Friday, 30 March 2018

When Not to Use Sildenafil for an Erect Penis

Advances in treatments that enable a man to more easily attain an erect penis have made a huge difference among men in whom erectile dysfunction can be an issue. These developments have had a clear impact on sexual and penis health and have benefitted many, many men (and their partners). One of the more popular treatments involves the drug sildenafil, which is marketed under various popular brand names. While sildenafil can be very effective at helping a man achieve an erect penis, there are times when a guy should refrain from using the drug.

More about sildenafil

Although sildenafil has been used for more than 20 years to help men achieve an erect penis, that was not its original purpose. It is an artificial compound originally developed to treat hypertension and angina. While studying the drug in clinical trials for these conditions, the scientists discovered that men who took the drug developed firm erections a half hour or so after ingesting the drug. This prompted them to change the focus of their studies, to the benefit of millions of men since.

Sildenafil works by helping the smooth muscle of the penis to relax, which opens up penile blood vessels more fully. More blood is able to therefore invade the penis quickly, filling up the spongy tissue which results in an erect penis.

When not to take

Though sildenafil has been very helpful, there are circumstances under which a man should not use the drug. These include the following:

- If erectile dysfunction isn’t a problem. Some men may think they can use sildenafil even if they have no problem getting an erect penis. They may think this could somehow make their erection even harder than it is or that it may enable them to last longer during sex. But studies have indicated that sildenafil provides no real benefit to a man without erectile problems. More importantly, some doctors suggest that using the drug when it’s not needed could over time lead the body to expect and depend on it - so that a man could have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection without using it.

- If it may not be real. Unscrupulous people peddle fake versions of many different drugs - including sildenafil. They usually charge a much cheaper price than one would pay for the real thing, but it doesn’t offer the benefits. And depending on what ingredients are actually in it, a fake version could cause harm. Only use sildenafil prescribed by a qualified and reliable doctor.

- If other conditions are present. Many drugs are good at treating one condition but may exacerbate other conditions. It’s recommended that a man with heart disease, heart attack, stroke, low blood pressure, liver problems and some kinds of vision problems may want to avoid sildenafil. It’s important for a man to check with his doctor to determine if using sildenafil will have a negative impact on other health issues.

- If he is on some other medications. By the same token, some drugs are not meant to be taken at the same time and can cause interactions, some minor and some major. Again, checking with a doctor is advised.

- If partying. Drinking too much alcohol or ingesting illegal substances can potentially cause a problem with sildenafil.

The long and the short of it is that a man should check with his doctor if he has any questions about under what circumstances he should use sildenafil - or any drug, really.

Sildenafil can help give a man an erect penis, but he needs to take other steps to keep it healthy - such as by daily applying a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the equipment. For best results, the crème should include a range of vitamins, like A, B5, C, D and E. It also should include L-arginine, which helps keep penile blood vessels open and ready for increased flow.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

What is a Varicocele and What Does it Mean for Penis Health?

When a man is paying close attention to penis health and attending to proper penis care on a daily basis, he’s usually very quick to spot problems. In most cases, those problems are as simple as dry penis skin or other easily-remedied issues - nothing that a little good penis health crème can’t fix! But some issues are much more concerning and require more attention, such as developing a varicocele.

What’s a varicocele?

As every man knows, there are a lot of blood vessels that run through the penis, scrotum and surrounding areas. This rich blood flow allows for better penis health and regular erections. A varicocele develops when the veins in the scrotum widen and fill up with blood that doesn’t readily drain out as it should. This can result in a variety of problems, including long-term issues if a guy doesn’t visit a doctor as soon as he notices a varicocele.

Varicoceles occur in about 25 percent of men and usually show up between the ages of 13 and 30. Though no one is certain of the cause, it seems that many men - up to 70 percent - have a defect in the veins that prevent them from allowing blood to drain as it should. Other factors might include obesity, wearing restrictive clothing, physical injury, swollen lymph nodes or having a high level of fat in the blood.

Symptoms of a varicocele are hard to miss, as they come on rather quickly and become severe. These include enlarged veins in the scrotum (usually easy to see), swelling, lumps in the scrotum, shrinking testicles, and a deep, aching pain that makes a man’s pelvis feel "full" or "heavy." Infertility can also be a symptom, though most men notice other symptoms well before they run into the problem of being unable to father children.

What to do about it?

A man who notices a varicocele should visit his doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will want to screen for any underlying issues with the blood vessels and veins, as well as treat the varicocele itself. The proper treatment is usually surgery - however, a man shouldn’t be worried about the procedure itself, as it tends to be very simple and quick. It’s important to know, however, that many men require numerous surgeries over the course of their lifetime to treat various varicoceles, and that can eventually mean problems with the nerves that create penis sensation.

It’s also important for a guy to take lifestyle factors into account. He should make a point of wearing only comfortable clothing, never anything too tight, and lose weight if he is carrying extra pounds. He should also check out certain herbs that can enhance blood flow, such as horse-chestnut extract, bilberry, butcher’s broom or gotu kola. Supplements of vitamin C and E can also help maintain the health of the veins.

Whether a man has a problem with his veins or not, it pays to have some insurance against problems, and that means paying very close attention to good penis care. One integral part of that care is a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man should reach for a crème that contains vitamin E, known for keeping skin supple but also a great benefit to blood vessels and veins. Something that contains vitamin C is also great, as this vitamin strengthens vein walls. Another excellent ingredient for those undergoing variococele surgery is alpha lipoic acid, which battles against free radicals and helps preserve the nerve function of the penis and surrounding area.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Erect Penis Fun on Vacation

After working hard every day for months on end, there’s nothing quite like a vacation to make a couple feel happier, more relaxed and more connected to each other. A vacation can be a great way to restore some intimacy in a relationship that may have gotten waylaid simply due to the everyday challenges of making a living. Sure, a guy’s erect penis may have been seeing plenty of action - but sex on a vacation can be a new and different experience. And since penis health depends to some degree on using the equipment so it stays in shape, why not take advantage of a vacation to give that erect penis a very pleasurable workout?

With that in mind, here are some tips to consider.

- Perhaps pick a secluded spot. For those who enjoy the outdoors, it can pay to pick a secluded spot - or at least a location with easy access to secluded spots. Public nudity and sex can be risky, so it should only be attempted in areas where a couple can be sure they won’t be observed. That said, skinny-dipping in a remote lake or stream can be a lovely prelude to sex for a couple. Bringing a blanket and making love hidden in the tall grass of a meadow can be quite enticing. The fresh air can often do wonders, even for an erect penis that already is used to doing wonders itself.

- Or make a spot secluded. One of the advantages of pitching a tent - not speaking metaphorically - is that a couple can carry on in privacy but be surrounded by nature. The scents and sounds of the outdoors, the invigorating air, are all present - but a couple can copulate to their hearts content inside their tent. For the easily embarrassed, it’s a good idea to keep the noise down; and the unashamed exhibitionist can growl like a bear or roar like a lion throughout, as long as they do so where they can’t be seen.

- Role play . Being in a totally new environment can make it easy for a couple to engage in a little role playing. He can be the excitable bellhop delivering suitcases, while she is the heiress who wants to slum with a member of the working class. Or she’s a cheerleader and he’s the quarterback who just won the big game and wants to celebrate. Whatever the scenario, enacting it in a new environment can make it easier to fall into.

- Make a game of sightseeing. Looking at all the attractions of a new place is part of the fun of a vacation - but use daytime sightseeing to enhance nighttime lovemaking. Pick one attraction and whichever person spots it first gets to determine what position will be used in bed that night. Or the number of museums visited times five is the number of minutes a couple must perform oral sex on each other. Let the imagination roam free when creating these games.

- Use that balcony. Many hotel rooms come with balconies which are lovely settings for breakfast, drinks - or sex. If there’s not enough privacy, cuddle up together naked under a blanket on the balcony and surreptitiously masturbate each other.

Vacation sex can make an erect penis very happy, but he’ll be even happier if he’s in good health on the vacation. This requires regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Check out the ingredients and be sure that it contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to keep the penis skin appropriately moisturized. The penis skin will also benefit from a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps keep the skin more youthful by fighting excess free radicals.

Healthy Penis Tips: Avoiding Penis Blisters

When a man wants to maintain a healthy penis, he naturally looks for ways to avoid some of the most common penis problems. Penis blisters might not be that common, but they are certainly an issue that requires addressing in order to maintain the best penis health possible. Here’s what a man needs to know about penis blisters, including how to avoid them and how to treat them.

What are penis blisters?

Penis blisters can be frightening to see on a guy’s favorite equipment. They are just what they sound like - blisters, of the same nature that a person might get on their feet after walking for a long distance in ill-fitting shoes. They might be red or skin-tone. Some are filled with fluid while others appear more firm. They can open up to present red sores, just as a typical blister would. And they can hurt as well, especially when touched by anything, even the lightest touch of very soft underwear or a gentle stream of water in the shower.

What causes them?

There are can be many causes of penis blisters. Here are some of the most common.

