Sunday, 31 July 2016

Addressing Penis Pain After Getting a Tattoo

The tattoo has become a common body adornment for millions of men, a way for a guy to express himself in a visible, permanent way. Yet, perhaps due to the penis pain that can result, most men tend to avoid tatting the body part which most visibly identifies a person as male. Although obtaining a penis tattoo is rare, those who do opt to get inked need to make sure that they practice appropriate penis care in order to make the experience as easy as possible.

Although getting a penis tattoo is clearly a personal decision, any man who considers it needs to approach it with caution. First and foremost, it’s important to choose a tattoo artist who is both experienced and reputable; getting a tattoo in an unhygienic environment - whether one the penis or elsewhere - can result in some serious health issues. (This assumes that a man can easily get a tattoo artist who will work on the penis; many of them do not provide this service. Those that do are likely to charge extra - possibly quite a bit extra.)

If a guy has never had a tattoo, it’s not wise to start with one on the penis. After all, the process involves sticking needles into the area to be tattooed. The penis is more sensitive than other body parts, so the potential for penis pain is greater; but at least if a man has previously been tatted elsewhere, he has some idea of what to expect.

Most tattoo artists will use a numbing cream to help deaden the sensation; however, this merely lessens the penis pain. It does not eliminate it completely.

The process
A tattoo is generally applied to the penis while it is flaccid, but in order to cover it appropriately, the penis has to be stretched, Sometimes the customer handles the penis for this, other times the artist needs to. While the stretching doesn’t induce the level of penis pain that the needles can, it can still be uncomfortable.

But it is the needling that tends to cause the most discomfort. Exactly how much depends upon an individual’s threshold for this kind of sensation.

Interestingly, some men report that the more lingering pain that they experience comes not from the stretching or the needling, but from wiping. The tattoo specialist may need to be constantly wiping away ink, which can cause irritation and chafing that has a more lasting effect.

Hopefully, a guy who gets a penis tattoo will be happy with it and want to keep it all his life. But some people do change their minds. Removing a tattoo can be challenging and often involves the use of lasers, which can be distinctly painful on the penis. (On the other hand, penis tattoos usually "come off" more easily than tattoos in some other parts of the body, due to their closeness to the lymphatic system, which is sympathetic to lasers.)

So what should a man do to address the pain from getting a tattoo? He should leave the bandage on for as long as recommended by the tattoo expert. When it is removed, he should gently wash it with warm (not hot) water and a mild anti-bacterial soap with no fragrances. He may find an over-the-counter pain reliever can help with mild pain.

Once the tattoo is completely healed, he may want to address the lingering penis pain by pampering his member. Application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a sensible idea. The crème will need to include a combination of moisturizers, ideally a high end emollient (shea butter is excellent) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). This will soothe the traumatized skin and help ease it back to health. Keeping bacteria at bay is essential, so choosing a crème that boasts vitamin A’s anti-bacterial properties is wise. Building up the penis’ natural health with a potent crème will help to ease lingering soreness from the tattoo process.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Is Talcum Powder Best for Penis Odor Elimination?

Serious penis odor can be a source of embarrassment for men, especially during the hot, sweaty summer months. For some guys, a simple application of talcum powder early in the morning is all they do to combat this common problem. But is the use of talcum powder consistent with appropriate penis care? And, equally important, does it really combat penis odor?

The penis odor dilemma
Penis odor has been around for as long as men have been around. Yes, our early forebears ran around with no clothes and therefore enjoyed the benefits of constantly airing the penis out. But those same cave dwellers also had no soap and didn’t wash very frequently - meaning their packages boasted an even greater degree of penis odor than do our own.

So why is this particular body part prone to carrying a stench around with it? Well, for one thing it’s usually packaged underneath two solid layers of clothing - trousers and underwear. And often, that underwear is tightfitting, which increases the heat quotient. Add to that the fact that, unless a man shaves his manhood, it is topped off by a large thatch of insulating hair, in addition to the hair that lines the balls. Finally, men get erections throughout the day, whether they’re aroused or not. The erectile process involves engorging the penis by filling it with blood; this in turn adds even more heat to the area.

Excessive moisture is a natural byproduct of all that heat, and sweat tends to bring with it odor-causing bacteria - hence, the aroma factory that is a typical man’s crotch.

The talcum powder solution
For many years, men have tried to keep the manhood odor at bay by strategically sprinkling - or in some cases, liberally pouring - talcum powder on the penis, balls and crotch. Talcum powder is famous for its use in keeping babies’ bottoms soft and dry, so its use on the penis is understandable. But is it the best solution for penis odor?

Since most talcum powder comes with a scent of its own, it can be effective for a short time in masking odor. The drying qualities associated with the product also can be effective on a short term basis; but it lacks the staying power needed for a tough case of member stench.

More importantly, talcum powder does not contain ingredients that can actively fight the causes of penis odor, especially bacteria. So once the initial benefits wear off and sweat begins pouring in, the powder does nothing but clump up. Thus, while it can provide some temporary coverage, it cannot by itself offer an effective solution to the problem.

Added to the issue are concerns voiced by some that long-term use of talcum powder may have negative health benefits. The problem is that not enough studies have been done to settle this question one way or another, and so some doctors advise caution in long-term use of the powder.

Beyond powder
Even men who use talcum powder should take other steps to fight unwanted scents. Proper cleaning of the area is crucial, of course; so is finding time each day to let the manhood "air out." (Sleeping naked is one way to achieve this goal.)

Most importantly, however, a man definitely needs to go beyond talcum powder and regularly use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help with penis odor. To be effective, the crème absolutely must include vitamin A. This vitamin is well known for its anti-bacterial properties which do a splendid job of actively fighting the bacteria which are the root cause of an odiferous member. It’s also essential that the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid helps to modify the aging process of penis cell metabolism, which in turn keeps the penis skin healthier. Healthier penis skin is in a much better position to fight off odor-causing bacteria. With the right crème, penis odor can be effectively brought to heel.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

That Sore Penis May Be Due to RGS

There are many causes of a sore penis, and most of the time, pain in this area occurs for straightforward reasons (for instance, injury and infection, to name the most common). But one possible cause of penile discomfort is a relatively recent discovery, known as RGS, or restless genital syndrome. While there is still a lot being learned about this condition, what is known suggests it can have a significant impact on penis health, and that men who suspect they might suffer from it should take steps to address it.

What is RGS?
Many people have heard of restless leg syndrome, a neurological condition in which there are sensations in the leg that are often accompanied by involuntary movement. Similarly, RGS is described in a MedScape interview as "a somatosensory disorder characterized by an unpleasant sensation involving the genital area and pelvis. It has been defined as a spontaneous, intrusive, and unwanted genital arousal (e.g., tingling, throbbing, pulsating) that occurs in the absence of sexual interest and desire."

In other words, RGS is a condition in which a person experiences an arousal in the genitals that is unrelated to sensual stimuli. The condition had been known to exist in women for a few years, but it is only recently that cases have been described in men.

So what?
Some men may look at the description of RGS and think, "What’s the big deal? So a guy’s ready for action all the time - what’s the problem?"

The issue is that we’re talking about unwanted arousal. Most guys have some stories of having popped an obvious erection at an inappropriate time, such as when making a presentation. With RGS, this may be a persistent problem, rather than a random occurrence.

Of course, it’s not just the embarrassment factor that is at play here. While the arousal in this instance is not due to sensual stimuli or sexual desire, it has the same consequences - it makes a person feel horny. The persistent nature of it means that this sense of arousal can prove very distracting and interfere with a person’s ability to focus or engage in many activities. (Try riding a bike when RGS strikes, for example.)

As a result, many people with RGS find themselves masturbating, sometimes several times a day. Again, there’s nothing wrong with masturbating, but for a person with RGS, it’s not happening necessarily because they want to masturbate. It’s more because they have to masturbate in order to rid themselves of a distraction so that they can get back to concentrating on other issues or activities.

What (else) to do?
Other than masturbating, is there anything a man with RGS can do? Because this is a condition about which little is known, it’s unclear what treatments are best. Many doctors treat it with the same medications prescribed for restless leg syndrome, such as selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or dopamine agonists. Their exact effectiveness in treating RGS, especially in males, is still a question mark - and as with any drug, there may be some side effects (including sexual side effects) that can limit their usefulness. Men with RGS should definitely consult with a doctor if the condition is causing them problems and work out possible treatment options.

RGS often results in a sore penis, either from the frequent masturbation that it may require or from the erect penis rubbing against clothing for extended periods of time. To help alleviate that sore penis, men should regularly use a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Spreading on a crème that includes a combination of a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a superior natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can help to provide soothing relief to a sore member while helping to keep the penile skin nice and healthy. Rough use can also contribute to a thinning of penis skin, so a crème that also contains alpha lipoic acid is advised. The potent antioxidant power of alpha lipoic acid combats free radicals that can cause damage to the skin. The crème may not cure RGS, but it can help alleviate complications that may result from it.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Penis Pain: Use Electrical Stimulation With Care

Men interested in exploring new sexual avenues sometimes choose options that may cause as much penis pain as pleasure. Electrical self-stimulation is one such option; when used properly, it can be a boon, but improper use can result in discomfort, pain or other problems. Since penis health should always be taken into consideration, even when seeking erotic outlets, men who are thinking about this path should look into what’s involved.

