Friday, 31 May 2013

Sexual Function and High Cholesterol - Revealing the Connection

High cholesterol and erectile dysfunction are two problems that commonly plague men, especially as they move into their older years. However, what many men do not realize is that these two conditions are closely linked; excessive levels of cholesterol can seriously impair sexual function and reduce men’s sex drive. The good news is that reducing levels of bad cholesterol can significantly improve sex drive and performance; with the right attention to diet, exercise and penis health, men can enjoy greater stamina, as well as longer, stronger erections.

Four ways that cholesterol affects sexual function
1. Reduced blood flow. Cholesterol is a fatty substance, almost like wax. There are two types of cholesterol that are produced by the body and/or consumed in the diet. HDL (or "good") cholesterol is important in terms of hormone production, as well as in regulating levels of LDL (or "bad") cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to serious health complications when it accumulates in the arteries, forming plaques that restrict blood flow. While this is dangerous to heart health in general, clogged arteries are specifically detrimental to penis function, as they result in insufficient blood flow being directed to the penis.

2. Reduced levels of nitric oxide. The ability to achieve and maintain an erections depends largely on a chemical called nitric oxide, which is produced in the body and used to signal the blood vessels to expand, allowing for increased blood flow. Cholesterol interferes with the body’s ability to release this chemical into the blood stream, affecting erectile function.

3. Reduced testosterone levels. Clogged arteries also reduce blood flow to the testicles, meaning that they are less able to produce testosterone. Since this hormone controls sex drive, as well as promoting sexual stimulation, reduced levels lead to reduced libido and loss of male function. Lower levels of testosterone can also leave men feeling tired, irritable and less able to cope with daily life.

4. Medication. Prescription medications known as statins are commonly used to treat high cholesterol. However, statins have a negative effect on erectile function, so although they might help to lower cholesterol levels, men who are taking them may still experience loss of function. While it is important to continue taking medications prescribed by the doctor, it is also a good idea to talk to a qualified health professional about lifestyle changes and other alternatives to help lower cholesterol levels naturally.

Combatting erectile dysfunction by maintaining a healthy penis
Lowering cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular health are essential when it comes to restoring adequate function. All men should work toward a healthy lifestyle by consuming a diet that is high in fiber, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables; and that is low in unhealthy fats and added cholesterol. Regular exercise is also key to keeping cholesterol levels at optimum levels, as well as promoting overall health. Quitting smoking is also urged for all men, as those who smoke tend to have narrower, less resilient arteries than non-smokers.

In addition to these measures, attention to the penis itself is essential. Applying a high-quality penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) on a daily basis can provide the nourishment the penis needs to stay in business. For instance, vitamin B5 helps to promote dilation of the circulatory tissue, while L-arginine boosts nitric oxide levels in the body. In addition, vitamin C is needed to maintain the structure of the blood vessels and to simulate erections. Applying these nutrients topically allows them to be absorbed directly into the penile skin, bypassing the digestive tract where they can be eliminated or routed to other parts of the body.

Erectile Function and Cardiovascular Health - Exploring the Heart-Erection Connection

The heart-erection link explained
All aspects of a man’s health can ultimately affect his erectile function and ability to keep things going in the bedroom. Cardiovascular health, in particular, plays a tremendous role in this respect. Men who have reduced blood flow - whether due to decreased heart function itself or due to hardened or clogged arteries (a condition known as atherosclerosis) are highly likely to develop erectile issues as a result. In addition, poor heart health and diabetes are closely linked; patients who are being treated for morbidly high blood sugar are prone to nerve damage that disrupts the signals between the brain and penis that are needed to trigger an erection.

From a mental health standpoint, depression and anxiety have been linked to both heart disease and erectile dysfunction; treating emotional issues such as these can help to restore adequate sexual function, as well. Fortunately for most men, treating the underlying health problem can help to combat loss of function. With extra attention to penis health, as well, many men can overcome impotence issues and once again enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life.

5 lifestyle changes for healthy erectile function
1. Lose weight. Being overweight puts extra strain on the heart, and men who are obese are often lacking in the stamina needed to take an encounter from start to finish. On top of this, abdominal fat tends to disrupt testosterone production, further reducing a man’s sex drive. Losing the spare tire can not only help a man to feel more confident and attractive; it can also help him spring into action more efficiently when the time is right.

2. Work out. The increased blood flow caused by a cardio workout stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a chemical in the body that dilates the blood vessels, allowing the penis to fill with blood more readily. Men who exercise regularly are more likely to have strong, firm erections.

3. Quit smoking. Men who smoke are twice as likely as non-smokers to develop erectile issues. Smoking clamps down on the blood vessels, significantly restricting blood flow and limiting the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

4. Avoid a full stomach at playtime. Eating a big meal and/or consuming alcohol causes extra blood to be diverted to the abdominal area and digestive tract. While the blood is busy fueling digestion, less is available to fuel an erection. Avoiding eating for at least two hours before sex can free up the blood flow to take care of business in the sack.

5. Supplement. Men who supplement with the amino acid L-arginine are at an advantage, because this important nutrient stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which is needed for forming and maintaining an erection. Men who elect to take supplements should consult a doctor beforehand.

Care and upkeep of the penis
If the condition of the penis is not up to par, then performance can be a problem regardless of how efficiently the heart is pumping. But as most men know, a lifetime of rough treatment can wreak havoc on the penis. A tight grip during alone time can lead to peripheral nerve damage that ultimately dulls penis sensation, and lack of lube can cause minute tears that toughens the skin, giving it an unattractive appearance and further reducing the ability to sense pleasurable touch.

In order to keep the penis in good repair and able to rise to any occasion, proper attention to care and maintenance is required. Wearing non-restrictive clothing can help boost circulation to the area, allowing for oxygenation of the skin and nerve cells. A daily wash is beneficial in clearing away built-up body fluids and dead skin cells; and applying a high-quality penis health cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is an ideal way to ensure that the penis absorbs the vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids (including L-arginine) that are needed to continually repair minor tissue damage that can lead to loss of sensation. A quality cream will also contain natural moisturizers such as Shea butter, which leaves the skin feeling soft, smooth and responsive.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Avoiding Penis Problems - The Top 5 Benefits of Male Masturbation

From the time an adolescent boy discovers what the penis can really do, masturbation can become a frequent occupation. Self-pleasuring provides comfort, relaxation, release, and an intense good feeling that only the act of intercourse itself can replicate. Unfortunately, boys are often taught that masturbation is wrong, and that any number of bad things will happen if they engage in such an activity. A whole mythology has sprung up around the issue, involving side effects like hairy palms, blindness, permanent disfigurement, and infertility.

However, the truth is that masturbation has numerous important benefits that can have a positive effect on a man’s penis health, in addition to his overall physical and emotional well-being.

The 5 most important benefits of masturbation
    - Masturbating helps prevent cancer
According to a 2003 study conducted in Australia, men who masturbated and/or had sex 5 times or more each week had a reduced risk of developing life-threatening prostate cancer. This is apparently due to the fact that ejaculation flushes built-up toxins from the urogenital tract, preventing them from causing cellular damage that can lead to cancer.
    - Rubbing one out makes erections harder and stronger
Getting it off regularly helps to work the pelvic floor muscles and to boost circulation to the area, resulting in stronger, harder erections that are sturdy enough to stay the course. On the other hand, as the old saying goes, he who doesn’t use it, loses it, so taking care of business can help to stave off future problems with male dysfunction.
    - Self-pleasuring helps men to last longer in the sack
Men who have issues with premature ejaculation may be able to train the old John Thomas to take a little more time in bed by working at going longer when going solo. To extend between-the-sheet sessions, men can try upping the number of strokes it takes to ‘arrive’ every time they engage in a little alone time.
    - Masturbation can boost immunity
The hormone cortisol, which is often referred to as the ‘stress’ hormone, actually plays in important role in regulating the body’s immune response. Masturbation releases small amounts of cortisol into the body, thereby helping to boost the immune system and increase its ability to fight off disease.
    - Self-stimulation is a demonstrated mood enhancer
As most guys already know, a regular trip to the palm prom is a great way to release anxiety, boost a bad mood, and promote an overall sense of well-being. This is due to the neurochemicals oxytocin and dopamine that are released as part of the process - two chemicals produced by the body that are responsible for helping men to feel relaxed, happy and good about themselves.

