Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Penis Piercing: Side Effects And Potential Problems

In general, it seems logical that most men would do almost anything to keep sharp objects away from their manhood. Even thinking of piercing the head of the penis with something sharp is a distressing idea. There are some men, however, who believe in piercing, and they might be tempted to head to piercing parlors to stud themselves with jewelry. It might be fashionable, and it might even be pleasurable, but it can also bring about some unpleasant side effects, especially without adequate penis care after having a piercing done.

Types of piercings

By far the most common penis piercing is the "Prince Albert." When this 5-minute procedure is complete, a man will have a tiny hole in the head of the penis which passes through the urethra and out of the hole at the tip of the penis. A ring is a common piece of jewelry for this piercing, and most men prefer to have the ring placed at the bottom of the head. This is not the only type of piercing that can be done. Anywhere a pinch of skin can be grabbed, a piercing can be placed. Some men stud the entire length of their penis with hoops or bars, and some men continue with the piercings and add them to the scrotum. Some men even place bars through the head of the penis.

Why pierce the penis?

Piercings are typically touted as enhancing erotic pleasure. A metal ring or stud on the penis provides additional sensation for a sexual partner, making a man with a piercing just a bit more interesting during sex. Some types of piercings can also expose the delicate interior tissues of the penis during sexual activity, and people with these types of piercings report more intense sexual pleasure as a result.

Penis piercing side effects

Increasing the length and intensity of orgasms seems ideal, but there can be serious side effects associated with piercings, including those listed here:

• Infection: Men who go to parlors that don't use clean tools, or where jewelry is reused, may develop infections following the piercing; even staph infections and gangrene have been reported as a result of piercing with unsanitary tools. Infections of this type could end up being life-threatening if men don't get prompt medical attention.

• Injury: Some men, including those who have gone to reputable parlors, have seen their piercings go horribly wrong, puncturing the urethra or even the scrotum. When this occurs, men may have difficulty controlling a urine stream, or they might find that they're unable to produce semen, resulting in infertility.

• Allergic reactions: The jewelry itself may also be problematic for some men, causing allergic reactions including swelling, itching or bleeding, and removal of the jewelry may be necessary to resolve this problem

• Scarring: In some cases, scarring may develop due to the trauma to the dermal tissue. The affected skin may cause difficulties during erections, as scar tissue tends not to expand in the same manner as the surrounding skin; this can result in painful bending or bulging and difficulty with intercourse.

Caring for the penis after piercing

To reduce the risk of potential problems related to penis piercing and promote general penis health, proper attention to caring for the penile skin is necessary. Cleaning around the piercing carefully and using a penis health crème containing essential vitamins and minerals (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help to eliminate harmful bacteria and promote healing, as well as decreasing the likelihood of developing scar tissue. In addition, a quality vitamin crème can help in the formation of soft, smooth and responsive skin on the shaft and head of the penis.

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