Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Penis Size: When a Man Should Worry

It’s important for a man to recognize that his worries about penis size and shape are often unfounded. In fact, most men worry about their penis size, usually by thinking it is far too small. They might also worry about their penis shape, thinking that it is far too thin. But what really matters is what a man does with it, and that starts with excellent penis care. It also extends to know what is really worrisome when it comes to penis size and shape. Here’s what a man needs to know.

What a man should know about penis size

Unfortunately, many men think their penis is not large enough, even though it is probably right where it should be. Though the studies on penis size vary, what most have found is that "normal" penis size is anywhere from four inches to six inches in length. However, even men who are smaller than that four inches can have a fulfilling and completely happy sex life.

Men who are very worried about penis size that is less than this, such as a guy packing two inches or less, might want to visit their doctor just to rule out any underlying problems. However, it is important to remember that even at this size, a guy can be perfectly normal.

What’s important about penis shape

Shape matters to a guy, too. Most studies have found that the average guy measures at four to five inches in circumference. But again, it’s important to remember that a man who falls outside of that range is likely perfectly normal.

One of the things about penis shape that might be abnormal is excessive curvature. Most men have some natural curvature of the penis, and this is nothing to worry about. But when the curvature is severe enough to cause pain or trouble with partner sex, it might be something known as Peyronie’s disease.

Peyronie’s disease results from the buildup of scar tissue, also known as plaque, within the penis. This scar tissue forms as the result of trauma to the penis. It might be a one-time sudden trauma, such as getting hit in the midsection with a baseball, or it might be small traumas that build up over time, such as the minor tears that occur when a man masturbates with no lube. Eventually the scar tissue in one area doesn’t allow the penis to expand as it should, and the organ then bends too far to one side.

Other points to ponder about the penis

There are a few other things to keep in mind about a healthy penis. Many men worry about the color of their penis, but the fact is that the penis can come in many colors - from a pale white to a dark red, almost purple, are common. The penis is usually a slightly darker hue than a man’s overall skin tone. But if a guy has dark spots on what is otherwise a lighter-colored penis, that might be cause to visit the doctor to rule out any problems.

To help ensure good penis health, a guy should inspect his penis every day for signs of things that might be going wrong. While he’s doing that inspection, he can help ensure even better health by using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A good crème will include a multitude of healthy vitamins, such as C and D, as well as Shea butter, a high-end emollient. Antioxidants and amino acids round out the beneficial ingredients of the best health crème on the market.

When that Penis Rash is a Penis Infection

Most men will develop a penis rash from time to time. It’s often the body’s natural reaction to a wide variety of things, from getting too hot to coming into contact with something the delicate skin doesn’t agree with to too much friction in the wrong places. A penis rash is so common that most men never think about going to the doctor to deal with it, and it usually goes away on its own when a man keeps up with his daily penis care.

But there are times when a penis rash is more than that. Sometimes a rash can indicate a penis infection, which must be tended to in a different way than a typical rash. But how can a man tell what is an everyday, run-of-the-mill penis rash and what is a more serious penis infection?

When a penis rash is serious

Understanding when a rash is serious is important. Here are times when the rash is actually a symptom of an infection:

1) Jock itch. Sometimes the first sign of this fungal infection is the redness and itching that often accompanies it. However, sometimes it can look like a rash at first, and that can make a man believe it’s nothing serious. Given that, he might use his towel to dry off the penis and surrounding area, then use it on other parts of his body, for instance - and that spreads jock itch to other areas. If a rash appears and begins to itch, and that itch never goes away, it might be jock itch.

2) Yeast infections. Contrary to popular belief, yeast infections aren’t just something women get. Men can also get yeast infections, which often present with terrible itching and burning. Another symptom is a rash that gradually becomes solid redness as the infection advances. Fortunately, yeast infections can be easily remedied with over the counter medications; more stubborn yeast infections can be treated with a quick prescription.

3) Some sexually transmitted diseases. Though most diseases contracted from a partner don’t lead to rashes, some of the more serious ones might if they are not treated in time. For instance, the second stage of syphilis infection can lead to a red or brown rash that appears in various areas of the body, not just on the genital area. This is the time when a person with syphilis is extremely infectious, and the infection has begun to affect their entire body. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important for those who are sexually active to get regular testing for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases.

4) Balanitis. This is a common infection that can happen to men who have their foreskin intact. It can show up as a rash around the head of the penis, and is often accompanied by swelling, pain and burning. It often occurs when a man has been a little lax with his penis care. Fortunately, this can often be reversed through stepping up the hygiene game and cleaning carefully under the foreskin every day, as well as using moisturizing crèmes to help hasten healing.

When a man suffers from a penis rash, he should start his treatment by improving hygiene and watching closely for changes. If the rash doesn’t go away soon, it’s a good idea to visit the doctor to rule out serious infections. In the meantime, a guy can reach for a moisturizing penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains powerful antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid and strong amino acids like L-carnitine can be a huge help. Healthy vitamins, such as A, C and D, can also go a long way toward keeping the skin as healthy as possible.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Hydration Helps an Itchy Penis

Few things make a guy look less cool than being caught by a potential partner while he’s giving his equipment a big scratch. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, an itchy penis will insist on being tended to. And, of course, no matter how long he avoids giving himself a quick scratch for some relief, it’s inevitable that the exact moment his hand sneaks downward for a scratch is the exact moment that sexy woman he’s been dying to talk with all night will turn and finally see him. An itchy penis can be cause for concern about penis health, of course, but often the answer is simply skin irritation. And one of the best solutions for everyday itchy penis is sufficient hydration - yet too many men don’t keep their skin hydrated as they should.


Simply put, hydration is making sure the body gets sufficient fluids to stay healthy. Everyone knows that water is important, but few realize just how important it is. Up to 60% of a person’s weight comes from water. The skin contains about 64% water, but other parts of the body have even higher percentages. The brain and the heart are each about 73%, and the muscles and the kidneys are each about 79%. And the lungs are a whopping 93% water. Basically, every cell, every tissue and every organ is dependent upon water in order to function properly.

Without water, the brain can’t properly make hormones and neurotransmitters, the cells of the body can’t grow and reproduce, the waste in the body can’t get flushed out, and food can’t get digested so that energy can be released for use throughout the body.

If skin cells lack water, the skin gets tight, dry and flaky. It loses its resilience and becomes wrinkled. All of this happening in penis skin leads to extreme itchiness - and also makes the penis look way less than its best.

Getting hydrated

So how does a guy stay hydrated? The easy answer is to drink plenty of water. It’s commonly said that adults need to drink 6-8 glasses of water (a glass being assumed to hold 8 ounces) every day. This is a good general guide, but it’s only a starting point. Every person is different, and some people need more and some people need less. For example, a guy who is very athletically inclined (and therefore likely to sweat away water) will need more than a couch potato.

Drinking water is the best way to get the fluids necessary, but hydration also can come from other sources, such as fruit or vegetable juices. In addition, many foods contain water, which helps; watermelon, for example, is very rich in water.

Interestingly, showers can be either helpful or harmful in keeping skin moisturized. If a guy showers for too long or uses water that is too hot, he may actually deplete some of the natural oils his body produces; these oils are essential for good hydration. This can also happen if he uses soaps and shampoos that are too harsh.

A guy can help keep an itchy penis due to lack of hydration at bay by daily applying a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) directly to his penis. Not just any penis crème will do; it needs to have a combination of both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). These two ingredients work together to form a "moisture lock" which helps keep vital fluids in and on the skin, where they do the most good. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid. This is a potent antioxidant that fights excess free radicals. Left unchecked, these free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which weakens the skin, leaving it vulnerable to itching and rashing.

The Dangers of Herbs for Male Enhancement

Many men will do anything to have a handsome penis, and kudos to them for keeping up with the excellent penis care that can make it possible! But for some, the worries that their penis just isn’t up to par (even if it is just fine indeed) can lead them to look for a type of penis care that is risky, dangerous and certainly not recommended. Herbs for male enhancement is a niche market for those who seek a more handsome penis and aren’t afraid to risk their health to get it.

The truth is that male enhancement herbs, often delivered in the form of pills, are a terrible gamble. They offer no proven benefit but a host of unsavory side effects, some of which can even be deadly for those with underlying medical conditions.

So what can a man expect from male enhancement herbs and pills?

1) Added ingredients. While some herbs might be entirely safe for male enhancement, they way they are packaged is not. Most herbs are not "straight up" in pill form, but rather, mixed with other herbs or solidifying ingredients, and that’s where the problem begins. These added ingredients can be almost anything, especially if the pills come from somewhere outside the United States and are subject to little or no regulation.

