Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Treating Common Penis Health Problems

Almost all men encounter minor skin conditions of the penis at one time or another. Symptoms of penis health problems may include dryness, flaking skin, rash, soreness, and foul odors. However, while these common penis conditions can cause some discomfort or embarrassment, they are generally no reason for concern. Most penis issues can be easily treated at home using a penis health crème which contains natural vitamins and moisturizers (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). However, penis problems that are painful, cause problems during intercourse, do not respond to home treatment within a few days, or are accompanied by a headache, fever, or unpleasant-smelling discharge indicate a more serious penis health condition and should be treated by a doctor. Some of the most common skin conditions of the penis are described below.

Chafed or Irritated Skin

Chafing or irritation of the penis skin is highly common. Irritation may result from a wide range of causes, including rough masturbation, aggressive sex, drying cleansers or detergents, restrictive clothing, or poor hygiene.


Signs of irritated skin may include redness, soreness, a dry, wrinkled appearance, and rough or flaking skin.


Treating and preventing chafing or irritation of the penis skin consists simply of washing with a mild cleanser, wearing loose-fitting clothing, avoiding harsh laundry detergents, and moisturizing the skin on a regular basis; use of a personal lubricant during masturbation or sex may also help to prevent irritated penis skin.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infections may occur anywhere on the skin; the penis and genital areas are especially prone to fungal infections, as fungi tend to thrive in moist, warm areas that are not frequently exposed to air. There are numerous different types of fungal infections, including jock itch (caused by the same fungus responsible for athlete’s foot) and yeast infection.


Signs of a fungal infection may include a red, spreading rash, severe itching, dry skin, soreness, and an unpleasant odor.


Treating a fungal infection usually involves over-the-counter topical medications; for fungal infections that will not go away, medical treatment may be necessary. Men who are experiencing a fungal infection should avoid sexual contact, as these skin conditions are contagious. Avoiding fungal infections is as easy as keeping the area clean and dry, treating with a daily moisturizer, and wearing non-restrictive clothing.

Bacterial Infection

Bacterial infections are a fairly common cause of penis discomfort. The surface of the skin is covered with tiny organisms; these are generally harmless, but they may cause unpleasant symptoms if they are allowed to penetrate through the outer dermal layer to the inner tissue. Irritation caused by chafing, rough handling, or dry skin can result in tiny fissures in the skin’s surface, allowing the bacteria to enter and cause infection..


Bacterial infections may cause symptoms such as redness, inflammation, rash, and soreness; infected skin may be warm to the touch.


The best treatment for bacterial infections is, of course, to prevent them in the first place. Caring for the penis skin with a mild cleanser and using a daily penis moisturizer may help to prevent infections from occurring; if any of the above symptoms are present and do not resolve on their own within a few days, antibiotics may be required to fight the infection.

Keeping Your Penis Healthy

The best way to prevent penis problems is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water, and not smoking or using other tobacco products; it is also important to be selective about the choice of sexual partners. In addition, it is suggested that a penis health crème, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients be used daily to moisturize the skin and protect the penis from bacterial or fungal infections, chemical irritants and environmental contaminants that may lead to more serious penis health conditions.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Using a Penis Health Crème a Major Benefit for Men

Ignoring penis skin care can result in dry, irritated, reddish penis skin. Lack of penis care creates an unhealthy looking penis that can lead to poor sexual performance and lower self esteem. It can also cause anxiety, and depression if sexual activity is affected. A quality penis health crème (health professional recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a valuable aid in maintaining optimum penis skin appearance

"Causes of Red Irritated Penis Skin"

The skin on the penis is often subjected to more stress than many other parts of the body. A number of issues can cause irritation. While engaged in masturbation, too much pressure applied by a clenched hand can cause tiny tears on the skin surrounding the shaft. Blood vessel rupture is also possible, causing redness and loss of sensitivity.

