Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Done Too Soon: What it Means for Penis Health

Sure, it’s embarrassing to be in the midst of a sexual encounter and suddenly realize the climax is going to come way too soon. So soon, in fact, that early ejaculation means an abrupt stop to part of the activity. Suave men know to keep the action going through other means, but it still leads to many questions about penis health. What’s interesting is that early ejaculation often is not a problem with penis care or penis health; rather, it’s a problem of not knowing the body well enough to be able to control the problem.

Of course, this is not always the case; there are some men who will indeed have a penis health issue that leads to early ejaculation as one of the symptoms. But in most cases, early ejaculation can be remedied with time and patience, not with medications or treatments.

What causes early ejaculation?

It’s quite easy to say that early ejaculation has to do with being a novice in bed, or not having nearly enough experience with a new partner. And in some cases, that might be entirely true. But that particular scenario doesn’t explain why it happens to men of all ages, even those who have decades of experience under their belts. It also doesn’t explain why sometimes it happens, and other times, it doesn’t.

The common thread among men who deal with early ejaculation is a question of timing. For instance, how long are they trying to last? For some men, lasting for an hour or more is asking the impossible, even if they do everything they can to prolong the experience. Today’s society seems to expect that men are virile at all times, able to last as long as they want and of course, be able to perform in a wide variety of ways to keep their partners happy. But as most men are very aware, life doesn’t always work out the way the media and society suggests it should!

Unfortunately, what might be a perfectly natural thing becomes something that appears to be a problem. When a man has an early ejaculation - that is, an ejaculation that occurs within a few minutes of starting sexual play - a man might experience feelings of frustration, worries about his performance, short term or long term depression, anxiety, negative feelings between partners, and even questions about whether he deserves to have a satisfying sex life.

How to overcome early ejaculation

Rather than allow these emotions to frame the experience, it’s much better for a man to view sexual activity as being on a continuum of pleasure, one that has peaks and valleys. For instance, a man who deals with early ejaculation might draw confidence from masturbating before sexual activity with a partner, or accepting his early ejaculation as just part of the experience and continuing on to another ejaculation later in the session.

It’s also important that a man develop his manual and oral pleasuring skills, so that he doesn’t wind up unsure of what to do after that first climax. If he can begin to see that first ejaculation as just the beginning, he is bound to have a much better time - and it’s safe to say his partner will be quite thrilled!

No matter how a man chooses to approach the issue of early ejaculation, it’s important to remember that this might not be a penis health issue at all. But penis care is still vitally important, which is why a man should always have a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on hand. A good crème can help ensure a man’s skin stays supple, sensitive and smooth with the application of Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as other nutrients proven to help improve penis health.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

How to Protect Against Penis Injury While Riding a Bike

Many men love bike riding, and why not? It’s not only a great physical exercise, but it can be done in a wide variety of places - mostly outdoors, along some of the most scenic routes a man could ever hope to find. For some, bike riding isn’t just exercise. It’s a way to relax and refresh the soul. So it can definitely come as a dismaying surprise when a man learns that all his penis care might be for naught if he’s not paying attention to the potential penis injury bike riding could cause.

Common penis injury from bike riding

Many men who bike for long distances become accustomed to soreness or some level of penis pain, especially when they spend some of that time resting on the seat of the bike. But do those men really understand what that discomfort is all about?

Numerous studies have been conducted on the question of penis function among those who often ride bikes, and the results are sobering. In one study, 61% of riders reported feeling numbness in the genital area after a ride, while 19% of those men complained of problems with erectile dysfunction. Further testing revealed that 70% of the men in the study suffered from a lack of proper blood supply to the penis during and immediately after their ride.

This might be because when a man rides a bike, the seat pushes against the genitals in such a way that it slows the blood flow that is usually running through that area. It’s also the blood flow that is responsible for making a man hard when he gets excited. Though that blood flow might ‘bounce back’ immediately at first, over time and many bike rides, the area can become permanently damaged, leading to decreased blood flow at all times and eventually, to problems like penis pain and erectile dysfunction.

How to solve the penis injury problem

Fortunately, there are some things a man can do to protect his penis while still enjoying the ride. First, he should speak with a professional bike trainer to make sure his seat and handlebars are properly aligned, thus taking some pressure off the groin. He can also look for a padded seat or an alternative shaped seat, both of which can help reduce the pressure. Padded shorts can also help.

Many people love to ride a bike outdoors because of the scenery and fresh air. However, a man who is dealing with erectile dysfunction issues or penis pain might want to go to the gym, where he can use a recumbent bike to avoid the pressure on his groin that leads to these problems.

When a man chooses to take a long bike ride, he should take frequent breaks to get off the bike, walk around and let blood flow in the groin return to normal. But what about men who race their bikes? Those guy should look to their trainers for advice on how to best alleviate the blood flow problems without sacrificing their speed and distance on the bike.

A man can also help keep his penis in better shape by reaching for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains L-arginine, known for helping to increase blood flow, as well as L-carnitine, known for protecting the penis from nerve damage, is always a good idea. Other vitamins can help the skin "breathe" and Shea butter with vitamin E can provide the hydration the skin needs, especially if it becomes chapped and sore from hours on the bike.

Penis Rash Can Come from Dry Weather

Winter is in full swing, so it’s time for hot cocoa and roaring fires. Many couples find that snuggling up together to keep warm increases their friskiness quotient, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, sometimes winter and the dry weather that tends to accompany it can bring about some not-so-welcome penis rash situations. So if this annoying (and frankly unattractive) penis care issue comes about, what does a man need to know?

Dry weather

Not every locale has dry weather in winter, but in many places colder weather typically is less humid than in warmer weather. Why should this be? There is a scientific explanation for it, involving the fact that higher temperatures encourage water molecules in the air to become water vapor - but basically cold air just has a much harder time holding as much moisture as warm air. This isn’t just a problem when outdoors, either. The air inside a house is also likely to be drier during cold winter months, and many heating systems actually decrease the humidity inside even further.

Dry skin

When there’s dry weather, skin also becomes dry. This is a matter of common sense; while much of skin moisture comes from the oils and liquids that the body itself creates, the moisture is supplemented by humidity in the air. When the humidity is too low, the air actually draws out some of the moisture on the skin, rather than adding to it.

But the dry weather also prevents the skin from making as much moisture as it should. When it’s cold outside, the body naturally loses heat to the atmosphere. That loss of heat tends to refocus blood away from the skin and more toward internal organs. As this happens, the pores on the skin close up, so that less heat can escape. This means the moisturizing agents in the body can’t get out so easily onto the skin where they are needed.

And that’s not all. Many people like to escape from the bitter cold by soaking in a nice, hot tub. This can feel soothing, but it can have a negative effect. Water that is too hot actually depletes the skin of its natural oils; so does using soaps that are too harsh.

Penis rash

Even though the penis is (usually) hidden away beneath two layers of protective clothing and not directly exposed to dry weather, it still can easily be affected, even if not to the extent that exposed skin is. All the dry air tends to lead to penis rash conditions.

This is especially true for people who have a tendency to suffer from eczema. The excessively dry weather can be an easy trigger, and people who tend to get eczema on the penis should be wary. Even if a full-fledged penis rash doesn’t develop, often a man may find his penis skin is dry and flaky - which is a look very few men can really rock.

There are several things a guy can do to help prevent or treat penis rash due to dry weather. Staying hydrated is very important; even though people tend to sweat less in the winter, the body still loses moisture and needs replenishment. Keep sugar consumption moderate, as too much sugar further decreases skin resilience.

Especially important in avoiding penis rash in dry weather is to keep the penis skin well moisturized. This can easily be accomplished via the daily application of a high quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Moisturization goals will be best attained if the crème has a combination of both a high-end emollient and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid can reduce skin damage and penis rash likelihood by fighting excess free radicals.

Monday, 29 January 2018

How L-Arginine Can Help Protect a Healthy Penis

When a man is angling for the best possible penis care, he will often try a variety of methods and regimens before he settles on something that works for him. Part of that regimen should always be a good penis health crème. But how to choose the right crème when there are so many out there? A guy can do the best job in choosing a crème through looking at the ingredients. They should be all-natural ingredients filled with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, all of which aid in creating healthy penis skin. One of those very important ingredients is L-Arginine.

What is L-Arginine?

L-Arginine is a powerful amino acid the body needs for many functions. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein; without them, there are dire long-term consequences. Amino acids provide the body with energy, contribute to neurological function, improve recovery times after injury, keep the immune system ready to fight and help with good cardiovascular health.

L-Arginine plays several important roles in addition to these. It helps the body produce insulin, aids in eliminating waste through the kidneys, and relaxes the blood vessels through the production of nitrous oxide. This relaxing of the vessels allows blood to flow more freely through the body, especially the smaller vessels that feed the kidneys, brain, eyes and of course, the penis.