2) Illegal chemicals. Speaking of no regulation, it’s entirely possible that chemicals recognized in the United States as causing cancer or serious other problems can make their way into the herb-based pills. For instance, benzyl piperazine, also known as BZP, is a recreational drug similar to amphetamines, and it’s often found in male enhancement pills as a way to "boost" the libido.

3) Interactions with medications. Some of these herbal pills can react dangerously with medications, whether prescription or over the counter. For instance, goat weed is an herbal stimulant said to work in similar fashion to the common "little blue pill." However, it is also an herb that stimulates the heart and blood vessels, which could turn out to be problematic or even fatal for someone who is on certain medications, such as those for blood pressure.

4) Issues with underlying conditions. A man who has any underlying medical conditions, especially one that has not yet been diagnosed, is putting himself at risk with every male enhancement step he takes. This is because there is no way to know how the drug will work in the body, and with the body already somewhat compromised by the underlying medical condition, almost anything could happen.

5) Bothersome symptoms. For some men, the side effects might not be serious at first, but they can build up over time to something that makes a man miserable. Common problems with taking these pills can include headaches, digestive problems, nasal congestion, heart palpitations, joint and muscle pain, skin rashes and much more. In some severe cases, a man might turn out to have an allergy to one of the ingredients, and thus have even more serious side effects, such as trouble breathing.

If a man is truly unhappy with his penis - no matter how much of a handsome penis it is - and wants to look into enhancements, he can do so the responsible way, by speaking to his doctor about the options out there. This is a "better safe than sorry" scenario that will help a guy hold onto his overall health, rather than risk it on something not fully tested.

In addition, a guy can pay close attention to penis skin care, which is the number one way to get the handsome penis he craves. He can help things along with a reliable penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crèmes will contain the tried-and-true beneficial vitamins, such as vitamins A, D and C, as well as numerous amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and antioxidants, all of which are great for overall skin health. Wrapped up in a luxurious Shea butter base for more supple skin, a man can’t go wrong with this kind of safe, approved crème.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Dealing with the Unbearably Itchy Penis

Every man has one thing in common: At some point in their lives, they have suffered from penile itching. It might have been a fleeting incident where the delicate penis skin just kept itching for no apparent reason. Or it might have been a more serious issue, perhaps with something easy to treat, like jock itch - and the problem was resolved with a little extra attention to penis care.

But for some men, the penile itching becomes totally unbearable - to a point where they can think of little else, and nothing they try will make it go away. That’s when the typical itchy penis becomes something more serious.

But what could be causing the unbearably penile itching? Here are a few things that could cause the kind of itching that sends a man straight to the doctor for some relief.

1) Serious infections. Sometimes an infection gets out of control, and that’s when the penile itching gets out of control, too. A yeast infection can become serious very quickly, as can jock itch that has been allowed to hang around for a while. These infections can lead to serious itching, and once they are out of control and spread around the wider manhood area, it can take a doctor’s prescription to help things get back to normal.

2) Lice, scabies and other bugs. Nobody wants to think about creepy-crawlies on their body, especially not their most intimate areas. But unfortunately, there are several types of bugs that can wind up in the groin area and create an unbearably itchy penis situation. In most cases, these bugs must be eradicated with the proper medications, which means a visit to the doctor to figure out what is going on and get the right treatment.

3) Skin conditions. Some skin conditions can cause an itchy penis. Psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis are the top culprits - these conditions are often hereditary or show up in cycles, so it’s important to get checked out by the doctor to figure out which problem it is. Each can have a different treatment.

4) Sexually transmitted diseases. One of the biggest culprits of that awful itch is contracting a sexually transmitted disease from a partner. Fortunately, there are many quick and easy tests for most of these infections, so a quick visit to the doctor can result in the proper treatment starting almost immediately.

5) Allergies. Though this often causes an itchy penis situation that resolves quickly, sometimes it lingers for no apparent reason. That’s when a man can look to a rarer allergy cause. For instance, penile itching that results from changing the detergent a man uses on his clothing is easily fixed by simply not using that detergent anymore. But if it persists, the allergy might be sparked by something he eats, a medication he has recently begun taking, or even a place he has started to frequent - such as using new towels at the gym.

6) More serious issues. Sometimes penile itching can become unbearable but there appears to be no clear cause, even after a doctor’s visit to get a professional opinion. That’s when a guy has to look to other reasons that might be causing the problem. Though it is rare to have issues like penile cancer or melanoma, these things do happen - so an itch that just won’t go away deserves another look by a dermatologist to rule out these possibilities.

In the meantime, a man can keep the skin of his penis smooth and supple, thus eliminating dryness and easing the itch. This can be done with a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, two ingredients that help ensure the best possible hydration while a man look for the underlying cause of the itchy penis.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Penis Fillers for a Small Penis: Some Basic Facts

Many men who take off their clothes and stand in front of a mirror like what they see. Others may find flaws, including what they perceive to be a small penis. When a guy believes he has a small penis, this can have an impact on his self-esteem, his self-confidence and his sex life. Sometimes it can even have an impact on his penis health, especially if he attempts to make his equipment larger by engaging in techniques which may do physical harm to the penis. There are many techniques that claim to enlarge a small penis, some of which are harmless and some of which are not. One of the more recent developments in this area, and one increasing in popularity, is the use of penis fillers.

Is small so bad?

Before discussing penis fillers, it pays to spend a little time talking about a man’s perception of his penis as small. Very often a man may believe he has a small penis when in fact his equipment is perfectly adequate. Almost all penises, when erect, are of sufficient size to provide sexual pleasure to a partner, even if they are not "monster sized." The emphasis on enormous male appendages is likely exacerbated by the omnipresence of online pornography, which often features men with exceptionally large penises or uses camera angles to give an impression of greater size.

But even when a man does have a penis that is somewhat on the small side, that doesn’t necessarily mean his penis is inadequate. A four inch penis is perfectly capable of bringing about great ecstasy in a partner, provided a man knows how to use it to its best advantage. Except in the cases of a true micropenis, skill counts for much more than size.

Penis fillers

Despite this, there are plenty of men anxious to make their penis larger, and penis fillers are one avenue some are pursuing. Basically, penis fillers work the same way that "lip plumping" works. With lips, an injection of certain approved substances makes the lips fuller. With penis fillers, several injections are made to insert a substance into the shaft to add to the girth of the penis. (At this point, penis fillers do not add to the length of the member.)

An anesthetic is first applied to numb the penis, and then several injections are made at various points along the shaft in order to ensure the filler is evenly spaced. Sometimes the procedure is repeated a couple of weeks later. When done properly, there is some soreness afterward, but not a great deal. The effects are not permanent, lasting usually three to six months.

It is very important to note that fillers are not FDA-approved for use in the penis at all, and that there are significant risks associated with this procedure. It should only be performed by a licensed plastic surgeon; many men have had their penises injected with fillers that turned out to be toxic, which can be damaging and potentially fatal. In addition, there can be other risks, such as a potential "numbing" in the penis or a misshapen look if the fillers do not spread out evenly.

Bottom line: Men who believe they must use penis fillers should do so with the knowledge that there can be complications.

Small penis or large, and whether penis fillers are used or not, a guy needs to utilize a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) for better penis care. Choose a crème with both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) to provide double-moisturizing power for the penis skin. The crème should also include vitamin D, which is made only in limited quantities in the body. Adding vitamin D can help boost its benefits to the penis.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Penis Rash from the Hot Tub

Nothing feels quite so good after a physical workout - or even just after a hard day at the office - than sinking into a nice hot tub and feeling those jet sprays pulsing against the skin. Whether it’s a hot tub in the privacy of his backyard or bathroom or a communal hot tub at a gym or spa, the feeling of relaxation and pleasure can’t be beat. But, while hot tubs are definitely enjoyable, sometimes a guy leaves a hot tub with his penis health impacted - even if he’s not aware of it right away. For example, there are times when a penis rash is directly related to having spent time soaking in the spa tub.


According to one 2015 study, more than five and a half million American homes had a hot tub. Perhaps not surprisingly, they are most commonly found in states where the weather tends to be warm. Texas homeowners owned almost 500,000, people in Florida accounted for more than 300,000 and the state of California led them all with almost 1,200,000.

Of course, there also are "public" hot tubs, which are often found at places like gyms or spa resorts. Some of these can be quite large and accommodate an impressive amount of people.

Privately owned hot tubs are often associated with sexual activity. When alone, many couples enjoy using the tubs naked, and the pulsating jets of water can easily lead to arousal and sexual play. (The same can be true of public tubs, but acting on that arousal in a public situation can often lead to legal trouble.)

