Saturday, 30 June 2018

Penis Health for Frequent Laptop Users

As its name implies, a laptop is meant to be placed on the lap. But is that actually safe for penis health? Many studies have shown that prolonged use of a laptop so close to the penis area can have a detrimental impact on a man’s penis. Here’s what every man needs to know.

WiFi Will Not Make You Sterile: A common myth is that the radioactivity from WiFi can render a man sterile. Luckily, there’s no truth to that. The radioactivity from WiFi is far too weak to alter your biology, according to the Cancer Research Society of the United Kingdom. The English study debunked a widely distributed but flawed study from 2011 that inaccurately linked WiFi with lower sperm count. Today, doctors do not believe that connection exists.

But Your Laptop’s Heat Might: That’s not to say that laptops don’t cause infertility. A study conducted by Human Reproduction concluded that after an hour of laptop use, the temperature of a man’s scrotum rose to 103 degrees from 80. A man’s anatomy is designed such that sperm production exists outside the body because the body’s natural temperature - 98.6 degrees - is too hot for the process. Raising the scrotum’s temperature to 103 degrees, therefore, makes it such that sperm can’t be produced.

The rise in temperature, scientifically known as scrotal hyperthermia, not only hampers a man’s ability to create sperm, it also makes the remaining sperm less likely to fertilize an egg. The best way to avoid this is to place your laptop on a table while in use; placing a cushion between the lap and computer has been shown ineffective in avoiding this problem.

It Can Give You a Permanent Rash: Prolonged exposure to infrared heat - the process transferring heat from one body to another through electromagnetic radiation - also causes erythema ab igne. Colloquially referred to as "toasted skin syndrome", this condition takes the form of a red rash on the penis and in most cases is permanent. Due to the proliferation of laptops and technology, there’s been a noticeable rise in erythema ab igne, according to the Dermatology Online Journal.

And That Rash May Cause Cancer: The even worse news is that erythema ab igne in rare cases has been known to cause cancer, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. If you have a long-lasting rash caused by this, it’s essential to have it consistently monitored and biopsy by a medical professional.

What Can You Do?

The best way to avoid these problems is to concern alternatives to using your laptop directly on your lap. One way is to be sure is to take regular breaks from extended work by standing up and giving a chance for the area to cool down. Many computer stores also sell specifically designed products that reduce the heat transferred to your lap. However, it’s important not to use a cushion as a defense. Researchers have found that cushions not only transfer heat, but they can also be flammable.

Any man concerned about his penis health should not only be identifying potential external issues, but also maintaining a routine designed to keep the penis healthy and strong. For many men, this starts with the regular application of a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for the skin). When selecting a penis health crème, be sure to find one rich in vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin e is scientifically proven to be a powerful natural hydrator and shea butter is an efficient and gentle vehicle for its distribution. Vitamin a, a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds, is known for its ability to fight harmful bacteria.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Sex Problems: When There’s Blood in the Semen

The shade of color typically found in healthy semen can vary from white to grey to a light yellow, but when the color turns pink, brown or red, a guy needs to take notice. Such coloration tends to indicate there is blood in the semen, and for the sake of avoiding future sex problems, he needs to pay some attention to what is going on.

How it gets there

As the Mayo clinic explains it, semen is made up of both sperm and fluids that are added to the sperm as it travels along its path toward ultimate release via ejaculation. This pathway is made up of tiny tubes which are typically surrounded by blood vessels of varying sizes. In addition, there are blood vessels in or around the bladder, urethra, prostate and testicles, which are areas with which sperm and/or seminal fluids may come in contact. If any of these blood vessels rupture, they may leak blood, which may then flow into the semen at various points along the path.


The technical name for blood in the semen is hematospermia. It can show up in a man of any age, but it most commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 40 and again after age 50. The good news is that, while the presence of blood may be alarming to a man, in most cases it is benign and very often resolves itself without any need for treatment.


So the blood usually occurs because of vessels rupturing - but what makes that happen? It turns out there are many things that can cause blood in the semen.

The most common cause is due to a rupture during a prostate gland biopsy - and that is why the condition is common among men over 50, who are in the age group where such biopsies become more common. The same can happen when a man has surgery for a prostate issue - again, a more common occurrence after age 50.

In some cases, hematospermia may indicate the possibility of prostate cancer; however, this is a fairly rare outcome. Nonetheless, because of this possibility - and because it could also indicate some other condition that may require attention - it’s always good to let a doctor know when one has experienced hematospermia.

In other cases, an infection - often sexually-transmitted - may be to blame. Some infections that may create a bloody situation include gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus, and trichomoniasis.

Inflammation can also be a factor. If the urethra, prostate or epididymis is inflamed, ruptures may occur. The same can happen if there are obstructions of some sort along the ejaculation duct.

And sometimes the vessels rupture simply because a guy was having too good a time. Engaging in sexual activity for too extended a time, or in a manner that is too aggressive, may bring about small vessel damage.

Often the blood will go away on its own; however, if the semen remains bloody for an extended period of time, or if there are other symptoms associated with it (such as pain, especially while urinating), it’s best to see a physician.

When aggressive or extended sex causes blood in the semen, it may also bring about soreness in the penis. Regular use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be beneficial in alleviating that pain. The penis skin needs to rejuvenate, so finding a crème that contains a combination of Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) is an excellent way to go. In addition, penis skin will be more resilient if it is treated with a crème containing alpha lipoic acid. This potent antioxidant fights free radicals that can cause considerable stress and damage, thereby weakening the skin and its defenses.

Penis Health and Vitamin C: The Male Benefits of this High-Impact Nutrient

It’s easy to neglect penis health. Between work, family and friends, there often just isn’t enough time in the day to take special care in making sure the penis is exceptionally well looked after. But there’s so much more a man can do besides his daily shower to keep his penis in excellent condition.

Incorporating demonstrated successful vitamins and minerals into the diet and personal care products can be a powerful way to increase overall health, as well as penis health. One such vitamin is vitamin C, a supplement that’s known for its incredible benefits to the skin and circulatory systems.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is actually just another term for ascorbic acid. Mostly found in citrus fruits and green vegetables, it’s absolutely essential in maintaining healthy connective tissue and in some instances, is thought to also behave as an antioxidant. Foods with the most vitamin C includes guava, black currant, red pepper, kiwi, green peppers, oranges, strawberries and papayas. People who don’t have enough fruits and vegetables are at risk of a vitamin C deficiency, which can lead to scurvy.

Many people associate vitamin C with a strengthened immune system. Even though vitamin C has long been touted as a successful defense plan for the common cold, there’s actually very little evidence that it works in this way. A 2007 study found that those who took vitamin C supplements at the onset of a cold did not fend off the sickness nor make it shorter. Those who took vitamin C daily experienced a very slightly shorter cold duration.

So what are the most important facts about vitamin C? Here’s what you need to know:

- It’s difficult get enough by consumption alone: Medical professionals recommend that men and women seek to consume 90 milligrams of vitamin C a day, but the average person is only able to consume 75 to 90. For many people, especially those with demanding professional scheduled, eating sufficient fruits and vegetables every day consistently can be a challenge and expensive.

- It’s a natural stress reliever: A recent study concluded that vitamin C was helpful to individuals whose immune systems were weakened because of stress. Maintaining healthy levels of it in the body can help make sure that a difficult week at work won’t end with a cold.

