Friday, 31 August 2018

Anxiety and Sexuality in Men: Understanding Sexual Aversion Disorders

Men are basically just sex-starved beasts, ready to move into high-gear sex mode at the drop of a hat - or so American culture in general (and the pornography industry in particular) would have everyone believe. In fact, there’s a wide variation in the sexual activities, interests, desires and motives of men, which only points up that men may be a group but thy are also individuals. Sure, most men who lead a healthy lifestyle have an appropriate sexual appetite - but that appetite expresses itself differently in different men. And there are some men for whom the sexual appetite is not so healthy - some, in fact, who suffer from a condition casually known as sexual anorexia.

Strange name

The name sexual anorexia was created about 30 years ago, but this condition is also known but another name: sexual aversion disorder. Whichever name is used, it describes a condition in which there is "extreme anxiety and fear and avoidance of sex and intimacy." It’s essentially the opposite of a sex addiction, in which a person has an intense, compulsive and at times uncontrollable need to engage in sex. With sexual anorexia, a person avoids sex at almost any cost.

When a person has sexual anorexia, they may experience an overwhelming degree of self-loathing after engaging in sex. They also may have heightened and at times irrational fears about coming down with a sexually-transmitted infection. In some cases, they may go to extremes, including self-destructive behavior, in order to keep rom having sex. And in some cases, there may be a "seesaw" effect, where a person goes overboard and engages in a sex "binge" and then follows it with a cycle of extreme sex withdrawal.

Although sexual anorexia is more frequently associated with women, it does occur in men as well.


Why does a man become sexually anorexic? The research is still being done, so much of what follows is theorizing. However, some clinicians and researchers believe that the cause is often linked to an episode or episodes in a man’s childhood or youth. In such episodes, a male experiences a sense of betrayal by a caregiver or other person who plays a primary role in his life. This causes him to be distrustful of intimacy, resulting in a reluctance or inability to be sexually involved with other people - and sometimes with himself alone.

There are other situations which may also lead to sexual anorexia. For example, growing up in a household in which sex is regarded as extremely sinful or perceived in another forcefully negative light. Victims of physical, emotional or sexual abuse are also more likely to be avoidant of sexual engagements. And when a person has body dysmorphia and has resultant negative feelings about their physical self or about specific body parts, this can contribute as well to sexual anorexia.

Ironically, many men with sexual anorexia present as self-confident, sexually alluring men. But their actual interest in sex is significantly abbreviated.


Most men with sexual anorexia will need to seek help from a qualified mental health professional in order to treat the issue. This can be a long and involved process which will require the patient to bond with and becoming trusting and accepting of his doctor. Cognitive behavioral therapies and other options can be utilized once an acceptable level of trust has been established.

Though sexual anorexia is not itself a physical disorder, maintain penis health can be beneficial, as it is for all men. Regular use of a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is desirable. Seek out one which includes moisturizing agents such as she abutter and vitamin E to maintain healthy penis skin. The crème also should include alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant which helps fight free radicals and the oxidative stress they can create.

Penis Rash and Cellulitis: Causes and Treatment Options

Although the penis is a pretty tough organ which is built to withstand - and derive pleasure and enjoyment from - a lot of friction, the penis skin itself is actually rather sensitive and delicate. (Delicate is not a word most men like applied to any part of their penis, but it’s a fact.) This is why so many aspects of good penis care revolve around taking care of and protecting the penis skin. It’s also one reason why a penis rash is a fairly common situation for many men. There are many things which can be responsible for the development of a penis rash. One of them is called cellulitis.

What is cellulitis?

As the Mayo Clinic puts it, cellulitis is "a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection." When cellulitis is present, the skin is usually swollen and red. It also is painful when touched and may also be a bit warm. A fever may accompany cellulitis, and the rash may turn into blistering.

Although cellulitis is common, it most often occurs on the legs. However, it can occur elsewhere, including on a man’s penis. Even if it first appears on the legs or elsewhere, if it is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body - and sometimes that spreading can occur fairly quickly.

While the penis rash aspect of cellulitis may be disturbing to a man, there can be serious consequences beyond that. If the condition spreads into the bloodstream, it can be very serious indeed. So treating any signs pof cellulitis early not only helps with the less serious rash-like aspects, it also can prevent a much more serious situation.


So cellulitis is a bacterial infection - but how does it start? Well, first, it is caused by either staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria - or by a combination of both. In almost all cases, these bacteria are able to get into the body through a cut or crack in the skin. Even "small" cracks like those associated with athlete’s foot can result in bacteria getting into the body. It’s also possible for an animal bite to transfer bacteria into the body.

This is one reason why it is important to always clean any cuts or scrapes and to pay attention to any such issues to see if they show signs of infection. Cuts on the feet can be especially susceptible, as the sweat that accumulates when wearing socks can attract bacteria; in addition, bare feet are also an easy target for entry if cut or cracked.

Some people may be more at risk of cellulitis than others. For example, people who have a weakened immune system lack the resources to fight off a bacterial infection as effectively as might be desired. People who are overweight also have a higher risk.


Getting prompt treatment can help a "mild" case from developing into something serious. So if a penis rash or rash elsewhere might be cellulitis, a man should check with his doctor for a diagnosis.

Treatment typically consists of antibiotics to fight the bacterial infection and possibly pain relievers to deal with some of the symptoms. Often cremes or lotions will be prescribed to help deal with the rashy aspects of cellulitis.

When a man has a penis rash from cellulitis or other causes, treatment will be more effective if his overall penis health is not already impacted. Regular application of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a definite plus in this regard. Key is keeping the skin properly moisturized, so locate a quality crème that contains a combination of a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). For added protection, the crème should include other major vitamins as well, such as A, B5, C and D.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Is it Jock Itch or Herpes? A Quick Guide of Symptoms and Treatments

It starts out as a little itch in the groin. Then it’s itching all the time. Once the soreness and redness set in, it's all-hands-on-deck to find out what is causing this discomfort. Could it be as simple as a breakout of jock itch, or is it something worse? This article will help men sort out the big differences between jock itch and herpes when dealing with a penis rash. It will also provide treatment options and some penis hygiene tips that can keep penis rashes and irritations away in the future.

Signs and Symptoms: Jock Itch

Jock itch, also known by its fancy Latin name, tinea cruris, is a highly contagious skin infection caused by numerous types of fungus like those that cause athlete's foot. It infects the genitals, buttocks, and inner thighs. It is often demarked by a ring-shaped rash, which is no surprise, since it is a form of ringworm. Jock itch loves to live in warm, moist places. People who sweat a lot, are overweight or have eczema have higher chances of contracting it. Those who wear tight clothes or have been in contact with someone else with jock itch also have a higher instance of contracting the infection.

If a man has one of the symptoms below, it’s likely he has jock itch:

- A red, circular rash that has raised edges and can be a bit scaly

- Cracking, flaking, or peeling skin

- Itching and burning at the rash site

Signs and Symptoms: Herpes

Herpes is caused by the simplex virus and is a sexually transmitted disease. According to the CDC, more than one out of every six people aged 14-49 has genital herpes. It is transmitted by oral, vaginal, and anal sex or coming into contact with secretions from a sore.

Symptoms can be very mild, so it can be easy to dismiss a herpes sore as a pimple or ingrown hair. However, if a man has one of the symptoms below, he may have herpes:

- Small sores appear first which then form skin ulcers and scabs

- Pain

- Itching

- Flu-like symptoms such as fever, swollen glands, or body aches

Men experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor immediately for diagnosis. Herpes can go dormant for years before another outbreak but still lives in the body.

Still Confused? Look for These Major Differences

There are a few major differences to distinguish if a rash is jock itch or herpes. First, is the location. Jock itch will rarely appear on the penis, and instead prefers the inner legs or other moist crevices. Herpes will appear on the shaft and glans of the penis.

Jock itch also looks more like a red rash with ridges; whereas, herpes looks more like fluid-filled blisters that turn crusty when popped.

Treatment: Jock Itch

If you just try to ignore jock itch, it may outlast as it can hang on for months. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to treat. Over-the-counter antifungals can clear it up in a few short weeks. Also, keep the area clean and dry at all times to speed up healing.

Treatment: Herpes

Herpes cannot be cured but can be treated. Medications can shorten or prevent frequent outbreaks. There is a daily medication which can be taken to reduce the risk of passing the infection to a partner.

Preventative Care

In addition to practicing the safest sex possible, good hygiene can keep unwanted penis rashes at bay. Practice exemplary grooming habits by washing the groin area daily with a gentle cleanser and warm water, being sure to clean around the foreskin, testicles, and inner thigh area. After washing, thoroughly dry the groin area to decrease moisture that attracts bacteria.

