it comes to penis health, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of
cure. In fact, men who practice proper penis health care may be
able to completely avoid these five common conditions that can strike a man
below the belt.
1. Penile
soft, the penis is bendable and movable. When rigid, however, the cells of the
penis aren't quite as flexible as they should be, and a sudden movement in the
wrong direction can lead to a break. Often, these injuries occur when men are
engaged in hurried encounters in tiny spaces, like cars or closets. They can
also strike men who use quick, forceful movements that hit a partner's
immovable bones. Men who use a little care when they're aroused can keep these
injuries from taking place. Movements should be deliberate and carefully
orchestrated, so everyone knows where the action is headed, and they should
take place in safe spaces, like bedrooms.
2. Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs)
diseases can jump from person to person during a sexual encounter, and it isn't
always easy to spot an infection through a quick visual inspection. This kind
of problem can be avoided altogether if men refrain from intimate encounters
with partners that haven't been tested for STIs, or if they stick with the same
long-term partner in a committed and monogamous relationship. Guys with a
little fire in their blood, however, may need to rely on latex barriers during
sexual activity for some protection. Even then, however, some skin may be
exposed to infection, so regular testing and treatments are called for.
3. Bent Penis
scar tissue develops on the erectile chambers, the consequent lack of
stretching ability can morph a straight penis into a bending, curving tool that
can cause a great deal of pain and even interfere with the ability to engage in
sex. Once again, treating the package with tender care is key. Rough
masturbation techniques, in particular, can be deadly for the penis. Using
proper lubrication and an ample amount of time can keep pockets of scar tissue
from forming. Masturbation like this can also be much more pleasurable than
furtive, burning episodes that leave only pain behind.
4. Balanitis
is a fancy word that describes inflammation on the head of the penis, and it's
commonly caused by:
- Yeast infections
- STIs
- Harsh detergents
- Perfumed lotions
- Poor hygiene
few colonies of germs allowed to spread in penile tissue can grow and grow
until they cause severe discomfort, and harsh cleansing methods can irritate
the skin yet further. A daily wash with warm water and hypoallergenic soap can
keep this problem from occurring.
5. Sensitivity
ability of the penis to detect a gentle touch or a soft breeze is legendary,
but unfortunately, that ability can fade with time. Rough treatment is
sometimes to blame here, as men can pull and tug on their equipment and toughen
the outer layers of skin in the process. Sometimes, however, poor nutrition is
to blame. Penile tissue needs a variety of vitamins and minerals in order to
stay moist and sensitive, and often, a man's diet isn't as healthful as it
should be. Taking vitamins orally may not help, either, as the body may choose
to apply those nutrients to help other tissues before it assists the penis. A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be a vital help here.
These products allow a man to deliver vital nutrition directly to the starved
tissues that need it most. Using a penis health creme as part of a regular part
of the grooming process could allow a man to keep his sensitivity, well into
his golden years.
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