Keeping the equipment in good repair
In spite of the clear benefits of masturbating, rough handling of the package can take a toll, leading to skin and nerve damage that can significantly diminish the pleasurable sensations related to manual stroking. Dry skin, minute tears, and damage to the delicate nerve tissue under the penile skin can result from dry stroking or an overly firm grip.

To alleviate this problem, a personal lubricant is essential for every session. In between rounds, men can promote healing and good health by keeping the area clean, wearing non-restrictive clothing, and adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily penis care regimen. Penis-specific nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as natural moisturizers, can stimulate the regrowth of healthy, supple, responsive tissue and enhance the look and feel of the manhood; these benefits can help masturbation to feel better, not to mention making the package more attractive when a partner comes into the mix.

Penis Care and Protection - Boosting Penile Health with Vitamin D

The skin that surrounds the penis is a bit like the plastic wrapper on a candy bar: It keeps the product inside fresh and protected from the elements, and if the wrapper is attractive enough, a consumer might be persuaded to give that product a closer inspection. Keeping that skin healthy should be at the top of any man's penis health priority list, and Vitamin D could play a key role. Unfortunately, the average guy might not be getting enough of this element to meet his needs, unless he adds a supplement.

Basking in the Benefits
Producing Vitamin D is relatively easy: Men can just bare their arms to the bright sunshine for about 30 minutes twice each week. The golden rays pierce the upper layers of the skin and all of the chemical reactions take over from there. No thought, movement or action is needed at all.

Modern men might not feel comfortable stripping down to the waist and lolling about in the sunshine without sunscreen, however, as skin cancer has been tied to excessive sun exposure. It's a dangerous problem, and as a result, many men have been coached to slather on sunscreen each and every time they leave their homes when the sun is present, and those products can block Vitamin D production. Additionally, some men live in climates in which the sun just doesn't show up for weeks on end. As a result, men might have a deficiency of this vitamin, and their penile skin could pay the price.

When vitamin levels are running low, the body has to make key decisions about where to apply the supplies it does have, and the penis might lose out in these equations. Vitamin D is needed for vital structures, including the bones and the heart, and the body might choose these systems over the skin on a regular basis. In time, if the deficiency continues, a man might have a flaky, unresponsive tool due to this lack of nutrition.

Adding a Supplement
Since Vitamin D is so important to human health, it's been added to all sorts of products, including:
  • Tofu
  • Orange juice
  • Cereal
  • Vitamin pills
  • Milk
These supplemental items can add a Vitamin D punch to almost any diet, but they might not provide the most direct route to penile health. After all, these substances must also work their way through the digestive tract, and they might also be diverted to other body systems at almost any point in the process. Oral supplementation can also be dangerous for people who hope to ensure robust health by loading up on vitamins.

Vitamin D is fat soluble, meaning it doesn't tend to leave the body with ease. People who load up on the vitamin by taking mega-doses on a regular basis could end up with too much, and they could develop serious health problems as a result. In fact, people who take in huge amounts of oral Vitamin D could develop calcium deposits in their blood. It's a rare side effect, but it's certainly possible for people who go overboard with the vitamins on a regular basis.

Sliding to Good Health
A topical application of Vitamin D allows men to put the nutrition right where it's needed most, and the risk of overdosing with a topical cream is incredibly small. The body just doesn't tend to absorb toxic amounts of vitamins through the skin, so applying the products topically seems to provide the safest route to robust health.

A penis health creme fortified with Vitamin D (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains all of the nutrition a man needs for robust penis health, and it's fun to apply. A small amount can just be rubbed into the skin of the penis after a warm bath or shower. Good health never felt so good, and a penis health creme can make it all happen.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Penis Health Facts - Why Vitamin C Isn’t Just for Colds Anymore

Everybody knows that vitamin C has immune-boosting properties. In fact, it seems that one cannot get so much as a sniffle without a well-meaning friend reminding them to take some vitamin C. Vitamin C also has lesser-known properties that make it a penis-friendly vitamin, and one that should be stocked up on every day - not just during cold and flu season. Learn more about how vitamin C can be integrated into the daily routine for penis health and better sexual function.

How vitamin C maintains penis health
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body uses to repair tissue, improve the health of the blood vessels and keep all systems healthy. It is also a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body, unlike some other nutrients. Vitamin C easily passes out of the body via urine, making it even more important to consume foods high in vitamin C daily. Vitamin C works all throughout the body, and especially benefits a man’s sexual health in numerous ways.

Keeps the heart healthy: Vitamin C is important for the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system, so it is intuitive that the vitamin also plays a key role in penile functioning. Proper blood flow is mandatory to achieve a solid erection and the circulation to the area suffers if one’s ticker is not functioning effectively. A healthy heart is the first step to a healthy penis.

Healthy blood vessels: Just as a healthy heart is important to maintaining penis health, so to is the health of the blood vessels that supply the blood to the manhood. Vitamin C helps to repair and maintain the health of the delicate tissues, blood vessels, and even any skin that becomes damaged or injured. Keeping the blood vessels strong and healthy can help allow the blood to flow more freely to the penis, allowing for healthy engorgement.

Antioxidant Properties: Vitamin C is one of the elusive and sought after antioxidants, which help attack cancer-causing free radicals in the body. In terms of the penis, it helps keep the skin of the penis healthy and may help fight against cancer that could invade the reproductive organs.

Keeps the skin healthy: The skin of the penis is, perhaps, the most delicate skin on the body of a man. Even the most diligent self-care routine leaves bacteria - which love to grow in moist, warm areas - on the skin. This bacteria can lead to rashes, itchiness, and even a burning sensation. Vitamin C can help stave of infections that lead to that oh so uncomfortable itch.

How to take vitamin C
Doctors recommend adult men over age 19 get 90 mg of vitamin C per day. Of course, the best source of the vitamin is the natural variety from fruits and veggies, but for men who can’t seem to squeeze enough of the good stuff into their diets, there are dietary supplements available to help up the dose of vitamin C. Some men prefer to take multivitamins, which contain all the recommended vitamins needed daily, while others choose a vitamin C only supplement to hit their daily intake.

Alternatively, for men who are seeking to maximize the penis health boosting benefits of vitamin C, a specially formulated penis vitamin creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may be the best option. An all-natural vitamin creme can be applied directly to the skin of the penis, allowing for maximum absorption and effectiveness. Such a formula should be used daily as part of the grooming routine and should be applied after getting out of the shower, and while the skin is still slightly damp, to help lock in moisture.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Solving Penis Problems - Vital Members of a Penis Healthcare Team

At one time or another, almost every man on the planet will need the help of a doctor for a penis problem. A man's equipment is delicate, and it's often exposed to a significant amount of use and abuse; as a result, all sorts of things can go wrong in all sorts of ways. Men who need help may be stymied by the sheer number of people who are ready and willing to help them with their penis health problems, and they may have no idea who to call first. The following paragraphs outline the vital players on a man's intimate healthcare team.

Physicians: The First Stop
A general physician is an excellent ally for a man with any health-related problem, including those issues that strike intimate tissue. These medical professionals are trained to look over a person's health from a holistic perspective, and during a visit, a doctor like this might take all sorts of measurements, including assessments of:
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Temperature
  • White blood cell count
  • Blood sugar levels 

Any of these factors could play a role in penis health, and a quick screening could help a guy get back to business in no time at all. Some doctors are even comfortable with diagnosing and treating minor skin ailments that can strike in sensitive areas. It might be unusual to think of visiting the same person for a penis problem that a man might see for strep throat, but a general practitioner really could provide one-stop shopping for problems downstairs. If the issue is just a little more complicated and a little more involved, a general physician might provide a man with a referral to a specialist that can help.

