don’t lean forward. The horse strengthens the legs and aids in balance. It also focuses attention on hip flexibility, which is crucial for thrusting purposes during intercourse.

- Crescent Moon. Stand straight with feet together, arms extended above head with hands together as if praying. Bend slowly to one side, return to center, bend to the other side, and return again to center. Crescent moon helps keep sides limber but it also contributes again to hip flexibility.

- Bridge. Another very popular pose, the bridge involves lying flat on the back, arms by the side. Bend the knees, bringing feet close to the posterior. Lift the torso while pressing down on the feet, raising the hips into the air. Hold for 30 seconds and the return the hips and torso to the floor. The bridge is especially helpful for "woman on top" sexual positions, as it allows the man to contribute some movement that can create new angles of penetration.

Yuga can be an excellent part of a man’s better sex program; such a comprehensive approach should also include the regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep the member in prime condition (and therefore more likely to be a fervent participant in any sexual encounters that come its way). Many men find that, as they become more experienced, they encounter a diminution of sensitivity in their penis, often due to rough sex or overuse. These men need a crème with acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that helps protect against the peripheral nerve damage that results in loss of penile sensation. They’ll get even better results if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that performs synergistically with acetyl L-carnitine. Alpha lipoic acid helps offset oxidative damage to penis skin cells, leaving the penis looking healthier and more vibrant.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Increase Penis Sensitivity with Good Penis Care

At some point, many men realize that something just isn’t quite right. Their intimate play doesn’t feel the same as it used to. Even masturbation feels a little strange. Perhaps it takes longer to reach a climax. Perhaps that thrill isn’t as intense as it once was. Or even worse, perhaps the feather-light touches they used to enjoy now feel as though they aren’t there at all. This is all the result of decreased penis sensitivity, which is actually a quite common problem. The good news is that extra attention to penis care can work wonders to increase sensitivity.

One of the key points is to consider what has caused the decreased sensitivity. Here are a few reasons why this might be happening.

1) Masturbation. Many men find that the more they masturbate, the more difficult it becomes for them to feel delicate sensations that they otherwise would have enjoyed. In fact, some men find that excessive masturbation can make it very difficult, if not impossible, to reach climax with a partner. If masturbation on a regular basis seems to have affected sexual activity with a partner, it might be time to cut back on the self-pleasure.

2) Getting older. It’s a sad fact of life: as we get older, lots of things start to change. One of those surprising changes is a decrease in penis sensitivity. Many studies have looked at the phenomenon, and they all report the same sobering results. From about the age of 25, men start to experience a decline in penis sensitivity. The decline becomes much more pronounced when men reach 65 to 75 years of age. That lack of sensitivity could lead to trouble getting and maintaining erections.

3) Skin problems. For some men, aggressive rubbing of the penile skin, whether through sexual activity or masturbation, can lead to a thickening of the skin covering the penis. Though this thickening might be barely noticeable, it is certainly enough to block the sensations that were once so enjoyable. Good penis health care can help with this.

4) General health. Overall health affects every system in the body, including penis function. Those who are obese, suffer from diabetes, or have cardiovascular problems might find that their penis sensitivity decreases. Even those who live a very sedentary lifestyle might discover that sitting down all day has a negative effect on their sensitivity. These health concerns might also affect libido.

5) Nerve damage. Though this is a very rare cause of decreased sensitivity, it does occur for a few unfortunate gentlemen. Nerve damage might be caused by a botched circumcision, trauma to the penis or groin area, spinal injuries, or some surgeries that have a direct effect on the reproductive system. In most cases, the reasons for nerve damage are obvious (such as trauma), but men can work with their doctors to find ways that might enhance their pleasure.

Fight against decreasing penis sensitivity
Working to increase penis sensitivity is always a good thing, especially since so many men experience a sensitivity decline as they age. Start with ensuring good health; smokers can strive to put down the tobacco, those who live a sedentary lifestyle can benefit from becoming more active, and those who are overweight might want to lose the pounds.

If the problem is coming from excessive masturbation or rough intimate play, adjust personal activities for a while to see if the issues with decreased sensitivity go away.

In the meantime, pay close attention to good penis health. Regularly using a proven penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help ensure that any thickening or toughness of the skin is remedied. This helps rule out some of the problems that can cause decreased sensitivity. The use of certain vitamins, as well as soothing Shea butter, can leave the skin hydrated, supple and much more responsive.