How it works
Electrical stimulation has been used for years as a form of massage therapy for sore muscles and other physical injuries. The process is intended to send small electrical pulses into a targeted area, either causing the pain receptors in the nerves to temporarily "dull" or by forcing the muscles into a relaxed state.

When used for sexual purposes, an electrical stimulator is intended to "dull" the pain processors, which thereby allows erotic reactions to be processed more quickly. The arousal is therefore both quicker to occur and more intense. Many men who use electrical stimulation for masturbatory purposes find that it produces a "hands-free" ejaculatory response.

A conducting gel is applied to the penis, balls or other area where the electrical stimulation device will be used. In some instances, simple electrodes (such as those attached to the torso during a cardiac examination) will be placed over the gelled area. In other cases, the electrical stimulation is contained in a more traditional sex toy, such as a cock ring, penis sleeve or anal plug. They are then attached to a power source.

The power source is used to determine the intensity of the electrical stimulation that will be sent to the device, as well as its duration. The power source may be controlled by the user himself or by a partner.

While many men use electrical stimulation of the penis purely to increase the intensity of their sexual experience, others use it for more practical reasons. Electrical stimulation therapy is often used to help treat erectile dysfunction. In men with ejaculatory dysfunction, an electrical anal plug has been shown to help produce otherwise difficult-to-achieve ejaculation.

Use with Care
There is controversy over whether electrical stimulation should be used solely for sexual pleasure. Many doctors do not recommend this and believe that such stimulation should be used only under the careful supervision of a trained professional.

Some of the risks that can be associated with electrical stimulation include:

- Tissue damage. Providing too intense or prolonged a jolt can damage the tissue, in some cases severely. Those who use electrical stimulation should be very cautious of the level and length of use to avoid penis pain and injury.

- Cardiac trouble. Electrical stimulation should only be used below the waist, to minimize the possibility that the electrical current could interfere with cardiac function. Misuse may cause serious, possibly even fatal, consequences. People with pacemakers or cardiac issues should NOT engage in electrical stimulation for sexual pleasure.

- Surges. As with any electrical device, there is always the possibility of an unexpected power surge during use. It is recommended that the device be connected to a surge protector for that reason.

- Improper equipment. People should not create their own electrical stimulation devices; instead, only use those that have been professionally made and are intended specifically for use in sexual situations. Using electrical stimulation devices intended for other purposes is risky, as they may be set for levels that are inappropriate for sexual use.

Electrical stimulation for sexual pleasure is a personal choice, but one that must be used carefully to avoid penis pain. Even when properly used, some soreness may result, so using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advised. The best crème contains acetyl L carnitine, which has neuroprotective qualities to help restore diminished sensitivity from overuse. In addition, a crème with vitamin B5 (a.k.a. pantothenic acid) is excellent for ensuring the health of penile tissue. Liberal application of such a crème enhances the overall health of the penis.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Summer Masturbation Tips: Beating the Heat

Masturbation is clearly an activity for all seasons, but the summer brings with it some opportunities for a little season-specific solo fun. A man who has been following good penis care guidelines will be well-positioned to take advantage of these opportunities and add a little extra spice to his solo sexual sessions.

Some of the suggestions below involve masturbation outdoors. It’s important, of course, to remember that public masturbation can bring with it trouble from the police, so men are advised to limit their outdoor stroking to private locations.

Cool it.
As every guy knows, masturbation is heavily dependent on friction. The rubbing of the penis, whether vigorous or more practiced, creates friction of varying degrees, which in turn stimulates the sensitive penile nerves and produces the sensation that makes masturbating so irresistible. But friction also produces heat, and on a hot summer night a little extra heat is the last thing a guy needs.
If engaging in a lengthy pleasure session, remember to keep things cool. Spread the legs (especially if lying down or standing up). If sitting down, stand up every so often to let some of the mid-section heat escape. If masturbating outdoors, spreading the legs can allow a nice breeze to add a pleasure-enhancing tickling sensation as well.

Cool it - again.
A more fun way to keep cool is to point a small fan directly at the crotch while masturbating. Not only will this cool the balls down, it can also add a little extra degree of stimulation that can be quite exciting.

Cool it - one more time.
Many men know that the masturbatory experience can be enhanced by a sudden change in temperature - usually by applying very cold water or ice wrapped in a towel to the balls when approaching ejaculation. This feels even better and is even more appreciated during the dog days of summer.

Lotion not lube.
Summertime is the perfect time to walk around the great outdoors in the buff. Guys who are considering this need to be sure to apply sunscreen to protect sensitive penis skin. If alone while outside, a man may be tempted to further use that lotion for lubrication. Be advised, however, that sunscreen is not made for this purpose and if it gets into the urethra is likely to produce a burning sensation.

Be husky.
Corn on the cob is a summer delight - but don’t throw away the husks after shucking the ears of corn. Wrapping the husks around the penis provides a very different masturbatory sensation which some men find intensely pleasurable. For an even more unusual experience, keep the corn silk and use that as well during one’s solo fun.

Enjoy a melon.
Watermelons are also at their peak in the summer - and can provide some juicy fun for a man. Simply carve a hole of the appropriate dimensions and depth in a melon, insert the penis and simulate intercourse. It’s a bit messy, but definitely provides a kick.

Take the plunge.
Masturbating in the shower is one thing; masturbating in a lake or ocean is quite another. The sensation that comes from masturbating while the penis is completely submerged in water is really unique. (Again, be sure to indulge in this activity only when alone, not while others are around.)

Of course, masturbation in the summer can still be practiced in the same way as in any other season. Whatever the season and whatever the method, it pays to regularly use a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep the manhood in tip top shape. Those who masturbate frequently and/or roughly should definitely select a crème with acetyl L carnitine, which helps protect the penis from de-sensitization due to over-enthusiastic rubbing. A crème with L-arginine is also a fine idea. L-arginine is an enzyme which helps to create the circumstances under which penile blood vessels can relax, opening them up for the rush of blood that is key to a hardy erection. Taking steps to maintain penis health will only enhance one’s self-sexual encounters.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Erect Penis Enemy Could Be Anemia

Many men take great pains to ensure their penis health in order to maintain an active sexual life, including the ability to experience an erect penis. Sometimes, when there is dysfunction in the erectile area, it’s possible that anemia may be playing a role in preventing the manhood from functioning correctly.

Explaining anemia
Anemia is one of those words that people hear all the time but may only have a vague understanding of what it means. So what is anemia?

According to the Mayo Clinic, anemia is "a condition in which (one doesn’t) have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues." Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. This protein takes the oxygen that comes in through the lungs and transports it around the body so that the organs that require oxygen can get the oxygen that they need to function properly.

Guess what one of those organs is? That’s right: the penis. So having a properly-oxygenated penis is crucial.

There can be any number of causes of anemia, such as:

- Not enough iron. This is the one that most people associate with anemia - iron deficiency. Hemoglobin is made in the bone marrow, and one of the big components in making hemoglobin is iron. So when there’s not enough iron, there’s not enough hemoglobin and therefore not enough oxygen getting taken around the body - and thus there’s anemia.

- Not enough vitamins. Red blood cells also need a certain level of vitamin B12 and of folate in order to function properly. When a body doesn’t get enough of these two ingredients, it produces fewer red blood cells - which means there are fewer "taxis" available to take the oxygen around the body.

- Not enough blood. Iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency are kind "invisible" causes of anemia; loss of blood is present obvious. When a person loses blood - through a bad car accident, say - they are anemic until such time as they are able to replace the blood (usually through a blood transfusion). Because of the acute nature of this cause, it’s not typically associated with erect penis issues; most people who have lost a few pints of blood aren’t going to be in the mood for sex at the moment. (Of course, there are exceptions!)

- Hemolysis. Hemolysis refers to the destruction of red blood cells. This occurs naturally, usually when a red blood cell has reached the end of its useful life. In some people, however, the rate of red blood cell destruction can be too fast.

- Diseases and disorders. Many conditions, such as leukemia, kidney disease, aplastic anemia and sickle cell, can bring about an anemic state.

Erect penis affect
How might anemia affect an erect penis? Because a successful erection depends upon a rapid influx of oxygen-rich blood, the lack of sufficient oxygen can lead to a difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection. This is relatively rare; more common is for a man with anemia to produce an erect penis, but for the erection to not feel as "full" or as "strong," due to the lack of oxygen.

It is also possible that, owing to the fatigue associated with anemia, an anemic man might have less stamina, making him less capable of enduring the exertion associated with vigorous sexual activity.
Working with a doctor to determine the cause of one’s anemia and the proper course of treatment is crucial for overall health, as well as for the specific health of the penis.

