men who are concerned about penile performance, it seems unfair that there is
one more potential problem to add to the list, but unfortunately, it’s true. As
men age, there is a possibility that the penis can get smaller, not to mention
a drop in sex drive and function.
penis shrinkage does not have to be a fact of life, nor does it have to put an
end to sexual satisfaction. By taking proactive measures in terms of penis health, men may be
able to reduce the likelihood that they will experience penile atrophy as they
What causes
penis shrinkage?
- Fatty deposits – As men get older, most notice a reduction in their metabolism, leading to a corresponding increase in their body fat. Accumulated fat in the abdominal area can make the penis look smaller – in fact, many doctors report that abdominal fat in older men all but obscures the penis from view. Furthermore, fatty deposits tend to accumulate in the blood vessels as men age. This not only causes circulatory problems that can lead to stroke or heart attack; it also reduces the blood flow available to the penis, causing not only loss of erectile function but an overall lack of nourishment of the penile tissue, which can lead to penile atrophy.
- Reduced testosterone levels – Reduced levels of testosterone are a natural – if not inevitable - result of aging, and men who have chronic low levels of testosterone may find the penis becoming smaller. A man who has a 6-inch erect penis in his 30s may lose up to a full inch in length by the time he is 65-70 years old. This may or may not correspond to a loss of function or decreased sexual satisfaction.
- Connective tissue problems –As part of the aging process, the connective tissue underlying the skin tends to become less elastic. This is true of the penis as well as other parts of the body. As the connective tissue that surrounds the erectile chambers loses its tone and supple nature, erections tend to become smaller and less firm. In addition, when the damaged tissue affects one side of the penis more than the other, this can lead to painful bending or curving of the erect penis, a disfiguring condition known as Peyronie’s disease. Men who have Peyronie’s disease may have difficulty engaging in intercourse and may experience loss of erectile function.
What to do to
prevent penile atrophy
men in their 60s and 70s may see some amount of penis shrinkage, some
common-sense lifestyle changes can stave off the inevitable and help to
minimize the degree of change. First of all, exercise on a regular basis is
essential in maintaining cardiovascular health, ensuring that the penis is
well-nourished and oxygenated and allowing for ongoing tissue repair.
a healthy diet cannot be overlooked as a vital aspect of penis health. Eating a
low-fat, low cholesterol diet with plenty of whole grains and lean protein can
reduce the amount of accumulated abdominal fat that can make the penis appear
smaller. Furthermore, eating right can help to keep the blood vessels clear of
fatty buildup that may lead to atrophy of the penile tissue.
men can ensure that the penis gets all of the vitamins and minerals it needs to
repair damaged tissue and promote the growth of healthy new cells by adding a penis vitamin
formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their
personal care regimen. As an added benefit of using moisturizers and
skin-friendly vitamins, many men who have encountered loss of penis sensation
report increased sensitivity and greater enjoyment of sex.
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