Saturday, 30 December 2017

Protecting Penis Skin with Vitamins

Making sure a guy receives an adequate supply of vitamins has long been part of a regular health routine. But many men are not aware that vitamins are also crucial for penis health and can especially be beneficial for maintaining healthy and attractive penis skin. Every guy wants to sport a handsome penis, and making sure penis skin is clearly healthy is one way to achieve this goal.

But which vitamin should a man look for to keep his penis skin looking attractive to partners? And what’s the best way of getting those vitamins to the penis? Read on for the answers.

A range of vitamins

There’s not one vitamin that is the be-all and end-all for penis skin care. Instead, there are a range of vitamins that can play a role in penis skin health. Some of the most important players in this regard are:

- Vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is essential for maintaining and repairing skin. Vitamin A deficiency results in dry, flaky skin, which a guy definitely wants to avoid. Retinol encourages skin cells to turn over faster, which means that fresher, newer skin cells get moved to the top to replace the more worn old skin cells. This results in penis skin that is smoother and brighter. One thing to note: vitamin A can make the skin more sensitive to sun exposure, so nudists should be sure to pack on the sunscreen if they use this important vitamin.

- Vitamin B5. This vitamin, which sometimes is called pantothenic acid, is water permeable and therefore especially good at getting "under the skin," so to speak. Pantothenic acid is valued for its ability to moisturize and rejuvenate skin; it is also lauded for its ability to set up a skin "barrier" which enables skin to better retain hydration.

- Vitamin C. Well known for its availability in citrus fruits, vitamin C should be equally well known for its antioxidant qualities. This enables it to help fight free radicals; left unchecked, free radicals can cause significant damage to the penis skin.

- Vitamin E. Most women know about the excellent hydrating capabilities of vitamin E - so men need to play a little catch-up here. Vitamin E is excellent at keeping skin supple and soft, and can do wonders at soothing out scars and rough skin. And like vitamin C, E is an antioxidant that can keep free radicals at bay and thereby reduce oxidative stress damage.

Getting vitamins

Most of the time, people get these vitamins through their diet. For example, green leafy vegetables and carrots are great sources of vitamin A, and nuts and olives are a go-to source for vitamin E. Many dietary sites include charts that let a guy know which foods are best for which vitamins.

But often a man needs more than dietary sources to get the vitamins he needs - especially if he is interested in targeting those vitamins specifically toward the health of his penis skin.

In such cases, a man can help obtain worthwhile vitamins for his penis skin via the daily application of a high level penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Clearly, a man wants to look for a crème that includes the vitamins mentioned above - A, B5, C and E, all of which have special qualities to enrich penis skin. Their effect can be enhanced if the crème also includes a high-end emollient, such as Shea butter, to provide further moisturization. And if a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, is available to supplement the efforts of vitamins C and E, so much the better!

Friday, 29 December 2017

Overweight? Tips for Confidence and More Penis Fun!

When it comes to all things sex, looks matter. That’s something that gets drilled into everyone from the moment they are old enough to pay attention to billboard ads or notice the perfectly airbrushed women in magazines. But it’s important to remember that even the best penis care doesn’t result in an airbrushed penis - and that a man’s body is probably never going to measure up to those models on the billboards. Why? Because Photoshop manipulation is everywhere!

But many men who are overweight often feel as though they aren’t good-looking enough to draw the attention of a potential sexual partner. Their confidence might be at an all-time low, especially when they compare themselves to those not-so-real models of male physique.

The good news is that a man who is overweight can have just as much penis fun as any other guy - and possibly even more! It all comes down to confidence. Here’s how to get it.

1) Get real. Rather than see the men in magazines and on billboards as the perfect specimens, see them for what they really are - regular men who have been airbrushed to perfection. They don’t really look like that in real life. It’s important to break free of that media-induced confidence killer in order to life full of confidence.

2) Know the truth. Remember that every person has something wonderful to offer, both in the bedroom and outside of it. A man who is overweight has plenty of great things to give to a partner. Just because he weighs a bit more than someone else doesn’t mean he can’t give ultimate pleasure to himself and others.

3) Get comfortable. Sometimes, a man who is overweight wants to ignore his body, or at least the parts of it that he doesn’t like. Rather than shy away from it, get comfortable with it! Pay attention to every inch. Look in the mirror and appreciate it for how strong and capable it is, rather than looking at the flaws.

4) Get naked. The more time a man spends without clothing, the more likely he will become comfortable with how his body looks and feels. Spend plenty of time without anything on and be amazed at the difference a few weeks can make.

5) Reach out. Let go of the notion that nobody will want someone who is overweight. That’s absolutely not true, and there are millions of happy couples out there to prove it! Reaching out to potential partners and building good friendships is the first step to moving into a relationship.

6) Try new things. When it’s time to fall into bed with a partner, be more than willing to try new things. Sometimes a person who is overweight doesn’t "fit" the way they expect, especially if they are expecting something like what they have seen in carefully-choreographed adult films. Remember, those videos aren’t real life - what is going on in a person’s bedroom is. And it’s awesome!

7) Soak up the compliments. Many who are overweight will brush away compliments, believing their partner doesn’t really mean it and they are "just trying to be nice." Rather than buy into that, simply believe a partner when they say how great the sex was or compliment on smooth skin, a handsome penis and more. They mean it!

A guy can also enhance his confidence by reaching for a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A healthy penis is a handsome penis, and that means application of a great crème with multiple vitamins and nutrients - including Shea butter, vitamin A, alpha lipoic acid and more - can give the penis the healthy glow it deserves.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

We Got Game: Masturbation Play for Couples

The sexual world inhabited by a couple is a beautiful and fascinating thing - and one that shouldn’t be self-limited by the participants. Intercourse is, of course, a huge part of that world, as well it should be. Many couples include oral or anal sex in the mix as well. But surprisingly, masturbation is not generally included as an activity for both members to share. Sure, each partner may engage in private masturbation (with men often including that as part of their regular penis care routine), but many couples never masturbate in front of or with each other. Yet much can be learned from this activity. Perhaps a couple might feel more comfortable if they explored mutually masturbating in the context of a game.

If masturbation is viewed as a game between two partners, it can help to take a little of the "edge" off of trying it initially. And once a couple gets used to masturbating together, they may find that they want to include the activity as a more regular part of their sex lives.

Games people play

So what games can couples play involving masturbation? There can be quite a few, actually.

- Masturbation dice. A pair of dice can be used to create any number of masturbation games. For example, a partner rolls the dice. If it is even, the man starts masturbating; if it is odd, the woman. That person must continue masturbating until their partner’s "side" is rolled.

- Stroking cards. As with dice, there are many different games a couple can create using playing cards. One simple game is for one partner to turn over the top card of a deck and for the other partner to stroke or rub their genitals the number of times indicated on a card. (For example, a 4 of clubs would mean stroking or rubbing 4 times.) Play continues until orgasm or until the couple decides to dispense with the cards and keep masturbating or engaging in another form of sex.

Alternatively, a couple can play a game like Crazy 8s, but arrange for one person to keep masturbating as long as red cards are played and for the other to do the same when black suits are played.

- Music fun. Go to a website that plays songs or music videos and set it to play at random. Pick a system for which partner masturbates when. For example, if a solo male performs, the guy masturbates; if a solo female, the girl does. And if it’s a band each partner masturbates.

- Binge masturbate . When catching up on that hot series everyone’s talking about, why not masturbate as well? A couple can easily determine what the rules are. For example, the male masturbates when a female character talks and vice versa. Or if a show has multiple storylines, decide during which one each partner must masturbate.

- Time it. Simplicity itself. Take an egg timer and turn it over. One partner masturbates until the sand runs out, then turns it over and the other partner does likewise. The same can be done with an electric timer, too, of course.

- Naked ping pong. Those with a ping pong table can strip down and play ping pong, but each participant must be masturbating at the same time. Many other games, such as checkers or any board game, can be adapted similarly.

Of course, many couples will need no game in order to begin exploring masturbation together - and that’s great, too.

Whether using a game or not, men will need to be careful not to get over-aggressive during a masturbation session (solo or with a partner). But if a rubbed raw penis occurs, applying a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urgent. Select a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to soothe that overworked penis skin. And be sure the crème also includes L-carnitine, a neuroprotective agent that can help restore sensitivity lost from rough handling of the penis.

Penis Pain from Oral Sex: Helpful Tips

Whether a ready-to-try-it newbie or an experienced, mature lover, men tend to have a special fondness for oral sex. Even though intercourse is most often the preferred form of sexual engagement, a change-of-pace bout of oral sex is almost always welcome. Of course, as with any form of sex, there are some penis care concerns associated with orally gratification. One of these is the possibility of penis pain. Here are several helpful tips to remember to diminish the chances of mouth-to-penis pleasure inducing pain along the way.