- It can help with penis appearance: Vitamin C is known as a powerful and successful tool to reduce the appearance of aging on the skin. Because it works as an antioxidant, vitamin C attacks free radicals, which are known to cause wrinkles.

- It can help with erections: Vitamin C is also known to assist with circulation. Healthy blood flow and circulation are critical in achieving an erection as the penis requires an exceptional amount of blood in order to become firm.

- It’s not stored in the body: Because vitamin C is water-soluble, excess amount of it in the body aren’t stored. That means it’s nearly impossible to "overdose" on vitamin C. However, doctors recommend a maximum of 2,000 milligram a day in order to avoid an upset stomach and diarrhea.

Given all of vitamin C’s benefits, all men should be sure to incorporate this acid in their regular penis health routines. An excellent way to be sure that the penis is getting sufficient vitamin C is by making sure its an ingredient in your penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). By applying vitamin C directly on the penis skin, as opposed to ingesting it, many of the penile benefits can be achieved more quickly.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Big Penis Problems: Too Much of a Good Thing?

When talking about penis size problems, most people assume that the issue is that the penis in question is on the small side. As a matter of fact, most men would refuse to believe that someone with a big penis size could actually have a problem. But the truth is that, while there can be some advantages to having a big penis, there can also be potential disadvantages. When by "big" we mean "long," one potential issue can be depth of penetration. When there’s an overflow of length, it can in some instances cause painful penetration.

What is long?

Any serious discussion of penis size has to start with a definition of what is meant by normal penis size. For years, six inches was considered the average penis length. But in recent years, various surveys have indicated that that six inches may have been a little over-optimistic.

Understanding that penis size in this instance is dealing with the penis in an erect state (rather than in a flaccid one), a pretty reliable 2015 survey (encompassing more than 15,000 penises around the world) found that instead of six inches, the average male penis really measures only 5.16 inches. (Girth, for what is worth, averages out at 4.6 inches.)

Technically, anything over 5.16 inches long could be considered "big" therefore. Traditionally, however, when a man has been said to have a big penis, it usually has referred to one of 7" or more in length. (By one survey, as many as 9% of men would fall into that category - although less than 1% would have a penis size measuring 8" or more.)

The vagina

What about women? When not aroused, the length from the opening to the cervix is usually three to four inches; this can expand, however, during sexual arousal. But a man with a very long penis may still not be able to fit all of his manhood into some vaginas. And when this is the case, penetration can cause pain to the female partner.

What to do

Ideally, a man with a big penis size will be aware of this potential problem and try to avoid thrusting too deeply. But in the throes of passion, this may not always be possible. But there are a few strategies that can be employed to prevent too-deep penetration in these cases.

- Use a ring. Sometimes wearing a simple pen is ring may be enough to avoid painful penetration. Although the ring is usually only a half-inch or so, that may be enough to keep the penis from over-reaching. If not, jelly rings or donuts - which are thicker and are used on penis pump cylinder openings - may do the trick.

- Find a good position. Experiment with different positions until one is found which allows the woman control over depth of penetration. For most people, this means something other than missionary or other man-on-top positions. For many couples, positions which enable them to be side-by-side, rather than on top/on bottom, can allow for greater control. The same is often true for woman-on-top positions like the cowgirl.

- Keep the pants on. Sometimes if the male stays dressed and lets the penis protrude from the fly, it creates sufficient distance to help avoid painful penetration. However, there then is the problem of fabric (and zippers) rubbing against the vagina, which can be uncomfortable.

Men with any penis size want to make sure that they are aware of any painful penetration problems and take steps to prevent them. They also need to make sure their equipment looks its best upon presentation, which requires using a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will include vitamin C, which is an important component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for erections. The crème should also include a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, which helps protect penis skin and tissue from damage due to oxidative stress.

Avoiding Penis Pain While Using a Pump

One of the benefits of a society which is more open concerning sexual issues is the greater availability of items, both recreational and medical, for use on the penis. A penis pump is one such device which has a definite medical use (for helping men with erectile issues achieve firmness) and a recreational use (for allowing men to "pump up" their penis for fun). Of course, using a penis pump for pure recreational purposes does come with some risks; used improperly, it can lead to penis injury, in severe cases, or general penis pain in less severe ones. The more a man knows about a penis pump before using one, the less likely the chance of experiencing penis pain.

With that in mind, here are some tips which many find useful in helping to decrease the chance of penis pain from a penis pump experience.


1) Measure the penis. Some pumps come in different sizes, in which case it’s important to know that which one to get. It’s best to measure both length and girth of the member when it is erect.

2) Read the directions. Yes, it’s understandable that a guy may be anxious to get to the fun stuff right away - but it’s still better to take a few minutes and actually read the directions that should come with a penis pump. Knowing how it works and what needs to be done to use it effectively - and then using that information - is the best way to avoid penis pain and injury. One thing that is important to know is what is the recommended pressure range to seek. So find that information and do not exceed that range.

3) Clean it. Before the first use (and indeed before each use), take a few minutes to disinfect the cylinder. The pump is an attractive place for bacteria to grow.

4) Prep the penis. Just as experts advise people to warm up before engaging in long distance running or lifting heavy weights, so should a man warm up his penis before engaging in pumping. One recommended preparation routine involves taking a small towel, soaking it in warm water, and then wrapping it around the penis for two-thee minutes. Afterward, rub some lotion or lubricant on the penis and gently massage it with the hands. Although the penis is likely to get at least partially erect, stick to gently massaging as opposed to masturbating; the latter involves more friction and may dry the penis out somewhat.

5) Consider shaving. Although massively hairy men do indeed use penis pumps, so men find that the presence of hair gets a little in the way - it can get caught in the tube and pulled, producing some discomfort. Some men prefer to be clean-shaven or at least trimmed when using a pump.

6) Don’t overdo it. Pumping too long or at too high a pressure is the most common reason for penis pain from pumping. Beginners should definitely take it easy; most sources recommend taking a break of 3-5 minutes every 15 minutes and only going for a half hour to start. This can build slowly, but any time there is pain, a guy should stop.

7) Talk to a doctor. Guys can sometimes be embarrassed talking about ways in which they engage their penis, but it’s good to let a doctor know if a pump is in the offing. He may have some words of caution to impart that can be useful.

Even when taking precautions, penis pump use can still sometimes result in a little penis pain. Regularly applying a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate that soreness. is strongly urged. This is especially true when using a crème with both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), which together can provide great relief to aching penis skin. It’s also beneficial if the crème contains vitamin D, as this is often called a miracle vitamin due to its ability to support healthy cellular function.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Pain During Sex: How to Help When Your Partner Has Endometriosis

Most often when a guy focuses on penis problems, he’s looking at ways to treat a persistent penis odor or to "fix" a reluctant erection or to find out what that unhealthy looking growth really is. But sometimes penis problems can involve one’s female partner(s) instead. For example, it’s a problem for a guy’s penis if his partner has pain during sex due to endometriosis.

What is this condition?

Because people tend to be more knowledgeable about sexual issues, there is more knowledge now about endometriosis - but many men still know little about it except that it can be hard to pronounce. So what exactly is endometriosis?

When a woman has endometriosis, it means that the endometrium, which is a layer of tissue that should be lining the inside of the uterus, is instead growing outside of the uterus - typically around the ovaries, fallopian tubes and surrounding area.

As one can imagine, this is not exactly comfortable, and in fact generally causes some degree of pelvic pain in women - a chronic case of it in about half of women with endometriosis. And even more affected women experience pain from it when they are menstruating.