Once cleaned and dried, apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to the penis and surrounding area. Find a product that uses natural emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E that seal in moisture and keep this tender skin hydrated. Also look for lotions with nutrients like vitamin A which is an antibacterial agent and works to combat disagreeable penile odors caused by bacteria that flourish in warm, dark areas, such as the groin. This combination used daily will keep the penis supple, smooth, and healthy.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Dry Penis Skin: 5 Reasons It Happens and How to Soothe the Itch

There are few things worse than having a dry penis. Men can experience symptoms ranging from incessant itching, to flaking, rough skin, or a harsh, red and sore rash. This sometimes-painful burden has a habit of popping up at the worst possible times, like before that important date on Saturday night or as the presentation at the board meeting begins. Most men experience dry penis skin at some point in their lives. Luckily, there is a multitude of methods to prevent and combat this common penis problem, so don’t fret. Consider the following potential causes to determine the best plan of action for fighting a dry penis.

- Allergy: Dry penis skin is a common symptom of an undiagnosed allergy. Spermicides, fragrances, soaps, and even laundry detergents are all potential culprits. Men who have a red rash or swelling on the penis after wearing a latex condom during intercourse may be experiencing an allergic reaction to latex. Make sure to read the ingredients list carefully on any products that come in contact with your skin and purchase dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic products when possible.

- Tight Clothing: Wearing tight pants, especially after a sweaty workout, is an invitation to chafing and rubbing of the delicate genital area. Post-exercise, the buildup of moisture creates skin irritation and can turn the penis skin red and inflamed. Wearing pants without underwear creates friction between your skin and the fabric and can lead to dry, flaking crusty skin. One simple remedy is to keep your clothing a little loose, even if it means sacrificing your fashion for your penis skin- it will thank you.

- Penile Yeast Infection: Although generally thought of as a female health problem, yeast infections affect men worldwide. A yeast infection is caused by the fungus candida and causes inflammation. A penile yeast infection can produce a wide variety of symptoms that can include dry, peeling skin and intense itching. If a red rash or thick, white discharge presents itself, consider a visit to the doctor as those symptoms can be indications of a more serious condition, like a sexually transmitted infection.

- Herpes: This virus can cause penis itching, fluid-filled blisters and sores on the skin. The blisters are sometimes translucent and have the appearance of dry, peeling penis skin. If blisters are accompanied by flu-like symptoms and a burning sensation during urination, seek medical treatment.

- Dehydration: A solution to dry, rough penis skin might be as simple as filling up your water bottle more often. In order for our skin to stay soft and supple, our bodies need a constant, steady supply of water. Men should aim to stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep penis skin healthy and moisturized.

Proper hygiene is vital to penis health. Frequent cleansing of the genital area is necessary to ensure the buildup of dirt, grime and bacteria around the penis is removed. While bathing, pay special attention to cleaning between the folds of penile skin, as buildup in that region can cause an unpleasant odor, which is a common penis problem.

After properly washing the genital area, hydrate and smooth your skin with a product made specifically for penis skin, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular penis health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of penis skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which acts as a moisturizer.

Almost as important as hygiene is avoiding touching or itching the dry area, as scratching can introduce infection, and cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed. In some cases, itching can cause the delicate skin to scar. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal penis health.

Prevent Jock Itch, Avoid Embarrassment

Sure, it’s not uncommon for any man to occasionally need to scratch his penis. After all, an itch can occur anywhere on the body and sometimes it can be so insistent that one has no choice but to scratch. But getting caught relieving an itch on the penis can be a cause of embarrassment - at best, it gives the impression that one’s penis care isn’t the best and at worst it can make a guy seem like he’s so randy that he just can’t keep his hands off himself. So when a man has a bad case of jock itch, the potential for embarrassment zooms. Knowing how to prevent jock itch can help prevent embarrassment.

About jock itch

Known medically as tinea cruris, jock itch is an unfortunately common fungal infection. It’s a brother to athlete’s foot, except it occurs on or around the penis. It presents as a red, flat rash that is clearer on the inside than around the outer edges. As the name implies, it can itch like crazy.

The name also implies that it is an ailment found primarily among athletes, but in fact even sedentary gentlemen can come down with jock itch. As a fungus, it grows more readily in areas that are dark and moist - so a sweaty crotch is the ideal environment for it.

It’s very common for men to get jock itch, but it’s not a dangerous condition. However, because it is inconvenient and embarrassing (and because it can turn off potential sexual partners, as well as be easily passed on to them), it pays to take steps to prevent it from occurring.


There are several steps a guy can take to help avoid tinea cruris, including:

- Wash regularly , especially after working out or engaging in a lot of physical activity. Showering or at least washing the groin, buttocks and thighs when they get sweaty can help cleanse unwanted bacteria and fungus before they have a chance to get started on developing an itchy situation. After washing, be sure to dry the area very thoroughly.

- Air out the groin. Especially during hot summer months, sweat accumulates quickly and extensively in the groin. If a guy lives alone (or with sympathetic roommates), it can help to spend an hour or so pants-less and underwear-less to help the area to dry out.

- Be careful with clothing. First, clean clothing is a must - especially underwear. A guy must do the laundry regularly, so that he’s not having to wear pants or underwear that have already been exposed to sweat and potential fungal growth. And don’t wear a wet swimsuit for hours on end, as the moisture can encourage fungal growth. In addition, a man should put on socks before underwear, especially if he has athlete’s foot; putting underwear on first raises the chances that the foot could touch the underwear and pass some fungus on to it.

- Watch the toweling . Speaking of athlete’s foot, a guy with this condition should dry affected feet with a different towel than the one he uses to dry the rest of the body (including the penis) to avoid spreading it.

- Don’t share. Yes, as kids we’re taught to share - but draw the line when it comes to jock itch. Never wear a friend’s underwear, even if it’s been washed, and the same goes for socks. Pants may be okay if they are clean and he’s tinea-free. And don’t use a towel that has not been laundered - especially at the gym.

- If necessary, lose weight. Those who are obese tend to sweat more heavily, making their groins easier targets for jock itch.

Jock itch is a source of embarrassment, but it is easily treatable. A healthy penis responds to treatment better, so regularly use a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A creme with moisturizing agents like shea butter and vitamin E can help keep the skin healthier. Be sure the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights damaging oxidative stress.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Penis Odor: A Primer for a Woman

Alright, ladies, it’s time to talk about that irritating, off-putting little penis health problem that so many women have encounter. Yes, the subject is penis odor, one of those subjects that can cause a major rift in what might otherwise be a beautiful relationship. This little primer will focus on why men may have penis odor and what steps a woman can take to help fight this problem.

Guys don’t know

Amazing as it may seem to any woman who has had to deal with a strong penis odor wafting from a just-released manhood, the fact is that a lot of guys are totally unaware that their member is carrying around a particularly pungent aroma. But the truth is that most men are much more in touch with body odor emanating from their armpits and usually concentrate on solving that odor issue. Since their nose is so far away from their penis, they often are blissfully ignorant of the offense their equipment generates.

But why is penis odor so strong? There are a number of potential reasons.

- It’s just the heat . As is well known, heat tends to generate sweat, and sweat tends to lead to body odor. And unless a guy spends a lot of time naked, his penis is generally kept in a heat factory. Underwear, especially tight briefs or boxer briefs, provides a layer of warmth, and the jeans or trousers he wears on top of that just doubles the oven effect. The fact that the penis nestles between the thighs doesn’t help, as skin pressing against skin doesn’t allow room for air to get through. And unless a guy really manscapes, that thick thatch of manly pubic hair provides further insulation to add to the heat production. Even the erectile process is to blame, as the rush of blood that makes erections possible also adds heat.

- Hygiene can be a factor. Since the penis is already likely to be overheated, it doesn’t help when a dude doesn’t wash as thoroughly as he should. Layers of sweat build up, causing more and more stink to accumulate.

- Diet, too. What a man eats and drinks can also be a factor. Some foods (such as garlic, broccoli, asparagus, etc.) have a particularly strong odor when they are metabolized in the body. This odor gets passed on to sweat, and adds to the rankness of one’s penis odor.

What to do

It can be difficult to bring up penis odor with a guy. A woman may fear that she will insult him, but he needs to be told. Every situation is different, and some guys do prefer a direct and blunt approach. But more often it helps if a woman couches it in gentler terms, perhaps telling him that she loves being with him but that his penis has a strong odor which can be off-putting to her.

Once informed, what can a guy do? Several things:

- Wash more often , especially if he has been neglectful of his hygiene.

- Wear looser underwear and trousers made of light fabrics that can "breathe" more readily.

- Spend at least a couple of hours every day "airing out" his penis by wearing no clothes. (Sleeping naked is an easy way to accomplish this.)

- A woman can encourage him to fight penis odor by regularly using a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème for this purpose will include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can fight persistent penis odor. Ideally, the crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, which helps strengthen delicate penis skin by fighting a major cause of oxidative damage.

Yow! Avoiding Penis Pain During Oral Sex

There are some magic words that get a man hot and bothered pretty quickly, and two of the most powerful in that regard are "oral sex." Sure, guys tend to like many other kinds of sex as well, often more than oral sex. But there’s still something special about the mouth-to-penis brand of engagement that holds a special place for a man. (It also helps inspire him to keep an eye on his penis health, since no partner wants to be an unhygienic penis in their mouth.) Sometimes, however, there can be a downside to oral sex - penis pain resulting from a willing but inexperienced partner.

