Friday, 3 August 2018

Seven Facts About a Curved Penis

By the time a guy is an adult, he has spent a lot of time getting to know his own penis and so is familiar with its basic appearance. Sometimes, he notices things that make him wonder if he has a normal penis. For many men, it is taking note of the fact that they have a curved penis which raises questions. So, what are some of the basic facts about a curved penis?

1) Some curvature is normal. It’s not at all unusual for a man to have curvature associated with his penis. When soft, the penis often bends a little one way or another, depending on how it has been arranged and how tight-fitting one’s underwear is. And when erect, many men have some slight curvature to the penis so that it lists slightly upward or downward or to the right or left. (By the same token, some men have a perfectly straight penis with no curvature.) A little curvature is no cause for worry.

2) But a severely curved penis is another matter. However, if a man’s penis has an extreme bend to it, that can be a cause for concern. If the curvature is such that it creates difficulty in having penetrative sex, or if there is pain associated with the curved penis when erect, this usually means that a man has a condition known as Peyronie’s disease.

3) The cause is often scarring. Peyronie’s disease typically results when a portion of the penis, known as the tunica albuginea, gets injured and develops scar tissue as it heals. The tunica albuginea forms a "wall" around spongy penile tissue that fills with blood during the erectile process. Heavy scarring prevents the tunica albuginea from expanding fully in the area affected. The rest of the penis expands as usual, but the scarred area expands less, causing the penis to bend.

4) There can be other causes, including reactions to certain medications. There is considerable debate about whether the condition may have a hereditary component in some men.

5) Sometimes a curved penis "unbends." In mild cases of Peyronie’s disease, the condition eventually resolves after a year or so. In more severe cases, treatment may be required. Some medications have proven effective for some men, including one FDA-approved option. In extreme cases, surgery may be offered as an option. Men with Peyronie’s disease should seek help only from a qualified medial professional.

6) Peyronie’s is more likely among older men. This kind of severely curved penis is less common among younger men and more likely to occur at age 50 or later. An estimated five to seven percent of men over the age of 50 are thought to have Peyronie’s disease.

7) It can damage self-esteem. Many men with a significantly curved penis suffer psychologically from it. They may feel shame or concern about how they will be perceived by partners, and this can have a negative effect on their self-esteem. This can in turn lead to erectile issues, as their feelings about the appearance of their penis may impact performance.

Whether one has a curved penis, a slight bend, or no bending at all, the facts are that all members benefit from regular attention to penis health. This can be assisted by daily application of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Scar tissue can sometimes impact penis sensation, so a crème with a neuroprotective ingredient such as l-carnitine is advised to help keep the penis registering sensitivity at a pleasurable level. The best crème will also contain vitamin D, the so-called "miracle vitamin" that helps fight disease and supports healthy cellular function.

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