Not surprisingly, penetrative sex can also cause extreme discomfort. How much pain (and how often it occurs during sex) depends upon the specific circumstances of an individual. But for many women, it can be a frequent reason to avoid penetrative sex - and understandably so.

For partners of women with endometriosis, of course, it can be frustrating. But it’s important to understand that this pain is quite real and caring and committed partners need to work together to find ways to enjoy sex together even when endometriosis is creating a pain barrier.

Things to do

First and foremost, partners need to communicate. Sometimes a woman may be shy or embarrassed and may not wish to tell her partner about this issue. But if two people are in a committed relationship, it needs to be talked about - and so if a man notices that his partner is reluctant to have sex or seems to be experiencing pain, he should talk about this observation and, gently, ask if there is anything that might be causing the situation.

The discussions should be open and honest - but respectful - and cover both what the woman and the man are feeling.

Couples should also discuss practical possible solutions. For example, it may be necessary to accept that there will be certain times when penetrative sex is off the table. They should be prepared to explore oral sex or mutual masturbation as alternatives. Or penetrative sex may be an option, but it may mean exploring different positions to find one which is not painful. If lubrication has not previously been much-used in their sex life together, the couple may need to add a quality lubricant to their lovemaking.

Dealing with endometriosis can be challenging - but men in a committed relationship definitely need to be prepared to alter their traditional methods of operating to make sure that sex is as enjoyable for their partners as it is for them.

Changing sex patterns due to endometriosis is just one of the many penis problems a man may encounter. Having a healthy penis often helps him overcome penis problems, so daily application of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. The best cremes will include a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E, and their topical application in crème will enable them to target the penis specifically. The ideal crème will also include L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties which help maintain delicate penis sensitivity.

Penis Health Benefits of Exercise: Yes, Working Out Does Make a Difference!

One of the benefits of the "health trend" which emerged in the 1980s has been a greater awareness of the role that regular exercise can play in boosting and maintaining an individual’s overall health. Jogging, going to the gym, swimming or engaging in other physical activities can make a significant difference in pone’s general health - and for men, it can play a role in their penis health as well. Using physical activity to maintain a healthy penis makes for a win-win situation - but how does exercise help? And are all exercises equally beneficial?

Exercise and a healthy penis

On a very basic level, exercise leads to a healthy penis because general health impacts penis health. One of the most important factors in penis health is adequate blood flow to the penis, and since blood flow is dependent on a healthy heart, exercises which emphasize cardiac well-being have a corollary effect on the penis. In addition to keeping the heart pumping, exercise also helps to keep the blood vessels themselves stronger and less likely to be clogged (although other factors, such as diet, also play a big role here). When the penile blood vessels are more unblocked, it is much easier for the penis to achieve the rush of blood that leads to healthy erections.


There’s another and more direct way in which exercise helps a man achieve a healthy penis. As a recent article in the World Journal of Men’s Health stated, "exercise improves the efficacy of testosterone treatment for patients with testosterone deficiency." And testosterone levels are known to have a link with sexual health, with many scientists noting that the natural decline in testosterone as men age contributes to the increase likelihood of erectile dysfunction.

The aforementioned World Journal study looked at various exercises to determine if some exercises are better at producing the desired level of testosterone. (This study was in men who were already receiving testosterone therapy to treat erectile dysfunction, but presumably the connection between type of exercise and testosterone production would be similar in men not already receiving therapy.)

Essentially, the scientists recommend cardiorespiratory exercise is likely to be of most benefit. This is especially true of aerobics exercises for men who are overweight and who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

What about men who already experience good cardiorespiratory health and/or those who are not in need of losing weight? Strength training is thought by many to be of good benefit in raising testosterone levels. And some scientists believe that men who engage in endurance activities or in especially intense workouts with insufficient recovery time may actually be lowering their testosterone levels. (As with many other things, this seems to become even more likely for men over the age of 40.)

Does this mean that a man who runs ten miles a day needs to stop what he’s doing? Not necessarily. If he is experiencing a satisfactory sex life with a healthy drive and good performance, then there’s not necessarily any reason to change in terms of having a healthy penis. But if he notices that his sex drive is diminished or that he doesn’t perform at the level he used to, he may want to consider some alterations.

As always, it’s important for any man who is considering making significant changes to his physical activity to consult with a doctor for advice.

Exercise and testosterone of course are not the only things which are needed for a healthy penis. Daily use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is strongly urged. It’s best to find a crème with both L-arginine and L-carnitine among its ingredients. The former is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production, thereby helping penile blood vessels to stay open. And the latter has neuroprotective properties which help to retain proper penile sensitivity which can be lost due to rough and aggressive (if enjoyable) handling.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Unpleasant Penis Odor? Trichobacteriosis May be the Cause

For some men, penis odor is a minor inconvenience; for others, it’s a major issue which affects their self-esteem and has the potential to de-rail an otherwise-promising relationship. There are numerous reasons why a guy might have penis odor. One of the lesser known causes is something called trichobacteriosis axillaris - or, often, simply trichobacteriosis.

A strange name

Trichobacteriosis is a mouthful, to say the least. As Wikipedia says, it is "a superficial bacterial colonization of the hair shafts in sweat gland-bearing areas, such as the armpits and the groin." It’s similar to another condition, called trichomycosis, but trichomycosis is caused by a fungal infection rather than a bacterial infection.

So what does it all mean? Basically, when a guy has trichobacteriposis in his groin, it means that a particular kind of bacteria (called Corynebacteria, for those who keep track of such things) has kind of gone wild. It most often presents as either nodules or waxy masses along the shafts of pubic hair or sometimes on the skin near the base of pubic hair. These nodules or masses tend to be yellowish, although occasionally they can be red or black instead. Often, it looks like many strands of pubic hair have developed a "second skin" of a semi-sticky wax. These masses or nodules come about because of all the excess bacteria that has invaded the area.

Penis odor

And where does the penis odor come in? When a man sweats, these bacteria metabolize with testosterone to create a very strong, rank odor. The more a man sweats and the more bacteria that are present, the stronger the penis odor. In some cases, the odor can be overwhelming. Often, men with trichobacteriosis develop sweat stains that cause a yellowish discoloration to affected clothing. (Although this article is concerned with trichobacteriosis on the penis, it also is often found in the armpits - and often a man with it in one area has it in both area. So discolored armpits on shirts may be a sign that the penis is also affected.)

Men who sweat a lot and/or men who don’t practice proper hygiene are among those most at risk of developing trichobacteriosis. The bacteria responsible is itself a common one.


Trichobacteriosis is a benign condition, causing no physical harm to a person. But because of the significant penis odor it can cause - sometimes accompanied by penile itching - it is recommended that men with the issue treat it.

The first step in treatment is often to shave the affected area. Shaving to the skin rather than just trimming is generally more effective. The area should remain clean shaven for a period of 2-4 weeks. During that time, the area should be washed thoroughly on a regular basis. It is thought that rubbing the area thoroughly while washing helps to better reach and kill the bacteria.

After the hair grows in again, men should wash the area regularly and may want to keep it shaved as well. It can be helpful to "air the area out" by spending at least an hour a day naked. Some men find that sleeping naked helps to air out the penis effectively.

Fighting trichobacteriosis can help defeat penis odor, and the fight can be aided if a ma n regularly applies a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It is important that whatever crème is chosen contains vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a natural antibacterial agent which helps fight persistent penis odor (while also helping to fight unsightly blemishes.) It also helps if the crème has a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This helps to destroy excess free radicals which can weaken penis skin through oxidative stress.