Generally, these tips are intended to address what might be considered "procedural" causes of penis pain from oral sex - things that are done "wrong." But this is not comprehensive; there could be other sources of penis pain from oral sex that are not included here.

- Hot mouth, hot penis. Since oral sex on a man involves placing the penis in the mouth, it stands to reason that other things that have recently been put in the mouth may come into contact with said penis. Thus, if the person performing fellatio just had a lunch full of hot, spicy food, chances are that some of the spices are still lingering on the tongue, throat, etc. That can make for an extremely hot penis - and not in a good way. And once some spices or sauce get on the penis, it takes a little while for them to go away, even if the penis is washed promptly. (And guys, this is also true of cunnilingus; a man’s spicy mouth can make her vagina uncomfortably hot and painful as well.) How to avoid this situation? The best way is for the fellator to brush their teeth and/or use mouth wash, and to wait a decent amount of time after eating before getting down to business. An alternative? The man on the receiving end can wear a condom.

- Performing while contagious. If a mouth full of spices can cause trouble on a penis, what about a mouth full of germs? In most cases, a partner who is feeling sick is probably not keen to perform oral sex anyway. But often a person can be in the recovery stages of an illness - feeling better, but still harboring germs - and might be in the mood to give a little oral pleasure. If that’s the case, a condom is another good way to protect from penis pain.

- Braces. This used to be a non-issue, but with more and more adults with orthodonture work, it’s an adult concern for some. Clearly, the idea of metal scraping against delicate penis skin is problematic. A condom can help, but the better option may be for the fellator to concentrate more on licking than actually swallowing the penis.

- Running out of oil. Lots of guys like oral sex that goes on and on (although the person performing may not be so fond of lengthy sessions). But the more the penis is sucked on, the more of its natural skin oils are depleted. This can leave the penis skin dry and raw, which is hardly the ideal state. So guys, don’t make it a marathon session; either ejaculate or move on to other forms of stimulation after a proper amount of time.

When oral sex does result in regular penis pain, use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help. Select a crème with both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is one) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), which can help soothe irritated penis skin. If rough handling has resulted in a diminishment of sensation, a crème with L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient, can help restore lost sensitivity.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Can Opioids Discourage an Erect Penis?

Opioids have been in the news in recent months, largely due to an increasing concern about abuse of these drugs and the health crisis that is forming as a result of that abuse. There are many reasons to be concerned about improper use of opioids, and penis health might be one of those reasons. Some research suggests that use of opioids may cause issues with getting or maintaining an erect penis.


Many people have heard of opioids, but what are they exactly? The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines opioids as a class of drugs that interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain. This class of drug is infamous because it includes the illegal drug heroin. It also includes a synthetic opioid called fentanyl, which is used to relieve pain but which is also a "street drug" under names like Apache, Jackpot, and China White. There are many other opioid pain relievers, like morphine, codeine, and oxycodone.

Opioids used for pain relief serve a very important medical function: enabling patients enduring extremely painful procedures or conditions to cope with pain. Unfortunately, even some of the prescription opioids have in recent years become abused. Combined with the presence of heroin and the fentanyl derivatives, opioid addiction has expanded dangerously. More than 90 Americans die every day from abuse of opioids in their various forms.

Erect penis problems

There exists the possibility that opioid use - even when prescribed and used in an appropriate manner - may have an impact on a man’s erect penis function.

A recent study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine reviewed ten studies that looked at opioid use and erectile dysfunction in men. The ten studies involved a total of more than 8,000 men (average age of 41.6 years). The studies looked at men who were receiving opioid management, and compared them to controls that received placebos.

After analyzing the results from all ten trials, the authors determined that men who use opioids have a 96% greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Not only that, but the risk was even greater among younger men. (Men may typically develop some erect penis issues as they age; younger opioid users were much likelier to develop them earlier than the typical population.)

Some studies found that opioids lower testosterone levels, which may be a reason why erectile dysfunction may develop. Other theories (yet to be tested in men using opioids) are that depression may play a role, or that opioids could negatively decrease nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is needed to help penile blood vessels expand and accommodate the greater influx of blood that creates erections.

While this study presents some interesting ideas, it points to the need for more studies designed to specifically address erect penis issues and opioids and which can look more closely into possible causes and effects.

In the meantime, if a man is prescribed opioids, he may want to report any erectile dysfunction issues he experiences to his doctor and discuss possible options. (And any man who is abusing opioids is strongly encouraged to seek help from a medical professional immediately; such abuse can be fatal.)

Opioids and their possible effect on an erect penis are just one factor to consider when protecting penis health. Daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent way to help maintain that overall health. Definitely seek out a crème with L-arginine, an amino acid which boosts nitric oxide production, thereby helping penile blood vessels expand as needed. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin D, the "miracle vitamin" that the body needs to help maintain its health, especially during cold winter months.

Masturbation is a vital part of almost every man’s life, although the role it plays varies from individual to individual. Some men may go for months without indulging, whereas others find they feel best if they check in with their penis a couple of times a day. (The fact that masturbation can be beneficial to penis health just adds to its appeal.) And one of the beauties of masturbation is its "easy access" - at least when a guy is at home. But what about when he’s is away from home, on a visit to members of the family? Men who masturbate frequently will still want to do so, and even some infrequent masturbators may find an increased urge, especially in a tense family situation.

With that in mind, the following are offered as helpful hacks for indulging in some solo play when on a family visit.

- Be sure to lock the door. At home, especially if a guy lives alone, there’s a lot more freedom to masturbating. And sure, there are some brothers who grew up exploring masturbation together and as adults may not care whether their bro catches them in action. But most men would rather keep the activity on the down low, so while on a family visit, get back into the practice of only masturbating in a room with a secure lock on the door.

- Keep the noise down. Away from home, a guy may have gotten into giving free rein to moaning and groaning and turning the volume up loud as he watches porn. Time to keep the vocal expressions turned down - and to use earbuds if some auditory help is needed.

- Bring lube. Asking to borrow some Vaseline or hand lotion is likely to bring a smirk. A guy should pack his own lube for the trip.

- Do it to de-stress. Yes, visiting family can be fun for a lot of people, but many find that it raises their anxiety levels to new heights. Masturbation is well known as an excellent way to release tension and bring about relaxation, and a lot of guys find themselves masturbating way more when visiting family than they normally do. If that’s the case, don’t get hung up about it; accept it as a way to help protect a man’s mental health! If a guy is at a point where he can talk honestly with his family about things they do or say that he doesn’t like, that’s great; but if not, he should relieve himself in whatever way is best for him.

- Dispose of evidence. At home, some guys leave used tissues hanging around the bedroom or filling up the wastebasket. When visiting, flush the tissues away, or use a pair of socks and leave them in the suitcase when not in active use.

- Be considerate. Sometimes, the only "safe" place to masturbate is the bathroom. If there are many people and few bathrooms, take that into consideration and either make the masturbation sessions quick or plan on indulging at a time when there’s not a line for the toilet.

- Use nostalgia. It’s possible that a visit to the family home may bring up memories or earlier sexual encounters or masturbation fantasies. Take advantage of this to "freshen up" what might be a somewhat stale masturbation routine.

Masturbation, whether on a family visit or at home, sometimes results in a raw penis, so men need to daily apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When the crème has a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), soothing relief is imminent. The penis will also appreciate a crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps restore loss of sensation due to rough or excessive use of the penis.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Penis Health Red Flag: Penile Discharge

When a man first notices penile discharge, he might hope that he’s wrong - that he hasn’t really seen what he thinks he saw. But in most cases, when a man notices something odd about his penis, he’s right in that something really is going wrong with the equipment. It’s a true penis care emergency in that a man needs to figure out what is causing the discharge as soon as possible, so as to help keep his penis health in tip-top shape - and of course, to help ensure that he protects the health of his sexual partners as well.

Penile discharge: Is it an STD?

Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons for penile discharge is a sexually transmitted disease. Though in most cases the infection comes along with other symptoms as well, some men experience a discharge with little to no other symptoms.

The discharge can take a variety of forms. In some cases it is very thin and watery, and is only a slow "drip" that might take a man a few days to notice. But in others, the discharge is copious, with large amounts of it showing up in his underwear in a short period of time. Some discharge might become thick as well.

When it comes to color, penile discharge can be anything from entirely clear to dark yellow or green. Some discharge can even be entirely white, as though chalk has been mixed with water. A discharge that includes any pink or red color might mean there is also blood in there, which doesn’t bode well for a man - it’s a sure sign he needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible.