Hot tub rash

Whether naked or not, people need to know that the hot tub they are entering is properly cleaned. Heat and water can be a breeding ground for bacteria, and heat can also deplete the skin of the natural oils it requires to stay hydrated (even when the source of that heat is water). With the skin dry and unprotected, the bacteria are more likely to gain ground.

One penis rash (which can also be found elsewhere on the body) that can develop in a hot tub that is not properly clean is called hot tub rash (aka pseudomonas folliculitis). This is an infection of hair follicles; although it is most commonly caught from an unclean hot tub, it can also occur from an unclean swimming pool, using a loofah sponge that contains the bacteria or wearing a diving suit or swim clothes that are infected.

The penis rash develops near hair follicles and is small in size, red or pink in color, and often has pus-filled bumps. In addition to the penis, they may show up almost anywhere else on the body, though rarely on the face. Sometimes the rash is accompanied by a slight fever, tiredness, a headache and a sore throat.

The rash generally appears 1 to 4 days after exposure and usually resolves on its own in 1-2 weeks.

Tub maintenance

To prevent hot tub rash, the tub needs to be regularly and adequately cleaned. The proper amount of chlorine needs to be used to effectively kill harmful bacteria. If a tub has a bad smell or exhibits signs of plant growth, it likely is not receiving proper maintenance.

A penis rash from the hot tub may sometimes require an antibiotic crème from a doctor. The itchiness accompanying it is often alleviated through use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The ideal crème will contain both a natural hydrator (vitamin E is an excellent choice) and a high-end emollient (soothing Shea butter is desirable). In addition, check that the crème also contains vitamin A. This vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that may help dampen the effects of a hot tub rash.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Treating Phimosis for Healthy Penis Function

Intact men have a lot of advantages, most notably the increased sensitivity they enjoy. However, there are also some downsides to having a foreskin, and one of those is the possibility of phimosis. Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin is too tight to retract over the head of the penis. This can make masturbation or any other sexual activity painful; in some cases it becomes too painful to continue. Fortunately, there are treatments for this, and one of them includes a new regimen of penis care.

What is phimosis?

A man with phimosis might find that he can’t retract the foreskin properly. This means as he gets an erection, the foreskin is too tight around the head. Trying to masturbate or have sex can force the foreskin a bit, which then leads to pain. Phimosis usually isn’t spotted until a guy starts becoming sexually active and realizes that most activities hurt. In addition to the problem of painful activity, a foreskin that is too tight means a man can’t retract it to clean properly underneath. This can lead to serious penis problems, including infections from accumulated oils and dead skin cells that wind up trapped under the foreskin.

Treatments for phimosis

Fortunately, there are many treatments that work for a guy who has phimosis. Most men want to keep their healthy penis intact and so don’t want to go for circumcision as their only option. There are other ways to help the foreskin stretch and retract appropriately.

One of the most common ways is a home treatment. A man with phimosis can use heavy-duty moisturizers to soften the skin as much as possible, then gently pull it back and forth over the head. This gentle motion should be used at least once a day, every day, until the skin begins to move more freely. Though this might lead to some discomfort at first, there should be no pain - it is important for a man to stop the activity if he feels any pain.

This might work over a period of several weeks. However, if the foreskin doesn’t stretch properly for retracting, it might be time for a man to consider other options. One of these is surgery. A full circumcision is possible, but depending upon his situation, a man might also be able to go through a partial circumcision. This consists of cuts at strategic areas so that the foreskin has more room to stretch.

Other things to keep in mind

When a man is working with his penis to stretch the foreskin, he should be very aware of the possibility of paraphimosis. This is a condition in which the foreskin does stretch enough to go over the head, but then gets stuck behind it. This condition is more likely in someone who has a tight foreskin, so those who are trying home treatment for phimosis are at greater risk. Paraphimosis is a medical emergency that requires a guy to get treatment immediately.

Assuming all is well, a man should take care to condition the skin every day. Stretching out the skin is hard work, and the penis should be rewarded with nutrients that keep it healthy. This can be found in a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Among the most important ingredients are Shea butter and vitamin E. Shea butter is a high-end emollient, and vitamin E is quite common as a skin hydrator. When these are used together, they create a moisture lock that keeps the skin’s precious oils right where they belong - in the healthy penis skin. Other great options in a crème include vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as antioxidants and amino acids that help keep the skin as healthy as possible during the phimosis treatments.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Masturbation: What’s the Definition?

Masturbation is one of the most popular pastimes of people, especially men. While various surveys and studies have turned up differing results, it’s safe to say thatit is the rare male who does not engage in masturbation at least occasionally. And if website traffic statistics for porn sites are to be believed, most men masturbate with considerable frequency. And why not? Few things are as fun as masturbation or require as little equipment; basically, it can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere (although it’s best to limit that "anywhere" part to non-public places). And since men who ejaculate more often have a lowered chance of prostate cancer, there’s even a penis health benefit to the activity. But when two people are talking about masturbation, can they be sure they are using the same definition? The answer might be surprising.


Naturally, there are some instances where the definition is not really in doubt. It’s hard to believe that anyone would disagree that the following scenario doesn’t fit the definition of masturbation: A man is alone in a room with his penis exposed. He has an erection and has wrapped one of his hands around that erection so that he is gripping it fairly tightly. He moves his hand up and down the penis until he reaches a point where he ejaculates semen.

That’s a pretty classic definition, and one that would likely be universally recognized as masturbation. But suppose that scenario was changed slightly. Instead of stroking himself until he ejaculates, let’s say the man stops before achieving that release. Is it still masturbation? There are some who would argue that it’s not.

Other scenarios

Following are a number of other scenarios that some people would believe constitute masturbation, but which some others might not:

- A man has an erection. He exposes his penis, then lies face down on a bed and begins thrusting his hips back and forth against the mattress and sheets. He continues doing so, over and over, until he ejaculates.

Masturbation? Not to someone who believes that masturbation involves manual stimulation of the penis by one’s own hand or hands.

- A man has an erection but keeps it tucked inside his pants. He rubs his penis through his pants until he ejaculates.

There’s manual stimulation by hand here, but the hand isn’t actually touching the penis; it’s touching the fabric of the pants - and therefore some would disqualify it as masturbation.

- A very limber man is naked and sporting an erection. He somehow contorts his body into a twisted shape such that his head is in contact with his penis. Opening his mouth, he is able to suck on his own penis until he ejaculates.

Is autofellatio masturbation? To some yes, but to others it isn’t; it is "simply" oral sex with oneself instead of with another person.

- To bring relief to his insistent erection, a man inserts it into a tube with an opening resembling a vagina and thrusts it in and out of the tube until he achieves orgasm.

As with autofellatio, some people would argue that this kind of sex toy penetration is not masturbation; it lacks the direct application of the hand to the penis.

- Inserting and withdrawing a phallic-shaped object in his anus, a man achieves ejaculation from stimulating his prostate but not his penis.

Again, with no direct manual stimulation of the penis, this would not be considered masturbation by some.

- A woman strokes a man’s penis with her hand until he ejaculates.

To some people, masturbation is restricted one person stimulating themselves and no one else.

Whether a person considers any, some or all of the scenarios above to be a definition of masturbation, it’s worth remembering that being too enthusiastic in self-handling can lead to a raw and sore penis. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Choose one with moisturizing and soothing agents like Shea butter and vitamin E to help ease the soreness. And find one with L-carnitine, because rough handling often de-sensitizes the penis. L-carnitine’s neuroprotective properties can help restore lost sensation.

Penis Pain and Urination: What Gives?

Any sort of penis pain should be enough to concern a man. When penis pain happens only during urination, it is often indicative of an infection or other penis health condition that needs to be seen by a doctor. However, a guy might be really worried in the days (or even weeks!) before the appointment roll around. This is a quick guide to ease a man’s worries a bit.

Reasons for penis pain during urination

There can be many reasons for penis pain that happens only during urination. Here are a few:

- Prostate Issues. When the prostate becomes enlarged, it very well might be a benign condition. But it does cause problems with urination, including frequent urination at night, difficult urination, or pain with urination. Known as prostate hyperplasia, there are several possible ways to remedy the issue, often with medication.

- Sexually transmitted infections. Some infections that can be contracted from a partner, including chlamydia and gonorrhea, can lead to painful urination as well as foul-smelling discharge, itching and more. Prompt treatment is essential to solve the penis pain and preserve fertility and function later in life.

- Cystitis. When the lining of the bladder becomes infected, the culprit might be the bacteria that cause cystitis. However, there is another type of this condition, which doesn’t involve infection at all, but rather, inflammation and irritation. Regardless of the cause, a man can have this checked out by the doctor to rule it out.

