Thursday, 17 May 2018

Masturbation: Not Just for Millennials

With May being Masturbation Month, there have been a number of articles in the press about the joys of self-pleasuring. Some of these articles have taken the results of a recent poll and focused on the finding that millennials practice masturbation at a higher rate than other age groups. (And since there are benefits, such as improved vaginal and penis health, kudos to them for their efforts.) But some of these pieces make it seem as if masturbation is strictly a millennials-only activity - and that’s far from the case.

According to the survey, 57% of millennials report masturbating weekly, which is more than any other age group. More than 40% of people between the ages of 35 and 54, for example, masturbate weekly. It’s clear that millennials are not the only ones taking matters into their own hands.

Guys rule

For example, 84% of Americans (admit to) masturbating, which breaks down to 92% of American men and 76% of American women. Not bad, men, but U.S. males are still behind some of their international peers. In Germany, 93% of men say they provide self-satisfaction, and in the UK, the figure is 96%. But Brazil beats them all, with a male masturbation rate of 98%.

Men also tend to masturbate more than women. 54% of American men masturbate weekly, and average 4.8 sessions per week; only 22% of women self-ignite weekly, at an average rate of 4.1 times per week.


The survey also looked at sex toys, which are part of many individuals’ and couples’ sex lives. The survey was conducted by a sex toy manufacturer, so one may want to keep that in mind; however, according to the survey, people who have used sex toys tend to be more satisfied with their sexual activities than those who have not.

Among American men, 20% stated that they currently use sex toys, as opposed to 35% of women. But 46% of U.S. males said they were open to buying a sex toy for themselves at some point in the future. (This puts them pretty much in the middle, globally, with a high of 71% from Mexican men and 14% from Nigerian men.) One reason for this may be that partners of men who use sex toys report an overall greater satisfaction.

The survey has a great deal more information, but it ultimately reinforces what many already know: there’s a lot of masturbating going on. And with May as Masturbation Month, there’s likely to be a spike in that activity.

With that in mind, men who are self-celebrating should remember a few tips:

- Be sure to use lubrication. Yes, sometimes a guy can get by with a little saliva if the masturbation session is of short duration. But in most instances, masturbating without lubrication can lead to a raw, painful penis.

- Watch out for death grips. Squeezing the penis too tightly for too long can lead to a diminishment of feeling in the penis - and no guy wants that.

- Clean up afterward. Some men who masturbate at bedtime just wipe the semen off on their penis and fall asleep. Dried semen can contribute to penis odor issues, which can be a turn-off to many partners.

Millennials and boomers alike enjoy masturbation, as does every adult age group. And it will be more pleasurable if a guy’s equipment is kept in good health through the use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes a combination of moisturizing agents (such as shea butter and vitamin E) to help soothe a sore penis which has been worked over a bit too much. And find a crème with L-arginine, the neuroprotective properties of which can help restore diminished penis sensation due to aggressive handling.

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