Friday, 27 January 2012

What Causes Decreased Penis Sensitivity and How to Fix It?

Over time, many men experience diminished penis sensitivity to some degree. This loss of sensation can be caused by numerous factors, including continual friction, circumcision, and certain common skin disorders. In most cases, treating the skin of the penis with a high-quality penis crème (men’s health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) on a regular basis can prevent and even reverse lost penis sensation.

Causes of Lost Penis Sensitivity

The penis is a highly sensitive organ that contains thousands of nerve endings just under the surface of the skin. In order for sexual arousal to occur, these nerve endings need to be stimulated. When a loss of sensation occurs, it becomes more difficult for men to become aroused or to have an orgasm. The following health and environmental factors may cause loss of penis sensation:

Prolonged friction

Ongoing friction – rubbing of the penile skin – can eventually lead to toughening of the outer dermal layer (similar to callousing on the hands and feet), which ultimately results in a loss of sensation. Restrictive clothing, abrasive detergents, rough sex or masturbation, and even activities such as cycling can create friction in this delicate area and eventually decrease penis sensitivity.

To avoid this problem, it is best to wear loose-fitting clothing that does not bind, stick to silk or soft cotton underwear, and use a mild soap for cleansing. During sports activities, make sure that the genitals are supported appropriately; but avoid using support garments that are overly restrictive. Treating the area daily with a specially formulated penis moisturizer can counteract the effects of drying and rubbing and keep the skin of the penis well-nourished and healthy.

Poor circulation

Lack of exercise, poor heart health and being overweight are all associated with poor circulation. When blood flow is restricted, the nerve endings and skin of the penis become essentially malnourished; cells are unable to rejuvenate, leading to a loss of sensation in the area. Getting plenty of exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight, and eating a nutritious diet can all help to maintain appropriate penis sensitivity.

Drug, alcohol and tobacco use

The negative effects of drug use, smoking, and excessive consumption of alcohol are innumerable. Along with a multitude of other health issues, these harmful substances prevent proper cell regeneration and lead to a loss of nerve sensation. Avoiding drugs and smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can help to promote proper cell regrowth, preventing loss of penis sensation.

Skin disorders

The penis can be affected by numerous skin disorders that may also lead to a loss of penile sensation. Bacterial and fungal infections can affect the dermal surface of the penis and lead to a decrease in sensation; these infections often occur when microscopic tears in the skin’s surface allow bacteria and other harmful organisms to enter the bloodstream. In order to avoid these uncomfortable skin disorders, health experts recommend applying a moisturizing cream on a regular basis.

Increasing Penis Sensitivity

The best ways to increase penis sensitivity is to engage in activities that promote healthy cell and nerve function. This means wearing underwear and clothing that is supportive, but not restrictive, cutting down on smoking and alcohol consumption, eating a healthy balanced diet, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. In addition, it is important to choose sexual partners with discretion and to use appropriate protection at all times during intercourse, as well as oral sex. It is also suggested that a penis health crème containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), be used daily to aid in cell rejuvenation in order to keep the penis in optimal condition.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Penis Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

With a growing awareness of nutrition and other health issues, men are increasingly giving attention to important aspects of self-care, including eating better, exercising more often, and having regular physical exams. However, many men still ignore one important aspect of overall well-being – their penis health. Proper care of the penis is essential to maintaining sexual performance and avoiding unpleasant or disabling health issues. In order to promote optimum penile health, men’s health experts recommend daily use of a penis health creme containing natural vitamins and other nutrients such as alpha lipoic acid (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that have proven beneficial health qualities for the penis.

What is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid (or ALA) is an amino acid which functions as a so-called “building block” for proteins– chemicals which provide the body with energy. Alpha lipoic acid works in conjunction with another important amino acid known as acetyl L carnitine; the main task of ALA is to help convert blood sugar (glucose) into energy that the body can use. It also plays an important role in fighting off disease.