Masturbation Can Lead to Better Decisions

Men have to make so many decisions every day, from the miniscule (boxers or briefs?) to the mammoth (which house to put a bid on?). Given the impact that some choices may have on their lives - and the lives of their loved ones - many guys which they had a fool-proof method for making the right decisions. Surprisingly, such a method may indeed be close at hand - masturbation. Yes, many people believe that engaging in masturbation is not only part of better penis health, but may also set the stage for a man to make better decisions, large and small.

The science
There is a scientific basis behind the purported benefits of indulging in a little masturbation before making a decision. For many people, the need to make a decision can create a stressful situation. This is especially true of "big" decisions, e.g., "Can I afford a new car?" or "Should I take that trip that I really need but can’t afford right now?" But for some people, making even small decisions, like what to cook for dinner, can cause a surprising amount of stress.

The Association for Psychological Science has noted that feeling stress changes how a person assesses risk and reward in a decision making situation. Specifically, people who feel very stressed when making a decision tend to place more emphasis on positive aspects than on negative. This leaning toward the positive sometimes works out, but it just as frequently doesn’t. For example, a guy may take a job because it pays well and ignore the fact that he doesn’t like the work he’ll be doing - and that can sometimes make him dread going to work.

Masturbation benefits
How might masturbation help in decision making? As has been well documented, masturbation tends to be a great way to relieve stress and tension in most men. When a man orgasms, the process tells the body that it’s time to release two specific hormones: oxytocin and prostaglandin. These hormones work together in a man like an antidepressant, lightening his mood so that he feels calmer and more at peace. With the man in a more relaxed frame of mind, he is then capable of looking more objectively at the pros and cons of a situation. This should put him in a better position to make a more carefully thought out decision.

Partner selecting decisions
Although masturbating before making any decision can potentially have benefits, some men believe that it is especially beneficial when making a decision about a potential sexual partner. Such men would recommend masturbating before going to bed with a woman.

The reasoning behind this suggestion goes like this: Many men have had morning after regrets where they wonder why they ever took a particular person to bed. If a man masturbates when he is having a strong urge to bed someone, he then has fulfilled his sexual needs. He can then evaluate the potential partner and see if they still hold a strong appeal to him, or if he was merely letting his erection do all his thinking for him.

Although masturbation can help with many decisions, a guy doesn’t need to have a quick stroke session to realize that his penis health is important. It’s also a no-brainer to daily apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to the organ in question. When a man regularly uses a crème with L-arginine, he’s doing his penis a great favor. This amino acid is a vital component of the dilation process of penile blood vessels, which in turns allows oxygen-rich blood to flow into the penis, especially during the erection process. For the man who masturbates frequently or roughly, making sure the crème contains both shea butter and vitamin E, two invaluable hydrators, is crucial. Moisturizing the penis skin helps alleviate soreness from aggressive handling, whether by a partner of the man himself.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Dry Penis Problems: The Athlete with the Chafed Penis

Engaging in good penis care is important for a man, and that can be especially true for athletes, who often find dry penis skin to be a recurring issue. Running, biking and other activities can result in a chafed penis, which can be both painful and unattractive. So what can an athletic man do to deal with dry penis problems?

Why does he get it?
A dry penis condition is hardly limited to men of an athletic nature. Even couch potatoes can come down with this affliction. But men who are on the move do seem to be more likely to develop an unfortunately chafed penis.

What causes dry penis skin? Basically the answer is friction. For many men, the cause of the dryness is related to sexual activity, in which a minimum degree of friction is necessary to bring about appropriate stimulation of the penis. However, often men experience far more than the minimum amount of friction; this is especially true when there is an imbalance between the degree of friction applied and the degree of lubrication available.

With athletic men, the sheer amount of and intensity of movement recreates the friction situation that can occur during sex (although often without the accompanying arousal response). In addition, the lack of lubrication becomes a factor here. (Sweat, while wet, does not tend to provide much lubricating relief.)

While sexual activity creates friction through the skin-on-skin contact, athletic-based friction is more typically the result of skin-on-fabric contact. This can create a dry penis skin issue in two ways:

(1) First, the roughness of the fabric can play a big role in the amount of friction created. A coarse fabric will be more abrasive and more quickly bring about a roughening of the skin. Although underwear is often cotton-based, over time it can still become irritating. Moreover, often the penis escapes from the folds of the underwear and comes into direct contact with the rougher fabric of the pants. Even when there is no direct contact, the thinness of most underwear means that the rougher pants fabric can often be felt through the underwear.