Penis Pain and Swelling: Could it be Epididymitis?

Although men are understandably proud of their penis and scrotum, many men are not familiar with the inner workings of these body parts, despite the impact that such inner workings can have on their health. For example, even men who have heard of epididymitis may not be sure of exactly what it is or how it might affect their private parts, causing penis pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

What it is

The Mayo Clinic states that epididymitis "is an inflammation of the coiled tube (epididymis) at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm." That tube is coiled very tightly indeed; if it were to be straightened out, it would measure between 6 and 7 meters. The epididymis does more than just store and carry sperm; it also helps them mature. When sperm first enters the epididymis, it is unable to swim forward and induce fertilization in an egg. During the 2 or 3 months that it stays in the epididymis, it acquires these abilities so that when it is released during ejaculation, it is capable of fulfilling its fertilization mission.


When the epididymis becomes inflamed, a man may experience one or more of these common symptoms.

- Swelling. This is the most common symptom. The inflammation causes the epididymis to swell, creating a "lump" in the back of the scrotum. The swelling is usually accompanied by a feeling of warmth in the area and a reddening of the skin, especially in men of lighter skin tones.

- Discomfort. The swelling causes the scrotum to be sensitive to touch; most often this tenderness is on one side of the testicles. There may also be pain in the penis, especially when the man is urinating. In some cases, this pain may also be felt elsewhere in the pelvic area. Sex is also often affected, with sexual activity producing feelings of pain, especially during ejaculation.

- Discharge or bleeding. There may be a discharge from the penis apart from urination or ejaculation, and sometimes, blood may appear in the semen.

- Fever. sometimes also accompanies the inflammation.


Epididymitis is generally classified as "acute" (temporary) or "chronic" (longer-lasting, usually staying around for six or more weeks or recurring after it seems to have been banished).

There can be numerous causes of epididymitis. Sexually-transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, are the biggest culprits among men who are sexually active. (Another reason why unprotected sex can be very risky!) But the bacterial infection can come from non-sexually transmitted causes as well.

For example, sometimes a urinary tract infection might infect the epididymis, as can blockage of the bladder or urethra, which forces urine into the epididymis. In rare cases, an infection in the bloodstream, such as that associated with tuberculosis, could make its way to the epididymis. And on rare occasions, some heart medications have created this inflammation in the scrotum.


Men who notice a swelling in the scrotal area should have it checked, especially if it is accompanied by pain, discharge or any of the other symptoms mentioned above. Antibiotics are often required to clear epididymitis up, especially among sexually active men. The doctor may also recommend giving the area a rest for a while; if pain is persistent, using an athletic strap and taking painkillers may be beneficial.

Keeping an eye out for epididymitis is all part of good penis care. So is regularly using a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure to find a crème with vitamin D, the acclaimed "miracle vitamin." The body often needs help in getting sufficient vitamin D, and the penis needs its benefits as much as other parts of the body. And the best crème will also include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can help reduce unwanted and persistent (and embarrassing) penis odors.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Penis Health Worries: What to Do if There’s Blood in the Urine

Men who are interested in good penis health know that taking care of their member extends to the functions of the penis and to what is inside the organ as well as what is on the outside. One of the more common issues for a man - and one that easily provokes stress and worry - is blood in the urine.


Medically known as hematuria, blood in the urine can be obvious or difficult to discern. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), there are two types of hematuria:

- Gross hematuria - when a person can see the blood in his or her urine

- Microscopic hematuria - when a person cannot see the blood in his or her urine, yet it is seen under a microscope


There are many causes of hematuria (most of which are not serious, according to the Urology Care Foundation). Among those causes are:

1) Urinary infection

2) Enlarged prostate in older men

3) Kidney or bladder stones

4) Prostate infection

5) Kidney disease

6) Kidney trauma

7) Bladder cancer (mostly in smokers)

8) Kidney cancer

9) Blood thinning drugs (aspirin, coumadin/warfarin)

10) Anti-swelling drugs (joint swelling and pain pills)

11) Tough workout

But there can be other reasons, such as conditions like sickle cell disease or hemophilia. Too-vigorous sexual activity can also (in some cases) be the instigator.

Blood (or more specifically, the red blood cells from blood) gets into the urine usually because there is a problem in the filtering process, often in the kidneys, ureter or bladder. If a person has gross hematuria, there are enough red blood cells in the urine that it changes color, appearing as pink, red or brown.


As mentioned, blood in the urine is common, occurring in up to 10% of the population. Most of the time, the cause is not serious, such as a urinary tract infection or a kidney stone. The cause may produce some pain and/or discomfort, but it is unlikely to lead to a serious negative outcome. However, there are more serious situations, such as kidney disease, and even some which are very serious, such as kidney or bladder cancer.

Consulting a doctor when there is blood in the urine is necessary - both so that an informed diagnosis can be made and so proper treatment can be initiated to address the problem. For example, when a urinary tract infection is responsible, doctors will often prescribe antibiotics to battle the infection, which will in turn reduce and then eliminate the amount of blood in the urine. If a kidney stone is the culprit, it may be treated by increasing the amount of water a guy drinks; using a drug known as an alpha blocker; or using soundwaves to break up the stone.

Sometimes lifestyle modifications may be suggested to keep hematuria from recurring. For example, modifying an over-aggressive gym workout, habitually increasing water intake, or making sex somewhat less vigorous for a while may be recommended.

Blood in the urine is a symptom of a penis health issue, and paying attention is important. So is maintaining overall penis health via application of a first rate penis health creme (healthprofessionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically provenmild and safe for skin). The best crème will include an ingredient known as L-arginine. This amino acid is involved in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penis blood vessels open and flowing. The crème should ideally contain vitamin A as well. Vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that can help to diminish unwanted and persistent penis odor.

Women’s Preferred Penis Size: It’s About More Than Just Inches

Size matters. Or does it?

It’s easy to get swept up in worrying about what women may or may not prefer in terms of penis size. But the reality of it is that women are interested in much more than just the size of a man’s penis. Girth, appearance and health all play into how women evaluate their mate. Here’s what every man needs to know about how women view their penis.

What Actually is The Ideal Size?

It’s important to note here that size isn’t the most important component of the penis, according to many women. On the other hand, a University of California and University of New Mexico study from 2015 found that the preferred penis size for women was 6.3 inches for regular partners and 6.4 inches for one-night encounters. For some women, this matters quite a bit: 61 percent of women in a recent study claimed they had rejected an intimate advance because of a small penis.
But, at least for American women, that may be actually be expecting a little too much. In the United States, the average penis size was five inches, more than a full inch below the preferred length. Even the global average is just 5.5 inches. If you’re less than five inches, though, not to worry; there are plenty of other things that women care about when it comes to a man’s penis. Here are a few of those things:

- Overall Appearance . Not surprisingly, women are just as interested in the "complete package" than length. A healthy-looking, clean penis outranked a larger, less healthy-looking member in a recent study conducted by the University of Zurich. In fact, in said study, overall appearance was the most important factor in accessing an attractive penis.

- Hair Down There. In the same Swiss study, the second-most important factor for women was the presence of hair. Women were much more interested in a tastefully groomed nether-region than something completely untamed or excessively trimmed. Luckily, no matter their penis size, this is an easy factor for men to control. Regular washing with a mild soap and trimming the hair in the area will ensure that any woman will be happy with what she finds.

