Monday, 27 January 2020

Head Trauma and Erectile Dysfunction – a Possible Link

The human body is a wonderful and complicated thing, and the way its many parts work together is sometimes difficult to understand. That’s why doctors so often recommend keeping the entire body in shape through diet and exercise, as disease is less likely to occur when the body as a whole is healthy. This interconnectedness of the body includes the penis, and it is also 1 reason why penis health may be impacted by seemingly unrelated issues For example, recent studies suggest that a severe head trauma, such as a concussion, can in some cases contribute to erectile dysfunction, even though the head is so far away from the penis itself.

One study

Several studies have investigated the possible link between head trauma and erectile dysfunction. One recent one is entitled "Association of Concussion Symptoms with Testosterone Levels and Erectile Dysfunction in Former Professional US-Style Football Players" and was published in JAMA Neurology. (JAMA is the Journal of the American Medical Association.) The study was conducted by doctors at Harvard Medical School.

This study looked at more than 3400 individuals who were at one time members of an NFL team and began playing after 1960. (This date was chosen because it is the date at which almost all NFL players were wearing plastic helmets for protection.) Among the information gathered was whether they had ever experienced during their games or practices an event resulting in head trauma; what kind of consequences resulted from the event (nausea, dizziness, fainting, etc.); the estimated number of times such events occurred; the position(s) they played; and whether they had ever subsequently been diagnosed with either low testosterone levels or erectile dysfunction. (Low testosterone is typically associated with erectile dysfunction.)


More than 18 percent of respondents reported the presence of low testosterone levels, and almost 23 percent reported erectile dysfunction issues. This supports earlier studies that indicate that head trauma can be a factor in erectile dysfunction. It is unclear whether or by how much multiple instances of head trauma may affect erectile function; many doctors believe that even 1 instance can potentially have an impact. And by that reasoning, if a man experiences multiple head traumas, then his chance of one of them causing erectile dysfunction increases.

But why should this be? One of the most logical theories is that head trauma has the potential to negatively impact the pituitary gland, which is lodged in the cranium. The pituitary gland connects to the brain via neurons and tissues. If those pathways get damaged, it can impact the ability of the pituitary gland to do its job.

And what is part of that job? Well, part of that job is controlling the release of testosterone, which plays a major role in sex drive and erectile function.

Although this study focused on professional football players, who are in a position to receive significant head trauma on a regular basis, it has applications for men in everyday walks of life. Anyone can receive a concussion due to an accident, even if they typically spend their days at a desk in front of a computer. What this study tells us is that men who receive any significant head trauma should be monitored by their doctors for signs of erectile dysfunction, so that steps can be taken to address the issue (if it arises) early on.

Erectile dysfunction, whether brought about by a head trauma or not, can be challenging, and the last thing a man needs in that case is further penis health issues. That’s 1 reason why daily use of an exceptional penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is advised. When selecting the proper oil, look for one with both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide production and therefore impacts penile blood vessel health. The latter has neuroprotective properties to help maintain proper sensation in a well-used penis.

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