- Urinary tract infections. The most common cause of penis pain during urination for men, a urinary tract infection means that bacteria has somehow gotten into the urethra and set up shop there. A doctor can run a simple urinalysis to figure out which bacteria is causing the problem and then provide the proper medication to clear it up.

- Yeast infections. Yeast infections aren’t just the bane of women! They can also affect men, especially if a guy has an underlying medical condition that makes him more susceptible to contracting a yeast infection, such as uncontrolled diabetes. Yeast infections, once diagnosed, can be treated effectively with over-the-counter medications. More stubborn infections can be treated through prescription medications.

- More minor causes. There are also some rather minor causes for penis pain during urination. A guy will know these are minor because the issue will go away after a few days, at the most. These might include overindulging with masturbation or coupling, especially without enough lube, which leads to irritation that then burns when urine touches it. Another cause could be severe dehydration, where the urine becomes quite concentrated and thus, can irritate the skin.

Easing the penis pain

In short, it’s going to be necessary to visit the doctor to figure out what the cause might be for the penis pain upon urination - unless, of course, the problem resolves on its own within a matter of a day or so. Before he goes in to the doctor, it might be helpful for a man to drink lots of water for hydration, as well as keep notes about the painful urination - how often, whether it’s getting worse, and what in his life might have changed to cause it, such as getting to know a new sexual partner in recent weeks.

Whether the problem resolves on its own or requires a long course of medications to help, a man can make a point of keeping his penis in tip-top shape - it might help prevent penis problems and pain in the future. He can do this with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy should look for a few different options in the crème, including Shea butter and vitamin E for softness, alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals and vitamin A to battle against the bacteria that causes unsavory penis odor. Other ingredients, such as vital amino acids and a range of healthy vitamins, can help improve a man’s penis health with every application.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The Potential Problems of an Uncircumcised Penis

When it comes to penis problems, every man has his share. But an uncircumcised man is much more likely to have issues than an intact man is. The good news is that with excellent penis care, an uncircumcised man can have a quite healthy penis and avoid the serious penis problems that might result from lack of hygiene or other penis problems that sometimes plague men who have an intact foreskin.

However, it’s important to remember that being uncircumcised doesn’t mean a man will automatically have problems with his package. But for those unfortunate enough to deal with these penis problems, it’s important to know what to expect. Here’s a quick rundown.

1) Phimosis. Some men suffer from a condition in which the foreskin is too tight to retract fully during sexual activity. Known as phimosis, this condition can prevent a man from enjoying intercourse, or can prevent sexual activity thanks to the intense pain it can bring. A guy who suffers from phimosis needs to speak with his doctor about ways to alleviate the problem and help the foreskin move freely.

2) Infections. The area covered by the foreskin stays dark and warm, and sometimes it’s a little damp, which is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Fungal infections, such as jock itch, can easily set up underneath the foreskin. There is also a condition called balanitis, which results in inflammation, pain, redness, rash and discharge from the penis. These infections often result from a lack of good hygiene, specifically from not cleaning properly underneath the foreskin.

3) Too much sensitivity. Known as hypersensitivity, this is often a problem with men who are in their first years of sexual exploration. Since the head of the penis is covered by the foreskin most of the time - and the tip is where the most sensitive nerve endings are - it stands to reason that the penis can be incredibly sensitive in that area. Sometimes this sensitivity is a good thing, but often it can mean a man "finishes" well before he’s ready to do so.

4) Severe penis odor. The oils and skin cells that the body sloughs off on a regular basis have to go somewhere. For a man who is uncircumcised, the oils and spent cells around his penis - as well as the residue from cleansers, condoms, lubricants and other fluids - combine to form smegma. Smegma is a white buildup that appears underneath the foreskin. A man should carefully clean away the smegma on a daily basis; however, many men don’t notice that it is building up until the odor assaults their nose. Severe penis odor is a side effect of smegma and unfortunately affects many men.

Taking care of the uncircumcised penis

A man who has not been circumcised must pay closer attention to penis health. That’s because there are so many problems that can result from having a foreskin. Though being intact is certainly preferable for some men, and provides them with intense sensations that might be lacking in men who have been circumcised, the potential for penis problems is a very real concern that must be addressed on a daily basis. As always, the number one rule boils down to cleanliness and taking care of the penis every single day, to help stop problems well before they have an opportunity to begin.

To help a man combat the issues that might arise from this, he can reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should seek out a crème that is specially formulated to tackle the most common penis issues, such as one that includes vitamin A for odor control, vitamin E for softness and vitamin D for overall health. Shea butter, a high-end emollient, can serve as the perfect "carrier" for the amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins a man’s skin needs to stay healthy and strong - whether circumcised or not.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Penis Bumps Could Be Ingrown Hairs

Penis bumps can be caused by many different factors and, depending on what the root cause is, may signify something serious. Very often, however, penis bumps are a sign of a relatively benign issue and don’t mean a serious penis health crisis is present. One reason for penis bumps that may surprise men is simply ingrown hairs.

Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are hairs that get under the skin, become inflamed and create bumps. Most often ingrown hairs occur after a hair has been shaved or tweezed off. They are most frequently found in men with curly hair, as the curvature of the follicle makes it easier for it to grow back under the skin. When a razor cuts a curly hair, it creates a sharp ending; if the hair is cut at a point where it is curving inward, the sharp end is able to pierce the skin and grow inward. This is more likely to happen if the skin is being shaved while dry and if the skin is pulled tight while being shaved.

Known medically as pseudofolliculitis barbae, ingrown hairs that cause penis bumps are much more common among men who shave their pubic area. (They also occur more commonly on the face and can occur on the torso, arms or legs, if a man shaves any of those body parts as well.) With manscaping becoming more popular, the potential for more penis bumps from ingrown hairs is increasing.

Ingrown hairs can be recognized from the following symptoms. Remember, a man does not need to have all the symptoms to have an ingrown hair.

- Small, rounded bumps

- Small lesions that are filled with pus

- Skin darkening in the affected area (also known as hyperpigmentation)

- Pain and itching

- Embedded hairs


In addition to the possibility of penis bumps, ingrown hairs can cause other complications. Because the bumps tend to itch, scratching too much can lead to irritation and a possible bacterial infection. In some cases, scratching may also lead to small cuts in the skin. For people who are so inclined, these cuts may turn into keloids, scarring that occurs in a "raised" form that tends to spread out over a greater area than the cut itself.


Men who manscape should take some precautions to help prevent ingrown hairs (and subsequent penis bumps). These include:

- Be sure to wash the area with warm water before shaving.

- Find a gentle lubricating shaving cream (or gel); be sure it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals which might irritate the sensitive skin.

- Only use a sharp razor, never a dull one. After each stroke of the razor, rinse it clean.

- Don’t pull the skin too tight while shaving.

Ingrown hairs often resolve on their own. However, if the bumps continue, or if they become infected, contact a doctor to determine the best way of treating them.

Penis bumps due to ingrown hairs are often accompanied by other penis skin issues. Keep the penis in better general health by regularly utilizing a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Penis skin needs to be moisturized, so select a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is very good) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, enrich the skin by choosing a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This will enable the skin to fight excess free radicals and thereby better avoid the heavy damage caused by oxidative stress. Keeping penis skin strong and healthy can help keep the penis strong and healthy.

Top Tips for the Best Penis Hygiene

Most men are well aware of the necessity of excellent penis care and know what it takes to keep their penis clean, handsome and healthy. But it does pay to look over a primer on penis care from time to time, so that a man knows he is doing all the right things for a healthy penis. And just as it’s important to know what to do, it’s equally important to know what not to do when it comes to day-to-day penis health.

Best penis hygiene steps

A guy who wants to have the best penis hygiene around can follow these important tips:

- Clean thoroughly at least once a day. A good shower can be enough to remove any bacteria or other issues that plague the penis and the rest of the body, for that matter. Make sure the water isn’t too hot - hot water can leach the oils from the skin, which leads to serious dryness. And that can lead to flaking on the penis, which reduces the odds of having the most handsome penis on the block.

- Use an appropriate cleanser. Many men turn to the same soap they use on the rest of their bodies to clean the penis. Some will even turn to an all-purpose wash that work for their body, hair care and more. This is always a bad idea, because only specially formulated penis health cleansers should be used on the delicate penis skin.

- Pat dry, never rub. Though it can feel nice to step out of the shower and rub off the water with a cloth, it’s not good for the penis. When drying, it’s best to pat the area to remove the moisture, then proceed with daily moisturizing.

- Use a good moisturizer. After patting the skin dry with a soft towel, a guy should immediately reach for a moisturizing crème. Why? Because the delicate skin is still slightly moist from the shower, and it’s important to lock in that hydration. A moisturizer will help keep the skin healthy.