Other potential signs

As mentioned earlier, there are often many other symptoms that accompany a penile discharge that is the result of a sexually transmitted infection. These can include a red penis, itching, swelling, penis pain, a feeling of fullness, an urge to urinate that leads to only a few drops coming out, a rash, painful urination and more. Any of these could indicate a serious medical issue, including an infection a man picked up from a partner.

What to do

When a man is confronted with a penile discharge, the first thing he must do is figure out where the problem is coming from. For most guys, that’s going to mean a quick visit to the doctor or health clinic, where he will be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor might take a swab of the discharge for further study and to help determine the STD more quickly; a guy can also expect to have blood taken for labs that can help pinpoint which problem he might have.

If a guy notices penile discharge that is mixed with blood, experiences penis pain with no explanation, or notices the discharge shortly after he suffered an injury to the penis, it’s time to go to the emergency room. These situations require a man to be thoroughly checked out as soon as possible to help him avoid any long-term problems that might result from the issue.

On a day-to-day basis, a guy should take steps to protect his penis. This includes using condoms when in bed with a new partner, keeping the penis clean and fresh, and reaching for a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A guy should look for a crème that contains Shea butter for dryness, vitamin C for overall skin health, vitamin A for odor control and alpha lipoic acid to fight the free radicals that can lead to signs of aging. A guy should also look for other nutrients, such as L-carnitine and L-arginine, which provide for better health of a guy’s favorite organ.

Eradicating Penis Problems: Get Rid of Pubic Lice

Sometimes a man will face penis itching that takes things to an extreme, making it impossible for him to keep his hands away from his groin. That’s often the case with pubic lice, which is one of those penis problems that can make a guy cringe at the very thought of it. The good news is that with prompt and proper penis care, a guy can quickly get on the road to healing from the itch and eradicating those little bugs.

What are pubic lice?

Pubic lice are exceedingly tiny parasites, measuring only about 2 millimeters in length when fully grown. They are usually yellow, grey or red. They are so tiny that it’s usually impossible to actually see them, and it might take a strong magnifying glass or microscope to confirm what they are. If a guy does manage to see one, it will look quite like a sea crab. They are similar to head lice, but not the same thing at all - pubic lice almost always wind up in the groin area.

How does a guy get them?

Pubic lice are usually spread by skin-to-skin contact. The contact must be direct, which is usually why they are spread during sexual play. Using a condom doesn’t stop transmission of the lice, as they can cling to areas that the condom won’t cover. In addition, the lice might be transmitted by fabric that has come into contact with the groin, such as underwear or sheets. When there are lice in the sheets, for example, a guy can get them simply by crawling into bed.

It’s very important to remember that even someone with excellent penis care and overall hygiene can easily contract pubic lice. So just because someone "looks clean" doesn’t mean anything about whether they have pubic lice - or other infections, for that matter.

How does a guy know he has them?

The first tip-off is the overwhelming itch, which can leave a man scratching so badly that he actually creates irritated skin and possibly even open sores. Another sign is a black powdery look to underwear after removing them, or tiny dots of blood in the area. There might be bluish dots on the skin, almost like tiny bruises, that are the result of bites from the lice. Keep in mind that a man can be infected for several weeks before the symptoms begin to show up.

Getting rid of pubic lice

Pubic lice are tough to eradicate, so it’s necessary to get a doctor involved. Prescription creams can be rubbed on the area that will kill off the lice, and prescription shampoos will work as well. But a guy will still need to get rid of the "nits," or eggs, of the lice. Since these are usually attached to hair, many men find that shaving their pubic hair helps a great deal. But even if a man is clean-shaven, he still must use the prescription cream exactly as directed, as pubic lice are notoriously tough to remove.

Finally, all bedding or areas where sexual activity might have taken place - or even where a man might have sat down in the buff, such as his living room sofa - must be thoroughly cleaned. This means watching sheets and all other bedding in very hot water, drying on the hottest cycle, and using sprays that are designed to treat mattresses and other surfaces. The doctor can guide a man to the right products.

Throughout the process, a man must take care to prevent other penis problems that often result from itching. A specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), used every day, is a great idea. Look for a crème with vitamins A, C, D and E, all of which are known for their healing properties. Also look for a crème with Shea butter, which is known for deep hydration that can alleviate some of the itching a man suffers when battling pubic lice.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Easy Tips for a More Handsome Penis

When a man is thinking about getting to know a new partner, he certainly starts to worry about how his penis might look. After all, a handsome penis is one of the things a man wants to showcase for his new love - and he wants to hear his new partner say how handsome it really is! To that end, a guy will look for new penis care regimens that might take his look up a notch. But it’s important to remember not to overdo it in the search for a handsome penis, as too much attention to the member could actually backfire and result in dryness or an itchy penis at the most inopportune moment.

The best approach for a handsome penis

Men who are incredibly eager to make their best first impression on a new partner in bed might try all sorts of things to make their penis look a bit better. To be started, it’s important to recognize what others find most handsome in a penis - and no, it’s not the size.

When someone is asked to define what makes a handsome penis, they will usually say it has a lot to do with how well a man takes care of himself. To that end, women love a man who doesn’t have a lot of bushy hair around his equipment, as well as a guy who obviously moisturizes to keep the skin looking supple and smooth. They also like to see a uniform color, though no one objects to a few interesting ‘beauty spots’ here and there!

Getting a handsome look

Now that it’s clear what women want, here’s how to get it:

1) Manscape. Get rid of that bush by using a pair of sharp scissors to trim down the longer hairs, then a sharp trimmer or razor to cut the shorter hairs down even further. It’s not necessary to shave (though some men certainly do), but a simple trim will go a long way toward showcasing the goods.

2) Exfoliate. Using a very gentle washcloth and a mild cleanser to scrub away at the penis and surrounding area is a great way to carefully get rid of all those dead and dull skin cells. This will make the skin brighter and healthier, as well as give a man more of a uniform look.

3) Watch out for overall health. A man can do all sorts of things to help his penis look better, but if his overall health is lacking, his efforts might be all for naught. It’s important to eat right, exercise, stop smoking, don’t drink to excess, get enough sleep, and otherwise take care of himself for a better look all over, not just for the penis.

4) Exercise it. An active penis tends to be a healthier penis, so the occasional masturbation session is a great way to get the blood flowing and keep the penis happy. Masturbation comes with the added bonus of making that handsome penis last longer in the bedroom when it’s time to really get to know a new partner.

5) Moisturize. Men who are serious about the most handsome penis possible will reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . This crème should contain ingredients that are great for the skin, such as vitamin A for odor control, vitamin C to plump up the skin cells and vitamin E for smooth, supple skin. Shea butter can also go a long way toward preventing the itchy penis that can occur if a man goes overboard with the cleaning in an effort to create a more handsome member.

Friday, 22 December 2017

Fighting Penis Odor by “Draining the Swamp”

Olfactory stimuli - that’s "odors" and "smells" in regular guy language - are an important part of attracting another person (and in maintaining their interest once attracted). All people, whether they are aware of it or not, have sensitivities, both good and bad, to specific scents. That’s one reason why a strong, pungent penis odor can be a turn-off to others. (Sometimes it can be so intense that even the man who possesses the smelly penis is turned off by it.) Not only can penis odor indicate a possible penis health concern, but if a person is especially sensitive it may make sex unthinkable. Fighting unwanted penis odor is therefore quite important - and one of the steps to take may include "draining the swamp" - meaning taking care of a heavy sweat issue in the area.

"Swamp crotch"

A slang term for a penis with a persistent sweat issue is "swamp crotch," describing an excessively-moist midsection with a distinct and off-putting aroma. And it’s not a compliment!

The penis and balls are naturals for developing heavy sweat conditions. Unless a man is a nudist, he typically keeps his equipment hidden away beneath two layers of clothing, which generates more heat. Often, the inner layer is a pair of briefs, the snugness of which creates heat. Add to that the fact that the genitals hang between two thighs which, when pressed against the penis and balls, result in further heat. Finally, add in the presence of a thick thatch of pubic hair for further insulation, and it’s no wonder that a guy’s penis is a veritable furnace.

And with all that heat comes sweat and bacteria, which results in the penis odor a man wants so desperately to avoid.


So what are some things a man can do to drain his swamp and help fight penis odor? The following tips can help.

- Wash. Be sure to shower or bathe regularly; for many men, this means every day. Use a gentle cleanser to fight the bacteria, but not something harsh and chemical-laden, which can damage sensitive penis skin. And towel dry the area well after washing.

- Let it all hang out. It helps if a guy can find at least a couple of hours a day to walk around naked. Letting the penis take in the air helps odor disperse. Some men accomplish this by sleeping in the buff.

