Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sore Penis: 4 Reasons Shea Butter Can Help

Rough sex, tight underwear, harsh spermicides: Any or all of these things could give a guy a sore penis. And without the right kind of penis care, this is a problem that could stick around for weeks or even months. Walking around, sitting down, running or riding a bike may be painful, and intimate acts could be even more excruciating. That could put a damper on a guy's sex life and, with it, his overall happiness.

Here are 4 reasons Shea butter might be a solution to sore penis problems.

1) It's packed with vitamins.
Sore penis problems are often caused be traumatic injuries on the surface of the skin. Those damaged cells need the right mix of vitamins and minerals in order to knit back together. Specifically, they benefit from vitamins A and E.

A man could simply eat foods that are loaded with these vitamins, but Shea butter also contains a great deal of these vital nutrients. And applying Shea butter topically means putting the healing ingredients right where they’re needed, bypassing the slow digestive system altogether. It's a faster, more efficient way to give damaged cells the help they really need.

2) It softens cracked, dry skin.
When penile skin has been damaged, it often looks a lot like a desert landscape. The surface of the skin is cracked, and there's no moisture anywhere in sight.

Thick, dry skin like this can work like a crust, blocking pleasurable sensations that a healthy penis is capable of feeling. This layer of hardened tissue forms over healthy, sensitive skin and can be difficult to get rid of.

Shea butter can soften and smooth this damaged layer of skin, so it'll flake away and reveal the healthier cells that lie beneath. It's a gradual process, so a man might not notice the difference right away, but after several applications, he might notice that his skin looks brighter, smoother and healthier overall.

3) It prevents future irritation.
Shea butter can work wonders for skin that's already irritated. But it can also keep skin nourished, hydrated and oiled. That's good news, because skin like this is less likely to develop spots of dryness and soreness in the future. It's a bit like a vaccination against future problems associated with dryness, and everyone knows that prevention is the best medicine.

4) It's natural, so it absorbs into skin quickly.
There are a number of different products that could, in theory, help sore penis skin to heal, including those that contain:
- Petroleum jelly
- Wax
- Propylene glycol
- Copolymers

All these ingredients are synthetic, and sometimes, that means they don’t absorb well into the skin. Instead, they sit on the surface until they're washed away. They don't do very much good if they simply wash down the drain instead of incorporating with the skin.

Shea butter is different. This is a natural product that comes from plants, not an ingredient that's made in laboratories. Since it is natural, it tends to sink into the skin with ease, and, unlike some synthetic ingredients, it is gentle on the skin, with no adverse side effects.

Great Shea Butter Options
Men with sore penis concerns should consider a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Quality products contain the Shea butter a man needs in order to heal his sore member; plus, they are infused with the vitamins and minerals damaged skin needs in order to knit back together and deliver pleasurable sensations. A daily application of a quality product is all a man needs in order to make his sore penis concerns go away, and stay away, for good.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Penis Sensation – A User’s Guide to Pleasure

The penis is a tremendous source of erotic pleasure for most men, and the tactile sensations it is capable of experiencing are vital to the overall sexual experience. However, not all parts of the manhood are created equal when it comes to penis sensation. Getting to know the most sensitive parts and how to stimulate them can greatly enhance a man’s pleasure. On the other hand, when loss of penile sensitivity - a common issue - gets in the way of sensual enjoyment, the right approach to penis care can help.

So what are the most sensitive parts of the penis?
1) The glans (head): For many men, the number one spot for pleasurable sensation is the head, which is rich in erogenous tissue. This area can be highly stimulated with rapid strokes and a gentle touch.
2) The rim: The edges of the head are also highly sensitive, and again, they respond well to quick, light strokes.
3) The frenulum: This little band of flesh (sometimes referred to fondly as the "banjo string") sits right behind the head. In uncircumcised men, it connects the foreskin to the shaft of the penis. The nerve endings in this area are highly concentrated, so stroking it can provide enormous pleasure.
4) The underside of the penis: The end of the penis is much more obviously receptive to sensation, so the soft underside is often neglected. However, exerting firm pressure in this area has been compared to stimulating the G-spot in women.

What happens when the penis loses sensitivity?
According to research, at least 87% of men report some loss of penis sensation; this reduced sensitivity is not just restricted to older men, but can occur even in males in their late teens and early twenties. Given the importance of sensation to sexual pleasure, and therefore a man’s overall quality of life, this can be a devastating problem.

The reasons for lost sensation are complex and depend on various individual factors, but some of the causes include underlying illness (diabetes is a common culprit); reduced circulation (due to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or even riding a bicycle); or skin that has become dull, dry and callused from "overuse."

Fortunately, a little TLC can go a long way toward boosting sensation, or even preventing sensitivity loss in the first place. Some of the things that all men can do to optimize penile sensitivity include the following:

- Avoid tight-fitting clothing - jeans or undergarments that are tight and restrictive can greatly reduce the flow of blood to the area, which can diminish sensation over time.

- Get moving - regular physical activity keeps the blood moving, meaning that the sensory cells are well-nourished and responsive. Even men who don’t make regular trips to the gym a priority can benefit just from getting up from the desk (or couch) every so often and moving around, rather than spending hours every day sitting in one place.

- Try different techniques - guys often stick to just a few tried and true techniques for manual stroking, and couples often develop a certain repertoire that seems to work every time, or just feels comfortable. Over time, the sensory cells become "bored" with the same range of sensations and may no longer transmit signals of pleasure. It can take some experimentation to find other ways of achieving pleasure, but it can be very effective for many men. Different angles, different grips - even using a different hand - can open up a new range of sensations.

- Use a lube - dry sex and masturbation can toughen the outer layers of skin, leaving the penis less able to respond to pleasurable touch. Using a personal lubricant during all types of intimate activity can minimize the sensation lost as a result of dryness and thickening of the penile skin.

- Try a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A moisturizing and nourishing formula that targets the penile tissue with skin- and nerve-friendly vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and skin-softening agents can be highly effective in restoring lost sensation. Men who have diminished sensitivity due to issues like rough handling, or even diabetic neuropathy, have reported improvements with use of a quality product.

Discussing Masturbation with a Partner – Sex Confessions

Let’s face it: guys engage rather frequently in masturbation, and every woman knows it. Yet despite the fact that this is a prevalent activity among the male sex, it’s not something that is easily discussed with a female partner. Some men, however, do get this obvious fact off their chests and many find doing so has rewards. While open confessions about masturbation are not necessarily directly connected to physical penis health, sharing this information can often improve a man’s emotional health and create a closer bond between him and a partner.

Does everyone do it?
It’s often said that "every" man masturbates, and this is largely true. While there is no reliable study that has shown that 100% of men masturbate (whether that means regularly or once in their lives), most studies do demonstrate that it is a common activity among men.

For example, a 2002 study of college students found that 98% of the male respondents reported that they had indeed masturbated at some time. (By contrast, only 44% of female respondents admitted to masturbating.) While 98% is not "all," it’s close enough to demonstrate a tendency for self-pleasuring in the male population.

Why bring it up?
So men masturbate. Why should a guy necessarily bring it up with a partner? There are several reasons:

- It can be pre-emptive. Many men have a fear of being "caught" masturbating. By acknowledging that he masturbates and discussing how often, in what circumstances, etc., a man can help to decrease the chances of being caught with his trousers down - or, at the very last, make that occurrence less embarrassing than it might be otherwise.

- It can be educational. Many women don’t understand why men masturbate or why they may masturbate as often as some men do. Talking about it can help a man educate his partner so that she knows:

- Masturbating is a great reliever of stress for a man.
- Sometimes an erection is so insistent that it simply demands to be handled.
- Frequent ejaculation, through masturbation or partner sex, is thought to be healthy. It keeps the tool in good working order and is linked to a decreased chance of prostate issues.
- Fondling oneself helps a guy learn how his equipment works so he can use that knowledge when in bed with another person to be a more skillful lover.

- It can lead to new sexual experiences. Talking about masturbation can open the pathway to discussing the sexual dreams and desires of both partners.

- It can help bond two people. Sharing something secret demonstrates that a person trusts another person, deepening the bond between them.

Bring it up appropriately.
It helps to figure out the best time to bring up the subject, and this is something that depends very much on the man’s comfort level and the partner’s personality. For example, some women might find themselves engaged if a man remarks after a bout of glorious sex, "That puts my daily masturbating to shame" and then leads into a discussion of this pastime. Others might find that insensitive to the sex the two have just shared. A guy should definitely give thought to the best way to broach the subject.