Related to this are some of the problems that L-Arginine is famous for helping to treat and prevent. Migraines and severe headaches are often relieved by the relaxing of the blood vessels; it does the same for high blood pressure and heart failure. And because it allows more blood to flow freely to the brain, it can play a role in helping to present dementia and other neurological problems.

But what about the penis? As mentioned earlier, those smaller blood vessels in the body need to be relaxed to allow proper blood flow. When the vessels are relaxed, a large influx of blood is easy to handle; that means a man can get and maintain an impressive erection. If the blood vessels are tense, blocked with plaque or otherwise unhealthy, a man might notice a lessening of his erections, taking longer to get hard, or losing the erection at key moments during intimacy. A healthy dose of L-Arginine, inside and out, can help prevent this from happening.

Where to get L-Arginine?

Fortunately, L-Arginine is available in many tasty foods. These include poultry, meat and fish. Dairy products are also loaded with this important amino acid. Vegetarians or vegans can find plenty of L-Arginine in nuts and vegetables. If that’s not enough, they can seek out a supplement, much like one that bodybuilders use.

In addition, L-Arginine can be found in a great penis health crème. It’s important for a man to choose his crème wisely, as other ingredients might mask the good benefits. For instance, a crème that contains anything he can’t pronounce, or a crème that contains fragrances, artificial colors and the like should be avoided at all costs. The only thing the penis needs is natural ingredients, of which L-Arginine is certainly one.

When looking for the best possible penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), a man should keep a few other things in mind. Another vital animo acid is L-Carnitine, which is great for protecting the peripheral nerves that can enhance penis sensitivity. Vitamin E and Shea butter both pack a hydrating punch; if a crème has both, all the better, because these work synergistically to provide the best results. Vitamin A for odor control, vitamin B5 for better health and vitamins D and C are also great for ensuring a healthy penis. Apply the crème daily and watch the benefits show up over the coming days and weeks!

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Jock Itch and Hair Growth Treatment: Connected?

One of the more promising recent trends has been growing acceptance of bald heads as desirable. Many men now shave their heads because they and those around them perceive it as sexy. But there are still plenty of bald or balding men who take the opposite approach, using hair growth treatments to try to stimulate new growth. It’s definitely a personal decision, but in some rare cases, opting for hair growth treatments may possibly bring about a minor penis health concern: jock itch.

Hair growth

There are many different kinds of hair growth treatments out there, but one of the most popular is the drug finasteride. Marketed under a number of brand names, finasteride was originally created as a treatment for enlarged prostates. However, it has also been approved for use in treating hair loss. According to Wikipedia, use of finasteride slows down hair loss and can improve hair retention by about 30% over a six-month period. So it’s easy to see why men who are experiencing hair loss concerns may investigate finasteride as part of their hair growth plan.

Of course, just about every medication has some side effect or potential side effect, although exactly what that effect may be depends very much on the individual person. There have, however, been a few reports from individuals taking this medication that have subsequently developed jock itch.

These reports are not published in medical journals, so they haven’t been scientifically verified. It may be that these people developed jock itch for reasons having nothing to do with their hair growth treatments. However, finasteride does seem to have some effect on hormone production, and hormones do seem to have an effect on fungal development (and jock itch is a fungus). But all this is very murky and unclear right now. Still, it’s worth knowing so that a man who is using finasteride can keep an eye out for signs of jock itch and treat it properly if it does appear.

Jock itch

As mentioned, jock itch is a fungus, essentially a yeast infection. As the name implies, the primary characteristic is an itchiness which can be quite severe at times. Jock itch is not especially serious, but it can be very annoying.

Jock itch most often occurs in the groin area, including the thighs. It presents as a red, ring-shaped rash. The fungus thrives in warm, moist areas, so the penis and its environs are ideal for its growth. It is spread from person to person contact, or from coming into contact with surfaces or materials used by a person with the fungus. In men, jock itch is often spread by sharing towels or clothing. It is also a close cousin of athlete’s foot, so treating athlete’s foot can help prevent jock itch. Often a person may scratch his itchy foot and then scratch his groin, transferring the fungus in the process.

Over-the-counter treatments can help get rid of the fungus that causes jock itch. Other medications may help soothe the itching while the rash is still present.

Jock itch, whether there’s a possible hair growth connection or not, is a major pain. It can be helpful to use a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help soothe the itchiness and keep the penis skin healthy and strong. It’s best to find a crème that contains a combination of superior moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). Penis skin also needs protection from the oxidative stress that excess free radicals can cause. A crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can be a big help in this area.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Penis Exercise Can Impact Penis Function

Spending time at the gym helps a guy keep his body in better physical shape, and even though it can be tough, most men appreciate the difference it can make. And just as regular exercise can play a big role in overall health, so can penis exercise contribute to penis health and function. Guys concerned about penis function may want to consider initiating a penis exercise regimen to see what changes it may bring about.

Use it or lose it

For some men, the only penis exercise that they need is regular sex, whether with a partner or with their own hand. The saying "use it or lose it" does have application to good penis function. By engaging in sexual activities, the penis is "put through its paces" like a racehorse, and that does indeed help keep the various parts active, engaged and exercised. So by all means, a guy should include sufficient sex activity in his penis exercise routine.


But for some men, a little more effort may be needed to work on penis function issues. For example, if a man tends to ejaculate more quickly than he would like, he may want to include some edging exercises in his routine. Edging involves masturbating the penis until it is almost ready to ejaculate and then stopping. After the urge to ejaculate subsides, the man resumes masturbating, bringing himself again to the brink of ejaculating and stopping again. The idea is to repeat this process several times before giving in to the need to ejaculate. Many men find that practicing edging over a period of time does help them delay their ejaculations during partner-based sex. As a side benefit, ejaculating after edging for an extended period of time often produces a more intense orgasm.


Kegel exercises are very popular and (unlike edging) can be done anywhere, anytime - without anyone being aware of them. A guy’s PC (pubococcygeus) muscle has several functions. It plays a role in helping the erectile process and it also helps maintain or interrupt the flow of urine. When a guy is urinating and suddenly needs to stop, he squeezes the PC muscle to shut off the flow. The squeezing and releasing of the PC muscle is known as doing a Kegel exercise.

Kegels can strengthen the PC muscle, which in turn strengthens the penis. The best way to do this is to start slow and progressively build. One repetition would consist of squeezing the PC muscle shut, holding it two-three seconds, then releasing for two-three seconds. Start by doing one set of five repetitions and do three sets over the course of a day. The number of sets and repetitions should increase over time.

Kegels plus

Once a guy is used to regular Kegels, he may want to challenge himself with Kegel-Plus exercises. For these, more privacy is needed than for regular Kegels. A guy needs to give himself an erection, then place a washcloth or small towel on it for extra weight. He should then contract and release his PC muscles as with regular Kegels. The added weight gives more of a work-out to the muscle.

Penis function involves more than simple exercise, of course, but these exercises are often valuable. As with any physical exertion, there may be soreness, so using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged. Look for a crème that is going to soothe the tired penis via the presence of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). It also helps to use a crème with L-carnitine. Edging too roughly can sometimes de-sensitize a penis, and L-carnitine’s neuroprotective properties can help restore lost sensation.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Common Causes of a Red Penis

Many men equate a red penis to serious penis problems, but that’s not often the case. In most cases, a red penis is simply a natural phenomenon, especially when a man is aroused. In this case, the penis becomes red because the little blood vessels in the penis engorge with blood to help keep a man hard, and that leads to a hue that might be everything from light pinkish color to almost a dark purple. Any color along that spectrum is reason to celebrate, for it indicates a man has exercised excellent penis care, and his red penis is an indication of good health!

But what about the man who has a red penis when he’s not aroused? Many men worry that a red penis spells serious penis problems. Here’s what a man needs to look out for when his red penis just won’t go away.

1) Serious overuse. Sometimes a man loves to get it on more than once…or twice…and he might wind up with a seriously overused penis as a result. Whether it’s from sex with his favorite exciting partner or masturbation that goes on and on, a guy will sometimes wind up with an irritated, red penis that also feels sore and tender to the touch. In a case like this, a guy can rest assured those little irritations will go away - but in the meantime, he needs to step up his penis care and make a point of using a penis health crème to ease the soreness.

2) Infections. This is definitely one of those penis problems that needs attention immediately. In most cases, a red penis is not the only sign of an infection - there might also be serious itching, soreness, discharge, pain upon urination, and even significant heat in the penis, thanks to the inflammation. There might also be a rash on the penis and surrounding area. In this case, a man needs to visit the doctor as soon as possible to get the appropriate treatment.

