Monday, 30 July 2012

Five Tips for Increasing Penis Sensitivity without Drugs

Loss of penis sensation is a common problem, even in younger men. Manufacturers of impotence drugs and penile enhancements often use this to their advantage to market pharmaceuticals that are generally ineffective and may cause harmful side effects. What many men do not realize is that penis sensitivity can be treated without resorting to drugs and gimmicks by following a few simple tips. In addition, regular use of a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals can help to maintain normal sensitivity of the penis and may even assist in restoring lost penile sensitivity. The following suggestions are often all that is needed to rejuvenate the penis skin and boost the enjoyment of sex.

Relax and enjoy the moment

Although the erogenous skin of the penis obviously plays a big role in sexual stimulation, research has shown that sexual desire and satisfaction is primarily a mental process. Men who are able to relax and enjoy the process of sex, rather than focusing on the end result, tend to have deeper and more satisfying orgasms.

Try something new

Men who find themselves in a rut, masturbating in the same manner every time or going for a jackrabbit effect during intercourse, are prone to loss of penis sensation. This problem may occur when the penis skin is desensitized by the constant friction, similar to the callouses that develop on the hands over time as a result of physical labor.

Mixing it up – using feathers or other toys, or just the tips of the fingers – to stimulate the skin on other parts of the body can create a new range of sensations that lead to arousal, giving the penis skin a break and allowing men to enjoy greater sensitivity and pleasure during sex.

Avoid tobacco use and limit the intake of alcohol

Chemical substances such as tobacco and alcohol can wreak havoc on the circulatory and nervous system. Regular smoking, in particular, can lead to desensitization of the penis and limit the ability to enjoy sex. Since smoking is bad for the health on many levels, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by quitting. In addition, limiting alcohol consumption to no more than a few drinks each week can improve the body’s ability to heal and to rejuvenate damaged skin and nerve cells that may cause loss of penis sensitivity.

Wear soft, loose-fitting clothing

Wearing restrictive clothing can interfere with circulation, limiting the amount of blood flow to the penis and inhibiting penis sensation. In addition, rough fabrics that constantly rub against the penis skin can cause penile desensitization over time. Wearing looser, breathable clothing (all-natural fabrics are best) can improve blood flow to the area and prevent chafing and long-term damage to the skin.

Use a daily vitamin formula

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids are just as important to penis health as they are to the rest of the body. Here are just some of the nutrients that play an essential role in penis sensitivity and overall penis health:

- Vitamin A promotes youthful, supple penis skin that is receptive to tactile stimulation;

- Vitamin C supports the circulatory system and maintains the skin’s natural elasticity, as well as helping the body to fight off the effects of chemical damage from tobacco, alcohol and other harmful substances;

- Vitamin E creates a natural moisture barrier, preventing drying and dehydration of the penis skin that can cause the buildup of toughened skin cells that often results in loss of penis sensation.

- Natural oils such as shea butter moisturize the skin, leaving it smooth and responsive without irritation.

Choosing a penis sensitivity treatment

While numerous skin crèmes are available that contain some combination of the above ingredients, not all of these are appropriate for application to the penis. Many skin moisturizers contain fragrances and other chemicals that can actually cause irritation, which is a factor in penile sensation loss. In order to receive the maximum benefits of these and other essential vitamins and minerals, use of a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is applied directly to the target area is advised.

Penile Rash Treatment – Quick Tips for Curing Penis Rash

A penis rash can appear as a reddened area of the skin or as small, red bumps that may be accompanied by inflammation, itching and soreness. In some instances, the bumps may rupture, or they may be covered by a scab-like crust. Men who are affected by a penis rash should be aware of the potential causes and risk factors. In addition, a penile rash treatment containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals may help clear up minor skin rashes and prevent further outbreaks.

Common Causes of Penis Rash

Contact dermatitis – The penis skin may react to the chemicals in certain plants, as well as detergents and cleansers, resulting in an itchy, reddened rash on any part of the penis or scrotum. The itching may be mild to severe. However, scratching at the affected area should be avoided, as this can tear the skin and prolong the healing process. Vitamins and minerals that support healing and contain skin-rejuvenating properties are often all that is needed to help clear up this type of rash.

Allergies and skin sensitivities – Many men have skin allergies or sensitivities that may cause a rash, swelling, soreness and itching of the penile skin. The latex used to make most condoms is a frequent cause of allergic reactions. Spermicides, lubricants and even the bodily fluids of sexual partners may also cause an allergic response in some men. Avoiding these substances is necessary to prevent skin reactions that cause rash and itching. When a rash does occur, healing nutrients such as vitamins A and D can help to clear the problem quickly, while moisturizing agents such as shea butter and vitamin E can soothe the discomfort caused by an allergic reaction.

Infections – Bacterial and fungal infections of the penis are common, as the warm, moist environment of the genital area allows these microbes to thrive. Natural anti-bacterials such as vitamin A can help to eliminate harmful bacteria, while vitamins D and B5 are indicated for healing minor skin irritation. In addition, keeping the penile skin clean and moisturizing frequently can prevent tiny cracks and fissures from developing on the skin’s surface and allowing harmful environmental agents to penetrate the outer dermal layer.

Hot weather – Most men are familiar with heat rash, which occurs as a result of sweating and chafing in the area of the penis. While heat rash generally clears up on its own, maintaining healthy skin through nutrient support and proper hydration can promote more rapid healing. In addition, moisturizing treatments such as shea butter and vitamin E can calm itchy, irritated skin and leave it feeling soft and smooth.

Acne, eczema and psoriasis – Like the rest of the body, the penis can be affected by these common skin issues. Dermatologists often use preparations containing vitamin A, or retinol, to clear up blemishes, soothe irritated skin, and reduce the appearance of redness and peeling.

Tips for clearing up a penile rash

The following tips can help to clear up an unpleasant penis rash and minimize the risk of developing irritated, inflamed penile skin:

1. Wash the area regularly – at least once a day is best – using an all-natural cleanser or soap product.

2. Dry the penis skin and surrounding area thoroughly before putting on clothing.

3. Wear non-restrictive clothing that allows the skin to “breathe.”

4. For men with latex sensitivities, non-latex condoms should be used for protection during sex.

5. Treat the penis skin daily with a penis health cream that contains natural ingredients that are indicated for maintaining healthy penis skin.

Effective penile rash treatment for all skin types

Vitamins such as A, B5, C, and D, as well as certain amino acids and natural moisturizers, are indicated for improving the tone and texture of the skin, reducing the risk of minor skin issues, and boosting the body’s immune response, resulting in more rapid healing.

A specially created penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing these essential nutrients may help to soothe irritation and itching, reduce the risk of developing uncomfortable skin conditions, and restore the penis skin to its normal, healthy condition.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Frequent Ejaculation Linked To Reduced Risk Of Prostate Disease

In the past, adolescent boys and grown men were warned that masturbation is dangerous, unnatural and unhealthy. Whether these dire warnings came from religious authority figures, or medical personnel, there was a pervasive belief that masturbation was somehow dangerous or wrong. Sane and sober people actually claimed—and evidently believed—that masturbation could lead to frightening consequences ranging from hair growth on the palms of the hands, to blindness. The only proven side effect from frequent masturbation is loss of penis sensitivity and men certainly weren’t advised to take steps to preserve or enhance penis sensitivity through the use of a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals.

How wrong the "experts" were. While no one seriously believes any longer that masturbation can cause blindness, some myths regarding male self-pleasuring still linger. There is a persistent belief, for instance, that frequent masturbation may cause baldness. The explanation given is that frequent masturbation promotes the conversion of testosterone to hair-loss-promoting dihydroxytestosterone (DHT). This is false. There is no credible scientific evidence that masturbation can promote baldness. There is, however, evidence that frequent ejaculation may have significant benefits, beyond the obvious ones. Another recent myth claims that frequent ejaculation and high levels of sexual activity are linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Wrong again.

Masturbation is healthy

Turns out masturbation—or any activity that leads to ejaculation, for that matter—is not only natural, but healthy. In fact, a study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association reported in 2004 that men who experienced 21 or more ejaculations per month enjoyed a 33-percent lower risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer later in life. It didn’t matter how ejaculation happened. Ejaculations due to masturbation, sexual intercourse and nocturnal emissions all counted.

After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in American men. One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and the relative risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer rises with age. Clearly, anything that reduces a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer is desirable, especially when it involves an activity as enjoyable as achieving orgasm and/or having an ejaculation.