After these confessions, some partners may want to witness an exhibition of a man’s masturbation technique, so he should make sure his tool is in good condition. Regular use of a quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is an excellent way to maintain proper penis health. It’s advisable to use a cream that contains a combination of a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), which soothes and moisturizes the skin, making the tool stand out when displayed. Also important: The cream should contain vitamin A. Why? Because this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that do a bang-up job at helping decrease that unwanted odor that can cling to a guy’s equipment.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Penis Odor in the Workplace – How to Avoid It

When at one's job, there is often pressure to consistently make a good impression, something that can be affected by many factors - including male organ odor. One's physical presentation speaks volumes not just about oneself but about the company for which one works; this is why many businesses have very specific dress codes, require neat grooming, etc. Male organ odor is not something that is likely to be discussed, and many men are unaware that a rank smell may be emanating from their midsection. This is one reason why practicing exceptional male organ care is so very important.
Does it really smell?
Many men are not attuned to the aromas that may be wafting from their male area, just as they often are unaware that their underarms are giving off a strange scent or that the strength of their breath makes up-close and personal conversations difficult. This is not unusual because a person is typically accustomed to his or her own odors and so is unlikely to know when something is unpleasant.
Heat and sweat
It makes sense that the member would carry around a certain amount of odor. After all, unless one shaves it, the manhood is surrounded by a thick bush of hair that adds considerable heat to the area, promoting sweat and the odor that accompanies sweat.
In addition, the manhood is most often kept locked inside two layers of clothing, creating a heat shield that encourages even more sweat. And the fact that the tool naturally heats up when experiencing tumescence adds to the "heat wave" that exists in a man's midsection.
Mixed scents
Fortunately, most male organ odors are only felt at "full force" when the member is released from the layers of clothing that cover it. Unless one is an adult film star or works in a clothing optional environment, full-strength male organ odor is not encountered at the workplace. However, even in a diminished form, it may be noticed and, especially when combined with overall body odor issues, can create a poor impression.
When is it noticed?
Male organ odor may be on the subtle side; in some cases, however, it can be extremely strong. It is most likely to be noticed in a man's specific work area. If a man spends a great deal of time sitting at his desk, his chair and immediate desk area are more likely to absorb the male organ odor. Sometimes, however, it may "travel" with the man as he moves from his desk to other work areas.
What to do
A certain "musky" odor about a man's junk is attractive to partners and, when too subtle to invade an office, is an asset. But if the organ aroma is an issue at work, here are some basic steps to take:
- Wash. Proper hygiene is absolutely essential to combatting strong male organ odor. If possible, the area should be washed daily with warm water and, optionally, a mild but effective soap. The problem one often encounters here is that frequently washing may dry out the skin; however, using a moisturizing male organ health cream can solve that problem.
- Consider shaving. Trimming or shaving the area bare may help decrease heat and subsequent sweat. Itchiness can be a factor with a shaved tool, but again a moisturizing male organ health cream can alleviate itching.
- Cream it. That aforementioned male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) also needs to contain vitamin A to help reduce male organ odor in the workplace (and elsewhere, for that matter). Vitamin A is loaded with anti-bacterial properties that actively work to cut down on unwanted manhood odor. In addition, as mentioned above, natural moisturizers (such as Shea butter, an excellent emollient, and vitamin E) in the chosen cream can address itchiness and dry skin. Using a potent cream to address male organ odor can have the side benefit of improving the overall health of the member at the same time.

The Healthy Penis and Vitamin D: Good Mates

The health consciousness movement has helped increase awareness of the importance of vitamin D, but many men do not realize that this vitamin plays a role in maintaining a healthy male organ. Indeed, appropriate attention to male organ health includes making sure one has adequate levels of vitamin D. But why is this and how does one get this crucial vitamin?
About Vitamin D
Like all other vitamins, vitamin D is a chemical that the body uses to maintain its proper and healthy functioning. Various vitamins fulfill various functions in the body, with some targeting specific areas. Sometimes there is overlap between the benefits provided by different vitamins.
Vitamin D is unique and unlike other vitamins in a very special way. Other vitamins have to be absorbed from the foods and liquids that a person ingests (or from specific supplements that include those vitamins). While it is possible to get vitamin D from these traditional methods, most vitamin D is created by a person's own body in direct response to sunlight.
Once the body absorbs sunlight and creates vitamin D, it sends it along to the liver, which then converts it into a useable form that more easily and directly provides benefits to the body.
What does vitamin D do?
Vitamin D is often linked with calcium as the duo that does the most work in building strong bones. While it is true that maintaining bone health is one of vitamin D's biggest contributions to the body, it's hardly the only benefit provided by this mighty vitamin.
Among the other processes affected by vitamin D are the body's ability to fight infection and maintain respiratory well-being, cardiac health, cerebral health and the proper functioning of the muscle system. Vitamin D is sometimes called a "miracle vitamin" because of its effectiveness in fighting disease and enabling cell functionality.
What about the healthy male organ?
Vitamin D helps keep the entire body in good health, which has benefits for the male member. For example, maintaining cardiovascular health is essential for promoting proper blood flow, which is vital to manhood health.
Vitamin D is also linked with male hormone development; low levels of vitamin D typically correspond to low levels of male hormone. When a man has low male hormone, his romantic drive is typically negatively impacted.
In addition, vitamin D is known to play a role in the creation of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that are important for the maintenance of a good mood and contentment. When these are impacted, a man can feel stressed or depressed, which can also have an effect on his romantic relationships.
Getting vitamin D
As mentioned above, being exposed to sunlight enables the natural creation of vitamin D. Because of this, vitamin D levels tend to vary significantly from one season to the next; those who live in areas with harsh winters tend to get less sunlight than they do in summer, and therefore less vitamin D.
It is possible to get a small amount of vitamin D through diet. Many fish and fish products, such as cod liver oil, herring, salmon and oysters, contain good levels of vitamin D. Taking vitamin D in tablet form is also helpful.
For a healthy male organ, it is best to consider using a first-class male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a regular basis and especially during times of the year when exposure to sunlight is reduced. The advantage of a cream with vitamin D included among its ingredients is the direct, topical application of the cream to the member itself. It's also beneficial for the cream to include many other ingredients that can positively impact the health of the tool. For example, a cream that includes a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid addresses "wrinkly male member" issues, and one with acetyl L-carnitine can help restore sensation to a manhood that has suffered peripheral nerve damage. Finding a cream with many healthy components boosts overall member health.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Erectile Dysfunction – Causes a Psychologist can Help With

While it is currently believed that most cases of erectile dysfunction have a physical source, for some men, the cause is psychological. And even men whose difficulties are caused by a physical problem - nerve injury or circulatory issues, for example - may find that their condition is exacerbated by psychological factors. This means that attending to the mind may be as crucial as physical approaches to managing sexual dysfunction. Since a vibrant sex life is imperative both to penis health and overall quality of life, it’s important for men to get a handle on performance issues. The following are three psychological causes of erectile dysfunction that a psychologist, counselor or psychiatrist can help men manage.

Some people lead extraordinarily stressful lives - demanding or dangerous jobs, family problems, relationship calamities, for example. Others may have a fairly normal amount of stress, but have not cultivated the coping skills necessary to deal well. All men with chronic stress could use some help developing those skills, and a mental health professional is a fantastic resource.

What’s stress got to do with erectile dysfunction? When a person is stressed, his or her body pumps out the hormone cortisol. In men, chronically high amounts of cortisol impede the production of testosterone, which is needed in plentiful supply to maintain sex drive and erectile ability. Managing stress, then, could manage cortisol levels and, in turn, testosterone levels.

Anxiety is a form of stress that may be general in nature or sex- or relationship-specific. People with general anxiety tend to feel disproportionate anxiety in response to situations that are not dangerous or necessarily worrisome. Some men experience anxiety specifically concerning sex, sometimes due to feelings of inadequacy. Still other men may have anxiety concerning aspects of their relationships with their partners.

Anxiety sparks the body’s fight or flight response, part of which is cortisol release. It’s also worth noting, in connection with erectile ability, that this response involves the constriction of blood vessels throughout the body; this can prevent the in-rush of blood needed in order to achieve an erection. Therapy can help men deal with all forms of anxiety, whether general or specific.

Depression has many physical symptoms, one of which is reduced sex drive and poor erectile health. The exact cause of depression is unknown; for some people, it’s situational. Other times, it’s a more general and nebulous phenomenon. While some think imbalances in brain chemicals cause the condition, it could be that chemical imbalances are a symptom rather than the cause.

Either way, it is believed that the imbalance of chemical messengers in the brain is behind the sexual symptoms associated with depression. The process of becoming erect is rather complex, involving the nervous system and circulatory system. It is thought that the chemical messengers within the brain of a person with depression aren’t sufficient to spark blood flow to the penis, thereby inhibiting erections. Talk therapy can be immensely beneficial to people with depression, whether general or situational.

Gain Confidence
One thing men can do for themselves is take a step to gain confidence in what they’re packing. Feeling good about one’s equipment can alleviate worries about penis appearance; also, being proactive is itself a move to feel good about. Men should consider investing in a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), especially if they have poor skin condition that causes embarrassment or anxiety. A quality cream will contain Shea butter, a natural plant-based emollient that promotes smooth, supple skin. Vitamin C may help reduce wrinkles as well as improve circulation within the member. Finally, look for vitamin A on the ingredient list; its natural antibacterial properties can keep penile odors at bay.

Can Frequent Masturbation Protect against Prostate Cancer?