- Always clean after sexual activity. Whether a man is masturbating with plenty of lube or having sex with a partner, there are bound to be sensual fluids on his penis when all is done. It’s important to remove those fluids, as well as potential residue from condom use, so that it doesn’t impact penis skin in the long run. A quick rinse at the sink can be enough to help remove the residue that can cause itching, flaking and other unsightly penis problems.

- But don’t wash too often. A guy might think that if washing once a day is great, then washing more often than that is even better! And while it is true that men who sweat a lot or stay very active during the day might want to have more than one shower - such as a man who showers at the gym in the morning but then showers at home at night - it’s best not to overdo the penis hygiene. Too much washing removes the vital oils the skin needs to stay soft, which in turn leads to more dryness.

A man can top off his penis care regimen with a healthy dose of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A nutrient cream that contains vitamins A, C, D and B5 is essential. The crème should also include Shea butter and vitamin E to help improve hydration of the skin - a true must in penis hygiene. Finally, amino acids and antioxidants round out a healthy penis crème that no man can live without.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Masturbation and Roommates: Working It Out

For the vast majority of men, masturbation is a part of their lives. They may not masturbate every day or every week, but they like to know that when they have "the itch" they can take care of it. Unfortunately, in cases when guys are roommates, this can sometimes create a problem. Working out how roommates feel about and handle masturbation is essential so the parties involved can continue to incorporate masturbation as part of their penis care routines.

Not always a problem

Of course, just because two dudes are roommates doesn’t mean that masturbating is going to be a problem. For example, if each guy has his own room - and therefore some guaranteed privacy - the issue may not be so important. Simply locking the door while self-indulging may be all that is required. If the doors don’t lock, they can set up a rule about knocking and waiting to be invited in instead.

This assumes, of course, that the roommates in question would find it a problem to walk in on one another masturbating. Some guys don’t; they accept that they’re both going to masturbate and don’t care if they’re "caught in the act."

Ways to deal with it

But not all guys are so comfortable with their own masturbation or with witnessing another guy in the act. And very often, especially in college or in big cities where rents are astronomical, two guys may be sharing one room, rather than having their own separate spaces with doors and locks.

In such situations, it pays to set up some ground rules. Even though it may be uncomfortable, one of the roommates needs to say, "Let’s talk about what we want to do when one of us wants to masturbate." Although this can be difficult, it often can be rewarding. Some guys (though not all) find it really helps to talk openly about masturbating with someone else who acknowledges that they masturbate.

Here are some of the basic options that guys can consider:

- They’re going to be open and honest about it. Both guys acknowledge that they like to masturbate and each one will do so whenever he feels like it. If watching porn on the computer is part of a guy’s session, they can set up rules about using headphones or earbuds to keep things quiet. And if one roommate needs to concentrate and finds the other’s masturbation distracting, he’ll let his roomie know so he can delay his gratification till later.

- They’ll utilize the bathroom (and lock the door). This provides sufficient privacy for both roommates, but this arrangement may need some refinement. For example, if a roommate is into really long, extended masturbation sessions, a time limit may need to be set or he may need to accept that he will be interrupted if nature calls for the other guy.

- They’ll put a sock on the door - or arrange some other signal that says "I’m masturbating." If one guy arrives home and sees the signal, he’ll know to delay his arrival so that he doesn’t interrupt. It’s probably a good idea to then send a text asking to know when the coast is clear - in case the roommate forgets to take down the signal when he’s through.

- They’ll be quiet. For some guys, the easiest way is just to masturbate after the lights go out and hope that they’re quiet enough that the other guy doesn’t notice. This has worked for countless roomies throughout the ages.

Whatever arrangement roommates come to regarding masturbation, they need to make sure that their fondness for this enjoyable activity doesn’t lead to them being too rough. Guys can help protect their members from aggressive handling by daily use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Select a crème with moisturizing ingredients like Shea butter and vitamin E to protect the skin. The crème should also include L-carnitine, which is neuroprotective and helps restore lost sensation due to rough use.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Penis Pain from Anal Sex: Some Tips

Not such a big secret: Men (except some who are into certain fetishes) don’t like penis pain. Penis pain can not only be a cause for concern about penis health, it can also just get in the way of enjoying sex or even simply getting through the day. That’s why knowing more about potential causes of penis pain is important. This article is going to focus on possible penis pain that may result from anal sex.

For the purposes of this piece, we are going to assume that the man is the partner who is "giving" anal sex to the other, rather than being the one who is receiving the anal sex.


It appears that instances of anal sex are on the rise. Certainly it is common among the gay community, with some surveys indicating that 90% of gay men have participated in receiving anal sex. And another survey indicates that 40% of women between the ages of 20 and 24 have been anally receptive (up from 16% in the early 1990s).

Anal sex refers to the insertion of the penis into a partner’s anus and the continued penetration of the anus; essentially, the anus takes the place of the vagina during this form of sex. In some cases, a phallic replica may be used rather than an actual penis.

Penis pain

It is fairly clear from this brief description that anal sex has the potential to be painful for the person who is on the receiving end. But penis pain can occur in the man who is doing the penetrating. Following are some potential causes of that pain.

- Insufficient lubrication. In anal sex, even more so than in vaginal sex, it is absolutely crucial that sufficient lubrication is employed. Unlike with vaginal penetration, the anus does not produce its own lubricant to help ease things along.

- Tightness. Even with lots of lubrication, in some instances a man’s penis may simply be too large to comfortably fit within the proffered space. This can lead to bruising on the penis, or even to cuts and tearing. (As might be imagined, it can also cause considerable pain and issue for the person receiving the penis as well.)

- Bacteria. Sometimes, especially if no condom is employed, anal sex can result in bacteria entering the urethra and establishing an infection.

- STI. Some serious STIs (sexually transmitted infections) such as gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV and trichomoniasis can result from anal sex, especially if no condom is used. Some STIs cause penis pain.


So what can a guy do to help prevent penis pain from anal sex? Two things are of primary importance: Use condoms and use plenty of lubrication - and make sure to reapply the lubrication if it wears off during the course of the activity.

The condoms can help to prevent STIs and cuts and tearing; however, even with a condom, there is a risk of STI transmission. And though condoms cut down on the likelihood of bruising and cuts, they still can occur. Condoms also are a big deterrent to bacteria seeping into the urethra and causing an infection.

It also helps if the partner has voided their bowels 20-30 minutes in advance of engaging in sex and has thoroughly wiped and washed the anus.

Men who believe they have contracted an STI or a urethral infection should consult with a doctor immediately to determine an appropriate course of treatment.

Sometimes the penis pain caused by anal sex is simple soreness of the organ, and using a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate this soreness. The best crèmes for this purpose will include a combination of hydrating agents, ideally both Shea butter and vitamin E. Try to select one that also includes vitamin D, the so-called "miracle vitamin," which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Obesity and the Small Penis

Even in today’s health-conscious culture, obesity continues to be a major problem. According to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1 in 3 adults in America are considered obese. Clearly, obesity is a general health concern, but for men it can also be a penis health issue. And beyond health, there’s another factor to consider: men who are obese tend to present with a small penis.

Small penis appearance

Does this mean that obesity causes a man’s penis to shrink? Not exactly. Instead, being overweight causes the penis to appear smaller than it actually is.

Part of this is an illusion and has to do with seeing things in comparison. For example, imagine two men standing naked next to each other, each with an erection measuring six inches long and having the same girth. Assume they are the same height, but that one has a waist measuring 34 inches and one a waist measuring 44 inches. Because there is so much more mass "framing" the erection in the second instance, it is going to appear smaller than the erection on the first, leaner man.

But there are other, more insidious ways that obesity contributes to the appearance of a small penis. As stated, being overweight does not make the penis actually shrink. However, as a man’s belly grows, so does his pubic pad. This area at the base of the penis grows out over the penis, hiding that portion underneath a layer of fat. It’s estimated that every 40-50 extra pounds a man gains hides about an inch of his penis in this way. So his penis may still technically be six inches long - but with an inch hidden away, it appears to be only five inches.

How else does a small penis result from obesity? Well, obesity is associated with erectile dysfunction. Blood vessels are weakened by excess fat, so erections are not as full and strong, thus when the penis becomes erect, it often is not as long as it was in the past.

Fight obesity

Fear of a small penis may cause some obese men to take steps to lose some of that extra weight - and that’s definitely a good idea. Maintaining a healthy weight can pay off in many ways beyond just making a man proud of his penis. But it’s important that a man, especially one who has been overweight for a long period of time, checks in with a doctor before beginning a new diet or strenuous next exercise routines.

