It’s somewhat ironic that as our culture has become ever more obsessed with physical appearance, and with a renewed emphasis on gyms and diets, that obesity has continued to grow as a problem for so many people. It’s common knowledge nowadays that obesity can be a significant deterrent to general health, but it also can have an impact on penis health. For example, a man who suffers from obesity may also find he is experiencing a loss in penis sensation levels - and that can keep him from enjoying sex to the optimum extent.
A growing problem
The National Institutes for Health estimates that 1 in 3 American adults are classified as officially obese. (Obesity is defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or above.) Although the U.S. government has been promoting efforts to bring the obesity rate down to 15%, no state in the most recent survey scored lower than 20.5%. And the trend shows obesity getting worse rather than better.
Why is obesity concerning? Because it can have a big negative impact on a person’s life. Heart attack, stroke and diabetes are some of the complications that are more likely to be associated with obesity. And obesity can also lead to a decrease in penis sensation.
Why a penis sensation effect?
Obesity is generally associated with several problems which can result in penis sensation loss.
- Circulation. Often when a person is obese, they are eating a not-so-good diet. For example, high-fat, high-cholesterol diets can create a situation in which arteries become clogged, severely impacting circulation of the blood. In addition, the extra body mass brought about by obesity can put physical pressure on many blood vessels, further impacting their ability to let blood circulate properly. This can result in passing feelings of numbness in the extremities - including the penis.
- Blood vessel damage. As time goes on, the damage to the blood vessels can become more pronounced. This is especially likely to occur if a person develops diabetes as a result of their obesity. When a person has diabetes, they need assistance in managing blood sugar (glucose) levels. Improperly managed blood sugar can result in tissue deterioration and destruction, often in the blood vessels themselves. This again impacts circulation, which can lead to parts of the body - such as the penis - not getting sufficient blood and therefore not having proper sensation.
- Nerves. Blood vessels are not the only tissues affected by improper glucose levels; so are nerve tissues. Severe deterioration can lead to diabetic neuropathy, in which affected nerves cannot respond to the same level of stimulus as they did in the past. When this occurs in the penis, it means strokes and touches that may have produced pleasurable penis sensation in the past no longer do so, or no longer do so to the same degree.
Fighting obesity can be hard. It generally requires a commitment to dietary changes and incorporating more physical activity into the daily routine. Men who are obese are urged to work with their doctor to develop a sensible plan that can help them bring their weight down to healthier levels. This will not only help avoid loss of penis sensation but can also help them improve their overall health.
Penis sensation diminishment can be caused by things other than obesity, such as aggressive or rough handling of the penis during partner sex or masturbation. Daily utilization of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be helpful. It’s essential that the crème contains an amino acid known as acetyl L-carnitine. This neuroprotective ingredient can help protect against loss of penis sensation due to rough handling. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that protects against penis skin damage from excess free radicals.
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