1) Rough handling. Whether masturbating too vigorously or coupling with no lube, a guy can easily develop penis blisters and other penis problems through simple friction. Rough handling is probably the top reason a man develops any sort of penis blister, so it behooves the man who wants a healthy penis to invest in a good lubricant.

2) Sexually transmitted infections. These infections often present with a variety of red flags that point to a serious penis problem, such as penis blisters, discharge and pain. Herpes and syphilis are the two biggest culprits, but others can cause blisters as well. It’s important for all sexually active men to get checked for STDs on a regular basis.

3) Skin infections. Some infections of the skin can lead to serious open sores and blisters, especially if a man lets the problem go in the hopes it will resolve on its own. Inflammation of the skin follicles is a common culprit, especially for men who manscape. Another infection that can lead to penis blisters and sores is the yeast infection, which can lead to blisters that look very wet and watery. There might also be a foul odor associated with yeast infections.

4) Scabies or crabs. When dealing with parasites, there is always the chance of infection after getting bitten. Such is the case with scabies and crabs, both of which love to feast on a human’s nether regions. Scratching the bitten areas can lead to even more open cuts and sores, which in turn can lead to blisters, sores and more.

5) Penis cancer. Though this is a very rare reason for penis blisters, it bears talking about to help ensure a man maintains a healthy penis and spots the early signs of penis cancer. Suspicious blisters, spots, moles, sores and the like that seem to have no easily discernable cause might in fact be penis cancer, so a man needs to get checked out if he notices problems that don’t correspond with anything that makes sense - for example, when he has all the signs of a serious STD but he’s never actually had sexual contact.

What’s a man to do when he encounters a penis blister? He should go back through the list of possible reasons and try to figure out which one pertains to his situation. He should also step up his penis care regimen through the daily use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A proper crème will contain important ingredients, such as alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals and vitamin A to fight penis odor, as well as other vitamins and amino acids intended to help maintain a healthy penis.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Rare Penis Rash from Lobomycosis

Rashes of the skin are common and often transitory, and that goes for a penis rash as well. Often one pops up for a day or two and then goes away, not causing a man any untoward concern for his penis health. But in some cases a penis rash is more persistent, something like jock itch, for example. Indeed, there are numerous causes of penis rash, including one which is thankfully rare - something called lobomycosis.

About lobomycosis

A Brazilian dermatologist by the name of Jorge Lobo first described lobomycosis (which explains where the "lobo" part of the name comes from). Lobomycosis is a rare disease, and although it can be found anywhere, the vast majority of cases occur in South and Central America. Among native tribes along the Amazon River, it is given an indigenous name which roughly translates as "that which burns" - which is an unfortunate indicator of just how comfortable lobomycosis can be.

Lobomycosis is a fungal infection, and the fungus which produces it is found primarily in the tropical regions of Latin America - which is why the disease is much less common outside of that zone. The fungus is found in both soil and vegetation, but it is also found in water. Surprisingly, other than humans, the only species which has ever exhibited signs of infection are dolphins.

It is theorized that simply brushing up against the fungus is rarely enough to bring about the infection. Usually, the infection comes when the fungus enters the body - for example, if a man has a wound, or perhaps through ingestion of fungal-infected water (although the latter is not well documented).

Lobomycosis presents initially as a small rash, in the form of papules or lesions, which may itch or burn - but which in some cases do neither. It tends to grow and spread slowly, but it can cover a rather large area of skin given enough time.

Lobomycosis most often appears on hands, feet, face or torso - but in the right circumstances, it can appear on the penis, presenting as a penis rash. It is suspected that in such cases, this may come about from immersion of the penis in fungal-infected water or, more rarely, from a man nakedly coming into contact with infected soil or vegetation. In either case, the penis presumably has a cut through which the fungus enters the area and begins to grow. It is also possible that a thorn prick or an insect bite may open up the area for infection.


Lobomycosis is a rare disorder, especially outside of South and Central America. In most instances, typical anti-fungal creams are ineffective against it; some doctors have reported success with medication known as clofazimine. More often, the lesions need to be removed. This can be done through typical surgical procedures involving cutting them off. It can also be achieved through cryosurgery (freezing them off) or electrosurgery.

Once removed, the lesions rarely come back, so this is one penis rash that is not generally recurrent.

Lobomycosis (or almost any penis rash) may leave penis skin feeling sore or delicate, even after removal. Regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a boost in helping the penis skin to heal more quickly. Since keeping the skin moisturized promotes penis skin healing, the best option is a crème with a combination of both a high-end emollient (many prefer Shea butter) and a naturally occurring hydrator (such as vitamin E). Penis skin also benefits from a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This can help to eliminate excess free radicals which can damage the skin by encouraging oxidative stress.

What Every Man Needs to Know About Blue Balls

There has been some debate over the years about blue balls, the strange phenomenon that afflicts men who get excited but don’t get off in a timely fashion. As penis problems go, this is one that can cause heated debate. On one side of the coin, there are those who claim that blue balls has a detrimental effect on penis health, and that it should be avoided at all costs. On the flip-side, there are those who dismiss the condition as being just another way for a guy to pressure a partner into going further than they had perhaps intended. So who’s right in this scenario?

What is blue balls?

Blue balls is the colloquial term for vasocongestion in the pelvic region. Does that sound like a frightening penis problem? It’s actually pretty simple. As a man gets aroused, more blood rushes to the penis and surrounding tissue. This strong rush of blood is what allows a man to get and maintain an erection. The vessels leading to the penis get a little larger, allowing more blood through, while the vessels leading away become a bit smaller, keeping more blood where it’s needed.

When a man ejaculates, hormones are released that trigger the body to reverse the process. The blood trapped in the area begins to drain away and a man’s body goes back to normal rather quickly. But when a man doesn’t ejaculate, what happens? Sometimes he gets blue balls, or that feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the pelvic region. It can be frustrating and annoying, and yes, a little uncomfortable.

Is blue balls dangerous?

Contrary to what men might say when they’re in the throes of passion and really want to go further, having blue balls won’t cause any long-term damage to a guy’s equipment. Yes, the discomfort is real, and for some men that discomfort might border on pain. But it’s important to remember that the "pain" a man is feeling might be encouraged by psychological factors, especially if he was in the mood to have a frisky time in bed and the partner he chose suddenly decides they aren’t into him after all.

Preventing blue balls

Getting rid of blue balls is quite easy: It’s as simple as taking matters into one’s own hands. Masturbation is the perfect solution for this particular penis problem. Masturbating immediately is the best option; a guy can achieve this with a quick trip to the restroom to take care of the problem. If privacy is not immediately available, no worries - a guy can take his mind off the problem by doing something else in the interim, then taking care of blue balls at the first opportunity. The discomfort might even have dissipated by then.

If a man doesn’t have a chance to masturbate at all, no worries there either. The discomfort will fade away in a short period of time. Though blue balls can be frustrating, there won’t be any permanent damage that results from waiting for a while to get relief.

Whether a man has blue balls or not, it pays to keep the penis in tip-top shape so there are no issues outside of that simple, fleeting discomfort that might result from ejaculation denial. Avoid penis problems by reaching for a high-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The crème should contain a plethora of ingredients known to help sustain penis health, such as amino acids for better blood flow and nerve enhancement, alphia lipoic acid to fight free radicals, and a wealth of vitamins to assist in all of the above. A crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E is also recommended, as these ingredients can provide a serious punch of hydration that keeps penis skin smooth, supple and ready for action.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Peeling and Dry Penis Skin: What it Means

When a guy first notices that his penis skin is a bit dry, it’s not uncommon for him to step up his penis care regimen and use a good penis health crème or moisturizer on a more regular basis than usual. But when that dry skin gets worse and turns into a peeling mess, or when the penis skin begins to get so dry that it turns red and irritated, a guy might start to wonder what kind of problem he has contracted from one of his recent partners. The good news is that in most cases, the reasons for peeling and dry penis skin are pretty simple and can be easily cured.

What causes peeling and dry penis skin?

There can be many reasons why the penis skin becomes so dry that it looks red, or that it seems to begin peeling and cracking. Here are a few of the most common culprits:

- Jock itch. That’s right - old-fashioned jock itch might be the problem. For most men jock itch appears as a rash that spreads and causes unbelievable itching. But for some, the presentation of jock itch is much more subtle and can lead to skin that looks a little red, but doesn’t have a truly discernable rash; it can also lead to skin that is extremely dry and begins to crack or peel. It might also have a scaly appearance, which can make a guy want to scratch and pick at it. The good news is that an antifungal crème can clear up the problem rather quickly. Doctors have plenty of experience with treating jock itch and can prescribe something that is just the right strength to battle the problem without leading to even worse dryness.

- Yeast infections. These infections are more common in women, but men can certainly develop them too, especially if there are underlying medical conditions that compromise their immune system. Yeast infections can lead to peeling and dry penis skin, but they can also lead to a thick discharge, painful urination, redness and inflammation, and of course, itching that just won’t stop. Though over the counter medications are available for this, a man’s first bout of it means he needs to go to the doctor and make certain that is what’s going on before he chooses an over the counter product for treatment.