- Shave. For many men, shaving off their pubic hair - or even just trimming it down some - helps keep the crotch cooler and less sweaty.

- Go loose. The tighter the clothes, the more likely the sweat. Except in cases where it’s important to show off the body, wear looser pants and boxers instead of briefs. Underwear made of "wicking" material can also be helpful. And trousers made of lightweight fabric that breathes can help, especially in the summer.

- Bring a spare. During the summer, a guy may need to change underwear (and possible trousers) a couple of times a day. Bringing a spare pair in the backpack is advised.

- Watch the diet. Some foods and drinks increase the body’s need to sweat. Everybody has their own triggers in these areas, but some typical sweat triggers are alcohol, caffeine, salt and hot spices.

- Use a reliable penis health crème. Fighting penis odor by draining the swamp is easier if a man regularly uses a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure the crème contains vitamin A, as this vitamin has antibacterial properties that are excellent for fighting unwanted penis odor. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that strengthens penis skin by taming excess free radicals; healthier penis skin is better able to fight against odor.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Maintaining Penis Health with the HPV Vaccine

By now many men have heard of the HPV vaccine for women. This vaccine is vitally important to help sexually active women avoid HPV infection, which is one of the most common reasons for cervical cancer. But men who want to ensure the best possible penis care should also get the vaccine, as it is designed to provide many protections for everyone, not just the females in the equation. Here’s what a man needs to know.

What is HPV, anyway?

Also known as human papillomavirus, HPV is one of the most common viruses among adults. In fact, the CDC reports that most people will be infected with it at some point in their lives. Most people aren’t aware of their infection, since so many cases are "silent" and leave no symptoms. But some do face issues, such as genital warts or cervical cancer.

What happens when a man gets HPV?

Most people already know that cervical cancer and HPV are strongly linked. But when a guy gets HPV, lots of ugly things can happen to him, too. For men, it usually shows up as genital warts. Though genital warts aren’t necessarily a health problem, they are certainly a problem for a man’s sex life; he must inform his partners that he has the warts, which can be problematic when trying to get to know a new partner. He must also be careful to wear a condom at all times, even with a regular partner, so as not to spread the warts.

HPV is also shown to have a role in a small number of cases of anal cancer, penis cancer and throat cancer. Though this is rare, the possibility can increase if a man does things that would otherwise lead to problems in those areas, such as smoking.

How can a man protect against HPV?

Fortunately, the HPV vaccine for women works for men, too. Good penis health relies on getting the proper vaccines, including the HPV vaccine. Though it is recommended that a boy receive the vaccine between the ages of 11 and 12, it can be given to men up to 26 years of age. It is always most effective when given to a man who is not yet sexually active, as he has a much lower chance of any sexually transmitted infection, including HPV, already present.

However, a man who is older than the age of 26 can take steps to protect himself, even if he isn’t eligible for the HPV vaccine. He can do this through regularly monitoring his penis health to ensure there are no changes or abnormalities in his equipment. He can also choose partners carefully and use a condom each time, until he chooses to stay monogamous with a partner and they have both been tested for HPV and other infections. If he does happen to test positive for HPV, it’s time to sit down with the doctor and discuss ways to protect his health and the health of his partners.

In addition, a man can turn to great hygiene to help his penis health stay in tip-top shape. That includes the regular use of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A guy can benefit from alpha lipoic acid, which fights free radicals, as well as L-carnitine for better overall health. He can keep the skin smooth and supple with the addition of Shea butter and vitamin E, and for the finishing touch, turn to a crème with vitamins D and C - both known for their healing and protective properties.

Bent Penis: Due to Blood Pressure or Medication?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man develops a severely bent penis, and is a definite penis health concern. While some curvature of the penis is common in many men, with Peyronie’s the degree of curvature is significant and often to an extent that it may cause pain or prevent a man from successfully engaging in sexual activity. Men with high blood pressure are thought to be at an increased risk of developing such a severely bent penis. But is it the hypertension itself that raises the risk or the medicine used to treat the blood pressure?

More about the bent penis

In Peyronie’s disease, the curvature is believed to be due to a build-up of plaque in one or more areas of the penis. This often occurs after the penis has received trauma, especially repeated trauma in the same area. When the penis is injured, scar tissue forms over the injury and aids the healing process. But scar tissue lacks the elasticity of normal penis skin. If enough of this scar tissue forms in the same area, it inhibits the ability of the penis skin to stretch fully to accommodate an erect penis. So, for example, if the scar tissue is on the top of the penis, when the penis starts lengthening, it will hit a "snag" on the top. The bottom and side tissue will lengthen as usual, but on top, it will cause the penis to bend upward.

Depending on where the scar tissue is located, a man’s penis may bend up, down, to the left or to the right. In some cases the bending can approach 90 degrees.

Blood pressure

As mentioned, men with high blood pressure are at greater risk of developing such a bent penis situation. At first, it was assumed that the high blood pressure itself played a role; however, in more recent years, it has become accepted that the real culprit may be medications used to treat the blood pressure problem. Specifically, the class of medication known as beta blockers seems to raise the risk of Peyronie’s disease.

Beta blockers are not just used for high blood pressure; they are also used for treating other cardiac-related issues, as well as glaucoma, thyroid issues, anxiety and migraines. But they are perhaps most often associated with blood pressure cases.

Exactly why beta blockers are associated with a bent penis risk is not clear. However, studies have shown that some men do seem to develop increase plaque build-ups in the penis after taking beta blockers for a period of time.

If a man is using beta blockers and develops a bent penis, he should consult with his doctor to determine if an alternative treatment might be available to control his blood pressure. However, it is important to note that ceasing the use of beta blockers will not likely reverse the bending that has already occurred. For that, a man needs to see a urologist to determine what treatment plan might be initiated to relieve the bending issue.

Whether due to high blood pressure medication or another cause, a bent penis can sometimes be accompanied by pain, especially during the erect state. Some men may find some relief through the application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Because the pain is in some part due to inflexibility of the penis skin during erection, using a crème that can help moisturize the skin is desired. A crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can aid in properly moisturizing skin. The crème should also include vitamin C. This vitamin has properties which help to support elasticity in penis skin.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Penis Pain and Urination: What Could It Be?

For most lucky souls, urination is more of a relief than anything else. But for some, penis pain might pop up while urinating and that can easily ruin a guy’s day. Besides making him quite hesitant to heed the call of nature, a man might even start doing other things to avoid the pain, such as drinking less water, which can be tough on the body. It’s important to figure out where the penis pain is coming from in order to ensure the best possible penis care and overall health - and of course, to make that awful pain go away!

Where is the penis pain coming from?

Sometimes penis pain can be quite diffuse, meaning that it occurs all over the penis and the surrounding area. Other times it can be quite sharp and targeted, such as coming from the tip of the penis during urination. Here are a few of the most common reasons men might suffer from pain during urination.

1) Urinary tract infections. These infections of the urinary tract can cause pain anywhere in the penis, but it might be especially severe right at the tip. These are very common infections that occur when bacteria somehow makes its way up the urethra. One of the most common signs of a urinary tract infection is the constant urge to urinate, even if only a few drops come out each time - and even those few drops can cause a painful burning sensation. Antibiotics can take care of this within a matter of days.

2) Kidney stones. The pain of kidney stones often begins in the lower back, but it might suddenly present anywhere along the penis and midsection. Kidney stones are especially painful when passing through the penis and out the urethra; some of them are too big to pass, and that means they wind up blocking urine. That’s an emergency situation. The pain of kidney stones is usually enough to send a man to the doctor rather quickly. The good news is that a variety of treatment options are available.

3) Sexually transmitted diseases. Some sexually transmitted diseases cause serious penis pain, including pain upon urination. The worst culprits are chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes. Though there are often other signs, such as redness, bumps and discharge, in some cases it’s simply penis pain that won’t go away and either appears during urination or gets worse as a man tries to pass urine. The only way to know for sure what is going on is to visit a doctor and get tested.

4) Prostate issues. A man who suffers from prostate issues, especially an enlarged prostate, might also suffer from urination problems. The pain is usually diffuse, throughout the entire urinary tract, and can often lead to slow urination that makes the problem even worse. The good news is that there are many options for men with prostate problems, and most of them will result in a good outcome that ends the penis pain and gets a guy back to a normal life.

A man can take steps to keep his penis as healthy as possible, whether he has penis pain during urination or not. One of those steps is using a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a daily basis. A man should look for alpha lipoic acid, which helps fight against free radicals, as well as vitamin A, which is known for fighting infections. Shea butter and vitamin E can also help ease the penis that has suffered pain or medical issues by keeping the skin smooth, supple and well-moisturized.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Itchy Penis: What Are Scabies Anyway?