"Capillary Rupture"

Aggressive masturbation can rupture the small blood vessels close to the skin. If this happens, red blotches or little dots will show up. Avoid further masturbation for 24 to 48 hours to allow healing and apply a penis health moisturizer.

"Loss of Penis Sensitivity"

Friction caused by masturbation can lead to a loss of sensitivity. Frequent dry masturbation only adds to this problem. A quality penis health crème can alleviate this problem and increase sensitivity and help avoid stress on the blood vessels.

Dry, flaky penis skin is another common problem that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. This is commonly caused by eczema or jock itch.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is inflammation of the skin. It shows up as a red, itchy rash. Scratching only causes more irritation. A quality skin crème can help alleviate the dryness. This will also reduce the itchiness associated with the condition.

What is Jock Itch?

Jock itch shows up as a red, dry patch in the groin area and can produce a burning sensation. It’s usually caused by sweating, dampness and friction and can be treated with anti fungal ointments.

"How to Maintain Healthy Penis Skin"

Vitamin A and Vitamin C are two of the important ingredients found in Man1 Man Oil.

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and helps maintain skin, teeth and tissue health It reduces inflammation, and works as an anti bacterial agent.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin so is constantly needed for the body to maintain optimum health. Green vegetables and most fruits are a good source of this vitamin. It is important in forming collagen production that is needed for wound healing and healthy skin.

Good hygiene, along with a healthy diet containing a balance of vegetables, nuts and fruits, and avoiding frequent fast food, all help maintain a health body and a healthy skin. A penis health crème containing quality ingredients and especially developed for healthy penis skin is also important in maintaining a blemish free male organ. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil)

Monday, 20 February 2012

Relief for Dry Irritated or Red Penile Skin

Today’s market offers an assortment of products designed to heal red, dry, and itchy penile skin.

What are the Best Remedies Available?

Sometimes, the best remedy for any of these penis skin conditions is to use a cream or oil, which is enhanced with amino acids, vitamins, and nutrients designed specifically for these problems. A good cream or oil product (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will have all of the vitamins and minerals, listed below, which will keep your penis healthy and affect free.

What Vitamins and Minerals are required for Great Penile Health:

• Acetyl L Carnitine – protects the nerves of the penis during aggressive sexual activity, particularly masturbation when the penis is rubbed aggressively.

• Alpha Lipoic Acid – is a wrinkle remover and age refiner, keeping penis skin young and supple

• L-arginine – oxygenates the vessels and capillaries, plus has enzymes that promote good penis health.

• Vitamin A –is an anti-bacterial to prevent infection of damaged tissue, and odor.

• Vitamin B5 – rejuvenation for all penis cells and to maintain good penis health

• Vitamin C – assists penis with collagen production, so elasticity doesn’t dwindle during erectile function.

• Vitamin D – is acclaimed illness fighting vitamin that should be mandatory in any penile regimine.

• Vitamin E – aids in the reduction of dry and chaffed penile skin creating a supple, healthy look.

Other Health Issues that affect Penis Health and Erections:

• Smoking on a regular or continual basis can affect penile erectile function.

• An enlarged prostate gland will cause premature ejaculation and/or erectile dysfunction.

• Continual masturbation without lubrication or moisturizer can cause penile sensitivity loss.

The key to great penis health is to wash and lubricate the skin using a penis health cream or lotion that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals found in the list above. Several products are available today (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) so there is no reason to have sore, itchy, or dry penile skin. Like the rest of your body, the penis needs to be treated with respect and cared for daily.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Does Vitamin A Really Benefit Penis Health?

Vitamin A plays a very important role in the promotion of healthy skin especially the sensitive skin of penis. Vitamin A enhances cell repair and rejuvenates wrinkled, dry, sore or chafed skin. Men of all ages can suffer from uncomfortable issues connected with penis health, particularly those issues which affect the feel, the look and even the smell of this intimate area. Having any common penis skin issues can result in a detrimental effect on a man’s sexual confidence. However there is an easy solution for avoiding common penis skin problems in the form of penis health crèmes that contain important nutrients such as vitamin A (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). When penis health crèmes are applied to penis skin on a regular basis they provide numerous penile health benefits and help prevent discomfort, embarrassment and even impotence. Feeling confident about the health, the look and the feel of your penis can greatly enhance sexual performance and just make you feel good about yourself.