3) Balanitis. This is a condition common among intact men, though it can happen to any guy. It’s an inflammation caused by yeast infections, psoriasis, an allergic reaction or poor hygiene. Balanitis can turn a penis bright red and lead to serious discomfort and even pain. The best way to treat the problem is to visit a doctor to rule out any infections, then proceed to step up the hygiene and penis care game to keep the penis as clean as possible.

4) Allergies. The penis skin is quite delicate, and that’s great for sensitivity - but it can also lead to unfortunate penis problems. The use of a new cleanser in the shower or a new detergent in the washer can be enough to spark and allergic reaction that results in an itchy, red penis. Allergies can also come from other places, such as the condoms a man uses during intimacy, underwear made of a new fabric, or even taking a vacation to a place where the pollen and other local irritants don’t agree with a guy’s skin. Treatment for allergens includes figuring out what the culprit is and then how to avoid it - and if it can’t be avoided, getting treatment to lessen the symptoms it causes.

No matter the worrisome reasons for a red penis, a man can lessen the worries by regular use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A guy should look for a crème with vitamins C and D, both of which are great for overall skin health, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E for a punch of hydration that can soothe the red, irritated penis.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Does a Bent Penis Indicate Possible Cancer?

Few things make a man more nervous than the possibility of something seriously wrong with his penis - and things rarely get more serious than cancer. Where penis health is concerned, worry about cancer is way up there. Fortunately, penis cancer is rare, responsible for only about 1% of all cancer cases in men. But that doesn’t decrease its ability to strike fear in a man. And some men may have become especially concerned recently when articles began appearing that seem to link a bent penis to an increased likelihood of contracting cancer.

The study

These articles were largely based on a study published in the medical journal Fertility & Sterility. The data was first presented at the American Society for Reproductive Cancer Scientific Congress.

Entitled "Increased risk of cancer among men with Peyronie’s disease," the study examined whether there was a clinical link between Peyronie’s disease and genetically-linked conditions, such as cancer. It was a retrospective cohort study, which means that it looked at existing data among a group of men and mined the data for information (as opposed to setting up a new test among a group or groups of people and seeing the results of this new test).

The study looked at more than 48,000 men with Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which a man experiences a severely bent penis rather than the simple curvature many men experience. In most cases, the severely bent penis is due to a build-up of fibrous scar tissue, or plaque, often from the penis having been traumatized by rough handling. The study also looked at more than 1,100,000 men with erectile dysfunction and at more than 480,000 "controls" who had neither a bent penis nor erectile issues.

The results

When the scientists sifted through the data, it indicated that men with Peyronie’s disease have a significantly increased risk for developing cancer, including penis cancer (specifically, a 40% greater risk).

Those results may seem alarming; several men reading this have probably already checked to see if their member is bent. But it’s important to remember that this study was looking at men with Peyronie’s disease, not at men whose penis curves a bit but not at such an angle as to be concerning.

And even for men who do indeed have a severely bent penis, there’s no cause to panic. In the first place, this is only one study; many more are needed to see if the conclusions it comes to are replicated in other studies. And while the study identifies a link, it may be more complicated than simply saying Peyronie’s increases cancer risk. And even if there is an increased risk, that in no way means a man with a bent penis is sure to get cancer.

That said, men with Peyronie’s disease may want to look at this study as a reminder to keep on top of their penis health. They may want to bring up this study with their doctor and ask if there is anything they can do to monitor for early signs of cancer.

A bent penis and its possible relationship to cancer is an outlier among penis health concerns. Everyday care of the organ can be aided by the regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For best results, look closely at a crème’s ingredients and find one that includes L-carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective and can help restore the loss of sensitivity that may accompany a penis that has been handled too roughly. The best crème will also contain vitamin A, which is prized for its antibacterial properties and their ability to fight bacteria that can result in a persistent and unpleasant penis odor.

Get a Healthy Penis with Vitamin E

Many individuals the world over use beauty and skin products that contain vitamin E. Known as a vitamin that leads to smooth, supple and strong skin, vitamin E is often considered a gold-star ingredient for men who are seeking a healthy penis. As an added bonus, vitamin E can help a man avoid an itchy penis, too. Applying a crème with vitamin E should be a regular part of good penis care - here’s why.

The amazing benefits of vitamin E

Many people ingest vitamin E supplements as a way to boost what they get from their food. And there’s good reason for this - inside the body, vitamin E works to maintain red blood cells, as well as strengthen skin, cell membranes and nerves. It’s great for improving the health of smaller blood vessels in the body - those blood vessels that feed the nerve endings, as well as those that feed the function of the kidneys, eyes, brain and yes, the penis.

But scientists have found that vitamin E is one of those vitamins that have a striking effect on the skin when applied topically, too. Vitamin E is used often by medical professionals in everything from neonatal nurseries to burn units. Dermatologists always have plenty of vitamin E on hand, as well as products with a vitamin E base, to treat a range of conditions, including extreme dryness, burns, irritations, inflammation, and even reduce scar tissue.

What vitamin E does for the penis

In addition to improving the blood vessels that feed the penis with much-needed blood for those intimate moments (and every other moment), vitamin E has a powerful effect on creating healthy penis tissue. Everyday handling of an erect penis can often mean small irritations and soreness pop up on a regular basis. These small problems can eventually turn into big problems as scar tissue develops over time, eventually leading to a curvature of the penis that is far beyond what is normal.

By applying vitamin E to the penis on a daily basis, a man can help ensure those little irritations get the attention they need, and thus heal much faster, with less scar tissue forming. Vitamin E is also great for keeping scar tissue to a minimum or healing what is already there, which is great for men who are worried about that excessive curvature from an overabundance of scar tissue.

In addition, vitamin E works wonders to alleviate an itchy penis. Since most itchy penis situations are caused by extreme dryness, using something that combats that dryness is recommended as a first-line defense against the annoying itch. Vitamin E is soothing, targeting all the problems that a healthy penis can encounter, as well as moisturizing, so it cuts through dryness and helps keep skin supple and smooth. This, in turn, prevents a man from scratching as much, which prevents further irritations. It’s a win-win all around!

Finally, some men have penis skin that looks rough, mottled or otherwise unattractive. Vitamin E won’t work overnight to improve appearance, but over time and with generous application, a man will begin to see healthy penis skin - and that means that eventually, he will see a healthier overall look to the genitals as well.

Obviously, a man should reach for a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that contains vitamin E as a main ingredient. For more hydrating power, he should also look for Shea butter, a high-end emollient that works synergistically with vitamin E to provide even more protection against dryness. Other ingredients, including beneficial amino acids and helpers like vitamin A, B5, C and D, round out a worthy penis health crème and keep a man’s penis as healthy as possible.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Penis

When a man is old enough to think about his penis as a source of pleasure, he begins to think about the pleasure it might bring others - and that ultimately leads to questions about just how well their penis stacks up against that of other men. And inevitably, that leads to questions about penis size. For some, the idea of having a small penis is a frightening prospect, so they focus on great penis care to keep what they have in tip-top shape.

But unfortunately, sometimes men will overlook certain easy penis care issues that can actually lead to a small penis. These issues can result in Peyronie’s disease, which can lead to major penis health problems, including the loss of length from the member.

How does a man develop Peyronie’s disease?

The most common cause of Peyronie’s disease is small traumas, over a long period of time, that create micro-tears in the skin of the penis. Those tiny tears and irritations heal over and over again, eventually forming scar tissue to protect the area. That scar tissue becomes a problem, as it inhibits the movement of the penis, especially when a man becomes erect. Instead of having a very slight, natural curve, the man winds up with a more severe curvature that can become worse as time goes on.

The result of this is a gradual shortening of the penis. In fact, a man can wind up losing up to an inch - possibly more - and he can experience other penis problems too, such as pain when he becomes erect, or difficulty with penetration when he’s with a partner.

It’s important to remember that some men do have a curvature of the penis that is entirely natural - this curvature is often quite mild. Almost all men have this, so that’s not something to worry about. However, a man should keep close watch on that curve and make sure it doesn’t get worse over time, or that the penis doesn’t begin to bend the other way - either of these could indicate a problem with scar tissue inside the penis.

How can a man avoid losing inches from his penis?

Avoiding Peyronie’s disease should be the goal of every man. But it can be tough to make changes when it doesn’t appear that certain pleasurable habits are causing any problems. For instance, a man who uses a "death grip" during masturbation might not notice any consequences of that act for many years - but once he does, it’s too late to turn back the hands of time.

That’s why the best way to prevent losing inches from the penis - or any other penis problems - is to engage in good penis care every single day, without exception. This means treating the penis properly during masturbation, using plenty of lube during either masturbation or sex, and avoiding the minor irritations that add up over time. A guy can also take steps to ensure better penis health at all times, such as wearing a cup during contact sports to avoid the possibility of penis injury, taking care of any health issues as soon as possible with regular doctor visits, and wearing a condom at all times when with a new partner.