Anemia can be an enemy of an erect penis, so it’s vital that the organ’s global health be well maintained. Using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. L-arginine is an enzyme that helps produce nitric oxide, which in turns keeps penis blood vessels relaxed and receptive to adequate blood flow, allowing more oxygen to reach the penis. Therefore, a crème that contains this ingredient, along with vitamin C, is a good choice. Why vitamin C? Because of its role in collagen production and in promoting proper penile tissue firmness, by its role as a structural component of blood vessels.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Healthy Penis Display: Nude Beach Pros and Cons

The glorious days of summer mean fun in the sun, and men who want to display their healthy penis may be considering a trip to a nude beach. This is an excellent way to display to others the results of one’s meticulous attention to penis care, but it pays to take a few minutes to examine the pros and cons of a nude beach before venturing out in that direction.

Although exact figures are hard to come by, it’s generally assumed that participation in nudist (or naturist) activities is on the rise. The American Sunbathing Association claims some 35,000 naturist members and lists almost 200 clothing-optional parks and camps in North America. In Europe, the number of nudist options is even greater.

So, with the rising popularity of nudism, what are some of the pros and cons for a man to consider before baring it all on the beach?

- Pro: It’s a great way to show off. Many men have at least a small exhibitionist streak. Walking around with it all hanging out holds a great appeal for many men - and not just for those whose endowments are of an especially impressive size.

- Con: One has to be careful showing off. Most nudists despair over the association of nudism with relentless sexual activity. As a result, blatant and purposeful exhibition of an excited penis is generally frowned upon - and can get a guy thrown off the premises in some cases.

- Pro: It feels great. There’s something very special about being bare in the outdoors and feeling the breeze, the spray of the sea and the warmth of the sun all over the body, unimpeded by a layer of clothing.

- Con: Ummm…the sun. Of course, one can have too much of a good thing. Skin that is not used to being exposed to the sun can burn quickly and can be quite painful. And a penis with a bad sunburn is not going to be in proper shape for any pleasurable activity.

- Pro. Rubbing lotion on one’s partner. With no pesky swimsuit in the way, one can really enjoy rubbing suntan lotion into one’s partner’s skin in a new and interesting way.

- Con. Getting lotion rubbed on oneself. Of course, when one’s partner turns to using her lovely hands to apply lotion on one’s own privates, it may become very obvious to all involved just how exciting this new experience is (See above con about showing off.)

- Pro: Lots of people to watch. Clearly, this is one of the big attractions of a nude beach: the chance to see a lot of luscious skin on display. There usually are all types on a nude beach - short, tall, slender, full-figured, leggy, tattooed, and on and on. It can be a smorgasbord for the eyes.

- Con: Staring is a no-no. Unfortunately, it’s considered rude to openly stare at others on the beach, especially in an obviously salacious manner. These are real people, after all, not images on the computer screen.

So is taking one’s admirably healthy penis to a nude beach the right option? It depends on the individual, of course. But every individual needs to keep his penis in good shape for any possible display options, and using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) regularly is necessary to achieve that goal. A little advice: Look for L-arginine in the ingredients list of any crème one considers. Why? Because L-arginine is part of the process by which blood circulation in the penis is improved, and better circulation means a better exchange of oxygen and nutrients to the penis. While checking that ingredients list, make sure that it also9 includes an appropriate range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. Topical application of a crème better delivery of these vitamins directly to the penis.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

When an Itchy Penis is Caused by Scabies

Men who are serious about penis health (and that really should be all men) make it a habit to inspect their members and the surrounding area for anything that looks or feels out of place. That should include checking out an itchy penis to make sure that it’s not being caused by a condition that needs treatment - such as scabies. Not every itch is cause for concern, but a persistently itchy member should inspire a guy to take a close look for the cause.

What are scabies?
Scabies is one of those scary terms that conjures up images of a grossly unhygienic individual - but in fact, most people don’t have a very precise idea of just what scabies is.

In fact, scabies refers to a very persistent infection that is characterized by an itch that is relentless. It physically presents as bumps or blisters; often an itchy penis resulting from scabies will present with what appear to be small pimples. In many cases, the number of bumps or pimples can be quite large. And while this article is focusing on scabies on the penis, they can occur on many other parts of the body as well.

What causes scabies?
Scabies is caused by tiny little mites (called Sarcoptes scabiei) that are invisible to the naked eye. They get underneath the skin and create an infection, which results in the profusion of bumps. Some people who have a compromised immune system may contract a form known as Norwegian or crusted scabies; in these cases, the lack of an immune response may allow for hundreds or thousands of mites to invade the body, creating infection throughout the body. However, most people who experience scabies contract the "normal" version, which, while annoying, is not dangerous.

Scabies is considered a very contagious disease, and it is frequently passed on through sexual contact, so yes it is classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be contracted through other forms of skin-to-skin contact; from sharing clothes worn by a person with scabies; or from sleeping in bedding in which scabies mites are present. Worldwide, about 300 million cases of scabies occur annually.

No over-the-counter medications have been shown to cure scabies, although they may help to relieve symptoms associated with the condition. Doctors can prescribe specific drugs for killing the mites that cause scabies and for clearing up the resulting infection.

If a person has been infected with scabies, it is usually necessary to take steps to remove mites from clothing, bedclothes, towels and furniture that may be harboring the pests. Fabrics should be washed in soapy, hot water, while furniture and carpets should be thoroughly vacuumed; after vacuuming, the bags should be disposed of. It’s recommended that shoes be sealed in a plastic bag for a week before being worn again.

It’s also recommended that a man refrain from partner-based sexual activity until he is sure that the scabies is gone. While wearing a condom will provide some protection, the mites could still be passed on from parts of the body not covered by the condom.

Fortunately, not every itchy penis is caused by scabies - but a man should be prepared in case it is. One thing that can help with some of the symptoms is to apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to the penis. This will not cure the scabies, but a really good crème can help alleviate the symptoms - including that insistent itch. A crème that is blessed with both a high end emollient (shea butter is a marvelous one) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) will moisturize the skin and provide soothing relief. Maintaining healthy penis skin in general will also help minimize the rash associated with scabies, so a crème with a vitamin B5 is valuable. This vitamin is associated with penis cell metabolic improvement and the maintenance of penile cells in a robust manner.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

A Masturbation Vacation Can Be Beneficial

Whether it’s an occasional tug or a daily marathon, masturbation is a part of every man’s life. For those who practice masturbation regularly (because practice does make perfect, after all), the idea of taking a vacation from their routine may seem odd. After all, they enjoy what they’re doing. Still, regular masturbators should give consideration to the occasional vacation, possibly for their penis health, but also for other reasons.

A fun routine
Although many routine tasks are boring, the same is rarely true for masturbation. If it wasn’t rewarding in some way, men wouldn’t do it again and again. And the benefits of masturbation are many, including:

- Releasing tension and making a guy feel more at ease and less anxious;

- Helping a man learn about his penis and what kind of handling it responds to most readily;

- Aiding a man to learn better control of his ejaculatory response, which can be an asset when engaging in partner sex;

- Potentially reducing the risk of prostate cancer in later life; and

- Keeping the organ exercised and in good working condition.

Why stop?
So with all that going for it, why consider a vacation from masturbation? There are a number of reasons guys might take a break, such as:

- To prove that they can. Sometimes guys, especially those who masturbate daily, may fear that they are addicted or at least too dependent on it. Taking off from stroking for a while is a good way to prove that they are still the "master of their domain."

- To lessen guilt. Similarly, some men feel varying degrees of guilt over masturbating. A planned abstinence can mitigate this feeling.

- To build up semen. Guys who masturbate a great deal often shoot less when they ejaculate. If a dude is planning to impress a date with ejaculatory volume, it can help to "save up" for a few days before releasing.

- To get more done. It’s easy to get in the habit of spending an hour (or two or three or…) in front of the computer with one’s hands wrapped around one’s erection. That time can quickly add up. It may behoove a man to exercise more control and use that time to accomplish some of the projects he’s been putting off. (The technical term for masturbating instead of doing what needs to be done is procrasturbation.)

- To keep the penis healthy. Masturbation is not necessarily bad for the penis, but if one is rubbing so often and so aggressively that the penis is sore, the skin is raw or there is a distinct diminishment of sensation, taking a break is strongly suggested.

How much time?
So a guy decides to go on a masturbation vacation. For how long should he abstain? That entirely depends upon the individual. For some, taking a break of a day or two is all that is needed. For others, a week, a month, or longer may suit their needs and aims better.

