Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Is Your Penis Sensitivity Up to Par

According to fine-touch pressure threshold studies conducted on the sensitivity of the penis there are some nineteen zones of sensory tissue on the uncircumcised penis and eight on the circumcised. However, in saying this, there are two regions on the circumcised penis that are very sensitive, which the uncircumcised penis does not have. This is a result of circumcision.

Fine-touch Penis Sensitivity Studies

Studies on fine-touch penis sensitivity revealed that factors such as age, type of underwear worn, and the time that had elapsed since last ejaculating had a bearing on the sensitivity of the penis in both circumcised and uncircumcised men.

It was also interesting to note that the nerve endings in the penis varied in sensitivity level depending on their location. The Glans (head of the penis) had what was referred to as ‘free nerve endings’ that were able to sense ‘deep’ pressure, whereas the band or ridge of the penis head had many more fine-touch receptors that made it more receptive to lighter touch.

The studies concluded that circumcision scar was the most sensitive on the circumcised penis and that the foreskin left on the uncircumcised penis was the most sensitive. Other findings were as follows:

1. Men who wore boxers or briefs had more penis sensitivity rather than those who wore no underwear;

2. Younger men had greater penis sensitivity than older men; and

3. The time that had elapsed between ejaculations did not alter penis sensitivity.

Penis Sensitivity Testing

The official test of penis sensitivity is called a ‘bioesiometry test’. The test uses an electromagnetic vibration to gauge how sensitive the penis is, and how well the nerves function within the penis. If a decrease of sensitivity is recorded then this may indicate nerve damage.

A normal reading in young males should be relatively low, with them being responsive and sensitive to minimal vibration. The older the individual being tested is, then the higher the reading. The reading, however, should not be any higher than 30-40 volts; otherwise this could be an indication of extensive nerve damage.

Another test that is performed to check penis sensitivity is the microfilament test. This involves filaments of different sizes being placed on the Glans, whilst the patient is unable to see, and then testing the reaction to various levels of stimulus.

Penis sensitivity can be tested at home, with a partner, using a simple method. This is as follows:

1. Place an ice-cube and a feather by the side of the bed.

2. Place a blindfold on.

3. Have the partner run the feather across the head of the penis, then around the rim, and along the shaft on both the top and underside. A pleasurable, tickling sensation should be noted. This may or may not invoke an erection.

4. Note down and record any feelings or sensations. Does the penis respond to this stimulus in any way?

5. Next take the ice-cube, and repeat step 3 using this as the stimulus. A cold sensation should be noted, with the penis possibly shrinking or recoiling from the temperature change.

6. If there is no noted sensitivity to these stimuli or the sensitivity of the penis is minimal then it is advised that further medical advice be sought. If, however, the penis responds and sensitivity is noted then this is considered to be normal.

Increasing Penis Sensitivity

The best ways to increase penis sensitivity is to engage in activities that promote healthy cell and nerve function. This means wearing underwear and clothing that is supportive, but not restrictive, cutting down on smoking and alcohol consumption, eating a healthy balanced diet, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It is also suggested that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), be used daily to aid in cell rejuvenation, which, in turn, increases penis sensitivity. This is attributed to the fact that these products contain essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep the penis in optimal condition.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Penis Health the 6 Steps to Rejuvenate Penis Function and Sensitivity

Without a doubt, a healthy penis leads to a happy and content man. So how is this achieved? It is all about caring for that important body part that brings so much pleasure.

Penis Health and Sexual Self-Confidence.

Ever heard the saying ‘self-love is a must before someone can truly love and satisfy another’? This philosophy also works with the penis. Learning to care for a penis builds sexual self-confidence and increases penis health, so that when it comes time to use that manhood it lives up to all expectations.

6 Ways to Improve Penis Health

Here are 6 penis health tips to keep a penis in top condition.

1. Learn how to love thy self – masturbation is a must. If a man doesn’t know how to build up sexual excitement for himself then how is he supposed to perform well in the bedroom? Get to know how the penis works. Use a good lubricant. Practice self control. Bring the penis to the edge of climax. Then back-off. Repeat this several times before climaxing. Mastering the art of self-control builds stamina and endurance, and it makes for more powerful orgasms. Plus, it adds to bedroom excitement, and makes for much more rewarding sex. Please note that masturbating 1-3 times weekly is considered normal, anything over this is considered as excessive and may actually decrease the sensitivity of the penis over time, especially if masturbation is aggressive.

