Monday, 24 October 2011

Penis Benefits of Vitamin A

Although most men are reluctant to talk about penis problems, it is common to experience penile symptoms such as dryness, itching, redness, soreness, and unpleasant odors from time to time. These common issues often occur as a result of masturbation, aggressive sex, or even restrictive clothing, which can cause chafing that may eventually lead to microscopic cracks or breaks in the skin’s surface. These tiny lesions allow bacteria to penetrate the protective outer dermal layer, permitting bacterial infections to take hold and causing the uncomfortable symptoms described above. A simple solution for avoiding these problems is to maintain healthy skin by applying a penis health crème that contains the antibacterial Vitamin A (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a regular basis. Vitamin A has numerous beneficial properties that can help keep skin clear, smooth and odor-free; and unlike oral supplements, which are not always well-absorbed, using a topical crème ensures that the nutrients it contains are available to the body right where they are needed most .

What is vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which is also known as retinol. While it can only be directly obtained from meat products, this nutrient can be made in the body by substances known as carotenoids, which are found in brightly-colored vegetables such as carrots, beets, red peppers and sweet potatoes. This essential vitamin is used in the production of white blood cells, an important component in immune function. In addition, it is needed for strengthening teeth and bones, as well as maintaining eyesight and preventing certain degenerative eye diseases that are commonly related to aging.

How does vitamin A help to promote good health?

Vitamin A plays an important role in immune system support, keeping skin cells and mucous membranes healthy and preventing bacterial and viral infections from taking hold. Vitamin A has also been shown to deter the effects of aging, helping to reduce wrinkles and diminishing the effects of environmental damage by combatting free radicals that can damage the skin. Medications containing this nutrient are often used in treating skin conditions such as psoriasis and severe acne. In addition, vitamin A has properties which help to prevent the painful calcifications known as kidney stones and to protect the body against certain types of cancer.

What are the most important penis health benefits of vitamin A?

The benefits of vitamin A are significant; in addition to immune system support and the treatment of generalized skin conditions, this vital nutrient also has specific applications for penis health:

• Moisturizes skin and creates a protective barrier that keeps out disease-causing bacteria, which can cause symptoms such as redness, peeling, itching, and burning, as well as discomfort during masturbation and intercourse.

• Eliminates penile odor by eliminating the harmless bacteria that often grow in the genital area.

• Reduces the formation of liver spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging that can detract from the appearance of the penis.

Keeping Your Penis Healthy

The best way to prevent penis problems is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding the use of tobacco products; it is also important to be selective about the choice of sexual partners. In addition, it is suggested that a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients be used daily to moisturize the skin and protect the penis from bacterial or fungal infections, which cause discomfort and may even lead to more serious penis health issues. Applying a penis crème directly to the skin ensures immediate absorption for maximum health benefits.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Five Most Commons STD's Plus Common Penis Problems

At one time or another, most men experience some degree of penile itching, penis redness, sore penis and penis rash. These common penis problems are often the result of rough masturbation or aggressive sex, which can create microscopic cracks or breaks in dry penis skin. These cracks allow bacteria and other contaminants to bypass the skin's protective dermal outer layer, leading to bacterial or fungal infections that case the unpleasant symptoms detailed above . A simple solution is to avoid dry penis skin by applying a moisturizer or penis health crème that contains the antibacterial Vitamin A (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil).

However, penis problems such as those mentioned above that do not clear up on their own after a few days may also be linked to a sexually transmitted disease. Although most STD’s are easily avoided with the proper precautions, the fact is that they are still highly prevalent among sexually active individuals. For those who have come in contact with an STD, early detection is important in order to avoid long-term (and potentially life-threatening) complications. The five most common STD's are listed below, along with their symptoms and most effective treatment options.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

HPV is caused by a common virus that can be found virtually everywhere; most people will come in contact with some form of HPV at least once during the course of their lifetime. While many people never develop any symptoms, it is highly contagious and easily passed between sexual partners.


The most easily-identifiable symptoms of HPV are warts which appear in the genital and anal regions. While they are not generally painful, these hard bumps are unpleasant in appearance and may cause discomfort during intercourse. In addition, HPV has been linked to cervical and genital cancers.


