Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Keeping the Erect Penis Healthy: Simple Strategies

When it’s limp, a man’s penis may possess a certain appeal, but most guys are more interested in the impression their equipment makes when it’s in full bloom, as it were. That makes some sense, of course, as an erect penis is needed for most sexual endeavors, especially those in which there is penetration of some kind required. In addition, an erect penis is a sign of good penis health (and is useful in determining overall health to a degree as well). So no doubt about it, an erect penis is a good and desirable goal. So to help men more readily work toward this goal, the following simple daily strategies may come in handy.

A Handful of Simple Strategies

- Say good morning to the wood. The alarm goes off, a man fumblingly turns it off, then sits up in bed - often to find that his penis is way ahead of him and is already up and ready to greet the day. Morning wood - an erect penis upon awakening - is a common occurrence and a sign that a guy’s penile equipment is in good working order. Absence of morning wood does not mean that there are problems with the equipment - unless morning wood is a rare occurrence, in which case it’s worth checking things out. But for guys who wake up semi-hard, spend a few minutes coaxing it into a fully hard erect penis. Many physicians believe that doing this is an easy way to build up penis strength and health.

- Give your teeth the brush-off. Dental hygiene is important, period, but most men don’t know that it can be an aid to good penis health as well. Brushing regularly (at least twice a day) is known to help prevent gum disease, which in turn causes inflammation. That inflammation wreaks havoc with blood vessel cells throughout the body - including the penis, where it can lead to weaker erections.

- Let cigs go up in smoke. Guys who smoke are undoubtedly tired of hearing this, but they really, really ought to quit. The general health detriments and deficits associated with smoking are well known, but not so well known is the fact that in many men, smoking has a negative impact on their ability to attain and maintain an erect penis, or on how firm it is when it is erect. Nicotine makes it harder for blood to flow in large volumes through vessels, and that is bad news for an erect penis.

- Stay fit generally. The less excess weight a guy carries around his midsection, and the more "at ease" he is emotionally, the happier his heart is - and that means his penis is generally happier, too. The connection between a healthy heart and an erect penis is direct, so going to the gym or engaging in appropriate physical activities is all to the good. And meditating or finding hobbies that allow a guy to relax and let stress melt away also keeps the heart feeling much better - and again, that makes for a happier penis as well.

Another of the simpler strategies for keeping an erect penis happy is to keep an eye on overall penis health - and that’s aided by the regular application of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best idea is to look through the ingredients in the oil and see if it contains L-arginine and vitamin C. The former is an amino acid that is helpful in production of nitric oxide, which in turn enables penile blood vessels to stay receptive and healthy. And vitamin C is also necessary for maintaining proper blood flow, which again is key for good erect penis function.

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