That said, here are a few things a man can consider to help him fight his obesity.

- Eat around the food groups. Many men eat too much of certain foods, such as fatty meats or sugary foods, and not enough of healthier items like fruits and vegetables. By expanding the kinds of food he eats, a guy can eat healthier and lose weight at the same time.

- Choose smaller portions . It’s not always necessary to "clean the plate" when eating. Men can try taking smaller portions or just eating until their hunger is satisfied, rather than feeling obligated to "eat it all."

- Exercise wisely. Not every guy can jump right into spending two hours working out or running ten miles a day. It’s good to know limits and to start slow. Even just walking 30 minutes a day can be beneficial to a guy who is mostly sedentary.

More than just creating the appearance of a small penis, obesity can make it difficult for a man to properly tend to his penis health. This can more easily be accomplished through the daily application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crème contains both L-carnitine and L-arginine. The former is a neuroprotective ingredient that is excellent at keeping sensation alive in the penis. The latter is an amino acid that helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels healthy.

OMG! Stress Can Cause Penis Odor

In this fast-paced, get-it-done-now society, it’s no wonder that stress is a huge problem. And the range of stress triggers is incredibly wide, meaning that people today can get stressed out about anything. As has been well documented, all that stress has consequences, including damaging overall health. But it’s unlikely that most men think about how stress can be a factor in a nasty penis odor. Yes, it’s true: stress can indeed be a penis health concern, especially when talking about rank penis odor.

A stressed nation

Just how prevalent is stress? According to one 2014 survey by the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms that are related to stress - and 73% experience psychological symptoms because of stress. A third of the population reports that they are living at an extreme stress level, and almost half felt that their level of stress had increased over the past five years. The top five causes of stress were reported to be job pressure, money, health, relationships and poor nutrition.

Clearly, stressing out is far too common an occurrence in modern day life.


One of the most common byproducts of stress is sweat. Sweat, of course, is a perfectly normal body function helpful in cooling the body off when temperatures are really high. But that sweat, or the sweat that comes from a good physical workout, is different from sweat caused by stress. And unfortunately, stress sweat smells worse.

Why should this be? Because there are two different types of glands that create sweat. The "good" sweat from going to the gym or walking on a hot summer day is produced by what are called eccrine glands.

But the apocrine glands, which are basically located under the arms and in the crotch, are the ones that get activated when a guys is feeling stressed. Sweat from eccrine glands is mostly water, but sweat from apocrine glands has a lot of fat, lipids and proteins in it. And those ingredients are high on the list for attracting bacteria. When the bacteria feed on them, they release ammonia and fatty acids, which have strong, unpleasant smell.

Penis odor

Since apocrine glands are located in the crotch, that means stress is going to create or add to a penis odor situation. Penis odor is also exacerbated because of the heat generated by wearing both underwear and trousers.

Stress relief

Working to reduce stress can help to reduce sweat and consequently penis odor. There are numerous stress reduction strategies available. A few examples include:

- Don’t keep feelings bottled up. It helps to "let it all out" when dealing with stress. For some people, this may mean scheduling appointments with a mental health professional; for others, regular venting time with a buddy can do wonders.

- Get physical. Often physical exertion can decrease stress. Making time to go to the gym, go out jogging or staying at home and working out in private can do wonders. And for many people, yoga in particular can be an excellent way to deal with stress.

- Find a hobby. Doing something enjoyable can take a guy’s mind off stressful situations. If a hobby is too much of a commitment, go to a movie (especially a comedy) or binge watch a favorite TV series.

- Masturbate. Yes, a guy’s favorite pastime can help reduce stress by releasing "feel good" hormones.

Sometimes just reducing stress can’t get rid of stubborn penis odor, so regular use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is in order. Look for a crème with vitamin A, as this vitamin’s anti-bacterial properties are expert at fighting persistent penis odor. It also helps to find a crème with alpha lipoic acid, as this potent antioxidant can help strengthen penis skin and make it more resilient.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Tips for Resurrecting Lost Penis Sensation

When a man begins to lose penis sensation, he very well might panic a bit. But it’s important to remember two things: first, that loss of penis sensitivity happens more often with age, and second, that it can be reversed through careful attention to a few new penis care techniques. Here’s what a man needs to know to get his mojo back.

Why does a guy lose penis sensation?

There can be many reasons why a man loses penis sensitivity. In most cases, the problem can be traced back to overhandling of the penis, especially during long masturbation sessions. Another reason could be the ‘death grip,’ or gripping the penis too tightly during masturbation, as well as forgoing lube when pleasuring. Either of these often bring about loss of penis sensation.

But in some cases, the reason can be attributed to the aging process. In fact, up to 90 percent of men report that over time, their penis isn’t as sensitive as it once was. Many men look back at how sensitive they felt during their earlier years and realize that they have lost quite a bit of sensitivity as they have become older.

The good news is that there are remedies for both the problem of overhandling and the issues of age. A guy can try these great options:

1) Change up masturbation. Many guys get set in their ways and over time, they want to masturbate in only a certain way that they are sure will work for them. The problem is that they will wind up rubbing the same areas over and over again, which results in small callouses on the delicate penis skin. That results in a deadening of sensation in that area. By switching up the method a guy uses, he can preserve the sensation and explore new things at the same time.

2) Wear the right clothing. A guy should avoid tight, restrictive clothing. Wearing underwear that allows the penis to ‘breathe’ or even using wicking underwear that draw away moisture are all good bets. Never go commando, as the rub of trousers against the penis can quickly reduce sensation. A guy should always take the time to go without clothing, too - this ‘airing out’ of the penis can have many benefits not only for sensation, but for odor control and comfort as well.

3) Use lube when appropriate. Guys who like it dry might not have the best penis sensitivity. Reaching for ample amounts of lubrication during any sexual activity can help ensure that a guy keeps those all-important nerve endings as healthy as possible, so he can enjoy sex to the strongest measure possible.

4) Stay moisturized. Dry skin can be the bane of a man’s penis sensation, especially if the problem is severe or is allowed to continue for a long period of time. The nerve endings in the penis can become damaged over time, resulting in a loss of penis sensitivity in such a way that he might not be able to regain it. Avoid this problem by using a good moisturizer, as well as a proper cleanser when in the shower. These two simple additions to a good penis care regimen can keep a man’s penis in good shape.

Finally, a man can’t go wrong with the use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that is designed to help with penis sensation. Multiple ingredients promote sensitivity, including alpha lipoic acid, L-arginine, L-carnitine, and a host of vitamins. Combat dry skin through the addition of Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which can lock in moisture to help improve sensitivity and overall penis health. A great penis health crème can be used every day to help slowly regain the penis sensation a man thought was gone for good.

Everything a Man Needs to Know About Smegma

When it comes to questions of penis care, some situations are rather off-putting to discuss; but they need to be talked about in order to help ensure the best penis health possible. One of these issues is smegma, a buildup under the foreskin of intact men that needs to be addressed on a regular basis. Avoiding the issue can lead to rash, itching and even penis pain, so it behooves a man to read on and figure out what he needs to do to ensure his penis doesn’t have to deal with this unsightly problem.

What is smegma, anyway?

Smegma is a problem that pertains only to men who have not been circumcised. It’s a buildup of the body’s natural oils, as well as dead skin cells, sweat and other substances. This buildup occurs underneath the foreskin, and usually looks like white bumps or soft balls. When a guy wipes his finger across smegma, it should be easy to remove from the penis.

All intact men develop smegma; however, their hygiene habits dictate who will actually notice it building up. For instance, a man who showers at least once a day and carefully cleans the foreskin during that shower might never see smegma at all. But a guy who doesn’t have such good hygiene might find that smegma builds up and causes problems for him after a while.

What kind of problems can smegma cause?

Smegma is a natural thing, so if it is handled properly, it won’t cause problems for a man. But if a guy is seeing excessive smegma, that might be an indication that he either needs to step up his hygiene game or that there is something else going on under the foreskin.

First, the hygiene: A man must clean carefully under the foreskin at least once a day in order to avoid the buildup. However, there are some who find that the foreskin is a little too tight, and that makes it tough to clean underneath. In that case, a guy will have to take special care to clean the area or speak to the doctor about how to handle the situation.

Second, the other problems: Smegma buildup might become much more severe if a man has an infection that is contributing to the cause. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to a sudden increase in smegma, as can yeast infections. A good rule of thumb is that smegma, in its natural state, doesn’t have an odor, but smegma that is formed as a result of an infection often does have a very off-putting smell.