Urologists: For Interior Problems
Below-the-belt problems that involve deep tissues are the specialty of urologists. These medical professionals know all about how the reproductive system works, and they also have in-depth knowledge of the systems the body uses in order to remove waste. Men who have questions involving function rather than issues of appearance might get the help they need from a visit to the urologist.

Urology appointments usually begin with a thorough exam, and the doctor might also look over the records the general practitioner took during that appointment. In some cases, a urologist can provide a quick solution with salves, medications or exercises. Sometimes, however, urologists need to do more intensive testing before they can come to a definitive diagnosis.

Dermatologists: For Exterior Issues
Some manhood woes involve the wrapper of skin around the penis. Welts, lumps, bumps and itching can all have their roots in skin tissues, and finding the answer to these problems can be a little difficult, as the problems can have so many causes. Sometimes, multiple factors are at play. Dermatologists are comfortable with the detective role, and they can perform a variety of tests to determine what might be invading the skin and what might best be done about it. Creams and lotions often play a prominent role, but oral medications aren't unheard of.

The Self: Prevention Starts Here
While medical professionals are ready and willing to help men with penis woes, men who take proper care of their tools may not have a need for multiple visits. These men might take care to wash without harsh detergents and they may have a deep commitment to using gentle sex techniques that don't tend to result in damage. Men like this may also use a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis, ensuring that their delicate tissues have the nutrition and moisture they need to fend off damage.

Sexual Stimulant or Health Hazard: Why Sex and Alcohol Don’t Mix

It is not uncommon for a man - or a woman for that matter - to be nervous about a sexual experience, particularly if it is with a new partner. A man may be worried about his skills in the sack, self-conscious about being naked, or just plain afraid his partner won’t be satisfied with his love stick. Whatever the reason for the nerves, some people turn to alcohol or other drugs as a sexual stimulant as they believe it will allow them to relax and perform better.

Unfortunately, this practice can actually have the opposite effect on one’s libido and has potentially risky side effects. Perhaps rather than stressing about a new relationship, it is better to take it slow and be sure both partners are ready for the next step. Additionally, striving to keep the penis in tip top condition with a daily penis care routine may help reduce feelings of self-consciousness and increase feelings of confidence while naked.

Alcohol and Sex
While it is true that alcohol can reduce one’s sexual inhibitions, potentially making one feel more adventurous or even sexy, it is not the best answer in terms of dealing with issues of sexual anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the body and brain down, diminishes cognitive reasoning and, if consumed in excess, can lead to passing out or even blacking out. The combination of those elements does not seem good when it comes to the sexual experience; alcohol can even have detrimental or dangerous consequences, including the following:

  1. Poor judgment: Perhaps the biggest risk of too much alcohol before getting frisky is the impairment on one’s judgment. An individual who always uses condoms may allow them to go be the wayside because they aren’t thinking beyond the moment. Alternatively, the impairment may cause the condoms to be used improperly, thereby increasing the risk of infection transmission or pregnancy.
  1. Pushing Boundaries: Even if a person is fairly certain they wish to engage in sex with their partner, alcohol can blur the decision-making process, which may lead to regrets in the future. Two drunken individuals may not be communicating with each other properly and may inadvertently cross one another’s sexual boundaries. Sadly, alcohol has often played a role in unwanted sexual advances or engaging in sexual acts that one normally would not participate in if they were clean and sober.
  1. No Memory of Event: In cases of individuals using alcohol to excess, it is not uncommon to black out and have no memory of the events that transpired the night before. This is particularly dangerous when the question of sexual activity comes into play. If individuals are unsure if they had sex, they certainly cannot be sure if they used protection, which definitely increases the risk of infection or pregnancy.
  1. Sexual Dysfunction: Often known by the slang term "whisky dick," too much alcohol inhibits one’s performance dramatically. Alcohol reduces sensations in the nerve endings, making it more difficult to achieve an erection, let alone orgasm. Sadly, the likelihood of the very thing a man is most worried about happening- poor sexual performance - increases with each alcoholic beverage he consumes. 
Boosting Self-Confidence
Men who are seriously worried about disappointing their partner may want to consider expressing these concerns prior to "the big night." There is a good chance she may be experiencing some of the same anxieties, so simply talking them out may make the situation more comfortable for both parties. Additionally, taking steps to feel more confident in the appearance of one’s penis may translate into self-confidence in the bedroom. Utilizing a high-quality penis health creme can help revitalize the skin of the penis while keeping the skin smooth and supple (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Selecting a formula made with vitamin A can also help fight odor-causing bacteria and keep the penis fresh and clean all day long.

Penis Sensitivity Secrets: Experimentation Can Be the Key to Lasting Pleasure

It might sound corny, but a man's penis is as individual as his fingerprint. The tool he was born with, the care he's given to the equipment, and the ways in which he's used his body in the past can all lead up to a very specific sensory map. As a result, every guy might have specific parts of the penis that are intensely pleasurable, even when other men can touch that same spot on their own bodies and feel nothing at all in response. Men who know their bodies and what they like best might be able to experience intense sensations with very little work and pressure at all, and this could help them to avoid some nasty injuries that only time and focused penis care can heal. These are a few common areas that men tend to find pleasurable; experimentation can help a guy (or his partner) find the right spot for his attention.

Starting at the Top
The very peak of the penis, also known as the head, is packed full of sensory cells, and the smooth skin that covers that area allows all of those little nerve fibers to transmit touch signals to the brain. Most men focus their attention on the head of when they're ready for pleasure, but there are specific portions of the head that might merit a little more exploration.

On the underside of the penis, a tiny band or ridge of tissue connects the head to the shaft. For some men, this small bit of tissue contains more sensory cells than any other part of the package, and just applying mild feather touches can bring them to the peak of bliss. There are some men, however, who find this area to be so sensitive that even gentle touches cause a sensation more akin to pain.

The ring of tissue that surrounds the tip might be a better choice for men with super-sensitive tissues. This ridge also contains a dense concentration of sensory cells, and it tends to puff up and spread out during an erection, allowing those cells the maximum amount of exposure to touch and movement. Swirling a finger around this ridge could bring intense sensations to some men.

Hidden Pleasures
The penis doesn't end at the tip. In fact, there are plenty of sensitive parts of this organ that aren't located near the head at all, including:

1. The soft underside at the base

 2. The area between the scrotum and the anus

 3. The foreskin, or the scar left behind after a circumcision

 4. The scrotum

Some portions are designed to respond to touch, while others are receptive to movement. Some areas prefer light strokes, while others seem to come alive when supplied with deep and lasting pressure.

Why Play?
Men who learn the ins and outs of their sensitivity aren't perverts with scads of time on their hands. They're connoisseurs of their own bodies, and they may be able to avoid very real damage down the line.
A lack of knowledge can lead to frustrated, tight, dry masturbation sessions that seem to last for hours and lead to no pleasure at all. Once the fury is over, a man could be left with tissue that's scraped and abraded, and as it heals, it might be forever scarred. Skin like this isn't able to transmit signals of pleasure effectively, and the next masturbation session might take even longer as a result. Men who know their bodies, on the other hand, can become efficient pleasure machines who survive their masturbation sessions with their sensitivity intact.

Men who have already lost a bit of the magic touch due to damage might consider adding a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) to their daily routines. These products can boost moisture levels in sensitive skin, and repair tissues that are cracked and dry, leaving a man ready for pleasure once more.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Avoiding Itchy Penis and Other Hygiene Horrors

As legions of mothers and wives can attest, men aren't known for their tidiness skills. In fact, the average guy can likely handle all sorts of conditions that a woman would find absolutely intolerable. Even the most slovenly man might pay attention to matters of hygiene, however, when it's date night and action is imminent. Some optimistic men might even scrub downstairs on a daily basis, remaining prepared in case something wonderful and unexpected happens. While daily washing like this can be beneficial, it can also be catastrophic for penis health, if it's done improperly, leading to an itchy, red penis. Following a few basic steps can help men to amend their ways.