The following are tips for those who may be offering oral sex to their men and to men to help them guide partners past some of these potential causes of unintended penis pain.

The teeth.

There’s probably not an adult alive who doesn’t know that teeth can be a tricky business when it comes to performing oral sex on a penis. Although some penises enjoy a little toothy nibble, for the most part it’s best to try to keep the teeth from scraping the penis. It may look sturdy but it’s actually very sensitive to touch, after all. And if a person has braces, this can be an especially difficult situation. Best advice if an oral sex performer is laden with braces: cover the penis in a condom before getting down to work.

Don’t get too spicy.

Men absolutely love the way a mouth feels on their erection - but that can change in an instant if that mouth has too recently savored some spicy mustard or too much hot sauce. When strong spices linger on the tongue, they can get transferred to the penis - and the thin, delicate penis skin will deliver those spices right to the nerve sensors that make sex so enjoyable for a man. The fiery sensation is not pleasant. Brushing and/or using mouthwash after eating a spicy dinner can help avoid this particular form of penis pain.

Watch the herpes.

Some sexually-transmitted infections, such as oral herpes, can be transmitted during oral sex, which can result in another form of penis pain. By the same token, some STIs can be passed from the penis to the partner during oral sex as well. Avoiding sex during a herpes outbreak is advised; at the least, using a condom is recommended.

Don’t spread an illness.

When a partner has a contagious illness - not an STI, but a cold, flu, etc. - they can spread tons of germs by fellating their partner. Again, using a condom is a wise idea - and just not agreeing to oral sex until feeling better makes even more sense.

Stay lubricated.

It may sound strange, but even when the penis is covered by a mouth, it can get a little dried out. Taking a break to add saliva or another lubricant to the penis can help to avoid penis pain due to rawness.

Some men are so desirous of oral sex that they don’t mind experiencing penis pain in the heat of the moment - but may regret it later. Things will go better if the penis is already in good health, thanks to the daily application of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Sometimes the penis loses some much-needed sensation due to penis pain, so a crème with L-carnitine is best. L-carnitine is neuroprotective and helps restore lose sensitivity. The crème should also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This helps ward off excess free radicals which cause oxidative damage, weakening and damaging penis skin.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Loss of Sensation in the Penis: Medical and Non-medical Factors

Diminished penile sensation is something most men face in their lives. Losing that loving feeling may be inevitable in some cases, but in most, things can be done to improve sensitivity and regain some, if not all, sensation in the privates. If a man is experiencing loss of sensation in the penis, first he should identify what is causing it. Once a cause is identified, he can take specific steps to regain sensation. Here are a few of the most common causes of penile sensation loss and a few tips on how to get it back.

1) "Death Grip" - "Death grip" is likely the number one reason younger men are experiencing a loss of sensation in the penis. Men who masturbate frequently often find they have to increase their stroke or constriction to come to release. As time goes on, the grip becomes so excessive and the friction so great that it's harder and harder (no pun intended) to climax. This is often accompanied by an increase in the eroticism of visual stimuli as well. This can lead to issues in a relationship when intimacy with a partner doesn't feel as good because the penis has become less sensitive.

2) Age - As men hit 40, they may find their libido wane slightly and a loss of sensation in their penis. Erections are dependent on blood flow. The blood vessels that direct blood flow in and out of the penis slow with age .

3) Low Testosterone - With age, most men experience a depletion of testosterone. This depletion then leads to a loss of penile sensation or a numbness in the genital area. Other symptoms of low testosterone are fatigue, low moods such as sadness or depression, irritability, and reduced muscle mass.

4) Medical Conditions Involving Reduced Circulation - Men who suffer from medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or heart problems can experience penile sensation loss. Again, as with age, the blood flow slows with these diseases and that includes blood flow to the penis.

5) Nerve Damaging Diseases - Nerve damaging diseases such as diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect the penis in addition to the entire body. Both diseases are linked to neuropathy, a condition caused by nerve damage which can cause pain, burning, and numbness.

How to Improve Circulation and Increase Sensation

For men with medical issues like diabetes, heart disease, or other diseases mentioned above, it’s always best to first treat the disease and then treat the symptom. One of the best ways to regain sensation, whether with or without a medical condition, is to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices like daily exercise, eat a healthy diet that is properly portioned and includes a wide variety of colors with plenty of protein and healthy fats, and to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Weight loss, if needed, has been shown to overwhelmingly help blood flow to the penis, resulting in greater sensation and firmness.

Men can also do other things to increase blood flow. Exercising before sex is one way to get blood flow pumping. Not eating prior to sex, just like swimming, also helps the body focus on one thing - getting excited! Finally, have sex at the time of day when most alert.

In addition to other methods of regaining sensation in the penis, massaging the member with a specifically formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) is another terrific way to improve sensation in the penis. In addition to comforting emollients, a crème like this should include other nutrients essential for penis health and function. Some especially beneficial ingredients to look for include vitamin C, which is a key nutrient for encouraging proper blood flow for robust erections. L-Carnitine also is a wonderful addition to any penis health crème as it defends against peripheral nerve damage caused by friction, causing loss of sensation in the penis. Also, a key amino acid that increases blood flow, L-Arginine, is a welcome addition to help sustain firm erections.

Bumps on the Penis: Can They Be Cured?

A bump on the penis can cause panic both for a man and his partner. Nothing ruins a mood like the moment someone feels bumps on a penis right before becoming intimate and it can shut down a romantic evening faster than a political debate. Thankfully, most times it’s nothing serious. While some penis bumps can’t be prevented, others can with proper hygiene and sexual practices. Here are a few of the most common reasons bumps on a penis can appear and how to deal with them.

1) Pimples - When a pore is clogged, a pimple forms. Pimples can contain pus and feel very tender, or conversely, can feel quite hard. They tend to pop up for men who skip showering, live in a climate with high humidity, wear tight pants, shave their pubic region, or have oily skin. The best thing to do for a penis pimple is keeping clean and leave it alone. Popping it could result in bacteria transfer and infection.

2) Ingrown Hairs or Folliculitis - Inflammation of the hair follicles (from shaving or just irritation) can cause red, pimply bumps on the penis. They can be both painful and itchy. They usually clear themselves up in a few days, but if a man experiences this regularly, some topical antimicrobials may be helpful to heal the current bumps and prevent future ones.

3) Penile Papules - These whitish or pinkish bumps appear on the glans (head) of the penis or along the edge of the glans. They look like small pimples. They often cluster in rings or rows. They stay with a man for life and are nothing to be concerned with and are experienced by 14-48% of men. If other symptoms like itching or redness occur with them, medical attention should be sought out.

4) Genital Warts - Transmitted through unprotected sex, genital warts are STDs caused by HPV and herpes. They are flesh-colored bumps on the penis, usually on the shaft, that can look like cauliflower. See a doctor for treatment immediately.

5) Molluscum Contagiosum - A contagious skin infection, molluscum contagiosum causes a cluster of small bumps to appear on the skin. These bumps have a small dimple in their center. They can be itchy. Often times the condition will clear up in time, but a gel or crème may be recommended to hurry healing along.

6) Lichen Planus - This rash can occur anywhere on the body and is demarked by purple-red bumps which can be itchy and uncomfortable. Usually, the condition can be cut short with a quality steroid cream.

Keeps Bumps at Bay

Regardless of the source of the problem, it is always a bad idea to pop or scratch at bumps on the penis. Doing so can cause minute tears in the outer dermal layer, which can invite bacteria and infection into the penis, causing more pain and problems. Also, be sure to practice safe sex and when finding an unknown bump on the penis, refrain from intimate activity until the cause is known.

While treating a bumpy penis and after, clean the penis with a gentle soap, being gentle but thorough to ensure the penis is clean and fresh. Follow cleansing with a specially made penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and nourish the skin. These special nutrient crèmes should be as natural as possible and have a moisturizing base like Shea butter and vitamin E for maximum softness. The addition of other vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, C, and D and Alpha Lipoic Acid helps the delicate penile skin increase elasticity reduce cellular damage from age and environment. In short, these special crèmes keep the penis healthy and supple.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Five Sore Penis Causes and Ways to Prevent Them

According to pretty much every man in the world, there is no pain like the pain possible from a sore penis. It can be distracting, make a man extra sensitive and emotional, and can cause things like lost sleep, difficulty walking, and a sabbatical from all kinds of activities. Thankfully, a sore penis is a fairly common thing and not something to be alarmed about in most cases. This article covers five common causes of a sore penis, how to make the pain go away, and how to prevent it in the future.

1) Bad Hygiene - One of the foremost culprits when it comes to a sore penis is nothing more than poor hygiene. Men who take a day or three off from basic washing and grooming each day are more likely to suffer some redness, irritation, or worse after a film of sweat, dirt, and bodily fluids build up on and under penile skin. The skin can then get inflamed and itchy and soreness can make way for actual pain. Cleanse immediately with warm water and a gentle motion until all of the dirt, debris, and smegma are gone. Apply a penis health crème to promote healing. Vow to improve hygiene habits going forward.