Men should pay close attention to the presence of any odor from the smegma, as well as how much of it there is. In addition, if the smegma is accompanied by itching, burning, redness, soreness, penis pain and similar problems, it’s important for a guy to get to the doctor as soon as possible to help ensure he isn’t dealing with a serious issue.

Finally, there’s a phenomenon called "smegma stones." This happens when a man’s hygiene is so bad that the smegma actually has a chance to crystalize into tiny stones that linger underneath the foreskin. These stones can become quite painful and can lead to other serious problems, so it’s important for a guy to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Daily treatment for smegma

The best treatment for smegma buildup is simple: great hygiene. A man can shower every day and take care to clean the area well each time. He should use only cleansers that are specially formulated for the delicate penis skin. Some men who have serious smegma buildup with no known cause might be helped by a course of antibiotics, but only the doctor will know for sure.

He can also reach for a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to use after his shower. A crème that contains penis-centric vitamins and nutrients can help keep the skin smooth and supple, as well as fight odor and help keep smegma under control.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Edging Into a Raw, Red Penis

The penis is a wonderful thing, so it’s no wonder that masturbation is a favorite pastime of just about every guy. In addition to being fun, masturbation is an excellent way to learn about the penis and how it works, which can be beneficial both for penis health and for improving a guy’s skill at sex.

For this last reason, many men engage in edging, which is masturbating until he is just about to ejaculate; stopping to let the need to ejaculate subside; and then resuming masturbation and repeating the whole process. For some men, edging can last for 20 or 30 minutes; for others, it can go on for hours. But sometimes edging for an extended period of time can result in a raw, red penis, and that is something guys want to avoid.

For those who are into edging or who would like to explore edging, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help avoid that raw, red penis.

- Start slow. If a man’s typical masturbation session lasts 5 or 10 minutes, planning on edging for two hours the first time out may not be wise. As with many other things, it’s usually best to build up to things first. So perhaps have an initial goal of 30 minutes for the first couple of sessions, then 45 minutes, then an hour, and so on. This gives the penis skin time to get used to the lengthier amounts of friction.

- Use lube. This is extremely important. Being well-lubricated throughout the edging session is probably the best way to avoid a sore red penis. The key here is "throughout the edging session." Pouring some lubricant into the palm at the start of the session is important, but replenishing that lubricant as the session goes on is also crucial. Yes, sometimes a guy may over-lubricate and need to wipe off a little excess, but that’s okay. It will be easier to estimate the proper amounts to use as he becomes a more expert edger.

- Change things up. Often when a man masturbates, he focuses most of his attention on one area of the penis. For example, many men will spend a great deal of time stroking around the glans. When edging, it pays to spread things around, and to vary the parts of the penis that are stroked. It also helps to change the way the penis is touched. For example, if a man usually strokes with his right hand, he might use his left for a few minutes. He might use a looser grip sometimes and a tighter grip at others. Rather than stroking, he may "pulse" - open and close the fist rapidly. There are many ways to change up the edging experience.

- Goon wisely. Often men who edge get into a state that is referred to as "gooning." This is kind of like a hypnotic feeling in which men feel "at one" with their penis. It is sometimes accompanied by a zoned-out look, often with the mouth open. The problem is that some men who goon get so wrapped up that they neglect to keep the lube fresh. Reapplication may break the goon state, but it can help keep away that raw red penis afterward.

- Don’t feel edging is required. Edging is something a guy should do for pleasure. Just because a man has grown used to edging doesn’t mean he can’t allow himself a "quickie" whenever he wants.

When edging does create a raw, red penis, a man will want to treat his penis with special care. He definitely needs to utilize a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). First of all, be sure the crème has a combination of a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), so that it can remoisturize the raw penis skin and soothe the soreness. In addition, seek out a crème with L-carnitine. This amino acid can help restore loss of sensation in the penis, which can occur when a man edges too roughly.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Common Penis Problems: Curing the Penis Rash

Men who pay close attention to good penis care are likely to notice the moment something goes wrong. Since a penis rash can develop so quickly, it isn’t unusual for a man to be perfectly fine in the morning but have an itchy, unsightly rash by day’s end. Fortunately, most penis rash causes are quite common and can easily be remedied. In fact, as penis problems go, the penis rash is one of the most common and one of the most curable.

There are some common culprits that contribute to most penis rash problems; once a man determines which one has cause the issue, he can easily reverse the problem.

1) Skin allergies. Men can easily develop sensitivity to certain items used in the course of sexual play. While allergies to latex are the most commonly discussed, there are other problems that can arise as well, such as allergies to lubricants, spermicides that are often found inside condoms, and even the fluids from a partner. The result can be a significant penis rash, soreness, redness and inflammation. In some cases, allergies can be severe enough to cause an anaphylactic reaction, which necessitates an emergency room visit.

2) Contact dermatitis. Another form of skin allergy, this is a much more common and mild problem. It often occurs when a man comes into contact with something new, such as a new detergent on his clothing, a new cleanser in the shower or even the use of soap rather than a special cleanser designed for sensitive skin. It might even come from the use of new underwear that has a different fiber makeup than what he’s used to! Once a man discovers the culprit, he can simply stop using it and the penis rash will go away.

3) Infections. Few things can lead to worse penis itching than infections. Infections often present with a rash that is incredibly itchy, bad enough to keep a man awake at night and make him succumb to the urge to scratch in public! Yeast infections, jock itch (a fungal infection) and some sexually transmitted diseases can cause serious penis rash, itching, pain, discharge and much more. A guy who has a penis rash that won’t quit and itching that makes his life miserable must visit the doctor as soon as possible to figure out the problem.

4) Dry skin. Sometimes, simple dry skin can be enough to prompt a penis rash. This is especially true if a man suffers from conditions such as eczema, impetigo and psoriasis, as each of these can create a penis rash that doesn’t respond well to typical moisturizers. Fortunately, dry skin can often be combated with a proper penis health crème, and conditions that don’t respond to daily application should be looked at by the doctor. He or she can prescribe a stronger crème that will help alleviate the problem.

5) Heat rash. The simplest of all penis problems concerning rashes, a heat rash is exactly what it sounds like - a rash that appears during the hottest weather. It usually appears at areas where the skin has rubbed together or where clothing has pressed against the skin, especially if a man has been sweating in that area. Heat rash usually clears up on its own; a guy should take the time to ‘air out’ the penis and surrounding area in order to get rid of the rash and cut down on the itching and discomfort is can cause.

As with many other penis problems, simply taking the time to allow the skin to heal a bit can help ease penis rash and itching. In addition, a guy should use a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to fight the most common issues of itching and rash. However, it’s important to remember that if a penis health crème doesn’t do the job, a visit to the doctor is warranted to rule out any more serious problems and get back on the right track to a healthy penis.

When Dry Penis Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris

Penis skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect it from damage caused by sexual activity, but the skin itself can be prone to any number of penis health issues, and dry penis skin is certainly one of the most common complaints. Dry penis skin can be caused by a wide variety of factors; one which many people are unaware of is a medical condition known as ichthyosis vulgaris.

Ichthyosis vulgaris

The name ichthyosis vulgaris is certainly offputting. "Ichthyosis" is a term that refers to a whole family of skin conditions, many of which are extremely rare. Ichthyosis vulgaris is one of the five main forms of ichythosis - and fortunately, it’s one of the milder forms. It’s also one of the more common forms ("vulgaris" in fact, means "common" in Latin); about 1 in every 300 people are affected by it.

So what is it, exactly? Ichthyosis vulgaris is a condition in which skin cells do not behave as they are supposed to. The skin cells start out the way they should, but when they get to the uppermost layer of the skin, the cells aren’t able to separate properly. This causes several layers of skin cells to build up over each other, creating a "scaly" look to the affected area. The scales have a fine, pale look to them.

Although it’s possible to have this scaling effect over many different parts of the body, it’s usually confined to one area. The lower legs are the most commonly affected, but other parts of the body can also be a target - including the penis and the area around it.


Ichthyosis vulgaris is a genetic disorder. People who contract it are born with a genetic predisposition, marked by the presence of too little profilaggrin, a protein that is needed in the epidermis. How severe the condition is depends upon how little profilaggrin the body can naturally produce.

Often this form of skin disorder appears early on in childhood, but it may not appear until much later. In some cases, the skin effects are fairly mild, and it is often diagnosed as dermatitis or another common skin condition.

For many people ichthyosis vulgaris can vary, often becoming much better in the summer or in certain climates. And in many cases, it disappears as a person ages.

Dry penis skin

When dry penis skin is caused by ichthyosis vulgaris, it requires the same treatment as when found on other parts of the body. Special moisturizing ingredients may be recommended to ease the dryness. In addition, a person with ichthyosis vulgaris needs to make sure they stay well hydrated, which in turn keeps the skin more hydrated; drinking a healthy amount of water each day is recommended. They should also be sure to use mild soaps on their skin and mild detergent when doing the laundry; the presence of harsh chemicals or fragrances can exacerbate the problem.