It’s important to remember that even when on a vacation from masturbation, a guy still needs to touch his penis. For example, he should continue his daily penis health regimen, which should include the daily application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). If the vacation is being used to alleviate soreness or rawness, the abstainee will need to pick a crème that includes solid moisturizing ingredients, such as shea butter and vitamin E. If rough handling has resulted in a lessening of sensation in the penis, a man should ensure that the crème also includes acetyl L carnitine. This invaluable ingredient is neuroprotective and is just the thing for the kind of peripheral nerve damage that results in a diminishment of penile sensitivity. Keeping the penis healthy during a "hands off" period will make it even more pleasurable when the solo fun starts up again.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Bent Penis? Don’t Rule Out Vasculitis

As many men know, a bent penis is not unusual, but when the curvature is very pronounced, it may cause problems, such as pain and difficulty engaging in normal sexual activity. In some cases, this bent penis may be the result of vasculitis, an inflammatory condition. Vasculitis can have an impact beyond penis health, so dealing with the problem is important to a man’s overall well-being.

What is vasculitis?
Simply put, vasculitis refers to a situation in which the blood vessels become inflamed. This inflammation can have two contradictory effects. On the one hand, the vessels become weakened and stretch. In some cases, this stretching makes the vessel so thin that it breaks, causing blood to flow into the tissue in the area near the rupture.

On the other hand, vasculitis sometimes makes the blood vessel get narrower and narrower, impeding the proper flow of blood, and in some situations causing an occlusion. This prevents blood (and oxygen) from getting to tissue, and affected tissue becomes damaged.

What causes it?
Vasculitis is one of those annoying conditions for which science and medicine has not yet determined an exact cause. However, doctors do know that whatever causes it results in a change in the immune system, causing it to become overactive. Often, the immune system starts to attack antigens in the blood vessel walls, creating this problem.

And the bent penis?
So how does all this relate to a bent penis? One of the common causes of excessive penis curvature is a build-up of scar tissue in the area. Sometimes, this is due to trauma to the penis. Too much rough handling causes a thin layer of scar tissue to develop. If this is repeated over time in the same place, that scar tissue hardens and causes the penis to veer off at an angle.

The same thing can happen with vasculitis. If a penile blood vessel ruptures, the tissue is damaged. If an occlusion occurs in the penis, that also causes damage to the tissue. That tissue naturally will repair itself, which results in scar tissue. Just as with physical trauma, the build-up of scar tissue can cause the penis to angle off (or up or down).

Of course, vasculitis can occur anywhere in the body. While a bent penis may be a problem, vasculitis in other parts of the body can be even more serious - and in some cases fatal. So if a doctor determines that a bent penis is due to vasculitis, the steps he takes to treat it may prevent the condition from developing elsewhere in the body.

How is vasculitis diagnosed and treated?
Doctors generally look for certain symptoms which are frequently associated with vasculitis. These include a low red blood cell count, a high white cell count, a high platelet count, kidney or liver problems, and specific antibodies.

Treatment depends upon a number of factors, including which areas have been affected. Corticosteroids are often used, as well as drugs that can help to control the immune system more effectively.

Whether caused by vasculitis or not, the scar tissue that may cause a bent penis may require extra attention from a man. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can provide supplemental relief that helps to boost the overall health of the manhood in question. Because scarring typically is accompanied by a diminishment of sensation in the penis, selecting a crème with a neuroprotective ingredient is advised. One such ingredient is acetyl L carnitine, which prevents peripheral nerve damage to the organ and helps to restore the sensitivity a man desires in his penis. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. These two ingredients have a synergistic relationship, so the combination of the two in one crème provides greater benefits than the use of them separately. As an antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid offsets harmful oxidative processes in penile cell mitochondria.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Sex Games: Roleplaying with an Erect Penis

Sex games and bedroom roleplaying are excellent ways to entertain an erect penis that keeps popping up whenever a couple has a little alone time. Men who have been prioritizing penis health can really take advantage of their member to indulge in a little fantasizing with a willing partner. When it comes to roleplaying sex games, the sky is frequently the limit.

Where to start
The first thing to discuss when embarking on any sex games are the ground rules. With roleplaying, what’s important is knowing how far each participant is willing to go. Some people think "roleplaying" and imagine a fun little nurse’s outfit; others think handcuffs and whips. Both options are perfectly legitimate, but not everyone feels comfortable with every scenario. That’s why it’s good to make sure that the players are on the same page about what their expectations and limits are.

Using the erect penis
Naturally, the erect penis does not have to be the specific focus of a sex game, but many people - especially men with an exhibitionistic flair - enjoy making it a centerpiece of the activity. Couples who want to specifically take advantage of a man’s erect penis in their roleplaying may want to consider some of the following scenarios.

Real estate agent
One favorite scenario is for the male to lie on the living room sofa, naked, and begin masturbating. After a few moments, the female enters from outside; she is a real estate agent who is selling the man’s house, and he has forgotten that he had told her he would be home today. From this basic setup, the players can decide what happens next.

Car fun
Many men have found themselves so horny on a long ride that they have masturbated while driving. In this scenario, the couple sets up chairs as the car and the man begins masturbating - and gets pulled over by a comely female police officer.

Or for a different variation on the car theme, the man is not masturbating but simply gets pulled over for speeding. But in the course of the conversation with the officer, she notices and comments on the obvious bulge in his pants.

Penile presentation
Many a man has had to get up in front of a class or his work colleagues to give a presentation and has found that his erect penis is clearly visible through his pants. In this scenario, his mate plays his boss or teacher, who doesn’t let the presence of the penis go unremarked upon - or unappreciated.

Playing doctor
Men going in for a physical often worry about what will happen if they get an erection in front of the doctor. (It’s something that happens to quite a few men, in fact.) In this scenario, the kind and understanding female doctor is only too happy to witness the evidence of her patient’s robust sexuality - and to go further in seeing just how sturdy that erect penis is.
This just scratches the surface of the possible roleplaying sex games and the fun they can bring to an erect penis. Guys should be sure that their members are in good shape for any role they need to play, and regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is an excellent way to achieve that admirable goal. Since maintaining proper sensitivity of the penis is key to pleasurable enjoyment, a man should select a crème that contains acetyl L carnitine. This neuroprotective ingredient helps to prevent peripheral nerve damage that can result from rough (if pleasurable) handling of the organ. Also advised: a crème with alpha lipoic acid, which works synergistically with acetyl L carnitine. This powerful antioxidant helps prevent premature aging of penile cells and wards off an unappealing wrinkled penis look.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Red Penis and Mondor’s Disease

When a man looks down and is greeted with the sight of a swollen, red penis, he naturally gets a little concerned. If he touches that red penis and feels pain, that concern is likely to turn to alarm. There are many issues that can cause this kind of penis pain, some of which are benign, and some of which are not. In rare cases, a condition known as Mondor’s disease may be the cause; so men who are interested in premium penis care need to know about it so they can properly address it if it does appear.

What is Mondor’s Disease?
Mondor’s disease is more often found in the breasts or chest, but in some cases, it occurs in the penis. Named after Henri Mondor, a Parisian surgeon, the condition involves an inflammation of a vein resulting from a blood clot; it is generally considered benign and not usually a source of great concern, from a physician’s point of view.

When Mondor’s disease occurs in the penis, a man is likely to notice a swelling near the surface of a vein in the organ. Typically, the swelling occurs in the main vein that runs along the top side of the penis, but it can occur elsewhere - including, rarely, on the foreskin. The swelling presents itself as a lump, and it is usually red in color.

Some pain
Although the swelling is not generally painful in and of itself, the area is generally sensitive to the touch. Thus, touching the lump generally produces a painful sensation; in some cases, the rubbing of fabric against the lump can also be painful.

Because of this tenderness, engaging in sexual activity is discouraged. The condition is not contagious and so cannot be spread; however, the vigorous activity necessitated by intercourse or masturbation tends to produce a high degree of discomfort.

Other issues
One study indicated that Mondor’s disease of the penis often causes psychological stress and "sexual disharmony" for its victims. This is related to the need to abstain from activity due to associated pain, as well as fears over whether the lump may be related to a more serious condition and what an observer may think of the appearance of the penis while it is afflicted.

Causes and treatment
The underlying cause of Mondor’s disease is not clear, although there may in some cases be some relationship between a history of sexually transmitted infections and Mondor’s. It does appear that trauma to the penis may result in the appearance of Mondor’s disease.

In many cases, Mondor’s disease resolves on its own. In more persistent cases, abstinence from sexual activity; wearing of loose clothing; and treatment with warm dressings are often beneficial. Doctors may recommend anticoagulants or antibiotics in those cases that are unresponsive to other treatments.

Because abstinence is often a byproduct of the swollen red penis caused by Mondor’s disease, most men are anxious to get it treated so they can resume their normal sex lives. Maintaining the overall health of the penis can help in this regard, which means that men need to make the application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) part of their daily routine. While a crème will not cure the problem, it may provide soothing relief. Guys should select a crème that boasts a potent combination of hydrators, such as shea butter and vitamin E. The best crème also include a wide range of vitamins that includes vitamin D. Often called a miracle vitamin, vitamin D both fights disease and enables cell functionality, a combination which is a boon for maintaining penis health. The topical application vitamin D and other nutrients on the penis allows for the faster absorption of their benefits for the organ.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Penis Bumps: The 411 on Pearly Penile Papules

It’s the wise man that regularly examines his package for signs of scratches, sores, penis bumps and the like. In order to maintain one’s penis health, a careful inspection is simply part of the plan. Often, when doing an inspection, a man may find small penis bumps, known as pearly penile papules. Those first discovering these tiny lumps may feel concerned about what they are, what they mean and what (if anything) needs to be done about them.