- Girth. Many women find girth to be a much more important factor in a man’s penis than length. A recent study conducted by the SPAN lab in California found that women more often opted for girth rather than length when identifying an ideal penis. Women’s preference for this likely stems from their own anatomy, which benefits more from a wider penis than a longer one when it comes to intimate situations. Some surveys have shown that women prefer a penis circumference to be about five inches.

- Healthy Skin. The penis skin is also an important factor for women. A chafed penis is unsightly to women, as are any red rashes, sore or bumps. Be sure to stay ahead of any skin abnormalities on the penis. If one is present, contact a medical professional or apply a home regimen of care to reduce symptoms.

With such an emphasis on elements besides penis size, it’s important to be sure to take care of your member as best you can. One way to ensure a healthy appearance is to regularly apply a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When selecting a crème, look out for beneficial ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin C and shea butter. Another excellent additive to look for is vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can help decrease unwanted and persistent penis odor.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Vitamin E Oil on the Penis: What Can it Do for You?

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the multitude of vitamins and minerals the body needs. While many can help the body in scientifically proven ways, other claims are nothing but scams. But when it comes to vitamin E oil on the penis, the health benefits can be incredible and impossible to ignore. Here’s what you need to know.
What Actually is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is actually a collective name for fat-soluble compounds that have strong, demonstrated antioxidant properties. It’s known as a natural hydrator that can keep the skin smooth and supple. Naturally occurring vitamin E comes in eight chemical forms, but only two - alpha and tocopherol - are recognized to meet human requirements. Vitamin E is found in variety of foods, including sunflower seeds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, spinach, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and many, many more. In fact, because it’s so widely in nature, it’s very rare for someone to have a vitamin E deficiency.
In addition to naturally occurring in foods, it’s commonly found in supplements and cremes that promote healthy skin. Here’s some things to know:
- It Can’t Work Alone. Like many other vitamins and minerals, vitamin e doesn’t work as efficiently all on its own. Applying pure vitamin E will not be as effective as when it’s mixed alongside other additives, such as vitamin C. Additionally, it’s most effective when packages with a carrier oil, like shea butter. For this reason, vitamin E products for topical use are typically sold in the form of a cream, butter or oil.
- It’s an antioxidant. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, meaning it has the ability to remove potentially damaging oxidizing agents in living organisms. For a penis, that means vitamin E is able to prevent skin aging and deterioration. The end result of regularly used vitamin E on the penis is a member that is healthier, stronger and younger in appearance.
- It Can Improve Sensitivity. As an antioxidant, vitamin E also has the ability to protect nerve endings. When applied directly to the penis, it can slow down the eventual process of nerve ending damage, making intimate activity more enjoyable.
- It Assists Blood Flow. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient in the body for the improvement of blood flow. Ensuring plenty of vitamin e in the diet will make sure that blood vessels are open and receptive to blood flow. In addition to ingesting, vitamin E applied topically can make sure that tiny blood vessels close to the skin also receive this excellent benefit.
- It’s a Natural Hydrator. Because vitamin E works to improve circulation, it effectively hydrates the skin naturally. With increased circulation, your skin is able to retain lipids easier, sealing little cracks in the skin that present as dryness. This process enables the skin to maintain its level of hydration.
As with many supplements, it’s important to make sure not to overdo your vitamin E intake. While topical application is safe, ingesting too much orally can result in nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, rash, and blurry vision. If you think you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to consult with a medical professional as soon as possible.
Because vitamin E oil on the penis is demonstrated to be a health addition, men should be sure to look out for this essential ingredient when choosing a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Don’t forget that vitamin e can’t work alone. Be sure to choose a penis health crème that incorporates vitamin c alongside vitamin e for maximum absorption. Shea butter is an excellent carrier to deliver these hugely important ingredients.

Premature Ejaculation: Why it Happens and How to Stop It

Premature ejaculation. These two words make even the hardiest male shudder. Most men may scoff and claim it never happens to them, that their stamina is so great that they can go all night if necessary. But in fact, it’s the rare man who has not at least once or twice released a load of semen before he was ready to (or before his partner was ready for it). And while there can be a connection between penis health and ejaculatory status, sometimes even men who take superb care of their equipment can be a little quick on the trigger.
How many?
Just how common a problem is premature ejaculation? There’s some debate on this point.
For example, a study was conducted in the United States that found about 75% of men ejaculated within two minutes of penetration about half of the time they had sex. On the other hand, a more recent British survey found that only 10% of men claimed they sometimes had this issue. And other surveys have come up with figures of 20% to 30% of men being affected.
Why such wide variation? Were men in the 1940s simply less able to control their ejaculations? Perhaps, but it more likely has to do with a variety of things, including how premature ejaculation is defined, who is being asked, how the questions are phrased and how honest the respondents are being.
So how is premature ejaculation defined, officially? Even here there is some disagreement. The Mayo Clinic considers premature ejaculation to be consistently ejaculating within one minute of starting. A 2006 study concluded that men with this issue lasted, on average, 1.8 minutes. One 2005 study found that the average man lasts 5.4 minutes, and so theoretically anything under that could be considered premature.
Practically, a man might be considered an early ender simply if he ejaculated before his partner was satisfied. If the partner also orgasms after 1 minute, does it really matter if the man does, too? But by that same token, a man who can last for 30 or 40 minutes would be considered a quick shooter if his partner takes longer to reach fulfillment.
So there’s confusion about what makes a man premature; however, most scientists agree that lasting between 3 and 7 minutes is pretty typical for men. Guys who fall short of that mark may be considered premature.
Many men are quick on the draw yet aren’t bothered by it. They accept it, enjoy their time inside their partner and are fine with finding other ways to please their partner once they have ejaculated.
But some men desire more and so may seek treatment, which can be an involved process. Sometimes a man learns to last longer simply through age and experience. But there are a number of treatments (behavioral modification, topical anesthetic applications, counseling, kegel exercises, deep breathing, tantric exercises, oral medications, etc.) often employed to help a man last longer. They work well for some men, perhaps not so well for others.
If a man finds that, despite his best efforts, he still does not have the stamina he wishes he had when in a sexual situation, it’s best to remember that the quality of the sex is of much more importance than the duration. The man who is a tender, thoughtful lover is the true prize, whether his stamina is great or modest.
A healthy penis is also a bonus, and regular use of a top shelf penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help a man achieve this. The crème should include both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that’s useful in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turns helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to the increased blood flow needed for a happily functioning penis. And L-carnitine is beneficial for the penis that has experienced rough handling and is feeling a diminishment of sensation as a result. This neuroprotective ingredient helps restore lost sensation in the member.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Masturbation as a Stress Management Strategy

Stress is on the rise for many people. A 2017 U.S. survey found that 63% of Americans found the future of the country is a significant source of stress, 62% cited money worries as a stressor and 61% listed work issues as a significant cause of stress. There seem to be more causes of stress in recent years, and that’s not good for anyone. Stress can affect a man on every level, including penis health, as men who are stressed out may tend to find it more difficult to perform sexually than men whose stress levels are lower. So with stress so prominent a concern, more men may want to consider a little masturbation as one enjoyable way of helping to deal with all this tension.

The case for masturbation

Why should masturbation help relieve stress? Well, in the long term, it doesn’t. If a person is chronically stressed, he needs to figure out what his specific stress triggers are and then develop a range of strategies for dealing with them. But in the short term, many people find that masturbation does give them temporary relief when they are feeling stressed out.