- Skin allergies. In some cases, skin allergies can go from almost non-existent to rather severe in the span of a few days. This might be the case if a man changes something in his day-to-day life, such as the shower cleanser he uses or the detergent he chooses for his clothing. Allergies to things that come into direct contact with the penis, such as latex condoms, might cause severe cracking, peeling and dryness.

- Skin conditions. Some conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema, usually appear on other parts of the body, but they can show up on the penis. These conditions usually result in significant itching, as well as rashes or scales on the skin. Skin conditions like this need the help of a dermatologist to determine exactly what’s going on and the appropriate treatments for the condition.

No matter what is causing the dry penis skin, it always helps to add more moisture to the skin. A powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can assist in that endeavor. Look specifically for a crème that contains the double-punch of vitamin E and Shea butter. These exceptional moisturizers work synergistically to create the most supple, smooth penis skin any man could want.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Digging Into Male Masturbation Myths

Most men, if not all, masturbate, although there clearly is a wide variation in frequency. Some guys may go months, perhaps even years, between masturbation sessions, while other guys get in a little self-fondling a couple of times a day. And while there can be some penis health benefits to more frequent masturbation, as studies have shown that frequent ejaculations help decrease the risk of prostate cancer, occasional masturbation is still as normal as regular masturbation. Yet, despite how common this practice is, there still persists many myths about masturbation - especially among males. Let’s take a little time to dig out the truth.

- The hairy palms/blindness myths. For many years, boys were told that if they masturbated "too much" (however "too much" might be defined), they would pay for it. One old wives’ tale claimed that they would grow hair on their palms, which would expose their "shameful" practice for the world to see. Another cautioned youths that all that pleasure would come at the cost of their eyesight, as they would masturbate themselves into blindness. Clearly, if there were an ounce of truth to these, the vast majority of men would be bereft of sight and barbers would be making a fortune shaving massive amounts of hair off of hands.

- The baldness myth. Similarly, many guys were told that constantly rubbing their penis would cause all the hair on their head to fall out. So not true, but at least there is something of a basis for this. Some studies have found that masturbation causes the body to produce more dihydrotestosterone, which is linked with hair loss. In addition, loss of protein is associated with hair loss, and semen - the ejaculation of which occurs most of the time when a guy masturbates - contains protein. However, studies have found no evidence at all of increased hair loss between men who masturbate frequently and men who do not.

- The single guy myth. Popular culture promotes the idea that masturbation is a single man’s game and that those who are in a relationship don’t masturbate. That’s simply not true. While there are many men whose masturbation rates go down significantly when they are in a sexually active relationship, there are also many who maintain their previous rate of masturbation. And even among men whose frequency declines, it’s rare that they stop altogether.

- The cereal myth. Some people have been told that they can control their urge to masturbate by eating cereal, especially corn flakes. This goes back to the fact that the man who founded Kellogg’s cereals did indeed believe that his product could discourage what he viewed as a nasty habit. He was wrong, as any number of cereal-eating masturbators can attest.

- The sports myth. Lots of male athletes believe that if they masturbate the night before a big game or sporting event, they’ll be weak and tired the next day. This is only true if a man spends way too much time masturbating when he could be sleeping and getting rest. So it’s not the activity that’s to blame; the same thing would happen if he spent all that time watching TV or reading instead. In fact, masturbation might actually help, as most guys feel more relaxed, less stressed and sleepier after masturbating - and so might have an easier time falling asleep.

Masturbation myths should be dispelled so a man can feel comfortable with enjoying himself. Of course, the pleasure is even better if the penis is healthy, so daily application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is advised. Topical application via crème allows vitamins to more accurately target the penis, so select a crème with vitamins like A, B5, C, D and E. It also pays to utilize a crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid which can help protect against loss of penis sensation from rough handling while masturbating.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Erectile Dysfunction: More Common in Bipolar Men?

Erectile dysfunction is an unfortunate situation that all men would like to avoid. Erectile dysfunction is clearly related to a man’s penis health, and there are several factors which can bring it about. There also are numerous conditions and situations associated with it. Now a recent study suggests that men with a bipolar condition may be at an increased risk of erectile dysfuncytion.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is one of many medical terms with which the general public has a general acquaintance but may not have a great understanding of. Sometimes called manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder is, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), "a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks."

When a person has bipolar disorder, they are frequently subject to changes, often sudden and severe, in their mood, energy and activity levels. If they are experiencing a "manic episode," they are in a very "up" mood, seemingly very happy and energetic. A "depressive" episode means the opposite - a "down" feeling where they feel sad, listless and hopeless. The severity of these moods can change, and a bipolar person can switch between them rapidly sometimes; this is what is known as experiencing "mood swings."

Scientists are still studying and learning more about bipolar disorder, including what causes it. There definitely seems to be a genetic component, although genes alone are not the only cause. Their also seems to be a difference in the way the brain of a bipolar person is structured and functions, compared to the brain of a non-bipolar individual.

Bipolar condition and erectile dysfunction

A study from Taiwan, entitled "Newly Diagnosed Bipolar Disorder and the Subsequent Risk of Erectile Dysfunction: A Nationwide Cohort Study" looked at the data associated with 5,150 men at the time when they were newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The doctors then found data on two non-bipolar men for each identified bipolar man, matching them based on various characteristics (age, background, etc.) They then looked the two groups to see what they could find.

In the control group of non-bipolar men, erectile dysfunction was present in 0.95% of the group. Among the men newly-diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the rate was 2.12%. (Men who were newly diagnosed with bipolar order were used because they would not then have been receiving treatment for their bipolar disorder. Once they begin receiving mediation to treat their bipolar disorder, it is possible that the medication could be the cause of erectile dysfunction, which would skew the results.)

The study does have limitations, of course, and both the 0.95% and 2.12% rates of erectile dysfunction are much smaller than would normally be expected. So it may turn out that men with bipolar disorder do not have a greater risk.

But whatever the case, a man with bipolar disorder or erectile dysfunction (or both) should see the appropriate medical professional to obtain treatment and help. An early diagnosis means that an effective treatment plan can be developed more quickly.

Even if a man has neither bipolar disorder nor erectile dysfunction, he still needs to keep an eye on his penis health. Daily application of a top tier penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. The best crème will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. L-arginine is an amino acid which helps produce nitric oxide; this in turn helps penis blood vessels expand to accommodate increased blood flow. L-carnitine has neuroprotective properties which make it ideal for protecting the penis from loss of sensation from rough handling or over-aggressive activity in bed.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Penis Pimples: What Every Guy Needs to Know

When a man looks down and sees penis pimples, he might be more than a little concerned. That’s especially true if the pimples are accompanied by a sore, red penis that might indicate something more than a benign condition. What’s a man to do when he’s facing such a conundrum? Should he simply step up his penis care, or should he go to the doctor to figure out what’s really going on? And if he does choose to ramp up his penis care, is it okay to pop the pimples in an attempt to make them go away faster? Here’s what a man needs to know.

Most penis pimples are benign

Fortunately, a man who looks down to see penis pimples is probably seeing run-of-the-mill acne, the same type that he might develop on his face or back. As he probably already knows, the acne will resolve on its own. Acne like this usually shows up as small white bumps surrounded by a little red coloration, just as he might see on his face. They will often appear near the base of the penis.

Some men might notice penis pimples that appear in a line, almost like a tiny string of pearls right underneath the penis skin. These often appear around the glans. Though they can look rather off-putting for some men, they are nothing to worry about. These "pimples" are actually pearly penile papules, an entirely benign condition that afflict many men at some point in their lives. Since they don’t cause any problems, most doctors don’t recommend doing anything to remove them.

However, it’s important to recognize that sometimes, acne and papules can mimic the look of sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes is one sexually transmitted disease that can mimic the look of penis pimples at first. Therefore, if a man is encountering penis pimples or papules for the first time, it’s a good idea to visit the doctor and get a second opinion on what those really are.

How to handle penis pimples

Many men will be very tempted to simple squeeze penis pimples to get rid of them, but this is actually the last thing he should do. Squeezing or otherwise disturbing penis pimples can push any small infection deeper into the skin, which can result in a broader infection and a painful, red penis.

Rather than popping the pimples, a man should step up his penis care regimen. He should carefully wash the area, taking care to get the areas with the pimples very clean. Then the application of a physician-approved medication that contains salicylic acid is a great idea. This will help reduce the appearance of the pimples and allow them to heal faster. However, because penis skin is so delicate, a guy should never opt to use an over the counter medication for acne until it is approved for use by his physician.

It’s important to note that if the penis pimples are accompanied by an excessively red penis, itching, pain, discharge or other problems, a guy should seek a physician’s attention immediately.