While alpha lipoic acid is manufactured in the body in small amounts and can be consumed in foods such as dark green, leafy vegetables, as well as organ meats and rice bran, most men do not get enough of this important nutrient; often, supplementing is necessary in order to get the greatest benefits of ALA.

What are the most significant penis benefits of alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is essential for providing the body with the fuel it needs to perform normal activities, as well as to sustain energy levels for increased physical activity such as sexual intercourse. In addition to its metabolic properties, ALA also provides several penis-specific health benefits:

1. Prevention of Peyronie’s disease: This painful and disfiguring disease occurs when scar tissue develops underneath the skin at the base of the penis. As the scar tissue forms, it can cause the penis to bend or arc during an erection, making intercourse difficult or even painful. Alpha lipoic acid helps to protect against the thickening and hardening of penile tissue, making it an important deterrent for health issues such as Peyronie’s disease.

2. Prevention against Cell Damage: ALA has powerful antioxidant properties which help the body to fight off environmental damage. Antioxidants help to protect the penile cells from harmful agents which may lead to cancer; these chemicals are also proven to minimize the effects of aging and can prevent the penis from taking on a “wrinkled” appearance.

3. Increased Energy: ALA helps to increase the production of energy in the body, providing the fuel that is needed for sustained physical efforts such as sexual intercourse. Men who use an ALA supplement may find that they are able to maintain erections longer and enjoy more satisfying sex.

Where can I find men’s products containing alpha lipoic acid that provide specific penis health benefits?

There are significant health benefits to be gained from the use of supplements containing alpha lipoic acid. While there are many supplements containing ALA on the shelves of most pharmacies, these are in the form of oral supplements that are not always well-absorbed by the body. The penis benefits of alpha lipoic acid are most easily obtained through use of a specially-formulated penis health creme such as Man1 Man Oil) which is applied directly to the penis and absorbed into the skin for maximum effectiveness. The penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and moisturizers contained in this specialty crème provide numerous penis health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Benefits of Using a Penis Health Creme

Although the penis is such an important appendage to most men, few give much thought to caring for it beyond showering on a daily basis. However, in order to maintain a healthy and fully-functional penis, greater attention to genital health care is needed. A daily regimen that includes cleaning and grooming, as well as regular self-examination, is advised. In addition, applying a penis health crème that contains penis-specific nutrients (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is suggested to increase sexual pleasure nand prevent uncomfortable skin conditions and infections, as well as more serious problems that can affect penis health in the long term.

Proper Penis Care

Following the steps described below can help to keep the penis healthy, as well as functioning at top form.

Daily Washing

Failure to keep the penis clean and dry can result in a number of unpleasant conditions:

• Fungal infections – Unwashed skin is prime territory for the development of fungal infections, which can cause redness, itching, soreness and rash. Keeping the area clean and dry can prevent fungal infections such as jock itch from taking hold.

• Bacterial infections – Penis skin that is not clean can develop microscopic fissures which allow harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream, resulting in infections which can affect not only the penis, but the rest of the body, as well. Washing and moisturizing with a penis health crème can prevent problems caused by harmful organisms.

• Dry, flaking skin – Washing the penis every day and wearing clean, loose-fitting clothing can prevent dryness, flaking and chafing, which can lead to discomfort or soreness during masturbation or sexual intercourse.

• Foul odors – it goes without saying that unwashed skin can result in some highly unpleasant odors. Washing the genital area every day keeps away odor-causing bacteria and preventing that distinctive and off-putting smell.


While trimming the hair in the genital area is not on every man’s to-do list, keeping the area well-groomed is useful for preventing chafing and itching; in addition, removing excessive hair growth can prevent foul odors from developing. As an added advantage, many women find a well-groomed man to be more attractive.


Since the key to treating nearly any health disorder successfully is early detection, conducting a regular self-examination is recommended. Men should make it a habit to check over the penis and genital area on a regular basis, looking for moles, warts or other unusual growths, as well as lesions, rash, or bumps under the skin. In most cases, these conditions are easily treated, but problems that do not respond to treatment at home within a few days should be checked by a doctor.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle which is characterized by eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding the use of tobacco products can prevent a wide range of health problems and promote good penis health. In addition, it is important to choose sexual partners with care and use proper protection during sex.