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, stored in human fat cells and in the liver. Vitamin A is ingested either directly as retinol in certain animal fats, or indirectly as carotenes in vegetables-which the body then converts into Vitamin A. Your daily requirement of Vitamin A should be sufficiently met by a varied diet of animal based proteins together with orange and dark green vegetables. Good dietary sources of retinol are liver, egg yolk, fish liver oils in oily fish, like mackerel, cheese and milk. Good vegetable sources of carotene are dark leafy greens including broccoli, kale and lettuce, or orange vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes and sweet potato. The orange pigment of carrots comes from beta-carotene.

Applying Vitamin A topically in a crème does not add to the body’s store of this vitamin, so has no adverse health drawbacks. It simply benefits the specific site of application.

How Vitamin A promotes Penis Health

Many of the properties of Vitamin A, discovered by researchers, have beneficial effects on the health and function of the penis, particularly when directly applied to penis skin.

Vitamin A when included in a topically applied crème rejuvenates penis cells that maintain the healthy look and feel of the penis – lessening wrinkles, redness and rough patches. Topically applied penis health creams which contain vitamin A help soften the skin and enable it to retain moisture and prevent skin dryness and improve penis sensitivity.

Moistens Sensitive Membranes

The head of the penis, or ‘glans penis’ is a sensitive membrane, as is the inside of the foreskin. Vitamin A topically applied as penis health creme gets right to the source and helps moisten sensitive membranes. This helps keep this area of penis working smoothly and efficiently thus promoting penis health, as sensitive membranes play an important role in preventing infection.

Eliminates unpleasant odors

Vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties and thus can eradicate bacteria on penis skin which may produce an unpleasant odor in this very sensitive area.

Keeping Your Penis Healthy

Use a penis health creme that contains vitamin A (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to prevent premature signs of penile aging including dry, wrinkled penis skin and avoid common penis health problems like red, irritated or chafed penis skin.. which can result in loss of penile sensitivity. Applying a penis crème directly to the skin ensures immediate absorption of penis select vitamins and minerals for maximum health benefits.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

How to increase penis sensitivity

Many men believe their penis is less sensitive than it previously was or less sensitive than they believe it should be. Frequently men believe there’s a direct connection between penis sensitivity and ease of ejaculation. Men often report that the head of the penis is not as sensitive as it should be, or they report they simply feel minimal sensation at the penis head.

Penis sensitivity is a personal thing, to be sure, but many men notice, at some point, that their penis sensitivity has decreased and they look for solutions to this very personal problem. Using a penis health crème with penis specific ingredients (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is one solution to this problem and there are at-home solutions that could work for many men as well.

Men who report decreased sensitivity can achieve orgasm, but they often report it takes longer than they would like, or they don’t feel the many sensations that most men feel as they are working toward an orgasm. When masturbating, they might have to masturbate for 30 minutes, or more, before reaching orgasm. Often this is attributed to decreased sensitivity at the head or along the shaft of the penis often accompanied by the sense that penis health has been compromised in some way.

What causes decreased penis sensitivity?

Some say that men who are not circumcised can experience decreased penis sensitivity as can men who masturbate often without using a lubricant. The lack of sensitivity can be a result of dry or cracked skin or a lack of proper nutrients on the skin of the penis.

Sometimes men will “over-stimulate” the penis head, which can “condition” the penis to hyper stimulation, which can de-sensitize penis neurons or nerve endings.

How can men increase penis sensitivity?

One of the best solutions for increasing penis sensitivity is to use a good-quality moisturizer or penis health crème. These crèmes should contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can nourish, repair and soften the sensitive skin of the penis.