The use of over the counter medication (or prescription, depending upon the situation) can leave the penis skin dry and red. To help relieve that problem, a man can reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Applied on a daily basis to the penis head and shaft, a good crème will contain Shea butter and vitamin E, the better to hydrate the penis skin and ensure it stays supple and smooth. In addition, a guy can look to a wealth of vitamins with antibacterial properties, such as vitamin A, and alpha lipoic acid, which is known for fighting against the free radicals that can make penis skin look old, tired and dull.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Pantothenic Acid Can Boost Penis Health

Walk down the streets of many a city, and a guy will find an abundance of health food stores and gymnasiums. Clearly, a lot of people are focusing their time and efforts on improving their health - and, if they are guys, on improving their penis health as well. Part of this renewed emphasis on health includes being aware of vitamins, nutrients and other ingredients that can have an impact on health (and penis health). One of the lesser known penis health boosters a guy should know about is called pantothenic acid.

What is it?

If pantothenic acid is a bit of a mouthful, just substitute vitamin B5; they’re the same thing. Pantothenic acid is both a water soluble vitamin and a vital nutrient. It is available in supplemental form, but it also can be found freely in the diet. Those who enjoy whole grains have easy access to this vitamin, which is also plentiful in mushrooms, liver, egg yolks, sunflower seeds and many dried foods.

Pantothenic acid is very important in digestion, which in turn increases the body’s ability to convert food into energy. And teenagers may especially want to get their pantothenic acid, as it helps to fight the skin oils that clog pores and create acne.

Penis health

And how does this vitamin help with penis health specifically? Well, in a number of ways.

First, pantothenic acid helps boost hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin is the protein in blood that is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. Oxygen-rich blood helps to keep all tissues healthier, including those tissues in the penis. In addition, oxygen-rich blood is better able to help in the production of a firm erection for sexual purposes.

Second, the vitamin also is known to help bolster the immune system and regulate stress. When a man feels stress, it also has a negative impact on his ability to create and maintain an erection. And a healthier immune system means that a man is less likely to be ill; sickness has a tendency to sap a man’s libido.

Third, the heart benefits from appropriate levels of pantothenic acid. This ingredient helps the body lower bad cholesterol levels, as well as blood pressure. Both these factors help protect heart health. Good cardiac quality is instrumental in pumping sufficient blood to the penis for erectile purposes.

Fourth, testosterone production is impacted by this vitamin’s presence - and this important hormone can make a difference where the sex drive is concerned.

Finally, pantothenic acid is beneficial in reducing fatigue and keeping energy up. Since vigorous sexual escapades require resilience, this can be especially welcome in sexually active men - or men who wish to be more sexually active.

Of course, one vitamin cannot provide all the health benefits that a man - or his penis -requires. It should be part of a regimen that introduces other vitamins and nutrients to the body, as well as an appropriate amount of physical exercise. Consulting a doctor to determine what changes to make in these areas is a good first step.

One relatively easy way to add pantothenic acid to a man’s penis health regimen is to regularly apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the organ. Clearly, it pays to search through all the ingredients in the crème and make sure that either vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is included in the list. For even better results, the crème should also include vitamin A (which helps fight persistent penis odor) and L-arginine, an amino acid that is very good at producing nitric oxide to help keep penis blood vessels open.

What to Do About Penis Pain During Sex

When a man feels penis pain, he obviously wants to end the situation as soon as possible. But what happens when a guy feels penis pain during what should be the very pleasurable experience of sex with a partner? Many men might try to soldier through the pain in the hopes that it’s just a fluke or it will go away, and they only think about penis care later, when the pain has become almost too much to bear.

It’s important to remember that penis pain at any time is cause for concern. Unless a man knows exactly what is causing it and can quickly remedy the penis problem, he should pay close attention to penis pain - up to and including a trip to the doctor to figure out the problem.

What causes penis pain during sex?

If a man experiences intense sensitivity of his penis right after sex, that’s actually normal. That’s because the nerve endings are overloaded with sensation, and they’re having trouble "calming down" to normal. But pain during sex itself is a different story. Here are some issues that might lead to penis pain:

1) The foreskin might not be retracting. A painfully tight foreskin is known as phimosis, and it can cause serious problems during sex. As the friction tries to force it back, the pain only intensifies. Treatment involves a trip to the doctor to explore the options for loosening the foreskin, is possible.

2) A man has Peyronie’s disease. When small areas of plaque or scar tissue build up in the penis thanks to trauma or rough handling, an abnormal curvature of the penis can result. This penis problem can result in painful sex, or actually impede a man’s ability to have partner sex at all.

3) Inflammation and infection. If the penis is very red, and that redness is accompanied by pain, burning, itching and other sensations that definitely do not mean pleasure, a guy could have an infection of some kind. This is especially true if he is also experiencing discharge.

4) Neuropathy might be the problem. When a man suffers from unusual penis pain, such as shooting pains, tingling, numbness, or burning, he could be suffering from neuropathy, a condition in which the nerves of the penis (and some other parts of the body) don’t respond appropriately to sensation. This is more common in those who suffer from medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes.

5) Prostate problems. A guy might suffer from inflammation of the prostate, which can lead to problems with urination and sex. However, a guy who suffers from pain during sex is probably dealing with more than the typical prostate problems many men experience as they age. That’s another reason why it’s so important to visit a doctor when a man experiences penis pain during sex, as it might be an underlying problem.

6) Simple issues of lube. A guy who gets it on without adequate lubrication is setting himself up for some serious penis pain, especially if his sexual encounter lasts for a long time. A man who doesn’t use lube often rubs his penis raw, and that rawness can lead to serious pain. It’s also good to note that if a man is hurting, his partner probably is too - so lube is a good idea for everybody involved.

No matter what is causing the penis pain, many a penis problem can be avoided or improved by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E is especially recommended, as these two wonderful ingredients provide a serious punch of hydration that will help a guy get back on a more pleasurable track.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Penis Bumps? Look Into Purpura as Cause

Although penis skin is generally smooth, penis bumps are not uncommon. Sometimes they can be pale and hard to see, which is often the case with benign Fordyce spots. Other times they may be large and obvious, as is often the case with hives or warts. And although they are harmless, sometimes they can be a signal that something is not right, which is why searching for and examining penis bumps is part of a good penis care strategy. One potential cause to add to the list is purpura, a fairly common condition.

About purpura

Purpura is a name given to a wide variety of skin discolorations that comes about from small blood vessels breaking. The blood leaking from the vessels forms spots, often raised. There are basically three different kinds of purpura:

- Petechiae are very small bumps, no more than 3 mm across, usually red, brown or purple in color.

- Ecchymoses are larger than petechiae, measuring at least 1 cm and resembling bruises.

- Palpable purpura refers to situations where blood vessels become inflamed in addition to breaking.

Purpuras usually appear in clusters - rarely is there just one purpura in a given area at a given time.

Is it dangerous?

A guy may wonder whether he should be concerned about penis bumps (or bumps elsewhere on the body) caused by purpura. That depends on the cause of the purpura, and for that he definitely needs to see a doctor.

Often purpura results from an autoimmune disorder in which the body starts attacking its own platelets, which causes the bleeding. This is usually not serious, although it can be if the bleeding occurs in an area such as the brain.

Purpura can also come about as a side effect of certain medications, transfusions, infections, lack of vitamin C or as a result of conditions like HIV, hepatitis C, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Epstein-Barr syndrome, and rubella, among others.

Some of these causes can be very serious, while others are relatively benign. But that is why it is important to visit a doctor and get a proper diagnosis. That diagnosis will also let the doctor know how to treat the purpura.


In some cases, no treatment is required, or the treatment may be minimal, such as switching medications. In other cases, more prolonged or involved treatment is necessary. Corticosteroids are often used to treat purpura, with treatment typically lasting from two to six weeks.

If the purpura is resulting in more severe bleeding, doctors often treat with an intravenous application of immunoglobin. There are also drugs used to help boost platelet production, if it is determined that low platelet production is a chronic or continuing problem.

Sometimes, especially when a person has a condition known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura, the purpura can come and go throughout their life (although once diagnosed, it can be managed to minimize the number of occurrences). In some cases, this can require lifestyle changes, such as avoiding some contact sports.

When penis bumps occur due to pupura, it is possible that it may impact a man’s sex life. The bumps themselves may be off-putting to a partner, who may worry if they are contagious or indicate an underlying problem. But sometimes the penis bumps may worsen when a man engages in vigorous sex (either with a partner or alone), as the physical activity may cause more purpura. So again, seeking a doctor's advice is recommended.

Penis bumps, whether from purpura or not, often may cause a bit of soreness when the penis is active. Using a high quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can provide some relief. Definitely find a crème with a combination of Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator), as the combination of moisturizers can prove vey soothing. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, whose antioxidant properties battle the excess free radicals that can weaken penis skin cells.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Don’t Let a Bent Penis Lead to Depression

Men with a severely bent penis, a condition frequently known as Peyronie’s disease, often experience some penis health challenges. Men and their doctors usually focus on the physical difficulties and complications of having a substantially bent penis, but there can be complications in other areas as well. Perhaps most prominently, men with Peyronie’s disease may find themselves experiencing significant levels of depression. Left unchecked, depression can become a terrible burden.

How bent?