(2) Second, beyond the roughness of clothing fabric, there is the issue of reactions to cleaning products used in the fabric. Penis skin is very thin and very sensitive and it can react strongly to fragrances or chemicals used in laundry detergents. This problem can be exacerbated when sweat is added into the equation.

Athletes can take several steps to help lessen the likelihood of a chafed penis, including:

- Staying hydrated. This can go a long way to keeping the skin all over the body from drying out.

- Avoiding a too-loose fit. When involved in athletics, clothing that is too loose can increase the likelihood of chafing. Very snug fitting bike shorts increase the contact with fabric, but do so in a manner that may decrease the actual chafing.

- Changing clothes. Getting out of sweaty gear and into fresh gear as often as possible will decrease the likelihood of irritation.

- Airing out. Giving the penis time to air out is crucial, so a guy should build in some "alone time" when he can hang out unclothed for a decent period of time.

Applying a crème. Dry penis skin and a chafed penis need proper care, and that care should include the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). That dry skin needs immediate relief, and this is best achieved by regular use of a crème that contains a powerful combination of moisturizers. Ideally, a man needs a crème with both a high end emollient (soothing shea butter is an excellent choice) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is choice) so that a "moisture barrier" can be erected that traps moisture into the dehydrated skin. While he’s at it, he should see that the crème also contains vitamin A; all that sweat tends to create a rank penis odor, and vitamin A is supreme at fighting those odor-causing bacteria.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Penis Odor: What Women Can Tell Their Men

Women in relationships with men often find that talking about some subjects can be a bit difficult - and one of those subjects is penis odor. Even men who practice exceptional penis care may experience occasional bouts of penis odor - and may not even be aware of the fact. So if a woman is involved with a man whose member carries a very definite aroma with it, what should she do?

Why penis odor?
First, it helps for women to understand why penis odor is such a frequent issue with men.

As most people know, odor is frequently associated with bacteria - and bacteria tend to breed in areas in which there is a combination of both heat and moisture. Such a description fits the penis to a T.
The heat is the key factor here. The penis is (typically) hidden beneath not one but two layers of clothing, which ups the heat quotient right there. In addition, tight underwear increases the amount of heat, as does a thick thatch of pubic hair, which many men sport. Finally, the process by which an erection is achieved generates heat itself.

With all that hotness going on, sweat becomes a natural by-product. And with the sweat comes the odor-causing bacteria.

In addition, men who are physically active - running, biking, playing football, etc. - are going to increase the amount of sweat all over, including in the crotch.

Other smells
Of course, not all smells that emanate from the penis are necessarily bad. Men also excrete pheromones, which produce a scent that can be sexually arousing for many women.

But in addition to sweat, other things can contribute to penis odor. For example, a yeast infection (and yes, men do get those) can make an especially "fishy" smell. In addition, a man’s diet can contribute to his odor issues; some foods (such as asparagus) can produce a more distinctive body aroma.

Sometimes, that penis odor is a direct result of insufficient attention to hygiene. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the guy doesn’t wash; he just may not be aware of how strong the odor he gives off may be and so he may not wash as thoroughly as the situation demands. And sometimes even men who are meticulous in their hygiene may have a persistent penis odor, due to their body’s overactive production of bacteria. (These men will need to use an expert penis health crème, but more about that later.)

What to say
Bringing up penis odor can be difficult, but if it’s a real problem, women need to find a way to do it. In some relationships, the best approach is to be direct: "The odor around your penis is a real turn-off. We need to find a way to deal with it."

For men whose egos may be a bit more fragile, it may help to cushion the blow: "You are such a great guy and I really, really love how we connect when we’re in bed. But I’ve noticed sometimes there can be a little smell around your penis that I don’t like."

Telling a guy that he would be more likely to get oral sex if he could make his penis smell better is also an incentive to try.

