Thursday, 4 December 2014

Sore Penis After Sex: How to Soothe the Pain

No one likes to stop something that feels good. That's probably why epic sex sessions can last for hours. Why should people stop when things are going so well? Unfortunately, men who don't stop to rest during a busy bout of sex can end up with penile pain, either immediately or later on. It's a tough problem, but there are many simple penis care steps men can take to alleviate the discomfort of a sore penis.

An Immediate Plan of Action
As soon as that first wave of pain hits, all sexual activity should cease. The penis needs air and rest, and those are two things it simply won't get while sex is still going on. The pain should serve as a red light for bedroom activities, at least for the moment.
Hopping up out of bed and heading to the shower might be a smart next step to take. Lubricants, spermicides and other fluids involved in sex can sometimes inflame tissues, and the longer they stay in contact, the more damage they can do. Washing them off with warm water could help at least some of the soreness to subside.

Within 4 to 6 Hours
If resting and washing don't make the pain go away for good, a man might be dealing with:
- Torn skin
- Sore muscle tissue
- Friction burns
- Dehydrated penile tissues
These are the sorts of damage that don't simply heal with tiny interventions. And they can cause a lot of pain.

An over-the-counter pain reliever can be a great help. These medications block signals of pain, which can allow a man to get the rest he needs in order to heal properly.
An ice pack wrapped up in a towel can also help to reduce the sensation of burning that can come with some penis injuries. Applying a pack to sore tissues for a few moments at a time, allowing the skin to rest between applications, could help much of the pain and inflammation to fade.

The Next Day
When the sex has been really rough, penis pain can linger. Ice packs and painkillers can provide a great deal of relief, but men might need to take additional pain-busting steps in order to allow tissues to heal.

For some, that means spending time in the buff. Sore tissues need a great deal of airflow in order to heal, and modern men's clothing just doesn't provide the level of air exposure damaged tissues need. That's why letting things hang out in the day or two following an injury can be beneficial.
Sore tissues will, in time, be replaced by the healthier tissues that lie beneath. But the body needs a great deal of water in order to build those tissues. Drinking plenty of water regularly while the healing moves forward can give the body what it needs to repair the damage done.

A penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is another excellent post-sex healing tool. Quality products contain emollients such as Shea butter that keep skin soft and smooth, so it's capable of sloughing off all the rough, damaged skin that results from a vigorous sex session. These products also contain vitamins, so wounded skin has the building blocks needed for a healthier, brighter appearance. And a daily application can even make skin stronger at the cellular level, so it will be able to handle more sex without incurring damage and becoming sore once again. Using a product like this on the day that follows a rough sex session, and continuing that application every day, could be the best thing for a man's sex life.

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