In Peyronie’s disease, the penis is severely bent. But just how bent is that? After all, many millions of men have some degree of curvature to their penis when it is erect, and that’s perfectly normal. There isn’t really a cut-off point for when a bent penis becomes Peyronie’s disease. Instead, a diagnosis of Peyronie’s often depends on whether the degree of curvature is such that it impedes or prevents penetrative sex, or that it causes painful erections.

Most of the time, Peyronie’s disease occurs when the penis endures trauma. It can be one big trauma (such as being hit in the groin by a fastball) or it can be numerous smaller traumas (such as over-aggressive handling during partner sex or masturbation). When such trauma occurs, the damaged tissue heals itself by laying down a layer of plaque. But the plaque is not as flexible and pliable as the damaged tissue and cannot stretch in the same way. Thus, when the penis becomes erect, the undamaged portions extend as they usually do; however, the damaged section stops expanding after a certain point, causing the penis to bend in that direction.


Clearly, the penis is of great importance to a man; for some men, a great deal of their feelings about themselves and their masculinity relate to the penis. A very bent penis can make a man feel his penis is deformed or make him worry about what his partner(s) may think of it. And in some cases, the bending physically prevents the man from engaging in penetrative sex. All this can lead a man into feelings of depression. One survey of 98 men with Peyronie’s disease found that 48% of them were clinically depressed.

Many people, especially men, have a very difficult time acknowledging depression and therefore have difficulty getting treatment for it. The very best thing a man with depression can do is to seek help from a professional, such as a psychotherapist or a social worker. A professional can help a man work through the issues causing depression and recommend strategies for dealing with it.

In addition, the following tips can help fight depression:

- Focus on the positive. Identify things that are going well and keep them in focus.

- Socialize . In general, people feel better when they do not isolate themselves.

- Talk about it. Find a trusted, non-judgmental friend or lover and talk about Peyronie’s and why it is bringing about feelings of depression.

- Laugh. Studies prove that laughter really can help alleviate symptoms of depression.

- Watch the diet. Certain food and drink choices can influence depression. Alcohol, for example, can easily worsen depression. On the other hand, foods with omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and mackerel, and those rich in B vitamins, like leafy green vegetables, can help lighten a person’s mood.

Depression isn’t the only complication of a bent penis, of course. Regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help to address some of the other issues. For example, penis skin needs to be as supple and elastic as possible; a crème with vitamin C, which helps promote elasticity in penis skin, can be a boost in this area. In addition, plaque build-up can sometimes lead to a diminished sensation in the penis. A crème with L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient, is better positioned to help restore some of that lost sensitivity.

Penis Protection: A Day at the Nude Beach

Most guys start fantasizing about it before they’ve even hit puberty: spending some time at a nude beach. The aspect of being naked in public is enticing, but it’s nothing compared to the thought of being surrounded by other people in the all-together. Surprisingly, outside of dedicated nudists, there actually aren’t as many men who make a visit to a nude beach as one might think. But anyone considering such a trip needs to keep good penis care in mind, because some extra penis protection is going to be called for.

Things to consider

When making plans for that nude beach visit, there are a number of things to consider to keep penis protection at an adequate level. The following checklist is a good start.

- Consult the weather. As is probably obvious, one of the chief reasons for increased penis protection is the fact that the penis (and balls, and butt, for that matter) are likely to sunburn more easily than other parts of the body. Since they have (presumably) not had the same kind of exposure to strong rays of sun, their delicate skin is going to be more susceptible to burning more quickly. It always pays to consult the weather forecast before going to the beach, but it’s even more crucial when going nude. It may be best to choose a day when the sky is partially cloudy and the sun’s rays won’t be as strong. If a full-on sun day is chosen, be prepared to cover up more quickly. It may also pay to go at the beginning or end of the day, when the sun is not at its strongest.

- Be picky about sunscreen. A guy may be less concerned about sunscreen used on other parts of the body, but when selecting something for the penis, he needs to take special care. First, a lotion with a high SPF is necessary - it should measure at least 45, if not higher. It should also be labelled as having "broad spectrum UVA" protection, indicating it helps screen out both UVA and UVB rays. It also needs to be water resistant - but even water resistant lotions should be reapplied regularly, especially after swimming. Spray-ons are frowned upon, as it’s easy to miss a few spots, which could give the penis a dotted look. And be sure the chosen protection does not include harsh fragrances or chemicals.

- Provide coverage. The point of a nude beach is to let it all hang out - but extended periods of exposure can result in burning. For most beginner guys, a half hour is about the maximum amount of time; after that, lie on the stomach for a while or drape a towel across the mid-section. Then after 15 or 20 minutes, treat the penis to some more sunshine for a half hour or so.

- Pack some aloe. Often, in spite of best efforts at penis protection, a guy ends up with a painfully red member. This can happen while still at the beach, so don’t wait to get home to attend to it. Bring some aloe to the beach and apply it as necessary. (And then cover up the penis; the aloe helps relieve the burn but doesn’t prevent further burning.)

It pays to consider appropriate penis protection when at the nude beach, but if redness does develop, be sure to have on hand a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When the crème has a combination of hydrating agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, it can help to soothe dried, burnt penis skin. The crème should also contain vitamin D, sometimes called a miracle vitamin because of its role in the healing process.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Antiperspirants: A Cause of Penis Odor?

When the pants come off, a man wants to feel confident that his partner(s) are impressed with what he has to present. Not surprisingly, a man may concentrate on making a good impression visually, emphasizing perhaps his length or girth, or the appeal of his penis skin (which demonstrates his attention to proper penis care), or the obvious firmness of his erection.

But no matter how impressive the visual, it can all be shot to hell if his manhood gives off an unfortunate strong penis odor. Battling persistent penis odor can be a challenge for many men, due to the multiplicity of causes. And surprisingly, one of those causes may be antiperspirants, of all things.

Start with sweat

If a guy is going to look into penis odor, he has to start with sweat. While there can be other factors - such as, say, a fungal infection or a urinary tract issue - the most common cause of penis odor is the presence of sweat. (The emphasis is on the presence of sweat rather than sweat itself for a key reason: sweat doesn’t really smell. Bacteria are what cause unpleasant odor, but the bacteria doesn’t release that odor until it mingles with sweat.)

Sweat clearly is more common in a warm area, and the penis is in what might be considered the "tropics" of the body. Not only is it wrapped under (usually) two layers of clothing - underwear and pants, either or both of which may be very tight, thereby increasing the amount of heat - but the pubic hair surrounding it adds a further layer of insulation. Add to this the fact that when a man has an erection, the increased blood flow bumps the temperature up, and it’s easy to see why the penis is a heat factory producing sweat even before any activity begins. Once a man engages in physical activity, whether walking or playing football, the heat simply increases - and so does the sweat.


But why should antiperspirants affect penis odor? Aren’t they designed to stop sweat in the first place? And besides, antiperspirants aren’t designed for the penis; they’re meant to be used under the arms.

Both of those things are true. But let’s look at how antiperspirants work.

Deodorants work by killing the bacteria that combines with sweat to produce odor. Antiperspirants kill bacteria, but they also stop or reduce sweat itself, by temporarily blocking the pores that allow sweat to flow. So when antiperspirant is used under the arms, it stops (or at least reduces) sweat from leaving the underarms.

The problem is that all that sweat still needs to leave the body, so it has to find other places where antiperspirant has not been used - such as, say, the penis. So when a guy uses antiperspirants, he’s solving underarm odor but adding to penis odor.

Antiperspirants are important to blocking general body odor, so a man who finds them effective at this shouldn’t necessarily stop. But he does need to up his game when it comes to stemming the penis odor. He definitely needs to bathe regularly, paying special attention to the penis, and wear looser, less restrictive clothes made of natural fibers that allow the skin to breathe. And he should air out his penis, ideally for a couple of hours every day.

In addition, a guy whose use of antiperspirants may increase his penis odor should try to reduce the bacteria in his crotch. An aide in this area is the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), a neuroprotective ingredient, is better positioned to help restore some of that lost sensitivity. The crème should include vitamin A, which has known anti-bacterial properties that can help in the fight against persistent penis odor. Healthier penis skin can also be useful, so the crème should include antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid which strengthen skin by fighting against oxidative stress.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Can Allergies Dampen an Erect Penis?

Spring is on its way, and that means warmer weather, more sunshine, flowers beginning to blossom, and - uh-oh - spring allergies. Allergies can be a royal pain in posterior, what with the sneezing, the red, runny nose, the watery eyes, and the itching. But at least allergies aren’t something that can affect a guy’s prized penis health, right? Actually, and surprisingly, for some men, allergies can have a dampening effect on their otherwise proudly erect penis.

The allergies themselves

Clearly, the symptoms associated with spring allergies don’t have much of a direct impact on a man’s erect penis. Yet there can be some associations. For example, a sneezing fit can weaken the hardness of an erection, sometimes to the point of the penis becoming flaccid again. Similarly, distractions - sneezing, itching, etc. - can cause a man to lose focus during sex, which can also have some small effect on his erection.

