Wednesday, 3 January 2018

A Look at Penis Skin: Is a Red Penis Bad?

For most men, penis skin tone varies from time to time. A very light-skinned man might have a red penis, especially when it is filled with plenty of blood during an erection. On the other hand, a man who has darker skin might actually have a lighter-skinned penis. But even when a man has a rather predictable penis skin color, he might notice that it varies from time to time. For instance, an erect penis might become various shades of red, then settle back down to its usual color after the fun is over. But what happens when penis skin takes on an unusual hue for other reasons? That’s when good penis care becomes even more essential - and it might warrant getting checked out by a doctor. Here’s what a man needs to know.

What’s normal, anyway?

As with most things concerning the human body, there is actually a wide range of normal. Some men might have a penis that is all one uniform color, for instance - but another guy might notice that his penis is lighter at the tip and darker at the base, or vice versa. Most men will find that their penis is an entirely different color than the skin on the rest of their body. And still others will notice that their skin color barely changes during an erection, while others will see it turn a serious red, almost purple!

What are some other penis concerns?

Sometimes a man might notice that a certain area of his skin, such as a tiny spot near the tip or the base, it red while the rest of his penis is the usual color. These spots on the penis might be cause for concern, depending upon what they are and where they came from. Here’s a brief rundown of the various issues a man might face.

1) Skin irritations. For men who have been getting it on, whether with a partner or their own hand, there might be tiny irritations on the penis that can lead to red spots or splotches. These are often tender to the touch, and that’s a sure sign that a guy has simply overdone it a bit. A few days of rest should ease away the redness and the soreness as well.

2) Lesions or dark bumps. These are more of a cause for concern, as they might indicate a sexually transmitted disease. Lesions might look like large bruises and are likely tender. Dark bumps might be entirely painless, but they can look unsightly and make a man worry about what is causing them. This warrants a visit to the doctor.

3) Unusual color changes. Any color change that doesn’t really make sense - such as sudden white splotches on the penis or a darkness to the skin that doesn’t go away when an erection does - could mean some underlying medical condition. Any changes in color that worry a man are a good reason to visit the doctor and show off the problem.

4) A red penis with fever. When a man has a penis that is very red and is also showing signs of fever - either systemic or inflammation at the penis itself - it is a sign of potential infection. A man who suffers from this should immediately seek medical attention, as there might be a medical issue that requires antibiotics or other medications to treat.

On a day-to-day basis, a man can help keep his penis skin in great shape through the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème should contain plenty of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins A, B5 and C, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E for softness. These ingredients can help keep a man’s skin tone as even as possible while hydrating to avoid any areas of dryness.

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