The American Cancer Society reports that about one in seven American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives. This condition is the second leading cancer-related cause of death in men, making prostate cancer prevention a key concern for men. There is a potential link between prostate health and penis health that men should be aware of involving the benefits of frequent masturbation; this article sums up the available research on the topic.

What is Prostate Cancer?
The prostate gland is a small structure located between a man’s bladder and penis. One of its primary functions is to release fluids that protect and nourish semen. When a man ejaculates, the prostate squeezes the protective fluid out into the urethra.

Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cell growth causes a tumor in the gland. Cancerous cells can spread through the body from the prostate; this generally occurs slowly, making early detection and treatment highly effective. The main symptoms of prostate cancer are:

- Decreased force in urine stream
- Difficulty urinating
- Blood in the urine
- Blood in the semen
Men who present with any of these symptoms should see a doctor promptly.

The Connection between Masturbation and Prostate Health: 3 Studies
Several studies have been conducted to find out whether masturbation frequency is linked to incidence of prostate cancer. Overall, the trend of research suggests that frequent self-pleasuring may have a preventive effect, although this is not set in stone. Those who believe that masturbation is protective of prostate health theorize that carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances may be released with semen during ejaculation, lowering cancer risk in the prostate area.

The Harvard Health Professionals conducted a study involving 29,342 men who reported their average releases per month from early adulthood on - this included releases from masturbation, sex and nocturnal emissions. Men who reported at least 21 emissions per month had a 33% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than did those who reported only four to seven emissions per month throughout their lives.

Research out of Australia supported the findings of the above study. This study involved 2,338 men. Participants who reported between 4.6 and seven emissions per week on average were 36% less likely to receive a prostate cancer diagnosis by the age of 70 compared to men who reported fewer than 2.3 ejaculations per week.

Finally, one should take note of a study whose findings were contrary - at least partially - to the results of the two above. This one involved over 800 men - 431 who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer by the age of 60 and 409 controls without cancer. Researchers found that men who reported high partner-based sexual activity frequency in their 20’s were most at risk for developing prostate cancer; men who masturbated most frequently in their 20’s and 30’s had an increased risk as well. Emission through masturbation was linked to the highest risk. However, the trend switched once men were in their 40’s and 50’s, at which point frequent ejaculation exhibited a protective effect.

The Take-Away
The science on prostate health and masturbation is not conclusive, but overall seems to suggest that frequent cranking may protect against cancer in the gland, particularly for older men.

Maintaining Penis Health
It is fairly well-established that regular use is good for the penis, allowing it to stay strong and functional into old age. Another way to support the well-being of the tool is to apply a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality product will contain ingredients that support circulation, such as vitamin C and L-arginine. Other helpful ingredients are Shea butter and vitamin E, which work to hydrate the skin, keeping it smooth and supple. This extra moisture can help combat dry and sore skin that may result from frequent use.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Scaly Penis Skin – Causes, Treatments and Hints for Healing

Skin-related conditions are not only uncomfortable; they can also be embarrassing, and people who have problem skin often feel socially isolated. Men with flaky, scaly penis skin may be especially affected, even when the condition is not contagious, because the associated itching and discomfort, not to mention the aesthetic issues related to unhealthy-looking skin, can interfere with their ability to connect with a partner and enjoy normal sexual relations. Fortunately, most conditions that affect the penile skin can be treated and managed with the right approach to penis care. Some of the more common causes of dry, scaly penis skin are described here.

What causes scaly penis skin?
There are several different conditions that can cause the appearance of scaly, flaky skin. Some of these affect the entire body, and some only impact the penis and groin area.

1) Psoriasis. This condition is characterized by red patches of skin that typically have a silvery, flaky-looking surface. It is caused by an immune system reaction in which the body overproduces skin cells, resulting in the formation of plaques. These can be extremely itchy, and they can appear all over the body.

Treating psoriasis usually involves the application of special medicated creams, accompanied by the use of a high-end moisturizer.

2) Eczema. Like psoriasis, eczema (also known as dermatitis) is the result of an inappropriate immune reaction. Eczema can affect all parts of the body and appears as a red rash, with bumps that sometimes develop a scaly surface. A common type of eczema is contact dermatitis, which occurs when a person comes in contact with an irritating substance. Chemicals in personal care products, certain fabrics and environmental irritants are common triggers.

Treatment for contact dermatitis consists of cleaning the affected area thoroughly and avoiding contact with known triggers. Use of a cortisone cream and moisturizer may also be recommended to manage the itching and soothe the affected skin.

3) Jock itch. This fungal infection typically affects the groin area. It appears as a red, spreading rash that tends to expand outward from a central point. Red bumps with a scaly surface are typical, and the edges of the rash are usually clearly defined. Mild to severe itching may occur. Jock itch is caused by spores of the tinea cruris fungus, which thrives in warm, moist areas.

Treating jock itch involves the use of a topical antifungal cream; men can reduce their risk of developing an infection by using clean, dry towels, wearing clean underwear and avoiding sharing personal items like clothing and razors.

4) Scabies. Scabies consists of a red, scaly rash on the skin that is caused by the saliva of scabies mites. These tiny insects can easily be transferred from one person to another, and they can be found in bedding, clothing and other fabrics.

Treating scabies requires the use of a prescription cream; to eliminate the mites, all clothing, bedding and even carpeting should be thoroughly cleaned.

5) Icthyosis. This condition is relatively uncommon and tends to run in families. It is characterized by rough skin that has a similar appearance to fish scales, and it can appear all over the body. It is not necessarily itchy, and it usually goes away over time. Topical creams may be used to help remove the scales and improve the appearance of the skin.

Coping with itchy, flaky penis skin
Dealing with flaky penile skin can be difficult, especially when it is related to a chronic condition. Men should always follow their doctor’s recommendations for treatment, but these tips may also help:

- Practice good nutrition. The body needs a range of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, protein, heart-healthy fats and fiber, in order to repair damaged tissue and reduce the risk of developing problems in the first place. On the other hand, men should avoid foods that trigger unpleasant skin reactions.

- Stay hydrated. Maintaining an adequate level of hydration can boost the skin’s own healing ability, as well as providing much-needed moisture for parched, itchy skin.

- Avoid drying soaps and detergents. Opting for unscented, hypoallergenic cleansers can help keep the skin clean without drying it out, which can make the flaking and scaling worse.

- Use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Moisturizing products that are made specifically for the penile skin can provide much-needed relief for itching and dryness, while providing nutrient support to help speed healing. Products that contain vitamins A and E may be especially beneficial, as these are often used for treating conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Creams and moisturizers should never be applied to broken skin.

Better Sex with Games for the Ho-Ho-Holidays

December is host to more celebratory events than one can throw a stick at. There's copious amounts of food, plenty of company - and the opportunity for better sex for many. That last one may not always be at the top of everybody's list, but in fact the holidays are an excellent time for exploring new sex games with one's partner. Men who have taken proper care to maintain penis health throughout the year may find the holidays are the perfect time to add some fun and sparkle to their bedroom routine.

Sex games are fun at any time of the year and can often jumpstart a relationship that has become a little ho-ho-hum, thereby leading to better sex. With that in mind, couples may want to consider incorporating some appropriately-themed sex games into the holidays. Some suggestions follow, but couples should feel free to let their imaginations roam wide and come up with their own celebratory games.

Trim the Tree. For the couple that has never experimented with pubic shaving, this is an excellent opportunity. The partners can discuss what they would like - a full shave, a light trim, or perhaps shaving the hair into a star or candle pattern. Then, together the partners can take turns shaving each other - carefully, of course. (Definitely not a good idea to handle a razor or scissors after too much eggnog consumption!)

Deck the Balls. Balls get hung on the tree every year; men already come hung, but their equipment might need a little decorating. A guy should invite his partner to indulge her creative bent on his testicles. Some well-applied body paint is an easy way to start, and can change those balls into an explosion of color. Another option: Dispense with the traditional penis ring but do use some colorful ribbon to create the same effect.

Make It Out of Clay. The dreidel song famously sings of the toy being made of clay; why stop with the dreidel, though? A safe and appropriate polymer clay can be spread over a man's penis to create a clay replica. The clay can also be used to provide a clay version of a woman's breasts or of the buttocks of either partner.

Naughty or Nice. Cosplay is often an excellent way to add spice to a relationship. One of the partners may wish to dress up as Santa and then determine if the other partner has been naughty or nice. For some reason, naughty tends to win out more in this game - especially if the price for being naughty involves getting naked.

Good Things Come in Small Packages. The less-endowed male, as well as those of other proportions, might want to consider exploring a penis sleeve for some holiday cheer. Or perhaps this is the time to try some ribbed condoms, French ticklers or other toys that might add to the festivities.

Caroling Climax. The partners choose a recording of a favorite holiday song or songs. The goal is to try to time the couple's climax to coincide with the end of the song (or songs). A variation can be to have each partner manually stimulate the other; the winner is the one who does not climax before the end of the piece.

