Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Itchy Penis Skin: Could a Condom Be the Cause?

Some itchy penis triggers are easy to spot. If a man gets bitten by a bug and then develops an urgent need to scratch, for example, he likely knows just what happened and what to do about it. But there are some itch-producing substances that are a little harder to identify. Condoms are a great example. These covers can help prevent pregnancy and some types of sexually transmitted diseases, but some men develop rash-like symptoms when they use products made of latex. Could allergies be the cause of itchy penile skin, and are special penis care steps required? For some men, the answer is yes. For others, things are a little more complicated.

True Allergies
Latex condoms are made from the sap of a rubber tree. Each molecule is stuffed with proteins, and some people who spend a lot of time around products made of latex can develop a sensitivity to those proteins. People most susceptible to developing a latex sensitivity include those who:

- Work in doctor's offices, hospitals or dental offices

- Undergo frequent surgeries

- Work in factories that manufacture latex products

Since these people have spent so much time around latex, and their bodies have become sensitive to the ingredients, they can develop intense reactions anytime they use a latex condom.

Some people with this kind of sensitivity have allergic symptoms within minutes following latex condom use. But others develop symptoms hours after sex is over and the condom is removed.

Hidden Irritants
While people who have a true allergy to latex often develop itchy penis symptoms, some men are sensitive to the other components that make up a condom. They might also have itching, pain and rashes, but it's not the latex that's bothering them.

Some condoms, for example, are equipped with a substance that disables sperm cells. Others come with chemically-infused flavors. Still others are packed full of lubricant. Any or all of these chemicals could be very irritating to sensitive penile skin, and men who use these products might walk away with sensitive nether regions. They might blame latex when the true culprit lies elsewhere.

Finding a Solution
Since there are so many components to a condom, it can be hard for men to do the detective work alone. A doctor can be a big help, especially if a man walks into an appointment with a sample of the irritating product and with a rash in full bloom. This gives the doctor a great deal of information to work with, and the testing that follows can be a lot more helpful as a result.

Men who have had a reaction just once can also shop around for different condom products that might not be so irritating. Condoms made of synthetic materials might be a good choice, as well as products that don't contain zippy flavorings or intense anti-spermicides. Doing a few experiments at home could help a man to find a product that works, and the testing period is likely to be fun and exciting, too. (Note: Make sure the condom of choice protects against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases - not all do.)

Men who do have itchy skin can also benefit from paying attention to overall penile health. Adding in a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be a good first step. These products contain vitamins that assist damaged skin in healing, and the softening agents in every application help skin stretch more easily. Skin that moves well has fewer cracks and crevices for irritating products to lodge in, and that might mean fewer itchy penis episodes in the future. Quality products lack perfumes and other irritating agents, so they're perfect for sensitive male skin.

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