Once an individual has contracted HPV, there is no known cure, although the warts may eventually disappear on their own. For most people, the best option is to avoid infection by receiving the HPV vaccine, which has been shown to protect against life-threatening cancers linked to the virus.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a highly contagious viral STD which can be transmitted from one partner to another even when no symptoms are present.


Genital herpes presents in most individuals as painful, blistering sores in the genital and anal areas and around the mouth.


There is no known cure for herpes once an individual has contracted the disease, although flare-ups may be controlled through the use of oral or topical medications. Again, this common STD can be easily passed to a partner, even when there are no visible symptoms.


Chlamydia is a highly common bacterial infection which is readily transmitted through sexual contact. This infection can affect the reproductive organs and urinary tract and may lead to serious complications if left untreated.


Symptoms of chlamydia include a greenish or whitish discharge, fever, painful urination, abdominal pain, and painful intercourse. Itching and burning in the genital area may also occur.


Unlike genital herpes and HPV, chlamydia can be successfully treated through a course of antibiotics.


Also known as “the clap,” gonorrhea is a bacterial infection and often occurs simultaneously with chlamydia.


Gonorrhea may cause fever, swollen glands, sore throat, itching and burning in the genital area, and a white, greenish or yellow discharge.


Gonorrhea can be treated through the use of antibiotics; it is important that both sexual partners are treated for the infection, as it can be passed back and forth through sexual contact even after treatment.


Like gonorrhea and chlamydia, syphilis is a bacterial infection; however, it can be much more serious if left untreated and lead to lifelong complications.


In the initial stages of the disease, syphilis generally presents as a rash or soreness in the genital area. As it progresses, it can cause fever, headache and swollen glands; untreated syphilis may eventually lead to nervous system damage, bone damage, and loss of nerve function. In later stages, dementia, paralysis and death can be the end result.


Fortunately, if detected, syphilis can be treated using penicillin or other common antibiotics; those with symptoms of this or any other sexually transmitted disease should seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid long-term health problems.

Keeping Your Penis Healthy

The best way to prevent penis problems is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding the use of tobacco products; it is also important to choose sexual partners with care. In addition, it is suggested that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients be used daily to moisturize the skin and protect the penis from bacterial or fungal infections and environmental contaminants that may lead to more serious penis health issues.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Penis Health Benefits of Acetyl L Carnitine

Most men who are familiar with the term "acetyl L carnitine" (sometimes known as ALCAR or L-carnitine) have probably heard it of it in the context of body building;. Men who participate in this sport often use supplements containing ALCAR for its properties as a fat-burning agent. However, this important chemical, which occurs naturally in the body at limited levels, has many other benefits, as well. Most recently, L-carnitine has received recognition for its ability to maximize penile sensation and increase sexual stamina.

What is acetyl L carnitine?

L carnitine is an amino acid, an important "building block" used in the formation of proteins – chemicals which provide the body with energy. Amino acids can be synthesized in the body (mainly in the kidneys and liver) and are also ingested in certain foods, mainly red meats and grains, or in supplement form. Acetyl L carnitine is especially popular as a supplement for body builders – it is used by the body to transport fatty acids into cell mitochondria, where they can be burned as fuel, thus decreasing levels of fat in the body and working to increasing muscle mass at the same time.

Aside from burning fat, acetyl L carnitine has numerous other medical and health benefits. It is used in the treatment of certain mental disorders ranging from age-related depression to Alzheimer’s disease; it is also used in treating patients with emotional isues, as well as those suffering from nerve pain related to diabetes, and even as part of a treatment regimen for cataracts. In addition, several men’s sexual health benefits have been linked to this important amino acid.

What are the most significant penis benefits of acetyl L carnitine?

L-carnitine is critical to the manufacture of fuel in the body and is needed to support energy levels for intense sessions of physical activity; it can also help to slow the effects of aging and promote healing. The following benefits of ALCAR are specific to penis health:

1. Peyronie’s disease: This uncomfortable disorder occurs when a lump of scar tissue develops at the base of the penis, underneath the skin at the top or bottom of the shaft. As the tissue hardens and thickens, it can create stiffening at the base, causing the penis to bend or arc during an erection and making intercourse difficult and sometimes painful. L-carnitine protects against the incidence of Peyronie’s disease and may also help to reduce scarring that has already occurred.