More likely, however, an erect penis could be affected by the overall fatigue that can accompany allergies. When a man cannot sleep well, that tiredness doesn’t just manifest itself in falling asleep at work; it can weaken his libido as well.

Treatment takes its toll

But while allergies themselves can be a problem, a man is actually more likely to find his erect penis softening due to treatments he takes for his allergies.

Take antihistamines, for example. This medication is one of the most commonly recommended for the 50 million or so Americans who suffer from allergies. And they are a lifesaver for many, opening up a direct line to the central nervous system and sending it messages that help it avoid the stimuli that lead to coughing and sneezing.

The problem is that that same message leads to a general drowsiness in the body and mind - and that makes a guy feel less "in the mood’ than he would when wide awake and alert. Also, by telling the central nervous system to avoid coughing stimuli, it also tells it to avoid other stimuli, such as those that make a man feel aroused.

That’s not to say that a guy can’t get an erect penis while taking antihistamines - but it does mean his body has to put up more of a fight to make it happen.


To complicate matters, antihistamines often are taken in conjunction with a drug known as pseudoephedrine. And this drug - which again, is very helpful with allergies - does its job by causing blood vessels to narrow.

But guess what? Narrow blood vessels are one of the worst enemies of an erect penis. The penis wants its blood vessels to expand and open when an erection is desired; that’s what helps the penis fill up with blood, enabling it to expand and harden.

So the very medications that help a guy contend with his allergies make him less of a contender for an erect penis experience. If this becomes a big issue, a man might want to talk to his doctor to see if there are other alternatives that he can use.

Allergies may have less impact on an erect penis if it is in prime health already. One way to help maintain penis health is via the regular application of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For the best results, select a crème that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. An amino acid, L-arginine helps the body produce nitric oxide, which in turns helps penile blood vessels open and expand, facilitating the needed flow of blood to the organ. And L-carnitine has neuroprotective properties, which are very beneficial if a man is experiencing loss of sensation in his penis due to rough handling of the equipment.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Why Amino Acids Matter for Penis Health

When it comes to keeping a healthy penis, few things are as easy - but also as important - as applying a good penis health crème every day. But what is it, exactly, that makes these crèmes so important? When it comes to penis care and keeping penis skin smooth and supple, there are a number of ingredients that matter, including vitamin E and Shea butter. But other ingredients work not only on the skin itself, but underneath the skin as well, imparting a wealth of benefits. Among these ingredients are powerful amino acids.

What are amino acids?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which in turn are the building blocks of the body itself. Amino acids serve numerous functions, including assisting the body in the most basic and important functions, such as preserving nerve endings and enhancing circulation.

Here are two of the most common amino acids for a healthy penis, and why they matter so much:

- L-arginine. When in the body, L-arginine is an integral part of the process of creating nitric oxide. This natural enzyme is responsible for many things, including balancing the nervous system and enhancing cardiac function. It does this by allowing the blood vessels to dilate more easily, which then allows for more and better blood flow throughout the body. This is also true in the smallest vessels, such as those that run through the penis. In fact, L-arginine is vitally important when it comes to erectile function, as good cardiovascular health can make a significant difference in the frequency and quality of a man’s erections.

- L-carnitine. This vital amino acid is well-known among body builders, as it provides lots of benefits that lead to better muscle mass and function. L-carnitine is necessary for boosting testosterone levels, improving fertility and helping to oxygenate the entire body. Obviously, all these things matter to a man who is concerned about keeping a healthy penis. Testosterone levels play a role in a man’s desire, which in turn can mean that he stays more sexually active. A boost in fertility is excellent for those men who want to eventually get a partner pregnant. And the oxygenation of the body includes those smaller blood vessels, such as those that fill the penis. Besides that, the extra oxygen is important when it comes to the nerve endings in the penis, as they need plenty of oxygenated blood flowing through the penis in order to work in tip-top shape.

It’s clear that these two amino acids matter for penis care, as they help protect the penis from nerve damage, improve sensation, provide for better blood flow, boost testosterone and more. But they are also important for overall health; remember, cardiovascular disease is quite common these days, especially among the population in America. Any little bit helps, and amino acids like L-arginine and L-carnitine are proven to directly fight vascular issues through the rich oxygen in the blood and the relaxing of the blood vessels, thus allowing that oxygen to reach more cells.

But how to get these amino acids? Sure, a man can use an oral supplement, and that will certainly help. A man can also use a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Obviously the best crème will include these amino acids, but it will also include a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, as well as a plethora of vitamins dedicated to the cause of healthy penis skin, such as vitamin E, vitamin A for odor control, vitamin C and D for overall health and more.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Penis Health Primer: Too Tired for Sex?

When a man is in the mood to get it on, sometimes his body just doesn’t agree. That’s often the case when a man really wants to enjoy a little sexual pleasure but he’s just too tired to bother. From ignoring the need to masturbate to telling a loving partner, "Not tonight, honey," a guy might find himself saying no to sex over and over again. If that’s the case, there is something going on - and he needs to figure out what it is, not just for his own peace of mind (and his partner’s!), but for the sake of his good penis care. After all, regular orgasms are necessary to "exercise" the organ and keep it in tip-top shape.

Too tired for sex?

Let’s be honest: Sex is one of the most enjoyable things in life, and many a man thinks about it at least every day, if not multiple times each day. So it must be something serious to make him too tired for sex, right? Here are some of the issues that might lead to being too tired and other penis problems that are associated with it.

- Not enough sleep. When a man doesn’t get enough sleep, it has a detrimental effect to every system of the body, including his penis health. But besides the simple fatigue that comes from not getting enough sleep, the lack of shut-eye can also lead to significantly less testosterone in the body, which in turn makes a man even more tired. It also affects his levels of desire in an adverse way.

- Insurmountable stress. When a guy faces burnout, lots of things happen. A man has more difficulty making decisions, insomnia and fatigue, anger and distress, a suppressed immune system and no desire for sexual activity - and that’s all just for starters. Stress is the number one cause of many problems for men, but when it comes to sexual function, it’s a true game-changer.

- Relationship issues. When a man has sudden penis problems, it might mean that he’s dealing with something psychological. If a guy is also dealing with serious fatigue - the kind that means he would rather go to sleep than talk to his partner - the two might be related. Sometimes relationship issues can lead to a loss of libido that is so extreme it makes a man subconsciously avoid intimacy with that person.

- Problems with nutrition. A guy who isn’t eating enough, or isn’t eating the right foods, can suffer from serious fatigue that makes him too tired to engage in many things, including sex. This can also be the case if a man is getting plenty to eat but it’s all the wrong things, such as the guy who lives on fast food and never touches a fresh veggie. Nutrition problems should be evaluated by a physician.

- Underlying medical conditions. Some men might have an underlying medical problem that translates into penis problems. For instance, a guy with diabetes might be tired all the time because his blood sugar is too high, which means his cells don’t get the energy they need. Or a guy might suffer from serious depression, and as a result, he feels the bone-deep fatigue that makes him want to stay in bed all day - but not do anything in that bed but sleep. Only time spent at the doctor’s office can lead to an investigation and diagnosis of these kind of problems.

Whether a man is really tired or full of energy, he should always strive to protect his penis health by engaging in excellent penis care. He can do this by reaching for a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good crème will contain multiple vitamins and nutrients, including amino acids for overall health, vitamin E and Shea butter for softness, and a plethora of vitamins to maintain tip-top health for the penis.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Fighting Penis Odor: Simple Strategies

Ah, the senses! These five friends play a huge role in every person’s life, including the state of their sex lives. Unfortunately, so many men tend to focus on how they affect one particular sense - for instance, sight, or how their physical presence registers with a potential or existing partner -that they often neglect the impact a man can have on the other four senses. But in fact, the other senses can play a big role in how a man is perceived by another. For example, a man who has a noticeable penis odor is going to be a turn-off no matter how physically imposing he may be. That’s why a man needs to develop and maintain penis care strategies that address the problem of unwanted penis odor.

The penis odor problem

It’s true that not every aroma that emanates from a manly penis is a problem. A certain amount of manly muskiness can have an intoxicatingly erotic effect on partners and can actually be a benefit. But when that aroma becomes an actual stench, some serious strategies are called for to fight it.

And it’s natural that penis odor should be a problem. After all, the sweat glands in the area are those that produce an acrid odor (rather than the more neutral-smelling sweat glands found on arms and legs). And the heat generated by a thick thatch of pubic hair, plus two layers of clothing, means that odor is guaranteed.


So what are some strategies to keep penis odor at bay?

- Wash it off. Number one and very basic - be sure to wash the area regularly. And not just with a quick water rinse. Use a gentle but effective cleanser to really clean it off. Do not use soap with strong chemicals or scents; this can irritate delicate penis skin, and the pseudo-scents from the soap can actually worsen the odor. Also, be sure to wash the penis after sex - whether with a partner or after solo play.

- Dry it off. Putting clothes on a wet penis is inviting a fungal infection to develop - and that will simply worsen the penis odor problem.