Choosing the Right Tools
The typical shower stall is full of all kinds of implements a man could wield on his equipment, including:

  • Washcloths
  • Shampoo
  • Perfumed soap
  • Body wash 
All of these items could do major damage to penile skin and the little flora that inhabit this tissue. Bombing the area with detergents and scraping at the cells with foreign objects can remove important lubrication and replace that beneficial matter with scratches and pain. Only two ingredients are needed for proper cleaning: hands and warm water. Everything else should be banned from the groin.

The Proper Technique
Men who have been circumcised can rinse the area with warm water and use their fingers to remove any germs and contaminants. Men who are uncut have a few more steps to follow, but the entire procedure shouldn't take more than a few moments. A rinse of the exterior starts the process, and when the skin is warm and relaxed, the foreskin should be retracted as far as is comfortable. Then, a gentle rinse and a mild massage with the fingertips should be sufficient to remove any dead skin cells and bacteria. The foreskin can then be pulled back into place.

It's worth reiterating that harsh soaps and deep scrubbing have no place in this procedure. Detergents can cause damage that can lead to dry, itchy penis skin. Scrubbing can cause mild scratches that can allow infections to bloom, and this can also lead to itchy penis skin. Using the fingertips and water allows the water-soluble excess tissue to float down the drain, while leaving beneficial bacteria in place. It's a much more helpful and healthy system.

Finishing Up
A damp crotch can lead to funky, cheese-like odors, so it's best to dry off when the bathing part of the routine is complete. A quick pat down with the towel should be sufficient, and there's no need for uncut men to retract the foreskin as they dry off. Removing the water from the exterior should do the trick. Similarly, there's no need to dust off with talcum or follow up with perfumed sprays. These additives can also cause itchy penis skin as they grind away into delicate tissues, and in some cases, perfumes contain drying agents like alcohol that can cause penis skin to dry out and peel off.

A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) might be an excellent way to end a bout of grooming, however, as these products have been specifically formulated to cause no irritation in penile tissue. The emollients in these products can also help to lock in the moisture from the shower, allowing the tissue to remain moist and hydrated, ready to spring into action. These products also contain vitamins that may keep bacterial colonies in check, which could result in a decrease in nasty odors. For men who want to bump up their hygiene routine without causing damage, a penis health creme provides an attractive solution.

Pregnancy and STI Prevention - Choosing Best Approach to Birth Control

What are the various methods of birth control available?
Children can bring much joy into the lives of the parents who raise them - joy which many couples take pains to delay until the time is just right. Luckily, there are many methods of birth control available to choose from - some hormonal and some not. Moreover, some types of birth control provide additional protection from sexually transmitted infection’s (STI’s), while others do not. While preventing pregnancy is certainly important to many men, maintaining penis health is important to every man and should be part of the decision as well. In fact, combining birth control methods such as an oral contraceptive and a condom, provides maximum protection from both pregnancy and infection.

8 Common Methods of Birth Control
The Condom: Condoms are worn over the penis and prevent sperm from entering the uterus. They are available in latex or polyurethane; it is important to note, however, that lambskin condoms, while effective at preventing pregnancy, are found to not be as effective against infections.

The Pill : One of the most common types of birth control is an oral medication known as "the pill." The pill is 99% effective against pregnancy when taken properly. The pill uses the female hormones estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. The pill is available in combination (estrogen and progestin), mini pill (progestin-only pill), and the extended cycle pill, which changes the frequency of the period to every three months or longer.

The Diaphragm: The diaphragm is a dome shaped contraceptive device that is made from rubber. It is inserted into the vagina where it covers the cervix, preventing sperm from entering. Used in conjunction with spermicide, it is designed to non-hormonally prevent the sperm from fertilizing an egg.

The Ring: Named for its ring shape, the vaginal ring a flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina. The ring works in the same manner as the pill, by releasing hormones into the woman’s body.

The IUD: An intrauterine device (IUD) is a copper device that is surgically implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are implanted by a doctor, are more than 99% effective and can remain implanted for 10 or more years.

The Female Condom: A female condom is inserted into the vagina where it covers the cervix to prevent the passage of sperm to the egg. Made from a soft plastic known as polyurethane, the female condom is prone to slipping and is not as effective at preventing infection or pregnancy as male condoms. However, this method may be preferred by individuals who have a latex allergy or sensitivity.

The Patch: This method of birth control uses a hormone-releasing patch that can be placed on the body. It stays in place for a week at a time and relies on the same combination of hormones as oral contraceptives.

The Implant: Another method of birth control, considered to be slightly more permanent based on its design; the device is implanted under the skin on the upper arm. The implant is about the side of a matchstick, is nearly 100% effective, and stays implanted for about three years.

The Healthy Penis
Using proper protection is an integral part of one’s overall penis health and wellness. A condom is the most effective way - apart from abstinence -- for a man to protect himself from STI’s and also from getting his partner pregnant. Additionally, the use of a high-quality penis vitamin formula helps keep the penis functioning at its highest possible level (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). When applied directly to the penis, the vitamin formula can help improve penis health by rejuvenating the skin of the penis while improving circulation and enhancing sensitivity of the area.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Low Sex Drive in Men - What it Means and Doesn’t Mean

According to popular belief, the average man is ready at a moment’s notice to spring into action - even the slightest of breezes may be enough to set off a sensual response. However, while few men will openly admit it, guys are almost as likely as women to experience periods of low sex drive, where they just can’t seem to muster enough interest to get things started - never mind take them to a glorious finish.

Although men tend to judge themselves by their sex drive and ability to be ready at any time, low sex drive does not have much to do with a man’s virility; in general, it is related to something else that is going on in his life. Often, addressing the underlying problem and practicing adequate penis care can be effective in overcoming this distressing issue.

What low sex drive might mean
A man who is not feeling the urge quite as often as his partner wants might be experiencing any of the following:

  • Too much stress - Men who are stressed out over their jobs, finances, family issues, or relationship problems are generally flooding their own bodies with stress hormones, which have a tendency to counteract the "feel-good" neurotransmitters that produce feelings of desire. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way can help to alleviate the effects of daily life on the libido. 

  • An underlying health problem - Men who are affected by health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, nerve damage, low testosterone, depression, or a host of other problems might not be firing on all cylinders. Identifying and treating these conditions can often help to reverse the problem, putting men back into action. 

  • Emotional issues - Men who have been raised in a religiously conservative household or who have been shamed about sex related issues may experience feelings of guilt when it comes to sex; this can ultimately affect the libido and lead to problems with erectile function and intimacy. In some cases, a close relationship with a partner can help, but in most instances, counseling may be needed to build a healthy urge for sex. 

  • Medications and other substances - Certain medications, as well as nicotine, alcohol and recreational substances, can diminish a man’s drive, as well as causing problems in terms of erectile function. Quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding illicit substances and changing medications are all indicated in this event. 

What reduced libido usually doesn’t mean
Men who are experiencing low sex drive can - in most cases - reassure their partners that it is not lack of attraction or infidelity that is causing the drop in interest. Many women tend to feel that their partner’s lack of interest means that he is not sexually attracted to her any more; this can lead to relationship problems if not addressed in a positive manner.

Men can let their partners know that the problem is not because of lack of affection or attraction, and couples can often work together to find the real source of the problem.

Penis TLC for increased confidence
Like their female counterparts, men are more likely to feel sexy, attractive and ready for action if they feel good about how they look. In order to feel his best, a man’s overall health and physical fitness is important, of course. This doesn’t mean he has to be a GQ model - taking care of himself by eating right and getting a moderate degree of regular exercise can create feelings of well-being that are conducive to a healthy sex drive.