When choosing a product, it’s important to find a high-quality crème that contains ingredients like shea butter, antioxidants (like Vitamin E and other vitamins) and other nutrients that can help to rejuvenate and soften the penis skin.

There are home remedies as well, which can be used in conjunction with a high-quality penis health crème. Some of these remedies include:

• Using whole milk or heavy whipping cream as a body wash. Either can be rubbed onto the skin of the penis and then rinsed off two to three minutes later. It’s believed that the lactic acid in the milk helps to loosen dead callous skin and soften the skin.

• Applying vitamins like Vitamin E directly to the penis. Some might find that this works, but if men are interested in using vitamins like this, using a high-quality penis health crème makes more sense as these are specially formulated for penis skin and contain more than just one vitamin.

It is suggested that a penis health crème containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients be used daily to moisturize the skin and protect penis skin from drying, neuron damage, breaks or cracks in penis skin and other penis issues that can lead to loss of penis sensitivity. Applying a penis crème directly to the skin ensures immediate absorption for maximum health benefits.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Many Benefits From Using a Penis Health Cream

All men can benefit from a high-quality penis health cream that contains penis specific vitamins and minerals. Using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help reduce common penis problems like dry penis skin, itching, minor infection and soreness. And a good penis health cream can also increase penis sensitivity.

Who needs a penis health cream?

Many men, at one time or another, suffer from a variety of penis discomforts like soreness, dryness and itching.. Men can feel self-conscious about these problems and this can create sexual dysfunction issues Talking to a doctor or other health professional about minor penis issues can be uncomfortable for many men and for these men a high-quality penis specific cream may be a first step to overcoming minor penis discomforts. In addition, dry rubbing, or masturbating without a lotion or cream, can exacerbate these problems..

What are the benefits of using a penis health cream?

Using a high-quality penis health cream can provide many benefits to men who are interested in improving the health of their penis skin. Some of the benefits include:

• Softer and revitalized penis skin

• Improved blood flow to the penis

• Hydrated penis skin

• Enhanced penis sensitivity

• Improved penis health

The benefits of using a penis health cream, in fact, are substantial. Let’s look at a few of the benefits in detail.

Softer and revitalized penis skin -- A good quality penis cream will have a variety of vitamins and minerals that can help to revitalize penis skin. Some creams, for example, might contain Shea butter, which is a high-quality natural moisturizer known for its healing benefits.

Improve blood flow to the penis – Many good creams will contain enzymes that help to improve blood flow to the penis, which can help with sexual performance and sexual satisfaction. Good blood flow is essential throughout the body, as healthy oxygen exchange is essential to the body receiving all the beneficial nutrients it needs. Improved blood flow throughout the penis helps it not only receive all the essential nutrients it needs, but also helps with penis sensitivity.

Hydrated penis skin – Any good moisturizer will contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that help to hydrate and moisturize tired or dry skin. Some penis health creams, for example, will contain Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which can counter environmental damage to the penis skin. Vitamin E and other hydrating ingredients can help to prevent the penis skin from cracking or becoming too dry. Hydrated penis skin is critical to a healthy penis.

Enhanced penis sensitivity – Peripheral nerve injury can sometimes occur during sexual activity and certain additives in a good-quality penis heath cream can help to combat this nerve damage. Some of these additives include Acetyl L Carnitine, which is neuroprotective. Using creams that have ingredients such as these can help to reverse penis cell damage and increase sensitivity of the penis, which can help increase penis sensitivity.

Improved penis health –Using a high quality penis health cream can help to combat the damage that the penis skin might be subject to through normal use. Using a high quality penis cream can ensure that the health of the penis skin is maintained.

How to choose a penis health cream

Shop for a penis health cream in the same way a woman might look for a good facial moisturizer. That is, look for a cream that contains high-quality ingredients, that is offered for a fair price and that provides great benefit to the health of the penis. Read testimonials so you can be sure you are finding the right penis health cream for you (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).