2. Enhanced penile sensitivity: L-carnitine protects against the nerve damage that can occur as a result of frequent sexual activity over time; left untreated, damage to the penile nerves can lead to decreased sensitivity, which in turn has a negative effect on sexual function.

3. "Male menopause": Besides the production of energy, amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of hormones such as testosterone. In many cases, acetyl-L-carnitine has been successful in the treatment of "male menopause," a term used to refer to reduced levels of testosterone production.

Where can I find men’s products containing acetyl L carnitine that provide specific penis health benefits?

The health benefits from using acetyl L carnitine are significant; with the right product, you can maintain a healthy penis, increase your energy levels and enjoy enhanced sensation that leads to improved sexual performance.

While there are plenty of supplements containing ALCAR that are available in the form of powders, pills and protein shakes, the amino acids in these oral supplements are not always well-absorbed by the body. The penis benefits of acetyl L carnitine are most easily obtained through use of a specially-formulated penis health oils (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied directly to the penis and absorbed into the skin for maximum effectiveness. The penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and moisturizers contained in these products provide numerous penis health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Penis Health Benefits of Shea Butter

If you have ever walked by the cosmetics counter of a department store or down the aisles of your local pharmacy, you have most likely seen wide range of women’s skin care products announcing shea butter as one of their ingredients. What you probably don’t know is that this cosmetic additive is not only beneficial for improving skin tone and reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles in women; it has numerous applications for men’s penis health, as well. Men are increasingly turning to products containing shea butter to maintain a healthy look and feel to the skin of the penis; read on to find out how you can experience the benefits of this all-natural moisturizer, as well.

What is shea butter?

Shea butter is a fatty yellow extract from the seeds of the shea tree (also known as the karite tree), which grows wild on the savannahs of Central and West Africa. Native populations have known about the health benefits of this fatty substance for centuries, harvesting it for use not only in food preparation, but also for medicinal purposes. Shea butter is used in treating burns, scars, psoriasis, dandruff, and other uncomfortable skin conditions, as well as improving overall skin tone and texture. In addition, it has been shown to contain cinnamic acid, which protects the body from harmful UV rays.

In recent years, Westerners have come to realize the many health benefits of shea butter, and demand for this tree oil has increased exponentially due to its ability to rejuvenate cell growth, smooth and soften aging skin, and counteract environmental damage from exposure to the sun and other harmful elements.

What are some common penis conditions that can be treated using shea butter?

There are numerous common health problems that can detract from the appearance of the penis, cause soreness during and after intercourse, and affect sexual performance. The most important penis benefits of shea butter are described here.

1. Dry, cracked skin: Over time, masturbation, manual stimulation by a sexual partner or even rubbing continuously against tight-fitting clothing can form microscopic cracks in the skin of the penis. These tiny openings can allow bacteria in, leading to possible infection. Over time, chafed and cracked skin can also form callouses, toughening the skin and diminishing sensations in the penis. Shea butter softens the skin and promotes healing, leaving the penis smooth, supple, and healthy looking.

2. Red, irritated or peeling skin: Men with sensitive penile skin often experiences reddening or soreness after sexual intercourse; this can cause embarrassment as well as discomfort. Shea butter heals irritated skin and protects against further damage, helping to ensure a healthy appearance and reduce discomfort during and after sex.

3. Wrinkled -looking skin: While most of us would like to believe that looks aren’t everything, the fact is that women are often turned off by a penis that appears to be dry and wrinkled. Using a moisturizer containing shea butter can keep your penis looking supple and attractive by keeping the skin well-hydrated and minimizing the appearance of wrinkling.

Where can I find men’s products containing shea butter that provide specific penis health benefits?

The health benefits from using shea butter are significant; with the right product, you can maintain a healthy-looking penis and enjoy enhanced sensation that leads to improved sexual performance.

The penis benefits of shea butter can be most easily obtained through use of a specially-formulated penis health crème (men’s health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied directly to the penis and absorbed into the skin for maximum effectiveness. The penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and moisturizers provide numerous penis health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.