A little attention to penis grooming can also add to a man’s level of self-confidence and enhance his level of interest in some bedroom action. Keeping the pelvic area clean and neatly trimmed can go a long way in this respect. Adding a specialized penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) formulated with male-specific nutrients promote an attractive look and feel, as well as boosting pleasurable sensation.

Understanding the Aging Penis - Lifetime Care for the Manhood

It’s no secret that the penis changes as a man gets older, but how to control these changes and maintain optimum penis health is often something of a mystery. Unfortunately, not all boys are taught about the ins and outs of the penis, and as a result, they don’t always understand how to care for it properly. By learning about how the penis develops over time, as well as the do’s and don’ts of appropriate penis and foreskin care, men can avoid some common, yet unpleasant problems and maintain penile function well into the golden years.

The childhood penis
When a male infant is born, the glans, or bulb at the end of the penis, is covered by a specialized layer of skin, known as the foreskin or prepuce. While this skin is like the surrounding dermal tissue on the outside, the inside is more like the insides of the cheeks and mouth - it is actually a delicate mucus membrane, and not skin at all. As a matter of tradition, many parents elect to have their male children circumcised - a surgical procedure by which the foreskin is removed.

However, as this procedure is not deemed medically necessary, fewer parents are opting for removal of the prepuce. Contrary to what many believe, the uncircumcised infant penis does not require any specialized care. Cleaning the penis is as simple as bathing with soap and water; the foreskin should not be forced back, and nothing should be inserted underneath for the purpose of cleaning.

Over time, the membrane joining the foreskin to the glans will be shed naturally; small globules of skin will roll away, often accumulating underneath the foreskin. Again, there is no need to reach under an unretracted foreskin to clean these away. Forcing the sheath back can cause bleeding and scarring, which can result in adhesions that will cause problems later in life.

The penis during puberty
Most boys will be able to retract their foreskin fully by the age of about 5; however, for many children, this will not happen until later in the teen years, usually when a male begins to discover his own body. At this time, boys should be taught to wash away the smegma that has accumulated underneath.
Pubescent boys may begin to experience growth of the penis at this time and may gain their full size, although there is no need to worry if a 15 year-old does not have the appearance of a fully grown man. Many men continue to grow into their twenties, so there is no firm calendar date by which a male should expect to reach his full size.

The adult penis
As men age, the tone and texture of the penis skin may change, aging like the rest of the body. Along with thinning and wrinkling of the skin, the veins under the skin may become more prominent; and the worn nerve tissue may become less sensitive to touch. Circulation to the penis may also diminish, and in some cases, this may lead to some degree of penile shrinkage; excess abdominal fat may also obscure the penis, causing it to appear smaller than it really is.

However, with the right care, men can reduce these signs of aging, encouraging the growth of healthy new tissue to replace old cells as they die off in order to keep the penis soft, supple, smooth and responsive. Applying a specially formulated penis nutrient cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after a daily shower helps to provide the nourishment needed to rejuvenate the penile tissue right where it is needed most.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Summertime Penis Rash - Quick Tips for Banishing Unsightly Skin Conditions

Summer is a time for love, and many a man has a plan or two up his sleeve when it comes to summertime romance - whether they are looking forward to a special getaway with a partner or hoping to meet someone new and interesting.

But as much fun as warm-weather activities can be, they can take a toll on the penis, and men might find that their package is not quite up to snuff when it comes time to drop his shorts. Fortunately, with the right approach to penis care, a little fun in the sun does not have to lead to an unsightly penis rash or unhealthy, peeling skin.

Some of the common causes of summertime penis rash are described here, as well as tips for banishing them, or avoiding them altogether.

  • Heat rash - While the sight of a penis rash on a hot day can send a man into panic, one of the most common causes is also one of the least worrisome. Sweating, combined with the natural warmth of the pelvic region, can lead to heat rash, which appears as a scattering of red dots or bumps on the skin. Wearing loose-fitting clothing, washing every day, and applying a moisturizer or powder to the area can help to eliminate an unsightly red penis rash. 

  • Dermatitis - With less clothing comes more potential for contact with the outside environment, and more than one man has had an embarrassing encounter with poison ivy, poison oak, or other plant-based irritants. Certain sunscreens and other lotions may also cause an unpleasant skin reaction resulting in a penis rash. After coming in contact with a potential irritant, it is important to wash the area thoroughly to remove any traces of the offending substance; applying an anti-itch cream and letting the area heal is generally all that is needed. 

  • Skin allergies - Latex allergies are common and can develop even in men who have previously used latex condoms without incident. Men who experience itching, redness or a rash after using a condom should avoid latex, looking for an alternate material instead. 

  • Sunburn - Men do not have to sunbathe in the nude to sustain a sunburn in this most delicate of areas; the sun’s UV rays are perfectly capable of burning right through the clothing. Even men who plan to stay covered up should slather on the sunscreen to avoid a red penis. Choosing beachwear made with UV-blocking fabrics is also a good idea. 

  • Jock itch - The fungus responsible for jock itch thrives in warm, moist conditions, making a sweaty pelvic area an ideal haven for growth. To avoid developing an itchy, spreading rash, men should refrain from sharing towels, clothing or other personal items. Keeping the area clean is also a must, and applying an anti-fungal medication if an infection does appear can help to clear it up. 

  • Yeast infection - Like jock itch, the Candida yeast that causes yeast infection likes warm weather. Adding a damp bathing suit or a sweaty pair of shorts to the mix makes for the perfect environment for yeast overgrowth. Men who develop an itchy rash, peeling skin and/or a thick, whitish discharge should see a doctor for diagnosis; over-the-counter antifungal creams are generally effective for treating this condition. 

Healthy penis care tips - the benefits of skin nutrients
Like the rest of the body, the penis requires good nutrition to resist infection, rebuild damaged cells and stay fit and functioning well. Applying a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after a daily shower can help men to ensure that their penis receives the direct benefits of skin-friendly vitamins, antioxidants, and moisturizers needed to smooth the skin, protect against environmental damage, and heal damaged dermal tissue.

Low Sex Drive in Men - Healthy Solutions for a Flagging Libido

According to our cultural mythology, the average male is like a raging bull in terms of his sexual desire; men are viewed as having an unending libido. A great majority of men identify their virility with their sex drive, so it is not surprising that few are willing to confess the truth - that they, like their female counterparts, may experience flagging desire that may or may not have to do with age, hormones or relationship issues.

The good news is that, in the first place, men who don’t feel the urge as frequently as they believe they should are in good company; at least 20 to 25% of all American men confess to decreased interest in sex. In the second place, in most cases, this problem is reversible. With the right attention to physical and mental health, as well as a little penis TLC, many, if not most men can rediscover their latent passion
Some of the common causes of reduced sex drive are described here:
  • Cardiovascular health - Men whose cardiovascular system is not functioning at its best are likely to feel a sense of fatigue and overall lack of well-being that can contribute to low sex drive. Keeping track of heart health and following the doctor’s recommendations for treatment can help to improve things in the libido department, as well as increasing a man’s general level of health.
  • Diabetes - The effects of diabetes on the health are far-reaching, and sexual function is often a casualty of this dangerous disorder. Erectile dysfunction and low libido are often the result of poorly controlled blood sugar levels; therefore, managing diabetes is key to restoring optimum sexual function.
  • Obesity - Aside from the risk of developing diabetes, men who are seriously overweight are often just too low in energy to experience much interest in sex. Being overweight can also interfere with a man’s hormone levels and self-esteem - two more problems that can diminish his desire. Losing weight can promote an overall sense of well-being and confidence, as well as increasing circulation to the pertinent parts.
  • Low testosterone - Low levels of male hormone are often linked to decreased desire, although low-T, as it is often called, is not always to blame. A high level of irritability, weight gain, confusion, and difficulty making decisions may also signal a decreased level of testosterone; treating the underlying cause may help to reverse these effects.
  • Depression/anxiety - Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are frequently linked to loss of desire. In addition, the medications often used to treat these conditions are often to blame for reduced sex drive. Men who are being treated with medications for these conditions should talk to their health care providers about potentially changing their medication.
  • Stress - While located near the end of this list, stress is perhaps one of the most frequent culprits in decreased libido levels. Often, learning to manage stress, or simply finding a way to eliminate the stressor, can help to restore a man’s interest in extracurricular activities.
  • Relationship problems - Finally, when it comes to intimacy, it stands to reason that a man who is experiencing relationship conflict may not feel like getting romantic with his partner. Addressing relationship issues - or even opting out of the relationship, if necessary, may be called for if this is the case.
Maintaining game-ready equipment
Even the most impassioned of men are in for a problem if their penis is not ready for action when they are. Dry, flaky or irritated penis skin, or a member that just isn’t all that responsive to touch, is unlikely to perform well when it comes down to game time.