Women can also offer to help with the penis odor by taking a shower with their man and offering to later help apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help eliminate the odor. This "hands on" approach can be very helpful. Just be sure that the selected crème contains vitamin A, which has superb antibacterial properties that can really attack stubborn penis odor. It’s also productive to use a crème with a powerful moisturizing component, such as the high end emollient shea butter and the natural hydrator vitamin E. Since thorough washing can rub away necessary oils along with the bacteria, the moisturizers can then help keep the penis skin nice and soft.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

When Penis Pain Is Due to Fournier Gangrene

A little penis pain is something that every man expects now and then, but intense penis pain is another story - and may need medical attention. There can be numerous causes of penis pain; one of these is Fournier gangrene, which can be very serious indeed. Men who care about their penis health should be familiar with this fortunately rare condition - just in case it ever strikes them.

What is it?
Fournier gangrene, sometimes called Fournier disease, is classified as an acute necrotic infection of the penis, balls and perineum. (The perineum is the section of the body between the balls and the anus.) Necrotic refers to the death of cells in a part of the body, so in this case it refers to dead cells and tissue in the genital area.

Fournier gangrene is considered a medical emergency; mortality rates are thought to be in the area of 20-30% of patients. Fortunately, the condition is also rare; it is estimated that worldwide there are only about 100 cases reported each year. Although there have been cases of Fournier gangrene in women and in children, the vast majority of cases have been reported in men over the age of 50.

What causes it?
Bacterial infection is typically the cause of Fournier gangrene, although some reports suggest that the infection can sometimes be fungal or viral in nature as well. This infection usually occurs in connection with a trauma to the area and is more often found in situations in which the immune system is compromised (temporarily or chronically). In many cases, the condition arises in relation to a bad urinary tract infection.

The gangrenous aspect of the disorder usually comes about due to thrombosis in small blood vessels in the area. This thrombosis is frequently the result of trauma (which was mentioned previously).

Penis pain, or pain in other parts of the area, is very common. While it may be severe, in some instances it is only of a moderate level. Swelling in the penis, balls or perineum is typical, as is a fever. A very strong and unpleasant odor is also associated with Fournier, growing more noxious as the disease progresses.

Gangrene can develop very rapidly, often within hours. This can be especially dangerous. Surgical treatment is usually required for Fournier disease, and typically involves cutting out the dead tissue and other areas suspected of being at risk of developing further gangrene. Intensive treatment with antibiotics is also standard of care.

As previously stated, Fournier gangrene is a rare condition and one that most men are unlikely ever to suffer from; however, it is important that men in a slightly higher risk group be aware of the symptoms. In addition to men over 50, risk factors include a compromised immune system, penile trauma, diabetes, burns, infections and corticosteroid use.

Attention to overall health and hygiene can aid in preventing Fournier, as well as attention to penis health in particular.

Avoiding penis pain (whether caused by Fournier or not) by maintaining good penis health is easier when a man makes the regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) part of his daily regimen. Keeping the penis healthy can help to fight bacteria, and a crème that includes vitamins A and D is a good ally in that fight. Also called retinol, vitamin A is especially good at eliminating unpleasant bacteria from the penis. Vitamin D is frequently referred to as the "miracle vitamin" because it fights disease and supports healthier cellular functionality. In addition, the crème needs to contain a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, so that it can aid in the body’s ability to fight the free radicals that lead to cellular damage.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Penis Size: Working with the Thick Penis

It’s no secret that penis size is a topic that is frequently on the minds of many men, as our culture has become obsessed with equating size with satisfaction (despite studies that reveal that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to pleasing a partner). While penis size discussions usually deal with questions of length, girth is also a factor. Indeed, many people have stated that a thick penis is more desirable than a long one, assuming that issues of penis health are equal in either case. Yet some men continue to feel self-conscious about a thick penis, especially if they feel the thickness makes the entire package appear shorter. The truth is, they needn’t feel that way.

A thick penis may be "better."
Penis size discussions tend to ignore the fact that the mass of the member is really only a relatively small part of the equation. Except in cases of a true micropenis, a man is going to possess a penis that is large enough to satisfy a partner. The nerve endings that create an orgasmic response in women are located in the "near" section of the vagina, so for most women, even a small penis is capable of producing the desired response.

That said, there still may be a slight advantage for a man with a thick penis when it comes to sex, in comparison to another man with the exact same set of sexual skills but with a somewhat thinner member. This is because the thicker penis stretches the vagina during intercourse, creating potentially greater stimulation of those nerve endings.