The research followed nearly 30,000 mostly white men ranging in age from 46 to 81. Investigators accounted for possible confounding factors, such as diet and exercise, because these factors are known to have an impact on risk. After accounting for these factors, the link between frequency of ejaculation and a reduced risk of prostate cancer remained.

Use it or lose it

The scientists speculated that ejaculation may be protective for a number of reasons. Frequent ejaculation may serve to "flush out" any cancer-promoting substances present in the prostate. It may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer through the promotion of stress-reduction. Psychological stress, probably mediated by hormones such as cortisol, has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some cases. Ejaculation promotes relaxation. Frequent ejaculation may also discourage the growth of compounds that can block ducts in the prostate.

If masturbation is healthy, then it follows that it only makes sense to practice healthy masturbation. But dry-rubbing is not recommended. Frequent use of a penis health formula (experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) featuring all-natural moisturizers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, can preserve the supple, delicate skin of the penis and help maintain penile sensitivity. Dry-rubbing of the penis can result in thickening of the delicate tissues of the penis (a process similar to developing a callus) and this can lead to decreased penis sensitivity.

Improve Penis Power With Super Foods


The foods men eat may have a pronounced effect on the health of their penis. Foods containing vitamins and minerals specific to penis health support sexual function, nerve transmission and testosterone levels when consumed regularly. While it is possible to support penis health through eating specific superfoods, it can be hard to achieve every single day. Men should eat a balanced diet, use recommended nutritional supplements, and explore penis health crèmes as ways of increasing vitamins and minerals for reproductive health.

Ginger: Ginger is a warming and invigorating plant that increases circulation to the extremities and the pelvic region, supporting healthy penile erections by improving blood flow. The root of the ginger plant is a rich source of essential oils, flavonoids and other plant chemicals, which open up blood vessels once ingested and also reduce platelet aggregation. In a study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology in 2010, researchers fed mice ginger root for 65 days. By the end of the study, the mice had increased testosterone levels, increased sperm count and motility, and increased sexual organ weight. Take ginger root as a superfood tea, purchase it as a herbal extract, or consume fresh root each day with your meals. If you are on heart or blood thinning medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist before using ginger products.

Nuts: Eat nuts for your nuts, and for your penis health. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, brazil nuts and pecans contain dense amounts of nutrients essential for male sexual health. Magnesium for nervous system health, selenium for prostate health, protein for energy, chromium for lasting blood sugar levels, and essential fatty acids for nerve transmission. While nuts contain a variety of essential fatty acids, the most common fatty acid found in nuts is oleic acid. Nerves throughout the body, including in nerves in the penis, require oleic acid to form a protective coating around the nerve fiber. Without this protective sheath, known as myelin, nerve messages become confused and fail to transmit appropriately. Consume a small handful of mixed nuts each day to promote nerve health in your penis and boost energy levels.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms have been used for vitality, longevity and sexual health for thousands of years. While white button mushrooms are the most commonly consumed edible mushroom, the world is filled with hundreds of species of edible and medicinal mushrooms, some of which may be useful for penis health. A superfood and medicinal mushroom from the Himalayas, Cordyceps sinensis, has been extensively researched for its many health promoting properties, including sexual enhancement. Cordyceps has a positive effect on nitric oxide (NO) in the penis, acting in a similar way to the drug Viagra. It also increases testosterone levels and according to a study in 2009, Cordyceps has a beneficial effect on both sexual performance and fertility of animals. Find dried cordyceps from an Asian grocer or take Cordyceps in the form of a dried extract.

Fruits: Eating fruit may not sound very masculine, but most fruits are packed full of vitamins that will support robust sexual health. Oranges, nectarines, apples, red peppers, berries, rosehips, mangoes and kiwifruit are excellent sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids for healthy circulation to the penis, effective connective tissue repair for the penis and foreskin, increased testosterone production, and antioxidant protection for the prostate. Tomatoes are also a source of vitamin A and lycopene for male reproductive health, and raisins contain magnesium which is essential for nervous system health. Watermelons, oranges and avocados contain the amino acid arginine, which supports erectile health and sexual performance. Eat a wide variety of fruits each day to benefit from their nutritional support.

Enhancing Penis Health with Nutrition

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are important for penis health and male virility. While there are many superfoods and herbal remedies out there which support the health of the male reproductive system, the best method to support penis health is always to eat a balanced and diverse diet. If you are on any medications or have health concerns, check with your pharmacist or other health professional for advice.

For increased nutritional support many men consider taking multivitamins and minerals. These Supplements are broken down and absorbed in the digestive tract to varying degrees in different individuals, but you can use a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamin C, vitamin A, arginine and natural oils. Penis health formulas carry nutrients directly into the local blood stream, enhancing sexual function, connective tissue health and testosterone production quickly.

Sore And Red Penis - What Causes It And What Helps

Men of all ages are susceptible to red penis and soreness, even if they are not sexually active. Most instances of penis redness are not an indication of a serious condition, but it can be extremely uncomfortable, not to mention causing embarrassment and anxiety. Understanding the factors that can result in a sore, red penis is the first step to resolving numerous common penis problems. In addition, nourishing the skin and underlying tissue with a combination of penis-specific vitamins and minerals can boost the body’s natural healing ability and prevent minor dermal irritation that can lead to more serious problems.

Common Causes of a Sore and Red Penis
•    Balanitis - This disorder mainly affects men who are uncircumcised, although any male can experience this inflammatory condition. Balanitis occurs when the tip, or glans, of the penis becomes red and swollen. Often, it is difficult or impossible for uncircumcised men with balanitis to retract the foreskin.
•    Bacterial Infections - Bacteria thrive in warm and moist places, and the genital area serves as a prime breeding ground for thousands of microbes. While most of these are harmless, certain bacteria can cause infections if allowed to penetrate the outer layers of the penis skin. Even minor bacterial infections can lead to redness, soreness, and in some cases, a discharge that may exude a foul odor.
•    Fungal Infections - The rash and irritation of the common fungal infection known as jock itch is familiar to most men. Like bacteria, the fungus that causes jock itch is known to proliferate in this warm, moist region of the body, and without proper skin care, severe itching, redness and irritation can result.
•    Heat Rash - Warm weather, in combination with restrictive clothing, can cause sweating and chafing, leading to the condition known as heat rash. Maintaining the pH balance of the skin is important to preventing penis redness and irritation that often occurs in the summer months.
•    Skin allergies or sensitivities - Men who have sensitivities to certain materials such as the latex found in condoms or to the chemicals found in many detergents and cleansers may develop reddened penis skin that is itchy or sore to the touch. Nourishing the penis skin with vitamins and natural moisturizers is key to soothing the irritation caused by contact dermatitis or skin allergies.
•    Psoriasis - Psoriasis can affect the skin of the penis, as well as the rest of the body, resulting in peeling, redness, itching and irritation. This condition can be a real turn-off to a prospective sexual partner, and treating it effectively is critical to avoiding embarrassment and loss of self-esteem.
•    Aggressive masturbation or sex - Dry rubbing or aggressive sex, as most men know, can cause the penis skin to become reddened and sore. Moisturizing the skin and creating a natural barrier against hydration loss may help to reduce the soreness and reddening that occurs as a result of vigorous sexual activity or manual stroking.

How to sooth and heal a reddened penis
Maintaining healthy and well-hydrated penis skin is the first step to overcoming problems such as a red penis, sore penis, or penis irritation. Dermatologists have identified a number of nutrients that are essential for creating smooth and supple skin, resisting harmful bacterial agents, and soothing dermal disorders such as psoriasis and skin allergies.

A specially designed penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing a combination of these essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E, as well as antioxidants, amino acids and all-natural moisturizers, can be highly effective in reducing redness and irritation of the penis that may result from multiple skin disorders.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Penis Sensitivity Problems Can Make Sex Less Enjoyable

If a man is in his late 20's or older, the chances are that his penis may have already lost some of its sensitivity. A study has shown that by the age of 39, as many as 87% of men experience some loss of nerve sensitivity in their penis. While this issue occurs naturally as men get older, factors such as lifestyle may hasten the effects. In order to maintain a healthy nerve function, men can follow some simple lifestyle steps, and if numbness or loss of feeling in the penis is experienced, check with an urologist or neurologist for testing.


Age -- no one can stop aging, but men can have a big say in how they age. Poor lifestyle choices such as smoking, high alcohol intake, little exercise and lots of stress all contribute to an increased aging rate in the body which may affect nerve health. Loss of penis sensitivity, penis size and libido is considered normal with growing older. However, one study shows that as many as 67% of men between the ages of 70 and 80 are still sexually active. If men want to have a long and healthy sex life well into their 80's, looking after their body through good lifestyle now is important.