Treating the penis right can help to improve its appearance and sensitivity, which in turn can give its owner a boost of confidence that can further improve his libido. To keep the penis healthy, supple and responsive, it should be kept clean - men who are uncut should be sure to clean under the foreskin, especially. Wearing underwear that is snug but not too tight can help to protect the package while allowing adequate circulation.

And finally, keeping the penis well-nourished by adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily penis care regimen can leave the skin smooth, well-hydrated and ready for action.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Peeling Penis Skin - 7 Potential Causes

Dry, peeling penis skin can send any man into a state of panic, especially when there is no obvious cause. Flakes of skin falling away from the Johnson are not only unattractive, they can appear as a sign of poor health, not to mention causing serious discomfort.

Fortunately, in most cases, the underlying issue can be easily addressed. With the right treatment and a good understanding of proper penis care, the problem can be banished in a matter of days, leaving the skin soft, smooth and attractive.

Common causes of flaking, peeling penis skin
  • Yeast infection .Candida yeast infections, also known as thrush, are one of the most common causes of peeling, itchy penis skin. Other symptoms of yeast infection include red bumps or sores, a burning sensation during urination, severe itching, and a whitish, lumpy discharge. Most yeast infections can be treated with topical anti-fungal creams. Although not considered a sexually transmitted infection, Candida is highly contagious and can easily be passed from one partner to another, so men who develop a yeast infection should encourage their partners to be treated, as well. 

  • Balanitis. This condition refers to any inflammation of the glans - or head - of the penis. The inflammation may be related to yeast infection or poor hygiene. Keeping the area clean is essential, especially for men who are uncircumcised, and topical creams may be used to treat the pain, itching and flaking caused by the infection. 

  • Phimosis. Men or boys who are unable to retract the foreskin may be diagnosed with phimosis. The tight foreskin may develop a dry appearance, especially if it is stretched during an erection or as a result of masturbation or sex. Phimosis can often be treated by gently pulling the foreskin back a little at a time; applying a high-quality moisturizer can be of assistance in this process. In some cases, doctors may recommend circumcision as the best solution. 

  • Sexually transmitted infections. Certain communicable diseases can cause dry penis skin that flakes and peels. Men who are sexually active should be tested for STIs on a regular basis and follow through with any recommended treatment. 

  • Dermatitis. A skin sensitivity to something in a man’s environment - from laundry detergent to fragrances to latex condoms or spermicides - can cause the skin to become irritated, itchy, and dry. Avoiding potential skin irritants can eliminate this problem, and using a soothing vitamin cream when irritation does occur can help to clear up any issues. 

  • Psoriasis or eczema. Men who have psoriasis or eczema elsewhere on their bodies may also develop dry, scaly or red patches of skin on the penis. Vitamins A and E are often used as natural solutions for these issues; hydrocortisone creams are also frequently prescribed, but caution is advised in this case, as steroid creams can cause thinning of the delicate penile skin. 

  • Friction. Dry masturbation or sex is a leading cause of peeling, stressed skin. Using a personal lubricant (one designed for the purpose) can reduce the occurrence of dryness and irritation of the penis.
Any unusual penis symptoms are best tended to by a doctor who has experience in men’s issues, especially if the owner of the package is not sure what is causing the problem. In some cases, such as communicable diseases, prescription medications may be required to clear up the problem.

Dry penis skin should be allowed time to heal; abstaining from sex until the cause of the issue has been identified can prevent further damage and discomfort. In addition, applying a penis moisturizing cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific nutrients such as vitamins A and E can help to nourish the skin and speed the healing process. A good penis cream containing natural moisturizers such as Shea butter is ideal for even the most sensitive skin; applying the cream after a shower is best, as this allows for rapid absorption for maximum benefit.

Recognizing Penis Bumps - 3 Benign Conditions

Most men are intimately familiar with the landscape of their equipment, tending to carefully scrutinize it for any unsightly or out of place lumps, bumps, or red spots. While a sudden development in that area may send some men running for the clinic, there are certain bumps that are nothing to sweat about. Three common - and more importantly benign - bumps to be aware of are detailed below, along with penis care tips that can help to banish unsightly bumps and blemishes.

Benign Bumps of the Penis
1) Penis Pimples: While everyone hopes to leave acne in their adolescent past, the fact of the matter is, the occasional penis pimple can crop up at any time. Though unpleasant - and possibly a bit painful - a penis pimple is no more harmful when found on the nether regions than when found on the face. The biggest worry of a penis pimple is likely embarrassment, particularly if one has plans to be getting up close and personal with a partner. A pimple will appear as a red bump, though occasionally it may have a white head on it, and may produce slight discharge.

Tempting though it may be, a penis pimple should not be popped or squeezed, as that merely causes more bacteria to be released in the area - and potentially more pimples to be formed. Simply wash the area daily with a gentle cleanser and it should clear up on its own soon. Harsh acne medication should not be used on the penis as it may cause irritation or even infection if it should find its way up the urethra. Natural vitamin A is a better treatment for the area, as it is non-irritating and fights pimple-causing bacteria.

2) Ingrown Hair: Believe it or not, an ingrown hair can create a very large, surprisingly painful lump virtually overnight, which is certainly cause for alarm in most men. The lump is likely to be red, filled with white pus and may be tender to the touch. Men who shave the area or have particularly coarse, thick public hair tend to be more prone to this type of bump. An ingrown hair should not be squeezed, as that may exacerbate the irritation; it is likely to clear up on its own in several days.

Vitamin A is also a good treatment for this type of lump as it helps fight the bacteria that may be lurking in that inflamed hair follicle. To avoid creating the problem in the future, always shave with the grain of the hair - not against it - and use a loofa to gently exfoliate the area in the shower.

3) Cysts: Though the word itself sounds a bit scary, a cyst is really nothing more than a fluid-filled nodule that, unfortunately, sometimes appears on the penis or scrotum. They are usually small - about the size of a pea - and can show up as a single lump or a patch of bumps. A cyst can be filled with fluid or a cheesy substance that is about as pleasant as it sounds.

A cyst should go away on its own eventually, though some men choose an elective procedure to have it surgically removed. This can occur if the cyst is particularly large and uncomfortable, or if cosmetically it is bothering the owner.

Maintaining a Healthy Penis
Many of the benign lumps and bumps occur naturally due to location of the area. Let’s be honest - a man’s junk is sweaty, hot, and full of bacteria, making it the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of mystery bumps. Luckily, practicing a good hygiene regimen can reduce the occurrence of some of these nuisances. Obviously, washing the area daily in the shower is rule numero uno, but some men’s skin naturally produces more pore-clogging oil, so a second wash may even be necessary to keep bumps at bay. Following the washing routine with an all-natural penis vitamin creme, (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) particularly one containing the bacteria-busting vitamin A, can help make below the belt blemishes a thing of the past. Simply wash, pat dry, and apply.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Penis Bumps and Blisters - Three Important Tips

A quick self-exam, performed as part of a routine penis care regimen, could help men to spot penis lumps and bumps when they're small and easy to treat. When a man's searching fingers find those pesky protrusions, however, he might react with sheer panic and fright. It's reasonable to be concerned, but it's also worthwhile to take a deep breath and follow these three simple, commonsense steps. Doing so could lead to penis health in no time at all.