However, that stretching has to be handled appropriately. With that in mind, here are a few tips for the man with a thick penis (or the woman who is involved with such a man):

Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate. The thicker the piece, the more challenging the penetration - and the more challenging the penetration, the more painful. Using lubricant can help to ease the entry into the vagina, making intercourse more pleasurable for both parties.

Go easy. Lubrication by itself may not be sufficient to make the initial entrance enjoyable for a woman. All men need to incorporate adequate foreplay into their lovemaking, but this is especially true for the man with the "well-rounded" member. Manually and orally attending to the vagina is a good start, but don’t forget the breasts, ears and any other parts that the particular woman finds sensual. And when the time comes for actual penetrating, it’s important not to simply force it in. Ease it in, and if there is resistance, withdraw and indulge in a little more foreplay. And by all means, if a woman expresses pain, verbally or otherwise, then withdraw.

Consider positions. When a man has a large penis, the woman often needs to have more control over the sexual activity; this enables her to make adjustments if she is experiencing discomfort due to penis size. For that reason, missionary is not usually the best choice for sex with a thick penis. Flipping things and letting the woman be on top usually affords her more control. Some women also express a preference for the "Column" position, in which the woman stands with her legs close together while the male penetrates from behind. This position works best if there is not a tremendous height difference between the man and the woman.

A man with a thick penis or a thin one (or a man with any penis size) must take steps to keep it healthy. A first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) applied regularly can help. Since men who are sexually active (either with a partner or with themselves) may end up with a sore penis from frequent use, finding a crème with the right hydrating elements is crucial. One with both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural moisturizer (like vitamin E) can provide soothing relief to a raw member. Frequent use can often also lead to some loss of sensation due to peripheral nerve damage in the penis. A crème with acetyl L carnitine, which is neuroprotective, can aid in keeping penis sensitivity at the proper level.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

A.M. Sex Tips: Making the Most of Morning Wood

When a man is ready to rise and shine, he usually isn’t the only one who’s up and at ‘em. “Morning wood,” or an erection that is present when one awakens, is a very common occurrence and is a sign of good penis health. Experts know that morning is, for many men, the time when they are biologically most ready for sex, so indulging that morning erection makes sense. Of course, sometimes a man needs to take a few steps to prepare for a.m. activities. The sex tips below can help make morning sex both more likely and more enjoyable.

Allow enough time. On weekends, it’s usually easy to accommodate wake-up sex, but weekdays can be more challenging. Therefore, it’s wise to wake up early enough to make sure there’s time for some relaxed coupling. How much time? That depends on the couple. Many enjoy a “quickie” and may find five minutes sufficient; others may want 30 or 40 minutes (or more) in order to properly enjoy some foreplay, a relaxed penetrative period and some post-coupling together time.

Watch the breath. Probably the biggest negative associated with having sex just after awakening is that dreaded morning breath. Couples should definitely have a plan for conquering this obstacle. Many people need to urinate upon first awakening, so they can quickly brush their teeth at the same time. But for those who wake up and want to get right down to business, keeping some breath mints or mouthwash and a “spit cup” on the nightstand is a must.

Be clean. Since there’s likely no time for a shower before beginning the morning festivities, men should take a shower the night before. Those men whose bodies tend to attract odor easily should keep some deodorant and/or cologne nearby for a quick application upon waking. Many women find a guy’s “bed head” – that messy I-just-woke-up look – sexy, but if it goes from messy to rat’s nest-y, run a brush through it a couple of times.

Warm her up. Guys may wake up with an erection that is raring to go, but that doesn’t mean their lady friend is in quite as advanced a state of receptivity. It often helps to take the time to gently awaken the special woman, perhaps by whispering arousing sentiments into her ear while putting one’s arms around her for a warm hug.

Make the most of foreplay. Unless a quickie is on the menu, start by sensually removing her nightclothes and any undergarments she may be wearing. Take time doing this and be sure to express appreciation for the body that lies underneath these clothes. Spend time exploring all of her erogenous zones, and don’t be limited to using hands. A man should let his mouth, his feet, his legs and his penis caress his partner’s body as he seeks to stoke her sexual fires.