An itchy penis can be an occasional annoyance, requiring a discreet scratch every now and then, or it can be more aggressive, keeping a guy’s hands on his penis constantly and requiring medical attention to address it. One of the more annoying and persistent causes of an itchy penis is the presence of scabies, and guys concerned about penis health definitely will want to know more about them. What are they? Where do they come from? And most importantly, how does a guy get rid of them?

What are scabies?

Many people confuse scabies and pubic lice, but they are actually two different things. Pubic lice (also called crabs) are tiny parasites (usually smaller than 2 mm) that look somewhat like crabs. Scabies, on the other hand, is actually the name of the condition caused by a mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) - but people generally refer to the mites themselves as scabies. They are smaller than lice, less than 1 mm, and tend to have a body with two parts to it - although they’re so small it’s hard to get a good look at them.

Although mites of both sexes may be found on a person, it’s only the female mite that causes scabies. The female likes to dig into a person’s skin, go down a layer or so, and then lay her eggs. The presence of the mites causes an allergic reaction, which almost always brings forth a rash and is also characterized by extreme itching. Scratching them can cause them to become sore or infected, or to crust over. Occasionally the mites’ burrowing may leave tiny lines on the skin.

The first time a person gets scabies, it may not occur until quite some time after the mites have appeared, usually taking two to six weeks for the rash and itching to start. But after that first time, if a person gets scabies again, it can appear much earlier, often in 24 hours or so.

Where do they come from?

So just how does a guy get these little pests, especially on his treasured penis? Scabies are almost always passed on from one person to another through direct skin-to-skin contact. And typically it takes an extended period of contact for them to leap from one body to another. So if a guy with scabies was in a crowded locker room and his penis accidentally brushed against another guy, there’d be little chance of passing on scabies. It’s more likely to happen when he’s in bed with a partner. All that prolonged genital contact could lead to an itchy penis. (Scabies are not always limited to the penile area, of course. They could be passed on during sex from torsos rubbing against each other, or from leg-to-leg contact, for example.)

Scabies can be passed on through non-sexual contact as well, such as from using the towels, clothing, etc. of an infected person.

How to get rid of them

If a guy suspects he has scabies, he should see a doctor promptly to confirm (or disprove) his self-diagnosis. If scabies are present, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medication. (No approved over-the-counter treatments are available.) The medication is typically in the form of a lotion or cream.

Usually, if one member of a household has scabies it is recommended that the other members also get treatment.

An itchy penis, whether caused by scabies or other reasons, can be a major pain. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate some of the itching, especially from more common causes. Be sure the crème contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), as keeping the skin well moisturized helps reduce itching. The best crème will also contain alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and helps penis skin retain its health.

Fun and Penis Games: Bring on the Body Paint!

When a man is eager to dive into penis games, he might have some really interesting thoughts in mind. But the last thing a guy wants to do is play with something fun in bed - such as body paint - and then wind up with an itchy penis in the aftermath. The good news is that some careful attention to the types of penis games he’s playing, as well as great penis care afterward, can help ensure that a man has all the fun of the games but none of the itchy aftermath.

Fun with body paint

Many couples like the idea of body paint as a way to become more intimate and explore fun in bed. Body paint can definitely be a boon to a couple’s enjoyment! But the key lies in choosing the right kind of paint to get the job done without leading to skin issues as soon as the fun is over.

Start by looking for body paint that is specifically designed to be used on the skin. In fact, go a step further and find even more gentle paints that are designed to be used on any part of the body, including the penis. These paints will be entirely non-toxic and usually derived from all-natural ingredients. Keep in mind they might not actually be billed as ‘body paints.’ They might be called ‘body makeup’ or ‘liquid makeup’ or the like.

Before breaking out the paints for fun on the penis and other sensitive areas, make sure the paint really will be okay on sensitive skin. To that end, try doing a test patch a few days ahead of time to make sure there is no reaction. Do this testing on a patch of skin that is rather sensitive, such as the inside of the elbow, the backside of the knee, the inner thigh, or anywhere else where relatively thin and sensitive skin resides. If there is any redness or rash that appears after use, that’s a sign that it should not go on the penis!

Keep in mind that this test must be done a few days ahead of time to account for any delayed reactions. Some paints might seem fine at first, and the skin will only react badly to them several days later. This test will help a guy avoid that problem.

Preparation and aftermath

When a guy is preparing for the fun of body paint with a partner, there are a few things he can do to make the session much more fun. Since body paint sometimes stains fabrics, it’s a good idea to put an old set of sheets on the bed, just in case. If he’s going to play with the paint elsewhere, it’s a good idea to cover furniture, the floor or the like with a sheet or blanket that he won’t mind getting stained.

Some couples choose to shave their nether regions in order to make the paint go on more smoothly. This is an option for a guy, but he must do it a few days before the big event. Shaving immediately before can leave tiny cuts on the skin, which can lead to stinging or even infection if they are invaded by the body paint.

Once the fun is over and the body paint experience is a fond memory, a guy should clean the paint from the skin gently but firmly, using a good cleanser he knows will not irritate the area. He can then turn to the moisturizing powers of Shea butter and vitamin E in a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). This intense hydration can help prevent any dryness that might occur after the big event, alleviate an itchy penis problem and keep his member in great shape for future penis games that he wants to try.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Shhh! 7 Quiet Ways to Please an Erect Penis

This is not exactly a news flash, but often when a man is in the throes of sexual ecstasy, he may make a wee little bit of noise. If that erect penis is receiving pleasure, it may cause a man to forget about the need to be quiet to keep from disturbing the folks in the next room. (And if the folks in the next room are her parents, that can be especially embarrassing.) Now a man doesn’t want to discourage an erect penis or do anything that interferes with the penis health benefits of having sex; however, to help make the experience almost as quiet as it is pleasurable, a dude may want to consider some of the following.

- Get a new set of box springs. While often the excess noise comes from satisfied moans and groans, the classic giveaway when that frisky couple in the next room is going at it is the sound of the bedsprings squeaking away. If either the mattress or the box springs aren’t made for the sexual gymnastics of their owner, he needs to consider investing in a new set - and making sure they’re rigged for quiet.

- Floor it. Of course, sometimes a person isn’t in the position to invest in a new bed - and he can’t just tell his erect penis to put things on hold for a few months until he is in a better position. An alternative is to take the action out of the bed and onto the floor. Spread out a layer of blankets and pillows to make things as comfy as possible. And be a gentleman - offer to lie down and let her be on top. This can help solve the squeaky bed problem - unless, of course, the floorboards also creak.

- Turn up the tunes. Music is already an excellent way to up the romance factor. But it’s also a superb way to help drown out a man’s moans and groans as he makes his way to the finish line (and beyond).

- Or the TV. Having the tube on and turned up high may not scream out "romance" - but it’s an effective way to down out the screaming resulting from wild sex.

- Make use of a pillow. If either partner just can’t keep their voices down as they climax, they can use a pillow to muffle the sound. Be sure, of course, not too hold it over the mouth for too long. If a person worries about this, they can instead try biting the pillow when they feel like moaning and groaning.

- Slow things down. In some instances, vocal noises are not a problem - but the juicy sounds that accompany well-lubricated sex may be. (Men, this can be especially true when engaging in some uninhibited masturbation.) But often slowing things down can drastically reduce the loudness of the activities - and in some cases can make the orgasm that much more intense.

- Kiss more. When one of the partners feels like moaning, they should kiss instead. It’s one of the most fun ways to quieten things down while having sex.

Keeping that erect penis happy in a quiet manner (when called for) doesn’t have to be hard. But the erect penis also needs to be happy by being healthy, and that requires the daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The penis has a healthier glow when its skin is not dry and scaly, so select a crème that can properly moisture the penis - and that requires a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Also try to select a crème with vitamin A, as that vitamin possesses antibacterial properties that can help fight unwanted persistent penis odor.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Sore Penis from Oral Sex: Yes or No?

According to some surveys, many men wish they could receive more oral sex from their partners. Whether that means they actually prefer oral sex to intercourse or whether they simply would like a little more variety in their sex lives is anyone’s guess. But whatever the case, there’s no denying that most men relish the opportunity to get oral sex. And if a man has been paying proper attention to their penis health, his chances of getting some do increase. But as with all things sexual, there can be some drawbacks. For instance, sometimes a sore penis results from oral sex. If it’s nothing but a transient sore penis, there’s no problem. But it can be otherwise.

Common causes

Of course, there are many reasons why fellatio could lead to a sore penis - and many of them would fall into the category of basically benign.