Dry penis skin, due to ichythosis vulgaris or other causes, will respond to treatment more effectively if the skin is in good health otherwise. Daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can play an important role here. First, be sure to select a crème that includes a combination or potent moisturizing ingredients, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). Second, keep the skin in even better shape by finding a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant. This will help to find and eliminate excess free radicals which, left unchecked, can wreak oxidative damage upon the penis skin.

Monday, 12 February 2018

The Bent Penis and Hypertension

With the easy availability of adult video sites online, it’s likely that many men nowadays are in a position to see many more erect penises than they would have in the past - and that means they are more likely to be aware of the great variation in penises. For example, guys now are more likely to realize that a penis may have some curvature to it, even when their own does not. A little curvature can be perfectly normal, but a severely bent penis can be a cause for concern. It may indicate a penis health issue, especially a condition known as Peyronie’s disease. And men with hypertension should be aware that in some cases, they may be more prone to a bent penis.

Peyronie’s disease

Again, it’s important to emphasize that some curvature is perfectly acceptable; indeed, some women have a preference for a penis with a little curve to it. As long as it does not cause any pain or create obstacles to sexual function, there’s no need to worry about curvature.

But often the degree of curvature in a bent penis can be so extreme that it does make sexual intercourse difficult. In addition, a man with Peyronie’s disease may experience pain when he has an erection. Both of these issues are of concern.

So what is Peyronie’s disease? It’s a condition which is pretty much defined by the fact that a man has a severely bent penis. It’s named after the doctor who first described it in medical literature. In most cases, Peyronie’s disease is associated with trauma to the penis. It may be a large trauma, such as being hit in the penis by a speeding baseball. Or it may be a small but repeated trauma, such as a history of rough handling of the penis.

Scar Tissue

When the penis is traumatized, scar tissue (also called plaque) forms to repair the damage. With a large trauma, this may be plaque of significant size; with small but repeated trauma, the scar tissue is smaller but grows with repetition.

Unfortunately, the scar tissue is harder and less flexible than the tissue it replaces. Thus when the penis grows during an erection, the side of the penis that has the scar tissue can’t stretch and expand as far as the other sides; therefore, it causes the penis to bend in that direction. This inflexibility can cause pain, sometimes quite a bit of it.


Some men with hypertension - high blood pressure - may be more prone to Peyronie’s disease. That’s not because of the hypertension itself, however; it’s due to some medicines often used to fight hypertension. And it’s not all medicines - just those designated as beta blockers.

Exactly why beta blockers should cause a bent penis is unclear. The mechanism is poorly understood at this time. And it’s also important to remember that not every guy who uses beta blockers is going to have Peyronie’s disease. However, if a man is using beta blockers and begins to notice an unwanted curvature in his penis, he may want to speak to his doctor about possible alternative treatments. Keeping hypertension controlled is crucial for a man’s overall health.

A bent penis, whether due to hypertension or other reasons, is but one of the many penis heath issues a man needs to concentrate on. General penis health can be better maintained by the daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème with vitamin C is especially recommended, as this vitamin is known for promoting greater tone and elasticity of skin, which the penis definitely benefits from. Ideally the crème should also include vitamin A. In addition to making penis skin look better through its anti-aging properties, vitamin A has antibacterial capabilities that discourage persistent penis odor.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Why a Man Should Use Alpha Lipoic Acid

When a man is interested in good penis care, he will often reach for appropriate cleansers, moisturizers and a good penis health crème. But before he chooses any old crème on the shelf, he needs to look closely at the ingredients to ensure they really are what his penis needs. One of those must-have ingredients is alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that is crucial for keeping a healthy penis in great shape.

Understanding alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid is an amino acid. Amino acids serve as "building blocks" for protein; this particular one works by helping the body convert glucose into energy. The body then uses that energy to run during day-to-day life. In addition to creating more energy in the body, alpha lipoic acid works to improve the immune system, which in turn helps the body fight off disease.

In most cases, humans get their amino acids from a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and meats. However, sometimes extra supplements are necessary. In the case of alpha lipoic acid (and similar amino acids), humans can take supplements that provide more inside the body, as well as use a good crème that contains the ingredient for application on the outside of the body.

In addition, alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that contributes to a healthy penis. How? By fighting off the free radicals that invade the body. These free radicals are basically rogue cells that turn against the body, leading to signs of aging and sometimes to more serious considerations, such as cancer.

Other benefits of alpha lipoic acid

When it comes to maintaining a healthy penis, there are a few traits that alpha lipoic acid imparts to a good penis health crème that cannot be overstated:

1) Eradicating free radicals. As mentioned earlier, not only does this amino acid serve to help the body fight disease, it also serves as an antioxidant that attacks free radicals and prevents them from leading to further damage. When it comes to the penis, this means more supple skin, a smoother appearance, fewer wrinkles and better overall penis health.

2) Preventing scar tissue. Over time, small traumas to the penis can lead to something known as Peyronie’s disease, an abnormal curvature of the penis. This happens because scar tissue that forms at the spot of the trauma will harden over time, creating a situation in which the rest of the penis can expand during an erection, but the scarred areas cannot. Alpha lipoic acid is great at keeping scar tissue softer than it would be otherwise, which can lead to less of a curvature of the penis.

3) Enhancing libido. When there is plenty alpha lipoic acid in the body, a man is much more lively and full of energy. That translates into the bedroom, where he is more likely to want to get it on with a partner rather than go to bed early. Men who use this amino acid have reported a higher libido and longer staying power, which is great for everybody involved.

Men who worry about their penis health will be pleased to learn that it’s easy to find alpha lipoic acid - just reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Any crème worth its salt will have this antioxidant as an ingredient. It also helps if it has vitamin A for odor control, vitamin B5 for better skin health and Shea butter and vitamin E for suppleness and softness. A man can’t go wrong by reading the label and understanding what’s in the health crème, including alpha lipoic acid and other important amino acids that keep a busy penis working at its best.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

When Those Penis Bumps Are Warts…

Men who regularly inspect their penis as part of a regular penis health regimen (and that should include all men) are on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary - a rash, discoloration, growths, etc. One thing to be looking for is penis bumps, any raised areas of the skin that were not there previously. Penis bumps can arise for a multitude of reasons, and very often they are no cause for alarm. Sometimes, what may initially appear to be penis bumps may in fact be penis warts - and these need to be identified.

Penis warts

How does a guy know if penis bumps are actually warts? Penis warts are more commonly called genital warts, as they may appear anywhere in the genital area or in or around the anus. They are small and usually skin-colored or grayish in color. They tend to be raised and flat in top, resembling warts commonly found on other parts of the body. Often they appear in clusters.


Almost all penis warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Many people have heard about HPV and its link to cancer in recent years. Most of the time (but not necessarily all of the time), the forms of HPV that cause genital warts have a lower link to cancer development.

Penis warts are considered a sexually-transmitted infection (STI), because the transmission of HPV almost always is through sexual means. It is the most common STI transmitted by way of a virus. (BTW, 20% of individuals with genital warts also have another form of STI.)

Penis warts are enormously contagious; it is easy to become infected after just one sexual encounter with a person who has them. Condom use can cut down on the risk of infection significantly, as can being vaccinated against HPV.

Complicating matters are two facts: (1) Many people who become infected with HPV don’t develop warts and so they may be unaware of the infection, and (2) many people who become infected may not develop warts for months after they became infected. And a person can pass on the infection even if they do not have warts.


There are numerous treatments that might work to remove penis warts. These include chemical treatments, applied once a week in a clinic setting for several weeks; at-home crème treatments, again for several weeks; or physical removal of the warts. The latter takes several forms, including freezing or burning the warts off, which should be conducted by a medical professional.

It’s important to note that over-the-counter medications for removing warts are designed for warts that appear on other parts of the body; a man should not use them to remove penis warts, as this can lead to serious skin damage.

Even after penis warts are removed, the virus that caused them is likely to still be present in the body. It’s important to discuss this with a doctor to determine what steps to take to decrease the likelihood of transmission of the virus or what to do if warts recur.

Penis bumps, whether in the form of warts or not, are never a pleasant experience for a man. Often maintaining overall penis health can help lower the likelihood of penis bumps, so be sure to regularly use a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since bumps often come with some degree of soreness, choose a crème that includes a pair of potent moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (Shea butter is excellent) and a natural hydrator (look for vitamin E). It also pays to select a crème with vitamin D, which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.