Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Obesity and Impotence – Understanding the Connection

In today’s world, there seems to be an ongoing conflict between the need to convince people of the dangers of obesity and the need to let everyone know that they are worthwhile and attractive no matter what. While it is true that a person’s worth is not based on their physical appearance, and body type is not an indicator of humanity, the hard truth is that being overweight is simply not healthy.

Among the negative effects of obesity, one of the most distressing for men is the issue of impotence. While not all men who have some extra padding have troubles in the bedroom, a great percentage of obese individuals do experience problems with erectile function. Understanding the connection and responding to the body’s needs with adequate self-care and attention to penis health can go a long way toward overcoming this problem.

Some of the negative effects of obesity on erectile health are described here.

Reduced cardiovascular function – Extra body weight puts a strain on the heart, and increased levels of body fat can also lead to problems like clogged arteries. These issues can lead to reduced heart function, which means that less blood is available when called on to fill the erectile chambers. This can result in loss of function, and long-term deprivation of an adequate supply of blood may even lead to tissue atrophy, meaning the penis essentially shrinks and becomes smaller.

Poor circulation – Excessive weight on the body also tends to compress the blood vessels, especially those leading to the lower extremities. Again, this reduces the blood flow that is needed to get things going in the erectile department, and low circulation can also lead to nerve damage and sensation loss.

Nerve damage – Men who are overweight have a much greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes, which has been shown to cause widespread damage of nerve tissue. Loss of nerve cells means loss of feeling, especially in the extremities, including the fingers, feet, and penis.

Lack of stamina – Having extra weight to haul around can diminish a man’s reserves of energy, and attempting to get acrobatic in the bedroom can result in falling flat. Physical exercise is key here – men who work out, even if they are a little on the heavy side, may find that their energy levels increase and that they are able to hold up their end of the deal in a physical encounter.

Reduced self-esteem – Psychology also plays a vital role in erectile function, and a man who doesn’t feel good about himself or who is anxious or depressed will more than likely encounter impotence issues. Losing weight, exercising and boosting one’s self-esteem can be tremendously effective.

Men who have more than the occasional problem with impotence should make it a point to see their doctor; some of the possible underlying conditions can cause numerous health problems that can seriously reduce a man’s quality of life. Addressing erectile dysfunction is never easy, but it can be a life-changing step that leads to greater satisfaction, lower stress levels, and an on-going sense of well-being.

A healthy penis for better erections
Men who have made the decision to improve their level of physical fitness are well on the way to improved erectile function and a more satisfying sex life. The next step is to ensure that the penis itself is ready for future encounters; a healthy penis is much  more able to respond to stimulation and provide satisfaction.

Good nutrition goes a long way toward keeping the skin, nerve cells and circulatory tissue of the penis is top working condition. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help to provide the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed for a responsive penis. To ensure that the penis is really getting all of the nourishment it needs, applying a high-quality penis nutrient cream  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins A, C, and E, which have powerful skin healing and tissue-building properties, can help to keep the skin smooth and supple.

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