The alarm goes off and it’s time to rise and shine. And for many men, the keyword in that sentence is rise, as they often greet the morning with a keen erection. (Morning wood, as that is known, is by the way an indicator of good penis health.) Too often that morning erection goes to waste, as a guy has to hurry to shower, get dressed and make his way to work. But for guys waking up with someone else in bed, it’s worth finding time to make morning sex a real thing - on weekends if not on workdays. The following sex tips talk about this in greater detail.
- It uses resources wisely. Often, people are at their most energetic after waking from a good night’s sleep, making them more receptive to and potentially more "tuned into" sexual experiences than they would be at other times. Besides, testosterone levels tend to be higher upon waking, as evidenced by that previously mentioned morning wood. As long as that erection is there - or not far from coming about - why waste it? Women also tend to be more relaxed after a good night’s sleep, making their bodies more receptive to sexual arousal as well.
- Prepare properly for it. One of the things that can kill a morning sex mood is too much preparation - feeling that a shower is needed, and hair must be combed, and certainly teeth need to be brushed. All of this can add significant time and kill the morning sex mood. Wise sex tips experts encourage people to revel in their partner’s "bedhead" and to keep a little mouthwash or breath mints at bedside for a quick breath freshener that won’t delay things too long. If one or both partners have serious breath issues, consider engaging in sexual activities that don’t require mouth-to-mouth contact, such as oral sex or mutual masturbation.
- Oh, the light. Couples used to having sex in the dark at night may find all that morning sunlight a bit strange - especially if they feel sensitive about what they perceive as any physical flaws that the veil of night helps disguise. Learning to trust that a partner values a person despite their imperfections is key to any relationship, so morning sex can actually help strengthen a relationship by exposing a person to a little sunlight.
- Be on the same page. Sometimes one partner may be all frisky and ready to romp and the other isn’t. As with any sexual encounter, there needs to be agreement about this. Consent on both parts is essential, no matter how aroused a partner may feel.
- Don’t even look at the phone. With cell phones a ubiquitous part of life, it’s not unusual for a person to check their phones upon awakening. If morning sex is in the cards, avoid this temptation. Nothing will ruin the mood more quickly than trying to cuddle while wondering just what the hell jack meant by that email or why Gi9na hasn’t responded to your text yet.
- Consider timing. It’s nice to choose a day when there are no immediate demands so that a couple can take as long as they want in bed. But there can also be great fun and excitement in "racing against the clock," having a quickie because the couple knows they have to be finished in 10 (or however many) minutes.
Sex tips for morning sex also assume that a man is already watching his penis health, especially by regularly applying a first class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best oils will contain a combination of moisturizers, such as shea butter and vitamin E, to make sure penis skin is supple and smooth. The selected oil should also benefit from a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to help prevent oxidative damage from weakening the skin.
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