Prevent Problems and Keep Your Penis Healthy with a Penis Health Crème

In addition to all of these measures, health care professionals advise that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients be used daily.

The benefits of using a penis health crème include keeping the skin clean and moisturized, as well as protecting this sensitive organ from bacterial or fungal infections and environmental contaminants that may lead to more serious penis health issues. Evidence has shown that men who use a penis health crème experience fewer penis problems and enjoy a more satisfactory sex life than men who neglect penis care.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Common Penis Problems May be Treated at Home

Almost all men encounter minor penis conditions from time to time that cause symptoms such as dryness, itching, redness, soreness, and unpleasant odors. These common penis problems, while uncomfortable, are generally not a cause for much concern. Most penis issues can be easily resolved at home using a moisturizer or penis health crème containing natural vitamins and moisturizers (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Penis problems that are painful, do not clear up on their own after a few days, or are accompanied by a headache, fever, swelling or discharge may be a sign of a more serious condition and should be treated by a medical professional. Men who may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease should abstain from sex (including oral contact) until they have been examined by a doctor. Some of the most common penis health problems that men encounter are described below.

Bacterial Infection

The surface of the skin is covered with microscopic organisms that are generally harmless and even sometimes beneficial. However, some of these bacteria may cause problems when they are allowed to penetrate the outer dermal layer to the tissue below. Rough sex, masturbation, latex condoms, and even clothing can irritate the skin and cause tiny cracks to develop, allowing bacteria to penetrate the deeper layers and cause infection.


Signs of a bacterial infection include redness, mild swelling, rash, and discomfort.


While infections that are well-established may require prescription medication, the best way to treat this problem is to avoid it in the first place; keeping the area clean and using a daily moisturizer can prevent bacterial infections and leave the surface of the penis smooth and supple.

Male Yeast Infection

Like female yeast infection, the male version is caused by the Candida fungus, which is commonly present on the skin. While this organism is dormant under normal conditions, certain imbalances in the body can cause the fungus to flourish, leading to some uncomfortable symptoms. Yeast infection can be passed back and forth between sexual partners, so it is important that if one member of a couple develops symptoms, both are treated.


In men, signs of yeast infection include redness (especially at the tip of the penis), itching, flaking of the skin, and burning during urination.


When treated right away, yeast infection usually disappears quickly, in a matter of a few days. Men as well as women can use topical over-the-counter yeast infection remedies for treating this uncomfortable condition.


This penis condition is diagnosed when the foreskin tightens so that it cannot retract over the glans (head) of the penis. While this problem is common in infants, it can also occur in adults.


The most obvious symptom of phimosis is the inability of the foreskin to retract, which can lead to discomfort or pain during masturbation or sex. In some cases, the foreskin may actually become stuck behind the glans if it does manage to retract.


While many men opt for circumcision to treat this problem, others choose to pursue less-invasive treatment before resorting to surgery. Stretching the skin carefully and using a penis-specific moisturizer may help to loosen the foreskin and help it to retract easily.

Dry, Irritated Skin

Most men experience dry and irritated skin from time to time, whether as a result of an infection or simply rough handling. As noted above in the section on bacterial infections, aggressive sex, masturbation, and skin sensitivities can all lead to drying and discomfort. Psoriasis, which causes itching, redness and flaking, can also contribute to penis irritation.


Signs of irritated skin include a dry, wrinkled appearance, redness, and flaking.


Treating dry and irritated penis skin can be as easy as maintaining good hygiene, wearing clean, cotton underwear, and using a moisturizer on a regular basis.

Keeping Your Penis Healthy

The best way to prevent penis problems is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding the use of tobacco products; it is also important to choose sexual partners with care. In addition, it is suggested that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients be used daily to moisturize the skin and protect the penis from bacterial or fungal infections and environmental contaminants that may lead to more serious penis health issues.