Monday, 8 April 2013

Penis Pain, Discharge, and Testicle Pain – 4 Possible Causes

Penis pain, discharge from the penis, and testicle pain that co-present in a male patient are typically caused by one of four common infections. Men who are experiencing any or all of these symptoms should schedule an appointment with a doctor for evaluation and treatment; in general, these conditions can be treated fairly easily with the appropriate medications.

Although not all infections can be prevented, a common-sense approach to personal care and penis health can help men to reduce the risk of contracting a painful condition.

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a bacterial infection of the urethra and/or bladder. A UTI is generally caused by bacteria moving up the urethra, or urinary tract. Other symptoms besides penis pain, discharge from the urethral opening, and testicle pain may include burning on urination; frequent urges to urinate without much coming out; and pain in the lower back, under the ribs.

Urinary tract infections are usually not difficult to treat; treatment includes taking antibiotics, drinking plenty of liquids – particularly water and/or cranberry juice, and urinating often to empty the bladder and flush out the infection.

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed STI, or sexually transmitted infection. Because the first sign is often a burning or itching sensation on urination, men may mistake this condition for a UTI. Other symptoms include a watery or slimy discharge from the penis, crusting at the tip of the penis, and pain in the testicles and/or anus.

Chlamydia is treatable with the appropriate antibiotic therapy. However, an estimated 90% of men who are carrying the disease never show any symptoms, so those who are sexually active should be screened regularly to avoid passing the infection to a partner.

Gonorrhea is another bacterial infection that is often spread through intimate contact. The highest rates of infection are among teenagers who have multiple sexual partners. Symptoms include itching or burning during urination; cloudy urine; a yellowish-green or white discharge from the tip of the penis; aching or pain in the scrotum; fever and/or sore throat.

As with chlamydia, gonorrhea can be treated using antibiotics. These STIs can generally be prevented by practicing safe sex and frequent screening for common STIs.

Unlike the other conditions outlined here, shingles is the result of a viral infection. It generally occurs in adults who have not had the chicken pox, although individuals who have had the chicken pox may also be infected. Aside from penis pain, discharge, and testicle pain, men who develop shingles may have a painful, severely itchy rash that develops into blisters. These may burst and develop a crust. Treatment  generally consists of anti-viral and pain medications.

Avoiding infection and caring for the penis
Short of never leaving the house and living in a completely sanitized environment, there is virtually no magic bullet when it comes to contracting the occasional bug that can cause some unpleasant symptoms. However, using common sense when it comes to hygiene and sexual practices can help to reduce the risk of infection.

First and foremost, attention to daily hygiene is essential. Washing away the buildup of body oils and excretions lowers the chances that any associated bacteria will make their way into the urethra or penetrate the outer layers of the skin.

Second, although most men understand the risks of sexually transmitted infections, it can be easy to throw caution to the wind in the heat of the moment. Unfortunately, while unprotected sex may give momentary satisfaction, it can come with long-term consequences. Being open and honest with potential partners about any STIs they may be carrying – and insisting on always using protection – should become a habit for all sexually active men.

Finally, adding a penis health cream  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific nutrients and conditioning emollients can have multiple benefits when it comes to preventing infection. Keeping the skin soft and supple helps to ward off bacteria that could penetrate, and treating the area with the proper vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients can boost the body’s resistance to external invaders. Adding a quality penis cream to the daily care regimen may reduce the chances that men will be affected by painful penis health issues.

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