That’s because masturbating helps to lower blood pressure while at the same time releasing serotonin and dopamine, two substances that have the effect of calming a person’s stress. For men, it appears that maximum relief is usually achieved if a guy continues masturbating through ejaculation - but some men find stress reduction occurs even when their fondling does not lead to ejaculation.

How to use it

There aren’t very many men who need instructions on how to masturbate - but if a guy wants to use masturbation as a stress management strategy, there are some things he needs to consider.

- Make the setting calm. A man’s stress levels may rise while he’s masturbating if he’s doing so in a setting which creates tension. For example, if he’s in a room with no lock on the door and is intensely worried that someone is going to walk in on him. In the ideal situation, a man will be in a room in which he feels totally at ease and comfortable. That’s not always possible - especially if a man is trying to relieve stress that is overwhelming him while he is at work - but whatever the setting, he should make it as stress-free as is possible under the circumstances.

- Erase guilt. Many men have a complicated relationship with their masturbation and find that for various reasons they feel guilty when they stimulate themselves. Masturbation will be much more effective as a stress reliever if a man is able to allow himself to indulge in the activity freely and without guilt. This may require discussing the reasons for his guilt with a professional and developing ways to address the issue.

- Get into it. The more freedom a man feels while masturbating, the greater the stress relief. He should allow himself to use sex toys, view erotic material, moan, etc. if he feels the desire to do so. He should also do his best to give himself as much time as he desires to masturbate. Again, this isn’t always possible, but if he is watching the clock rather than focusing on masturbating, he may be adding to his stress.

Masturbation can help relieve stress, but by itself it is not enough to deal with a chronically stressful situation. Those in such situations need to seek experienced help.

Using masturbation to handle stress is easier if the penis is in good general health, so be sure to regularly used a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Sometimes a guy gets carried away masturbating and rubs his penis a bit raw, so select a crème that contains a combination of moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E, to provide soothing relief. The best crème will also include vitamin C, a key component of collagen which helps give penis skin its elasticity and tone.

Can Opioids Cause Erection problems?

The opioid crisis continues to be a hot button issue in the news, as the United States and other countries grapple with how to make this pain killer available for responsible medical use while at the same time limiting its availability for misuse and abuse. There have been numerous articles about the problem of abusing opioids in general - but too few men may be aware of the fact that opioid misuse could potentially lead to erection problems. While the opioids issue is bigger than this one concern, it’s worthwhile for men to know more about this potential impact on their sex lives.

What are opioids?

People are talking about opioids and the opioid crisis, but what exactly are opioids? Basically, opioids are a kind of narcotic pain reliever that are intended to be used when mild pain relievers don’t get the job done. They work by reducing the transmission of pain signals to the brain. Opioids are not available over the counter and require a prescription.
Some of the more commonly-known opioids are codeine (often found in prescription cough medicines), morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone and hydrocodone.
Further, opioids are often classified in two categories - short-acting and long-acting. Short-acting opioids are intended to provide relief for six hour or less; they release their medication more quickly. Long-acting is intended to last at least hours, and the medication is released more quickly.

Erection effects

Many animal studies have noted that opioid use has the potential to create sexual problems in both male and female test animals. Some studies in humans have also noted this problem.
One 2017 study looked at other studies which had focused on men who had undergone opioid therapy and men who had not. By combining the data from these studies, the authors found that men who had used opioids were about twice as likely to have erect penis dysfunction as those who had not used opioids.

Why should this be? Well, another study - this one from 2013 -sheds some light on that question. This study looked at 81 men who had all been on opioid therapy for at least three months. None of the men had tested for low testosterone levels before undergoing therapy; however, more than half (57%) developed low testosterone from the opioid treatment. (The rate varied depending on which kind of opioid was used. Of men taking short acting opioids, the rate of low testosterone development was 34%, compared to 74% of those on long-acting testosterone.

In men, testosterone is an important component of sexual health. Higher levels of testosterone are associated with an increased sex drive, as well as with greater erectile function. So by suppressing testosterone production, opioids can make it more difficult for a man to achieve an erect penis. (And, with his sex drive also impacted, it may make a man less interested in sex as well.)

Check with doctor

If a man is using opioids and feels that they may be having an effect on his erect penis, he should consult with his doctor about an appropriate course of action to take. And if he feels that using opioids is having other negative effects, such as creating a potential dependency, he needs to bring this to the attention of his doctor right away.

Opioids are not the only factor impacting an erect penis, and having a healthy member overall increases the odds of having healthy erections. Men should regularly apply a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The ideal crème will contain a wide range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, the crème should contain the amino acid L-arginine, which helps boost nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide, in turn, helps keep penile blood vessels capable of receiving greater blood flow.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Itchy Penis and Summer Sweat: Could it be a Fungal Infection?

It’s an understandable equation: Summer=heat=sweat=jock itch. Sure, it’s a little more complicated than that, but this simple equation pretty much says it all. With the summer months here and the temperature rising every day, guys are getting hotter and sweatier. And once heat and sweat increase, so does the opportunity for an itchy penis to make its unwelcome presence known. Now, on the scale of penis health issues, jock itch is no crisis, being more of an annoyance than anything else. But as annoyances go, it’s pretty darn annoying.

So if summer sweat is here, what can a guy do to keep jock itch at bay or under control? First, it helps to know a little about what jock itch is.

A fungus

Jock itch isn’t just an itch that appears out of nowhere; it’s actually the result of a fungal infection. Like all fungi, jock itch is attracted to places that are dark and moist; sound like any crotches you know?

Jock itch presents as a red or pink rash on or around the penis, balls and anus. And as the name implies, it can itch like crazy. And although any guy can get it, people with certain conditions, such as diabetes or obesity, are more prone to jock itch than are others.


Because jock itch thrives in a moist environment, it pays to take steps to combat summer sweat. Here are a few ways to do that.

- Wash frequently . Even if a guy tends to shower every day, he may want to consider stepping up his penis washing during the summer - and especially if he is an active person who spends a lot of time engaged in sweaty activities. This doesn’t necessarily mean showering more often, but it does mean a guy may want to give a sponge bath or two just to the genitals during the course of a hot day.

- Change clothes (at least underwear) as necessary. Keeping the personal basement as dry as possible means stripping off those underpants that are dripping with sweat - and those trousers as well, if they’re damp from the heat. It doesn’t really help top wash the penis and then put it back in a sweaty pair of briefs.

- Choose clothing carefully. If the day is going to be hot, take a few extra minutes to plan the wardrobe accordingly. In general, loose boxers are cooler than tight briefs. Trousers made of lightweight breathable material, like cotton, are cooler than those made of heavy fabrics or synthetic fabrics. And for the most part, darker clothes "hold" the heat more than lighter colors do. Also, looser trousers are less likely to rub against the skin and create irritation.

- Keep clothes clean. Yes, sometimes it’s tempting to wear that pair of pants for one more day - but in the summer, fungus is more likely to have grown overnight than in the winter.

- Be careful in locker rooms. The fungus that causes jock itch also causes athlete’s foot - so be careful when in the locker room or sauna. Don’t borrow a friend’s towel, which maybe infected. And put down your own towel before sitting on a bench or in the sauna; someone’s athlete’s foot may recently have been there.

If a guy does come down with jock itch, there are numerous over-the-counter options he can use. Sometimes a case will be stubborn and require the help of a doctor.