Sexual activity - excessive masturbation, dry masturbation and aggressive sexual intercourse are both related to reduced sensitivity in the penis nerve endings. Rough treatment may cause friction on a man's penis and have damaging effects on the networks of capillaries required for feeding blood to the penis, cause nerve damage over time and create scar tissue. Men who are circumcised are especially at risk of this, as the removal of foreskin already increases the loss of penis sensitivity.

Circulation - if there is no blood making it to the penis, an erection is not the only thing that can diminish. Nerves require a constant flow of oxygen and nutrients in order to function. A variety of factors contribute to poor circulation and blood flow to the penis. Major causes include heart problems, diabetes, obesity, wearing tight underwear, damage or trauma to the penis, insufficient exercise, malnutrition, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol.

Nerve damage: The body is filled with thousands of nerve fibers that relay sensory information back to the central nervous system, telling us when we feel pleasure, pain, hot and cold. Nerve damage, referred to as neuropathy, can be experienced as tingling, numbness, or loss of sensitivity to temperatures. The cause of this sort of nerve injury can be local, due to trauma on the penis tissues, or stem from trauma or damage in the spine. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folic acid are also frequent causes of neuropathy.


Exercise - physical activity is one of the single most useful things for a man to do regularly, as it protects against heart disease, diabetes and obesity, and improves energy levels significantly. Nerves rely on a healthy blood supply to ensure that they are sensitive and functioning optimally. Men need to make sure they get plenty of cardiovascular exercise, both in and out of the bedroom. It helps to ensure that blood moves easily and freely around the body, and protects the heart from cardiovascular disease which can contribute to sexual dysfunction.

Nutrition - nerves, muscles, blood vessels and hormone balance all require regular vitamins and minerals to do their job every day. Having a plate of toast and a cup of coffee in the morning simply does not provide adequate nutrients for nerve function and sexual health. Vitamin C is an important nutrient that protects circulation, enhances testosterone levels, and protects against the negative effects of aging. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential for nerve sensitivity, energy and stamina. Vitamin E protects the entire cardiovascular system, ensuring a healthy supply of blood and nutrients reach nerves. Vitamins B3 and B5 supports nervous system function, increase stamina, increase circulation and may reduce erectile dysfunction.

Health crèmes - moisturizing your penis regularly with penis health crèmes (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a beneficial habit that may support nerve sensitivity. Applying crèmes daily to the penis tissues increases circulation, and supplies nutrients (vitamins C, B3, A, E and D) for nerve function directly into the local area, and encourages sensitivity to return in men who are experienced reduced feeling in their penis.

Kama Sutra Love Tips – Ancient Secrets for Increasing Sexual Pleasure

The kama sutra is perhaps the first comprehensive work on human sexuality, and despite the fact that it was written approximately two thousand years ago, it remains one of the most definitive. Although it is known today mainly as a sort of user’s manual for sexual positions, the kama sutra is truly a spiritual guide, exploring various facets of spirituality and aesthetics. Men and women looking for a sexual experience that goes beyond a quick bump and grind have turned to this ancient text for centuries for advice on how to take sensuality to a new level.

Combined with the use of a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals that can enhance the suppleness and sensitivity of the penis, the techniques and philosophies taught in the kama sutra can help men of all ages can take the experience of pleasure to a new level. Below are three of the main positions outlined in this master work on sensual experience.

The Coil

This position is noted for its ability to bring both men and women to a stunning climax. To start, the woman positions herself at the edge of a bed, curling her legs and rotating them to one side of her body or the other. The man kneels in front of her and penetrates her deeply as she tilts her hips to relax or contract her pelvis. In this manner, the woman receives maximum external as well as internal stimulation, allowing both partners to achieve a deep and climactic orgasm.

Filling the Well

This position allows for the deepest possible penetration. The woman lies flat on her back, bringing her knees up to her chest. The man lies over her as she places her feet on his shoulders, while he supports his own weight with his arms. Once the man has penetrated her, no thrusting is recommended, as he will be deep enough to cause pain. Instead, he should move with a gentle rocking or circular motion.

The Arc of Love

In this position, the woman is in full control. The man is in a sitting position, leaning slightly backward and supporting his weight with his arms slightly behind him. His legs should be slightly apart. The woman rests on top of him, with her back to him, also leaning back slightly and supporting her own weight. In this manner, she controls all movement and can bring herself to climax as well as her partner.

Enhancing penile sensitivity for a transcendent experience

The positions of the Kama Sutra rely on deep stimulation and gentle movement to bring about a profound sexual experience. This experience can be enhanced by ensuring that the head and shaft of the penis are smooth and supple and that the skin is fully oxygenated.

Using a specially designed penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamins, minerals and all-natural moisturizers can improve the tone and texture of the penile skin and increase the receptivity of the erogenous tissue, helping men of all ages to get the most out of these incredible sensual techniques.

While the positions explored here are three of the most popular, they are just the beginning. Using the kama sutra opens up a whole new world of sexual pleasure. When experimenting with the various positions of the kama sutra, it is a good idea to plan ahead. Partners should agree on a time when they will not be disturbed for several hours and create an intimate atmosphere. Candles, incense and soft music (an Asian theme is especially sensual) can form the impression of being completely alone together, without the possibility of intrusion, further adding to the spiritual and sensual journey of kama sutra.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Penis Health Crèmes - What Men Should Know

Given the importance of the penis, it may come as a surprise that few men give much attention to caring for it beyond showering every day or so and using protection during sex. But the penis is a delicate organ, and unless it is treated properly, men of all ages may develop uncomfortable skin problems, foul odors, and even reduced sensation. In the long term, these issues may result in permanent damage.

Fortunately, dermatologists have recognized this problem and developed specially-formulated penis health crèmes which contain penis-specific vitamins and minerals that can help prevent common penis skin problems, promote healthy circulation, and eliminate odors that may drive away potential sexual partners. All men should be aware of the properties of the following ingredients, which are found in high-quality vitamin crèmes developed with men’s penis health in mind.

Natural Moisturizers

Dry, flaking skin is a common complaint seen by many men’s health specialists. A dry penis is unattractive, and it may easily become sore and irritated during masturbation or partner play. Drying of the skin can be caused by sunburn, cold weather, sensitivity to detergents or deodorants, and the spermicides found in most condoms. Keeping the skin well-hydrated with natural moisturizers such as shea butter can help to protect the penis against environmental damage. Shea butter is known to promote healing and to create soft, supple, young-looking skin that is responsive to stimulation.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is used for treating numerous skin issues. Also known as retinol, it helps to prevent premature wrinkling, scarring, and damage to the structure of the skin cells. In addition, it works as a natural antibacterial agent, destroying the bacteria that thrive in warm, moist areas and often cause foul odors.

Vitamin B5

This so-called “life-sustaining” vitamin helps to promote healthy function of the skin and nerve cells. In particular, this essential nutrient helps to repair and maintain the nervous tissue that lies under the skin of the penis – a major concern in preventing loss of sensitivity and reduced sexual pleasure. In addition, vitamin B5 is known to relax the blood vessels, increasing circulation and enabling men to achieve and maintain an erection.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is not just for keeping colds away. This important vitamin has multiple other functions, including the building of healthy collagen (the tissue that gives the penis skin its elasticity and supple appearance). Vitamin C is also needed for the formation of blood vessels and works alongside vitamin B5 to maintain optimum circulation.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is well-known as a healing agent, helping to repair damaged skin cells and restore them to their natural, healthful condition. Because this vitamin is not readily available in most foods, it is especially important to ensure that the skin receives adequate levels of this vital nutrient.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another nutrient known for its healing properties. In addition, it acts as a natural moisture barrier for the skin, preventing loss of natural moisture that can lead to drying, irritation, and discomfort during sex.

Amino Acids

Amino acids such as alpha lipoic acid, L-arginine and acetyl L carnitine are essential to the formation of healthy nervous tissue. These substances, which are often referred to as the building blocks for proteins, also provide the body with the energy needed to maintain healthy circulation, heal after injuries, and build healthy skin and nervous tissue.

A specialized formula containing all of these essential ingredients can help men of all ages to avoid common skin problems such as redness, soreness, drying, and premature aging. In addition, it may help to stave off bacterial and fungal infections and to prevent odors. Most importantly for many men, a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness may prevent diminished feeling in the penis and can even help to restore penis sensation.