Better sex goals don't have to be limited to the holidays, of course. Before and after engaging in such games, a man might find it helpful to regularly use a top-notch penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) so that his equipment remains healthy. Some sex games can be played with extra relish and enthusiasm, resulting in a happy but very sore penis. A cream with a high-end emollient such as Shea butter and a natural hydrator like vitamin E can help fix that problem. Rough handling also sometimes results in some "deadening" of the package’s nerves; a cream that contains a neuroprotective ingredient like acetyl L-carnitine can help deal with loss of sensation in the member.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Public Erections – How to Hide the Bulge

It’s happened to nearly every man: He’s innocently strolling along the street, sitting in class or hanging with a group of friends when, suddenly, his pecker perks up. Public erections can occur from a sensual thought, a stimulating object or person in a man’s visual field or just plain out of nowhere. Men can seek solace in the fact that frequent erections are a sign of good penis health; however, they’re also a phenomenon that requires management techniques when in public. The following tips will help men deal when sporting wood in social settings.

1) Hold it down.
A man can shroud his unwanted boner by placing his hand in his pocket and holding it down. When seated, he can slip one hand in a pocket, move his erection down with his thumb and hold it against his thigh. When standing, it’s a good idea to put both hands in the pockets and use one hand to press the erection against the stomach. The hand will explain the bulge, and the excited member beneath will be much less (if at all) noticeable.

2) Pin it down.
If a man is in a situation where he can sneak off to a bathroom or other private place, he should do so when he feels the erection coming on and tuck it into the waistline of his pants. This will pin it to the stomach. This technique works especially well paired with a long shirt.

3) Wear long shirts.  
Shirts that extend over the crotch make erections less noticeable from the get-go.

4) Wear loose pants.
Skin-tight pants leave no room, so to speak, for concealment. Looser pants such as khakis give you a leg up when your penis is up.

5) Get resourceful with nearby objects.
Have a jacket nearby? Or perhaps a backpack or briefcase? Holding a jacket casually in front of one’s crotch is not suspicious. Backpacks and briefcases are even better - a man can place them on a nearby table, face them and pretend to search through the contents. Or, he can take a seat, place his bag or case on his lap and rummage.

6) Sit down.
It’s harder to notice a boner when a man is sitting down. He can further conceal the bulge by leaning forward, crossing his legs and placing his shirt over it.

7) Go for a stroll.
Erections occur when blood rushes into the penis. Diverting blood away from it, then, can help not only hide but deflate the erection. When a man walks, his body sends blood to his legs and away from the groin. It’s a good idea to tuck the wood into the waistline or hold it down with the abovementioned pocket technique as one embarks on this step.

8) Do some math.
Distracting oneself can help resolve an erection that has occurred due to a sexy thought or sight. Most people find math to be pretty dry - doing some mental math might help the body realize it’s not in a sexy situation. Along this vein, men can think of something else completely non-sensual to them; some even purposely think of something that worries them - an upcoming deadline, financial responsibilities - to calm down all sexual excitement. Stress is generally bad for us, but in a public boner situation, a moment of worry can spare a man embarrassment.

There is a time when a man wants his erection to be seen - when he’s with his partner. Men can make sure their peckers are in peak shape by making use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The best products contain Shea butter and vitamin E, which promote smooth, supple skin. Vitamin C is also important, as it supports good circulation and helps keep away wrinkly skin.

Dry, Itchy Penis Skin - A Moisturizer Can Help

When dry, itchy penis skin strikes, a moisturizer is often the top penis care tool doctors recommend. Men might be told to use a quality product once or twice per day until the problem goes away, and they might be told to continue with those products even when they have healed.
That's good advice, but men might wonder why moisturizers are recommended. This article can help. Here's what experts say moisturizers can do to heal damaged skin.

Adding Back a Missing Element
Penile skin cells need a plentiful supply of water. A small portion of every sip of fluid a man drinks is diverted to the skin, so cells stay plumped up and skin stays soft. Unfortunately, water can move from a man's skin and out into the air, particularly when his body is exposed to:

- Hot weather
- Wind
- Warm body temperatures
- Salt water

The body attempts to keep water inside by producing a thick layer of oil. That slick coating keeps water from leaving the cells, so the water stays where it is needed.

Few men like to feel oily and greasy down there. In fact, most men actively avoid a feeling of slickness and greasiness on their intimate body parts. That's why they use soaps, hot water and scrubbing to remove anything that feels remotely slick or greasy.
A hard scrubbing like that is terrible for dry penis skin, however, as it removes the protective coating that those tissues rely upon. Without that oil, dryness will increase and, with it, itchiness as well.
Moisturizers help, because they add back a layer of oil to dry skin. In addition, each dose of a moisturizer also has a bit of water included, so the skin can get the hydration it needs in order to stay healthy.

Smoothing Away the Damage
Penile skin that's cracked and dry tends to get worse with time, not better. Why? Because each little crack works like a magnet for bacteria and fungus that can make skin even less healthy.
For example, a man with a sore penis might still be interested in sex. But if he has sex and uses a spermicide cream, all the harsh agents that keep him from fathering a child can lodge deep in those cracks, wreaking havoc on the skin.

ose includes ingredients that help smooth the skin. There will be no cracks and valleys on a man's tool when this product is applied properly. Instead, each crack will be sealed up tight, and no home will remain for invaders.

Those smoothing agents can also be a great help in reducing the dehydration that lies beneath sore skin problems. When skin is sealed up tight with no cracks, there's a smaller chance that moisture will escape through the cells and out into the air.

Getting the Right Help
While moisturizers can be a great help, some products just aren't right for the penis. Products that come with perfumes, for example, can make sore skin even more sensitive. And products that are too greasy can lead to blocked pores and penis pimples.

That's why a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is such a great option. These products don't contain harsh ingredients that can make a sore penis worse, and they have the right mix of emollients and hydration agents that can keep skin healthy and happy. A daily application is recommended for all men, so they can avoid dry, itchy penis skin for good. But for men with serious issues they're dealing with right now, a more frequent schedule of application might be the best path to take.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Red, Sore, Itchy Penis - Why It Happens and What to Do

Most men will experience a red, itchy penis from time to time. Swelling, inflammation and itching of the penis is known by the general term balanitis, a Greek word that means "swollen acorn." In spite of the intimidating-sounding name, an inflamed, sore penis is usually nothing very serious, and in most cases, it can be treated easily by following a set penis care routine.

What are the symptoms of balanitis?
The typical symptoms of balanitis include:
- Redness of the glans (head) and foreskin;
- Swelling of the glans and foreskin;
- Moderate to severe itching;
- Burning upon urination;
- Discharge.

Because these symptoms can also be caused by numerous other penile problems, some of them more serious, it is important to get checked out by a doctor. In many cases, doctors will be able to diagnose the problem through a visual examination; they may also recommend lab tests if they suspect a more complex problem.

What causes the swelling, itching and pain?
Balanitis is more common in uncircumcised men, and in most cases, it is simply a matter of inadequate hygiene. Men tend to accumulate a substance known as smegma underneath the foreskin; this pasty material is made up of dead skin cells, body oils and urine that has become trapped under the skin. If it is not washed away regularly, it can attract bacteria that like to feed on it; this triggers the body’s immune system response and causes redness, itching and inflammation.

On a less frequent, but still common basis, balanitis can be caused by thrush - an infection resulting from the overgrowth of Candida yeast. Thrush can develop on the penile skin, or men can be exposed to it through unprotected contact with an infected partner.

Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can also cause irritation and soreness, as can exposure to chemical irritants found in many laundry detergents, soaps, shower gels and even body lotions.

How is balanitis treated?
Treatment for balanitis generally involves keeping the penis clean and dry and avoiding contact with known irritants.

Soaking in a saltwater bath may help to eliminate bacteria and fungal spores more quickly; simply add a few handfuls of regular salt to the bathwater and soak for 15 minutes or so. Bath salts, oils and beads should be avoided, as these can actually irritate the penile skin further.

For cases that do not respond to cleansing alone, doctors may recommend a cortisone cream; these should be used only as directed, and for no longer than the suggested time period for treatment.

Can balanitis be prevented?
It is not always possible to prevent penis problems like balanitis, but following these guidelines can help to reduce the chances of developing irritation, swelling, itching and other uncomfortable symptoms:

1) Use unscented, hypoallergenic cleansers. Keeping the penis clean is important, but products that contain detergents, fragrances, alcohol and other harsh chemicals can actually do more harm than good. Using a mild cleanser, instead of standard soaps or scented shower gels, can reduce the risk of drying and irritation.

2) Allow the skin to breathe. Skin that is warm and damp provides the perfect environment for fungal spores and bacteria to thrive in. Drying the skin thoroughly after bathing and wearing breathable fabrics like cotton are important for preventing thrush and other fungal infections.

3) Use unscented, hypoallergenic laundry detergents. Men with sensitive skin are especially prone to irritation, and even laundry detergents and fabric softeners can lead to swelling, soreness and itching of the penile skin. Substituting regular laundry detergents with those made for sensitive skin is preferred.