- Wash the clothes. Sure, when he was a schoolboy, a guy could get away with wearing his underwear for a couple of days running or with donning the same pair of jeans day after day. Now that he’s a man, those days are over. A clean pair of underwear every day is a must, and if trousers must be worn two or three days before being washed, at least space it out so that those days are not consecutive.

- Air it out. Assuming a guy has access to some privacy, he should air his penis out every day. Sleeping in the nude is an easy way to accomplish this.

- Change the bedclothes. Putting fresh linen on the bed at least once a week is crucial; otherwise, the penis will absorb odors that accumulate in the sheets rather quickly.

- Use care when selecting clothes. Clothes that are too tight make the penis sweat more, as do trousers that are too heavy. Lightweight pants that give the penis a little room can help cut down on persistent odor situations. Artificial fabrics, like rayon, don’t allow the skin to breathe; natural fibers like cotton are much better.

- Manscape. Either keeping the pubic hair neatly trimmed or shaving it down to the skin can help cut down on the heat quotient in the area, and thus on the sweat and aroma.

- One of the most important strategies to fight penis odor is to daily apply a high quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the member. The crème must contain vitamin A, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that combat the bacteria that causes unruly penis odor. It also pays to use a crème with alpha lipoic acid, as that antioxidant will strengthen penis skin by fighting excess free radicals.

Can Stem Cells Increase Penis Size?

Although there is no factual link between a man’s penis size and his sexual prowess,millions of men(and women) continue to conflate the two. It’s no surprise, then, that many men are obsessed with their penis size, sometimes going to extreme lengths that could imperil their penis health in order to add some extra length or girth to their member. Many have gotten rich by playing on the vanity and insecurity of men who want a bigger penis, creating products that by and large do not live up to their promise of increasing the size of a guy’s member. But several news stories recently talked about a new process one man has tried - using stem cells to enhance his penis size.

About stem cells

What exactly are stem cells? They are early-stage biological cells which can form other, more specific cells. So think of them as being like a lump of clay. When a sculptor starts out, he has this clay which could become just about anything. He can mold it into a dog, a human head, a bench - whatever he wants. Similarly, a stem cell has the potential to turn into any of a variety of other cells.

There are two kind of stem cells, embryonic and adult. Adult stem cells have the potential to create a whole organ from just a few cells because of their replication ability.

Adult stem cells are most easily obtained from three places: the bone marrow, body fat and blood. A scientist gets stem cells from bone marrow by drilling into the bone; from fat tissue by way of liposuction; and from blood by extracting the blood and then separating out the stem cells.

Penis size

So what kind of connection could stem cells have with penis size? Well, there already have been some small studies that look at stem cells and erectile dysfunction. One study took stem cells from body fat and injected them into the penises of men suffering from impotence. All 21 of the study subjects reported erectile improvement, some of them to the degree that they could achieve erections without other medical assistance.

Recently, an individual - at his own insistence, not due to a doctor or scientist - had his penis injected with stem cells to see if it would affect his penis size. The theory seems to be that because stem cells recreate themselves so well and so quickly, they would therefore increase his penis size.

However, there has been nothing in previous studies of stem cells to indicate that a mere injection could have this kind of focused effect. The subject claims that he indeed is bigger now - but he also admits he hasn’t taken a ruler and actually officially measured himself. (If he were part of an official study, pre- and post-treatment measurements would be obtained.)

More importantly, this man underwent an entirely experimental procedure that has no FDA approval and was not set up with safety protocols in place. (Fortunately, he seems to be doing fine.)

It is possible that scientists will create and conduct evidence-based clinical trials to look at the viability of stem cell therapy to enhance penis size. But for the present, it is not an accepted procedure.

Penis size, whether stem cell-enhanced or not, is not as important as the health of the organ. More men need to focus on applying a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. It’s best to look at the ingredients carefully and to select one that contains powerful moisturizing ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. Also, a crème with vitamin A is recommended, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that help fight persistent penis odor.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

An Erect Penis Problem Following Surgery

When a man experiences erect penis problems, it has a big impact on his sex life. Even men who are meticulous about their penis health may end up having an erect penis issue, through no fault of their own, and that can be frustrating and dispiriting. One little-known issue can be orgasmic dysfunction brought about by surgery to the pelvis. Read on to learn more about this concern.

Pelvic surgery

First, it pays to consider reasons why a man might need pelvic surgery at all. There can be a number of reasons.

Sometimes, a man requires surgery because he has a severe cause of urinary incontinence, that is, he can no longer control when he releases his urine. When there is a bladder issue, such as a stone or an obstruction, surgery is sometimes required. Prostate cancer often requires a surgical procedure, as do complications affecting the penis, scrotum, urinary tract, etc. And sometimes the pelvic area simply suffers a significant trauma with damages to an extent that surgery is necessary. All of these would be considered forms of pelvic surgery.


While pelvic surgery is often ultimately harmless, as with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of complications. Although it is known that such surgery can sometimes cause complications that affect the erectile process, it is less commonly known that sometimes a man can have a complication from pelvic surgery that specifically affects his orgasmic function.

Not the same thing

While many men also use "ejaculation" or one of its synonyms to mean the same thing as "orgasm," in fact they are not the same. Ejaculation specifically refers to the expulsion of semen from the penis. Orgasm refers to the climactic pleasurable sensation that occurs from sexual stimulation. In most cases, orgasm and ejaculation occur simultaneously, but not always. A man can have ejaculation without orgasm, and, less typically, vice versa.

Orgasmic dysfunction is typically broken down into several categories:

- Anorgasmia refers to a situation in which there is a total absence of orgasm during sexual stimulation.

- Dysorgasmia means that a person is capable of having an orgasm, but there is typically pain associated with it. The degree of pain may range from minor to quite severe.

- Climacturia is also called orgasm-associated incontinence and it means that when a man ejaculates, he also leaks urine. The amount of urine leaked can vary.

Both anorgasmia and dysorgasmia may also be associated with an ejaculatory issue, as well as an orgasmic one. Climacturia almost always involves ejaculation, but there are some rare occasions when a man orgasms without ejaculation but does leak urine anyway.

Data on orgasmic dysfunction after pelvis surgery is hard to come by, and there are no evidence-validated tools for measuring and defining orgasmic dysfunction, making it even more difficult to understand the issue. However, if a man does find that he is having an orgasmic problem, even if he has a fully erect penis and ejaculates forcefully, he should contact his urologist to discuss the situation, determine the specific cause and outline a treatment strategy.

Orgasmic dysfunction is thankfully a rare erect penis issue. In some instances, penis sensitivity may be at fault, so regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is in order. The wise man will select a crème that includes acetyl L-carnitine among its ingredients. This wonderful amino acid has neuroprotective properties that help prevent and restore diminished sensation due to rough handling. The best crème will also include a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, to provide healthy protection to the penis.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Dispelling the Myths about Penile Fracture

It’s the fear that lurks in the back of every man’s mind: The painful problem of penile fracture. Horror stories abound of men who were simply enjoying a little bit of sexual congress with a partner only to suddenly find themselves in agony, thinking only of how long it will take to get to the emergency room. Most penis problems can be eased with good penis care, but a penile fracture is an entirely different beast - it happens quickly, without warning, and must be addressed immediately to avoid long-term damage.

But how does penile fracture happen, considering that there is actually no bone in the penis? And does it mean that a man’s sexual life is over for good? Here are some of the myths about penile fracture and the truth about the matter.

1) Penile fracture only happens to younger men . Though younger men might be more at risk for penile fracture because they might be more adventurous in bed, don’t rule out the risk for older men as well. Penile fractures can happen to anyone, no matter their age. It has nothing to do with the age of a man, but rather, the angle at which the penis pushes against something unyielding, like a pelvic bone.

2) Penile fracture always brings immediate pain. Not necessarily. Though many penile fractures are severe enough to cause instantaneous pain, some are mild enough that they don’t lead to pain within seconds - rather, a man will feel discomfort that gets worse and worse. If a man is in severe pain an hour later, he shouldn’t discount the possibility of a penile fracture. It’s also important to remember that while some penile fractures can happen with a loud ‘popping’ sound, sometimes that sound is not present or isn’t noticed in the heat of the moment.

3) Penile fracture requires surgery. This is true, unfortunately. It’s because of where the fracture usually occurs. Obviously there is no bone in the penis; however, the penis gets hard through blood flow into the corpora cavernosa, two spongy areas of tissue on either side of the penis. The membrane surrounding these areas is called the tunica albuginea. It’s that membrane that breaks during a penile fracture. In order to fix the problem, a physician will make an incision in the penis to repair the membrane.

4) It only occurs in the woman on top position. Though this is the most common way a penile fracture occurs, the truth is that the fractures can happen in a variety of situations. They can even occur when a man is vigorously masturbating and his hand happens to land the wrong way around the shaft! Of course, it can also happen as the result of trauma, such as during contact sports.

5) A penile fracture will never heal properly. Fractures can heal well as long as a man gets immediate attention. However, he might be at risk for Peyronie’s disease, where the penis bends at an extreme angle. That’s why it’s so important to not only get immediate care, but also to keep up with all follow-up care recommended by the surgeon or physician.