Maintaining a Healthy Penis Why Men Should Care about Penis Health

Aside from a small percentage of men, most guys would rather not spend a great deal of time on grooming and self-care. But while guys do not generally give the same attention to skin care as their female counterparts, penis care should be part of the daily personal hygiene regimen. The penis is a delicate instrument, and lack of attention to cleaning and maintaining the penis skin can lead to numerous conditions that can cause discomfort, foul odors, loss of sensitivity, and even erectile dysfunction. Treating the penile skin with a combination of penis-specific vitamins and minerals may help to maintain optimum penis health. In addition, men should be aware of the following penis problems that may result from lack of adequate care.

Loss of sensitivity

Reduced penis sensation is one of the most common concerns when it comes to men’s health. Polls have shown that at least 87% of all men report diminished sensitivity in the shaft and head of the penis by age 39. Loss of sensitivity is often the result of skin and nerve damage caused by dry masturbation or aggressive sex. Keeping the skin hydrated with a high-quality moisturizer such as vitamin E and providing adequate vitamin and mineral support for repairing damaged tissue is essential to retaining or restoring sufficient penis sensation.

Poor circulation

Men who wear restrictive clothing, are overweight, sit for most of the day, or cycle frequently are especially at risk for poor penis circulation. This can lead to loss of sensitivity, as well as erectile issues. Nutrients such as vitamin C and B5 should be considered part of the daily penis care regimen, as they are needed for the formation and repair of blood vessels, as well as for maintaining adequate blood flow.

Dryness and premature signs of aging

The penis is exposed to a host of drying agents which damage the skin and may cause dryness, flaking, itching, and even premature wrinkling as the underlying structure of the dermal tissue deteriorates. Keeping the skin soft and supple with all-natural moisturizers and providing the nutrients – such as vitamins A and C – that are needed to build healthy collagen and heal irritated skin can help to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance.

Redness, soreness and irritation

Exposure to spermicides, bodily fluids, and the chemicals found in soaps and detergents, as well as aggressive rubbing, can cause soreness, redness and irritated skin on the penis. Maintaining penis health through revitalizing nutrients such as A, C and D can help to prevent irritation and to soothe sore, red penis skin.

Bacterial and fungal infections

Bacteria and fungi thrive in warm, moist areas. Because of this, the penis is a prime breeding ground for these disease-causing organisms. When bacteria are allowed to grow unchecked, they can cause foul odors, and most men have experienced the discomfort of a fungal infection such as jock itch. Natural antibacterials such as vitamin A are recommended for keeping the area clean and odor free in order to prevent unpleasant infections from developing.

How to promote good penis health

The vitamins and minerals described here are generally available in the average diet. However, it is important to keep in mind that these nutrients are often absorbed and used by other organ systems before they can benefit the penis. Using a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains these ingredients may help to prevent or relieve dryness, redness and inflammation, foul odors, loss of sensitivity and circulatory issues. A penis crème that is applied directly to the skin is an effective way to ensure that these nutrients are absorbed precisely where they are needed most.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Diminished Penis Sensitivity Associated with Circumcision

Circumcision is performed in many parts of the world, for a wide variety of reasons. Whether this simple surgical procedure is performed at birth or later on in life, it can have lasting effects on a man’s physical well-being and sexual health. For circumcised men who are experiencing diminished penis sensitivity, there is hope – the use of a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals may be indicated for increasing tactile sensation in the glans of the penis and improving overall penile sensitivity.

What is circumcision?
Circumcision is a common surgical procedure in which the foreskin (a thin sheath of dermal tissue which covers the glans, or head, of the penis) is removed. It is performed in many parts of the world, most often at birth, but in some instances, males of all ages have the surgery performed later in life. Once the foreskin is removed, the underlying skin covering the glans of the penis is permanently exposed.

Why is circumcision done?
There are a variety of reasons for performing circumcision. The primary and original reason for this surgery is ritual in nature. For instance, in the Jewish religion, the foreskin is removed on the eighth day of a male child’s life as a visible sign of his religious ties. In other traditions, the removal of the foreskin serves as a rite of passage.

On a practical level, parents of infants born in the U.S. have historically chosen to circumcise their male children for hygienic reasons, based on the belief that it is somehow “cleaner” to remove this layer of skin. However, with regular washing, this should not be an issue.

Men may also have the foreskin removed for cosmetic reasons or because of issues such as balanitis, where the tip of the penis becomes swollen and painful.

Are there any negative effects associated with circumcision?
While circumcision is not necessarily harmful, it is generally not medically necessary, and increasing numbers of medical professionals are recommending against it. Short term side effects may include bleeding or infection. More seriously, in the long term, men who are circumcised frequently experience diminished penis sensitivity.

According to the Circumcision Resource Center, a man who was circumcised as an adult is quoted as saying, “I play guitar and my fingers get callused from playing. That’s similar to what happened to my penis after circumcision.” The explanation for this problem lies in the fact that, after the glans is exposed, it is constantly in contact with clothing and other materials. Over time, this causes a build-up of keratinous tissue – a callous – which inhibits the nerve receptors under the skin and leads to lost penis sensation.

With diminished penis sensation, men may be unable to enjoy sex to the fullest extent possible. Some men who have been circumcised find it difficult to achieve an orgasm, and in some cases, men who lack penis sensation become impotent.

Is circumcision reversible?
In difficult cases, men may choose to have their foreskin surgically restored. However, there is no guarantee that this will result in the restoration of normal sensitivity. Another technique, which may take several years to complete, is to stretch the remaining skin of the penis until it covers the glans.

Another, more pleasant and less dramatic option for increasing penile sensitivity in circumcised men consists of using a specially designed penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamins, minerals and all-natural moisturizers. These ingredients are noted for their ability to improve the tone and texture of the penile skin and increase the receptivity of the erogenous tissue. Regular use may be indicated in order to restore penis sensitivity and enhance the pleasurable experience of sex.

What to Do when Your Penis Loses Some Sensation

At any age, even as young as the late teens and early twenties, men who are sexually active may find that sensation of the penis begins to diminish. Some men may experience small areas of desensitization, while others may completely lose their ability to feel tactile stimulation. While it is possible that an underlying medical issue may be indicated, in most cases, peripheral damage to the penis skin is to blame. Fortunately, there is a solution. Treating the penile skin with a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals can help to maintain the natural sensitivity of the erogenous skin and prevent the cellular damage that can lead to lost sensation.

Vitamin A for Smooth, Supple Skin
Penis sensation begins with smooth, healthy and youthful skin. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, has been used successfully for decades to improve skin tone and texture, increasing its natural suppleness. By protecting the outer dermal layer, men of all ages may decrease the cell damage that leads to callousing and can diminish penis sensation.

Vitamin C and L-Arginine for Circulatory Health
Good circulation is important to tactile sensitivity, as anyone knows who has fallen asleep on an arm and woken up feeling like their fingers have lost all sensation. Vitamin C and L-arginine work together to maintain healthy blood vessels and to stimulate optimum blood flow by relaxing the walls of the tiny capillaries that enmesh the penis.

Vitamin D for Healing Power and Healthy Cell Function
Vitamin D is sometimes referred to as a life-sustaining vitamin due to its overall ability to promote healthy cellular function. Treating the penis with vitamin D may help to ensure that the skin and nerve cells are able to regenerate quickly after sustaining peripheral damage due to masturbation or aggressive sex.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine for Nerve Tissue Support
The natural sensitivity of the penis is a result of the fine network of nerve cells that underlie the delicate penis skin. These nerve receptors need to be in top working order to transmit the sensation of touch to the brain, allowing men to experience sexual pleasure. Because these nerves are subject to friction and pressure, they are often damaged during sexual activity. The amino acid acetyl-L-carnitine is an essential element in rebuilding and growing nerve tissue and maintaining penis sensation.

Shea Butter and Vitamin E for Prevention of Skin Cell and Nerve Tissue Damage
The key to avoiding loss of penile sensitivity lies in avoiding the damage that can destroy nerve tissue or cause thickening and desensitization of the erogenous skin. By keeping the skin moisturized with high-quality ingredients such as shea butter, and preventing moisture loss with vitamin E, it may be possible to maintain the structural integrity of the dermal and nerve cells and reduce the risk of lost penis sensation.

