Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Understanding Semen: What’s Normal and What’s Not

When it comes to penis problems, men are usually very quick to tell if something is amiss. But when it comes to semen, the question of what’s a problem and what isn’t can leave them in a quandary. That’s because even with no changes in routine or penis care regimen, semen can change. It might look thin and white one day, then thick and gray the next. So what indicates penis problems and what is just the normal way semen should look?

Here are some pointers about semen to help a man understand whether there’s a problem or not.

1) The color. Semen can be many different colors, all within a range of white or yellow or grey. In most cases, semen is a creamy or pearly white, trending to a greyish color. For some men, however, it might have a tinge of yellow. And for others, it might even have little color at all, and look more like water than anything else.

2) The consistency. Some guys will notice semen that is very watery, with little consistency beyond that. Others will notice something at the other end of the spectrum - thick, almost like jelly, even with thicker globules within the stream. Either of these is perfectly fine. In fact, a guy might have one consistency with one ejaculation, and then another consistency with the next.

3) The range. Though some men are really curious about how far their semen will travel when they ejaculate, how far it actually goes varies widely. Some men notice a little spurt and a dribble, but nothing more. Others feel as though it has the power of a fire hose, and that they could hit the ceiling if they tried hard enough. It’s a wide range, but as with consistency, anything within that range is normal.

4) The volume. Again, this will vary. For most men, however, they can expect to produce up to one teaspoon, or five milliliters, with every ejaculation. It varies depending upon whether a man has recently gotten off (which might result in less) or has gone through a dry spell (which might result in much more).

When semen issues might mean penis problems

So when should a man worry about the quality of his semen? Though there is obviously a wide range of normal, there are some points to keep in mind.

If a man notices red, brown or pink semen, that might indicate the presence of blood. Though this might happen from time to time and mean very little, if it happens more than once, a guy should get it checked out to ensure nothing serious is going on.

Another thing to watch for is volume. If a man is consistently producing very little semen - or none at all - then he needs to mention it to his doctor. This could indicate a variety of issues, many of which have an easy fix. But the only way to know for sure is to get the expert opinion.

Finally, any pain with ejaculation is always something to worry about. Again, occasionally this happens and means very little; but if it happens more than once, it might indicate something is amiss.

No matter what a man’s semen is like, he can take steps to avoid any penis problems with the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a crème that includes all he needs for healthy skin, such a vitamins A and D, a healthy dose of L-carnitine and L-arginine, Shea butter and of course, vitamin E. These vitamins can help improve the look of the penis, and can make a man feel much better about the overall health of his package.

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