2) Overuse - It’s the most fun cause for pain - overuse. Whether it’s too much self-gratification or a particularly vigorous weekend with a lover, when a penis gets a lot of exercise, it ends up quite sore just like any other muscle. The best way to cope is to use some pain reliever and give the penis a rest until it is pain-free. Some men also find a warm (not hot) bath can also soothe the overworked member.

3) Allergies - Allergic reactions can make the penis very red, irritated, and sore, and can often be accompanied by a rash. Allergies can be to anything from laundry detergent to latex condoms to something out in the woods. See a doctor to perform an allergy test so that potential allergens can be avoided in the future. Usually a cortisone cream and some "airing out" can help an allergic reaction. If experiencing extreme pain or swelling, seek medical help immediately.

4) Psoriasis or eczema - Men who have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop symptoms on the penis. Follow treatment as directed by a medical professional. It’s also been noted that crèmes with vitamins A and E can help.

5) Urethritis - Urethritis is a condition where the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body, becomes inflamed and irritated. Semen also passes through the urethra. This inflammation is caused by foreign bacteria. In addition to pain and swelling, there can also be pain while urinating and a frequent urge to urinate. Urethritis is also sometimes a symptom of an STI. Treatment includes either antibiotics or antiviral medication.

How to Prevent Penis Pain

When it comes to preventing penis pain, a little consistency goes a long way. Exercise the muscle frequently but be mindful of how hard and often it’s used and give it a rest from time to time. Also, be sure to practice safe sex and talk to a sexual partner about their history.

Establish good hygiene habits when it comes to the penis. Wash the area regularly with a gentle cleanser and a thorough eye. Then apply a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to the penis. These special crèmes contain natural moisturizers like Shea butter, and are rich in vitamins like A, B, C, D, and E, leaving the skin strong and supple.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them

Male menopause is a condition that affects men as they age. Also known as andropause, it describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels. Male menopause is most often denoted by a drop in the hormone testosterone in men 50 years of age or older. For the uninitiated, testosterone is made in the testes. It does more than just control libido; it also helps fuel mental and physical energy, maintain muscle mass, and regulate the fight-or-flight response. Unlike female menopause, not all men experience it. It also doesn't mean the reproductive organs shut down. In fact, some men father children into their 80s. It can, however, affect several parts of daily living. Here are a few of the most common symptoms.

1) Depression or Sadness - As testosterone levels drop, a man can experience depression or sadness. Depression is a consistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. This symptom can itself lead to other major changes in lifestyle including appetite, sleep, concentration, energy level, and self-esteem. If depressed, seek professional help immediately as this is a very serious symptom of male menopause.

2) Insomnia or Difficulty Sleeping - Low testosterone can cause a wide range of sleep disturbances including insomnia. Some men may have problems falling or staying asleep for a healthy number of hours. Men also may experience increased sleepiness even though they slept a normal number of hours. Men having sleeping problems can try to create a more sleep-friendly space by regulating light, temperature, and sound. If that doesn’t work, see a sleep specialist.

3) Loss of Muscle Mass and Feelings of Weakness - Testosterone is one of the hormones that are responsible for energy and maintaining muscle mass. As testosterone production decreases, some men experience waning muscle mass and an overall feeling of weakness. Resistance training has shown to help men regain muscle mass. Also, make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet.

4) Reduced Libido - As people age, it’s not unusual for them to desire sex less than they did in their 20s. However, when the urge to make love goes weeks, months, and even years, this can cause significant stress, concern, and problems in a relationship. Men who are concerned about their libido can take supplements to build it back up.

5) Erectile Dysfunction - Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to maintain a firm erection during sex. This is one of the most noticeable symptoms of male menopause. This can cause a lot of stress, relationship strain, and low self-esteem in a man and his partner. There are a host of things that can help this issue from medication to exercises, but they should be evaluated with a medical practitioner.

Regaining Virility During Male Menopause

During male menopause, a man can experience a lot of physical, emotional, and sexual changes. He should get help when needed and remember that his identity and self-confidence are not controlled by male menopause.

In addition to getting regular exercise, adequate sleep, and eating a healthy diet, men can also perform other acts of self-care to make male menopause an easier time. Meditation and yoga have been shown to help balance the body and regulate the endocrine system.

Men who are suffering from ED can also use a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily. These specials creams are designed specifically for the penis and should contain ingredients such as vitamins A, B, D, and E, which support healthy cellular function. In addition, men should look for a product containing vitamin C as it helps blood flow, elasticity, and is vital for penile erections. L-Arginine is also a key amino acid that should be included in a penis crème as it aids in the process of getting and maintaining firm erections.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Seven Dry Penis Skin Hacks to Try

Lifestyle hacks have become ubiquitous in our modern world, and often they focus on penis health issues. And why not? Men need good advice and strategies on keeping this very important body part in good operating condition. One of the issues many men face concerns dry penis skin, which can be both itchy and unattractive. With that in mind, this article offers a few hacks designed to address this too-common condition.

It happens

That men sometimes get dry penis skin is not really surprising. Dry skin can occur on any part of the body, after all. And since penis skin is especially delicate, it’s more susceptible to those factors which can cause dry skin. For example, excess sweat can often cause skin to dry out. This may seem paradoxical or counterintuitive, but when a person sweats, oils which help keep the skin moisturized are depleted.

So what are some simple hacks to remember to fight dry penis skin?

- Stay out of hot water. A nice hot shower is supposed to be really good for a person, especially when their muscles are sore and achy. But when shower water is too hot, it can damage the skin. So if a guy takes a long shower with water that is too hot, those oils that the penis skin need can be decreased. This can also happen when spending too much time in a hot tub. Be sure to moisturize the penis after either of these situations.

- Also avoid hard water. Hard water is water that contains a high concentration of minerals like zinc and magnesium. Minerals are good, but often they are in such high quantities in hard water that they can plug glands and pores, contributing to dry penis skin. Using cremes with vitamins A and C can help remove the excess minerals and help prevent dry skin damage.

- Keep the soap mild. Many soaps contain extra chemicals or fragrances which sound good on paper but which can actively dry out penis skin. If a guy needs to use a strong deodorant soap for his pits, he should still keep on hand a milder soap for his penis.

- Find a good humidity level. Too much humidity creates excess seat, which can deplete the body of oils. But air that is too dry can evaporate moisture from the skin. Often in summer, air conditioning can dry the air out a little too much - so be aware of this possibility and watch the temperature settings.

- Swim in moderation. Swimming is great exercise, but prolonged time in either a chlorinated swimming pool or the salty ocean water can lead to substantial dry penis skin issues. Try to spend only a moderate amount of time in the water. Those who prefer to extend their time should be prepared to moisturize afterward.

- Control blood sugar. People with diabetes are prone to dry skin, including on the penis, due to high blood sugar levels. Working to control and maintain blood sugar levels is important - and not just for the sake of one’s penis skin.

- Use a penis health creme. One of the best hacks for battling dry penis skin is the daily application of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). All cremes are not created equal, so definitely look for a crème that lists both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). As mentioned above, vitamins A and C can be useful in combatting problems caused by hard water, and a good penis health crème should incorporate both of these vitamins. Finally, one with alpha lipoic acid helps protect against oxidative stress that can contribute to dry penis skin.

Insistently Erect Penis When Sick: Why Does This Happen?

Although wise men pay proper attention to their penis health, one’s overall physical health can also affect what goes on in the midsection. For example, when a guy has a lot of pain, he’s unlikely to be sporting an erect penis that’s all set to play. But as a quick visit to men’s forums will reveal, many men report that when they are sick with something slight, such as a cold, they’re often not alone. They find they are accompanied by an erect penis - and one that is insistent on getting attention.

No data

Not surprisingly, there haven’t really been studies conducted on why a guy may feel especially excited when he’s sick in bed. After all, this is hardly a burning medical question that needs answering in order to benefit mankind in a big way. But as a result, there’s no real data to look at to answer questions about how prevalent this situation is, what causes it, why it happens with some sick situations and not with others, etc.

However, there are guesses that can be made, based on anecdotal evidence and on common sense assumptions.

- It’s not chronic . Guys getting to feeling randy when they have something of passing duration, such as a cold, rather than something which is long term.

- It happens when the situation is relatively simple. A cold or fever may knock a guy down a few pegs, but it doesn’t knock him down for the count like a heavy case of the flu.

- Guys get bored. While spending time resting can feel really good, after a while it simply gets boring. And often when a guy is bored, he turns to masturbation - especially if his eyes are too tired for reading or watching TV or playing video games. And if he’s already lying in bed and gets an erect penis, it helps him pass the time.

- Guys instinctively know it will help. They may think they’re just responding to arousing stimuli, but on one level, men may subconsciously know that ejaculating may make them feel better. Having an orgasm often helps to clear up the sinuses, give a little relief to a headache and help a guy feel drowsy enough to sleep more comfortably.