In addition, a man can use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every single day. The use of a penis crème with powerful amino acids, such as L-carnitine and L-arginine, can enhance the nerve endings as well as the blood flow received by the penis, which can both help improve penis function. A guy can also look for Shea butter and vitamin E as key ingredients, which keep the skin supple, smooth and more able to fight back against those minor irritations.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Penis Problems: Retrograde Ejaculation

Although ejaculation can be a bit messy, most men are happy to experience a clean-up issue in order to enjoy the orgasmic feeling that typically accompanies the release of semen. For some men, however, there may not be a lot of mess to clean up. When this is because he is having an ejaculation fast upon the heels of another, it’s not a penis health concern. But sometimes it does fall into the realm of penis problems; for example, when little semen is spurting forth due to retrograde ejaculation.

Retrograde ejaculation

When men begin to masturbate, many often become slightly obsessed with seeing how far they can "shoot" their semen. They also may like to mentally keep track of the quantity of semen they produce as well. It’s all part of being a guy.

But when a man has retrograde ejaculation, he finds himself in a position where his quantity (and often his trajectory) has been seriously impacted. That’s by no means to say that he doesn’t still experience orgasm; he does, usually to the same degree he would if he were releasing the typical volume of semen. But while the sensation is still there, the semen isn’t.

What happens to it?

How it works

Inside a man, there’s something called the internal sphincter. This is located between the prostate and the bladder. When a man is getting ready to ejaculate, this sphincter closes very tightly, so semen will travel out through the urethra rather than falling back into the bladder. Men are too preoccupied with everything else going on at this point to be aware of this process.

But in some cases, the smooth muscle of the penis doesn’t relax or doesn’t relax fully, and this can prevent the sphincter from doing its job; it may remain partially or fully open, and this will drain a substantial amount of the semen into the bladder. (It is rare for 100% of the semen to fall back into the bladder, but it can happen.)

Typically, the semen will be dispersed with the urine over the next few eliminations.


Most often, retrograde ejaculation is a side effect of diabetes, prostate surgery or some prostate medications - and in such cases, many men don’t bother with treatment for the semen-related issue. But it can be the result of something more serious, such as a blockage in the urethra or nerve damage. That requires treatment to avoid a bigger problem.

As penis problems go, retrograde ejaculation is usually not major (unless the underlying cause needs treatment). Since men still experience orgasm, it does not usually interfere with their sex lives. However, some men do have a psychological reaction to the fact that they do not shoot forth a fountain as in days gone by, and this can lead to feelings of stress or depression in some men.

What about pregnancy? Well, if only a small amount of semen is coming out of the penis, this can make pregnancy difficult (although not impossible - so a man shouldn’t count on retrograde ejaculation as a form of birth control). In many cases, men with significant retrograde ejaculation who wish to become fathers will need to have sperm harvested from the bladder or testes and then inserted via artificial insemination.

Retrograde ejaculation is one of those penis problems that most men don’t think about. But paying regular attention to penis health is crucial, and can more easily be accomplished by the daily application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For best results, find a crème that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. Both are amino acids; the former is one which helps the body in its production of nitric oxide - and that, in turn, helps penile blood vessels be more receptive to expansion. The latter is excellent at helping to preserve penis sensitivity against rough handling.

Small Penis Humiliation: What’s That?

From far too early an age, guys spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about whether they have a small penis and what they can do about it if they don’t, in fact, measure up to what is supposedly expected of them. It’s no secret that men in our culture place far too much emphasize on penis size (sometimes at the expense of the far more important penis health). This may come as a surprise to some, but there are some dudes who relish having a small penis - not as a sign of simple acceptance but as a means of sexual humiliation. Yes, small penis humiliation is a legitimate fetish.

And it’s one that doesn’t have to apply to a guy with a legitimately small penis, either.

An interesting fetish

A fetish is a sexual attraction to objects or body parts which are not typically associated with sexual attraction. For example, some people are intensely aroused by feet; sometimes just the sight of a foot can cause them to become sexually engaged.

With small penis humiliation, the fetish is not exactly with the penis itself so much as with the humiliation attached to having a small penis. So, while it certainly is possible for a man to be erotically charged at just the sight of his own small penis, it is more common for a man to obtain the arousal when someone else is commenting on the inadequate size of his organ.

(For the record, a woman can also have a small penis fetish, where she genuinely does find a small penis more sexually stimulating than a larger one.)

And to repeat, a man does not have to have a small penis to enjoy small penis humiliation; he simply has to experience his own penis as inadequate or be told that his penis is inadequate. Often a man with this fetish may have a penis of perfectly average size - or in some cases, a much above-average size. But being told he has a small penis and being mocked for not having a monstrously-sized one gets his motor revving.

Men or women?

If a person enjoys small penis humiliation, does that mean he likes it when a person of either sex humiliates him? That’s not easy to say, as it really depends upon the individual. But many men do enjoy having the size of their equipment mocked by either gender.

Surprisingly, men who are into this kind of humiliation are not necessarily quiet, shy guys. They often are large, muscular men who seem at first meeting to exude confidence.


And, of course, different men enjoy different kinds of humiliation. Since small penis humiliation typically involves role playing of some kind, it’s important that both participants agree on how far they are to go and they should stop if either party feels uncomfortable with the game.

When engaged in between two people who care for each other, a fetish like this one can be used to help them learn more about each other and be accepting of one another. But both parties need to be "on board" with it.

Whether into small penis humiliation, large penis adoration or moderate penis pleasuring, a guy should keep his organ in prime health. Daily application of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a must. Locate a crème that includes a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E to help keep the penis healthy. It’s a bonus if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen penis skin.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Take Care with Penis Skin Lightening

The condition of a man’s penis skin can make a big impression on partners (or potential partners), so it’s no wonder men take extra steps to make their penis skin attractive. Eliminating rashes, removing bumps and keeping sores and pimples away can add to the visual allure of a penis. But some guys may be taking penis skin presentation a little too far when they engage in lightening experiments. While some men have engaged in penis lightening with no problems, there is still a potential for penis health issues where lightening is concerned - and guys should take that into consideration.

Recent news

While penis lightening has been around for years, it recently made headlines due to its increasing popularity among men in Thailand. (For the record, vaginal lightening is reportedly also on the rise in that country - so it’s not just a penis thing.)

Why would a man want to lighten his penis? This is a question that has opened up a lot of debate, with some people seeing racial overtones in this decision. It might be easier to simply say that a person may want to lighten his penis for the same reason he searches for any other alteration to his manhood: he believes the result will be pleasing to himself or those he comes into contact with. This may be especially true if a man’s penis has "blotchy" patches or is two-toned in appearance; he may feel that a smooth, even consistency of tone may be more attractive.


A more important question is: "How does the penis skin get lightened?" And the answer to that is very important.

Penis lightening is sometimes referred as penis bleaching - and if anyone suggests using actual laundry bleach (chlorine or non-chlorine) to achieve results, a guy should quickly say no. Penis skin is very delicate and sensitive, and harsh bleach would almost certainly burn and damage it.

Men who have peroxided their hair wonder about a peroxide bleach on the penis, but this is too harsh. If an actual bleach is to be used on the penis skin, it should be derived from a natural source that is much gentler. For example, lemon juice, licorice and milk are all possible sources that, prepared properly, might be okay to use on penis skin. However, nothing should be used unless cleared by a doctor - preferably one who already knows the patient well.


One of the interesting points about the reports of lightening in Thailand are that the doctors quoted seem to be using a form of laser therapy for lightening the skin.

The jury is still out on the safety of this method, but some health professionals warn that it could cause swelling and pain. In some cases, especially if the laser is not operated by an experienced professional, there could be scarring or disfigurement of the penis.

It should also be noted that laser treatment usually requires the client suspend engagement in sex for several days after treatment.

Lightening the penis skin is a personal choice, but the risks really should be weighed carefully before deciding to move forward with it. Whatever the decision, the penis will look and feel better if its health is maintained on a consistent basis; regular application of a high quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Definitely select a crème with moisturizing agents that can support healthy penis skin, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). The skin will also prove more resilient if a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is used. This helps fight excess free radicals which can weaken the penis skin through oxidative stress.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Penis Pain from a Torn Frenulum

Considering all the hard work it gets put through, it’s surprising the penis doesn’t experience more painful episodes. As all men know, there are any number of factors which can account for penis pain, some of which can have an impact on penis health. One of the more painful penis pain situations arises when a guy tears or otherwise damages his frenulum - so it’s best to try to avoid situations that put the frenulum at risk!

What is it?