Where to find sensitivity-enhancing treatments for male organ health
All of the ingredients described above are common and can be found in many food items. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that these nutrients are quickly used by the internal organs and are not always available to the skin. To ensure that the penis skin receives the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain optimum sensation, a specially designed penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is applied directly to the target area is advised. In addition, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and wearing non-restrictive clothing is recommended for penis health. For men who experience chronic or increasing problems with reduced penis sensation, a visit to a urologist or general practitioner is recommended to rule out any serious health conditions.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

What Causes a Red Penis - Symptoms to Watch for and Where to Find Help

A red penis and inflammation or soreness can be alarming. Men who are sexually active are bound to be concerned about sexually transmitted diseases if they notice that their penis is red or irritated. However, while STDs are a possibility, in most cases, common skin conditions are responsible for penis redness and inflammation. By treating the penile skin with a combination of penis-specific vitamins and minerals, the majority of men may be able to avoid many uncomfortable penis problems. Furthermore, understanding the symptoms and causes of a red or sore penis can be helpful in deciding when medical treatment is necessary.

Symptoms associated with a red penis

Reddening of the penis skin may be accompanied by dryness, flaking, or inflammation. Redness may be uniform or present as small blotches or rash. Some soreness or tenderness to the touch may be present, as well. When the tip of the penis is affected, urination may be painful. If any unusual discharge is noted, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Causes of penis redness

Numerous factors can lead to penis redness, soreness, and inflammation; in most cases, these conditions can be easily treated at home. Some of the most common causes of a red penis are as follows:

Friction burns – The friction caused by prolonged or aggressive masturbation or sex is often responsible for reddening and soreness of the penis. Avoiding excessive friction by keeping the penis skin well-hydrated through use of a high-quality moisturizer is recommended for preventing and soothing irritation from rubbing and assertive intercourse.

Psoriasis – This benign, yet unattractive and uncomfortable skin condition affects many areas of the body, including the penis. Psoriasis can cause itching, dryness, redness and flaking. Dermatologists often recommend crèmes or oils containing vitamin A to help relieve and prevent the symptoms of psoriasis.

Contact dermatitis – Irritants from the environment such as poison ivy or poison oak, as well as certain chemicals found in detergents, creams, deodorants and cleaners, can often cause redness of the penis, combined with dryness, itching and soreness. Keeping the skin well-nourished with a combination of penis-healing vitamins and minerals can help to soothe irritation and calm redness caused by contact dermatitis.

Bacterial and fungal infections –The moisture and warmth found in the genital area creates a prime breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can cause minor skin infections and irritation. Combatting these microbial agents using natural antibacterials such as vitamins A and C are thought to be effective in preventing redness and soreness caused by skin infections.

What to do when the penis is red and/or sore

Soothing redness and soreness is the primary goal when the penis is red and inflamed. Men who experience minor irritation and reddening of the penile skin can often treat these conditions at home using a combination of penis nutrients such as vitamins A, B5, C and E, as well as nerve and skin cell building amino acids such as acetyl-L-carnitine. Keeping the skin smooth and supple with a natural moisturizer such as shea butter can also boost the healing ability of the skin and keep the penis smooth and resilient. Using a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains these and other penis nutrients can help to prevent and alleviate redness, swelling and soreness when applied directly to the penis skin as part of a daily personal care regimen.

In addition, men who are sexually active should take care to use protection every time they engage in partner activity and exercise care in their choice of sexual partners. When in doubt, medical advice should be sought to rule out STDs or other serious health issues.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Penis Sensitivity Treatment – How All-Natural Ingredients May Increase Erotic Sensation

Although a great deal of attention is given in the popular media to certain men’s health issues, little consideration is given to what may be one of the most prominent issues faced by men of all ages: reduced penis sensation. However, desensitization of the penile skin affects over 85% of all men. While older men are often at risk for reduced sensitivity, even men under thirty can experience lost sensation. Fortunately, there is help available. Penile sensitivity treatments created from penis-specific vitamins and minerals may help to increase elasticity of the skin, rejuvenate deadened nerve tissue, and improve circulation in order to support optimum penis feeling. Here’s how it works:

Improve skin tone and texture
Like all skin that is exposed to friction on a regular basis, such as the hands, soles of the feet, knees and elbows, the skin of the penis can develop a callous-like layer that can result in desensitization of the delicate dermal tissue. Vitamins such as A and C are indicated for restoring the suppleness and elasticity of the skin and promoting normal sensation. In addition, all-natural moisturizers soothe and protect the skin from further damage, retaining a youthful character.

Stimulates nerve cell growth and regenerates damaged nerve tissue
The pressure and friction caused by masturbation and intercourse can erode nerve tissue over time. Without adequate nutrient support, the fine network of nerve cells that underlies the penile skin is not able to regenerate quickly, resulting in desensitization. Vitamins such as B5, along with certain amino acids (acetyl-L-carnitine and L-arginine, for example) are noted for their nerve-building properties and may help to enhance sensitivity of the penis.

Improves circulation
Everyone has experienced the numbing effect that occurs in the legs and feet after sitting too long in one position. The same situation applies to the shaft and head of the penis. Sitting for long periods of time, cycling, obesity and restrictive clothing can all reduce the circulation to the penis, leading to lost sensation which may not immediately return even after the pressure is removed. Stimulating circulatory health with vitamin C, which is necessary for building blood cells, can help to increase blood flow to the area. In addition, vitamin B5 and L-arginine work together to provide the oxygenation needed for skin and nerve cell health.

Increases the skin’s natural lubrication
Drying of the penile skin is an issue for a large percentage of men. Dry manual stroking, bodily fluids from sexual partners, spermicides, and even cleansers and detergents can dry the penis skin, leading to desensitization if left untreated. Using natural moisturizers such as shea butter can protect the skin of the penis from drying and irritation, while vitamin E acts as a natural moisture barrier, preventing loss of hydration and boosting the skin’s natural lubricating ability.

Where to find sensitivity-enhancing treatments for penis health
Many of the ingredients described above can be found in common food sources, not to mention supplements found in most pharmacies. However, research has shown that the nutrients found in dietary supplements such as over-the-counter multivitamin formulas are poorly absorbed. Furthermore, the vitamins and minerals ingested through food sources are generally used by the vital organs before they can impact skin health. Because of this, a specially formulated penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is applied directly to the penis skin is indicated for treating and preventing loss of penis sensitivity. By applying a penis crème directly to the target area on a daily basis, men of all ages may be able to reduce or forestall the loss of sensation that can lead to reduced sexual pleasure, inability to achieve an orgasm, or even impotence.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Difficulty Reaching Orgasm - May be Due to Diminished Penis Sensitivity

Guys may like to brag that they can keep it up for hours and give their partners multiple orgasms, but the truth is that no one wants to spend hours rubbing and straining to achieve a climax. Doing so not only leads to irritation and soreness; it can be frustrating for both partners. For men who have trouble finishing what they start, loss of penis sensation may be to blame. Penis sensitivity loss can detract from enjoyment of sex, and difficulty reaching an orgasm due to decreased penis sensation can damage a man’s self-esteem and even result in erectile issues.

Men who are concerned about lost penis sensation may be able to prevent penis sensation loss or even restore normal sensitivity through use of a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals which are designed to support maximum cell and nerve function in the male organ. Understanding the symptoms and causes of reduced penis sensation is important for men of all ages in order to prevent the development of long-term problems.

Symptoms of Reduced Penis Sensitivity

The most common symptoms of reduced penis sensitivity include insensitivity to hot, cold or touch; difficulty achieving orgasm through either masturbation or intercourse; inability to achieve an orgasm after lengthy stimulation; and experiencing orgasm without sensation of pleasure. In more serious cases, erectile dysfunction may occur.

Factors contributing to lost penis sensation

Dry or irritated penis skin – The delicate skin of the penis can easily become dry or irritated through rough masturbation or aggressive sex. Over time, if these issues are not treated using an appropriate penis-specific moisturizer, a thickened layer of callous-like skin may develop, causing a loss of sensation on the shaft and head of the penis.

Nerve damage – The intricate network of nerve tissue that lies under the penis skin can become damaged due to dry rubbing or intercourse. Unless these nerve cells are able to regenerate properly, loss of sensation may occur.

Cycling – Men who cycle frequently, either competitively or for exercise or pleasure, often report a loss of penis sensation. This may be due to the pressure exerted on the perineal area. Promoting optimum circulation to the penis may alleviate this issue and improve the ability to experience sexual pleasure.

Age – In some men, reduced penis sensation may be the result of the aging process; however, getting older is not a guarantee of lost penile sensitivity if the proper measures are taken to nourish the penis and support overall male health.

Weight – Men who are overweight typically experience a wide range of health problems, including difficulties with sexual function. Excess weight can decrease circulation in the penis and limit nerve cell activity, eventually causing loss of sensation in the male organ.