For instance, there’s the matter of teeth. Oral sex and the mouth are intrinsically linked; a guy can’t have one without the other. And most mouths come equipped with teeth (or teeth-like facsimiles). And even the most expert oral sex practitioner may not be able to keep her teeth from grazing the penis, especially the head. When this happens enough, it’s bound to result in a sore penis.

In one variation, the partner may playfully nibble on the penis. This may create an ecstatic feeling in some men, but too much nibbling can create breaks in the skin which may lead to a penis ulcer - and that’s a bit painful.

But there can be other factors as well. For example, perhaps the partner has not brushed her teeth before giving her favors. Depending on the sensitivity of the penis skin, there could be a reaction to traces of food products in her mouth - such as hot sauce left over from that Mexican dinner. The penis may react unfavorably to such triggers.

Other causes

Not brushing or over-nibbling is forgivable. But there are some other byproducts of oral sex that may not be so easy to shrug off.

While in most cases oral sex is less likely to pass on sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) from a partner than penetrative sex, there still can be a significant risk. Among the STIs that have been known to be passed on through oral sex are HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. All these can be serious for many reasons; a sore penis is among the lesser complications associated with them.

HPV (human papilloma virus) can be transmitted orally as well - although in this case it is the one who is giving the oral sex rather than the one who is receiving it that is at risk. And HPV is strongly associated with an increased chance of developing throat cancer. So men who have HPV should speak with a doctor about whether oral sex is a possibility and what needs to be done.

Other infections that can come about from unprotected oral sex include herpes and hepatitis.

Again, the risk of STIs from oral sex can be lessened by using protective barriers, getting tested regularly and limiting sex partners. Discussing options with a doctor is advised.

Most often oral sex is pleasurable and doesn’t result in a sore penis. When that soreness is due to a little improper handling, use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Soreness can be partially alleviated if the crème contains a combination of exceptional moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. Try to find a crème that also includes vitamin D, the "miracle vitamin," which helps fight disease and support cellular function in penis cells. Vitamin D is especially valuable during dark winter months.

Friday, 15 December 2017

That Penis Rash: Eczema or Psoriasis?

Presenting the manhood to a partner, especially a new one, is a big moment, and one that guys want to make a big impression. Unfortunately, few things can mar that good impression more than an unsightly penis rash. A bedmate is likely to take that penis rash as a sign that, at the very least, this guy doesn’t care very much about his penis health - even if he typically spends a great deal of time on that subject. There are many potential causes of a penis rash, including eczema or psoriasis. People use these two terms interchangeably - so how does a guy tell them apart?


It’s easy to see why people get eczema and psoriasis confused with each other. First off, they are both a form of dermatitis. And what is dermatitis? It’s an inflammation of the skin, which generally causes redness, rashing and itching. Often swelling of some kind is associated with dermatitis. There are many different kinds of dermatitis, not just eczema and psoriasis.


So eczema and psoriasis are both relatively common forms of dermatitis. How are they alike?

Well, in the way that they meet the general requirements of dermatitis: they both tend to be marked by a red rash. The rash causes itchiness, and it also tends to be dry. And, of course, they tend to have some itchiness associated with them.


So they sound similar- but there are significant differences.

Take the itching, for example. Both eczema and psoriasis itch. But in most cases, eczema produces a more intense itch than psoriasis.

In addition, the rash each causes has a different appearance. Eczema tends to present as small blisters or bumps. Psoriasis typically has better-defined edges, and may be scaly and thick. There may be silvery scales associated with the psoriasis rash.

Some of the differences between eczema and psoriasis are not visible to the eye. Eczema, for example, occurs because of external environmental factors. A guy may have switched laundry detergents and started using one with harsh or unfamiliar chemicals. The penis rash that occurs is eczema, a reaction to this harsh chemical.

Psoriasis, on the other hand, is genetic in nature and comes about from a response to something happening inside the body. (Because of the genetic link, it typically occurs in adulthood, while eczema can first appear in childhood.) It is also associated with psoriatic arthritis, a long-term kind of inflammatory arthritis.

Knowing that eczema’s causes tend to be external, a guy can help determine which of these two forms of dermatitis might be responsible for a penis rash. If he is wearing new clothes, has come in contact with a new fabric, switched soaps or detergents, etc., it is more likely to be eczema. With the penis especially, using a new brand of condoms or contraceptive foam could be responsible.

While eczema or psoriasis are more likely to appear elsewhere on the body, they can indeed make an unwelcome appearance on the penis.


After a doctor has diagnosed the condition properly, they can recommend the appropriate treatment. Both conditions typically include moisturizing the affected skin, but there may be different approaches as well. For example, eczema often responds to the use of antihistamines, while psoriasis does not.

Whether caused by eczema, psoriasis or another reason, treating a penis rash is important. In many cases, regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can make a difference. Be sure to find a crème that includes a combination of powerful moisturizers, such as natural Shea butter and vitamin E. It helps if the crème also contains vitamin C; this ingredient helps strengthen skin tone, improving the elasticity that penis skin requires for best functioning.

8 Basic Penis Protection Hacks

All dudes should take penis protection seriously. After all, a guy has only one penis and it has to last him a lifetime. That’s why paying special attention to penis health makes so much sense. So with that in mind, below are several penis protection hacks - many of them common sense in nature - that guys need to be sure to follow.

1) Don’t skip the jock. Sure, a jock strap can be very uncomfortable. That’s the point, bro. It’s supposed to gather up the penis and balls and squish them together. That results in protection that makes it more difficult for them to fall prey to a fastball from a pitcher or a kick - inadvertent or on purpose - from a linebacker. Even amateur athletes should suffer the inconvenience and wear a jock when getting into heavy contact sports.

2) Wear a condom. As penis hacks go, this one is pretty obvious. Forget for the moment about the role a condom can play in preventing an unwanted pregnancy; focus on what unprotected sex can do to a dude’s penis. One study looked at 245 couples in which one member of each couple was infected with HIV. Of the 123 couples that used condoms every time, there were no new infections. Of the 122 that did not use them every time, there were 12 newly infected partners. Condoms cannot provide foolproof protection; for example, when a sexually-transmitted infection is transmitted through sores or ulcers, a lot depends on where the lesion is located and whether the condom fully covers it. But not using a condom increases the risk of transmission significantly.

3) Wear a real condom. Sure, DIY hacks are all the rage now - but not where condoms are concerned. Balloons, plastic bags and plastic wrap are no substitute for reliably manufactured condoms that are specifically designed for penis protection. A DIY condom is simply asking for trouble.

4) Drink water. Proper hydration helps in the prevention of many penis-related issues, including kidney stones, urinary tract infections, penis rashes and dry penis skin. It also has an impact on the health and quantity of semen.

5) Ejaculate frequently. Whether via masturbation or partner sex, ejaculation helps to keep the penis in good health - and, according to some studies, also reduces the risk of prostate disorders later in life.

6) But watch the death grip. Often men masturbate with a grip that is too tight - and that can, over time, lead to a loss of sensation in the penis. Which may cause a man to grip it even tighter. Which makes it even less sensitive. It’s a vicious cycle a man wants to avoid.

7) Avoid harsh chemicals. Because penis odor can be a big problem, many men resort to using soaps or shampoos with heavy scents. But strong chemicals and fragrances can do damage to penis skin, which is especially delicate.

8) Use a dependable penis health crème. This is one of the most important penis protection hacks, and one that is easy to follow. Regularly apply a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men who have experienced some loss of penis sensitivity (due to death grip masturbation or other reasons) want to be sure the crème includes L-carnitine, which is neuroprotective and can help to restore loss of sensation in the penis. The best crèmes also help repair damaged penis skin, especially when lack of hydration is responsible. Look for a crème with both a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural moisturizing agent (vitamin E is good). Daily use of the proper penis health crème can make a big difference.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Winter Penis Care: Sex Tips for Cold Weather

Brrrrr! The winter is surely on its way, and many parts of the world are preparing for some cold weather ahead. And what does that mean for a guy’s penis? Well, it depends on a lot of factors - but most men don’t let a little cold weather keep them from practicing good penis care and making sure their favorite body part stays healthy and active, even if the weather outside gets frightful.

Of course, often a partner may not be moved to engage in sex when it’s cold just to satisfy a dude’s penis care requirements. If that is the case, here are some ideas for overcoming a mate’s cold-related reluctance.

- Sex is hot. We don’t mean in the hot in the sexual sense (although clearly it’s that, too). But one of the best ways to combat cold is through sharing of body heat. Everyone has seen plenty of movies or read plenty of books that prove getting intimately close is an excellent way to ward away the cold. And seriously, just ask a partner to think back to how heated up they usually get during moments of intimacy.