1. Don't Try to Pop It.
Pinching, poking or squeezing a penis bump is never a good idea. In fact, it could lead to catastrophe. The skin around the penis may be contaminated with splashes of urine or tiny colonies of bacteria, and poking a hole in the skin could allow wriggling bacteria and germs to enter the body where they could do a significant amount of damage. Additionally, some lumps and bumps on penis skin aren't caused by any kind of blocked pore or subsurface invader. Instead, these bumps might be caused by infections or damaged tissues, and piercing these layers could lead to even more problems down the line.

2. Visit a Doctor.
Searching the Internet, phoning a friend or even showing a girlfriend a penis bump might seem reassuring, but often, it's impossible for people without medical degrees to know what's causing a skin issue. Sometimes, even doctors can't tell why tissue is inflamed until they run a few tests and consult with a laboratory on the results.

At a doctor's appointment, men should be sure to:
  • Describe how the bump has changed, if at all, since it was first noticed
  • Detail any recent sexual activity
  • Bring along any prescriptions or vitamins that are part of daily life
  • Describe any sensations of pain associated with the bump
In some cases, changes in diet or medications could make the lumps and bumps fade. In other cases, creams or pills might be needed in order to combat the problem. And sometimes, the bumps are completely harmless, and a man is advised to just use reasonable care in order to keep his penis healthy.

3. Practice Proper Penis Care.
No matter the cause of penis bumps, they can serve as a wakeup call that a man's penis care technique isn't quite what it should be. For some men, this means they're not staying safe during sexual activity.

Some sexually transmitted infections manifest as lumps and bumps on the penis. While a condom can't provide 100 percent protection against this problem, barriers can keep some delicate tissue under wraps, so it won't slide up against the infected tissue of a partner. Men who are lax about condoms might need to revise their policies, and penis bumps could provide that prompt.

Raw, irritated skin bruised through poor handling and a lack of nutrition can also erupt into bumps. The skin loses its smooth appearance when it's maltreated, and it can heal into all sorts of funky shapes. A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be of vital help here. These products contain the vitamins and nutrients that starved tissues need, and the dermal application means that all of the goodness goes into the tissues directly, without taking a long journey through the body first. Products like this also contain vital emollients that can allow hardened skin to soften and smooth out. With just a few applications, a man is sure to feel the difference, as might his partners.

Perk up Penis Function with 9 Essential Nutrients

These days, many men are beginning to take charge of their health, and what better place to start than down below. Penis health is an often-overlooked area of men’s health; but unfortunately, the well-being of the little guy is not guaranteed. Most men are unsure how to best care for the penis; it seems that wash, rinse, repeat is about as sophisticated as some men like to get with their grooming habits. There are numerous essential vitamins and minerals that improve the vitality of penis function and should be added to the daily penis care routine. Find out what they are and how to integrate them into a healthy lifestyle.

Natural Ingredients for Penis Health
Vitamin E: Perhaps the most well-known skin care vitamin, vitamin E has rich moisturizing properties that protects the penis skin from becoming dry, cracked and irritated. The skin of the penis is very delicate and susceptible to irritation and itching, vitamin E can calm the skin, leaving it hydrated and youthful.

Shea Butter: Women have been privy to the powers of Shea butter for ages, while men are only just now coming around and realizing that rough, cracked skin is not always appealing. Shea butter provides deep moisture that rejuvenates skin cells and helps the penis retain moisture so that it stays smooth and supple - the way it is meant to be.

Acetyl L Carnitine: An important supplement, Acetyl L Carnitine protects the penis from accidental nerve damage, which can occur from the normal wear and tear of the average sex life. It is especially useful with combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid, as it helps reverse nerve damage and keep the penis cells healthy and functioning.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Known for its antioxidant properties - meaning it helps fight cancer causing free radicals - Alpha Lipoic Acid slows the aging of the penis cells to reduce signs of premature aging. Combined with Acetyl L Carnitine, it can help prevent excessive wrinkling of the penis area, keeping the penis healthy and younger looking.

L-Arginine: Everybody knows that a rich supply of oxygen is essential to life and the functioning of our internal organs. L-Arginine helps increase the availability of oxygen to the penis by keeping the tiny capillaries and blood vessels healthy and allowing increased blood flow to the area.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps target bacterial growth - common in the hot, moist crevices of the genital region - eliminating unpleasant penile odor that no man wants to experience.

Vitamin B5: Vitamin B5 is essential for cell metabolism; it also helps to maintain the proper functioning of the penis. Vitamin B5 is vitally important to the health and functioning of the penis.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C - most often associated with fighting the common cold - packs a powerful punch in the world of penis health as well. Vitamin C helps boost collagen production, which in turn increases firmness of the penile tissue, thereby promoting overall erectile function.

Vitamin D: Not just for healthy bones, vitamin D has been proven effective in fighting diseases and helping the cells to function properly. It is a much-needed vitamin for a healthy package.

Keeping the Penis Healthy
No matter how healthy an individual’s diet, it is unlikely they will be able to ingest all the vital nutrients and minerals the body needs to function at its highest level every single day. That is why many people choose to take supplements and vitamins to boost their immunity and wellness. While taking a multivitamin may provide the body with some benefits, not all of the nutrients are absorbed into the body. Thus, for maximum concentration and effectiveness, a penis health formula containing the components listed above may be the best option. A high-quality penis oil, made from natural ingredients (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) allows the user to apply the formula directly on the penis for maximum absorption and effectiveness. Daily use may help improve the health and functioning of the penis while simultaneously increasing sensation and sensitivity.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Boost Penis Sensation Naturally with Everyone’s Favorite Vitamin

Sailors of the past, adrift on the sea for months at a time with no fresh fruit in sight, knew that fruits such as oranges could prevent unpleasant deficiencies that could lead to bleeding gums and sores under the surface of the skin. And mother was right when she insisted that her children drink up their orange juice to keep away colds, flu-like symptoms and other childhood ailments. All in all, the benefits of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, are well known in the medical community and beyond, not all men realize that failing to stock up on Vitamin C could have an impact on penis sensation and appearance. Rectifying this issue should be an integral part of a man's penis care regimen.

Plumping and Firming
Beneath the pitted, hairy surface of the skin lies a thick carpet of collagen, made up of amino acids. This substance holds disparate types of tissue together, but it also works to plump up the skin and keep it cushiony and soft. With time, however, the body produces less and less of this material, and wrinkles begin to form due to the loss of cushion. Skin like this tends to buckle and bend, and sensory cells can get hidden in the rolls of wrinkled skin.

Vitamin C can prompt the body to produce a bit more collagen, and this can allow those rivers of wrinkles to smooth and fill in. The hidden sensory cells may be turned back out to face the stimulus from outside, and a man might be able to feel much more down below as a result.

Increasing Hydration
Soft and smooth skin is responsive because all of the tissues on the surface are just a little bit moist. Unfortunately, without proper amounts of Vitamin C, the skin can lose a significant amount of moisture due to evaporation, and the upper layers of the skin can dry up and flake away in the breeze. The only sensations a man might feel from skin like this are signals of itching and pain. Pleasure might be hard to come by. Boosting Vitamin C could allow the skin to trap moisture where it belongs leaving the surface of the skin smooth and soft as a result.

Facilitating Healing
All of the skin in the human body is assaulted with damage on a daily basis, through the rays of the sun, the pollution in the air and the chemicals in the foods a person eats. Fighting back against this damage requires a significant amount of Vitamin C, as this element can help to isolate and reduce the damage inside skin cells. With treatment, skin might just be healthier, with lower amounts of damage, and penile sensation can benefit as a result.

