Thursday, 13 September 2012

Male Sex Pills -- The Truth Behind The Hype

The internet is filled with advertisements for male sex pills and libido boosters. But do any of these actually work, and are they safe? Drugs for male sexual function vary from pharmaceutical medications to natural herbal extracts and penis-specific vitamins. Each company brand is different and the effectiveness and safety depends entirely on what ingredients are included, and how trustworthy the brand actually is. Men should always be wary when purchasing pills over the internet, and try to stick with reputable brands and recommended products. If you are currently on medications or have any cardiovascular problems, talk with your doctor first. The consequences of mixing male sex pills with medications can be deadly.


Tadalafil, Sildenafil and vardenafil are the biologic names of the three most popular pharmaceuticals which all have a very similar function in restoring erections in men. Once ingested, these drugs will actively inhibit a chemical called PGE-5 -- the enzyme that breaks down cGMP. cGMP is the molecule most directly involved with attaining and maintaining erections in men. By reducing PGE-5, the molecule cGMP remains high in the tissues of the penis and is not broken down.

These medications have revolutionized the world of sexual medicine, and opened up the bedroom door for men around the globe. While these three drugs are highly effective in restoring sexual function, they are also not without side effects. Vision problems, headaches, digestive problems, flushing and nasal congestion are all possible adverse reactions, regardless of which drug you take. Vardenafil in particular can cause heart palpitations, hypotension, joint pain, muscle pain and skin rashes in some cases. Due to these adverse effects, pharmaceutical sex pills should only be purchased from a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

Herbal Enhancements

Every year millions of dollars are spent on herbal libido pills for men, many containing unregulated substances such as herbal extracts, amino acids and synthetic hormones. Ingredients found in herbal sex pills vary hugely from product to product, but only a few have been backed by independent scientific research. Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagitattum) is a Chinese herb that has been found in several studies to work in a similar fashion to Viagra. Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a tonic and testosterone-boosting herb used widely throughout the world as a mental and sexual stimulant. L-Arginine is an amino acid needed by the body to produce nitric oxide (NO), the enzyme responsible for attaining erections.

Gingko, piperine/cayenne or ginger are often added to herbal sex pills to boost circulation to the pelvic area and increased the effectiveness of other extracts. Use extreme caution when purchasing herbal enhancements, as many contain drugs, adulterants, and illegal chemicals such as benzyl piperazine (BZP). Some are contraindicated with prescription medications, especially blood thinners and blood pressure medications.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are organic substances found in foods, supplements, and also in natural sex pills. Men require certain nutrients for optimum sexual function, as sex hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes responsible for penis health and erectile function are derived from nutrients found in the diet. L-Arginine is required to as an ingredient to create nitric oxide (NO), the enzyme responsible for dilating blood vessels in the penis and stimulating the production of cGMP. Vitamin C and E both are both involved with NO production as well. B vitamins are required in high levels for healthy nerve sensitivity and energy production, as well as reducing stress levels that can negative impact libido in men. While supplements and nutritional libido boosters may vary in their absorption, men can also use penis health crèmes (most professionals recommend man1man oil) as a way to directly attain the much-needed vitamins into the blood stream. Vitamin E, C, D, A and L-Arginine are combined in a shea butter base for fast absorption.

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