Circumcision – Men who have been circumcised are more likely to experience a loss of penis sensation than those whose foreskin is intact. However, with the appropriate treatment, even men who were circumcised at birth can stimulate the nerve and skin cells of the penis and experience improve sensitivity.

At-home penis sensitivity test

Men who suspect that they may be experiencing reduced penis sensation can perform a simple test at home. It is best to have a partner’s assistance, but it can be done solo, as well. Running a feather or the tips of the fingers along the shaft of the erect penis, men should note any part of the shaft or head that does not detect the sensation from the touch. If reduced sensation is experienced, further treatment may be necessary.

Treatment for reduced penis sensation

Treating the penis regularly with a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which contains vitamins and minerals that are indicated for optimum penis health – such as vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E, as well as all-natural moisturizers – may prevent loss of penis sensation and even restore normal sensitivity in men who are experiencing reduced penis feeling.

Friday, 13 July 2012

A Bent or Curved Erect Penis May Be Sign of Health Problem

A curved or bent erect penis can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. While this problem generally affects men over 35 years of age, younger men may develop similar symptoms. A bent penis is not a life-threatening problem, but this condition can worsen without treatment and lead to permanent penile deformity. Erectile dysfunction, difficulty having intercourse, pain during intercourse, and loss of self-esteem are common side effects of a severely bent or curved penis.

Treating the male organ with a combination of penis-specific vitamins and minerals may promote overall penis health and help to prevent a bent or curved penis from worsening and developing into a serious problem.

What are the common symptoms associated with a bent penis?

A bent erect penis may be angled upward or downward, or it may be curved to one side. Men of normal size may appear to have a shorter penis because of the curvature. This condition is usually mild and will not interfere with normal sexual activity, although men frequently admit that a curved penis is a source of embarrassment. In extreme cases, the penis may develop an hourglass shape and lack stability, and some men may be able to feel a pronounced lump under the penis skin.

What causes bending or curving of the penis?

A curved penis is generally the result of scarring of the connective tissue that lies under the surface of the penis skin. This tissue becomes hardened and inflexible, causing it to pull the penis in a certain direction. While it is not known exactly why this scar tissue forms, it may occur following injury to the penis.

While bending or curving usually develops as men age, some men experience curvature of the penis from childhood. If left untreated, mild curving or bending of the erect penis may develop into a more severe problem. This condition is known as Peyronie’s disease and can lead to painful erections, loss of erectile function, pain during intercourse, and difficulty having sex with a partner.

A penis that becomes suddenly curved or bent during intercourse or rough masturbation, especially if the bending is accompanied by a cracking or popping sound, may be fractured. A fractured penis is considered a medical emergency and should be treated immediately.

Is there a cure for a curved penis?

Men who have mild to moderate curving of the penis may be able to resolve the issue by softening and stretching the scar tissue. Collagen-building nutrients such as vitamin C may help to repair damaged to the penile skin, while vitamins A and D are also indicated for healing damaged dermal cells.

For men with severe bending or curving, or Peyronie’s disease, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.

How to prevent curving or bending of the penis

The best way to avoid the complications of a bent or curved penis is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. In order to maintain optimum health of the penis, it is important to keep the area well-hydrated to prevent friction damage to the outer layers of skin. In addition, immune system support from vitamins such as C, B5, and A, as well as cell-building amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine, may help the dermal cells to heal after injury and prevent scar tissue from forming and causing curvature of the penis.

Using a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains these and other penis nutrients can help to prevent the damage that can lead to bending and curving. Penis health crèmes that are applied directly to the targeted area are generally most effective, as this ensures that the vitamins and minerals are absorbed directly where they are needed most.

Penis Phimosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Men suffering from phimosis have difficulty pulling their foreskin beyond the glans, or head, of the penis, and while this is normal in babies and children, it can sometimes continue into adulthood. Surgery, manual therapies, medications and penis health crèmes are among the treatments available to men suffering from this discomforting medical problem.


The most common symptom experienced in phimosis is a tight foreskin that does not retract past the head or glans of the penis. When the foreskin is pulled back, it can cause discomfort, and may result in paraphimosis where the foreskin cannot be pulled back over the glans again and is stuck. In some cases there may be scarring on the foreskin, inflammation, bleeding or itching, which may indicate an infection or other medical condition that requires diagnosis. Smegma, the appearance of white lumps under the foreskin, may be present as well in some cases, contributing to the problem.


Phimosis is common in male children under three years of age, and does not usually require any form of intervention. At this early age the foreskin can adhere to the glans of the penis, reducing retractability, but boys grow out of this adhesion with age. Pathological phimosis occurs when the retractability of the foreskin is reduced due to an acute or chronic medical condition, such as an infection, inflammation, or damage to the foreskin resulting in scarring. Congenital phimosis is not a result of any medical problem, but simply the presence of a tight or restrictive foreskin from birth that does not loosen as a boy grows into an adult. This is the most common form of phimosis, and the easiest to treat.


Circumcision is the most common treatment performed for cases of phimosis, both as a prevention and as a cure. In addition to total circumcision, partial incisions can also be made into the foreskin to increase retractability. However, according to one study published in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1989, many unnecessary circumcisions are performed every year on young boys. The foreskin of the penis should not be fully retractable in many males until adolescence or early adulthood, and yet many boys under the age of 5 are being circumcised to prevent phimosis. If you are under the age of 18, it is always best to wait until adulthood before pursuing surgical treatments, as the foreskin develops differently in every man.


In a double-blind randomised trial published in the International Brazilian Journal of Urology in 2011, researchers treated 220 boys suffering from phimosis with two drugs: betamethasone and hyaluronidase. After two months the boys given a combination of betamethasone and hyaluronidase improved by 54%, while those given just betamethasone improved by 40%. Both treatments were more effective than placebo, as well as safe and well-tolerated by subjects.

Manual Therapy

For those wanting to avoid surgery or prescription medications, many doctors recommend a conservative treatment plan involving manually stretching the foreskin. One way of doing this is through masturbation, actively moving the foreskin up and down in a way that mimics sexual intercourse. Over time this gently stretches the skin, and improves the elasticity of the foreskin tissues. Be careful, as rough treatment may causes breakages of the skin and scarring. In addition, doctors have developed a form of balloon catheter, than can manually help to stretch the foreskin. In one trial published in The Chinese Medical Journal in 1991, treatment with balloon catheters cured 512 boys of phimosis after 3-6 months of treatment.

Penis Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes containing vitamins, minerals, natural oils and botanical extracts may benefit the health of the penis skin by improving moisture content, reducing inflammation, and supporting the healing of the tissues. If you are attempting to manually stretch the foreskin of your penis, under the supervision of a health professional, application of penis health crèmes may support this process. Specialty topical formulas (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) often contain vitamin C for collagen formation, vitamin E as it is the primary antioxidant found in the skin and may reduce scar formation, and vitamin A which supports wound repair.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nine Supplements for Penis Health

The skin of the penis has several important functions. It serves as a barrier, protecting the delicate organ from disease-causing organisms and environmental damage. It also helps to protect the sensitive nerve tissue which is responsible for the sensation of sexual pleasure. For men who are not circumcised, the penis skin acts as a natural lubricant during masturbation and sex. Because of this, protecting and nourishing the penis skin is an important part of maintaining overall penis health. Daily treatment with a formula containing these nine penis-specific vitamins and minerals is recommended as part of the penis care regimen.

Acetyl L Carnitine

Amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine are the “building blocks” needed for the formation of the proteins which in turn are an important component of skin and nerve cells. Acetyl L carnitine is necessary to penis health, as it is needed for the maintenance of the intricate network of nerves that lies under the surface of the penis skin. It is also a factor in the ability of the immune system to fight off bacterial and fungal infections.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

In addition to its properties as an amino acid, alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant – a chemical substance that attaches itself to the harmful molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid are needed to protect against diseases such as skin cancer. They also help to maintain skin tone and prevent early signs of aging.


L-arginine is an enzyme that plays a role in stimulating important chemical reactions. L-arginine has been shown to cause the blood vessels to dilate, or relax, allowing for optimum blood flow. Adequate circulation is, of course, necessary for achieving and maintaining erections. In addition, proper blood flow keeps the cells of the penis well-oxygenated and nourished, promoting optimum skin and nerve cell health.