- It helps bolster the immune system. When a person is sick, they want their immune system operating at its peak. Part of that means having an appropriate number of white blood cells circulating throughout the body, seeking out foreign invaders that may be causing a person to be sick and neutralizing them. When a guy find she has an erect penis and masturbates it, this may help his immune system. Studies have shown that there are more white blood cells in the bloodstream of males both during the masturbation stage and while orgasming. (Interestingly, ejaculation does remove some nutrient which are beneficial to the immune system, such as zinc and copper. But it’s unclear if this "levels out" the benefit of the increased white blood cells. It’s also worth noting when the immune system kicks into gear, it is sometimes accompanied by an increase in a hormone that makes a man feel somewhat friskier.

So when a man is sick, he may find some benefit in relieving his erect penis. That will be easier if the penis is in prime shape, so he should be regularly using a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When sick, a man’s penis odor may be prone to rise, so using a crème with vitamin A included is urged. This vitamin has anti-bacterial properties to help battle persistent penis odor. The ideal crème should also contain moisturizing agents to keep dry penis skin at bay: a combination of shea butter and vitamin E provides great hydrating protection.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Boost Your Penis Function with These Targeted Exercises

One reason that guys like to practice good penis health is that it can have an impact on their penis function. There are many components to good penis health, such as proper penis hygiene, use of protection during sexual encounters, and maintenance via application of a penis health crème. But for many men, one way to help maintain or sometimes boost penis function is through penis-specific exercises.

Keep it in play

Although the penis isn’t a muscle, it needs to be treated like one in some ways - and that means giving it the exercises it needs to stay fit. "Use it or lose it" often applies to the penis as much as to other things. One difference is that sometimes exercises for the penis can actually be a lot of fun.

For example, simply engaging in sex - whether with a partner or with one’s own hand or applicable sex toy - is one of the best penis exercises there is. It also helps penis function because, as the saying goes, "practice makes perfect."


But sometimes even for men who are very sexually active, there can be a need for a little extra help in the penis function department. That’s where edging exercises can come in handy.

What is edging? It’s a term used to indicate a "stop and start" method of sex, most often used in masturbation. The idea is for a man to masturbate as usual, stroking himself to a state of excitement where he is almost ready to ejaculate - when he gets to the "edge" of ejaculating. He should then stop masturbating and let the desire to ejaculate subside, then resume masturbating again. When he returns to the edge of ejaculation, he stops again.

The idea is to do this repeatedly for as long a time as possible. If a man typically masturbates, for say, ten minutes, he might start out by edging for 20 minutes, then the next time try for 30, then 45, etc. (Some men enjoy edging for hours, but an individual should decide what works best for himself.)

Edging benefits penis function by helping a man learn how to prolong his ejaculation.


Another penis-specific exercise is called Kegel exercises. Basically, this helps strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor, which can strengthen the penis in turn.

But how does a guy find these muscles? The best way is for a man to wait until he needs to urinate. After he starts urinating, he should stop in mid-stream and notice which muscles he uses to prevent the urine flow. These are the muscles that he wants to exercise.

Kegel exercises are simple. They just involve contracting and releasing the aforementioned muscles, holding them tight for 3 to 5 seconds, then releasing, and repeating the process. Most men start small, doing a set of 3-5 Kegel exercises two or three times a day. They should gradually increase these repetitions and/or the length of time that the muscles are contracted.

Kegel exercises can help strengthen muscles which play a role in penis function, especially where erectile maintenance is concerned.

Exercises to improve penis function should be a part of most men’s penis health regimen, as should daily application of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The ideal crème is going to contain many ingredients, including two important ones: L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is a valuable amino acid which is intended to boost production of nitric oxide; this helps create situations where penis blood vessels can more easily expand when blood flow is increased during erections. The latter has neuroprotective properties which can help prevent loss of sensation in the penis, especially due to rough handling or overuse.

Small Penis Advantages: One Man’s View

Although our culture’s emphasis on penis size is perhaps overly pronounced, the fact is that men have generally prized a large endowment for eons. Having a small penis doesn’t impact one’s penis health, but it can often be a source of social or psychological discomfort. But not every man with a small penis feels unfairly treated. Some men have even found advantages in having a small penis.

Personal story

Jack C. is one such man who is willing to share what he sees as the advantages of a shorter-than usual penis. Jack puts the lie to the myth that you can tell how big a man’s penis is from other physical factors. Jack is 6’2" tall, has very large hands and wears a size 11 ½ shoe - all of which, according to old wives’ tales, should mean he is blessed in the penis size department.

Instead, Jack has a penis that measures about 1 ½" when flaccid and about 3 ½" when erect. "It looks even smaller than that," he says, "because the rest of me is so big that it looks disproportionately small."

There have been times when Jack has wished for a bigger penis, but by and large he’s been perfectly happy with what he has. He doesn’t feel self-conscious around other men because they rarely have an opportunity to see him when he’s erect. "If I’m in the gym shower or the sauna, I’m soft, so someone looking at me would just assume I was a grower instead of a shower," Jack explains.


And as far as women go, it can sometimes be a plus.

"When a woman first sees my little guy, they may be disappointed," he says, "but that also lowers their expectations - and so they’re surprised when they find how well I’m able to use my small penis to give them pleasure." Jack credits having to make an extra effort to overcome his shortcomings with making him a much better and more attentive lover in bed. "I’ve had no complaints from my partners," he says proudly.

"I generally can sustain my erection for a decently long time," he adds. "But I’m also not so hung up on that. If I ejaculate earlier than planned, I’m happy to use other parts of my body to bring about my mate’s pleasure." He thinks that many men with bigger penises get too hung up on using only the penis itself to bring about an orgasm - and that can make a guy feel bad when he fails.

Jack has also been spared a lot of embarrassment related to visible erections at inopportune times. "I’ve given speeches or presentations where I was hard for the entire time - but no one could tell. That actually works to my advantage - I feel manly and powerful knowing that I’m hard in front of all these people and they don’t know it."

It even makes a difference when traveling long distances. A lot of men complain about needing to shift their packages around when flying or driving for several hours. Jack says there’s always room for his member to move around.

Jack has a healthy attitude toward his small penis that enables him to find the advantages in its size. He also knows the importance of good penis care. Regular use of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help with that. The best cremes are going to provide a wide range of vitamins, like A, B5, C, D and E, which benefit from topical application to the penis. In addition, look for a creme with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid which can help keep penis skin healthier and stronger.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Bent Penis? Try These Sex Positions

Men with Peyronie’s disease sport a bent penis when erect, usually of a degree that causes some inconvenience and may cause some pain. It is not an uncommon penis health issue, although its exact rate of incidence is not known, with many feeling that it is often unreported. One of the concerns when owning a severely bent penis is how it affects one’s engagement in sex. Often, a man in this situation may need to experiment with sex positions to find the one which accommodates his bent penis best. Following are some suggestions in that regard.

Sex positions

For some men with Peyronie’s disease, the curvature is not so significant that the popular missionary position must be abandoned. (And, indeed, some men with Peyronie’s find that missionary is actually a very effective position for them.) But in other cases, it’s necessary to think outside that particular box. It’s important to remember that other factors may also come into play - size of the penis, height of each partner, angle of penetration, body musculature, flexibility, etc. It’s also important to remember that the way in which a man’s penis curves - up, down, left, right - can be a factor. So finding the position or positions that work best for any couple may take some trial-and-error.


The doggy style offers some good bonuses for a bent penis. In this position, a woman places herself on all fours - putting weight on her knees and her hands; some women find it easier to use their elbows rather than their hands. The man kneels and enters the vagina form behind. In this position, he can raise himself up or lower himself down slightly, or move a bit to the left or right, as necessary to accommodate his specific curvature.

Ladies first

There are numerous "woman on top" positions, in which the man is on bottom and the lady on top. These can be advantageous in bent penis circumstances because they allow the woman more control, and she may be able to position herself in a way that better takes advantage of the curvature. Reverse Cowgirl, in which the man lies down flat and the woman faces away from him, lowering herself onto his penis while facing his feet. Many couples report that this position is especially conducive to stimulating a woman’s often-elusive G spot.


Many men with a penis which bends left or right rather than up or down find that sideways positions are more comfortable. One popular position has a woman lying on her side and the man lying directly behind her. She parts her legs slightly so that his penis can be placed inside her vagina, with the sideways position allowing the sideways curve more freedom.

Stand-up and straddle

For men with solid upper body strength and good balance, this standing position is worth trying. He stands with knees slightly bent, while the woman climbs on top of his penis, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. Again, this requires some degree of strength and balance, so approach it carefully.

Finding sex positions that appropriately accommodate a severely bent penis can be challenging but are worth a try. It helps if the penis is in prime shape, so men need to help meet this goal by regularly using a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should seek out a creme that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which helps create situations in which penile blood vessels more easily open for the increased blood flow that accompanies erections. L-carnitine has neuroprotective properties which help protect penis sensation, which can sometimes be reduced in a man with Peyronie’s.

Male Organ Size and Pleasure Satisfaction: A Connection?

