Sunday, 17 November 2019

The Benefits of Manscaping and How to Do It

Who knows who first uttered the word, but since they did, manscaping has been a thing. A big thing, as it turns out. There are a lot of reasons to, many of them resulting in an increase in visitors and a more hospitable welcome. Let’s talk about the very real benefits of manscaping, and of course, how to get the job done!

The Fringe Benefits of Penile Grooming

Some men just don’t want to battle the brambles willingly, but here are a few reasons taking the trimmer to the jungle is a good idea:

1) If you sculpt it, they will come (and so will you): Want your own private Field of Dreams? It’s easy enough, clear the brush, and make your package easier to find. It’s also more hospitable, and that can attract all sorts of attention. A poll in Cosmopolitan magazine found that 70 percent of women preferred a man who manscaped. Even Shoeless Joe would approve.

2) Let the penis take center stage. Clear the pubes and shine a light on the shaft. It’s a fact that the penis looks bigger when a man clears the weeds. And what guy doesn’t want to look bigger? Exactly, none of them.

3) Smell sweeter. Overgrown and out of control pubes hoard all sorts of odorific horrors like sweat, urine, semen, bacteria, dead skin cells, and any other mystery emissions. These things all together and out in the air create a funk that George Clinton wouldn’t get next to. By taking the penis beard down to something a bit tighter, there’s less hair to trap those unpleasant smells, making the area more welcoming to others and friendly for a man’s nose as well.

Since you are definitely on board after looking over the benefits, let’s talk about the how.

Manscaping Option #1: Clippers/Shaving

You don’t have to go bare when manscaping unless you want to. For men who still want to have a little something to keep themselves warm at night, use a set of clippers and go low. This is by far the most common way of manscaping. For the dudes ditching their pubes, shaving with an electric shaver or regular razor is advisable. Be sure always to use a new blade when kicking it old school. In both cases, do not go over the same area more than once, or you raise your chance of razor burn. Be sure to wash, rinse, and dry the area after and apply a penis lotion to calm the skin and keep bacteria out of the area.

Manscaping Option #2: Waxing

A more uncommon choice, some men prefer to hit the spa and have an experienced aesthetician wax their naughty bits. You’ll need at least a half-inch of hair, and be prepared for some discomfort during and after the procedure. Take a few Advil before going and ask for a topical numbing agent to reduce discomfort. Repeat every 6 to 8 weeks. Once the hair is all on the same cycle, waxing may be less often like every 3 to 4 months.

Manscaping Option #3: Laser Hair Removal

For men with a little cash to burn and pale skin with dark hair, laser hair removal is a great option, though not one that is reversible. Men with lighter hair and/or darker skin tones have less success and a higher risk of burns. It will take at least 6 treatments to clear the area, but expect to go in for touch-ups on occasion.

Manscaping: That Extra Step

Manscaping can cause the genital skin a bit of trauma. To calm and pacify the area, use a specially formulated penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and soothe the skin. Using an oil like this that contains shea butter and vitamin E to lock in moisture while calming the skin is the best way to strengthen and protect the skin. Vitamins B and C improves skin by promoting collagen production and cell regeneration.Use daily for strong, silky skin.

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