Tuesday, 11 September 2012

How Much is Too Much - Penis Issues and Male Masturbation Concerns

It’s safe to say that practically every male on the planet masturbates at least occasionally. The need to ejaculate and experience sexual pleasure is hard-wired, and even men who have frequent sex need the release of masturbation. Ejaculation releases hormones that reduce the effects of stress on the body, promote relaxation and boost the immune system. However, frequent masturbation can also have negative effects, leading to soreness, irritation, skin problems and even loss of penis sensitivity. Daily care with penis-specific vitamins and minerals can help to prevent many of these common penis issues related to excessive or rough masturbation:

Red, irritated skin: Overly aggressive masturbation, dry rubbing, and excessive manual stimulation; in fact, any activity that creates a large amount of friction can lead to a reddened, sore penis and minor skin damage. If the penis skin is not given time to heal properly, microscopic fissures may occur in the outer dermal tissue of the penis, increasing the risk of infection as well as causing further soreness and irritation. Without proper treatment with vitamins and other nutrients that promote the repair of minor skin damage and enhance the skin’s natural healing properties, this issue can become chronic and interfere with the enjoyment of sexual activity.

Dryness and flaking: In addition to redness and sore penis skin, excessive masturbation can dry the sensitive skin in the groin area, which may lead to a scaly or flaky appearance, or even premature wrinkling of the skin. Without adequate care, this can result in toughened skin that is less responsive to touch. Proper moisturization with all-natural oils such as shea butter may protect the penis skin against over-drying and promote a smooth, supple appearance, as well as protecting against the loss of penis sensation that may occur as the skin becomes thickened and callused.

Peripheral nerve damage: The pleasurable sensations that come from sexual stimulation and masturbation are created by a fine network of nerve tissue that lies just below the surface of the skin. Rough handling and overuse can cause minor nerve damage; unless the nerve cells are allowed to heal properly, this can eventually lead to loss of penis sensation and a reduction in the ability to enjoy sex. Taking time out between sessions and supporting nerve health through nutrients such acetyl-L-carnitine and can help to stimulate regeneration of the penile nerve tissue.

Poor circulation: Rough or excessive masturbation may, in some cases, lead to bruising and damage to the blood vessels of the penis, limiting circulation. Reduced blood flow can affect penile sensitivity, not to mention the overall health of the penis. Supporting the circulatory system through the use of vitamin C, which is a necessary component in the formation and repair of circulatory tissue, as well as the amino acid L-arginine, may help to reduce the risk of decreased penile sensitivity.

Protecting the penis against common issues related to excessive masturbation

There are several steps that men can take in order to protect the penis from common skin and nerve issues, as well as to maintain a healthy, youthful appearance. First, keeping the skin well-moisturized; protecting against loss of hydration is necessary; in addition, providing nutrient support through a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing rejuvenating vitamins such as A, C, D, and B5, as well as disease-fighting antioxidants and amino acids for nerve support is suggested. Finally, taking a break once in a while (a few days off never hurt anyone) or trying new techniques may help to create a new range of sensations that can help to enhance the sexual experience.

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