Upping the Levels
Vitamin C is available in a variety of foods, including:
  • Citrus fruits
  • Red bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Cauliflower
Sprinkling these foods into a diet could help a man to boost his available Vitamin C levels, but this kind of dietary amendment must be done each and every day. This element isn't stored well within the human body, so whatever cells can't use at the moment gets sent to the digestive system for removal. Men who just add a few items to a salad once per week may not be getting the full nutrition they need for robust penis health and sensitivity. That's why a penis health creme containing Vitamin C could be so important.

The body is able to absorb Vitamin C directly through the pores of the skin, and products that are applied directly to the skin tend to be used right where they're placed. The body won't steal the vitamin from the penis to use on the nose or the top of the head; the product will stay right where it's applied. A quality creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could help to boost collagen production and increase sensitivity, and the results could be felt right where a man needs help the most.

Performance Anxiety: Overcoming the Bedroom Blues

How does one overcome sexual anxiety?
Sexual anxiety can be the 1,000-pound pink elephant in the room. It is something most men don’t want to talk about, nearly all men will deny ever having experienced, and yet will affect virtually everyone at some point in their lifetime. Anybody who claims they have never been nervous about having sex is either lying or lives with a healthy dose of narcissism. While sexual anxiety can range from having a few butterflies in the stomach to a crippling emotional condition warranting assistance by a professional sex therapist, there are ways to ease the anxiety and make sex more enjoyable. Taking charge of one’s sexual life in terms of emotional health, penis health and physical health can help lead to a more satisfying love life all around.

What is sexual anxiety?
Also known as performance anxiety, the crux of the problem begins with overanalyzing and putting too much pressure on one performance, which can ultimately lead to a poor performance come show time. Many men seem to equate bringing about female orgasm with masculinity and worry that if they do not measure up to a woman’s standards, they will be seen as less of a man. Society’s ideals of male sexuality are constantly bombarding the typical man, often creating unrealistic expectations of what a man should look like and how he should perform in bed. Magazines are splashed with 6-pack abs and mind-blowing sex tips every man should know. Often, turning on the TV will find a steamy between-the-sheets session between two impossibly good-looking people -- who seem to have endless stamina and passion for one another -- as their sweaty bodies cascade in orgasm after orgasm. And that is happening in the PG world, never mind the way that the adult film industry portrays male sexuality.

For some men, all this media input skews their perception of their own bodies, leading them to believe that they cannot live up to their partner’s expectations. Thus, when it comes time to knock boots, some men become self-conscious and hyper-focused on what they are doing rather than what they are feeling, which is a recipe for an unsatisfying experience. In some cases, this performance anxiety can even lead to prolonged dysfunction.

How to overcome sexual anxiety
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Part of solving the problem is getting to the root of the problem, so often self-exploration is needed to determine the underlying cause. Men can ask themselves, "What am I afraid of?" or "What is making me feel nervous?" to help determine what may be the cause of the anxiety leading up to a sexual encounter. Below are a few quick tips to help curb sexual anxiety; however, men suffering from long-term, severe cases should consider professional help.
  • Relax: It is pretty hard to enjoy oneself during sex when simultaneously analyzing one’s body fat content and trying to recall the last 20 moves in the Kama Sutra. Remember, nobody’s perfect, so try to put insecurities aside and have fun.
  • De-stress: Anxiety begets anxiety. Work, family and money stressors can be carried over into the bedroom without even trying. Make a conscious effort to leave anxiety at the door and mentally "check-out" during intimate moments.
  • Exercise: It may sound simplistic, but exercise releases feel-good endorphins into the brain, which help to combat anxiety. Additionally, working out may provide a jolt of self-confidence in the bedroom, making it easier to be naked and vulnerable with a partner.
  • Breathe: Obviously people are always breathing, but purposeful deep breaths slows down the nervous system and fights anxiety. Breathing in for the count of 4, holding it for the count of 4, and breathing out for the count of 4 can actually help boost relaxation. Really, try it.
  • Talk about it: Sexual anxieties may be the last thing a man wants to talk to his partner about, but chances are she has already noticed something is going on. It is best to get it out in the open, as she may just have a response to help solve the whole problem. It is also important to communicate, because ones’ partner may misread anxiety cues -- such as avoidance of intercourse -- as a sign of infidelity or rejection of her body, leading to additional issues down the road.
  • Penis care: Keeping a healthy penis can increase body confidence and may even help with stimulation and sensitivity, making sex more enjoyable. Using a daily penis vitamin formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can keep the penis skin smooth and attractive while fighting odor and increasing circulation to the area. A healthy penis can go a long way towards feeling good about one’s prowess, and that may just translate into decreased anxiety in the bedroom.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Penis Facts and Fallacies: 5 Myths About Sex, Masturbation and Pregnancy

Most young boys are subjected to the dreaded birds-and-bees conversation early in life. That same information is also typically provided in school, during embarrassing sex education classes. By the time a guy reaches adolescence, it's often assumed that he knows everything there is to know about sex and pregnancy. Even so, myths about how babies are made, and how penis care plays a role, are rampant among young men. Clearing up those myths could help to avoid unplanned pregnancies, not to mention unpleasant penis problems.

Myth: Pulling Out Early Prevents Pregnancy.
A typical male ejaculation results in the release of hundreds of little swimmers, but only one of these is needed to fertilize a waiting egg. Men who rely on the pullout method may be able to keep the majority of their sperm cells from entering the bodies of their partners, but even one little cell left behind could be enough to do the trick. As a result, pulling out just isn't a method that's associated with a high level of success. Furthermore, the fluid that is often referred to as “pre-cum” may also contain sperm, so the assumption that if no ejaculation takes place, then no pregnancy will result is false.

Myth: Upright Sex is an Effective Form of Birth Control.
The idea behind this myth is that sperm won't move uphill in order to reach their ultimate destination. Unfortunately, these little cells are great swimmers, and they have absolutely no problem with moving uphill, downhill or even sideways in order to find an egg. They can also make the journey within seconds, so changing position right after sex or trying to push out, or flush out, the seminal fluid also won't help to keep pregnancy from occurring.

Myth: Having Sex in Water Washes Sperm Away.
Two bodies that are locked together during sex are incredibly efficient baby-making machines, and no amount of water will stand in their way. Sitting in a bathtub or a hot tub during sex may help them to feel more relaxed and perhaps a little bit cleaner, but this has no impact on the ability of sperm to move from a man's body to a woman's body. There is a bit of good news here, however. Many people have expressed concern that sperm could swim in hot water from one body to another, leading to unwanted pregnancies just from sharing a jacuzzi. However, sperm require a fairly specific environment to survive, and the temperature and chemistry of hot tub water is unlikely to allow them to survive such a journey. Therefore, men who worry about inviting their female partners into their pools or hot tubs due to the activity that's taken place in there in the past may not have much cause for concern.

Myth: First-Time Sex Can't Lead to Pregnancy.
Sex can seem incredibly complicated, as there are so many positions to study and so much legwork to do before the action even begins, but the actual act of fertilization is really quite simple. In fact, much of it doesn't require planning at all. Even really terrible sex that both people don't enjoy, performed for the very first time, can result in a pregnancy.

Myth: Frequent Masturbation Can Reduce Pregnancy Risk.
Some amount of sperm is released each time a guy climaxes, and men who want to reduce their chances of fatherhood may believe that spending quality time alone on a regular basis can help to reduce the amount of seed they release. It's worth repeating that only one little sperm cell is needed in order for a pregnancy to take hold. Masturbating may reduce the number of cells, but it can never reduce that figure to zero. Frequent masturbation can, however, cause penis damage, including:

  • Chafed skin
  • Reduced sensitivity
  • Increased scar tissue
  • Curved or bent erections

However, these issues can be alleviated through use of a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality penile creme containing penis-specific nutrients and moisturizers can soothe abused skin and boost cellular health, allowing for a smooth, responsive tool that's ready for safe, protected sex.