This is a not-so-secret secret: Despite all the time men spend with their penis and despite the importance they place upon it, most guys don’t know what all the parts of the penis are. And many may have heard the word "frenulum" without knowing exactly what (or where) it is.

To put at ease any questions readers of this article may have in that area, the frenulum is the name given to the area of sensitive skin on the underside of the penis, right near the center of the head. In intact men, this is the part of skin that attached the foreskin to the penis. In circumcised men, there may be no frenulum; more likely, there is some remnant of the frenulum there. In many men, this area is especially sensitive, and stroking it while masturbating can be pleasurable.

In common conversation, the frenulum is often referred to as a guy’s "banjo string."

What happens

As indicated above, the penis is actually pretty resilient. Nonetheless, some things do cause penis pain, and a tear in the frenulum is one of them. Since there is a greater sensitivity in this area, a tear can lead to greater penis pain than a tear elsewhere. The frenulum is also located right "where the action is" where sex is concerned, so the pain can be significantly bothersome.

In intact men, the most painful form of frenulum injury is when it tears and separates from the rest of the foreskin. Fortunately, this does not happen with great frequency. More common is a partial tear, and this can occur in both intact and circumcised men.

And the most common culprit of these tears is rough, aggressive handling during sex. So if, for example, a man is increasingly using a "death grip" on his penis while masturbating - that is, he is squeezing it intensely tight while pumping up and down - he may increase the likelihood of a tear. Or if a man engages in sex which is not well-lubricated, the chances of a tear go up.

Some researchers believe frenulum tears are becoming more common, based on a belief that sex (both partner-based and masturbatory) is becoming rougher, perhaps due to the increasing prevalence of pornography. This is based on an assumption that the "rougher" experience of sex in pornography is being replicated among everyday people. But this is based on anecdotal observations, not on any hard and fast evidence.

If a guy does tear his frenulum, in addition to penis pain there may be some blood. Seeing a doctor is usually a good idea, although most often the tears heal on their own. However, healing requires that the penis be given a good rest for 4 to 6 weeks - which means no sex, including masturbation, during that time. In some cases, an operation may be required if the tear is severe or if it keeps recurring.

Taking good care of the frenulum to avoid penis pain is strongly urged. One way to insure better penis health is to consistently make use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Find one that includes L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that plays a role in helping penile blood vessels relax and expand. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient that can help restore diminished sensation in the penis due to rough handling.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Everyday Solutions for Very Dry Penis Skin

When a man engages in excellent penis care, one of his ultimate goals is to ensure soft, supple penis skin. But one of the biggest penis problems most men face is the prospect of very dry penis skin that doesn’t seem to respond to even the most powerful penis health crème or moisturizers. The good news is that solving the dry skin issue is pretty easy - as long as a man knows where to look for the source of the problem.

Solutions for dry penis skin

Everyday habits and objects can be enough to lead to dry penis skin, and a man might wonder what in the world he did to cause it. Here are some of the biggest culprits for this serious penis problem and how to avoid them.

1) Using the wrong cleanser. Quite often, a man will purchase an all-for-one body cleanser that can be use everywhere. Using this body wash might make things very convenient, but it can wreak havoc on delicate skin. Opting for a dedicated penis skin cleanser can be one of the best moves a man can make in regard to good penis care.

2) Using harsh detergents. Even if a man uses a gentle cleanser that is great for his skin, he needs to take into account the things that touch his penis and surrounding area when he’s not in the shower. These things include everyday objects, such as underwear and sheets. If those are washed in a harsh detergent with lots of chemicals, it can lead to dry penis skin when the fabric touches a guy’s private regions. Therefore, looking for a gentle but effective detergent should be the goal.

3) Wearing the wrong underwear. Once a man has chosen the proper detergent, he needs to think about the underwear he washes in that detergent. First of all, if a guy isn’t wearing underwear on a regular basis, he needs to start! His trousers can be very rough on penis skin. In addition, underwear that is too tight or doesn’t ‘breathe’ isn’t a good idea either. A man should look for underwear that fit appropriately, made of a fabric like pure cotton or wicking material.

4) Not using lubricant. When a man plays around with himself or a partner, he needs to ensure that there isn’t too much friction. Too much can damage delicate penis skin, leading to irritations and redness, which can then lead to dryness. In addition to using lubricant at the right time, it’s important to choose a lubricant that doesn’t dry out the skin, but moisturizes it instead.

5) Choosing the wrong condom. Condoms are not all created equal! Some have lubrication included, some have spermicide, and still others are made of a variety of materials other than the usual latex. A guy should try out a variety of condoms until he finds the one that doesn’t dry out his penis skin, then stick with using that one for future encounters.

6) Letting problems linger. There are some skin issues, such as yeast infections, that can lead to serious dryness. Instead of opting for the usual penis care regimen and hoping the problem will go away, a man should get to the doctor as soon as he can in order to alleviate the problem and ensure that no further damage occurs. By doing this, he can ensure not only the health of his penis skin, but help eliminate other penis problems before they have a chance to start.

Of course, one of the most important tips for men who suffer from dry penis skin is to use a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every day. A man should specifically look for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which are known as natural hydrators that can lock in moisture for supple, smooth skin.

When an Itchy Penis Comes from a Super Fungus

Yeast infections are often thought of as a women’s issue, but they are also common among men and can definitely be a penis health concern. In men, this infection is commonly called thrush or candidiasis, and it can make for a very, very itchy penis. The term candidiasis comes from candida, which is the fungus that causes this yeast infection. But there are several forms of candida, and in recent years there has emerged a form called a super fungus - and not because it stands for truth, justice and the American way.

Candida auris

The medical name for this particular super fungus is candida auris (sometimes called c. auris). The form of candida most commonly causing an itchy penis is candida albicans, and it’s a pain all by itself.

When a guy has "regular" thrush, the yeast has spread across a portion of the penis. Usually this is the glans or, if a man is intact, the foreskin, especially underneath the foreskin. A rash typically forms, which is not attractive; but the bigger problem is that thrush itches like crazy. (Sometimes the fungus can also appear in the mouth, where it is even more annoying.)

Although thrush is not considered a sexually-transmitted infection, it can be passed through sex. Often a guy will pick it up from an infected partner (or vice versa) and the two may pass it back and forth for some time. Wearing a condom can help cut down on the risk of transmission.

While a pest, regular candida can usually be treated fairly easily with oral or local antifungal medications.

Super fungus

But the super fungus version, candida auris, is not as easy to dismiss as regular thrush. An itchy penis is the least of a guy’s concerns here - and indeed, the penis is one of the less likely sites for this super fungus to strike. Ear infections and open wounds are more common targets.

Candida auris was first noticed in 2009, and although it is still rare, it is spreading rapidly. In addition to an itch at the infected site, it is possible for the fungus to enter the bloodstream, which can cause serious and even fatal consequences; more than half of those who reach the blood poisoning phase have died.

Beyond itching, fever and chills are common. The fungus is resistant to many forms of antifungal treatment, although the earlier it is caught, the better the response. People with diabetes have an increased chance of contracting it, as do many people in hospital or nursing home settings - especially those with a central venous catheter or who have recently undergone surgery.

Most men with an itchy penis are unlikely to have contracted this super fungus; however, if they also experience fever or chills or have other unusual symptoms, they should check with a doctor to determine if there is anything they should do. Checking with a doctor for regular thrush is not a bad idea, either.

The idea of a super fungus that can turn an itchy penis into a serious condition is scary - but again, it is rare. Instead of fretting, a guy should focus more attention of his overall penis health by daily using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) Penis skin can be strengthened by a crème that includes a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This can combat excess free radicals and thereby prevent oxidative damage. It also is beneficial if the crème contains vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.websites.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Millions of men across the world suffer from erectile dysfunction. In fact, it’s one of the most common penis problems that send a man to the doctor seeking a solution. And there are solutions, fortunately - some of them are as simple as paying more attention to good penis care, while others require a bit more attention and effort. Understanding the most common reasons for erectile dysfunction can help a man eliminate his risk factors and avoid the penis problems that can result from not being able to get it up.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

The reasons for erectile dysfunction can be wide and varied. Some causes stem from medical conditions, which require a doctor’s help to overcome. But in some cases, the issues that lead to erectile dysfunction and other penis problems can be handled by a man on his own.

1) The use of steroids or medications. Many men who seek out the look of a body-building guru might also seek out steroids and other medications that can lead to all sorts of physical problems. Men should always be careful when using medications, even those that are prescribed for them, but they should be especially wary of using steroids and similar medications that they have obtained without a doctor’s note. Unfortunately, some severe cases of long-term use lead to damage that simply cannot be overcome.