With that in mind, here’s the basic 411 on pearly penile papules for any male who encounters them on his member.

So - what are they?
Pearly penile papules (commonly known as PPP; scientifically known as hirsuties coronae glandis) are tiny little bumps that are sometimes found around the ridge of the head of the penis. They are usually numerous, frequently forming a band around all of most of the ridge. They can vary in color, but they are most often red, pink, white, yellow or translucent. Although some PPPs can be as large as 4 mm, most are more commonly only 1-2 mm in size.

The exact incidence of PPPs among men isn’t known, but they do seem to be more common in men who are intact than in men who are circumcised. One study found that a third of intact men had PPPs compared to about 7% of circumcised men.

Men of all races and geographic locations are capable of having PPPs, as are men of any sexual preference.

Are they dangerous?
The good news is that PPPs are perfectly benign. They do not cause any ill effects, although sometimes a doctor may misdiagnose them as genital warts, and therefore as part of an HPV outbreak. They also are not contagious and are not a sexually transmitted disease.

Can they turn into something else?
No. PPPs are PPPs, period. They don’t develop into another condition, and they also don’t grow any larger as time goes by.

What causes them?
Doctors wish they knew - but they don’t. They are often classified as simply a normal skin variation, and no one is exactly sure why some men have them and some don’t. There are some theories that these may be the evolutionary remains of penile spines - spine like growths that are found in some animals and which some scientists theorize may have once been found in human ancestors. However, this is at this time just a theory.

How are they treated?
Since they are harmless, there is no recommended treatment for PPPs. Men who do not appreciate their appearance may opt to have them surgically removed (often using simple laser surgery). Some people try to remove them themselves, but this can be ineffective, painful and dangerous. Picking at them, trying to pop them or using over-the-counter options like wart removers can actually do damage to the penis and can bring about an infection.

One drawback that men sometimes experience with penis bumps like PPP can be some soreness during friction-based activities such as masturbation or intercourse. Common, everyday soreness of this type can often be alleviated by regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). In order to soothe friction-irritated penis skin, the crème will need to have powerful hydrating agents. A combination of a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin A) in tandem with a high end emollient (such as shea butter) should be listed in the crème’s ingredients. That friction may on occasion cause the penis to experience diminished sensation, so the chosen crème should also include acetyl L carnitine. This neuroprotective ingredient is excellent at preventing and soothing peripheral nerve damage and restoring sensitivity to a penis that has been handled too roughly.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

That Sore Penis May Be Due to a UTI

No guy really likes having a sore penis, although many will use the opportunity to brag (not always truthfully) about how all the sex they have had to bring the condition on. But when the sore penis comes about because of a urinary tract infection (UTI), that’s a different story. No one goes around announcing that their UTI is making their member burn like crazy - instead, they should be seeking help from a doctor to prevent complications. Therefore, exercising good penis care can help a man to treat this problem properly if it does become an issue.

A women thing.
Most men with a UTI are surprised to learn that they have come down with this condition. It’s popularly assumed that UTIs are a "women thing," something that doesn’t happen to men. While it is much more common in women, a UTI becomes increasingly more likely as men age. Still, it can strike a male of any age under the right circumstances.

What is it exactly?
A UTI means that bacteria is present in appreciable quantities somewhere in the urinary tract - the bladder, the kidneys, or the urethra. In the male, there are many natural defenses set up in the urinary tract to prevent the presence of bacteria or to remove bacteria when they sneak in - but no system is perfect. Most of the time, bacteria enter through the urethra - meaning they are present on or near the penile opening and find their way inside through that route. Sometimes, however, an infection can start out in the kidneys or bladder - often due to blockage caused by an unpassed kidney stone or bladder stone.

When a UTI develops, it can cause a sore penis and promote pain throughout the entire tract. It is often accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating - which, because this is a common symptom associated with sexually transmitted infections, often causes a man to panic. Usually a man finds he needs to urinate more often and passes a significantly smaller quantity of urine when expelling. Sometimes, urine may seep out of the penis unintentionally. It is also not uncommon for pain in the stomach or back to be present as well.

So how does a guy get a UTI? Well, as mentioned, sometimes bacteria get into the urethra from the penis - another reason to keep the equipment clean. Other contributing factors may be kidney or bladder stones, diabetes, or immune system issues.

A man who suspects he has a UTI should see a doctor, who may prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Most treatment plans also include drinking plenty of water (or possibly cranberry juice), to help flush out the system.

Of course, prevention is better than treatment. Among the things a man can do to help prevent UTIs are:

- Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids increases the likelihood that stray bacteria will be voided.
- Use protection when having sex, to avoid getting infected by a partner.

- Intact men should wash thoroughly and regularly underneath the foreskin in order to remove bacteria that may be lingering there.

- Use gentle cleansers on the penis and the surrounding areas. Soaps with chemicals may damage the skin, making it easier for bacteria to accumulate.

A man can also help avoid a sore penis caused by a UTI by maintaining the overall health of his penis, and that requires dedicated daily application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Vitamin A has known anti-bacterial properties, so the wise man will select a crème that is rich in vitamin A, as well as in such complimentary vitamins as B5, C and D. Protecting the penis skin from harsh soaps requires extra hydrating assistance, which can be found in a crème with a high end emollient such as shea butter. And a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is well poised to keep oxidative stress in the penis at bay. An appropriate crème like Man1 Man Oil can be a fine aid to a sore penis.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Healthy Penis Hints: What to Tell the Doctor

When a guy has a healthy penis, the world is his oyster; but when he has a problem with his favorite body part, things can look a little different. Obviously, if a man really wants to maintain good penis health, he needs to consult with a doctor; but knowing what to say in this potentially embarrassing situation can be a little tricky at times.

Men and doctors
It’s not a secret that men are not fond of going to see a physician. According to one study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men are about 80% less likely to see a doctor than are women. Not only that, about half of men under the age of 50 don’t have a regular doctor, and a third don’t have regular annual checkups.

Apparently, guys have an innate resistance to seeing their doctors; and that’s something that needs to stop. If a man only goes in for treatment when there’s a problem, that means he’s letting preventable little issues go undetected, so that they have a chance to fester and grow into big problems.

What to bring up
One of the reasons that men don’t go to the doctor more often is that they’re not really sure what to talk about, especially where the penis is concerned. In most cases, it’s usually best to let the doctor ask his questions first (unless a man is at the doctor for a specific reason). If a guy is there for an annual exam, the doctor will be checking things out and is likely to ask questions as he goes along. "And how are things with your sex life?" he may ask, or "Do you have any concerns about your penis and testicles?" If he asks specific questions, answer them. If a man feels that there’s something that he needs to share that hasn’t specifically been asked, then he needs to volunteer that information.

A man who experiences any of the following should bring them up with his doctor if the doctor doesn’t ask about them first; they may not indicate any serious problems, but it’s good for the doctor to know about them.

- Pain in the penis. Whether chronic or acute, it’s good to report pain and to describe it: the level of pain, how long it lasts, when and how often it occurs, any possible causes, etc.

- Sores, discolorations, etc. Any changes in the physical appearance of the penis should be mentioned, including warts, sores, lesions, pimples, lumps, rashes, etc.

- Discharges. This includes changes in the color of urine or semen, especially if the change results in reddish or pinkish discharge, which may indicate blood. Also alert the doctor to any other discharges, such as pus, etc. If involuntary urination is an issue, the physician needs to know about this, as well.

- Odor. Let’s face it, the penile area tends to have a bit of a pungent odor. But if the odor is excessively strong or seems to be "off" in some way, let the doc know.

- Functional issues. Discuss anything that may seem off-kilter, including frequent urination, pain while urinating, etc. It’s also a good idea to discuss sexual function, including any erectile issues that may be present. Sometimes erectile issues can be an early warning signal that there may be cardiac issues developing, so it’s crucial that a man not let embarrassment prevent him from acknowledging any issues in this area.

Doctor visits are necessary to maintain a healthy penis, but there also are everyday things a man can do to help keep his manhood in good shape, such as applying a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Men with experience know that the penis can become de-sensitized over time, especially if it’s handled roughly during partner or solo sex. A crème with neuroprotective acetyl L carnitine helps protect against peripheral nerve damage that can lessen the good sensations in the penis. It’s even better if the crème also contains the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid, as that works synergistically with acetyl carnitine to raise the effectiveness of both ingredients.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Oral Sex Tips for a Satisfied Penis

Not to put too fine a point on it, but in most cases, a satisfied penis equals a happy man - and oral sex is one surefire way to make that happen. There are numerous sex tips available for women that can help them to become more proficient at the art of fellatio. But a pleasurable oral sex experience is a two-way street; there are things a guy can do to make it more enjoyable for his partner, as well -- and therefore increase the likelihood of repeat performances. Tending to his penis health is one of the more obvious oral sex tips, but it doesn’t stop there.