4) Use a condom. Covering up during sexual contact can reduce the risk that a man will contract thrush from a partner; condoms are also essential for protecting against STIs that may also cause symptoms like itching, swelling and pain.

5) Try a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Skin that is soft and well-hydrated is more resistant to irritation; a product that contains natural, plant-based moisturizers such as Shea butter is ideal for moisturizing and protecting the penile tissue. Quality creams that are enriched with vitamins and antioxidants can also boost the body’s natural defenses, helping to fight off yeast and fungal infections that can lead to a sore, red, itchy penis.

Itchy Penis on the Road: Travel Tips for the Scratching Man

The occasional itchy penis is one of the occupational hazards of being a man. Guys learn to live with it and, if the itchy penis becomes more frequent than is acceptable, they learn to take steps to correct the situation. When one decides to travel, however, exercising typical penis care is not always as easy as it is to do while at home. With that in mind, the following are a few tips for taking care of the tool while on the road.
Bring one's home along.
It's impossible to bring one's entire bathroom along on a trip, but it makes sense to bring the essentials. Most men travel with a toothbrush, a comb or hairbrush and other essentials; they should do the same with products that can help with an itchy penis. For example:
- Soap or body wash. Hotels provide their own soaps for guests, as do relatives or friends in whose home a man may be spending a few days. However, it pays to remember that penis skin is enormously sensitive. This is due to the facts that it is quite thin and the organ is typically kept in a very warm, moist environment, which encourages the growth of bacteria. Sensitive skin can react to an unfamiliar cleanser, especially if it contains fragrances or strong chemicals. For this reason, bringing along one's own reliable, trusted soap can help to avoid the need to scratch the crotch relentlessly.
- Shaving supplies. If one is an active manscaper and likes to de-nude the pubic area, using one's own shaving cream/gel and razor while on the road is necessary. Under no circumstances should one use another person's razor, for hygiene reasons; a strange cream/gel should also be avoided, as it may cause the skin to react negatively.
- Lotions and creams. Again, hotels often provide lovely skin creams and gels, but they are not necessarily what is best for the penis skin. If one feels the need for some lubricant for a quick stroking session, it's better to have one's own lubricant on hand. And if one uses a quality penis health cream, it should definitely be brought along for its regular health applications, including reducing penile itch.
- Condoms. A man should always be prepared. Having one's preferred brand and size of condom on hand is good in case of an emergency, but also because a member that is accustomed to a specific condom may react negatively to a different fit and feel, resulting in irritation and a subsequent increase in itchiness.
Plan ahead.
It's always a good idea to bring along extra underwear - and extra types of underwear, especially if heading into an unfamiliar climate or temperature. Men who only bring along enough underwear for each day of the trip may regret it; a very hot day may cause a sweat-filled crotch. Having spares enables one to change, decreasing the likelihood of unbearable itching. It also pays to have both boxers and briefs (or jocks, thongs, etc.); again, the heat one day may make one wish for a "breezier" option.
If one is going to travel, it's best to think ahead about what is required to avoid an itchy penis. This planning may also inspire a man to make changes; for example, if he does not already use a first-rate penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), the start of a trip is a good time to start. When deciding on an appropriate cream, a man should carefully check the ingredients. Does it include natural moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E, which can soothe irritated skin and calm itchiness? Is a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid included? This is a crucial ingredient for offsetting harmful oxidative processes and helping avoid an unsightly wrinkled look in the penis. A cream with these assets, along with vitamins like A, B5 and D, is a major boost to maintaining penis health.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Penis Health Issues for Men with Diabetes

Diabetes is a health condition characterized by the inability to produce adequate amounts of insulin, or the body’s inability to properly use insulin. This hormone controls blood glucose levels; when those levels are elevated, a host of health problems result. Men with diabetes may be particularly concerned about how the condition may affect their penis health and sex lives, and for good reason. There are a number of penile problems that diabetics are particularly susceptible to; knowing what they are and how they are treated can help men with diabetes get a better handle on their health.

Erectile Dysfunction
Results of research vary in terms of how many men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), but the range is 20% to 75%. Generally, men with diabetes are considered to be two to three times more likely to experience this problem than non-diabetic men, and at a younger age, too. In fact, experiencing performance problems younger than the age of 45 is considered an early warning sign of diabetes.

Diabetes can cause ED in a couple ways. First, chronically high glucose levels can cause nerve damage. Since erections occur partly due to nerve signaling, men with diabetes may not be able to achieve erections. Second, diabetes can affect the way blood flows through the body. Impeded circulation in the penis can lead to ED, since, along with healthy nerve supply, the penis requires a rush of blood into its chambers in order to harden.

Treating ED caused by either or both of those issues may involve medications, penis pumps, urethral suppositories and/or injections. Perhaps most important is managing the underlying condition. Most diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes, a diet-related disease that can be largely prevented and possibly even treated by eating well and exercising regularly. Men should also eliminate bad habits that exacerbate nerve and circulatory issues, such as smoking and heavy drinking.

Yeast Infections
An excess of glucose in the blood creates a ripe environment for the overgrowth of Candida yeast. Men with diabetes are prone to recurrent yeast infections, marked by a red penile rash and burning and/or itching of the urethra. Antifungal creams help rid infections, but only managing the underlying condition will keep them away for good.

Retrograde Ejaculation
The expulsion of semen through the urethra is conducted partly by sphincter muscles. In people with diabetes, nerve damage may cause the sphincter muscles to function abnormally; when this occurs, semen goes into the bladder rather than out the tip of the penis. This is called retrograde ejaculation. In the bladder, seed mixes with urine and is expelled when a man urinates.

The primary sign of retrograde ejaculation that a man will notice is a reduction in the amount of semen when he ejaculates. A medical professional can also test for semen in a urine sample to confirm the condition. While generally harmless, retrograde ejaculation poses an obstacle for couples who are trying to get pregnant. There are medications that strengthen the sphincter muscles that control normal emission; also, a doctor can obtain semen from a man’s urine and use it to artificially inseminate a woman.

Daily Help
Men with diabetes need all the help they can get to maintain penis health as they work to manage their underlying health condition. Daily use of a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) packed with nutrients that support circulation, nerve function and healthy skin condition may prove beneficial. Key ingredients to seek out in a cream are vitamins C, A and E, Shea butter, alpha lipoic acid and L-arginine. While such a product will certainly not cure diabetes, or even reverse nerve or circulatory damage, it can supplement a man’s other efforts to maintain penile health.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Better Sex Through Music: Setting the Mood

"Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast," as the saying goes; it also has charms to arouse and inspire better sex, so a well-considered sensual tune stack should be in every man's home. Music alone won't do the trick; proper penis care, personality, seductiveness and skill, for example, are also important. But many men find that the entire sexual experience can be enhanced by the use of appropriate music.

Determine the mood.
Not just any music will do in every situation, of course. The first thing a man should do is determine what kind of mood he wants to set with his selection of music.

Does the given situation call for something seductive, especially if this is his first time with this particular partner? Would a more playful or frisky sonic background be better suited? Is a selection that demonstrates the romance in his soul the way to a more titillating bedroom encounter? Will she be more likely to enjoy the experience if the aural landscape is mystical or ethereal? Or is music that calls forth a raucous bacchanalia more in keeping with this particular evening?
Knowing the right mood to aim for is crucial in determining the best selection.

Take the partner's taste into account.
Music can most definitely be used to bring one's masturbatory experiences to a new level; a man is free to choose whatever music he desires when settling in for a good fondle. However, when a partner is involved, it's important to keep her or his taste in mind when picking the music.
This makes sense: The man choosing music to induce or enhance a sexual escapade is clearly already in the mood. The music, therefore, needs to appeal to the partner. Clearly it would be self-defeating to choose music which thrusts a man OUT of the mood, so finding something that arouses her while not annoying him is essential.

In most cases, a man has been around his partner long enough to know along what lines her musical tastes run; perhaps he even knows her favorite musical artists. If not, he may want to take a look at her iPod or CD collection. It goes without saying that if his partner has at any point exclaimed, "That's my favorite band!" or, even better, "God, that song makes me feel so sexy," then the man needs to have made a mental note about this fact.

Think about length.
How much music is going to be necessary to accomplish the goal one lays out? Should the music cover the entire period, from one's opening move on the couch to the final climax in bed? Will just a few minutes to cover the initial seduction be sufficient? Or would the man prefer to start the music only when the bedcovers are turned down?

In some instances, simply playing "Unchained Melody" and dancing close may be all that is required. Others may want to have Ravel's "Bolero" on repeat for an evening-long ride into ecstasy.
One thing a man wants to avoid: running out of music at a crucial time. It's best to prepare a playlist that's approximately fifteen minutes longer than what a man thinks is appropriate - and to make sure it doesn't rely too heavily on one song, no matter how effective that song may be.

