Monday, 21 April 2014

Sexual Health Guidelines - How to Spot the Signs of Testicular Cancer

Although rare overall, testicular cancer is one of the more prevalent forms of cancer in men ages 15 to 45. Thankfully, it is one of the most treatable, as long as it is caught early and treated by a qualified medical professional. As a result, it pays for men to put regular self-exams at the top of their penis care to-do list. These are the signs men should look for, and if they're spotted, a visit to the doctor is definitely in order.

Pain and Discomfort
Cancerous cells grow at an incredibly rapid pace, in a completely disorganized fashion. Not surprisingly, this kind of growth is often associated with an intense amount of pain, and when the cancer is growing in the testicles, that pain can feel like:

- A dull ache in the groin
- A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
- Soreness and stiffness in the abdomen
- Burning or fullness in the testicles

It is important to note, however, that not all testicular cancers are characterized by pain. Some men who have these problems would call their symptoms only "uncomfortable," while others might report that they didn't feel any kind of painful sensation at all. On the other hand, while pain might not always be present, changes in the testicles almost always are. Because of this, it is important for all men, especially those at higher risk, to search for physical changes that might indicate the development of a tumor.

Lumps and Bumps
In most cases of testicular cancer, only one of the testicles is affected, at least in the early stages. That cancerous testicle tends to undergo a variety of physical changes as the tumors grow, and that diseased tissue begins to invade otherwise healthy spaces. Some men find that the testicle feels hard and firm, and it does not seem to give when it's pressed between the fingers. Others find that the testicle just feels bigger, or that the skin in the area seems stretched and distended. In other cases, the testicle might actually shrink, or it might feel as though it's full of a great deal of fluid.

Checking for symptoms
Spotting the signs of cancer is essential to quick diagnosis and proper care, so it's vital for men to spend a little quality time with the testicles on a regular basis; at least once a month is recommended. There is no need for shaving, pinching or otherwise going to extremes, but a quick visual inspection, as well as some careful probing with the fingers, can help men to identify the early warning signs.
Experts typically recommend that men perform a check in the shower, when the skin is warm and slick. Starting with the area closest to the body, men can roll the tissue between their fingers, moving down until the entire sack has been examined. It shouldn't take longer than a minute or two to complete. Afterward, a check in the mirror for any surface changes or discoloration of the skin is also advised.

Promoting better penis health
Although there is no guaranteed method for avoiding cancer of the reproductive tissue, men can take important steps to reduce their risk of developing serious sexual health issues.

Eating a healthy diet, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and not smoking are all common sense, and are all extremely important when it comes to staying healthy. In addition, men can take extra steps to promote better penis health and improve overall function by adding a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients designed to support penile tissue health.

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