Think a little
What can a man do to make oral sex more pleasant for the person doing him this tremendous favor? To answer that question, it helps for a man to imagine himself in the position of performing fellatio and to think about the things that would give him pause. That’s hard for some guys to do, but if they make the effort, their list of oral sex tips might include the following:

- Be clean. This is obvious and fairly easy. Every guy has had the experience of removing his clothes at the end of a day and becoming aware of how much his package reeks. All the sweat that accumulates during the day can produce an odor that a guy can smell from several feet away - so imagine what it might smell like when the face is placed directly against it. The odor is off-putting enough, but sometimes there’s dirt, grime, dried semen, and other physical manifestations as well - and that’s before even considering the possibility of smegma. A man needs to be sure to clean his penis regularly; if oral sex is on the table, he should excuse himself and do a quick clean-up near to the time that the experience may begin.

- Consider shaving. Manscaping is more popular now than ever, but that doesn’t mean that it is the norm. A few quick glances in the locker room is enough to prove that most men still prefer to let their bushes grow wild and free. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, of course, and whether a man shaves his pubic hair is a totally personal choice. However, most people who are on the performing end of fellatio agree that getting hair stuck in their teeth or in their throat is not something they look forward to. Men who are interested in increasing their oral sex opportunities may want to consider shaving - either de-nuding the entire package (balls, penis, crotch) or just the thick bush. Some men compromise and do a close trim, rather than shaving down to the skin. And some are able to enlist their partner’s aid in the shaving process, which can be highly erotic on its own.

- Give a warning. Some people don’t want to swallow, so it’s only polite to give a warning when ejaculation is imminent.

- Watch the diet. The flavor of one’s semen is affected by the foods one consumes. A diet that’s heavy on certain foods (asparagus, garlic, red meat, strong spices, dairy, broccoli and fried foods among them) produces semen with an acrid, bitter taste. Sweeter foods, such as cinnamon and peppermint, as well as parsley, make semen more palatable.

No list of oral sex tips would be complete without re-emphasizing that an orally-satisfied penis needs to be a healthy one. Using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) helps to ensure that any potential oral sex providers won’t worry about the health of the item headed for their mouth. Definitely make sure that the chosen crème contains vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which fight stubborn penis odor. Since a penis that is free of dry skin and cracks is more appealing, look for a crème with powerful moisturizing abilities; one with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) is best in this area.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Erect Penis Protection: Lifestyle Changes to Consider

Considering its importance to an active sex life, it’s no wonder that a man wants to protect his erect penis and make sure it’s functioning at its best at all times. Certainly, paying proper attention to good penis health can help a man be more certain that his erect penis will look and feel good. But there are numerous lifestyle issues which can affect the manhood’s firmness factor.

Beyond the penis
When taking steps to protect their erect penis, men often focus on circumstances that relate very directly to the organ in question. But the fact is that total health also has an impact on the penis. Here are several things that a man can do to help ensure that his member is in a better position to perform admirably when called upon by a comely maiden.

Nix the cigs.
Men who smoke not only are putting their overall health at risk; they’re potentially putting a damper on their favorite little buddy’s activities. Smoking is damaging to the blood vessels in general, and nicotine, in particular, causes the blood vessels to constrict. This happens, they can’t allow the proper influx of blood that is essential for a full-on erection. Stopping smoking is one excellent way to make a member appreciably stiffer.

Shed the belly.
Obesity is a major problem in the world today, causing long term problems that ultimately lead to a shortened lifespan. The penis doesn’t like those extra pounds either. For one thing, too much poundage makes it look shorter. Excess weight also increases the risk of diabetes, which in turn can cause nerve damage to the body - including the penis. When the nerves in the penis don’t receive stimulation properly, it’s more difficult to get and maintain an erection.

Get moving.
One way to shed those extra pounds is to exercise more, and that’s a good thing in and of itself. Men whose lifestyle is too sedentary are more likely to experience varying degrees of erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise routines keep the blood flowing, send oxygen throughout the body and help to build testosterone levels - all of which are things that the penis likes and responds positively to.

Watch what you eat.
A proper diet is also essential to losing weight, but even men who are not overweight need to make sure that the food they eat contains penis-friendly options. That basically means foods which are good for the heart, as a healthy cardiac system is essential for keeping the blood pumping to the penis. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fibers, whole grains and lean meats are a good idea; high-fat foods, fried foods and foods that undergo a significant degree of processing should be ingested in moderation. Alcohol should also be watched; a moderate amount is usually fine, but heavy drinking causes numerous health complications, which in turn have an impact on a man’s ability to function to his utmost.

Consider testosterone.
Testosterone is important for maintaining one’s libido, as well as in helping to keep muscles properly toned. Higher levels of testosterone typically increase a guy’s stamina as well. All these factors come into play when active in the bedroom, so keeping testosterone at a healthy level is essential. Men who think their testosterone may be too low should consult with a doctor.

Lifestyle changes in the above areas can be useful in achieving and maintaining an erect penis; those efforts can be supplemented by using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to ensure that the member is in its best health whether erect or at rest. The best bet is to choose a crème that contains both acetyl L carnitine and L-arginine. Acetyl L carnitine is a wonderful neuroprotective guard that helps to ward off de-sensitization of the penis, making the organ maintain its proper response to stimulation. L-arginine is a component of the process by which nitric oxide is made, and that in turn helps open up blood vessels in the member so that the blood can flow freely when required.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Want Better Sex? Do More Chores

Most of the time, when men are pondering ways that they can have better sex, they focus on details like their skill, stamina, positioning, penis health or penis size. There’s no denying that these are all factors that can come into play; but a new study suggests that, for guys who are cohabitating with a partner, there’s another factor that’s important. What is it? Doing a fair share of the chores!

The study
It’s true: a recent study for the Council on Contemporary Families (CCF) found that how equitably the household chores are split between a couple impacts how much sex the couple has. Dr. Sharon Sassler of Cornell University authored the paper, which turns 1950s-era thinking on its head.

Earlier studies had suggested that the traditional model, in which a man is the breadwinner and a woman is responsible for the home, was the one which promised the greatest sexual satisfaction among couples. Even in more recent years, it was theorized that fulfilling these traditional role models was, consciously or subconsciously, a sexual turn-on for many domestic partners.

Dr. Sassler’s report indicates that this is no longer the case. As she writes, "the association between a non-traditional division of labor at home and couples’ sexual satisfaction and frequency has changed dramatically over the past two decades." Assuming that frequency of encounters in some way equates to a better sex life, couples who share household duties are sexually more satisfied. The data indicate that those couples in which the man does between one-third and 64% of the chores have significantly more sex than couples where either party performs 65% or more of the work.

As a matter of fact, couples who are sharing the work are the only segment studied who have seen an increase in how often they have sex. The other segments studied have all seen a decline. In addition, general sexual frequency worldwide has been reported to decrease - making the increase in sex for the sharing couples segment to be that much more interesting.

More than the dishes
What is being looked at here is more than just couples washing and drying the dishes together. Rather, the sharing of duties reflects an outlook on and experience of their relationship which mirrors mutual respect and admiration, a feeling in each of the partners that the other is of similar worth. When a couple feels more in sync in this way, they are more likely to have better sex - and to have it more frequently, too.

This equality of responsibility goes beyond making the beds and running the vacuum cleaner. In today’s two-career households, taking equal responsibility for tending to and raising the children is also high on the list of factors which influence the frequency and quality of the sex involved.

Of course, if doing the chores helps lead to better sex, it helps if a man is well prepared for that increased frequency of activity. Beyond staying generally healthy, such a man wants to make sure his penis is in prime condition and for that the regular use of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. Physical activity requires strong oxygenation, which in turn demands that the blood vessels remain open and flowing - and this is especially true for the blood vessels in the penis. Using a crème that includes L-arginine, which helps vessels to relax, helps a man step up in this area. Even better is if the crème also contains vitamin C for topical application. Vitamin C also plays a big role in keeping blood vessels open, and its ability to help produce collagen aids penile tissue firmness as well.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Penis Injury of the the Suspensory Ligament: What Men Need to Know

A painful penis injury is just about every guy’s worst nightmare, and one of the primary motivating factors for keeping a close eye on one’s penis health. Although many men know about the rare but painful penis fracture, very few are aware that damage to the suspensory ligament of the penis can also be a cause for serious pain and discomfort - as well as an impediment to positive erectile function.