2) Severe lack of sensitivity. When a man doesn’t feel the gentle touches that used to arouse him, that can lead to an inability to get excited like he used to. Sure, the penis might still work just fine sometimes, but it can be tough to get the sensations necessary to raise the flagpole at the proper time. A man can fight against the lack of penis sensation by taking a break from masturbation, using a top-notch penis health crème on a regular basis and practicing excellent penis care.

3) Depression. The physical is closely tied to the mental and emotional, and that’s why so many who suffer from depression might also suffer from erectile dysfunction. The good news is that in this case, as a man gets treatment for depression and related symptoms, he will see his penis function come back. A man who is dealing with depression should always reach out for help, whether from friends and family or a professional who can help lead him in the right direction.

4) Relationship worries. In some cases, a man who has relationship woes will find that he can’t get it up like he used to with his partner. This can be caused by a huge variety of emotional issues, including guilt, anger, sadness, or worries about pregnancy, infidelity and more. In a case like this, a man must tackle the problem head-on with a heart-to-heart with his partner. This won’t be easy, but it’s necessary for better health.

5) Exhaustion. Any man who has suffered from lack of sleep might have the unfortunate experience of a penis that simply refused to cooperate when it was time for action. And in fact, some men have experienced exhaustion so deep that the very idea of getting it up is laughable. When a man is far too tired, it’s not only penis health that is affected, but his overall health as well. A few nights of deep sleep can make him right as rain. But if he finds that sleep is elusive, it might be time to try over-the-counter sleeping medications or visit a doctor for more serious cases.

No matter what the causes of erectile dysfunction, it’s a good idea to keep the penis as healthy as possible for the next potential encounter. A man can do that with the use of a great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A good crème will contain L-arginine, which enhanced blood flow where it matters most, as well as L-carnitine, which can protect penis sensation and make it easier for a man to respond to gentle touches.

Deflating an Erect Penis: Sex Mood Killers to Avoid

It’s an all-too-common scenario: A guy and his date are moving steadily toward what promises to be a robust and entertaining bout of sex. Things are going beautifully and the moment of penetration is close at hand when suddenly something unexpected happens - and the mood is ruined. Sometimes the effect is only temporary; other times, a guy might as well zip up and go home, as that erect penis is done for the night. Yes, sometimes there may be a penis health issue at play here, but more likely this has been at attack of the mood killers instead.

Mood killers

Sexual mood killers come in a wide range. They can be visual, verbal, aural, olfactory (i.e., involving a scent), physical, mental - just about anything that jars the mood of what had been a very sexy situation.

And, of course, certain mood killers for one person may mean nothing to another - or could even be mood enhancers to someone else, especially where fetishes are concerned. However, there are some experiences that are often mood killers for the majority of the population; here are a few that fall in that category.

- Babying the manhood. Not a news flash: Men can be very sensitive about their penises. The vast majority of men want their members to be described in the most effusive manner possible; it’s practically impossible to go too far in assigning manly, powerful attributes to a guy’s favorite body part. But treating the member like a baby and describing it as "cute" or "adorable" or (God forbid) "little" can turn a massively erect penis into a softie in no time.

- Suggesting a sex toy. Sex toys can be a great addition to a couple’s repertoire - but they shouldn’t be suggested when an erect penis is all primed and ready for action. Discuss the idea in advance instead; otherwise, that erect penis is liable to think that a lady doesn’t find him up to the job at hand and may decide to sulk about that fact.

- Laughing inexplicably. Hey, sex is fun and there’s no shame in having a good time. But sometimes a partner may laugh at an inopportune moment (such as when an erect penis is first revealed) and then refuse to say why. Not conducive to a good sexual adventure.

- Going too heavy on perfume. It’s wonderful when a woman wants to smell inviting - but just as men can go too far on the cologne, some women take perfume to the wrong level.

- Playing the wrong music. Musical taste varies widely, and one person’s erotic playlist may be another’s techno nightmare. Until musical tastes are known, silence may be a better option.

- Comparing. It’s natural to compare one lover to another - but doing it to their face during the act itself is probably not a good idea. Even if a woman finds this new man to be a superior lover, it may be wise to keep that news to herself until after the event. Otherwise, a guy may start feeling self-conscious and start wondering "Am I still ahead of him? Am I still doing it right?"

Mood killers can create an erect penis fail, so avoiding them is important. Also important for men: keeping that penis healthy through the regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For really prime results, be sure that the selected crème includes a wide range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, find a crème that lists L-arginine among its ingredients. This amino acid helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn helps penile blood vessels open up to receive increased blood flow.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Masturbation and the Other Senses

Masturbation, for most men, becomes a regular part of their sex lives early on. Even before they are able to ejaculate, they are often rubbing and stroking their penis and enjoying the sensations this activity brings. And once ejaculation is added into the mix, it really becomes a pleasure that he is anxious to return to again and again. As a component of sexual health, it is also part of penis health, and practice often helps prepare a man for his first partner-based sexual encounters.

However, as frequently as a man may masturbate, it’s rare that all his senses are engaged. Frequently, he concentrates only on touch or on touch combined with sight. Yet incorporating all of the senses into masturbation can be very rewarding for a man.

Visual animals

Clearly, there’s a reason why touch is the go-to sense where masturbation is involved. Physical stimulation of the penis (and other erogenous zones) is almost always part of masturbation; there are very few men who can spontaneously ejaculate strictly from exposure to senses other than touch.

And men, we are constantly told, are very much visual animals (supposedly more so than women), so with the easy availability of pornography online, it’s no wonder that many men exercise their visual senses quite keenly during their masturbation sessions. The visual sensations available are far ranging and can fulfill almost any taste.

Other senses

But that’s no reason to let the other senses - sound, smell and taste - go wanting when masturbating. Incorporating these senses into self-play can open up new reactions, which may be especially welcome if the masturbation routine has become a little - well, routine.

But how to incorporate the other senses?


This may be the easiest. For those watching videos on mute, raise the volume and let the auditory experience be added in. But there are other ways of adding sound. For example, many online resources exist which feature audio files for masturbating. These may be music with a steady beat that features people moaning or gasping, for example. Or it may be recordings of people talking while they masturbate or reading sexy, erotic stories.

But it may be more worthwhile to go beyond being a passive listener. Instead, a guy can incorporate his own moaning, heavy breathing, comments, mindless blathering, etc. into his masturbation. Many men grow used to being silent while masturbating so that no one else will know; but if a guy is alone and doesn’t have to worry, it can be liberating to let it all out vocally while stroking the penis.


Men forget how strong scents can be, so utilizing aromas during masturbation can make it a new experience. Some men like to use their own scent and take a few whiffs from under their arms. Others may want to try something else, such as sniffing a lime or lemon or lighting incense or ginger-scented candles. If there is a particular scent a man finds erotic, he should definitely bring it on.


As with scents, some flavors have an arousing effect on some men. Knowing what the triggers are can help a guy add whipped cream, fresh oranges or wine to his self-sensual diet. Does his female friend have a favorite food? Adding a little of that taste may make an interesting difference.

Masturbation is an excellent way to explore all the senses - and may lead to overdoing things a bit. That’s why regularly applying a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is so important. Use of a good crème helps protect against rawness from excessive handling - especially if the crème possesses L-carnitine, a neuroprotective amino acid that helps prevent loss of sensation. The crème also needs to include a combination of Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (an excellent hydrator), so that it can moisturize and soothe away raw penis skin.

Dry Rubbing and the Death Grip: Masturbation Problems to Avoid

When a man is looking for new ways to pleasure himself, he might choose to attempt certain things that aren’t exactly conducive to good penis care. Two of the most common masturbation techniques a man might experiment with include the "death grip" and dry rubbing, neither of which bode very well for the good health of a man’s penis skin. But there is no doubt that in the heat of the moment, each of these techniques can be quite pleasurable. So what’s the problem with trying them out now and then?

Why dry rubbing is a problem

Dry rubbing is exactly what it sounds like: rubbing of the penis without any sort of lube at all. Though many men produce natural lubrication during masturbation, many men will wipe this away in order to maintain the friction of a dry rubbing technique. Unfortunately, this is one of the worst things a man can do to his penis skin!

When a man engages in dry rubbing, he is irritating the nerve endings of the penis. These very sensitive nerve endings might respond in a way that seems pleasurable at first, but that pleasure can mask the damage that is occurring with every stroke. In addition to soreness, redness and small micro-tears that result from dry rubbing, the stroking can cause problems deeper inside, such as minor trauma to the penis tissue or even the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis.

The result of those tiny traumas to penis tissue can be a buildup of scar tissue, which eventually leads to something known as Peyronie’s disease - an abnormal curvature of the penis that can interfere with sexual activity. Another problem might be erectile dysfunction as a result of the blood vessels suffering minor damage, over and over, through a long period of time.