- Go in for pre-heating . It’s true that when a person pulls back the blankets or comforter and literally hits the sheets that the bedding can be quite cold - even if the room itself is warm. If that’s the case, consider using a bedwarmer or a couple of heating pads to take off some of the chill. (Definitely monitor the situation with anything electric, of course.)

- Or go flannel. Many people find flannel sheets much are less inclined to hold a chill than regular cotton sheets. And store the satin ones away till the spring; they tend to keep a chill longer.

- Warm up by the fire . As all bros know, a roaring fire is way high on the romance scale. Cuddling and kissing in front of the fire can be a great prelude to a full-scale sexual encounter. And if there’s a comfortable rug and quilt nearby, or a cozy sofa, the sex can be had right in front of the fire itself, making things both hot and convenient.

- Warm up inside, too . One of the pleasures of the winter is imbibing nice hot drinks. Some hot cocoa can help take the chill off - or for those who prefer more adult drinks, sharing sips from a big snifter of brandy can be quite romantic.

- Keep the clothes on (or some). One of the nicest things about coupling is the feeling of skin against skin. But if the weather is too cold, there’s something to be said for keeping clothes on and just exposing the bare necessities. For many, it doesn’t even have to mean keeping all their clothes on; sometimes just keeping socks on helps keep the body heat in. And many women look sexy posing in the buff - except for a ski cap on their heads.

Regular sex really is part of good penis care, and a guy can’t let a little cold weather stop him. But regardless of the temperature, he also needs to take other steps for optimal penis care. Key among these is the daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Penis health is impacted by a lot of things, including the ability of the penile blood vessels to expand to accommodate a proper flow of blood. A crème with L-arginine can help in this area, as this amino acid helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn helps open up the blood vessels. The crème should also include vitamin B5. Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Preventing an Itchy Penis with Probiotics

Yeast infections are typically identified with women, but they do occur in men as well - and are one of the causes of a persistently itchy penis that wreaks havoc on a man. When a yeast infection is responsible for the itchy penis, it moves from an annoyance and inconvenience into a penis health concern, so taking steps to treat or prevent the condition is essential. One avenue men may want to explore is the possible use of probiotics as a preventive measure.

When an itchy penis is caused by a yeast infection, it is often called candidiasis - but since that word is a mouthful, men more commonly call it "thrush." The yeast that creates thrush is a fungus known as candida albicans, which occurs naturally in the body and is very common. Like all fungi, it thrives in warm, moist areas, which is why the penis is an attractive spot for it to appear.

Thrush generally presents as an itchy rash on the tip of the penis (and on the foreskin in intact men). It can cause soreness as well, especially when urinating. Intact men may also experience an increase in smegma when thrush is present.

Although thrush can be passed on during sex, it is not considered a sexually-transmitted infection. And for some reason, it is more often found among men who are not sexually active!

Now that thrush has been explored, what about probiotics? What are they and why might they help with thrush?

One reason why candida albicans tends to overgrow beyond its normal levels and create a yeast infection is because the immune system may be operating at too low a level. This can happen for a number of reasons. For example, taking steroids or antibiotics can lead to a suppressed immune system. When that happens, "good" bacteria - the kind that keep candida albicans in check - are diminished, and so thrush has an opportunity to take hold and grow.

That’s where probiotics come in. Probiotics are some of the "good" bacteria referenced above. They are active in the digestive tract, and they can help prevent the growth of unwanted yeast in there.

Several studies have shown that probiotics help the gut keep candida albicans under control and thus can help prevent thrush from occurring. So including probiotics in the diet, especially if the immune system is suppressed, can help prevent an itchy penis.

There have been no studies yet to indicate whether using probiotics on an already-active case of thrush can help it to go away. In such cases, a man should consult with his doctor to determine what course of treatment may be best for dealing with active thrush. Usually the application of an antifungal medication will have good results.

Men who are interested in adding probiotics to their diet to help prevent thrush should still consult with their doctors and/or a nutritionist in advance (as they should with any significant dietary changes they are contemplating).

Probiotics may be a good preventive measure against thrush, but there may be many other causes for an itchy penis. Often the symptoms of an itchy penis may respond to the use of a top penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Itchiness is often caused by, or exacerbated by, dry penis skin. Therefore, select a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). This combination of hydrators helps create a "moisture shield" to strengthen penis skin. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant, which keeps skin healthy by fighting the free radicals that can damage penis skin cells.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Small Penis Sex: Working Around the Size Issue

It’s generally accepted that the famous saying "good things come in small packages" is indeed true. Unfortunately, too many people don’t believe the saying applies to a small penis, and that is truly a shame. As many experts will confirm, assuming that penis health and function are not impacted, small penis size shouldn’t be an impediment to sexual enjoyment - either for the man who possesses the small penis or for his partner(s).

What is small anyway?

Just what size indicates a small penis? As with so many things involving the penis, the subject is open to debate, but generally a man whose erect penis length is less than four inches in considered on the shorter end of the game.

However, it should be pointed out that even what might be considered a small penis often fulfills its functions perfectly well. Just as every penis is different, so is every woman’s body - and there are many women who find that penetrative sex with a small penis gives them as much pleasure as sex with a larger one. In addition, the concept of a small penis has a psychological basis, meaning that some men with perfectly normal sized penises (and in some cases, some penises that would be considered above average) may view their penis as small.

But assuming that a small penis refers to one whose size is less than four inches, what tips are there for working around what might be considered an issue?

Accept the size

The first thing to do is for a man to accept the size of his penis and to grow comfortable and proud of his equipment. Although it may not be huge, it still possesses all the attributes associated with a penis - virility, manliness, potency, handsomeness, etc. Be proud of this admirable symbol of manhood.

Define sex

It’s no secret that most men tend to orgasm quickly after initiation of penetrative sex, and that most women require more stimulation to achieve orgasm. That’s equally as true when a massive penis is involved as when a small penis is involved. As a result, men with penises of all sizes have learned to shift focus away from purely penetrative sex so that both partners can enjoy the experience. Foreplay, oral sex, manual stimulation, erotic touching of body parts other than the genitals and the use of sex toys has become common for all men.

A man with a small penis should therefore be ready to incorporate these same non-penetrative techniques into his sex play with a partner. The goal of sex should not be to force orgasm through thrusting but to allow for each partner to experience connected bliss through whatever physical means are best suited for that couple.

Work for connection

It’s also important to remember that, as enjoyable as orgasms are, couples ultimately want to use sex as a way of deepening a special connection between two people. When in a relationship, sex shouldn’t be about sex organs but should be about how those organs work together to cement and add to a bond.

Men with a small penis, a large penis or a penis of any size will feel better in bed if they are taking measures to ensure their general penis health. One important step in this regard is the daily application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will include a wide range of vitamins essential for penis health, such as A, B5, C, D and E. It also is wise to select a crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid with neuroprotective properties that can help to restore lost sensation due to rough handling of the penis.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Understanding Semen: What’s Normal and What’s Not

When it comes to penis problems, men are usually very quick to tell if something is amiss. But when it comes to semen, the question of what’s a problem and what isn’t can leave them in a quandary. That’s because even with no changes in routine or penis care regimen, semen can change. It might look thin and white one day, then thick and gray the next. So what indicates penis problems and what is just the normal way semen should look?

Here are some pointers about semen to help a man understand whether there’s a problem or not.

1) The color. Semen can be many different colors, all within a range of white or yellow or grey. In most cases, semen is a creamy or pearly white, trending to a greyish color. For some men, however, it might have a tinge of yellow. And for others, it might even have little color at all, and look more like water than anything else.

2) The consistency. Some guys will notice semen that is very watery, with little consistency beyond that. Others will notice something at the other end of the spectrum - thick, almost like jelly, even with thicker globules within the stream. Either of these is perfectly fine. In fact, a guy might have one consistency with one ejaculation, and then another consistency with the next.

3) The range. Though some men are really curious about how far their semen will travel when they ejaculate, how far it actually goes varies widely. Some men notice a little spurt and a dribble, but nothing more. Others feel as though it has the power of a fire hose, and that they could hit the ceiling if they tried hard enough. It’s a wide range, but as with consistency, anything within that range is normal.

4) The volume. Again, this will vary. For most men, however, they can expect to produce up to one teaspoon, or five milliliters, with every ejaculation. It varies depending upon whether a man has recently gotten off (which might result in less) or has gone through a dry spell (which might result in much more).

When semen issues might mean penis problems

So when should a man worry about the quality of his semen? Though there is obviously a wide range of normal, there are some points to keep in mind.

If a man notices red, brown or pink semen, that might indicate the presence of blood. Though this might happen from time to time and mean very little, if it happens more than once, a guy should get it checked out to ensure nothing serious is going on.