The suspensory ligament
The name "suspensory ligament" is a mouthful, which may be one reason most non-physicians are not familiar with it. A ligament is fibrous connective tissue that generally connects one bone to another. Ligaments are found throughout the body, including in the pelvis. The suspensory ligament is basically what connects the penis to the left and right pubic bones. It also plays a big role in providing maximum support for the penis when it is erect, helping it to stretch up and out as the blood flows in and fills up the penis during times of sexual excitement.

Penis injury
It’s easy to see the important role that the suspensory ligament plays in proper penis functioning and why it is important to avoid injury to this connective tissue. Fortunately, damage to the suspensory ligament is not an everyday occurrence in humans. (Interestingly, it does happen rather more frequently in animals, especially horses.)

The most common cause of a problem with the suspensory ligament is trauma to the penis, especially if it occurs when the organ is engorged. For example, if the erect penis is pushed down hard, it may cause the ligament to tear, either partially or fully. This can cause a significant degree of pain in the moment, and lingering lesser amounts of pain. The pain is likely to increase during periods of excitement. Because of the role that the ligament plays in supporting erection, it also means that a man’s erection may not be as full or as intense as is normal.

This "pushing down" on the erect penis may occur when a partner accidentally handles the penis incorrectly, or if a man is thrusting during intercourse at an incorrect angle. Sometimes this can occur during sleep, when a man is experiencing an erection and rolls over on it. It can also be the result of an object, such as a baseball, hitting the erect penis with great force.

If a man sustains a penis injury, he should contact a doctor as soon as possible; seeing a urologist is generally a better first step than seeing a general practitioner, who is likely to recommend a visit to a urologist anyway.
If the damage to the suspensory ligament is minor - meaning, the ligament has been strained but not actually torn or detached - the doctor is likely to recommend pain relievers, application of soothing compresses and rest. However, in cases in which there is tearing or detachment, surgery is often recommended. Ligaments do not have the same propensity to heal naturally as many other parts of the body, and so "re-sewing" the suspensory ligament is often necessary in order to correct the penis injury.

Treating damage to the suspensory ligament, or any type of penis injury, is easier if the manhood is already in its best possible health. Regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help in this area. Vitamin C is well known for its role in collagen production and the resulting penile tissue firmness, so most men will wisely gravitate toward a crème that includes this all-important vitamin. Since trauma can also result in de-sensitization of the penis, a crème that also contains acetyl L carnitine is recommended. Why? Because acetyl L carnitine is neuroprotective; it helps prevent peripheral nerve damage to the penis due to rough handling, thereby protecting the degree of pleasurable sensitivity which men associate with the penis.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Supporting Penis Health: 3 Lifestyle Factors to Consider

Men often take pride in their personal wellness and fitness levels, but surprisingly, many of them overlook one of the most important aspects of their wellbeing -- penis health! Believe it or not, caring for the penis can promote self-confidence, as well as a satisfying and fulfilling sex life; and on the other hand, when penile health suffers, it can be an indicator of other systemic problems that require attention.

While caring for the penis is not especially difficult, it does require foresight and care. Here are a few things that are bad for the health of men’s most intimate area, as well as some strategies for self-care:

According to medical research, diabetes - a disease that affects many men -- can cause erectile dysfunction (ED). As most men are aware, diabetes is a condition that affects the body’s ability to process blood sugar, and it can cause a wide range of other health concerns. In terms of erectile function, diabetes can affect the hormone and nerve responses that lead to an erectile response. It is also linked to a condition known as diabetic neuropathy, in which the nerves in the fingers, toes, and yes - the penis - are compromised. This can lead to tingling, pain and even loss of sensation, which has an obvious effect on a man’s ability to enjoy any sexual contact.

To avoid these concerns, men who have type 2 diabetes or are at risk for the disease should take special care in terms of watching out for blood sugar, keeping body weight at an appropriate level, and paying attention to good nutrition - all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking isn’t just bad for the lungs - it’s also bad for the penis. Research has shown that smoking cigarettes can play a major factor in developing ED. The reason is clear: smoking wreaks havoc on the blood vessels, and those same blood vessels are responsible for delivering blood to the penis to form an erection. As the popular website Healthline notes:

The risk of smoking to your erectile health is specifically due to the effects of cigarette chemicals on the blood vessels in the penis. An erection results when the arteries in the penis expand and fill with blood after receiving signals from nerves in the penis. The nerves are responding to sexual arousal signals from the brain. Even if the nervous system is operating at full strength, an erection might not be physically possible if the blood vessels are unhealthy due to smoking.

As if this loss of function were not bad news enough, it gets even worse: loss of blood flow to the penis can result in atrophy of the penile tissue, which can cause the member to shrink by as much as an inch.

Piercings and other body modifications are more popular than ever, and even genital piercings are now fairly common. But men who decide to pierce the penis should be extremely careful and should have the procedure carried out by a reputable professional. The Mayo Clinic explains that depending on where your piercing is placed, nerve damage may result, impacting sensitivity and the ability to become aroused or achieve orgasm.

Furthermore, piercings that are not meticulously kept clean can cause bacterial and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Therefore, piercings should be kept clean and sanitary at all times. Good personal hygiene habits are key.

When it comes to hygiene, keeping it simple is best. The area should be washed with warm water and a gentle cleanser; and for a new piercing, a mild solution of sea salt and lukewarm water can help cleanse and remove bacteria.

Protecting the Penis
In addition to monitoring blood sugar and body weight, quitting smoking, and exercising general penile care and hygiene, men can protect against a variety of common issues by daily application of a top quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A nutrient crème containing vitamins, amino acids and natural emollients can soothe dry, stressed skin; protect against daily wear and tear; control odors; and preserve or even restore sensation in this delicate area.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Dry Penis Skin: Avoiding this Summertime Problem

Summertime is a time for fun in the sun, but it also comes with a few drawbacks - including a propensity for dry penis skin. Since the summer months are often a time for increased sexual activity, no guy wants to deal with an unattractive dry penis when making his "big reveal" to a new partner. Even men who are normally quite attentive to their penis health may need to take a few extra steps during the summertime to keep their intimate skin looking healthier and more inviting.

Shouldn’t summer be moister?
Many men are puzzled about why they develop a dry penis during the summer. After all, summer is pretty much defined by the hot, humid weather. That, in turn, creates a sweaty situation in most men, much of it centered on their midsection. Shouldn’t all that moisture prevent drying and flaking?
Well, yes and no. What often happens is that the penis skin does get oversaturated - but then it dries out, and when it dries, many of the oils that are needed to maintain a proper moisture balance in the skin evaporate. In addition, men naturally want to avoid the unpleasant odors that accompany sweating, and so they shower or wash more frequently. Again, this is a good thing - but often, harsh soaps or cleansers actually dehydrate the skin and strip it of its natural oils, leading to further drying.
And then there’s air conditioning -a blessing on those terribly hot days, but it tends to suck all the moisture out of the air. This dry air environment then depletes the moisture on a man’s body.

Steps to take
Okay, so summertime can wreak havoc on a man’s delicate penis skin. What can a guy do to address the issue?

Dress loose. Tight underwear is hot underwear. It’s tempting to wear briefs that emphasize every curve of one’s manhood, but in the summer, it’s usually better to go with loose-fitting cotton boxers. Also choose trousers that are made of a lightweight material that breathes.

Change it up. It’s advisable to change outfits, including underwear, over the course of a day. Getting out of damp clothes and into fresh, dry ones makes a big difference. That includes changing swim trunks during a lengthy stay at the beach.

Air it out. It’s a good idea to let it all hang out for a few hours each day if possible. Walking around the house naked or sleeping in the buff are excellent ways to allow the member to get the air it needs.

Stay hydrated. It’s very easy to get dehydrated during the summer, and many guys drink lots of soda or beer to prevent this. Unfortunately, both caffeine and alcohol can add to the dehydration problem. Stepping up the intake of water and juices is a much better strategy.

Use a crème. A dry penis can’t stand up to the wrath of summertime without help. Applying a superiorpenis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily is de rigeur for giving the penis the tools it needs to stay healthy. To keep the dry penis skin hydrated, be sure that the chosen crème contains a combination of powerful moisturizers: shea butter (a high end emollient) and vitamin E (one of Nature’s finest hydrators) is an ideal duo for this purpose. Together these ingredient create a moisture seal which helps to keep dryness at bay. In addition, select a crème whose ingredients list includes a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Penis cell metabolism is prone to oxidative stress, which can add an unsightly "wrinkled" look to a dry penis. An antioxidant shows oxidative processes the door, maintaining an appropriately youthful look to a man’s penis - summertime or wintertime.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Penis Health Watch: What Men Need to Know About Yeast Infections

Many guys assume that yeast infections are a women’s issue, and that they don’t really impact penis health. However, if a man’s partner suspects that she may have this common (and generally harmless) malady, he should take measures to protect his own sexual health. The truth is, men can get yeast infections - and they’re less likely than females to know they have them. Here’s what you need to know about yeast infections and how they can impact men’s health.

What Is a Yeast Infection? 