But the most common problem with dry rubbing is the damage to the nerve endings. As the penis skin is roughly handled, it will naturally build up a "callous" of sorts - much like the callous on a person’s feet or hands. This prevents the delicate skin from suffering even more trauma. The calloused skin means that there will be less penis sensation, which can make every sexual act much less pleasurable. Dry rubbing isn’t worth the loss of penis sensitivity!

Why the death grip should be avoided

Another problem is the "death grip." This occurs when a man grips the penis so firmly that it leads to pain, diminished blood flow and much more intense friction, which can in turn lead to the same problems as dry rubbing. The death grip might occur with or without lube; sometimes the lube will give a man a sense of security in holding his penis in such a tight grip, but the lube won’t actually prevent damage from the intense pressure.

Keep in mind that the death grip can cause even more problems than dry rubbing, especially when it comes to the buildup of scar tissue. A man can easily create many micro-tears, which can lead to internal damage a guy can’t immediately see - but eventually, he will feel the consequences. Rather than take chances, a guy should always use a loose grip when masturbating, and use lube to help keep things smooth and moving as they should be.

After a good masturbation session, a man can pamper his penis skin with a healthy dose of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that contains L-carnitine, which protects against peripheral nerve damage caused by rough handling, as well as L-arginine for better health of the blood vessels. Penis skin can benefit greatly from the daily use of Shea butter and vitamin E as well, two ingredients that ensure hydration and keep a man’s favorite tool feeling smooth and supple.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Big Penis Size: Tips for the Bedroom

Men with a small penis - or even an average-sized penis - may not want to hear this, but even guys with a bigger penis size can sometimes use some pointers in the bedroom. Being blessed with a large endowment doesn’t always translate to worry-free nights in the bedroom. For one thing, penis size doesn’t really affect penis care, so guys with a big penis don’t get a break on basic care issues. So for guys who are packing more in the penis size department (or for the women who are in bed with them), the following tips may be of use.

- Make foreplay your play. Especially early on in a relationship, a woman who is encountering an extra-large penis may have concerns about whether she can accommodate so much manliness. In fact, it would be very rare for a man’s penis to be of such immensity that a vagina could not receive it - however, whether it can receive it comfortably is another question. That’s why foreplay is of such enormous importance for a manhood of enormous proportions. (In fact, it’s usually of tremendous importance even to men of more modest means.) Taking plenty of time with oral and manual stimulation is crucial, and so is paying attention to sensitive areas beyond the vagina.

- Time her orgasm. One thing to consider and discuss with a partner: would it be preferable for the woman to achieve an orgasm before penetration? The reasoning behind this is that most women’s vaginas are at their most relaxed and receptive post-orgasm, so initial insertion may be more easily achieved. Will she have a second orgasm? Possibly, but that is by no means a sure thing. The partners should communicate; if a second orgasm is not likely, the male may wish to refrain from prolonging to avoid causing soreness in the vagina.

- Ejaculate first. Sometimes it helps for the woman to masturbate or orally please the male to ejaculation and then try for an insertion. Many men can achieve a second erection (which is generally softer than the first) - and sometimes even without a second full erection, there can be enough hardness for a pleasurable experience.

- Lube, lube, lube. Yes, men and women do create natural lubricants, but when dealing with a penis of impressive size, some assistance may be needed. Do not skimp here.

- Work up to it. Rather than attempt penetration on the first night, suggest working up to it. Spend a few nights using a dildo (or several, in a variety of sizes) to help her prepare for the real thing.

- Get positioned. Until a man is actually in bed with another person, it’s difficult to know what position works best - but in general, missionary and doggy are not thought to be the best positions for big penis size sex. Many tips look at woman-on-top positions, as the woman generally has greater control. But it may take several attempts to find the position that works best.

- Listen to her. The most important tip of all: the male should pay attention to what she tells him so that he can stop if something is painful, change positions if necessary, continue with a new angle, etc.

The last of these tips is for men of any penis size: keep the organ in good health and use a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help achieve this goal. The best crème will include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and the oxidative stress they cause. The crème should also include L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that helps prevent loss of sensation from too much rough and aggressive handling of the penis.

Shaving Below: Penis Skin Care

Obviously, guys like to compare themselves to other guys, and that includes the penis. Whether it’s a quick glance in the locker room or observations from watching porn, men like to know how they stack up. And one thing such impromptu surveys indicate is that there are actually quite a few guys who are into pubic shaving. Whether it’s just keeping the pubic bush neatly trimmed or a full-scale shaving of the penis and balls, more and more men are doing it. And assuming a guy takes proper care, it’s not going to create any penis care issues. That said, dudes who try shaving do want to be sure they take proper steps to protect the delicate penis skin.

Start with a trim

Guys who have (or have had) a beard know that just taking a razor and hacking away at a thick bush of hair is not the best plan. Before getting down to the actual shaving, a guy should trim down that thick bush of pubic hair to about ¼ inch or so. The best way to do this is to use a pair of scissors. Don’t worry about an even trim; just use it to get the majority of the hair down to a manageable length.

Some guys find it awkward to do this standing up. It may be easier to lie down and hold a hand mirror in one hand to help guide along. Men who have grown a significant gut may find lying down helps to expose more of the pubic hair area.

After finishing the pubic bush, use the scissors to carefully trim the hair on the balls and shaft. Again, at this point a guy is not trying to get shaved down to the skin - just cutting down long hairs which might get caught in a razor and cause an uncomfortable tugging. Again, trimming here can put a guy in awkward positions; using mirrors to see what is what is very helpful.


After the hair is trimmed to a manageable length, pre-soak the areas that are to be shaved using warm soap and water. Some men prefer to shave in the shower or bathtub, which has the advantage of keeping the skin moist as he goes along. Since penis skin is delicate, this is especially recommended.

Lather up

Penis skin can be very sensitive, but in most cases using shaving cream rather than soapy lather is better. Find shaving cream intended for sensitive skin that does not include harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Prep the penis and shave carefully

There isn’t much hair on the penis itself, but what is there can be shaved more easily if the penis is erect. Be very careful and don’t use a dull razor. For the balls, using an ice cube or laying them on a cold surface tightens them so that shaving is easier. In both cases, apply as little pressure as possible. Rinse and lather up as necessary to keep the skin smooth and avoid nicks on the penis and balls. Take care with the pubic bush, but it is generally not as sensitive as the penis and balls.

Take good care after shaving

Use a soft towel to pat (not rub) the penis and surrounding areas dry. Once all is dry, the skin will then need to be re-moisturized. Shaving and washing can deplete the penis skin of oils that keep it hydrated.

Penis skin responds better after shaving if a guy uses a first level penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) with excellent moisturizing agents. Look for a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) for best moisturizing results. It also helps if the crème contains a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which helps strengthen the skin by fighting excess free radicals.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Sex Positions for Different Penis Sensation

When a man practices expert penis care, he wants to show off his manhood and everything it is capable of to a willing partner. Intercourse is usually the preferred way of doing this, but sometimes a guy finds that typical sex positions, such as missionary or doggy, don’t produce the kind of fantastic penis sensation that he desires (and deserves). If that’s the case, he needs to talk with his partner about expanding the range of sex positions they use. And why not? Trying something new may open up exciting avenues for the partner as well.

Since every man’s penis is different, it’s hard to guess what sex positions may induce new degrees of penis sensation for an individual. Below are a few common and not-so-common positions he may want to explore. A word of caution: some require a certain degree of limberness, so take into consideration any physical obstacles that may make a particular position difficult.

1) Cowgirl. Also known as woman-on-top, in this position, the man lies flat on his back while the woman faces the man, straddles his midsection and lowers herself on his penis. She may choose to remain sitting straight up or may opt to lean forward or backward while riding up and down. This position is often very helpful for female stimulation.

2) Reverse cowgirl. Essentially the same as the cowgirl, but in this position the woman faces away from her partner.

3) Flying buttress. This is similar to the reverse cowgirl, except that the woman is lying face down, with her legs spread out rather than bent.

4) Kneeling and standing. For this position, the woman kneels on all fours on the edge of the bed; the man stands and enters her from behind, holding onto her hips for support and guidance. Many men report that this induces penis sensation in different areas of the organ.

5) Bending woman. The woman kneels on the floor, with her front torso, arms and head on the floor and her hips slightly elevated. The man slides his midsection in so that his penis can enter the vagina and his legs spread straight out on either side. He lifts himself up with his arms so that no excess weight rests on the woman’s legs and feet. Some say this is especially good for stimulating the underside of the penis.

6) Butter churn. A position requiring commitment and stamina from the woman, it involves the female lying on her back, then thrusting her body up in the air and bending her knees. The man then mounts her in a sitting position, legs on either side of her body. (He should be careful not to place more than a small amount of weight on the woman.) "Churning butter" in this way often results in deeper penetration.