Another thing to watch for is volume. If a man is consistently producing very little semen - or none at all - then he needs to mention it to his doctor. This could indicate a variety of issues, many of which have an easy fix. But the only way to know for sure is to get the expert opinion.

Finally, any pain with ejaculation is always something to worry about. Again, occasionally this happens and means very little; but if it happens more than once, it might indicate something is amiss.

No matter what a man’s semen is like, he can take steps to avoid any penis problems with the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a crème that includes all he needs for healthy skin, such a vitamins A and D, a healthy dose of L-carnitine and L-arginine, Shea butter and of course, vitamin E. These vitamins can help improve the look of the penis, and can make a man feel much better about the overall health of his package.

Relationships and Penis Health: Is Affair Recovery Possible?

In today’s world, many relationships fall victim to affairs. An affair can wreak havoc on any relationship, whether it’s a relatively new relationship or a marriage that has lasted for decades. Can anyone really recover from an affair, and if so, how? And besides questions of the relationship lasting, men also have to deal with questions of penis health - all of which could damage the relationship even further. Here’s what a man needs to know about relationship care and penis care in the wake of an affair.

So, somebody had an affair. What now?

What now, indeed. In the aftermath of an affair discovery, there is bound to be some serious upheaval in a person’s life. And it is an unfortunate fact that many partners will choose to call it quits shortly after the affair is discovered, or after several months of soul-searching. But for those who choose to stay and work things out, there are several things to keep in mind.

1) Be dedicated to recovery. The affair happened because someone wasn’t fully dedicated to the relationship they were in. In order to recover, both partners must be 100% devoted to making their relationship work. This means doing whatever it takes to recover from the affair, even if it feels "unfair" or too much to handle at first.

2) Cut off all contact with the other person. Any contact at all with the affair partner is a recipe for trouble. This means that in order to ensure a strong relationship, the offending partner must cut off all contact with the person they had the affair with. Even if that means changing jobs or routines, it might be necessary for a relationship to survive.

3) Get tested for everything. Both partners must go to the doctor for testing for all sexually transmitted diseases - no exceptions. Even if the person who had the affair trusted the ‘other person’ completely, getting tested is a good faith measure for the partner who was wronged, as it gives them peace of mind that there is nothing lurking there that might affect their health.

4) Become an open book. The time for secrets is over. Now is the time for openness and complete transparency. What that means for each couple will be different. For some, it means letting their partner know where they will be at all times. For others, it means open access to passwords, email accounts and the like. What openness looks like is up to the couple to agree upon.

5) Get into therapy. Sometimes it helps to have a professional voice guiding a couple down the right path. Getting into therapy can help ensure that each person is comfortable with the way the relationship is going and can keep everyone on track if things get rocky along the way.

6) Ease back into the bedroom. Some couples can get right back into doing the deed. Others might take many months before they are ready to play. No matter what the case, it’s best to take it slow and easy, to make sure each person is fully ready to commit to starting a sexual relationship again. Remember that this can hit at the heart of many worries and fears, so be very patient when easing back into sex.

A man who wants to do his part in getting things going in the bedroom again wants to make sure he has a handsome penis to get the job done. A good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can aid him in this quest. A crème that contains a wealth of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for odor control, vitamin E for softness and L-arginine for better blood flow, can help ensure his body is good to go as soon as he and his partner are emotionally ready.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Penis Odor When Traveling: Trip Tips

There’s nothing quite like traveling, especially when it’s for pleasure rather than business. Many men enjoy taking a trip; the chance to explore new places can be exciting and enjoyable. Sometimes, however, there can be some unexpected drawbacks to traveling. For example, it’s not uncommon for a man to develop a penis odor situation on a trip, especially if it’s of some extended length. Since all men want to address penis health issues promptly, it pays to take some steps to remedy the situation.

Why does it happen?

It may seem odd that a penis odor problem could arise while on a trip when one did not exist back at home, but it does happen. Interestingly, in some cases it’s not that the penis suddenly develops an odor while on a trip; it’s that the penis odor has previously existed but only becomes noticeable while traveling. This has to do with being in a new setting. Just as food may taste different in a different setting, so may an odor that a person has gotten used to. Suddenly, it seems strong and unpleasant.

But there may also be reasons why penis odor does pop up that was not there previously. Here are some typical reasons:

Relaxed hygiene. Often a guy treats a trip as a way to just let everything slide and relax - especially if he’s on a trip to a remote location, like a mountain cabin. Men who normally shower every day relax and go for several days without a bath. They may not change their underwear daily as they normally would, or if they find that they’ve run out of clean briefs, they’ll wear old ones rather than do laundry. Naturally, penis odor is much more likely to develop in such situations. So to avoid this, wash regularly and either pack sufficient underwear or be prepared to do some washing.

Hotel cleansers. Most men opt not to bring their own soaps and shampoos from home on a trip but to use those provided by the hotel in which they are staying. Unfortunately, sometimes the soap provided may not "do the job" that a guy’s penis needs, especially if he is prone to penis odor. Bringing along a bar of the usual lsoap to use just in case is a good idea.

Long travel times. Another thing that initiates a penis odor issue is taking a trip that involves lengthy travel times. Sitting on an airplane for seven or eight hours, or sitting in a car for an equal length of time, often creates a sweaty crotch situation. The double layer of clothing (underwear plus trousers) naturally creates heat, and that is only exacerbated by sitting for extended periods of time. It helps to get up and move every so often, but that is only partially effective. If a man is already prone to developing penis odor, he should consider bringing along a pair of underwear to change into while traveling in order to freshen up and keep the odor at bay.

One other major tip: When on a trip, be sure to fight unwanted penis odor by regularly applying a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) - something men need to do even when not traveling. In order to be effective, the crème needs to contain vitamin A. Why? Because this essential vitamin has quality anti-bacterial properties to fight many of the root causes of persistent penis odor. In addition, the selected crème should include vitamin D. This acclaimed "miracle vitamin" is well known for its role in promoting overall health; by keeping the penis in good health, it is better able to ward off errant aromatic invaders.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Penis Pain and Tingling Due to Kidney Stones

Most of the time, a penis is a guy’s best friend - and as such, when the little buddy doesn’t feel well, a guy wants to take steps to get him back in shape. That’s why proper attention to penis health is on the top of most men’s to-do lists. But preventing penis pain sometimes involves taking steps that might not at first glance seem directly related to the penis. For example, a man may develop kidney stones and not think this condition could bring about penis pain or other penile issues. Unfortunately, it can.

About kidney stones

Kidney stones are a fairly common problem. Approximately one million Americans will suffer from kidney stones every year. Over the last 35 years, the number of Americans getting kidney stones at some point in their lives has tripled, from 3% to 9%. And men are more likely to get kidney stones than are women.

But just what are kidney stones? Technically, they aren’t stones as they are not made of rock; they’re more "crystalline" in nature. Every person’s urine has several ingredients in it, including a variety of minerals and salts. If the levels of some of these minerals and salts are elevated too high - if there’s too much of one or more of them - they may form what we refer to as stones. Some of the stones are very, very small, and a person is never aware they have one. But when they get too big, they make their presence felt.

Most kidney stones are primarily calcium in nature, accounting for about 80% of all stones. Stones made from too much uric acid account for 5-10% of stones, and another 10% are made from magnesium ammonium phosphate. Very rarely, too much of an amino acid called cysteine creates a stone.

Penis pain

As the name implies, kidney stones form in the kidney. They may move from the kidneys into the ureters, the tubes that lead to the bladder. From the bladder, the stone travels up the urethra and out of the penis.

But not always easily. Depending on the size of the stone, it may get lodged in the kidneys, ureters, bladder or even the urethra. This can cause considerable discomfort, including significant penis pain. Sometimes the pain is not so severe, and may present as a tingling sensation in the penis instead.

Kidney stones often are accompanied by an incredibly sharp pain in the stomach or back. They may produce a feeling of nausea, as well as a need to urinate frequently - but unfortunately, the urination may be accompanied by a sharp stinging sensation in the penis.


Men should consult a doctor if they think they have kidney stones. Treatment may vary from simply increasing hydration and waiting for the stone to pass to taking medication to enlarge the ureters to shock wave therapy to surgery. Changes in diet (including water intake) and exercise may be required to prevent future development of kidneys stones.

The amount of penis pain associated with kidney stones can vary from a tingling sensation to really quite severe pain and burning. Keeping the penis in good overall health may be useful, so men should regularly apply a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Penis skin can especially benefit from a good crème that includes both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is one of the best) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). The combination will help create a moisture seal to better hydrate delicate skin. The crème should also include L-arginine. This amino acid is part of the process by which nitric oxide is produced, which in turn enables penile blood vessels to more easily open and expand when an influx of blood is called for.