Careful selection of music can help bring about better sex, but a man wants to make sure his equipment is in proper health to enjoy it. Regular use of a top-drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. Select one that includes L-arginine, which aids in the healthy oxygenation of penis cells. Another ingredient to look for is vitamin D, the "miracle" vitamin that fights disease and enables cell functionality. A cream with these and other nutrients plays a big part in keeping the tool in good health.

Itchy Penis Causes that are Contagious

An itchy penis is one of the more private health concerns a man can have. But when is it cause for public concern - that is, when is the source of the itch contagious? Often, an itchy penis is a sign of improper hygiene and is the sole concern of the man affected. However, certain causes of penile itch can be spread either through skin-to-skin contact or through contact with clothing, towels and so on. Proper penis health, as well as responsible conduct in public and with partners, requires that a man get his condition diagnosed. In the meantime, below are two causes of itch that can be spread to others if measures are not taken to contain the problem.

Yeast Infection
Men can get yeast infections? Yes! Though this problem is more common in women, it is possible for men to get them, too. Men usually contract yeast infections, also known as thrush, from infected women, although men with diabetes may develop them on their own, as their medical condition encourages the overgrowth of yeast. Thrush occurs when the Candida yeast in the body multiplies excessively.

What symptoms indicate a yeast infection in men?
- Red penis rash
- Itching or burning on the tip of the penis
These are also symptoms of other health conditions, including sexually transmitted infections. That’s why it’s so important for men to seek diagnosis from a trained medical professional.

Treating a yeast infection is relatively simple. Antifungal creams, either over the counter or prescribed, are usually sufficient to nix the infection and restore balance to Candida yeast levels. Note: A man’s sexual partner(s) should also be tested and, if positive, treated for a yeast infection, lest they continue to pass it back and forth.

Jock Itch
Primarily a problem for active men who sweat a lot, jock itch occurs when the tinea cruris fungus sets up shop in a man’s groin area. This fungus loves moist, warm places; the groin folds are most hospitable to it, and men who spend plenty of time at the gym or engaged in sports are especially susceptible.

Symptoms of jock itch include:
- A distinctive rash that expands from a central point and has sharply defined edges
- The rash consists of red bumps that can be scaly; they may also leak fluid
- Moderate to severe itch

As with yeast infections, men shouldn’t self-diagnose. They should just know that, if they manifest with these symptoms, they need to be careful not to spread the potentially contagious source. The tinea cruris fungus loves to travel; it will hang out on a man’s clothing, towels and anything else that has come into contact with his equipment; if another man makes contact with these items, he will likely develop a case of jock itch himself.

Along with thoroughly washing all his clothing and other items that contact his penis, a man with jock itch should take care to keep his groin as clean and dry as possible. An antifungal cream can be purchased over the counter to usher out the fungus and get rid of the rash.

Fend off Dryness
A generally non-contagious problem that causes penile itching is simple dryness. Rough, vigorous play, either with the hand or a partner’s body, can leave skin raw, flaky and sore - not to mention itchy. Regular use of a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be helpful in this area. Natural hydrating ingredients like vitamin E and Shea butter help keep the skin moisturized and, therefore, itch-free. Also look for vitamin A on the ingredient list - this nutrient can inhibit bacteria that cause odors.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Red Penis: Normal or Cause for Worry?

Sometimes a guy takes a look down at his tool and is surprised at what he sees. For example, a man may suddenly realize he has a very red penis and wonder if it has always been like that, or worry that redness is a sign that something may be wrong with his favorite external organ. This is a typical reaction and a good one to have: Curiosity about the appearance of one’s penis demonstrates that a man is paying proper attention to penis health, which is never a bad thing.

When a man talks about a red penis, this can mean several things. It may mean that the overall tint of the member has taken on a reddish hue. It may also mean that a man is noticing patches or splotches of red, rather than a consistent, even red tone to the skin. Or it may mean that the man is noticing red dots, spots or pimples, either in one place on the organ or spread out across its length and girth. Let’s investigate all these possibilities.

Red all over
The first instance involves a penis that is basically red from top to bottom. In men with fair skin, this is a very common occurrence when the penis is erect. To achieve an erection, blood is forced into the penis at an increased rate and then trapped there; the spongelike tissue absorbs the blood, causing the penis to swell, and it is this accumulation of blood that accounts for the redness. When the redness is simply erection-related, there is no cause for concern.

On occasion, however, a penis may have a red tint that is unrelated to the trapped blood. The penis is blazingly scarlet not because of an erection but possibly because the tool has been handled too roughly and/or too frequently, resulting in severe irritation of the skin. In this instance, soreness, rawness and tenderness are frequent complaints.

Red patches
When the penis is cursed with bright red shiny patches, it usually is a skin reaction. Rashes, thrush or allergies are often involved. The red areas may or may not be sore, and there is often a varying degree of itchiness that may accompany this form of red penis. Sometimes the skin is simply red; other times, it is both red and flaky, and there may be some peeling involved.

A common cause of red penis rashes is soap or detergent. Penis skin is extremely sensitive, and it can react strongly to even slight changes in cleansers. It’s always best to use a mild, fragrance-free soap and laundry detergent whenever possible.

Red bumps
Jock itch can be the culprit behind red dots in the penile area. Because it is a fungus, an antifungal cream or spray may be necessary to fight this common annoyance. Pimples are also frequently found on the equipment and should be cleaned and dried carefully.

On occasion, some form of penis redness can indicate the possibility of an STI. Men should always be aware of this and bring such issues immediately to the attention of a doctor. However, for more everyday red penis issues, there are other steps one can take.

In addition to practicing proper hygiene and using a mild cleanser, a man needs to treat his red penis with a superior penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Lest he worry about what to look for in a superior cream, he should know that the best cream will include a high-end emollient such as Shea butter, which is crucial for keeping the skin well-hydrated and battling dry penis skin. Also helpful in a cream is vitamin E, which forms a barrier on the penis skin to help keep moisture in and prevent dry, cracking skin. The proper penis health cream can do wonders to eliminate the worry caused by a red penis.

Sore Penis: 6 Common Household Items That Cause It

Sore penis problems may seem unusual. Men might think they’ll only get hurt if they do something crazy, like trying out a new sex position. If that were true, staying safe would be as easy as keeping sex simple and traditional. In reality, there are a variety of things that can cause a sore penis - there are probably things inside every man's house that could cause penis health problems. Here are just six common household items that a man will be wary of if he’s into responsible penis care.

1) Cologne
Putting a little spritz of cologne in the lap is an obvious way to keep odors at bay. Unfortunately, a standard bottle of cologne is filled with chemicals that wreak havoc on penis skin. Putting these products directly onto sensitive skin can lead to burning, cracked and peeling skin. Sometimes, colognes can even cause hives and itching.

2) Exfoliate Soaps
Soaps that exfoliate are designed to remove dead skin cells. At first, these might seem like great products to use on the penis. But they can also be harsh on that sensitive skin. The scraping action can remove healthy cells along with those that are damaged, and the pain can be intense.

3) Rubbing Alcohol
Pure rubbing alcohol is sometimes used as a goop remover. Men who feel sticky after using a condom might be tempted to splash a little alcohol on the area to make that stickiness go away. Unfortunately, pure rubbing alcohol can have an intense drying effect. Each application sucks moisture right out of cells that need it, and that can result in a dry, itchy, sore penis.

4) Bubble Baths
Stepping into a hot bath filled with bubbles might seem romantic, but the ingredients that make the water bubble can be too hard on penile cells. Perfumes, soaps and colorants can all leave the member raw. And sometimes, the hot water itself makes skin dry and sore.

5) Zippers
When there's no underwear beneath a man's zipper, each movement of the metal teeth holds an element of danger. He might trap sensitive skin inside the teeth when he closes up, and he might need the help of the emergency room staff in order to get that trapped skin free. Even then, he might need stitches and weeks of rest in order to heal completely.

6) Fabric Softeners
While injuries from fabric softeners might not be as graphic as those that come from zippers, these laundry additions can cause quite a bit of soreness. Most products like this contain perfumes that are difficult for the penis to handle, and some contain other elements that men become allergic to with time. This means regular use could leave men with sore penis concerns that don't quickly abate.

Extra Protection
Clearly, staying away from these common household items is one of the best ways to avoid a sore penis problem. But there are other things men can do in order to stay safe. They can also:
- Read the ingredient list of any product they plan to apply to the penis, and make sure that there are no alcohols or perfumes listed.

- Keep products not made for the penis away from the penis.
- Think carefully about how an action might hurt the penis, long before participating in that action.
- Check the penis carefully, every day, and take action as soon as any small wound appears.

A penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can also provide excellent protection against a sore penis. Why? Because each dose keeps skin smooth and soft, so there are fewer cracks for irritating elements to get stuck in. And the vitamins in each dose can help skin to knit back together if it is injured. It's a great weapon for men to use in order to counter the penis problems lurking in their homes.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Red Penis Worries After a Lap Dance: One Man's Story

Sex can be hard on a man's penis. All the rubbing and grinding can scrape skin away, and the products men might use in order to reduce the friction can cause irritation of their own. Add in the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, and it's a wonder that men choose to have sex at all. But some other types of sexual activity can also cause red penis concerns. For example, a man referred to here as Ken developed a red penis after he purchased a few lap dances. Here is his story of injury and the penis care that followed.