Shea Butter

Shea butter has been used as a skin care remedy for centuries by African natives who value it for its use as a moisturizer and healing agent. Shea butter is a natural emollient which heals dry, cracked skin and creates a natural barrier against harmful bacteria and other disease-causing organisms.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, which is also known as retinol, is an essential element in treating and preventing multiple skin issues. This skin-rejuvenating vitamin reduces the appearance of wrinkles, promotes rapid healing, and creates soft, supple, responsive skin. In addition, it acts as an antibacterial agent, eliminating the bacteria that congregate in warm, moist areas and may cause foul odors.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 provides a number of penis benefits. By working to sustain nerve health, it promotes sensitivity of the erogenous skin, as well as maintaining the tone and elasticity of the skin itself. Vitamin B5 is often known as a life-sustaining vitamin, due to its function in helping to fight off infections which may affect the skin of the penis.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important component in the formation and repair of skin cells. In addition, it serves as a disease-fighting agent, protecting the penis against fungal and bacterial infections that may cause drying, flaking, and soreness of the penile skin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E works alongside moisturizers such as shea butter to create a protective moisture barrier. This essential ingredient is needed to maintain youthful, healthy-looking skin that is responsive to sexual stimulation.

A penis crème containing these nine ingredients can help to fight off skin infections and may be effective in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition, these nutrients are needed for maintaining optimum nerve health, as well as creating supple, smooth and young-looking skin. The benefits provided by these ingredients can be most readily obtained through the daily use of a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied directly to the penis skin and absorbed on contact, allowing it to go to work right away to improve the look and feel of the penis.

5 Penis Tips for Resurrecting a Desensitized Male Organ

Most guys like to believe that they are unstoppable sex machines, but the truth is, by the time they reach middle age, nearly nine men out of ten have experienced some loss of penis sensation. While this is not necessarily a sign of a serious health problem, it can have some unpleasant consequences. Men with reduced penile sensitivity may find sex to be less pleasurable, or they may have difficulty reaching orgasm.

Fortunately, in many cases, a combination of proper skin care with penis-specific vitamins and minerals, as well as following an overall penis care regimen, may help to reduce loss of sensation and increase sensitivity in the tip and shaft of the penis. The following tips are often recommended by men’s health specialists for optimizing penis feeling.

1. Wear loose-fitting, “breathable” clothing. Believe it or not, tight, restrictive clothing can create enough friction on the skin of the penis to deaden the nerve cells that network the penis. Constant rubbing against rough fabrics can also create a callous-like layer of skin and further prevent normal sensation. Wear cotton or silk-like underwear – boxer style is best – and make sure that clothing is not too tight. Following these suggestions leaves the penis room to “breathe” and protects against excessive rubbing.

2. Moisturize the penis skin. Cold weather, sunburn, spermicides, and even masturbation or sex can dry the skin of the penis. Without treatment, chronically dry skin can become desensitized, making it harder to respond to sexual stimulation. Using a natural moisturizer like shea butter can keep the penis skin soft and supple, and nourishing vitamins like vitamin E can help to prevent moisture loss caused by drying environmental agents.

3. Boost the healing properties of the penile skin. Like the skin on the rest of the body, the penis skin acts as a barrier against harmful environmental agents, as well as bacteria, fungi, and other substances that can cause infection. Supporting the skin’s natural disease-fighting properties through the use of the immune-boosting vitamins D, B5, C and A can help prevent unpleasant skin conditions that may desensitize the penis.

4. Provide nerve system support. As mentioned earlier, the skin of the penis covers an intricate network of nerve tissue. These nerve receptors transmit sexual stimuli to the brain, resulting in feelings of pleasure. When this network is disrupted – for instance, when nerve cells are damaged due to dry masturbation or rough sex – loss of sensitivity may occur. Vitamin B5, which is known to stimulate nerve regrowth, can help to promote rapid healing of nervous tissue, especially when used alongside amino acids such as acetyl-L-carnitine.

5. Promote healthy circulation in the penis. Poor circulation is a leading reason for lost penis sensation. Keeping the blood vessels in good repair is necessary for good circulatory health, and vitamin C is an essential ingredient in maintaining a healthy circulatory system. Treating the penis with a nutrient formula which contains vitamin C can help to keep the blood flowing.

Where to find the ingredients that promote penis sensitivity

Even men who eat a healthy diet and take oral vitamin supplements often do not get enough of these important nutrients to support penis health. In order to maintain penile sensitivity, using a specialized penile health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis can ensure that health-sustaining vitamins and minerals are delivered directly to the skin of the penis, where they are quickly absorbed to provide maximum benefits. Regular use of a vitamin-rich penis formula may help to keep the penile skin smooth, supple, and responsive to manual stimulation or partner play.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Penis Conditioning with Vitamin C Crème

Vitamin C crème is a natural product containing ingredients that support penis health, strength and appearance. When the crème is applied externally, the vitamin C works as an active ingredient that protects skin cells from oxidative damage and promotes tissue, muscle and nerve health.

What is Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that occurs naturally in a range of foods, and is essential for human health and vitality. Without adequate vitamin C blood levels, a range of deficiency symptoms can occur including: anemia, depression, poor wound healing, low immunity and sexual dysfunction. Foods high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwifruit, broccoli, red peppers, rose hips, and tomatoes. However, studies show that many of the therapeutic benefits of vitamin C are greatest at doses higher than those found in fruits and vegetables. Because of this, internal and external supplements of vitamin C are popular around the globe. Vitamin C is added to skin care products and supplements in the form of ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate.

How does Vitamin C benefit penis health

Vitamin C crème is great for the health of your skin. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the strength of connective cells, as it is essential for the formation of collagen to occur. Collagen is a protein that provides durability and resilience to connective tissues such as skin, muscle and bone, and protects the skin from damage that can occur during aggressive sexual intercourse or masturbation. Using vitamin C crème frequently improves the suppleness, smoothness and strength of the skin covering the penis.

Vitamin C crème improves sexual performance

According to one study, vitamin C helps to prevent erectile dysfunction by supporting nitric oxide (NO) release in the penile tissues. NO (nitric oxide) is produced from arginine in the body and is required for the relaxation of smooth muscles in the penis, leading to erection. Vitamin C boosts local NO production and reduces NO breakdown, supporting full and natural erections. While vitamin C crème is not a replacement for pharmaceutical drugs such as viagra, it can give additional benefit and increase the pleasure of sex.

Vitamin C crème benefits circulation to the penis

Vitamin C aids blood flow by preventing atherosclerosis and supporting blood flow in people suffering from cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Plaques, cholesterol and high sugar levels all reduce blood flow to the extremities, resulting in an increased risk of sexual dysfunction and reduced nerve sensitivity. Increasing your vitamin C improves circulation to the penis and provides holistic health support as well.

Vitamin C crème fights infertility in men by acting on a range of levels

Penis health and fertility require adequate nutritional support. When vitamin C levels rise in the blood and in the penis tissues, testosterone levels are increased, sperm health is improved, sperm motility rises, and the sperm are protected against free radical damage. Male infertility accounts for up to 60% of all infertility cases, and is exacerbated by free radical damage caused by poor lifestyle. Reducing smoking, alcohol, processed foods, and increasing vitamin C are all ways of improving fertility in men.

How and where to obtain vitamin C creme

Vitamin C is absorbed to varying degrees in the digestive tract of individuals, with some people able to absorb more vitamin C than others. This issue can be bypassed by using a vitamin crème containing vitamin C that can be applied directly to the penis, carrying the vitamin C into the blood stream and local tissues immediately. Penis specific formulas (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) are designed for penis health and care, and contain many vital nutrients that work alongside vitamin C.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dry Penis Skin - Causes Symptoms and When to Get Help

Dry penis skin is a very common issue, as a quick look at any men’s health forum will show. Dry, flaking skin on the penis is uncomfortable and unattractive. It can also lead to more serious problems, and in some cases, medical attention is required to treat it. The following information on dry penis skin can help men improve the look and feel of the penis using all-natural skin care products containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals. For chronic or worsening penis skin conditions, a men’s health specialist should be consulted.


Dryness of the penis is easily detectible and may include the following symptoms:

• Flaking or peeling skin;

• Itching or burning, especially during masturbation or sex;

• Redness and soreness;

• A dry, shriveled appearance;

• Small lacerations or cuts that continually reopen;

• Foul odor caused by the presence of bacteria which penetrate dry skin;

• Increased risk of infection;

• Diminished penis sensitivity;

• A calloused-like layer of skin.


A wide range of issues can cause dry penis skin. Several of the most common are listed here:

Contact dermatitis - Certain detergents, as well as plants such as poison ivy or poison oak, can irritate the skin, causing drying, flaking, itching and irritation;

Jock itch - This unpleasant condition is caused by the same fungus that is responsible for athlete’s foot and ringworm. These can cause dryness and extreme itching in the genital area.