Keeping sweat and jock itch under control are all part of good penis care. So is the daily use of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Seek out a crème that includes a combination of hydrating agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E, to help preserve the natural oils that keep skin smooth, even when sweat is wreaking havoc on the skin. The best crème will also include vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, which is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy penile tissue.

Penis Health and Naked Running

With summer in full swing, more people are taking advantage of the fine weather to engage in running activities. Some people are also happy that warm weather means it’s easier to engage in outdoor nudist activities. And there are also some people who combine these two areas and engage in naked running. For male enthusiasts of the last-named activity, this does raise the question: are there some penis health concerns to be considered when one is involved in naked running?

Yes, there are some issues that naked running men should consider - some of which indicate running naked may be beneficial, others of which indicate there may be some considerations to remember. And some of which have less to do with being naked and more to do with simply running.

- First and foremost: Be prepared for running . A man who has been a couch potato for the last few years shouldn’t jump into a nude marathon. Running is great exercise, but like any exercise it needs to be approached sensibly. Any time a person is significantly changing their exercise routine, checking in with a doctor is advised.

- Sunscreen. Those who are practicing nudists already know the importance of sunscreen. But if a guy does not already engage in a nudist lifestyle, he needs to take special care that those areas of the body that rarely see sun are properly protected.

- Get used to the floppiness. Running devoid of compression shorts can be a bonus for the balls. Compression shorts can restrict blood flow to the midsection, causing a pain in the balls - so running naked can be a plus. But the penis and balls do flop around while running. This can cause some minor pain, but more often it just feels a little awkward and may take some getting used to.

- Get ready for shrinkage. Most penises shrink quite a bit during the process of actually running, due to the physical activity itself. Don’t worry - they grow back to their normal size afterward, but many men feel needlessly embarrassed that they don’t present as more "hung" while running.

- Consider shoes. Some people run a naked race completely naked; others wear a hat or sunglasses - or shoes. If one’s feet aren’t ready for the rough road, shoes are perfectly legitimate.

- The penis and balls don’t get chafed. With no fabric to rub against, naked runners don’t develop the chafing and rashing that many do when wearing clothing.

- The penis stays cooler and less sweaty. Without the heat of clothing, the penis stays cooler. In addition, sweat appears and evaporates, rather than pooling. Sweat tends to come with bacteria and also dries out penis skin oil, resulting in dry penis skin. Naked running can reduce this penis health problem.

- Insects can be a problem. Without protective covering, the penis and environs can be a target for mosquitoes, ticks, etc. checking for such bites is important, especially if the running route goes through wooded areas.

So to summarize, there are positive penis health benefits (less heat and pooled sweat, etc.) and some disadvantages (direct exposure to sunlight and insects, etc.) to running naked. As in most cases, simple common sense can help to ensure a better run for your penis.

Whether running naked or not, a guy wants to take certain steps to keep his penis health a priority. One of these is the daily application of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, the crème should contain L-arginine. This amino acid helps produce nitric oxide, which is part of the process by which penile blood vessels are kept receptive to increased blood flow. And the crème should also include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties which can help decrease unwanted and persistent penis odor.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Red Penis – Problem or Good Circulation?

<p> Sometimes maintaining good penis health can lead a man to confusion about whether some aspect of his penis indicates a problem or not. For example, searching through men’s health sites, one often learns that a red penis can be a sign of a problem, such as an infection. That’s definitely true, but it’s also important to remember that not every red penis achieves that coloration due to infection. In many instances, a red penis may be the result of a healthy circulation system - and that’s a good thing. </p> <p> <strong>The "bad" red penis</strong> </p> <p> Self-diagnosing can be tricky - which is why consulting a doctor about penis health concerns is advised. Very often when "red penis" is listed as negative, it’s referring to a redness which is fairly limited in scope. For example, when balanitis is the cause of redness (almost exclusively in uncircumcised men), it’s generally localized in the glans and top of the foreskin. In other instances, the redness may refer to a splotchy rash, which may have any number of causes, and which is generally not a consistent, even redness throughout the penis. </p> <p> There can be instances when a penis is basically a deep red throughout the organ that indicates a problem - such as a penis which has received a sunburn after a day at the nude beach - but more often, when the redness affects the entire penis, it may in fact be a sign of good health. </p> <p> <strong>The healthy red penis</strong> </p> <p> Why is that? Because in such instances, the redness is generally occurring during an erection and is due to good circulation pumping blood throughout the penis. </p> <p> As most men know, it’s blood flow to the penis that is largely responsible for the physical act of erection. (Arousal and stimulation may help to set up the circumstances for the erection, but it’s a rush of blood that actually creates the hardening of the penis.) </p> <p> How much blood does the penis capture during an erection? As much as eight times the amount of blood that it uses when the organ is flaccid. That’s why it is so important to keep penile blood vessels healthy and able to expand fully, so that when the time comes, an adequate supply of blood can fill the member and make an impressive erection possible. </p> <p> And it’s that entrapment of blood which causes the penis in fair-skinned men to achieve a healthy red glow. (In darker-skinned men, the hue is less often red but there is still typically some change in coloration.) Penis skin is very thin, so the presence of blood is visibly represented by a reddening of the penis. </p> <p> <strong>And overall health</strong> </p> <p> So a guy wants to have good penile circulation in order for his erections to be firm. But it’s also worth noting that a red penis from healthy circulation often means is a sign that a gut’s overall circulatory health is probably pretty good. (There can be exceptions.) By the same token, if erections are weak due to circulation problems, it may be a sign that a man’s overall circulatory health may be under par - and should be checked out by a doctor. </p> <p> Good circulation can be indicated by a red penis - but in some cases a red penis may also come about when the organ has been rubbed raw due to overuse or unlubricated use. Applying a first rate <a href="" rel="nofollow">penis health creme</a> <strong>(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin)</strong> can help provide relief. The best creme for this will offer a combination of moisturizers, such as a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (like vitamin E). The moisturization helps heal rawness, and the presence of a potent antioxidant (alpha lipoic acid is an excellent one) helps strengthen the penis skin against future damage by fighting excess free radicals that weaken the skin.</p>

Itchy Penis? Use Shea Butter and Vitamin E

The reasons a man might suffer an itchy penis are endless. Even with the best penis care regimen, every man is going to deal with an itchy penis from time to time. In many cases, that itching happens when he’s in a place where he can’t simply let it all hang out and scratch to his heart’s content. But if he uses the right ingredients to eliminate that itchy penis problem, he won’t have to worry about being embarrassed or caught in a situation where he can’t get to that maddening itch. The answer lies in Shea butter and vitamin E.

What is Shea butter?
Though men might not be as familiar with Shea butter, many women across the world can attest to its wonders. It’s a natural oil derived from the African Shea tree. It has been used for a very long time in lotions, moisturizing crèmes and more, and now it has made its way into top-notch penis health crèmes. It keeps the skin extremely smooth and supple, but besides that, it has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help ensure the skin stays as healthy as possible. Shea butter has been known to stop the itching of dry skin and confront other skin problems as well.

What is vitamin E?
Vitamin E is taken as supplements, used in a variety of skin care products and even applied directly to the skin from tiny capsules of smooth, luxurious oil. Vitamin E is known for its ability to not only keep skin supple and soft, but to help heal minor irritations and smooth out redness. It’s also a great antioxidant, meaning that it attacks free radicals that can lead to problems in the body. By applying it directly to the skin, a man can reap the benefits of softer skin, healthier skin, and of course, alleviate an itchy penis.

