Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Dry Penis Skin: 5 Reasons It Happens and How to Soothe the Itch

There are few things worse than having a dry penis. Men can experience symptoms ranging from incessant itching, to flaking, rough skin, or a harsh, red and sore rash. This sometimes-painful burden has a habit of popping up at the worst possible times, like before that important date on Saturday night or as the presentation at the board meeting begins. Most men experience dry penis skin at some point in their lives. Luckily, there is a multitude of methods to prevent and combat this common penis problem, so don’t fret. Consider the following potential causes to determine the best plan of action for fighting a dry penis.

- Allergy: Dry penis skin is a common symptom of an undiagnosed allergy. Spermicides, fragrances, soaps, and even laundry detergents are all potential culprits. Men who have a red rash or swelling on the penis after wearing a latex condom during intercourse may be experiencing an allergic reaction to latex. Make sure to read the ingredients list carefully on any products that come in contact with your skin and purchase dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic products when possible.

- Tight Clothing: Wearing tight pants, especially after a sweaty workout, is an invitation to chafing and rubbing of the delicate genital area. Post-exercise, the buildup of moisture creates skin irritation and can turn the penis skin red and inflamed. Wearing pants without underwear creates friction between your skin and the fabric and can lead to dry, flaking crusty skin. One simple remedy is to keep your clothing a little loose, even if it means sacrificing your fashion for your penis skin- it will thank you.

- Penile Yeast Infection: Although generally thought of as a female health problem, yeast infections affect men worldwide. A yeast infection is caused by the fungus candida and causes inflammation. A penile yeast infection can produce a wide variety of symptoms that can include dry, peeling skin and intense itching. If a red rash or thick, white discharge presents itself, consider a visit to the doctor as those symptoms can be indications of a more serious condition, like a sexually transmitted infection.

- Herpes: This virus can cause penis itching, fluid-filled blisters and sores on the skin. The blisters are sometimes translucent and have the appearance of dry, peeling penis skin. If blisters are accompanied by flu-like symptoms and a burning sensation during urination, seek medical treatment.

- Dehydration: A solution to dry, rough penis skin might be as simple as filling up your water bottle more often. In order for our skin to stay soft and supple, our bodies need a constant, steady supply of water. Men should aim to stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep penis skin healthy and moisturized.

Proper hygiene is vital to penis health. Frequent cleansing of the genital area is necessary to ensure the buildup of dirt, grime and bacteria around the penis is removed. While bathing, pay special attention to cleaning between the folds of penile skin, as buildup in that region can cause an unpleasant odor, which is a common penis problem.

After properly washing the genital area, hydrate and smooth your skin with a product made specifically for penis skin, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular penis health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of penis skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which acts as a moisturizer.

Almost as important as hygiene is avoiding touching or itching the dry area, as scratching can introduce infection, and cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed. In some cases, itching can cause the delicate skin to scar. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal penis health.

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