A Feeling of Safety
"When this all started, I didn't have a steady girlfriend, and I didn't have a lot of time to date," Ken says. "My job was going crazy, and my parents were sick. I just didn't have the energy to run out and find someone to date. But I still had a very strong sex drive, so I knew I needed to do something."
"I would never pay someone for sex, because I know that kind of thing tends to lead to health problems I really don't want," Ken says. "But I started going to strip clubs, and when they offered me lap dances, I figured that was pretty safe. I had my clothes on, and she had at least some clothes on, so everything seemed safe enough."

The Start of Problems
"I had a few of these lap dances, all with the same girl, and we both seemed to enjoy ourselves. But every time I had one of these dances, I woke up in the morning with a red penis. My skin was all chapped and sore, and the skin was flaking off."

"This really scared me, as you might imagine, so I high-tailed it to my doctor to find out what was happening. I know it might sound silly, but I was actually worried that I had something like AIDS or herpes due to these lap dances. My doctor told me that wasn't possible, but I wouldn't rest until I got the tests. Thankfully, they were clear."

"But my penis was really red and sore, that's for sure, so my doctor and I talked about what could have caused that. Basically, he pointed out that my zipper was sitting right on my penis during the lap dance, and as she ground her body on mine, that zipper got pushed right into my sensitive skin," Ken says. "It's no wonder I was sore!"

"Plus, I'd been using a bunch of perfumed products that could have irritated my skin, like cologne, fabric softeners and body wash. All of those added products could have dried out my skin, and that could have made the soreness worse," Ken says.

A Healing Time
"The first thing my doctor told me to do was to stay away from the lap dances for awhile," Ken says. "My sore skin needed time to heal up and feel better, so I needed to stop with the bumping and grinding. I didn't feel much like doing that anyway, as I was pretty sore, so that was easy."

"My doctor also told me to use a gentle, non-perfumed soap for my body, and to really rinse off after I do any kind of cleaning," Ken says. "The fewer fragrances I have on, the better, my doctor says."
"My doctor also wanted me to look for products that could keep my skin softer, so it could take occasional abuse without becoming red and sore," Ken says.

Men like Ken can benefit from a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Products like this contain the emollients that keep skin soft, blended with the vitamins and minerals skin needs in order to heal. With regular applications, skin will be healthier than ever before.

Foreskin Problems? Here’s How to Help

The foreskin is a vital part of the equipment for uncircumcised men; it protects the delicate tissue underneath, provides incredible sensations and helps to ease the way during masturbation and partner sex. But when foreskin problems develop, they can cause serious pain, not to mention embarrassment, and they can sideline a guy for days or even weeks if they are not treated properly. Fortunately, men can avoid many of these issues by following some simple penis care rules.

What are some common foreskin problems?
- It is too tight! Men who have an especially long foreskin or who have experienced an injury that has caused the skin to contract as it heals may find that it becomes difficult to retract the foreskin over the head of the penis. This can cause difficulties during sex, and it can make men more prone to infections. Some men can solve the problem by very gently working at retracting the foreskin - this should be done gradually, over the course of weeks. It is best to check with a doctor before attempting self-treatment; in some cases, prescription creams may help.

- It is swollen and red. This issue may be caused by balanitis, an inflammatory condition that is usually the result of poor hygiene. Treating balanitis mainly involves keeping the penis - including the parts covered by the foreskin - clean and dry. Doctors may also suggest medicated creams in some cases.

- It is bleeding. Men who experience bleeding after a particularly vigorous session may have a torn frenulum - this is the little band of skin that connects the foreskin to the area just under the head of the penis. A torn frenulum is not a big concern, and it should heal on its own in a few days. It is best to abstain from any sexual activity until it is fully healed.

- It smells bad. Most uncircumcised men will have doubtless noticed a whitish, pasty substance that builds up underneath the foreskin. This material is called smegma, and it consists of dead skin cells, body oils and other fluids that have accumulated into a lump of goo. This substance is highly attractive to bacteria, and because of this, it can be extremely smelly. Cleaning under the foreskin is the best way to control the unpleasant smell.
Caring for the foreskin
Not all foreskin problems can be avoided, but engaging in proper penis care on a daily basis can help decrease the likelihood that they happen. These common-sense steps should be part of every uncut guy’s hygiene routine:
1) Wash. Hopefully, most guys are doing this anyway, but men who are uncut need to be especially vigilant about keeping things clean under the hood. In the shower, men should very gently roll back the foreskin and use their fingertips to wipe away any built-up material. Standard soaps and shower gels are not ideal for washing the penis, because they contain detergents and other chemicals that can irritate the skin. Hypoallergenic cleansers, or even baby wash, are recommended instead.
2) Rinse. This step is obvious, of course, but it is very important, so it is worth mentioning. After washing gently, all traces of cleanser should be rinsed away; any cleanser that is left behind can dry up and form a film that causes irritation.
3) Dry. Once the area is clean, it should be dried carefully BEFORE replacing the foreskin; keep in mind that warm, damp skin provides a haven for both bacteria and Candida yeast. Once the head is dry, the foreskin should be rolled back down to its original position.
4) Moisturize. Applying a high-quality moisturizer that is enriched with skin-friendly nutrients is a good way to reduce the chances of tearing and injury to the foreskin, as well as maintaining its natural elasticity. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is ideal for this purpose, as it is designed for the delicate skin of the penis.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Penis Bumps – 4 Contagious Causes

The words "penis bumps" strike fear into the heart of any man, and for good reason. While sometimes the cause is simply contact with an irritant or a lack of proper hygiene, a rash in the region may also indicate an infection that not only bothers the man affected, but can be passed onto partners. Whenever a rash appears on or around the penis, a man should have it diagnosed by a medical professional and refrain from sexual contact until the cause is known. Proper diagnosis and treatment is necessary for penis health as well as responsible sexual conduct. The following are a few causes of penile rash that are contagious.

Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum is a virus that causes a rash, often in the genital area. It is passed through skin-to-skin contact. This virus doesn’t pose any health risks to infected individuals, and the body fights it off eventually; this can take a couple months or several years.

Molluscum contagiosum manifests as a group of little bumps that are pink or flesh-colored. They are generally shiny and smooth, with a dent in the center. The bumps associated with this rash are painless.

Potential partners should be made aware of what this rash is - a contagious but harmless virus. They will have to choose whether or not to expose themselves to this innocuous, but perhaps aesthetically unappealing, bumpy condition.

This sexually transmitted infection (STI) occurs when a person is infected with one of two herpes simplex viruses: HSV-1 or HSV-2. These viruses are spread between partners during sexual contact.
Unlike molluscum contagiosum, whose only symptom is bumps, herpes causes great discomfort. The rash is characterized by several blistery bumps that are filled with fluid; they may itch, break open and ooze. Condoms offer only limited protection against spreading this virus, since the blisters can appear on other places besides the penis or vaginal cavity. On a man, they can show up on the penis, testicles and anus.

As of right now, herpes is for life - there is no cure for the virus. However, antiviral medication can reduce the intensity and frequency of outbreaks. The bumps are not permanently present; they come and go. With proper treatment, they may be gone longer.

Scabies infestation occurs when a very small insect called the human itch mite sets up shop in a person’s skin. The insects mate on the surface of the skin; then, the females burrow under the skin’s surface to lay eggs. Scabies can be picked up from another person’s skin or from contact with clothing, furniture or other objects with the bugs on them.

The rash associated with scabies can appear in different ways. It may be scaly, pimply or blistery. One consistent feature is itching; the scabies rash is particularly itchy at nighttime, as this is when the bugs are most active.

Resolving scabies requires a combination of medicated lotions and thorough cleaning of one’s home. Lotions kill the insects, and doctors may also prescribe other lotions or antihistamines to help manage the associated itch. Bugs that have fallen off the body can survive in one’s bedding, clothes, etc. for days. All things washable should be washed in hot water; other surfaces should be vacuumed.

Almost all cases of genital warts are caused by one of two strains of the human papilloma virus: HPV 6 or HPV 11. This is an STI, passed through skin-to-skin contact. Condoms don’t offer full protection against the spread of warts, since the virus can appear beyond the penis and vaginal cavity.

The warts associated with HPV are soft and fleshy; they may appear in clusters resembling cauliflower. Sometimes, the bumps itch. They may show up on the penis, scrotum, thighs and/or anus.

Warts may be removed with the use of a special prescription ointment; they can also be burned, cut or frozen off (by a trained medical professional only). In some people, the warts go away on their own, although it’s uncertain whether the virus remains in the body or not.

Less Serious Rashes
If a man has confirmed that his penis bumps are not caused by a contagious virus or infestation, he may find that he’s simply been exposed to an irritating substance or that his skin is too dry. In these cases, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may be sufficient to help the skin heal. Emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E restore smoothness, hydration and elasticity to rough skin. Check with a medical professional before applying to damaged manhood skin.

