Monday, 6 November 2017

Can Penis Health Require an MRI?

Everyday penis health routines are pretty basic and simple. A guy needs to make sure his manhood is kept clean and his penis skin is free of blemishes, rashes and dryness. He also needs to make sure the penis is protected and that its functionality is proper. Sometimes, of course, penis health issues arise which require more advanced care and possibly the consultation of a doctor. An x-ray may even be involved in some situations. But is an MRI of the penis ever necessary?

What is MRI?

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with MRI, which stands for "magnetic resonance imaging." This is a process first created in the early 1970s, although it would take some time for it to become widely available.

It’s a radiological test that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create a picture of the interior organs of the body. In this way, it is somewhat similar to an x-ray; however, prolonged exposure to x-rays can sometimes be a cause for concern. MRIs do not use x-rays.

Originally, MRIs were obtained via huge machines which were basically circular, with a round opening in the exact center. A flat "bed" could be pushed in and out of the opening, with the patient lying on the flat surface. (In recent years, there have been some changes, so that some MRIs can now be obtained standing or sitting up and have a less "enclosed" feeling.) Once in position, the technician creates magnetic fields and radio waves, which bounce off the body and obtain the information needed to form the internal image. The process can be rather noisy for the patient.

Penis health use

Because MRIs are typically very expensive, insurance companies prefer that an MRI be used only when it has true clinical significance. In most instances, penis health care status can be assessed through a superficial examination of the penis. Sometimes, however, a doctor needs to see what is going on inside the penis. Often, a simple x-ray is sufficient for this.

However, sometimes a doctor may believe that an MRI would be a better way to look. Sometimes this may be due to concern about exposing the penis to x-rays, especially if multiple ones are required. In other cases, an MRI provides more accurate information which can have an impact on the level of clinical care provided.

Instances in which an MRI may be the preferred method of examining the penis include:

1) Penis cancer. If a patient has or is suspected of having penile cancer, an MRI may be very useful in helping pinpoint exactly where the tumor is located within the penis. This can be very beneficial in determining any surgical approaches which may be necessary.

2) Priapism. Priapism is defined as low-flow or high-flow; MRI may be useful in low-flow priapism cases, which if untreated or improperly treated, can cause serious long-term consequences.

3) Peyronie’s disease. Diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease, in which plaque build-up causes a sometimes-painful excess curvature of the penis, is typically achieved through superficial examination. However, if the curvature is so severe that surgery is required, MRI can help pinpoint the size and location of the plaque build-up.

In summary, there may be some instances when use of an MRI is necessary to better assess the penis health of an individual case; however, in most instances, other methods are sufficient.

MRI aside, maintaining everyday penis health is a priority, so men should not delay in regularly using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It’s best to locate a crème that contains two key amino acids, L-arginine and L carnitine. The former is valued because it is involved in the process by which nitric oxide is produced, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open. The latter is celebrated for its neuroprotective properties, aiding in restoration of lost penile sensation due to rough handling.

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