Even many men who sport a respectable endowment in the manhood department sometimes fantasize about having a larger member - in spite of the fact that male organ size is far less important in bed than male organ health and one’s skill with the equipment. And men do tend to associate male organ size with sensual satisfaction of a partner, especially when they are influenced by the monster-sized endowments found in so many adult videos. But does that association between male organ size and sensual satisfaction extend to the owners of the manhood themselves? According to at least one study, the answer is yes.


Before exploring this study, it’s important to look at the context of male organ size and sensual satisfaction in terms of one’s partner or partners. Numerous surveys have shown that, within reason, most female partners are satisfied with the size of the members they encounter sensually. Yes, in some extreme cases a manhood can be so small as to create problems providing satisfaction on its own. In other extreme cases, male organ size can be so large as to create a painful sensual situation. But in the vast majority of cases, a typical male organ size is perfectly capable of providing pleasure, when used with appropriate skill.

But looking at the question totally from the male point of view, does a man’s perception of his male organ size have a positive or negative impact on how satisfied he is with the sensual engagement he gets?

The study

This 2017 study appeared in the Archives of Sensual Behavior and is entitled "Characterization of (Equipment) Dissatisfaction in a National Sample of U.S. Men." It looked at almost 4,000 men who completed the IMGI questionnaire, which gathered information on how men view their male organ and surrounding areas.

Overall, men were generally satisfied with their basic sensual equipment. However, 27% said that they wished their member was longer when in its flaccid state, and 19% felt the same way about the length of their firm manhood. When it came to width, about 15% would have liked to have more girth. (In non-male organ size-related issues, 14% had complaints about their pubic hair and only 44% considered male organ odor a personal issue.) Overall, 14% of men gave their general male equipment dissatisfaction a very low rating, most of which was due to concerns - legitimate or not - about their male organ size.

Those who had such low satisfaction were less likely to have satisfaction in their sensual activities - and also in general engaged in sensual activities less frequently than those who were more satisfied with their member. For example, about 73.5% percent of dissatisfied men were sensually active, compared to over 86% of men who were more satisfied with their manhoods.

Common sense

This makes sense. Lower sensual satisfaction may be due to self-esteem issues which can affect one’s performance in bed or one’s ability to attract a partner into bed, and these self-esteem issues could in many cases extend to feelings about one’s manhood its appearance and its size.

Men who have a normal male organ size and still feel disproportionately dissatisfied with it may wish to seek some professional help to learn ways to more properly appreciate their member. Learning to view one’s member in a more realistic perspective can help with problems of self-esteem and sensual dissatisfaction.

Male organ size and sensual satisfaction can be primarily in one’s mind, but male organ health is another matter. Maintaining that health by regular use of a quality male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is necessary. Look for a crème that contains vitamins A and C, which respectively help fight member odor and help give manhood skin the tone and elasticity needed for male organ tumescences. In addition, a superlative crème will also contain L-arginine, which helps boost nitric oxide production and consequently can better enable male organ blood vessels to expand when needed.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Erectile Function and Caffeine: Good or Bad for Bedroom Performance?

One of the more positive developments of the last few decades has been the increased focus on staying healthy. People may not take advantage of all the advice and information available, but there is a lot out there for those who care to investigate health options - and that includes penis health options, too. Many articles emphasize the role that diet can play in health, and often caffeine is mentioned in this context. So that poses the question, does caffeine have a role to play in erectile function? And if so, what is it?

The answer is: it’s not clear yet.

The case against

For quite some time, it was assumed that caffeine actually has a negative association with penis health; specifically, it was thought to be associated with an increase in the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. However, the basis for this appears to be less due to results from clinical trials specifically investigating the issue and instead on general studies about the effects caffeine has on other parts of the body.

Caffeine is known to be a vasoconstrictor; this means that it narrows blood vessels, which is something that can indeed create erectile issues. However, it’s also thought that continued use of caffeine eventually creates the opposite effect - it helps open up blood vessels over time.

So, it’s more likely that caffeine can have a more indirect impact on erectile function. For example, caffeine can make a man feel jittery or can impede good sleeping patterns, both of which can contribute to erectile issues.

There have been some isolated reports that excess caffeine consumption can lead to premature ejaculation, but these are anecdotal in nature. It’s likely there are other factors in many of these cases that account for the subject being quick on the trigger.

The case for

Recent studies have painted a more favorable picture of the role caffeine may play in penis health. A recent study published in PLOS One Journal, "Role of Caffeine Intake on Erectile Dysfunction in US Men: Results from NHANES 2001-2004" paints a much more positive picture.

According to the study, 18.4% of US men age 20 and up experience erectile dysfunction, with the percentage steadily increasing as men age. Researchers looked at data for 3724 men aged 20 or older. They looked at whether they had reported experiencing erectile dysfunction and then at numerous other factors, including amount of caffeine intake via coffee consumption. After factoring out the influence that these other factors most likely had on erectile function, the researchers concluded that men who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day were much less likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who did not drink coffee. The reduction applied both to healthy men and to men who were overweight or had high blood pressure; however, it did not make a difference among men with diabetes.

The scientists theorize that the eventual ability of caffeine to open penile blood vessels is responsible for the result.

Coffee was chosen as the caffeinated beverage of choice because power drinks and caffeinated soft drinks tend to contain other ingredients (such as sugar) which may diminish the potential effects of the caffeine.

So, while the definitive results are still out, there does seem to be some evidence that moderate coffee drinking may be beneficial to penis health. (As always, check with a doctor before suddenly making a change to the diet.)

Control of caffeine is not the only consideration in maintaining penis health. Men also need to daily apply a top ranked penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former helps boost nitric oxide production and thereby keep penile blood vessels wider. The latter protects against damage from rough handling that can lead to loss of penis sensitivity.

Penis Health and Your Underwear: The Debate on Boxers Vs. Briefs

"Boxers or briefs?" The question has become almost a cliché, but it’s a decision men make all the time. There are plenty of reasons to choose one over the other, including one’s views on how each choice may or may not affect one’s penis health. Scientists have even gotten into the act over the years, and a new study reveals even more information to take into consideration when deciding on the daily underwear option.

The study

Entitled "Type of underwear worn and markers of testicular function among men attending a fertility center" and published in August, 2018 in the journal Human Reproduction, this new study is the largest one yet to look at how underwear choice might impact sperm production or quality in men. This cross-sectional study looked at 656 men, each of whom was a partner in a couple seeking to conceive a child who came to a fertility center for infertility treatment. The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

The authors state that "some epidemiological studies have investigated whether men who wear tighter underwear, a modifiable lifestyle factor strongly related to higher scrotal temperatures have poorer semen quality, compared to men who wear looser underwear," but indicate that the results have been inconsistent. So the aim of this study is to help clarify whether underwear choice impacts markers of testicular function.


Semen and blood samples were collected from men between the ages of 18 and 65, with a median age of 35.5 years. The median BMI (body mass index) was 26.3 (compared to the average for US adult males of 26.6; a score between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, but not obese). 345 men reported that they frequently wore boxers, while 311 reported that they frequently wore briefs.

Interestingly, those men in the sample who were primarily boxer wearers tended to be younger and slimmer than those who were mostly briefs wearers. They also tended to be more likely to take hot baths or use a Jacuzzi. This information had to be factored into the results, as youth and less body weight tend to increase fertility while hot baths and Jacuzzis have an association with diminishing sperm quality.

When all the various factors were considered, the scientists came to several conclusions:

- Those who favored boxers had "significantly higher" sperm concentration and total sperm count.

- Those who preferred briefs registered higher serum FSH levels.

- There were no differences found in other markers, like serum reproductive hormones or DNA quality of the sperm.

What does this mean? Basically it means that, yes, wearing tight-fitting underwear like briefs does have a negative impact on sperm production, due to the fact that the testicles work better at sperm reproduction when they are cooler, and tightness is associated with higher temperatures. But the fact that brief-wearers also make more FSH is important, as it backs up a theory that the body responds to the lower sperm count by raising gonadotrophin (which is reflected in the higher FSH levels). Increasing gonadotrophin has a compensatory effect on the lower sperm production.

Sao, essentially, the study suggests that yes, briefs can affect the sperm production but that the raise in gonadotrophin helps to offset the decrease. However, further studies are needed to confirm this. Since the men studied were all at a fertility clinic, it is necessary to see if similar results occur among men in the general population.

Whatever a man’s underwear preference, he needs to take steps to maintain his penis health by regularly applying a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème with both L-arginine and vitamin C. L-arginine is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide, which thereby helps penile blood vessels expand more readily. And vitamin C is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Penis Itches: 6 Common Causes and How to Get Relief

When a penis itches, it’s no fun. It can also happen at the most inopportune times - while talking to a colleague at work, in line at the supermarket, or during a critical moment during a big date. Dry, itchy penile skin can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and distracting and can leave a man running for the door just to get some relief in private. Unfortunately, an itchy penis won’t usually be sated by one simple rub or scratch. Most times, a man needs to give himself extra attention to get rid of the itch, as well as ongoing care to prevent it from coming back. The following are some of the potential reasons a penis itches and how to get relief.