Psoriasis - This skin condition, which can affect the entire body, causes dryness, itching and patches of unsightly, peeling skin.

Sun/windburn - Yes, it is possible to get a sunburn down there. Not all clothing protects against harmful UV rays, and a day spent on the beach can lead to sunburn on the penis. Cold, dry weather or exposure to wind can also leech moisture from the skin.

Allergic reactions - Allergies to substances such as latex can lead to drying, irritation and inflammation.

Sensitivity to partner - Contact with the body fluids of a partner whose body pH is substantially different can cause dryness, flaking and soreness of the penis skin.

Cancer - Dry patches that recur or do not heal, or constantly split and form lacerations, could be an indication of skin cancer and should be treated by a doctor.

How to smooth and calm dry penis skin

The answer to dry penis skin is to moisturize on a regular basis. Penis moisturizers containing shea butter and vitamin E penetrate to the inner layers of skin and create a natural moisture barrier, protecting against dryness. Hydrating formulas containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have multiple benefits:

• Soothe and calm dry skin;

• Protect against further drying and flaking;

• Create a supple, youthful appearance;

• Restore natural elasticity of the skin;

• Combat odor-causing bacteria;

• Maintain the integrity of the skin and protect against bacterial and fungal infections;

• Boost the body’s natural healing ability;

• Promote sensitivity of the penis skin.

Where to find moisturizers designed just for men

Regular moisturizers found in most pharmacies generally do not contain all of the ingredients needed for healthy penis skin. They may also contain fragrances and other chemical additives that actually increase dryness and peeling of the skin. Instead, using a specialized penis health formula created using male-specific vitamins and minerals (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advised for improving the tone and texture of the penis skin without promoting further irritation.

A regular self-examination of the penis skin is recommended for men of all ages. Patches of dry skin that do not heal with treatment, or that become sore and develop cracks or fissures, should be seen by a medical doctor or dermatologist, as a skin biopsy may be necessary to rule out cancer.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Does Circumcision Cause Loss of Penis Sensation?

Current statistics show that at least 60% of all male children born in the United States are circumcised before they leave the hospital. Most of these surgeries are performed for religious or cosmetic reasons. The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that circumcision is an elective procedure that is not medically necessary. Unfortunately, circumcision may lead to complications, including lifelong reduction of natural penis sensitivity. However, treatment with a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals may help to restore some of the sensitivity lost through removing the foreskin and to increase sexual pleasure.

What is circumcision?

The foreskin (the sheath of skin which covers the glans, or head, of the penis) is a layer of protective dermal tissue. This thin layer of skin also acts as a lubricant during masturbation or sex. Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the foreskin is removed. This surgery is generally performed immediately after birth, although some men have the foreskin removed later on.

Circumcision is practiced in many parts of the world for religious reasons or as a matter of tradition. A small percentage of men with penis conditions such as phimosis or balanitis elect to have the foreskin removed later in life for medical reasons – this is a fairly rare occurrence.

Does circumcision improve penis health?

Current medical research indicates that there is no medical benefit to removing the foreskin. In the past, some people considered circumcision to be a matter of hygiene, as it was thought to prevent buildup of foreign material under the skin. However, regular washing is all that is generally needed to eliminate this problem.

Side effects of circumcision

Numerous side effects of circumcision have been noted. These include:

• Scarring;

• Tightening of the skin which causes bending during erections;

• Increased risk of infection;

• Irritation;

• Loss of sensation due to constant exposure.

Issues with loss of penis sensation

Most complaints about lack of adequate penis sensation come from circumcised men. The glans (head) of the penis, as well as the foreskin itself, are full of nerve endings. This nervous tissue is important for experiencing sexual pleasure. Removing the foreskin eliminates many of these nerves and results in the loss of natural lubrication. In addition, exposing the glans creates continual friction through contact with clothing. This leads to thickening of the dermal tissue and deadening of the nerve cells.

Circumcised men have few options for restoring penis sensation. In drastic instances, some men choose to have their foreskin restored – this surgical procedure has limited success. However, circumcised men – as well as those who have an intact foreskin – can increase penis sensitivity through vitamin and mineral support.

The following vitamins target the nerves and skin and may help to improve feeling in the penis:

• Vitamin C – improves circulation to the area and helps to regenerate dead skin cells, as well as increasing elasticity and tone;

• Vitamin D – known as a “miracle” vitamin which promotes healing and improves the tone and texture of the skin;

• Vitamin A – Helps to regenerate skin cells and create smooth, responsive skin;

• Vitamin B5 – Provides essential nervous system support to regenerate damaged nerve cells under the skin’s surface.

Where to find a penis health formula to promote sensitivity

Most of these ingredients can be ingested through food. However, many men do not consume adequate amounts of these nutrients to provide support for the penis. In addition, dietary supplements are not typically well-absorbed in the digestive system. The solution is to apply a specialized penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) directly to the penis. Specially developed health formulas which contain shea butter and vitamin E also create a protective barrier which preserves the body’s natural moisture and protects the penis from sensitivity-reducing friction.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Penis Sensitivity Exam - How to Test for Loss of Penis Sensation

According to recent polls, over 87% of all men experience mild to severe loss of penis sensation at some time; while many men believe that this is a natural sign of aging, the truth is that many men lose penile sensitivity while still in their teens. Because any loss of penis feeling can limit the amount of sexual pleasure a man can experience maintaining adequate sensitivity is an important issue for men of all ages.

For those guys who have concerns about loss of sensation in the penis, the following penis feeling exam can be carried out at home to determine whether treatment with a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals which nourish and moisturize the delicate dermal tissue is needed to prevent diminished sensation and stimulate the repair of damaged, deadened cells which can cause a reduction in sensitivity.

At-home penis feeling exam

This test is best performed with the assistance of a partner; for the most accurate results, the penis should be erect during the exam.

Materials: A feather or similar soft object; an ice cube; a blindfold.

Procedure: Before beginning the exam, the assisting partner should be advised of the following steps; the individual being tested should not be told when the partner is about to perform each step. The subject should stand undressed, with legs slightly apart, eyes covered so that he cannot see what his partner is doing.

1. The partner should take the feather and run it up and down the shaft of the penis and over the head. A pleasant tickling sensation should occur. The subject should note whether he can detect this sensation or not at his partner’s prompting.

2. The partner should then grasp the penis gently and run his/her fingertips up and down the penis and over the head, in the same manner as with the feather, asking again if the sensation is felt.

3. Finally, the partner should repeat the same procedure with the ice cube.

If no sensation is felt on any part of the penis during this exam, some loss of sensitivity may be present.

Factors contributing to lost penis sensation

A number of factors may lead to diminished penis sensitivity, including the following:

Use of binding, restrictive clothing – Tight clothing can limit circulation to the penis, as well as causing constant friction, which serves to deaden the nerve endings under the penis skin and create a callous-like layer of thickened dermal tissue. Unless proper measures are taken to rehydrate the skin and support the repair of damaged nerve and skin cells, this can eventually cause a significant reduction in sensation.

Age – As men age, a slight reduction in sensitivity may occur; this may be prevented or alleviated by treating the penis skin with daily vitamins and minerals that are known to contribute to overall penis health.

Weight – Being overweight or obese can lead to a large number of health problems. Conditions such as poor circulation, type 2 diabetes, and the pressure of excess body weight can diminish sensation in the penis. Losing weight through regular exercise and good nutrition, as well as providing the penis skin with the proper nourishment to stimulate circulation, nerve cell regeneration and skin cell growth, can help to maintain adequate sensitivity of the penis.

Circumcision – Men who are circumcised regularly report less sensitivity than those who have their foreskin intact. To combat this issue, regular treatment with essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids that have been shown to contribute to penis sensitivity can help circumcised men to experience optimum sexual pleasure.

Dry masturbation and aggressive intercourse – Dry rubbing or assertive sexual activity can desensitize the skin over time. Keeping the skin well-hydrated and boosting the body’s natural healing properties can help to maintain soft, supple and healthy skin that is responsive to stimulation, both through manual stroking or partner play.

Treatment for penis desensitization

A specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which is applied directly to the delicate skin of the penis can provide the nourishment needed for a healthy member through the absorption of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are necessary for optimum penis health. Treating the skin of the penis with rejuvenating ingredients such as vitamins A, B5, C, and E, as well as important amino acids needed for skin and nerve cell growth, can help men of all ages to continue to experience sexual pleasure.