men with an itchy, red, uncomfortable penis rash, relief can't come quickly
enough. The bumps are unsightly, and the niggling itch doesn't seem to abate no
matter how much a guy might scratch. Unfortunately, rashes in intimate areas
can spring from many sources, and each different rash type may require a
slightly different approach to penis care.
A doctor
is best qualified to determine the source of the discomfort and provide
appropriate relief, but in the interim, learning more about what tends to cause
skin eruptions might help. Armed with this knowledge, a man will be in a good
position to help his doctor combat the rash and restore the skin to good health.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
all penis rash causes, STDs are probably the most frightening to contemplate,
and men with outbreaks of red bumps often scour their memory banks, trying to
remember if they've had sex with an infected partner in the recent past.
Condoms can provide protection from some STDs, but some areas of the skin are
still exposed even with protection, allowing infectious agents to slip through.
quick swab at the doctor's office could help to diagnose an STD, and
appropriate treatments could keep future breakouts under control. Some types of
STDs can be successfully treated with antibiotics or other medical therapies,
while other infections remain in the body for decades, and they could be passed
on to future partners. That's why a proper diagnosis is so important. By
learning the source of the rash, a guy could keep future mates from contracting
a contagious disease.
often top the list of concerns for guys with rashes, but there are several
other sources for penis problems, and not all of them carry such severe
consequences. For example, men who handle their equipment with a firm, tight
and dry grip during intimate moments could abrade their delicate skin cells and
erupt in a rash in the hours that follow. Even sex could lead to a rash, if the
receptive partner isn't providing adequate lubrication. Rashes like this can
sometimes look like those caused by STDs, so it's always important to see a
doctor, but friction abrasions do tend to heal with time and TLC.
detergents, perfumed soaps and slick body lotions can contain hundreds of
ingredients, and even a small amount of a skin allergen could invade the
delicate tissue of the penis and cause a ring of rashes to form. Intense
itching might follow, and the welts might spread to other parts of the body.
Identifying the allergen is vital, as outbreaks like this tend to grow more
severe in time, so men will need to avoid the items that cause the welts to
rise. Allergy testing can solve the mystery, but in the interim, sticking to
products that have none of the following ingredients might be helpful:
- Dyes
- Anti-bacterial agents
- Perfumes
- Deodorants
- Lye
Inadequate Care
unclean penis that is contaminated with bacteria and dead skin cells could
quickly become an infected penis that swells, itches and feels terrible.
Antibiotic creams can be vital here, allowing the inflammation to fade and the
skin to resume its normal work. In the
case of an infection, a doctor’s care is generally necessary.
with a mild soap and rinsing thoroughly is an excellent method to keep the skin
of the penis from rebelling and erupting. A penis
health crème (most experts recommend
Man 1 Man Oil) might also help to soothe penis skin and help it to resist infection,
as it contains both vitamins and emollients that can soften skin and nourish
the cells, providing a strong barrier against harmful contaminants. Wearing
supportive undergarments that breathe could also be vital, as these items of
clothing may discourage bacterial colonies from growing in the dark, humid area
around the penis.
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