2. Forget penis exercise programs and concentrate on overall health – the penis does not contain any muscle, so no amount of exercise will increase its size or diameter. However, regular exercise will improve blood circulation to the penis, especially exercises that stimulate and activate the thighs and groin. One of the best exercises a man can do every morning and evening is squats. This will not only strengthen his legs, but also invigorate the tissues and cells in this region, and increase his cardio vascular capacity.

3. Drink alcohol in moderation – alcohol reduces cell function and also decreases nerve response, this means that drinking alcohol in excessive amounts regularly will have an adverse effect on penis health. Therefore to improve penis health consider cutting down on the amount of alcohol consumed, especially before having sex. Many people believe that alcohol adds to their sexual satisfaction because they feel like they are more adventurous when under the influence. This is because alcohol reduces the level of self-consciousness and shyness is alleviated. By reducing alcohol consumption, a higher level of sexual self-confidence is gained, the body is able to respond better to stimulus and overall penis health is improved.

4. Eat a balanced diet – the human body is a machine that needs all components to be operating well in order for it to function. If one part of the body is not firing on all cylinders then this usually has an impact elsewhere. It is also vital that the human body be fed with the right fuels so that it runs at an optimal level. This means forgetting about junk foods or only eating them in moderation, and instead, eating a diet that is high in protein such as fish, chicken, eggs, and other dairy foods, as well as vegetables, cereals, and other vitamins and minerals. This will ensure optimal penis health is achieved inside and out.

5. Drink more water – water is an elixir of the Gods. It flushes out any impurities in the body and rids the body of toxins and oxidants that damage cells and reduce efficiency and function. By drinking 4-8 glasses of water daily, the kidneys and the male reproductive system is kept running at optimal levels which, in turn, aids in maintaining penis health.

6. Use a penis specific creme daily - it is suggested that a penis health creme, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), be used daily to aid in cell rejuvenation and improve penis health. This is attributed to the fact that these products contain essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep the penis in optimal condition.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, penis specific creme and tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Sore Penis Syndrome the Causes, Symptoms, and Best Treatments

A sore penis can be painful, ache or throb, and even show signs of swelling or inflammation. In fact, a sore penis can refer to any part of the penis, internal or external, that is causing some kind of discomfort.

Typically, the penis consists of four main parts, the bulb, which connects the penis to the abdomen, the shaft or body of the penis, the Glans or head of the penis, and the urethra, which is sometimes referred to as the urinary and seminal tract. Penis pain can develop in any one, or a number of these areas depending on what the cause of the penis pain is. Or, it may develop in the surrounding areas of the body such as the prostate, testicles, bladder or abdomen.

Sore Penis Causes
Penis pain may be a dull ache or a sharp pain that can often be accompanied by heat and inflammation, which is a sign that the body is trying to repair damage. There are more than 15 different causes of penis pain. Some may be the result of trauma or aggressive sexual activity, while others are caused by infections and other illnesses. The most common causes of penis pain are as follows:

Allergies – an allergic reaction to something that the penis has come into contact with. This can include soaps, detergents, creams, condoms, latex, fabrics and other materials;

Balanitis – an inflammation or swelling of the head (glans) of the penis;

Bladder Stones – hard mineral deposits that accumulate in the bladder;

Legions and Sores – open wounds, cuts and abrasions on the penis, which may be the result of vigorous sexual activity, aggressive sex or the fact that a sexual partner has stubble or other objects on their genitalia that may irritate or scratch the skin of the penis. Also on list of causes of open sores are STD’s.

Paraphimosis – the inability to retract the foreskin of the penis on an uncircumcised male due to tightening of the skin;

Penile Cancer – a growth, legion or sore that is malignant and can be found on the surface or within the tissue of the penis;

Penile Implants and Surgery – an implant in the penis or a surgical procedure that has been recently performed may be irritating the penis or it may have become infected;

Penis Fracture – a rupture of one or both of the cambers within the penis that enable it to become erect;

Peyronies Disease – scar tissue in the penis that results in the penis developing a curve or abnormal bend;

Pimples – an infection of skin pores or hair follicles that is the result of bacterial build-up;

Poor Hygiene – regular showering and cleansing of the penis and surrounding areas is a must, if this does not occur then the skin may become irritated or infected;

Priapism – an erection of the penis that is persistent and will not subside;

Prostatitis – an infection of the prostate gland;

Sickle Cell Anemia – a blood disease that affects the hemoglobin, or the protein in the blood that carries oxygen through the body and can restrict penile function;

STD’s and Other Infections– Chlamydia, genital herpes, scabies and crabs, thrush and other forms of infections;

Testicular Bruising – discoloration to the testicles as a result of a trauma during activity of some kind, this may occur during sports or other recreational pursuits or during sexual activity;

Urethra Damage – damage to the tube that runs from the head of the penis to the bladder or seminal duct. This can include bruising, cuts and abrasions, blockages, and other forms of trauma; and

Urethritis – a bacterial infection of the reproductive system, which may also affect the bladder and prostate in men.