1) Lax Hygiene - A dirty penis is an itchy penis. Think about all the dirt, debris, bacteria, sweat, and emissions that can collect in the genital region. If a man isn’t washing thoroughly and regularly, not only can it get funky, it can get red and itchy too.

2) Contact Dermatitis - Direct contact with an allergen or irritating substance can cause itching. Things like detergents, soaps, latex, and medications can cause a reaction. Most times, the itching is also accompanied by a rash. If the itch is minor, washing the area and treating it with a cortisone crème may help. If it is more serious, seek medical attention.

3) Yeast infection or "Thrush" - Men are just as likely as women to develop a Candida yeast infection. Candida is normally occurring in the skin and mucous membranes; however, when it grows too much, it can cause symptoms such as itching, rash, swelling, and lumpy white discharge. While not a sexually transmitted disease, it can be transmitted during intimate contact. What causes thrush most times is overuse of antibiotics, diabetes, poor circulation, and immunosuppression. See a doctor for treatment.

4) Psoriasis or eczema - Men who have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop either skin issue on the penis. See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Some crèmes with vitamins A and E have also been shown to help reduce itchiness.

5) Genital Warts - This is a sexually transmitted disease (STI) caused by a viral infection. The warts often show up on the glans penis, the foreskin, shaft, and entire pubic area. The warts may also have a discharge which causes the penis itches. See a doctor immediately for testing and treatment.

6) Pubic Lice - Commonly known as "crabs," pubic lice are tiny little parasites that attach themselves to pubic hair. They are spread by intimate contact with an infected person. While itching is the main symptom, other symptoms include bloodstains and black dots, which are the "crab" feces being left behind. For immediate relief see a doctor, or if one is not available, use an over-the-counter lotion or anti-lice shampoo in the interim.

Getting Relief from an Itchy Penis

No matter the cause of the problem, it is always a bad idea to scratch at the delicate penis skin. By scratching, one can leave tiny tears in the outer dermal layer, which can exacerbate the issue and invite bacteria and other organisms into the skin.

Instead of itching, men who suffer from penis itches should wash the area gently to remove any substances which may be causing irritation. Be sure to cleanse with a mild cleanser like baby wash and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Resist using your regular body wash or soap on the irritated area as it may be too tender and cause more damage.

After cleansing the skin, apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to the penis. These nutrient-rich crèmes have a natural base, like Shea butter, that moisturizes and soothes itchy skin on contact. The addition of vitamins such as A, B5, C, D, and E also bring rejuvenating and restoring properties to delicate penile skin, leaving it soft and irritation-free and less prone to future drying and itchiness.

Discoloration on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Options

While men may not use all the tonics and potions created for the facial skin, preferring a more rugged look, when it comes to their penises, men notice immediately when something seems to be off. Discoloration on the penis is one of those issues that often makes a man take notice of his skin and can lead to unnecessary panic. Most reasons for a discolored penis are results of a small injury, and the coloring fade with time; although there are a few potential reasons for worry. Here are a few of the most common causes of discoloration on the penis and how to manage them.

1) Bruising - One of the quickest ways to get a discolored penis is through injury. After a penile injury, bruising can appear in a variety of discolorations, from purple to blue or even a greenish hue. If there is an excessive pain post-injury, seek medical attention immediately. It could be a more serious issue like a penile fracture.

2) Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) - It’s completely normal for men to have some variance of skin coloration. However, if a man notices that skin has darkened suddenly or within a short span of time, it’s understandable he may worry. Most times it’s just post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is simply an overproduction of melanin, the body’s skin pigment maker. The skin can appear in a wide variety of colors including blue, gray, or dark brown.

Overproduction generally happens after an injury to the skin, the most common being excessive rubbing of the penis from vigorous sex or self-pleasure. It will fade over time, or if a man is bothered by it, topical treatment with retinol each night before bed can accelerate healing.

3) Penile Vitiligo - Vitiligo is known as the "white skin patch disease" made most famous by the late Michael Jackson. This skin disorder is caused by a loss of melanocytes from the epidermis. Penile Vitiligo most often occurs as a penile discoloration on the foreskin. It must be diagnosed by a doctor through a physical exam. It can be treated with medication, creams, lasers and surgical techniques.

4) Hematoma - If a man is seeing red, blotchy skin or blood vessels under the surface of the skin, he may have a hematoma. This happens after an injury to the penis. The discoloration on the penis will fade in time; however, if he feels pain or discomfort, medical attention should be sought.

5) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) - Sometimes purple sores on the penis can be evidence of a sexually transmitted infection like genital herpes or syphilis. Both STIs are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, fever, itchiness, burning, and fatigue. Head to a medical clinic or see a physician as soon as possible to be tested and get treatment.

Preventing and Caring for a Discolored Penis

First and foremost, practice safe sex. Use a condom to prevent STIs and always have an open dialogue about sexual and medical history with partners, even if it ruins the mood. Next, wear appropriate protective gear during group or adventure sports so that the penis is not an unfortunate casualty of a pick-up basketball game. Also, be sure to monitor the vigorousness of sex and self-gratification so pleasure doesn’t turn painful.

In addition to those tips, practice good grooming to keep the penis in top shape. Cleanse regularly and thoroughly with a gentle cleanser. Follow up cleansing with a specifically formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to soften and soothe the penis. These specially created crèmes should have a nourishing, natural base like Shea butter and include vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E to promote healthy skin and cellular function, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid to reduce the signs of cellular damage and aging. These crèmes leave the penis hydrated and promote healing.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Best Looking Penis – 5 Steps to Up the Manscaping Game

Believe it or not, scientists have conducted studies concerning the attractiveness of a man’s penis. For instance, a team of Swiss researchers investigated what women think of men who have had a minor penile reconstructive surgery. What came out of this study also included factors like what women, in particular, found made the best looking penis. While they didn't have specific comments, the conclusion came down to overall genital appearance as the most attractive penis feature, followed by pubic hair. This infers that penises with a nice coloring, smooth skin, that smell fresh, and have a thoughtfully trimmed pubic area are the most attractive. So, what can a man do to improve his overall penile appearance? Here are a few tips for getting an attractive penis.

Shine it Up - Not literally of course, but a clean penis is an attractive penis. Be sure to wash regularly and thoroughly, especially in areas that need extra time, like under the foreskin; as well as the scrotum, which has ripples that catch leftover oil, debris, and sweat. Use a gentle cleanser with natural ingredients and stay away from anything with harsh chemicals or exfoliants, as the penile skin is very delicate.

Groom the Garden - Thankfully, to have the best looking penis, men aren’t expected to wax all of their hair off as is more socially expected of women. For most people polled, a neat and tidy area is most attractive. Most men only need to trim once per week using either shears or clippers. For men who want to remove all or most of their hair, shaving is an option, as is professional waxing. For all methods, be careful with the delicate penile skin. After hair removal, use a specially formulated crème, oil, or aloe vera on the area. Do not use aftershave - you will immediately regret it!

Practice Healthy Life Choices - Healthy life choices like maintaining a reasonable weight through eating a diet with a balance of carbs, protein, good fats, and fruits and vegetables, as well as regular exercise, will result in stronger erections as a man ages. By keeping a healthy lifestyle, men can hopefully avoid things like high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking which can cause erectile dysfunction. Besides being good for a man’s entire health, living a healthy active lifestyle will keep his erections strong and powerful.

Ejaculate Regularly - In a Harvard study, it was found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a 33% lower instance of prostate cancer. These men also have greater ejaculation control and can last longer with a partner, which makes their penis the most attractive penis in the world.

Moisturize - After cleansing and/or shaving the skin, use a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to soothe and enrich the skin. These special creams are intended explicitly for the penis and should contain ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are noted for their skin-soothing and healing properties. These special cremes also rejuvenate the skin, making it more supple and youthful in appearance. They also ward off redness and minimize penis discoloration. By following these steps, any man can feel confident he has the most attractive penis possible.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Self-Gratification Pros and Cons: Health Benefits vs. Risks

It seems only yesterday that self-gratification was either talked about only in secret or was considered the butt of a joke. Once considered taboo, there were several myths and old wives’ tale about self-pleasure that proclaimed that self-gratification could make someone go blind, lose their fertility, or grow hairy palms.

Let's take away the myth and shame and get down to what self-gratification is, what the benefits are, what to watch out for, and how to keep the member is in good shape.

What is Self-gratification?

Self-gratification is a healthy practice in which a person intimately touches their own genitals for pleasure. People self-pleasure for many different reasons, for everything from relaxation to learning about their own bodies. It’s an entirely healthy and normal practice for males and females alike.

Pros of Self-gratification

There are several pros to engaging in self-gratification. Here is a list of the five most common benefits of self-gratification.

1) Release Sensual Tension. The most obvious benefit is to release sensual tension. This can happen anywhere between two people, and if not remedied, can result in paralyzing anxiety and performance fails. Remember that quip in There’s Something About Mary, when Chris Elliot advises Ben Stiller not to go on his date "with a loaded gun," and encourages him to take care of himself first? This is what he was talking about.

