Friday, 22 March 2013

Penis Discoloration –Normal Variations versus Potential Problems

As most men are intimately aware of their penis and alert to any changes, variations in its appearance such as penis discoloration can be a cause for intense worry. Thankfully, in most cases, minor alterations in penis color are considered totally benign. In fact, trying to amend penis color changes like this could do a lot more harm than good. But there are a few situations in which changing color could indicate a more serious condition that merits further attention to penis health, including a trip to the doctor.

The Role of Blood in Penis Color
A quick surge of blood into penile tissues can help a member move from soft to hard, but the blood does more than just make things a bit more firm. This fluid is a thick, deep, red color due to all of the nutrients and oxygen it contains. Since the penis is filled with blood vessels both large and small, when a man is aroused and activity is in progress, the penis can become much, much darker.

There are times, however, when a man may notice that his penis doesn't darken as it once did, even when he's ready for action. It's possible that an underlying heart condition is to blame, as decreased cardiovascular function may reduce blood flow to the area. Men with underlying heart problems should be sure to mention this issue to their health care provider, just to ensure that the changes they're seeing aren't part of a larger problem that should be addressed.

Speckles and Splotches
Color changes due to blood flow tend to be uniform, affecting large areas of a man's penis. The entire head of the penis may turn darker, for example, while the shaft of the penis remains the same. Variations like this tend to be healthy and blood-flow related, but there are some types of penis discoloration that are not so uniform, and they don't come and go with arousal.

Speckles of deep purple, splotches of light pink or changes in penis color that are also mirrored on other parts of the body could be signs of more significant problems, such as:

  • Reactions to medications
  • Bruising
  • Genetic disorders
  • Pigmentation disorders
  • Skin cancer
  • Sexually transmitted diseases

This is a long list, but men who are experiencing penis spots or other color changes should not try to self-diagnose the problem. For guys who have questions or concerns about the appearance of their penis skin, a trip to the doctor can help to clear up the issue.

Men who experience bruising following an injury or who have sores that are accompanied by fever, body aches, or other flu-like symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. Sores that weep, bleed or do not heal on their own should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

DIY Disasters
When faced with penis spots or discoloration, some men are tempted to break out bleaching agents or self-tanning oils. Many of these products are simply not designed for use on intimate skin, and some products can even cause nasty burns that take a long, painful time to heal. If the color variation isn't due to a medical problem, learning to appreciate the natural variation may be the best bet.

Men with all skin types and colors can keep the penis looking attractive by applying a penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality penis cream containing natural emollients and vitamins can help soften the skin and remove deadened skin cells that can dull the appearance of the penis. Daily application after a shower, when the skin is most responsive, can leave the skin feeling soft, smooth and supple, as well as responsive to sexual stimulation.

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