Sore Penis Symptoms
The symptoms of penis pain vary, depending on the cause of the pain. However, the most common symptoms of a sore penis are as follows:

Erectile dysfunction, difficulty urinating, painful ejaculation, penis bruising, bleeding and swelling, penis lumps and sores, penis rashes and itching, and urethral discharge.

Sore Penis Treatment
If any pain is experienced from the penis or the penis is sore, it is recommended that immediate medical attention be sought as some conditions can have long-term side effects and in some cases can be life-threatening. Medical advice also reduces the risk of permanent skin damage, impairment of penis and sexual function, and possible complications that can result in major organ damage.

Treatments, for the causes listed, typically include abstaining from any sexual activity, oral and prescription medicines, crèmes, injections and other forms of therapies, as well as surgery.

In addition, it is also recommended that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), is used to daily to decrease the damage to the sore penis and to aid in cell and skin rejuvenation. These products are also known to soothe a painful penis as they contain vital vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep the penis in optimal condition.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Penis curved or bent and causes, symptoms, and best treatment

Typically, a mild or slightly curved or bent penis will, with proper treatment, rectify itself without any form of medication, whereas a more severe case may require corrective surgery

A penis curve or bend can be defined as ‘an abnormal penis shape that can be mild to severe and can cause many men some form of discomfort in either a psychological or physical sense. For instance, many men who have a curved or bent penis tend to think that their ability to make love is compromised and that their partner may not find them as exciting in bed, they also tend to worry about the aesthetic appeal of their penis and this in a psychological sense can make them feel inadequate.

Causes of a Penis Curve or Bend

A severely curved or bent penis is often caused by either a condition called Peyronie’s Disease or a penile fracture.

Peyronie’s Disease occurs when the fibrous tissue of the penis becomes scarred often due to an injury to a penis suffered during intercourse or masturbation. This then causes the penis to bend or curve, which may result in an inability to gain and sustain an erection and have satisfying sexual intercourse.

The other cause of a penis curve or bend can be a penis fracture. This condition usually occurs during vigorous or aggressive sexual activity, and is often extremely painful, as the injury occurs when the penis is erect. When a fracture of the penis occurs usually a loud popping sound is heard as the cylinders that fill with blood in the penis and create an erection, rupture, with one or more of the cylinders breaking.

Symptoms of a Penis Curve or Bend

The symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease and a penis fracture are similar to each other, but there are also distinct differences that set each of these ailments apart. Usually sufferers of Peyronie’s Disease experience the following:
1. A curved or bent penis of more than 10 percent;
2. Difficult sexual intercourse;
3. Painful erections;
4. A reduction or minimal flexibility in the penis;
5. The penis may be painful to touch; and
6. Urination may be difficult.

Whereas the symptoms of a penis fracture may include those of Peyronie’s Disease, a sufferer may also experience the following:
1. Bruising to the penis;
2. Signs of blood or trauma to the penis coming from the urethra;
3. A loud popping or cracking sound comes from the penis;
4. Chronic pain that is almost unbearable;
5. The penis may also develop a lump or other signs of damage such as inflammation in an area along the shaft of the penis.

Treatment of a Penis Curve or Bend

Peyronie’s Disease and a fracture of the penis are treated by firstly abstaining from any sexual activity. This includes intercourse and masturbation. Both conditions are then usually treated via surgery, in most cases.

If a penis fracture is suspected then it is vital that medical treatment is sought immediately, as the condition can be life-threatening, especially if the bleeding is not brought under control.

In situations where there is a slight bend or curve to penis then the daily use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will help to keep the penis and its skin in optimal condition and maintain its flexibility so that the risk of further curves, bends, and breaks is reduced. This is attributed to the fact that these products contain essential vitamins and minerals that enhance and maintain the health of the penis.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.