2) Reduces Stress. Self-gratification has been shown to lower blood pressure and release dopamine into the system, creating a relaxed mood.

3) Improves Sleep. Many men self-pleasure before bed to get quality shut-eye. Research shows that coming releases a slew of sleep-friendly brain chemicals into the system, most notably norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide and the hormone prolactin. These all cause the body to relax and make the person feel safe; and they also trigger the release of melatonin, the primary hormone that regulates sleep.

4) Improves Body Awareness and Self-Esteem. Self-gratification has also been shown to help people be more in touch with and feel better about their bodies, promote intimacy, and improve communication regarding likes, desires, and dislikes with a partner.

Cons of Self-gratification

While self-gratification is a healthy, positive practice, too much can cause a lot of trouble in a man’s life. Here are a few of the most common drawbacks.

1) Disrupting Daily Life. When self-gratification is a man’s sole focus, he may do irreparable damage his daily life. Missing work, avoiding social events, and using it as a way to avoid relationships are just a few of the ways a man who is stroking excessively will interrupt his life.

2) Chafing. Too much of a good thing is just too much! Even with lubricant, overworking the manhood can cause irritation and chafing, making any contact quite painful.

3) Loss of Sensitivity. As a man’s self-gratification frequency increases, he often has to raise the intensity in order to come. This often results in "death grip," which is where a man grips the member so tightly that it becomes desensitized. Not only is it an ever-growing problem, but intimacy with a partner becomes less pleasurable and often, even initial arousal is difficult.

4) Feelings of Guilt or Shame. Whether it's due to religion, upbringing, trauma or abuse, or from a partner, some men feel guilty or ashamed of self-gratification. A man who feels this way may want to see a therapist to work through these feelings to enjoy a healthy relationship with self-pleasure.

Self-gratification and Male organ health

Self-gratification is a healthy activity that not only feels good but also strengthens and tones the body. Also, men who come regularly have been shown to have lesser instances of prostate cancer. Regular self-pleasure can also enhance intimate relationships with partners.

Men should be sure to properly care for their member after self-gratification. Clean with a mild soap, rise, and apply a moisturizer. Men should use a specially designed male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the member soft, smooth, and ready for action. Look for a crème packed with vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are well-known for their skin-soothing and strengthening properties. Be sure to select a crème that also has a natural base like Shea butter which locks in moisture and keeps it from dryness.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Penis Irritation: 7 Causes and What You Can Do NOW to Find Relief

Penis irritation can be anything from annoying to downright painful. In addition to feeling sore, penile skin can also be red, raw, and embarrassing to show off. The good news is in most situations, the problem can be easily remedied, or even avoided altogether. Following are seven common causes of penis irritation and recommended treatments.

1) Penile Irritation - Irritation can come from a number of different sources. Irritation may be joined by redness and itching. Potentially it’s new underwear, laundry detergent, or body wash that’s causing an issue. To calm the skin, cleanse the penis gently with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use soap or scrub the tender skin. Moisturize, but only with natural products or creams specially formulated to be used on the penis, as perfumes and other ingredients found in regular body and hand lotions can make the irritation worse.

2) Groin Infections - Fungi love to take up residence in warm, moist places such the folds of skin. To avoid infections like the infamous jock itch, keep the area clean and dry. If the fungus has already invaded the nether region, see a doctor or pharmacist for an anti-fungal cream to clear up the infection. Usually, it will take anywhere from 7-10 days for the infection and irritation to clear up completely.

3) Latex Condoms - With one in every six Americans being allergic to latex, latex condom allergies are not at all uncommon. If irritation, redness, and itchiness are noticed specifically following sex with a condom, latex may be to blame. Look for alternate condoms which still protect against STIs and pregnancy but won’t cause penis irritation.

4) Overuse - Sometimes, excessive sex or self-pleasure can cause an irritated penis, with chafing and dry, broken skin. First things first: call a moratorium on penile activity for a bit and resist sexual contact until the penis is back to normal. Use a cool compress to soothe the irritation, and apply a penis health crème to balance the skin. When it’s time to get back in the saddle, be sure to use a high-quality lubricant for vigorous sex and self-play.

5) Balanitis - Balanitis is a skin inflammation affecting the penis head and foreskin that overpoweringly impacts uncircumcised men. It primarily occurs when there's a build-up of smegma under the foreskin. Smegma is a mixture of dead skin cells, body oils, and bacteria that concoct a funky off-white paste and attracts bacteria that infest the tender penis skin. The best way to treat and prevent balanitis is regular and thorough cleaning of the penis daily with a gentle cleanser. If the issue is pretty advanced, a physician will prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection.

6) Psoriasis or eczema - Men who already have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop the same symptoms on the penis. Treating the irritated area with medicated cremes or vitamins A and E for relief.

7) Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) - This cause is the one generally most feared and for good reason. An irritated penis can be a symptom of an STI. Many STIs cause penile irritation, rash, blisters and peeling skin. STIs associated with penis irritation include genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and syphilis. Men who believe they may have contracted an STI should see their doctor or clinic immediately for testing and avoid any sexual contact until the results of the test are known. Once diagnosed, a doctor will prescribe the course of treatment.

Prevent Penis Irritation

Most penis irritations can be prevented with good genital grooming habits and by practicing safe sex. Grooming should include cleansing the penis regularly and thoroughly with a mild cleanser and soft cloth. Keep the groin area dry and air it out frequently - some men prefer to sleep nude to give the penis ample time to cool off and be free.

Regularly moisturizing the penis is also a critical step in penis health. Use a specially created penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) for a clean, fresh, and soft penis. These cremes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E which have properties especially advantageous for penile health and healing. The crème’s base should be a natural moisturizer, like Shea butter, which leaves the penile skin completely hydrated and smooth.

Five Causes of Tingling in the Penis and How to Cope

Tingling in the penis is not something a man should ignore. There are several different types of tingles, and while most are easy to remedy, some can be quite serious. Tingling, as it is referred to in this article, is more of the pins and needles variety and less of the burning sort. The sensation can feel like little pricks in the penis or have the intensity of lightning. The following are some of the things that men should look out for when tingling becomes more than just a momentary phenomenon.

1) Contact Dermatitis - Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction or irritation of the skin from contact with a foreign substance. The most common culprits are soaps, detergents, body lotions, environmental allergens like poison ivy, and jewelry. There may be some tingling in addition to a rash. Usually, a cortisone cream can help clear it up quickly. If the contact dermatitis is the result of a penile piercing, the piercing will need to be removed.

2) Paresthesia - The tingling is a result of nerve damage and is most common in men who have diabetes or a chronic neurological condition like multiple sclerosis. In this case, other parts of the body will also suffer from tingling, not just the penis. See a doctor immediately for medical consultation.

3) Genital Herpes - A tingly penis is a sign of genital herpes. The sensation is often described as "electrical" tingly and is usually accompanied by breakouts on the penis. An incurable STD, genital herpes requires immediate care for outbreak treatment and then maintenance for the infected person’s entire life. While incurable, it can be managed effectively. People with genital herpes need to contact a past partner once they have an outbreak and tell all new intimate partners prior to sexual contact even if they aren't having an outbreak.

4) Genital Warts - genital warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) deserve special mention. Most times, the sensation just before a wart appears is a tingle, but once the wart is visible, the sensation morphs into more of an itch. The bumps can be painless, itchy while growing, and turn bloody during sex. Sadly, 70 percent of people who have sex with someone with HPV will develop warts within 90 days. However, maintaining a healthy level of vitamin A in the diet can greatly reduce the chance of catching and spreading the disease. Various vaccinations can protect men and women from HPV and there are also prescriptions that can help once an outbreak happens. See a doctor as soon as symptoms appear.

5) Kidney Stones - Kidney stones will generally start with pressure and tingling. However, the pain will intensify into more of a stabbing pain until the stone is passed (expect to see a little a blood in the urine) or is surgically removed. Men who think they have a kidney stone should consult their physician immediately.

Preventing and Relieving Tingling in the Penis

Depending on the cause, men who have a tingly penis should always consult a physician if they feel the issue is serious. Proper penis health begins at home though with a few words to the wise when keeping the penis healthy and in best form.

When in intimate situations, practice safe sex and talk about sex with a partner to ensure all pertinent medical information is known. Conditions such as HPV and genital herpes can be contracted while using protection, so it’s important to understand the risk.

Also, keep the penis thoroughly cleaned and well moisturized. Use a mild cleanser like baby shampoo or a clearer with gentle, natural ingredients. After cleansing the skin, a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) should be applied. Nutrient creams that are designed specifically for the penis should contain ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are renowned for their skin-soothing and curative properties. Men should look for a moisturizer containing a natural moisturizer such as Shea butter, which soothes itchy skin on contact and leaves it hydrated, supple and less prone to future drying and itching. For men with nerve damage, a crème that also includes L-Carnitine is ideal as it has been shown to protect against peripheral nerve damage common to diabetes and neurological diseases.