Yeast live all over the human body and are typically present in a normal, healthy vagina. These organisms thrive in warm, moist environments, so this part of a woman’s body is ideal for habitation. Women generally always have yeast in their vaginas - however, they can become a problem when growth becomes uncontrolled.

The most common type of yeast to inhabit the vagina is called Candida albicans. Its growth is naturally kept in check by a healthy bacteria called lactobacillus. Does that term sound familiar? If so, it’s probably because you’ve heard about it as a probiotic. These healthy bacteria line our gut and intestinal tract, and they are also present in the vagina; their presence prevents yeast from overgrowing.

However, if a woman’s system is out of whack, she may not have enough healthy bacteria to keep the yeast in check. Often, yeast infections arise as a result of taking antibiotics, as they kill off the healthy bacteria within the microbiome. Other causes of yeast infections include wearing tight clothing, being pregnant and taking birth control pills.

How do Yeast Infections Impact Men?
So what does this mean for men, exactly? If a man’s partner has a yeast infection, it’s possible that she could transmit it via sexual intercourse. Therefore, men should be extra-aware of the possibility of a yeast infection if they are having sex with a woman who has one (however, according to Healthline, this generally uncomplicated malady is not considered an STI). On the other hand, this is not the only way for men to become infected.

Remember how we explained that candida (yeast) naturally live in the body? They also live on the surface of the skin, including the head of the penis. Aside from having intercourse with a woman who has a yeast infection, men can get them by taking antibiotics or by wearing tight or damp clothing for extended periods of time. Men who

Symptoms of Male Yeast Infections

According to the Mayo Clinic, men who experience the following symptoms should get checked for a yeast infection:
- Itching of the penis;
- Redness of the penile skin;
- A burning sensation during urination;
- Moist skin (sometimes tinted with a creamy white glaze) or abnormal shininess around the penis area.

How to Treat a Male Yeast Infection
Because the symptoms of a yeast infection resemble those of numerous other conditions, it is important to see a doctor the first time you experience them to rule out any other conditions. Most yeast infections are easily treated with an over-the-counter antifungal cream.

Additionally, if your partner is infected, be sure you are both treated. You may also want to abstain from intercourse until the problem is taken care of, as it’s possible for sexual partners to keep re-infecting each other.

Preventing Male Yeast Infections
To prevent yeast infections from occurring, if men who aren’t circumcised should be sure to keep the penis area clean and well-moisturized, and allow it to "breathe" every once in a while by wearing loose-fitting clothing, as yeast overgrowth often becomes an issue when the body is sweaty and not exposed to air flow.

Keeping the penis clean by washing with a mild cleanser and allowing it to air-dry is always a safe bet. Keep the area moisturized afterward to keep the skin healthy and vibrant. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains high-quality moisturizing agents such as vitamin E and Shea butter is an optimum way to keep the penis skin hydrated and healthy, helping men to avoid some of the conditions that can promote fungal overgrowth.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Shower Masturbation: Tips for Fun in the Tub

One of the great things about masturbation is the convenience factor - one carries the necessary equipment around at all times, making it easy to indulge oneself just about anywhere. (Although doing so on a street corner or at the dinner table is generally not the best idea). This of course means that masturbating in the shower is an option - and indeed, it turns out to be a popular one. One survey indicated that 89.9% of respondents had engaged in masturbation while taking a shower. This is an excellent way for men to combine penis care (i.e., cleaning the penis) with penis enjoyment, especially when the following tips are followed.

Clearly, a man can simply enjoy a good stroke session in the shower without any special instruction. But these tips are things that many men may want to consider while experiencing some water-based masturbation.

- Use lubrication. With all the wetness involved in a shower, it may seem odd for a guy to include lubrication while pleasuring himself in the tub. But the fact is that the water can wash off the natural lubrication that often occurs during masturbation. Some men use soap and/or shampoo to add a little slickness, and those are certainly handy when in the shower. But too much soap or shampoo can irritate the skin, especially during a lengthy solo session. Keeping a little lube nearby may be a better solution.

- Keep an eye on temperature. Hot showers can feel relaxing, but if a lot of that water is going to be focused on the penis, cool it down a bit. Water that is too hot can damage the very sensitive penis skin, making the manhood feel sore and potentially scalding it. In addition, too much hot water can deplete the skin’s natural oils, making for a very dry penis when the whole experience is over.

- Watch the balance. Many men can really get deeply into their masturbating experience. Deeply felt moans are fine, especially since the sound of running water may keep roommates from hearing them. But those who tend to pour their whole body into the physical aspect of it may need to practice a little restraint: it’s far too easy to slip and fall in a wet tub.

- Work the shower head. Those whose tubs include a movable shower head should take advantage of this fact. The erect penis often enjoys the feel of the jet spray hitting it, so move the nozzle all around. If the shower head also offers different streams and strengths, adjust it for more enjoyable variation.

- Consider the curtain. Many men find that wrapping the shower curtain or liner around their hand and stroking the penis adds a special new texture that can be quite arousing and invigorating.

- Take care with the clean-up. One of the delights of masturbating in the shower is that it’s a breeze to clean one’s penis and hands afterward. However, it’s important that a man makes sure that there are no tell-tales gobs of semen left behind on the walls, floor or - in some cases - ceiling. This is especially true if one’s partner or roommate is due in the shower next.

Since masturbation is part of a healthy sex life being prepared to relieve oneself in the shower is only good sense. Equally good sense is to make sure to incorporate a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) into one’s daily health regimen. Since showering can sometimes cause a depletion of oils and nutrients, a crème with vitamin Dis recommended. Vitamin D has a deserved reputation as a "miracle vitamin," thanks to its potency in helping to fight disease and to enable proper cell functionality. The presence of acetyl L carnitine is also desirable in the chosen crème. Water that is too hot may cause some de-sensitization in a penis, and acetyl L carnitine has neuroprotective properties that help to maintain proper sensitivity in Man’s favorite organ. A first class crème ensures one can continue to enjoy oneself while enjoying the shower.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Masturbation Tips for the Military Life

Men who choose to serve in the military typically find themselves in a crowded living environment - not the ideal situation when the masturbation urge comes to call. Trying to satisfy that insistently erect penis in a room with a couple of dozen (or more) other men can be a daunting task. However, since proper penis care suggests that a fair amount of sexual activity is necessary to keep the equipment in good working order, it’s logical to assume that many enlisted men will need to find some way to self-satisfy during their time in the service.

It’s normal.
Although it may not be something that’s talked about during recruiting sessions, the desire to masturbate is as strong among man in the services as it is among civilian men - and in some cases, it could be even stronger.

Why stronger? Many men exercise their enjoyment of masturbation more when they are feeling tense or stressed, and that is certainly something that a man may feel while serving - and especially when serving in a dangerous situation. In addition, the physical training that men go through in the military tends to boost testosterone levels. Raised testosterone levels in turn impact a man’s sex drive. If a man is in a position to indulge that drive through partner-based activity, that’s great. But if he’s not, the pleasures of his own hand become even more enticing.

What to do
Exactly what is "typical" for men in the military who want to masturbate can vary significantly from one camp or quarters to another. The best thing for a new recruit to do is to try to contain himself until he gets the lay of the land in his bunkhouse. If he establishes a good relationship with another serviceman, he may come out and simply ask, "What does a guy do when he wants to masturbate here?" Otherwise, it’s a good idea to observe.

In some cases, men may be fairly open about masturbation. It would be fairly unusual for a quarters to have a situation where the men lie around on their bunks and masturbate openly at any time of the day or night. However, in many situations it’s not uncommon for men to begin surreptitiously masturbating after lights out.

Disposing of ejaculate in such situations can be tricky. It’s both unsanitary and disrespectful to release a load directly upon the floor or to leave used tissues or socks on the floor. Many military men place their "clean-ups" underneath their pillow and dispose of or remove them in the morning. Some men prefer to ejaculate into their underwear. Some men also dispose of their seed by consuming it themselves.

Other options
Masturbating in the latrine does afford a man more privacy; however, lengthy sessions can cause inconvenience for others waiting to use the restroom. Self-gratification in the shower is an option, but is risky in a communal situation; again, in some barracks, this may be acceptable, but it’s something a guy needs to be confident about before attempting it.

In some places, men may set up a "jack shack" - a small shed which is designated specifically for masturbatory purposes. While a man may feel somewhat self-conscious about using it, this can be a viable way to achieve privacy for an extended self-pleasuring session.

It’s important to remember that, no matter how engorged one’s member, a man should avoid masturbation while on duty. Although spending hours on, say, guard duty can be unutterably boring, a man needs to keep his attention focused on his job, not on his member.

Masturbation in the military may not allow one to properly lubricate the manhood, resulting in soreness and other penis health issues. Daily use of a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is therefore advised. Rawness can be alleviated by a crème that contains a potent combination of natural hydrators, such as vitamin E and shea butter. Antioxidant supplementation is also beneficial to penis health, so a crème with a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is essential. This ingredient offsets harmful oxidative processes and helps the member avoid that "wrinkled" look.