Penis Health and Vitamin E: How Much Do Guys Really Know?

When it comes to the penis, men believe in comfort and care. If they're told that something promotes penis health, they’re inclined to run right out and get it. But how much do men really know about the stuff they put on their bodies? For example, vitamin E has been called a manhood wonder drug, due to all of the penis health benefits each dose can bring. But chances are, men who use products with this ingredient probably don't know how it works or how to use it properly. This quiz can help to prove that point. Each statement is either true or false, and the answers are listed below.

The Statements
1) Vitamin E products are light and airy, so they can't cause breakouts or pimples.
2) Vitamin E works best when it's applied by itself. Adding any other ingredients makes it less powerful.
3) You don't need to either ingest or apply vitamin E to get all the benefits. The body produces some of the vitamin without any help whatsoever.
4) Regular application of vitamin E can make penile skin look younger.
5) Rough penis surfaces can also be helped with a regular application of vitamin E.

The Answers
1) False. Vitamin E is typically delivered in a product that looks and feels a lot like oil. It's thick, and sometimes, thick applications aren’t the best for the manhood skin. When products that are oily sit on top of the skin, they can block pores and cause breakouts. That's why it's vital for men to find penis products that aren’t overly greasy, so the help they're trying to provide doesn't cause further penis problems down the line.

2) False. Vitamin E is incredibly powerful, but the nutrient works a little better when it has teammates to rely on. For example, adding vitamin C to a penis product with vitamin E can provide the penis with a touch of sun protection, experts say. Combining vitamin E with other ingredients is a smart way for guys to get well-rounded protection.

3) False. Vitamin E is a very important element, but even so, the body can't produce it. Men must look for a way to get it from the outside.

4) True. As men age, the skin down there can go through all sorts of changes. It might:
- Wrinkle
- Thin
- Fold
- Tear
- Change color

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, meaning that it can work to counter the effects of aging. This kind of change doesn't happen immediately, but after a few applications, men might notice that their skin looks cleaner, brighter and less wrinkled. It's an excellent ingredient for men who want to look great as they age.

- True! When the penis is put to the test during sex, skin can be scraped or abraded, and the entire tool can begin to feel rough and raw. Sometimes, this kind of damage can even cause a guy pain. Vitamin E softens the rough surface of the skin, so a man feels less raw and more like getting down.

An Ideal Way to Get Benefits
Penis cells clearly need the help that vitamin E can offer. A penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is the best way to deliver those benefits. Quality products contain the right amount of vitamin E, optimized for penis health, while the cream goes on smooth and light, so it won't block pores or cause other problems. Additional ingredients, including vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and L-arginine, in each dose can also support the health of a man's tool by boosting nerve and circulatory function.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Penis Pain and Burning – Could it Be a UTI?

Although it is fairly common for women to develop urinary tract infections (UTIs), they are relatively uncommon in men, and they are generally considered to be more serious. Men who experience penis pain and burning when urinating, especially when accompanied by symptoms such as fever, chills, backache and/or abdominal pain, should visit their doctors for testing and treatment. Understanding the causes and risk factors, as well as taking the proper approach to penis care, can help men avoid complications from urinary tract infections.

What causes urinary tract infections in men?
Urinary tract infections may develop when bacteria are introduced into the urinary tract, which includes the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys. Most urinary tract infections occur in the lower tract, which includes the urethra and bladder.

Symptoms of an infection may include:
- Penis pain during urination;
- Burning during urination;
- Frequent need to urinate;
- The feeling of a need to urinate even after the bladder has just been emptied;
- Abdominal pain or discomfort;
- Back pain.

In men, a urinary tract infection can lead to complications, so it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A UTI can usually be detected through a urine test in a doctor’s office, and this generally only takes a few minutes.

Risk factors for male UTI
There are various issues that may increase a man’s risk for developing urinary tract infections, including the following:

- Inability to control urination, or catheterization. Men who rely on a catheter to expel urine have a much greater risk of introducing bacteria into the urethra.

- Prior surgery. Men who have had surgery for prostate or urinary issues in the past are more likely to develop UTIs.

- Blockages in the urinary tract. Kidney stones and bladder stones create blockages in the urinary tract and increase the risk of infection.

- Being uncircumcised. Men with an intact foreskin have a greater risk for UTIs, as well as other types of infections related to the penis.

- Having unprotected sex. Unprotected sex with a partner who has an infection, and especially anal sex, can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract, leading to infection.

Treating a urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections are generally treated with a round of oral antibiotics. Men who are affected should take all the medication prescribed according to the dosing schedule, even if they start to feel better before all the medicine is gone. Stopping the treatment before it is finished can allow some bacteria to survive, and these may develop a resistance to antibiotic treatment, creating a risk for further infections that are more difficult to treat.

In addition to antibiotics, doctors may recommend a urinary tract medication that will relieve the penis pain and burning associated with the infection. These medications are available over the counter or through prescription; they tend to turn the urine dark yellow or orange.

Drinking plenty of water to help flush out the urinary tract and getting extra rest are also recommended. Caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods should be avoided, as these can irritate the urethra and cause further discomfort.

Preventive measures
Urinary tract infections may occur in spite of a man’s best efforts, but following these guidelines can decrease the risks:

1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day;
2) Drink cranberry juice or pineapple juice - the acid content in these may create a hostile environment for bacteria in the urinary tract;
3) Use protection during sex - especially anal sex;
4) Urinate immediately after sex;
5) Shower daily - men who are uncircumcised should pay extra attention to keeping the area under the foreskin clean;
6) Use hypoallergenic cleansers and detergents - standard soaps and laundry detergents can be irritating to the delicate penile skin, including the urethral opening, increasing the chances of infection;
7) Use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Keeping the penile skin moisturized and nourished may prevent irritation that can increase the risk of infection. A crème should not be rubbed into the urethral opening.

Itchy Penis Shave: When One's Partner Handles the Razor

To shave or not to shave one's itchy penis: a question that frequently arises as a man wonders whether all that hair may be contributing to the itchiness of the tool. It's a question that is open to debate, with some men believing the hair is a contributing factor and others believing that shaving actually promotes the need to scratch, at least short term. Of course, many opt for manscaping of the tool for more aesthetic reasons. And some choose to receive a deep trim as part of a bonding experience with the partner. Letting one's mate give the package a nice, close shave can be both erotic and intimate, but good penis care involves taking a few steps to ensure the experience is safe.

Practice makes perfect.
Before letting anyone run a razor around one's penis and balls, it's a good idea for the person to get familiar with the landscape. (It's also fun.) Invite your partner to start off by gently cupping the testicles and by rubbing her hands all around the area in question. Sure, she's done this before, but it doesn't hurt for her to reacquaint herself with the package while considering how she will proceed with a razor in her hands.

After she has explored with her hands, she should then run over the area again while holding an object in her hand - perhaps a plastic spoon or a pen wrapped in tissue paper. This will give her some idea of how she will need to handle the razor. The man should be prepared to offer guidance: "That's a little rough," or "I'm especially sensitive/ticklish right there." (One of the side benefits of this experience is that a partner may find out things about the man's equipment that can later aid them in their sexual escapades.)

Talk about the trim.
The man and his partner should decide on the extent of trimming in advance. Is this a full, down-to-the-skin shave, or just a trim? If the latter, what length is the goal? Is the organ to be trimmed but are the balls to be shaved smooth? Figure it all out beforehand.
Some men who are after a totally bare look may prefer to do an initial trim of the pubic hair themselves and then let the partner complete the job with the razor; others are happy to hand the whole affair over to the partner. Deciding this in advance is a good idea; however, it's important that the man know that he can change his mind during the process if he becomes nervous or uncomfortable.

It's essential that the skin be kept well-moisturized before, during and after the shaving treatment. Take a hot bath before shaving, and use a shaving gel that is intended for sensitive skin during the actual shave. Afterward, using a penis health cream aids the moisturizing activity.

Use the proper razor.
Some men use an electric razor after trimming the crotch hair with scissors; some use a traditional razor. Either is fine, but if shaving the scrotum, a traditional razor is usually best in order to minimize the risk of damage to the skin. The man should consult with his partner to determine her comfort level with any instruments to be used.

Be prepared for excitement.
Being shaved can be intensely erotic and many men find themselves sporting boners early on. The partner should be prepared for this. If the tumescence makes shaving difficult, encouraging the partner to bring about an ejaculation is an enjoyable way to solve the problem.

Take care after shaving.
A man is likely to have an itchy penis (and a sensitive one) immediately after shaving. He should have on hand a good supply of a first-class penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) so that his partner can rub it into the groomed member. The cream should include both a high-end emollient, such as Shea butter, and a natural hydrator, such as vitamin E, to help moisturize. In addition, one should use a cream with vitamin A in it, as this vitamin’s anti-bacterial properties are important for freshly-shaved skin.