Know one’s (time) limit. Sex before work can put a big smile on the faces of both partners. But if there’s concern about taking too long and being late to work, it can make one or both partners too anxious to really enjoy the sex. If this is potentially the case, the couple needs to enter into it with the agreement that, as much as they might like to stay in bed for hours, they will stop at a certain time – even if one or both partners has not climaxed yet. After all, the goal of good sex is to enjoy the experience and the closeness resulting, not to focus solely on the orgasm.

No list of sex tips for improving morning sex experiences would be complete without reminding a man that he must keep his manhood in good health. Daily application of a first rate  penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is crucial for appropriate penis health maintenance. For optimal results, select a crème that includes both vitamins A and C. Vitamin A conveys strong antibacterial benefits which help to eliminate persistent penis odor (a major turnoff for many women). And vitamin C is associated with advanced collagen production, which not only delivers excellent skin tone and elasticity but also contributes to proper erectile functioning.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Red Penis Skin: Causes of Discoloration and Itching

Over time, a man comes to know his body well. That’s why it can be such a surprise to look down and see a red penis in place of the formerly healthy, supple skin. To make matters worse, a red penis is often a very itchy, dry penis. Not only is it quite uncomfortable, it might make intimate activities a little awkward, embarrassing or even off-limits. The good news is that thorough penis care can help relieve the itching, dryness and redness. If the sight of a red penis is worrisome, the following list explains what might really be going on and how to remedy the problem.

1) Overuse. One of the most common reasons for a red penis is sexual activity - and a lot of it. Excessive friction from intercourse or masturbation can lead to redness of the skin, as well as dryness. The skin will become very sensitive and irritated, and you might even develop a few small abrasions at areas where rubbing was most frequent. Stop sexual activity for at least 24 hours and use a high-quality penis crème on the skin to facilitate faster healing.

2) Balanitis. This inflammation can be caused by numerous issues. One of the most common is simple lack of proper hygiene. Remember to always wash the penis carefully; those who are uncircumcised should take care to clean under the foreskin. If the problem persists, it might be caused by an allergy to soap, detergent, or something else that touches the skin on a regular basis. Switch to a mild soap. Consider switching laundry detergent as well.

3) Yeast infection. Also known as thrush, the Candida yeast infection is often considered a ‘woman’s problem.’ However, men are just as likely to get thrush as women are. Something as simple as a common cold can be enough to upset the delicate balance of the body, and the result is an overgrowth of the common yeast spores on the skin. In addition to a red penis, there might be itching, dryness, cracking and a whitish discharge. A yeast infection requires a visit to the physician for proper treatment.

4) Latex allergy. An allergy to latex is no laughing matter - it can lead to extreme redness and itching, and those who have a serious allergy might have trouble breathing shortly after contact with condoms, dental dams or intimate toys that contain latex. This allergy usually appears the first few times a person is exposed to latex, so it might come as an unfortunate surprise after using a condom for the first time. Immediately stop using latex condoms and make an appointment with the doctor to determine if that really is the problem.

5) STDs. A red penis might be one of the first signs of an STD, particularly if it is accompanied by itching, small lumps, discolorations, flaking skin, ulcers or discharge. Signs of an STD might appear within days or even weeks after having intercourse. Though it can be tough to think about having an STD, getting tested and treated is crucial to preserve fertility and avoid passing the STD to others.

6) Jock itch. One of the most annoying problems a man can possibly encounter, jock itch is quite aptly named. The need to scratch can be maddening, and along with it comes the redness - which, of course, is made even redder by the constant itching. The great news is that jock itch responds very well to over-the-counter treatments. Look for a good antifungal crème or spray and use it exactly as directed. Change underwear often and use towels only once to prevent spreading the infection.

7) Cancer. Though it is extremely rare, many men worry that a red penis equals cancer. Cancer typically presents as lumps or growths on the penis, either red or blue-brown in color. The texture of the skin might begin to feel markedly different. An appointment with the doctor can help ease fears of cancer; and if it does happen to be cancerous, there are many effective treatments.

Making a red penis healthy again

In many cases, a red penis will gradually return to the proper color and appearance. However, if there is itchiness to go along with the redness, take care not to scratch at the skin. This can lead to microscopic tears, and might actually make the itching worse. Seek relief by carefully washing the skin, using a mild cleanser designed for intimate care.

Keeping the penis skin moisturized is a vitally important part of a daily penile health regimen. Use a proven penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), to keep the skin supple. Use formulations that provide nutrients known for healing properties, such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as Shea butter.