Being diagnosed with an STD is a nightmare for almost anyone. Some social diseases can be eliminated from the system with proper treatment, but not all STDs can be cured, and the only option is lifelong management of the symptoms. Men who have a confirmed case of an incurable STD often worry that they will be forced to spend the rest of their lives alone and abstain from sex permanently. Added to the pain of penis sores, the fear of social isolation and humiliation can lead to depression and anxiety and severely affect a man’s quality of life. In order to avoid this ordeal, knowing how to reduce the risk of contracting a venereal disease is essential. Even men who are already sexually active can benefit from the information here, as well as from exercising appropriate penis care.
Avoiding STDs
As any sexual health expert will attest, the only fool-proof way for a man to be sure that he will not contract an STD is to abstain from sex altogether, or to stick with only one partner who has already received a clean bill of health. However, for most guys, abstinence is unrealistic, and a significant number of men will have numerous sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary to take some precautionary measures, both before and after sex:
1. Condoms - Latex protection is the second best way, after abstinence, to avoid exposure to a social disease. In order for condoms to be effective, they should be used all the time, every time. This means carrying a condom at all times, because as most men will admit, it is all too common for the heat of the moment to overcome reason, and few men are likely to break off a steamy encounter to run to the nearest pharmacy.
2. Communication - While STDs are usually the last thing on anyone’s mind when the mood is heating up, and talking about them can be extremely awkward, taking a few minutes to compare notes and reveal any concerns about past partners can save a lot of pain and humiliation in the long run.
3. Careful choice of partners - The greater the number of sexual partners a man has, the greater his risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Discretion in choosing partners is an important factor in reducing this risk. In the event that an unexpected opportunity presents itself, it may be wise to ask whether the momentary pleasure is worth a lifetime of aggravation and stress. At the very least, it is a good idea to be prepared at all times with a condom or two at hand.
4. Self-exams and regular checkups - All men should keep an eye out for unusual growths or lesions on their penis, as well as elsewhere on their body. In some cases, finding signs of an STD early can make it easier to treat the condition and avoid spreading it to others. Yearly checkups by a doctor are also recommended as a preventive measure. In addition, men may want to consider vaccination for HPV (human papillomavirus), a common disease that can cause genital warts and is easily passed between sexual partners.
5. Hygiene - Finally, taking proper care of the penis can help men to spot problems before they get out of hand or to avoid them altogether. Keeping the penis and surrounding area clean can reduce the chances of contracting or passing on conditions like yeast infection or HPV, and urinating and then washing with a mild cleanser and warm water following sexual relations can help to eliminate harmful bacteria from the surface of the skin. Applying a penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (powerful disease-fighting agents) may help to boost the body’s defenses, protect the skin against outside invaders, and improve the overall look and feel of the penis.
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