As a man’s penis is healing from penile fracture - or as he is dealing with any other penis problems - he needs all the help he can get. That means a man should reach for a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for a crème that includes a wealth of vitamins and nutrients designed for healthy skin and healing, such as vitamin D and C for skin care, vitamin A for bacteria fighting and Shea butter for the smoothest, most supple skin imaginable. A guy should also look for amino acids like L-arginine for better blood flow and L-carnitine to help protect the delicate nerve endings of the penis.

Understanding the 5 Most Common Penis Rashes

Here’s a disheartening fact: Penis rashes are going to happen to a guy at some point. Every man, at some point in their lives, will deal with the worrisome look of a penis rash and might also suffer from penile itching as well. Getting to the bottom of what causes the most common penis rashes can help a man quickly determine whether he has a penis rash that requires a little extra penis care, or whether he has a more serious problem that warrants a visit to the doctor.

The most common penis rashes

The good news is that penis rashes are usually caused by a variety of benign factors that can be easily remedied. Here’s what a man needs to know about the most common causes:

1) Simple heat. This rash can be quite annoying, but the good news is that it goes away very quickly without any further intervention beyond extra penis care for a few days. Heat rashes are caused by getting hot and sweaty, especially while wearing restrictive clothing. The rash will often be flat and warm to the touch, or it might be slightly raised and irritated, depending upon how long it has been there. A heat rash can be remedied through a cool shower, careful moisturizing and letting the area "air out" by going without clothing for a while.

2) Jock itch. As the name implies, this isn’t just a rash. It can also lead to serious penile itching, which is usually what tips a guy off to the diagnosis. This is actually very common for men, and can occur often if a guy frequents the gym or skimps even the slightest bit on his daily hygiene. Jock itch is caused by the same fungus that causes athlete’s foot. There are many over the counter treatments available that will quickly ease the problem.

3) Yeast infections. This rash can be a red and painful one, especially if it is accompanied by painful urination and serious penile itching. Yeast infections can be contracted through sexual contact, but they can also happen all on their own, often thanks to underlying medical conditions that might make the body more hospitable to bacteria. Just as with jock itch, a yeast infection often responds very favorably to over the counter treatments, but it is important to get a doctor’s opinion, as some of these rashes can be quite stubborn!

4) Common irritants. Men who suffer from unidentifiable penis rashes might be dealing with something in their environment that sparks an allergic reaction in the skin. Penis rashes from irritants can include a new detergent, a new type of soap or cleanser, a new partner’s perfume, the use of latex condoms and spermicides, and anything else that might come into contact with the delicate penis skin. Once the irritant has been determined, stop using it and watch the rash disappear.

5) Simple irritation. Sometimes a guy gets it on for a long time with a partner, indulges in a marathon masturbation session or otherwise does something for long enough to irritate the skin. In fact, even wearing an unfamiliar pair of jeans for too long can result in contact irritations that lead to red, raised and sometimes painful rashes. The good news is that the rash will go away on its own without much more than regular penis care; however, if it lingers for more than a day or so, it’s time to visit the doctor to ensure it’s nothing more serious.

As any guy knows, penis rashes come with the territory. But how a guy deals with them can help ensure they go away quickly and he can show off his smooth, handsome penis once more. To that end, as a guy is healing from a penis rash he should reach for an extra dose of a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains vitamins C and D for healing, vitamin A for fighting against odor-causing bacteria and vitamin E for maximum skin softness is a sure bet for healthier penis skin.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Exploring Masturbation Positions

Although the results vary, numerous surveys have proven that most men masturbate. A recent one found that 96% of men admitted to masturbating; the only thing surprising here is that the answer is not 100%. The survey also found that its respondents said they masturbate, on average, 4 times per week. That’s a lot of time spent on masturbation, which is perfectly fine; masturbation is an enjoyable way to spend some time and helps with penis health by keeping the equipment in good shape.

But if a guy does spend a lot of time with his masturbation, it means he may get a little bored. If that happens, it may mean it’s time for a guy to switch things up a little to make the experience fresh again. One way to do that is to explore some different positions for masturbation.


Humans are creatures of habit; as a species, we tend to like the familiar. But at the same time, we can get bored if things become too familiar - so switching up masturbation positions is very logical.

Starting with the basics, here are some positions a guy can try to add variety to their self-stimulation.

- Lying on the back. One of the favorite positions, this classic allows plenty of room for movement and is comfortable as well. It’s an especially good position for men who enjoy masturbating to mental fantasies; closing his eyes in this prone position can often enhance the intensity of the fantasy.

- Sitting in a chair. Always popular, this is probably the position of choice among men who surf online porn while masturbating. For many men, masturbating with their legs spread allows the penis and balls to flop around in a pleasing way.

- Standing up. While this can be tiring when engaging in marathon masturbation sessions, standing up gives a session a sense of freedom. With the body in contact with nothing except the floor, there’s a different feeling with this position; plus, it allows mobility, as a guy can walk around while stroking.

- Lying face down. Lying on the stomach allows a man to masturbate by rubbing the penis against the bedsheets or a pillow, thrusting in a manner that imitates intercourse. Some also prefer to thrust in and out of their fist in this position.

- Using an ottoman. An ottoman - which is like a backless chair - can enable a guy to try a very different position. Sit on the ottoman with legs out, then bend backwards so until the head is on the floor. This position resembles an arch, with the penis at the top of the arch. The position can be hard on the back, so take care with this one and don’t use it for too long a time.

- Kneeling. Kneeling gives a guy a different perspective, which can help when he’s changing up his masturbation game. Some guys also bend over while kneeling so that they’re on all fours, then raise one hand and use it to masturbate from this position.

- Upside down. Although not recommended for those with flexibility issues, this position can really shake things up. For this, a guy should lie on his back with his knees pulled in and his butt against a wall. He walks his legs up the wall, then raises his butt and pushes himself closer to the wall. Ideally, only the upper half of his torso and his head will remain on the floor. Warning: Masturbation in this position may mean that his ejaculate may land on his face.

These masturbation positions can liven things up, but to be best prepared, a man should regularly use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since enthusiastic masturbation can lead to a raw penis, the selected crème needs to include moisturizers like vitamin E and Shea butter. It should also contain vitamin C, which helps to promote greater tone and elasticity in penis skin.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Penis Implants: A Primer for Concerned Men

In most cases, erectile dysfunction can be treated via a variety of methods, including natural options, medical treatments and medications. But for some men, the doctor might bring up the idea of penis implants - and that means a guy has a lot of in-depth research to do on the subject. Those who do choose penis implants might wonder many things, such as what it will do to his penis size and function, what kind of penis care will be required, and much more. Here’s what a man needs to know about penis implants.

How penis implants work

The vast majority of penis implants today are inflatable. They are designed with an empty cylinder that fits inside the penis, a reservoir of saline inserted near the bladder, and a small pump hidden within or near the scrotum. When a man manually activates the pump, the saline in the reservoir is sent into the empty cylinder, thus making him ready for action. When the deed is done, he can simply reverse the pump and the saline will flow back into the reservoir.

As a bonus, when the penis is not erect, no one can tell a man has an implant. This can help him avoid questions from friends or not-so-discreet individuals at the gym.

There is another type of implant, known as the malleable type, which has fallen out of use in recent years. The malleable implant is a semi-rigid rod inserted into the penis, which means a man has at least a half-erection all the time. As a guy might imagine, this can be embarrassing or uncomfortable; that’s part of the reason this particular implant is not commonly offered today.

Benefits of penis implants

Many men who have penis implants see a great improvement in their sex lives. In fact, studies have shown that 89% of men are happy with their choice to get an implant. It’s a very promising way to restart a sex life that was held back by erectile dysfunction, and many men find that the hardness is pleasing. Those who suffered from severe Peyronie’s disease tend to be some of the happiest with their decision, as the penis implants can remove the curvature and extend the penis length.

Dangers of penis implants

However, there are dangers associated with any surgery, especially one in an area as delicate as this. And getting a penis implant is a permanent decision, as a man will never again be able to get an erection without the help of a pump. Over time, the pump components could begin to break down, which might mean a second surgery to replace them. There is also often a concern about nerve damage.

Most men find that some of their biggest complaints stem from the way the penis looks after the procedure. Since the implant doesn’t completely fill the penis, the saline doesn’t reach all the way up to the glans, and so the tip of the penis looks different during arousal than it used to. Besides that, the pump might actually reduce the penis size a bit by decreasing the length during erections.

On the other hand, men are also aware that without the implant, they might not be able to have sex again at all, regardless of their size. For most, having a smaller penis size is a good trade-off to being able to enjoy sexual relations again.

When a man has an implant, penis care often remains the same - he should take care to provide his delicate penis skin with the nutrients it needs. He can do this through the daily use of a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should specifically look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, the better to provide ample hydration. Another great ingredient is alpha lipoic acid, which fights against the free radicals that can make penis skin look older and less resilient.