Saturday, 28 July 2012

Frequent Ejaculation Linked To Reduced Risk Of Prostate Disease

In the past, adolescent boys and grown men were warned that masturbation is dangerous, unnatural and unhealthy. Whether these dire warnings came from religious authority figures, or medical personnel, there was a pervasive belief that masturbation was somehow dangerous or wrong. Sane and sober people actually claimed—and evidently believed—that masturbation could lead to frightening consequences ranging from hair growth on the palms of the hands, to blindness. The only proven side effect from frequent masturbation is loss of penis sensitivity and men certainly weren’t advised to take steps to preserve or enhance penis sensitivity through the use of a men’s health formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals.

How wrong the "experts" were. While no one seriously believes any longer that masturbation can cause blindness, some myths regarding male self-pleasuring still linger. There is a persistent belief, for instance, that frequent masturbation may cause baldness. The explanation given is that frequent masturbation promotes the conversion of testosterone to hair-loss-promoting dihydroxytestosterone (DHT). This is false. There is no credible scientific evidence that masturbation can promote baldness. There is, however, evidence that frequent ejaculation may have significant benefits, beyond the obvious ones. Another recent myth claims that frequent ejaculation and high levels of sexual activity are linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Wrong again.

Masturbation is healthy

Turns out masturbation—or any activity that leads to ejaculation, for that matter—is not only natural, but healthy. In fact, a study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association reported in 2004 that men who experienced 21 or more ejaculations per month enjoyed a 33-percent lower risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer later in life. It didn’t matter how ejaculation happened. Ejaculations due to masturbation, sexual intercourse and nocturnal emissions all counted.

After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in American men. One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and the relative risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer rises with age. Clearly, anything that reduces a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer is desirable, especially when it involves an activity as enjoyable as achieving orgasm and/or having an ejaculation.

The research followed nearly 30,000 mostly white men ranging in age from 46 to 81. Investigators accounted for possible confounding factors, such as diet and exercise, because these factors are known to have an impact on risk. After accounting for these factors, the link between frequency of ejaculation and a reduced risk of prostate cancer remained.

Use it or lose it

The scientists speculated that ejaculation may be protective for a number of reasons. Frequent ejaculation may serve to "flush out" any cancer-promoting substances present in the prostate. It may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer through the promotion of stress-reduction. Psychological stress, probably mediated by hormones such as cortisol, has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some cases. Ejaculation promotes relaxation. Frequent ejaculation may also discourage the growth of compounds that can block ducts in the prostate.

If masturbation is healthy, then it follows that it only makes sense to practice healthy masturbation. But dry-rubbing is not recommended. Frequent use of a penis health formula (experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) featuring all-natural moisturizers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, can preserve the supple, delicate skin of the penis and help maintain penile sensitivity. Dry-rubbing of the penis can result in thickening of the delicate tissues of the penis (a process similar to developing a callus) and this can lead to decreased penis sensitivity.

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