7) The crab. The man sits with his legs apart and his torso leaning back, resting his weight on his arms. The woman lies down, her weight on her elbows, and opens her legs inside of his. He moves his penis inside and the two rock back and forth. This is another position which many claim induces a unique penis sensation - and a vaginal one as well.

Exploring and alternating sex positions can keep a couple’s sex life fresh and invigorating, as well as help increase penis sensation. The penis will be more receptive if a man already makes daily use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He definitely wants to find a crème with L-carnitine, as this amino acid has neuroprotective properties that can help reduce loss of penis sensation, especially due to rough handling. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps prevents damage due to oxidative stress.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Does Traction Help a Bent Penis?

The appearance of a guy’s penis can be a matter of great concern to a man. Every guy wants to sport a handsome penis, and so men may spend time admiring or worrying over their manhood. A frequent concern occurs when the penis is curved; a certain amount of curvature may be considered attractive, but when a man has a severely bent penis, it may cause anguish. And beyond the physical appearance, a really bent penis can be a penis health issue. When the curvature is extreme enough to cause pain or interfere with sexual functioning, steps may need to be taken to address the issue. One strategy is using a traction device to help lessen the curvature. But is this a medically sound option?

Peyronie’s disease

Often when a bent penis is severely affected, a man may be diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease. Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronie’s disease is generally caused when the penis experiences trauma or injury. This may be a direct blow to the penis, as when a baseball traveling at great speed hits the groin, or it may come about from the penis being handled too roughly during sex. In the latter, the condition is likely to result from repeated instances of rough handling.

When the penis is injured, a small amount of scar tissue, called plaque, forms as part of the healing process. If the injury is large enough, or if repeated trauma causes more layers of scar tissue to form on top of each other, it can result in curving. This occurs because the plaque lacks the elasticity of regular penis tissue. So when the penis becomes erect, the damaged side of the penis can’t stretch as far as the other side, causing the penis to bend.

In some cases, this causes pain when the penis becomes erect. It also may bring about erectile dysfunction. If the curvature is severe enough, it may preclude the possibility of intercourse.


In a small number of cases (usually of the milder variety), Peyronie’s goes away without treatment. And in some cases, the degree of curvature is not severe enough to require treatment.

But in other cases, a doctor may recommend a number of treatments. These range from oral medications to injections to surgery. One option sometimes recommended is traction.


Most treatments for a severely bent penis haven’t undergone rigorous clinical trials, so assessing their effectiveness is difficult. But at least one trial involving penile traction therapy showed promise. Involving 55 men with Peyronie’s disease, the study found an average decrease in curvature of 20 degrees; plaque disappeared in 48% of the patients. And the rate of those unable to achieve penetration fell from 62% to 20%.

For the study, the men used a traction device, often called a penis extender. The device attaches at the base of the penis and again underneath the glans. It is then extended, pulling and stretching the penis. The men in the study were instructed to wear the device for 6-9 hours each day for 6 months.

Based on the results of this study, it seems that traction may be an option for some men with a very bent penis. However, there are drawbacks; not all men responded to the treatment, and there is some degree of pain and discomfort associated with penis stretching.

Men with Peyronie’s should definitely consult with a doctor to see if they should consider any kind of treatment.

Whether or not using traction to treat a bent penis, men should be sure to use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the penis in good health. One with vitamin C is especially urged, as this vitamin helps produce collagen, which in turn supports penile elasticity. Also welcome in a crème is L-arginine, which can help restore penis sensitivity after rough handling of the organ.

For the Ladies: How to Spot Penis Problems

When a man is going to bed for the first time with an eager partner, many things are going through his mind. He’s probably quite confident in the fact that he chose great penis care leading up to the encounter, and thus has few worries about how his manhood will look and perform. However, a new partner is understandably not as sure, as they are in a position of wanting to enjoy the equipment (and the man attached to it!) while protecting themselves from the potential for sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, this guide is intended for the ladies - those partners who want to enjoy the new man in their life, whether for a single evening or for a lifetime. In today’s world, no one can be too careful about taking care of their own health. These tips can help ensure that they spot any penis problems as soon as possible, and thus can help protect themselves.

1) It starts with the attitude. Ensuring good sexual health begins even before the clothes come off. It starts when a woman asks a man about his sexual history and listens carefully to his answers. If a man doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s a big red flag. An answer like that requires a woman to take a step back and reconsider her desire to be with this particular guy.

2) Ensure good lighting. Assuming the vibe is one that satisfies her, a woman should then make sure that any sexual activity is happening in a room with adequate lighting - in fact, natural lighting is best. This allows a woman to look over a man’s equipment as she engages in foreplay, thus giving her an opportunity to inspect the penis skin for any bumps, warts or other problems that might indicate a sexual health issue.

3) Take the time to explore. As a man gets hard, a woman should pay attention to what’s happening with the penis. Penis problems might present as lesions on the skin, dark bruises, bumps, rashes, warts or anything else that makes a woman feel a little wary of getting too close. If something like that is found, she should feel free to back away from the act and head for the door.

4) Don’t stop with the penis skin. Though how the penis skin looks matters, that’s not the only thing that does. She should look around the groin area as well; keep in mind that some problems, such as herpes, might show up in areas near the penis, such as the inner thighs or upper buttocks. She can also look for discharge by sliding her thumb up the shaft to the urethra, looking for drops that might indicate an infection (excluding semen, of course).

5) Always use a condom. No matter how clean and fit a man’s penis skin looks, covering it up with a condom is an absolute must. Many sexually transmitted diseases don’t show any signs at all, or might show signs only during times of active outbreaks. Therefore, condoms are always the way to go - and if a man refuses to use a condom, that’s the biggest red flag of all.

If a man wants to present a handsome penis that any woman will admire, he should make a point of using a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E can’t be beat for the hydration. A man can also look to crèmes that contain vitamin A, which fights against the bacteria that can cause undesirable penis odor. These ingredients, combined with others that promote good penis health, can work wonders for a man who wants to impress his partner.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Penis Bumps: Avoiding Hives Triggers

Looking down at the manhood and discovering it has developed penis bumps is never a pleasant surprise for a guy. The presence of bumps signals a new worry about his penis health, although often the bumps don’t correlate with a significant health issue. Penis bumps can come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, so it’s no surprise that they can be caused by many different things. One of the causes many men don’t think about is hives - so learning more about hives prepares a guy for dealing with them.

What are hives?

Hives is the common name used to describe a condition that is medically known as urticarial. They present as welts on the skin. Some can be small and others can be relatively large. In some instances, they are raised slightly, which gives them a bump-like look; in other instances, they may more closely resemble a rash. Often one welt will "bleed" into another, making the two appear as one large welt.

Hives are usually circular in shape. Often, especially with larger welts, they will be a deep red around the perimeter and a paler red in the center. Hives usually itch, causing discomfort; when they appear as penis bumps, it can be embarrassing for a man, as he often is caught scratching "down there."

Individual hives don’t usually last long, often fading away in 24 hours - but they are usually replaced by new hives. It is not unusual for a case of acute hives to last as long as six weeks, with old hives fading and new ones replacing them. If a bout of hives continues beyond 6 weeks, it is considered a chronic case.

What causes hives?

Hives are basically an allergic reaction on the skin. Some "trigger" sends a signal to the body to release histamines to fight the trigger. This reaction causes the hives to form. Therefore, if a guy knows what his hives triggers are, he can take steps to avoid those triggers and thereby prevent hives from occurring.

Unfortunately, sometimes determining exactly what the trigger is can be challenging, mainly because many things are associated with triggering hives. Some of the more common causes include:

- Pets. Many dogs, cats and other animals shed dander, which may be a hives trigger.

- Pollen.

- Insect bites and stings.

- Viral or fungal infections.

- Stress and anxiety.

- Certain foods, including shellfish, nuts, milk, chocolate, berries, eggs, soy, citrus fruits, etc.

- Sweating.

- Bacteria.

- Exposure to the sun.

- Certain chemicals (including some in soaps or laundry detergents).

With such a wide range, narrowing down a trigger may take a lot of time. Working with a doctor is advised. They will likely recommend that a person keeps a comprehensive journal of all the foods, medicines, etc. that he takes and any exposures he may have to potential triggers. The journal will include, as close as possible, the time when a person may have been exposed to a trigger, so that a link can be theorized if hives occur soon after. (Hives may occur within minutes, but sometimes may take about two hours to show up).

Once hives triggers are identified, a person can take steps to avoid those triggers. He also can learn what treatments he can use to help deal with the symptoms of hives.

As mentioned, penis bumps caused by hives tend to itch greatly. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate this. A crème that contains a combination of a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) will provide moisture that can help soothe itching. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant which strengthens penis skin by fighting free radicals.