Friday, 22 February 2013

Itchy Penis Health Concerns – How to Eliminate Pubic Lice

Due to the current trend among younger adults of removing most or all of the pubic hair, incidence of pubic lice has dropped in the last several years. However, planned parenthood clinics and doctor’s offices still report that crab lice is fairly common among this demographic.

As a result, men who are sexually active should recognize the signs of lice, as well as being aware of how to prevent spreading the parasites to others. Appropriate penis care and overall good hygiene can help men to avoid a potentially painful, embarrassing problem.

What are pubic lice?
Phthirus pubis is a type of parasitic insect that affects the pubic region. They can also be found in the armpit hair and/or eyebrows. They are a different species than head or body lice; Phthirus pubis are often referred to as “crabs” because of their resemblance to the six-legged sea creature.

Crabs survive solely on human blood, and they will nest in the hair of the genital region. Signs of lice include severe itching in the hair-covered region; grayish-white eggs in the pubic hair are also a sign that a person is infected with lice.

How are Phthirus pubis spread?
Crab lice are spread easily from one person to another. They are often transferred during sexual contact, but they may also be passed in shared clothing or bedding. Contrary to what some people believe, crabs (and other types of lice) are not passed between humans and animals; anyone who has lice got them from another person.

In order to avoid developing an infestation of crabs, it is important to avoid sexual contact with an infected person. Washing bedding and exercising good personal hygiene can also help to prevent the spread of crabs. In addition, it is a good idea to avoid trying on clothing items such as underwear or bathing suits without washing them beforehand; sharing of clothing and towels is also counterindicated.

Risk factors for Phthirus pubis
Those who are at greater risk for developing a pubic lice infestation include individuals who are sexually active, who have multiple sexual partners, or who live with another person who has crabs. Longer pubic hair offers a safe haven for lice and their eggs, so those who are untrimmed may want to reconsider.

How to get rid of a case of the crabs
Getting rid of crab lice involves washing with a specialized shampoo which kills the parasites. After washing, combing the hair in the affected area with a fine-toothed metal comb can help to remove any remaining eggs.

All clothing and bedding should be washed thoroughly, and trimming the underarm and pubic hair is highly recommended – this can also keep the lice from establishing themselves in the first place.

Exercising good penis hygiene
Good personal care habits are the first line of defense when it comes to avoiding STDs like Phthirus pubis. The importance of using a condom cannot be emphasized enough, although this might not be sufficient to prevent the spread of crabs. Keeping an open line of communication and choosing partners carefully is of utmost importance; learning to avoid the temptation of an anonymous encounter can mean the difference between good health or a lifetime of penis problems.

Keeping it clean is also essential. Trimming the pubic hairs, showering daily, wearing clean clothing and changing the sheets often can help guys to avoid many hygiene-related penis health issues, including pubic lice. In addition, applying an all-natural penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help to boost the body’s immune resistance to various diseases, as well as ensuring smooth, supple and responsive penis skin.

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