Putting them together for the best results
Each of these ingredients is stellar on their own. But when they are combined, they create a powerful one-two punch of softness that can heal even the driest skin. Since many itchy penis problems are caused by dry skin, this means a top-notch men’s health crème can go a long way toward alleviating the itchiness almost immediately. By applying it every single day, a man can keep itchiness at bay most of the time.

What happens if a man is using a strong regimen of Shea butter and vitamin E, along with other vitamins and nutrients, but is suddenly assailed with a serious itchy problem? That’s when he might want to consider recent events. Has he recently changed detergents, used harsh soaps or come into contact with something that irritated the skin? Was he with a new partner and didn’t use any sort of protection during his romp? Has he been dealing with health issues that might have contributed to a change in his penis skin?

If this is the case, a man should make an appointment with his doctor to check out what might be behind the intense penis itch. In some cases, it might be a simple allergic reaction that can be remedied with an easy lifestyle change. In other cases, it might mean he needs to get a medical problem in check - and in the worst case scenario, it might mean he has contracted an STD from a partner.

To ensure an itchy penis doesn’t happen at the most inopportune time, a man should make a daily habit of applying a good penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In addition to Shea butter and vitamin E, the crème should contain other vital nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin A for fighting odor and L arginine for healthy cellular function. A penis health crème is an undeniable asset to any man’s daily penis care regimen.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Penis Health and Acetyl-L-Carnitine: A Nutrient Powerhouse for Male Function

Men seeking the best possible penis care should look to a powerful penis health crème to achieve that worthwhile goal. But what’s in that crème that makes it so special? It’s not just the great Shea butter base, nor the addition of vitamin E for hydration. It’s not just the plethora of vitamins proven to help with a wide variety of penis issues. One of the best nutrients for excellent penis care is the amino acid acetyl-L-carnitine.

What is acetyl-L-carnitine?

Also known as ALC, acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid naturally created by the body. Inside the body, it works to help produce energy, and is vital for heart and brain function, muscle movement and much more. Though it has been used for everything from improving blood flow to the brain to helping reverse the effects of alcohol abuse, acetyl-L-carnitine is best known for its ability to fight nerve damage.

Many men take acetyl-L-carnitine via mouth as a dietary supplement. Studies have shown that the nutrient can ease the nerve pain that accompanies diabetes, help with the pain of Peyronie’s disease, increase sperm count and sperm movement, help the symptoms of low testosterone, lessen sexual dysfunction, and even fight depression.

A miracle nutrient for the skin

Though men often take acetyl-L-carnitine by mouth to achieve full-body benefits, a man can take the benefits right to where it counts when he uses the amino acid in a penis health crème. By applying the powerful nutrient directly to the skin, it is slowly absorbed where it is needed most. This takes the amino acid right to the nerves just underneath the skin, thus providing faster healing of many penis problems and a lessening of various symptoms, including pain from nerve damage.

But keep in mind that acetyl-L-carnitine doesn’t just alleviate the nerve damage caused by diabetes and other health conditions. It can also be used by those who are in great health but have somehow damaged their penis over the years. One of the most common reasons for this is improper masturbation, where a man uses a very tight grip (sometimes known as a ‘death grip’) and perhaps even no lubricant while doing the deed. These choices can, over time, lead to a lack of penis sensitivity and eventually long-term damage that makes it tough for a man to enjoy sex as he once did.

Even if a man doesn’t notice any signs of penis trouble right now, it still pays to use a daily dose of topical acetyl-L-carnitine to ensure that no problems occur.

Other things to know about acetyl-L-carnitine

If a man is considering acetyl-L-carnitine as a dietary supplement, he should check with his doctor to ensure there will be no interaction with medications and other supplements he might be taking. This is especially true if a man is on blood thinners, as many doctors frown on combining them with certain supplements.

In addition, a man who chooses to take acetyl-L-carnitine orally will likely have no side effects, as they are quite rare. However, if he begins to experience nausea, vomiting, restlessness and a fish-like odor to the breath and his sweat, it might be best to stop taking the supplement by mouth.

Regardless of whether he uses it as an oral supplement, a man can always use it as a topical medication. This is where a great penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) comes into play. Always look for a crème that contains vital amino acids, including acetyl-L-carnitine, as well as L-arginine for increased blood flow and alpha-lipoic acid to fight premature aging. Vitamin A for odor-fighting, vitamin C for overall health and vitamin B5 for cell metabolism are also a great idea. All this in a Shea butter base, applied directly to the penis on a daily basis, can ensure the best penis care at the cellular level.

Uncommon Penis Problems: When an Erection Causes Pain

Men who have heard of priapism but have never endured it may find more likely to inspire snickering than empathy. But the fact is that priapism is one of the more serious penis problems a man can encounter, and one that needs to be treated promptly when it occurs.

Back to the Greeks

Priapism refers to a condition in which the penis is kept in a persistent and frequently painful state of erection for an extended period of time - typically four hours or more. The name is a reference to Priapus (or Priapos), a minor fertility god in Greek mythology. As is fitting for a god whose domain was fertility, Priapus was always depicted with a monstrously large penis - and one that was always fully erect and ready to function.

That’s all well and good for a fertility god, but it’s not as much fun as it sounds for a human male. Despite most men’s desire to always be "ready to go," the fact is that the penis isn’t built to maintain a total engorgement for extended times. Even men who "edge" when they masturbate - that is, masturbate until they almost ejaculate, then stop to let the urge to ejaculate subside, then masturbate again, sometimes repeating for hours - don’t maintain a constant, full erection during their playtime.

What happens?

So, what happens when a man is struck with priapism? Basically, it depends on whether the priapism is considered ischemic or non-ischemic.

In ischemic priapism, blood flows into the penis, fills the spongy tissue in the organ and causes it to become erect - but then the blood is unable to get out of the penis and allow it to "deflate." This is the more common form of priapism. A penis suffering from ischemic priapism typically has a very rigid shaft but a glans that is on the soft side. It is also quite painful.

With non-ischemic priapism, trauma to the penis ruptures an artery or vessel, which allows a high flow of blood into the penis, but it does not remain trapped there in the same way as with ischemic priapism. The erections with the non-ischemic form tend to be not as fully rigid and are generally not painful.

Seek help

In either case, medical attention is advised; although non-ischemic priapism frequently resolves on its own, if it continues for too long a time, it can cause damage. The damage from prolonged ischemic priapism is generally more severe. With the blood trapped in the penis, the tissue loses oxygen and can be damaged or even die. Although there are no hard and fast rules, a general rule of thumb is that the longer a priapic episode lasts, the greater the chances of erectile dysfunction.

While non-ischemic priapism is typically caused by penile trauma, there can be several causes for ischemic priapism. Men with sickle cell anemia are disproportionately prone to it, as the sickle shape of the cells may cause the blockage of blood in the penis. Other blood disorders, such as leukemia or thalassemia, have also been associated with the condition. In addition, a wide range of mediations, alcohol and drug abuse and spinal cord injuries have been associated with an increased risk as well. Whatever the cause, seeking treatment is essential.

Priapism produces its own brand of penis pain, but more typical penile soreness often responds to application of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Rich, soothing Shea butter and moisturizing vitamin E work well together to rejuvenate the skin and ease pain. It also helps when the crème contains vitamin C, an important component of collagen, which enhances suppleness and flexibility of penis skin.